#TC Dinias
popfizzles · 1 year
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So this was the original concept art for a Tavern Crawl comic; meant to be entirely virtual (so drawn with the idea of scrolling in mind).
I know it is so crunchy and may be hard to read but this is about as far as I ever got, and figured it should see light at least once before it's forgotten.
Anyway Dinias and Pascal's meeting ended up with them being kicked out onto their asses and banned from that bar forever. But they became quick friends and have been traveling ever since!!!!
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dreamaredoodle · 4 years
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Fiottart travels most of the time on her own but loves meeting new people and chatting with strangers. A full mug of beer is most of the time a very effective way to break the ice.
Dinias @popfizzles
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popfizzles · 1 year
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Here are all the Paintbrush prompts I got done for Paz and Dinny (along with three sketches I would have finished, but I actually ran out of steam for).
All for your viewing pleasure!
[Neopets Paintbrush Challenge]
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popfizzles · 1 year
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does anyone remember these dudes??
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popfizzles · 1 year
would it be alright to ask for either a quick recap on Pascal and Dinias or a link to one-?
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Tavern Crawl, which is the name I gave to [Pascal and Dinias's] story, is a conceptual story (unsure how exactly I wanna tell their story at the moment, perhaps in the form of visual novel, comic, or what).
It's a story about a cyclops named Dinias and a satyr named Pascal, who are going on the longest recorded bar crawl in history. They travel across the lands hitting every single bar they can, adventuring and doing favors along the way to pay for their endeavors.
Dinny and Paz are silly and fun, they're in it for the experience, to know the world around them while getting drunk and enjoying life while they do it. They're your stereotypical, rowdy, "lads will be lads" sort of duo!
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Some of the things they do for money come in the form of escort services, where someone else joins them on their journey to be safely brought to a different city or place, and that's used to introduce many other characters.
Here's a small list of the other characters who join them on their bar crawl:
Brookie, a small gingerbreadian (living cookie) who fell off her baker's cart on the way to a party, and needs help being returned.
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Harlow, a cursed human who brings bad luck with him everywhere he goes, and is looking for a long-forgotten love of his.
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And Rosdove, a misplaced halfling who was teleported across the mainland away from her original party, and much prefers to travel in the safety of a group than alone.
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Like I said, most of it is conceptual, but I hold Dinias and Pascal very near and dear to my heart!! They're super important to me.
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popfizzles · 1 year
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New chibis of the Tavern Crawl duo!
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popfizzles · 1 year
Not a day goes by I don't think about Dinias (half joking)
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same <3
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popfizzles · 1 year
Disco fever Dinias!!
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"Dinner Bell"? more like "Disco Ball" because he is gaudy as fuck!!!!!
[Neopets Paintbrush Challenge]
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popfizzles · 1 year
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Some Dinias, since he was on my mind today :)
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popfizzles · 1 year
Woodland Dinias and/or royal Pascal?
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today on "things fizzy painstakingly renders for three hours straight on stream": dinias :)
[Neopets Paintbrush Challenge]
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popfizzles · 1 year
hey! wanted to say ive really been enjoying your tavern crawl stuff! :D
Thank you!! Ty ty I'm still doing my best to work slowly on those Paintbrush prompts!
In the meantime here is a tiny doodle I never got to post;
Dinias and Pascal with different hairstyles!
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popfizzles · 7 months
🖊 Brookie is entirely tired of pascal and dinias's shenanigans, but secretly finds them fun sometimes.
I think, at the end of the day, Brookie is still a magic, animated gingerbread cookie.
She does what she can to hold an air of seriousness and deadpan, but she's still made of playful, light magicks to entertain and inspire.
And sometimes, she can't help but feel right at home amongst the two crawlers, who dedicate their entire existences to having a Pretty Good Time.
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popfizzles · 1 year
Does tavern crawl have any antagonists or is it just dudes having fun? (Both is good! :D)
I think conflict is healthy in any good story, you know?
Perhaps Pascal and Dinias rove through a town they've never been in. And everyone is very very hesitant to get near the two of them. And that every tavern and pub vehemently REFUSES to serve Pascal specifically, shouting at him and practically kicking him out on his seat.
"What did you do to them??" Dinias asks.
Pascal, ears against the side of his head, a mixture of broken-heartedness and indignant resent swelling in his chest, says "I don't know."
And very quickly, they learn.
That Pascal looks an awful lot like his father.
And his father was not a good satyr.
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popfizzles · 1 year
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One more Tavern Crawl sketch that never got past the WIP stage; conceptual cover page or poster print!
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popfizzles · 1 year
Whenever I read their dialogue, in my head, Pascal has a lighter voice- something that's jovial and pretty that draws attention with just a hint of rhythm to the way he speaks, like he's singing a bit every time he talks. He has a different accent than Dinias, both still mildly similar but still it's clear that these two boys are from different places.
Dinias has the deeper voice between them in my head, but it sounds kind of forced/lil scratchy, like it's something he does himself/has been doing for a while to make up for his Perfectly Normal For His Age height hsfghjk. He has this kind of rough sounding voice sounding to me, but not in a scary way- more like he cheers and shouts a lot!
They have the kind of voices that noticeably don't match up perfectly whenever/if they sing together due to how different they are, but it's okay because they sound perfectly happy being together in general
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popfizzles · 1 year
... so, out of the two of them; Who do you think is more likely to get them in trouble wherever they end up?
Realistically, out of Dinias and Pascal, you'd assume that the satyr is the one who causes the most trouble, yeah? But they're pretty evenly matched in terms of Getting Into Situations.
Dinias is the type to chew off more than he can handle, and he's a tad more confrontational than Pascal. What he lacks in height he makes up for in volume.
However, Pascal is scatterbrained. The deer parts of his brain lead him to the stupidest conclusions and he often deals with the consequences of his actions.
They have exactly one brain cell that they rapidly ping-pong between each other.
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