doopcity · 1 year
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amazing stunning beautiful alien
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theta-rx2 · 8 months
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It's T'vaoan T'ursday and you know what that means...
I show a lil sneak peek at what I'm working on :) I'm making my T'vaoan sona... but playable
(There is a lot more to it but for now have some fun screenshots I've taken so far, I'll make a more comprehensive thing and a video in the future)
You'll also see some of the custom weapons and abilities I've done so far too, there will be more, along with maps, but for now I gotta finish the base thing lol
(also sorry these are so crunchy they are screencaps straight from the editor)
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I showed u my T'vaoan hope u liked her
again next time ill post maybe a smaller update, maybe have a video ready, stuff like that
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Thanks for reading and stuff
(Bonus lil treat: This character goes by She/Her and her name is Kas Reav)
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xwraith96x · 1 year
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Kig-Yar Appreciation Post Compared to the other members of the Covenant, the Kig-Yar have been the most unique due to having three distinct subtypes throughout the Halo games.
We have the Ruuhtians featured in Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo Reach and Halo Infinite, the T'vaoans featured in Halo Reach and the Ibie'shans featured in Halo 4 and Halo 5 Guardians.
Shame we didn’t have all three suptypes in Halo Infinite.
Oh by the way: My favourite subtype are the Ibie'shans. 😝
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junebug-the · 2 years
New Author, Who This?
Howdy! If you've seen @poptartportfolio's art of my Spartan, you'll most likely have seen the writing that went with it. If not, you can see both here:
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Spartan Luck – Google Docs
A collection of a Spartan-III's jumbled thoughts as she reflects on her life with what little focus she has left.
This piece also has a follow-up!
Not Dead Yet – Google Docs (A fair warning for the fun details of an AI breaking down slightly and the treating of blood and wounds.)
The Spartan's AI partner fighting as hard as she can to prevent the end, even if she's slipping away just as fast.
And on top of those two halves of one story, I also have a recently-finished piece. A tale of wounds of war and those left behind with the memories. The strange bonds that can form between wounds when they refuse to heal on their own.
Lost, But Not Forgotten - Google Docs
I hope you enjoy <3
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arbacus · 2 years
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2 more join the company
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leadendeath · 2 years
i really wanna draw a ibie'shan version of my fursona
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Romantic/Platonic Chol 'Von (Halo) with a human trader darling, who lives on one of the colonies that does unsavory business with pirates like her. Don't care which format, whichever is easiest to write.
I'm going to be honest, I've never read Mortal Dictata or any of the Kilo-Five books yet. However, I did do my research on the character so I hope I get her character right. Sorry for any inaccuracies! As a result this may be short. When I find time to read the book maybe I'll rewrite this, I'm happy to take feedback!
Yandere! Chol 'Von with Human Trader! Darling
(Halo: Mortal Dictata)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Violence, Threats, Dubious companionship.
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I wouldn't doubt Chol comes in contact with human traders.
With her ambitious goals and fondness towards human phrases and ideologies it isn't too far off to think she'd buy from you.
She needs supplies for her Kig-Yar navy and Kig-Yar have been known to ally with humans if it benefits them.
To you, Chol is merely a client when she visits your colony to discuss affairs.
She feels like an egotistical shipmistress T'vaoan Kig-Yar who enjoys intimidation.
Chol is also easily impatient and temperamental, very quick to be stressed when things don't go her way.
She's been known to be persistent in her goals and is stubborn.
To make some money you trade with her.
It isn't too new to you, you've traded with Kig-Yar and Sangheili in the past.
Yet this one is important... she's a feared shipmistress and knows it.
You've heard vaguely in Kig-Yar culture that females of the species tend to have a lot of power.
As a result you are always very respectful in your deals.
You supply fuel, weapons, all sorts of cargo.
In return you're given other valuable items or some sort of currency in return.
You're just in it for the connections and money.
Kig-Yar are pirates... but you feel they can be good allies if you provide them what they like.
Which is what Chol likes about you.
She likes your human ideologies and picks up certain phrases and info about you.
You aren't part of any major faction... just a human trying to get by.
In a way she relates due to her species culture.
Chol sees you as the key to seeing her goals through.
With your wares she can make that navy she wanted and maybe even convince the other Kig-Yar to listen to her.
Chol is more likely to be a platonic yandere to her new favorite trader.
However... toying with the romantic idea is a bit interesting albeit not plausible.
After all... she sees her current mate as a coward who fled from her and her chicks.
Maybe a human will provide much better... even if nothing can happen between you.
Chol is demanding towards you at times due to her egotistical nature.
It's an honor to help her as a human.
She respects you and is a fearsome T'vaoan shipmistress.
Can't you see you're special if she's interacting with you?
Having her as your ally will make you strong and protected.
So you better keep providing for her, yeah?
In fact... you only need her as your customer... she'll give you much better equipment in return for your services.
Her ego is definitely what makes her try to control you.
She promises you good things in return if you just make her your primary client.
If you don't do so willingly... she can threaten you.
Do you doubt her? She could cause so much trouble for you if you refuse her.
Chol feels she can control you.
After all she often boasts that she can get whatever she wants.
Any mate, any valuable, anything.
If not... she doesn't mind the ensuing bloodshed.
So when she makes an offer with you... one that makes you loyal to her on one of her ships by her side and under her protection as her primary merchant/negotiater...
She expects you to accept when she tells you.
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crabbynutcase · 11 months
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A Kig Yar Pirate Queen that has close relations with The Reclaimed and, specifically, Bess. She's a Ruuhtian & T'vaoan hybrid btw
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biomecharnotaurus · 10 months
T'vaoan fursuit...
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brownald · 9 months
I have COVID and hate it so I decided to make a list of all the Covenant species to see if they have a dick + balls or not.
Sangheili: Sangheili are seen to have bulges in several pieces of concept art and renders. Furthermore, Henry is a sangheili seen in The Mona Lisa, who is naked. When we see him, his crotch is covered by a shadow. This implies the presence of dick. Furthermore, in Halo 5 some Sangheili have crotch armor, which would also imply that special protection of the groin is needed. Therefore, we can conclude that Sangheili have dick + balls.
Unggoy: No dick, no balls, we’ve seen them naked in every game. This calls into question Unggoy reproduction, as they are said to breed like rabbits despite their lack of external genitalia. 
Kig-Yar: Since this depends on the subspecies, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, however there is a difference in male and female sex organs and apparently males can get aggressive during sex, turning to biting and scratching, meaning that males do hold some power during the reproductive process. Therefore, as also evidenced by Halo Wars 1’s concept art, we can conclude that the Ruutian subspecies has a dick, while the Ibie’Shan subspecies appears to be much more bird-like and has a cloaca as seen in Halo 4 concept art. The T'vaoan subspecies is basically a giant bird, so we can conclude that it has a cloaca as well. Therefore, 1 ⁄ 3 of the Kig-Yar subspecies have a dick, and the other two have a cloaca, which will henceforth be referred to as the Kig-Yussy.
Huragok: Are basically giant flying nutsacks, however they do not fuck to make offspring, instead they ‘build’ their children with a combination of mechanical parts and biomass. Therefore, no dick + no balls and probably no butthole either.
San’Shyuum: Reproduction is similar to humans, with a male and female required. Given that they give birth to live offspring, as well as the fact that ancient humans and San’Shyuum could find each other attractive, one can conclude that their matters of reproduction are similar, implying the existence of a dick. This isn't a foregone conclusion, but one can assume that given the preexisting similarities between the two species, they would have similar genitalia.
Jiralhanae: NOTICEABLY LARGE bulges in concept art for Halo Wars 2 implies there’s something betwixt a Jiralhanae male’s legs. Crotch armor can also be seen in other renders implying balls in the same vein as the Sangheili. However, 3d renders of naked Jiralhanae do not show the dick + balls (thankfully), however a shadow as well as a bunch of fur covers the crotch. Therefore, we can only speculate as to the existence of Jiralhane genitalia. It is possible that it is obscured by the fur, or that it remains inside the body until mating, at which point it exits the body. In summary, likely dick + unconfirmed balls.
Lekgolo: After scarring my eyes reading about worm sex, it turns out that there are hermaphrodite worms that don’t have dicks and worms that fuck the hermaphrodite worms with these weird little things called spiculies that aren’t technically dicks so I can confidently say that Lekgolo do not have dicks.
Yanme’e: Yanme’e exhibit no sexual dimorphism, and they’re all naked so we can see they don’t have dicks.
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calmnivore-new · 1 year
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a commission of a t'vaoan
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gladsomevarangian · 8 months
No offense intended to Ruuhtian Kig-Yar enjoyers, but imo 343 were such cowards for making the Skirmishers in Infinite Ruuhtian and not T'vaoan Kig-Yar.
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It wouldn't have just been fun for lore reasons - look at them! They're so cool! We could have had space birbs!
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theta-rx2 · 4 months
Same as when I first realized I was Therian through the T'vaoans, I get the same feeling with MH Wilds Seikret so yeah I am just sayin fuck it, this beast is ME now!!!
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mamasparky-art · 3 years
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//Start File/ UNSC REPORT ON 048955
// Prisoner 048955 more commonly known as Rer-Zak, a T'vaoan shipmistress. She captured along with her crew by Crimson team on January 27th after a number of UNSC flagships reported activities of scavenging along the former outer colony of Jericho VII. Her ship, the Resplendent Penance, was found to contain the bodies of several marines, Jiralhanae, and Unggoy. The purpose of keeping these bodies is still unknown. A number of stolen goods from multiple species kept as a personal hoard, including the Sanghelli diadem she wears. Note that the prisoner is dangerous and aggressive and as such should be held within a security level of no less than three. Currently she resides within the Infinity's POW Department in cyro sleep and is awaiting transfer to the one of the UNSC Maximum Security Detention Facility.
//End File
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genesong · 4 years
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donut-entendre · 3 years
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He is awful. World's hungriest man. Only accused of taking things from the amputated limbs bin twice. Refuses to comment on whether or not he actually did.
Jokes aside, he's just some random shithead AWOL Spartan III, Gamma company, who ran off with some ex-Elite for mmmm reasons.
Generally the idea with him is that to Sangheili, he is the most 'normal' human in existence. Dude eats rats and has ridiculous workout/training routines that only a Sangheili or another Spartan could match. The ideal man in Sangheili eyes. Literally the fucking worst to anyone else. Imagine being some like electrition or something and you hear a weird sound in the electrical room and there's a giant man just popping rats in his mouth like chicken nuggets as he chases them down and there's a whole 8-foot tall dinosaur cheering him on. Like seriously what the fuck
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