#T Hardy
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Im putting together a FIT
I like to hc that, yes Eddie uses venom as clothing (or rather Venom wants to show off). But combination of black/ leather texture and venom's teeth always manifesting in design, makes Eddie look really punk-ish. Even tho he's just trying to blend in.
Then he's just somebody cool uncle, ig.
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muckyschmuck · 4 months
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crusty eyed white dog
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laurapetrie · 8 months
She was an Elizabeth in brain and a Mary Stuart in spirit.
Thomas Hardy, Far from the Madding Crowd (1874)
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punkstatikparanoia · 5 months
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leupagus · 8 months
I've never had a mystery plot so completely mapped out in my head that was so secondary to the actual Plot of a fic, please ask me all the questions about Oscar Underwood and Matthew Lannisford
(This is more of the conclusion to the Shipping Forecast trilogy, which at least now I have the excuse that I've been acting parent to my nephews this week and good lord jesus children are exhausting, how Ellie manages her kids AND managing Hardy is a mystery for the ages)
They duck back into her car just as the rain really starts in, hitting the roof and the windshield like a million angry football hooligans after a loss. "Christ, somebody ring Noah," Miller laughs, tugging at her hair elastic. "I think I've got a — yeah, here." She twists round in her seat to pull at something behind her.
Hardy gives her room to half-crawl into the backseat, the bottom of her shirt riding up to show a flash of stomach, the sweet give of her waist. He looks away, toward the house. "Do you think he's lying? About knowing about Underwood and his son?"
"I think," Miller grunts, "That he's been lying to himself for over a decade, and probably longer than that, and at this point it's impossible to tell what he thinks is true and what he doesn't. And of course, what he thinks is true might not even be true. Got it!" she adds, and flops back into her seat with a wrinkled towel. She begins patting gently at her hair, the rain still bright on her cheeks and neck. "This case is like one of those Russian dolls, you know, the wooden ones? Every time you think you've cracked it, there's another one waiting for you."
"Matryoshka," Hardy offers, watching her. Her nose is getting red, the way it always does when she's cold. "Turn the bloody heater on, would you?"
"Fine," she grumbles, and shoves the towel in his face.
"Thanks very much."
"Oh, it's barely damp. And your hair's going to go all sticky-uppy the way you hate if you just let it dry on its own." She turns the ignition and fiddles with the heater; a moment later lukewarm air blasts at their ankles. "God, this bloody car. Can you get me a raise so I can buy something from this century?"
"This is a 2005 Volkswagen," Hardy feels compelled to point out, but obediently scrubs at his scalp.
"So all right, say he's telling the truth, that he had no idea Underwood and Matthew were an item. Back in the 90s, that sort of thing — Matthew might never have said. Fathers and sons and all."
"We're still basing all of this on the idea that they were an item," he says. "There's no proof either way. They could've just been work colleagues."
Miller makes a considering noise. She's staring out through the windscreen, unseeing. "They were both out. Despite what Matthew's dad claims, we know neither of them made a secret about it. In a town like this, back then? Options would be limited."
"So you think they started shagging because they couldn't find anyone better?" Hardy can feel the sharpness in his own voice, but he can't seem to do much about it. The towel is scratchy against his skin, too rough, and smells of her shampoo.
"Maybe, or — I don't know." She doesn't seem fazed by his tone, but then she rarely notices it these days. "Underwood loved someone. Desperately, the sort of love that makes you do desperate things. Before he died, he wrote that letter, hoping whoever it was he loved would find it."
"Meaning what, exactly?" he demands, the towel creaking in his fists.
She turns to look at him, eyes large and dark and horribly beautiful. "Sometimes the right option is the only option you've got," she says, and Hardy can hardly breathe round the stone in his throat. Then she scowls at him, her gaze roving, and snatches the towel back. "You're still dripping, I just got the upholstery cleaned, come here," and she encases his whole head and shoulders in the towel while he protests, rubbing at him like he's a wet dog who'd got mud on the carpet.
"Bloody hell, Miller," he grumbles, once she's done to her satisfaction, and she smiles at him and puts the car into gear, taking them back toward home.
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when the promotion for the bikeriders begins, could someone PLEASE ask tom hardy when the second season of taboo is coming out because i NEED to know, thanks.
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closetofcuriosities · 3 months
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The Wicker Man - 1973 - Dir. Robin Hardy
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Hbtaker- Me and The Devil
I didn't forget the poll, I promise, here!
It's 100% based off this. I hope my vision came across (yes I'm still not confident with my writing. It pains me too.)
Shawn was glad to be back. Despite what it's cost him, he's glad to be home, home with his friends.
Home with the devil.
Shawn lifts his blue eyes and they immediately connect with warm green ones.
He ignores how his heart races at that damnd smile, the out stretched hand welcoming him home.
Shawn swears he can hear that evil laugh as his shakey hand accepts the much bigger, firmer hand.
"Welcome home, Shawn."
Shawn could cry. Even with surgery there's a high chance he'll never wrestle again.
Shawn should cry.
He's all alone in his shitty hotel room, phone hanging from his hand after receiving the worst news possible and not a single friend in sight.
He's full of rage. Angry at each one of them. Kevin, Scott and Sean for just leaving him so easily, as if he wasn't worth a single thing to them. He hasn't seen, even heard, from chyna and hunter since the stupid match. Neither have checked up on him. The only person who's bothered is vince and that's only because he wants to know if his money cow is still useful or needs to be replaced.
He's angry because he might never step foot in the ring ever again. He's angry because he already knows hunter will use this to get too the top. With no Shawn, what's stopping any of them from taking his spot?
Shawn clenches his fist around the phone, listening to the cheap plastic crack.
His so called frie-
All his thoughts stop as a cold hand closes around his. His head snaps up and blue eyes meet cold dead green ones. Shawn doesn't stop the nervous swallow his body forces out, the way his breathing starts to pick up.
The Undertaker, in all his glory, is knelt at shawns feet, carefully holding his hand as if he'll break at any given moment. And hell, he might.
Shawn let's the phone be removed from his hand. He watches as Undertaker pulls his hood down, revealing the messy black mane underneath it.
Shawn isn't as stupid as others think. He sees the way the deadman looks at him. He knows how he feels about the deadman, how wrong it is, how easy others, like bret, can use it to fuck with him.
And maybe that's why Shawn gives into Taker so easy.
What's he got to lose?
"Say yes" Taker whispers. Shawn doesn't say anything. Too numb to speak. "Say yes and I'll fix it all. I'll give you, your career back." Taker tells him. Shawns eyes widen slightly. "H-how?" Shawn asks quietly, his voice rough from either the crying and screaming or the alcohol. "Ill fix it. Heal you. But you need to stay away, just for a few years. Avoid it." Taker tells him. Shawn immediately believes Taker means to avoid suspicion of his back suddenly being healed. He'll eventually find out what Taker truly meant.
"And what do you want in return?"
"Your soul."
Shawn could help but scratch at his wrist. The mark, only visible to the eyes of few, burned violently. "I heard you and Taker were talking this morning" the deep voice of his friend calls. Shawn glances up. "Just welcoming me back" Shawn replies. "Whatcha think of his new look? Me and Kane have been arguing over it since he gained it" xpac asks with a smile. Shawn glances back at his wrist, the mark of the undertaker, burning him the moment he stepped into the arena. The scratching doesn't help but it distracts him. Distracts him from what he did.
"Shawn?" Kevin calls. Shawn looks back up. "Kid asked you a question." Kevin states. Shawn looks at kid who's staring at him concerned. Shawn bites back young him. Young him whod tear the kids head off for even looking at him that way. This was a bad idea, he's too on edge. He tried avoiding taker but it wasn't going to happen. Not that it mattered.
Shawn understood what taker wanted him to avoid truly.
The demon that paid him a visit every month. Shawn wouldn't let him in, but he'd always find a way. Shawn found his bedroom to be the only safe space from the demon. The cold dead green eyes, the nasty smile, evil laugh as he stood in the doorway, taunting Shawn. Mocking Shawn. Playing with Shawn.
"I think it's his best look yet." Shawn responds as he looks down. It wasn't a lie. He did like Takers new look. He looked more human, more alive. Nothing like that monster that tormented him for the past four years. "Oh yeah? Is that because he's all big and strong?" Kid teases.
The atmosphere quickly changes as shawn stops scratching and suddenly closes his hand over the raw spot on his wrist. Kevin notices shawns sudden mood change. His attraction to the same sex wasn't exactly a secret in the group. Him and Scott always enjoyed making the smaller blush. Shawn never minded, he didn't mind the jokes either. He knew the boys never meant any harm. However, Kevin quickly learned of shawns crush and he quickly learned how off limits it was, even too them.
"Ah, he didn't mean that Shawn. You know kid, never knows when to shut his trap" Kevin chuckles moving closer to shawn. "Its fine, Kev." Shawn mutters. Kevin pauses. He doesn't know what happened back in 1998, but something changed his boy toy and it wasn't the damn back injury. "Shawn-" Shawn suddenly stands. "I need to get a drink. Do you boys want anything from the canteen?" He asks. "A water would be nice" show calls from where he and booker are minding their own business. "Nah, I'm good" kid mutters before walking towards them. "Shawn" "do you want anything?" Shawn asks looking at Kevin. Kevin swears there's something dark in shawns eyes. A darkness he's never seen before. "Im fine." Kevin mutters. Shawn just nods and walks out.
"He on something?" Booker suddenly asks. Kevin looks at the new nwo. "What? No, why?" Kevin asks. "Hes scratching his wrist a lot man. Unless that's normal Shawn behaviour, something wrong" show states. "He is a nail biter, the scratching is new" kid points out. Kevin sighs and looks down. "Ill see if hunter knows anything" Kevin mutters before walking out.
Shawn keeps his head down as he walks down the hall. He has no plan on going to the canteen, unless what he wants is there. Guess show will have to get his own water. "Shawn? Shawn! When did you arrive?" Hunter calls. Shawn stops. Their good now..right? So why does Shawn feel so...on edge? He turns to see his old friend, who is definitely a lot bigger now. Or maybe Shawn was just that small of a man now. "Today" Shawn forces out. "You okay man?" Hunter asks. Of course. Shawn chuckles slightly. He could always tell. "Taker wait up!" A voice yells. Shawn doesn't even answer Hunter.
Shawn turns and immediately meets the green eyes. The area turns dead silent. "Shawn" Taker mutters, his eyes landing on shawns wrist. Shawn can't stop his breathing picking up slightly. "Takes" a younger voice groans. Shawns eyes flicker from takers too the young man before back to taker. "Jeff, not now" Taker snaps. "But you promised!" Jeff sighs. Shawn doesn't let anyone answer; he grabs takers wrist and pulls him towards the empty part of the arena.
Hunter and Jeff are left confused as their respected partners leave. "Uh, is he okay? I didn't think they were friends. I mean he broke his back right? They hate each other, right?" Jeff asks. "Hell if I know anymore" hunter mutters. "Hunt! Can we talk about-" "Shawn? Yeah, cmon" hunter nods leading Kevin away, leaving a poor confused Jeff all alone.
Taker doesn't say anything as he's pulled into a empty lockeroom. He waits for shawn to let go of him, but it doesn't happen. "You ran from me earlier. Why?" Taker questions. "You don't remember, do you?" Shawn asks quietly. Taker pauses. He thinks back. "I remember the deal-" "no! I mean turning up at my house, every month, once a week. Standing at my bedroom door and..." Shawn snaps before cutting himself off. He pulls his hand away from Taker and scratches his wrist. Taker looks at the mark left by their deal, how red and raw the skin is but how dark the mark is. He grabs Shawn's wrist, stopping him.
"Stop. Your hurting yourself" taker snaps. "It burns so bad" Shawn gasps. Taker looks at the wrist. "You don't remember! Why don't you remember!" Shawn suddenly yells. Taker looks at shawns face, his face covered by short blonde hair that's acting like a curtain. "You cut your hair-" "you cut my hair" Shawn spits lifting his head. Taker swears his newly functional heart stops the moment he sees the tears pouring down shawns face. "Why don't you remember!" Shawn demands. Takers grip tightens on his wrist. "I wish I knew, I remember the deal and the days up to you leaving. Going to war with my own brother and than everything gets hazy. I lost control of my body for his sick games" taker explains. Shawn scoffs. "You? I lost my soul because your casket broke my back!" Shawn yells. Taker frowns.
"You chose that deal, you could of said no" taker growls. "Did I really have a choice? Are you truly a man of your word! Can I wrestle?! Am I healed because I sure don't feel it!" Shawn yells. Taker suddenly snaps.
Shawn gasps as his back hits the wall, as his wrists are pinned above his head. His blue eyes widen in fear as he stares into the angry green ones. "I'd never lie to you shawn" he growls. The mark tingles under Takers touch. "I didnt want to hurt you. It killed me when vince told me the damage. It broke my heart to no longer watch you in the ring. Never doubt that" Taker snaps. "Never doubt what?" Shawn asks quietly. "My feelings for you" Taker spits out.
Both men stare at each other in silence.
My feelings for you.
Shawns heart races as Taker ducks down and kisses him. Its hesitant, unsure; it quickly changes to sure and dominating when Shawn kisses back.
Shawn can't help the sigh as his mark stops burning and instead sends soothing signals too his brain.
Every part of shawns brain is telling him to stop, to run, to fight. But he's wanted this for so damn long. So he doesn't. He lets his eyes close and allows himself to relax into it.
Peace is rare, he won't ruin that again.
Shawn felt heavy. Felt like scum. He was doing so well.
He was upset and angry.
Upset that JBL found out.
Angry that his mark chose now to burn.
And he's humiliated. He's been made to lie to the fans, to his friends. To him.
And he knows he shouldn't lie to him.
He also should of known JBL, a man who used to be under the curse, can see the mark.
"Man, if I knew no one else could see it, I would of cashed on you sooner" JBL smirks at him. Shawn doesn't reply, he just keeps his head low. "You have become my lucky little charm boy toy. That belt will be mine in no time!" He laughs before leaving, making sure to shove past Shawn on his way.
Shawn stands in silence for a few before dropping to sit on the bench. Tears well in his eyes. How can he tell taker he's been so careless?
"Shawn?" A soft voice calls. He looks up as Taker kneels infront of him. He can't fight the low chuckle that leaves him. Deja vu much?
This time, he threads his fingers into the long black hair. "Are you okay with this storyline? Where did it even come from?" Taker asks. Shawn just smiles as he plays with the long hair. Here he has a demon knelt at his feet. A demon who took his soul all because he broke his back. And yet Shawn feels obliged to protect him from the world?
Bret was right about Shawn. He is a hopeless idiot.
"Shawn?" Taker tries. "Im okay. Vince mentioned it to us awhile ago...It just slipped my mind" Shawn lies. Taker doesn't say anything. He just caresses the mark he left on shawns wrist. "Just gotta get him that belt" Shawn smiles. Taker looks at him with wide and confused eyes. "John's?" "Yeah" Shawn nods. "Why..you wouldn't do that to John.. you care about him too much." And shawns blown it and decides to do what he does best. "Sometimes, we do stupid things" Shawn mutters pulling away from Taker. Taker stays knelt as shawn moves away. "It was an accident." Taker whispers. Shawn closes his eyes, keeping his back to the bigger man. "Of course it was." Shawn scoffs before storming out.
Taker ignores the pain in his chest. Just when he thought him and shawn had finally got there...a wall goes back up. Taker lowers his head. A wall he planned. He took the mans soul. He ruined the mans life.
He destroyed the man he loved, and for what? Paul? His streak? Kane?
It isn't worth it. None of it.
It didn't take Taker long to find out the truth. It took him less to threaten JBL and warn John. It caused another rift between him and shawn but it got Shawn set free from one monster.
"Why? Why would you agree to this?" Taker demands. "Its none of your business! I told you to stay out of it!" Shawn yells. Taker grabs his marked wrist tightly. Shawn gasps as a burning sensation works through his body. His free hand jolts down and grabs the bigger man's wrist as tears build in his eyes. "It is when some clown is claiming what's mine as his own" taker growls. Shawn looks at him with wide eyes. Blue eyes fill with pain and betrayal "yours?" Shawn asks through gritted teeth. "Mine" taker growls, his eyes rolled back. "You became mine the day you gave me your soul and you need to remember that" Taker snarls.
Shawn let's out a small sob as takers grip tightens and the burning gets hotter. "Taker!" He yelps. Takers eyes roll back, full of confusion. "Stop it! Stop it! It hurts!" Shawn yells as hot tears track down his face. Taker looks down at their hands and gasps, pulling back and away from Shawn immediately. Shawn cups his wrist gently as the burning sides but the throbbing pain stays. "Shawn-" taker tries, reaching for shawn. Shawn doesn't say anything, he just rushes out.
Takers back hits the wall and he hangs his head. He just hurt Shawn. Again.
Maybe he saved Shawn from the wrong monster.
Their first battle was just anger and pain.
Shawn was angry. Taker was full of pain.
Shawn looked at him like he was a monster. Taker felt shawns soul getting weaker. Their battle gave it some strength but it wasn't enough. Its almost like it was trying to leave taker, as if he didn't deserve Shawn.
Their second battle was just full pain and recovery.
Taker told the world it was streak vs career, he told the world he wanted shawns soul. The truth was, he had taken it back in 1998 and now he was trying to give it back to shawn. Little did he know, shawn wouldn't allow it.
Shawn knew he was being difficult. He was frustrated. Angry. And he was taking that out on the only person who would let him, the devil. Taker went through it all, the tears, the screaming, took hits. All so no one else had to. So shawn would fall again. Shawn was broken long before Taker took his soul and that's something Taker didn't understand.
Shawn knows what happens if he takes the soul back. Kane kindly explained it all too him. He didn't want to loose Taker. Not when he was just recovering again. Not when he was finally seeing his true wants and needs. Not when Taker was ready to utter those words to him.
So, instead of hitting sweetchin music, shawn slaps him, shoves him. Pisses him off. Brings the demon out. Shawn doesn't kick out like planned. Doesn't open his eyes until he feels the deadman stood over him.
Taker rests Shawn against the ropes. "Why?" Taker whispers. "I don't want to lose you. Not now." Shawn whispers. Takers eyes widen. "Wh-what?" He stutters. Shawn smiles sadly.
"I love you."
Taker pulls him into a tight hug. "Please" Taker whispers, his voice choking up. "Please don't" "I do. I'm sorry." Shawn mutters against the mans shoulder.
"I love you"
"I love you so damn much"
Shawn was too far gone.
It truly was me and the devil.
He ignores his friends pleas. He can't lie to him. He can't stand here and tell Hunter he will defeat Taker. Not when he knows the truth.
Shawn sits and waits. He doesn't wait long. "Im surprised your still here." Is the first thing taker says. "Dont..don't do this to him." Shawn whispers as he traces the mark. He watches as takers jaw clenches. "Shawn I don't have a choice. He wants it and I'll take it." Taker snaps. "Please..I'll feed you more, I'll do anything. Please" Shawn pleads. Taker sighs as he kneels infront of his lover. "You do so much already and your willing to give more for a man that wouldn't do the same?" Taker asks as he gently cups shawns face. "He doesn't understand you like I do. None of them do. For him, for you, it's both the same too me." Shawn admits. Taker examines his face.
"You know what they call me?" Taker asks. "The devil." Shawn nods. "And if they found out. About us? About all of it. What would happen then?" Taker questions. Shawn takes a moment. "It's me and the devil, walking side by side." Shawn responds. Taker smiles slightly. "I always wonder if you'd be this loyal if I never took your soul." Taker admits quietly. Shawn can't fight the smile. "It'd probably take longer, but yes. I don't care what they think. I love you. And if they ever find out, I'll make sure they know" Shawn promises.
Taker just smiles and pulls him into a kiss.
Shawn stuck to his word.
The end of an era match.
Shawn watched as Taker drove himself to madness, obsessed with the match after Hunter did so much damage to him.
This year it was Shawn pleading with Hunter. Begging him to take the match.
That's when hunter saw it.
The protective gleam in takers green eyes as he loomed over Shawn. The glances and touches. The pleading and bargaining. The way Shawn saved hunter with a simple look and touch.
Hunter felt rage. This monster, this devil had taken his bestfriend. And he made sure taker felt his rage. His anger. His betrayal.
He lost. His rage blinded him and he lost. And taker was the healthier, stronger man. And it suddenly made sense to him. The reason why Shawn was in the match.
"You..you made him more powerful" hunter croaks. Shawn closes his eyes. He feels wrong. Hunters right. Taker feeds off him. It's why he lost so much health last time. "I love him hunter." Is all Shawn can whisper. "That devil" hunter spits. Shawn doesn't say anything as Stephanie walks in with panic in her eyes. He just stands and moves, allowing her to see him. "I won't let him hurt you-" "hunter. I love him. You know I always have." Shawn states before walking out.
He's not surprised to see taker. "Hes angry." Shawn says before taker can ask. "And your technically a cheat" he adds as he takes Takers hand, not caring who sees. "They'll come around eventually" taker mutters before kissing shawns head. "Lets hope." Shawn murmurs.
Shawn frowns as watches taker pace in the ring. He's become weaker and shawn? Shawns become stronger.
Who would of thought the devil would give it all up for one human?
Shawn brings his wrist to his mouth and kisses it softly. He watches as energy surges through taker, enough to allow him to catch knight by the throat.
It's not much but it's all Shawn can do.
Taker is so much stronger with shawn by his side. So much happier. At peace.
Shawn ignores the looks from his friends. He still hears the murmuring about him and the devil.
Shawn just traces the invisible mark with a smile.
'Me and the devil'
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hersweetrevenge · 11 months
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rohan campbell as frank hardy (1x04)
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💧 cry baby 💧
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trainingdummyrabbit · 5 months
suddenly remembered my age old tradition of running thru th pmd personality quiz for blorbo studying purposes. angela has been assigned pikachu, itseems. very important information. bows.
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
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southerntchiorny · 9 months
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Just being the local dog magnet
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taus-inc · 3 months
finished christian bales batman and i love them
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rabid-dog-steve-horn · 18 hours
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For all my fellow wrestling fans.
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bubblegumlefty · 3 months
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🎂 Baking Time! 🎂
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