#TDL trash
magicaltrash · 2 months
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In 2024 Tokyo Disneyland launched a series of mini-festival events called Disney Pal-Palooza. The first, "Minnie's Funderland," ran from January-March 2024 and featured special pink trash can designs.
For the 2nd installment in the Pal-Palooza series, our favorite duck got center stage as "Donald's Quacky Duck City" imagined a world where Donald Duck is a superstar. Again, special decorations, merchandise, food, and a parade honored him during this limited-time festival from April-June 2024.
These white garbage and recycling cans featured Donald's signature blue shirt and red bow tie, anchored by yellow feet and his hat on top. Small yellow "flash" graphics emulate the appearance of photo flashbulbs to highlight Donald's star status.
Kudos to Tokyo Disney Resort for continuing to innovate trash can designs.
// Tokyo Disney Resort, Tokyo Disneyland, World Bazzar, 2024
[Source: tokyokawaiiclub. Used by Permission.]
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tarinb · 3 months
the big 4 to keep house
its been almost 2 years since I left working outside the home. I've learned a lot about keeping house and managing family life.
I heard on a podcast that if you can move forward with TDL (trash, dishes, laundry) every day, you will be able to maintain a functional home. Maybe not perfectly clean, but functional.
I'm obsessed with figuring out how to spend less time on housework and really just making it more effortless. I want to make progress even if I get interrupted in between tasks (which is highly likely). Here's the order I've been doing these tasks:
Layer #1: trash & recycling. After breakfast I grab a Target bag and walk through the whole downstairs picking up literal garbage. Wrappers, egg shells, paper towels, toddler art (not sorry).
Guess what? If I get interrupted after this layer, at least I'm not living amongst trash.
Layer #2: dishes. This is the one I want to leave for last, but I've realized how important it is. For me, the state of the kitchen is a microcosm for the state of the house. Cooking most meals from home, the kitchen is a war zone. I empty the dishwasher then I collect all dishes from the family, living, and kitchen. After all the dirty dishes are in the dishwasher, I clean the kitchen sink. (This has been the most satisfying result from this whole process)
If I get interruped after this layer, at least I have clean dishes and a place to cook later.
Layer #3: laundry. I've moved to doing one load a day. But not on weekends. I collect the laundry from upstairs, and dirty clothes left downstairs, then put on a load. Then I bring up the load that is dry from the day before and fold it/put it away. It sounds like a lot, but this whole process is probably 10-15 minutes a day.
If I get interrupted after this layer, at least we have clean clothes and don't have dirty clothes laying around.
Layer #4: everything out of its place. I added this layer myself. Now is the time to put the toaster away, replace the couch cushions, help toddler put toys in shelf, etc. This one is honestly my last priority because I know that the main beasts (trash, dishes, laundry) have been slain. But it does feel nice to return everything to order.
I skip some layers on the weekends: laundry and everything out of place. I really can't skip trash and dishes. Without clean dishes, I have no motivation to cook!
This sounds like it would take a long time each day, but each day that I do it, it gets shorter and shorter. Plus, I only do this process once a day. I am not a night cleaner. Morning is when I have my best energy for these types of tasks. I have no qualms going to bed while the house is messy.
What are the tasks you have to do every day to keep your household running?
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nzn43 · 1 year
Idea! So I Got A Prediction For The Next Season Of AvM! Okay Hear Me Out, But What If Victim Was The Villain? I Was Thinking How It Would Play Out And I Feel Like They’re Motive Would Be Something Along The Lines Of “ Humans Are All Trash, So I’m Just Going To Get Rid Of Humanity By Taking Over The Entire Web! And Make The Perfect World For Us Who Live Inside The Internet! “ Kinda On The Same Note As TDL Plan But This Time Victims An ACTUAL THREAT, So By Taking Over The Web That Includes Stuff Along The Lines That They Can Just Set Nukes Or Hack Into Military Bases And Just Create Total Chaos Among The Globe, And Now The Gang Has To Stop Them! I Really Like It When Villains Don’t Realize What There Doing Is Wrong, And Actually Have The Mindset Of “ I’m The Good Guy Here! “ When In Reality That’s Not The Chase, And Thats What Im Sorta Leaning Towards With Victim! And It Would Be Cool To See How The Real World Would Come To Play In This Universe, Because Wouldn’t The Government Be After Or At The Least Watching Alan For A Creating Highly Intelligent Life And B That Life Aka TDL Almost Fucking Up The Entire Internet, It’d Be Cool To See Alan’s Choices Come Back To Bite Him! And Have A ACTUAL APOLOGY MOMENT WITH THE HOLLOW HEADS, Still Not Over How Him And TCO Left Things Off After The Battle With TDL
If Victim were to be alive and evil that would make the people who headcanon as Victim evil(me included kind of) would be true which is like getting sent to jesus for having a third eye. The idea of yours does sound interesting, although Victim would maybe become a virus itself and destroy any kind of creator's pc to just save drawings out of their computer(after all victim died from Alan). The stick universe of Alan's is still a bit confusing but we'll just have to wait and see. (I also think it would fit well if it's AvA and not AvM as AvM is minecraft focus)
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monriatitans · 10 days
Ta-Da! List: Tuesday, May 28th
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The image was made in Canva; check it out at the [referral] link here!
I share my “Ta-Da! List” every day so everyone gets a daily update and I have a reminder of what I’ve accomplished.
To learn more about “Ta-Da! Lists”, and other ADHD life hacks, check out @adhdjesse’s book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - NRL: The Neverending Reading List - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - LPSS: Let’s Play Some $#!7 - IG: Instagram - TDL: Ta-Da! List - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee
Ta-Da! List
✧ throughout the day: - kept emails manageable - loaded the dishwasher - filled out today’s TDL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the mobile phone: - YouTube: watched Ember Green’s video “Autism & Exposure Therapy: Why I HATE Travel” - Threads: shared the “How much do we have in common?” post - IG/Threads/Hive: shared today’s NRL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the bedroom setup: - Movies: watched “The Nightmare Before Christmas” repeatedly - IG: inspired by Brittany Weisrock, shared a “How much do we have in common?” post - O&T: shared today’s TDL to various social media ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the office setup: - WGS: uploaded May 26th’s LPSS Stream recording to Rumble - O&T: shared the NRL, “The Viking Art of War”, by Paddy Griffith, on social media - Branding: in Canva, increased the size of the “[DATE]” section in the “IG/Tumblr Square Templates”; created all of the “TDL WordPress Feature Images” for June - Gaming: played “Final Fantasy XIV” - YouTube: watched and/or listened to: 1. Jim Sterling (The Jimquisition)’s videos “The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimately Ruinous Crossover Cash-ins”, “Announcellation: Entertainment Media Is Losing Its Mind”, “The One Where Microsoft Admits Game Studios Are F*cked”, “Fiscal Responsibility, Or A Study In Game Publisher Stupidity”, and “Top Ten Sh*ttiest Games Of 2023” 2. heatherstudio’s videos “Best Printify Products to Sell on Etsy in 2024” and “10 Powerful Concepts that COMPLETELY Changed My Life (& led me to quit my 9 to 5)” 3. Robert Reich’s video video “The Truth About Trumponomics” 4. ContraPoints’ videos “Jordan Peterson”, “Gender Critical”, “J.K. Rowling”, and “The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling” 5. How to ADHD’s video video “How to Cope with Rumination: Don’t Feed the ‘Demon’ (Default Mode Network)” 6. After Skool’s video video “How Feedback Affects Performance — Andrew Huberman — Growth Mindset” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ chores and miscellaneous: - Food: had coffee, chocolate croissants, and leftover pizza for breakfast; cooked hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner - Chores: took out the trash; checked the mail; started, then unloaded the dishwasher
Well, these are all the updates I had for today! Thank you for reading!
May every decision you make be *in the spirit of fairness* and may the rest of your day *NOT go to $#!7*!
Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC)! Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! This post contains affiliate links.
Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch, YouTube, and Rumble! For more about MonriaTitans, click here!
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Today in my Shax course my professor suggested that Hamlet and Horatio aren’t even close which not only offended me because I adore their relationship just as friends but as the president of the “Hamlet and Horatio are Girlfriends” club I cannot stand for people erasing my beautiful daughters’ loves for each other. 0/10 experience 😂
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interlibraryloan · 5 years
i had a rly good birthday but i didnt do Anything and i was sick on wednesday so tomorrow i have to call my insurance, return my books, work for a few hours, and then pack for break and clean the dorm 
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asparklingdiamond · 6 years
to do list;
For Marissa
Reply to Bella/Edward thread
Reply to Ruby/Adam thread
For Becca
Post starters
For Marissa & Rebecca
Replies for The Royals mumu
Add Octavia to group/make her account.
For Madison
Make accounts for Bolt & Indigo.
Reply to Emma/Rylee
(I think that’s it, Madison if you read this correct me if I’m wrong)
For Leonie
Reply to Andromeda/Ted thread
Reply to Ariel/Rapunzel thread
Reply to Frank/Alice thread
Reply to James/Francine thread
Post starters for Odette/Leila/Dominic for XOXO mumu.
Reply to Rob & Isadora starters
For Sarah
Post starters
For Madison & Sarah
Post starters
Friends mumu
For Marissa/Fow/Josie
Reply to posts for our AGH mumu
Post starters
Finish muse page already.
Finish Grey’s Anatomy season 14
Finish Life Sentence :(
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occatorcreator · 2 years
AvA Series Deep Dive
I’ve been re-watching the Animation vs Animator quadrilogy mostly to find out what are the apparent rules of bringing a stick figure to life. So if you want to see me break down how these five stick figures came to life, then go ahead and click the read more.
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Victim (AvA I) Video starts with a stick figure being drawn. The drawing is selected and converted to a symbol. The Animator proceeds to name them “victim” and upon pressing enter, the stick figure comes to life.
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Studying body language, Victim here is very curious - looking at themself and their surroundings. They have a blue box outline around them that they can push but can’t break. Said box is what the Animator uses to harass poor Victim where they swear up at them and see a boulder is about to be dropped on their head. They only get out of the box with the boulder dropping and them pushing and shoving it.
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Another thing to note: the short ends with the Animator exiting the program and choosing not to save Victim. Exiting the program freezes all stick figures in place. This is so far the only true death in this series. Poor Victim lived for only two minutes.
The Chosen One (AvA II) Video starts the same as Victim’s above, only this time the Animator has trouble picking a name (killer & BEAST are free OC names if anyone wants to nab them), before settling on The Chosen One (abbreviated to TCO).
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Upon pressing enter, the screen darkens, TCO folds their arms in and then promptly bursts into flames. This shatters the blue box and the pieces burn up in the flames. TCO promptly tosses the fireball and instantly starts fighting the Animator. Talk about a wake up call! 
TCO also exits the flash program by punching it and proceeds to wreck the computer. Now this suggests that upon leaving the file, whether saved or unsaved, the stick figure can’t be killed via the “don’t save” trick. However, I can’t confirm this; the animator only minimizes the program, never exits it.
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Reading the chat log between Animator and programmer021 also yields interesting lore: the Chosen One is a level name no one should make. Programmer021 seems to know how to deal with TCO but is cut off when TCO kills AIM. So this suggests there are other chosen ones but they weren’t so lucky as our TCO in surviving.
(Aside, I find it funny the first thing TCO does is rifle through the trash. Then got mad when the Animator removed the trash bin from them.)
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The Dark Lord (AvA III) Same as the first two: the Animator draws a red stick figure, converts drawing to a symbol, and names them The Dark Lord (abbreviated to TDL). Interestingly, all TDL does upon waking up is... stretching. No attacking right out the gate like TCO, nor do they seem curious of their surroundings like Victim. Even the blue box stretches to accommodate their movements.
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This is the only instance where we see a program instruction for a stick figure, TDL is given the command to destroy TCO and once it’s entered, the TDL starts posing- ready to fight. (The blue box just disappears at this point.) The Animator just picks up and moves them off Flash and they go straight for the attack. (Again, we do not see the Animator saving the file the TDL is on.)
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(Behold: the Dork Lord)
The program instruction appears to affect stick figures immediately, but through persuasion or change in circumstances, stick figures can shirk the code.
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Now, before I jump into AvA IV and the Second Coming, I’m gonna steer to Alan’s “I made a Stick Figure Animation Course!” because it has a short animation featuring a stick figure named Victim (who I’ll call Victim 2.0 to differentiate from the OG Victim).
Victim 2.0 (I made a Stick Figure Animation Course!)
Starting around 1:06, Victim 2.0 basically starts like everyone else: draw stick figure + convert to symbol + name = life. So far, the only difference is that all parts of Victim 2.0 are boxed, only to become one giant box. Said box shatters because Victim 2.0 falls from the middle of the canvas.
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Victim 2.0 only gets a few seconds to check their surroundings before seeing a giant hammer and leaping in panic. They beam straight for the tools and start tossing bombs at the Animator of this clip.
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Alas, Victim 2.0 dies too. If you keep watching around 1:23, you can see the Animator exit and presumably close the program without saving. Only 30 seconds to live? Victim 2.0 only lived 1/4th as long as OG Victim.
So the rules so far, just based on these four stick figures:
In Flash, draw stick figure, convert them into a symbol, and give them a name to bring them to life
The name gives power (The Dark Lord & The Chosen One give them super powers, both victims are doomed to short lives; these names seem to come from somewhere given that programmer021 recognizes TCO as a “level”)
Boxes. They appear.
The only way for a stick figure to truly, fully die is to never save the file you’ve drawn them on (rip victim and victim 2.0)
So far these are the firm rules I take from the canon, ignoring other parts that might be assumptions (ex. does a stick figure leaving flash negate the 4th rule? The animator never exits flash when the Chosen One leaves the page to desktop, but never does save the file afterwards.)
So now let’s see how Second just throws all those rules out the window.
The Second Coming/Orange (AvA IV) So I’m going to estimate and say that Second starts to live around 1:32 as this is where we see independent movement, though you could argue they lived earlier than that.
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From the start of the short we see the Animator, well, animate a frame by frame running cycle of an orange stick figure. All limbs and parts drawn and erased until the pose looks good enough. By far a different start compared to our other four stick figures- Second is not a symbol like the others. Or at least never converted. The canvas is also called “untitled-1*” meaning this is a fresh file that isn’t saved from before.
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So without converting the stick figure to a symbol nor giving Second a name, Second starts moving once the Animator is out of sight. They tip toe and hide behind the browser briefly, wanting to leave the canvas. However, upon the Animator’s return, they panic and run back to their previous pose. They slump once the Animator leaves and once confirming he’s gone, Second bounces in giddy delight. 
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And then, upon the task manager scene, they’re the only one to panic in horror at the sight of the Animator’s sudden return. (The others don’t become alarmed at all even with the task manager opening, they just stare in confusion.) The Animator successfully ends everyone’s tasks, except for Second.
From this opening scene, I take it that Second knows he’s not supposed to be “alive” in the traditional sense. I mean, they don’t even have a blue box surrounding them! Rule 3 is vital here - it indicates that the stick figures are symbols much like the Victims, TCO and TDL. Second is just one frame in a series of frames.
This raises the question, where did Second get their name?
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This becomes conjecture quickly, but since Second doesn’t follow the rules previously established, the fact that they have a name like “The Second Coming - the Chosen One’s Return” on the Task Manager is wild. Remember, names also give power and a name like this suggests that Second has a lot of power.
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I highly doubt the Animator gave Second a name at all. He never turned them into a symbol, never saved the Flash file, and, based on how AvA III went, it would be very dumb if the Animator just named the stick figure “The Second Coming” at all. The Task Manager scene suggests surprise from the Animator since his cursor hovers over the name - I could imagine the Animator breaking into a cold sweat upon seeing the name.
So we have a case of “drawing just comes to life without being named or converted into a symbol.” The only rule I don’t know if Second could break is the “don’t save” trick. They resisted dying to Task Manager and later on, in AvA V, they resist being consumed by viral code - but that isn’t quite the same thing.
All I can say about Second is that they’re an anomaly. The more you think of the proposed rules canon provides and then try to apply them to Second, the more possible horror scenarios I can think of.
That, or, Second is just showing another way sticks come to life. Maybe there isn’t a set of rules aside from drawing. Either way, all these observations create a lot of theories to explore.
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thedarkestcrew · 3 years
Petition for all of us to reread all the TDM stuff again this summer because my memory is trash and also I would like just a huge pile of TDM head cannons at the end( also I now know half the fandom haven't read the little novellas, end of book stuff, TDL, liams story deleted chapters abf fanfiction and that makes me upset) also I need you to read about Sam and GABE NO ONE TALKS ABOUT GABE and If I don't see any sparks rise fanfic at the end of this I may cry
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magicaltrash · 4 months
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Parked in the corner of the Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster queue at Tokyo Disneyland is this themed, bullet-style can. What's it supposed to be? A battery? A lever? A rejected droid from Star Tours? // Tokyo Disney Resort, Tokyo Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster, 2023 [Source: Maihamazing. Used by Permission.]
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oikawaii · 7 years
I just realized that I have a profound obsession with adopting angry anime children. I'm never too in love with the innocent and easy to like ones, nope, I need to love the difficult and unlikable ones.
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march9rps · 4 years
Anyway today I learned 1/2 the men at gmmtv are trash and I’m crossing them off my tdl
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monriatitans · 2 months
Ta-Da! List: Friday, April 19th
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I share my “Ta-Da! List” every day so everyone gets a daily update and I have a reminder of what I’ve accomplished.
To learn more about “Ta-Da! Lists”, and other ADHD life hacks, check out @adhdjesse’s book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - OP: Opinion Post - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - ASO: Artist Shout-Out - TDL: Ta-Da! List - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee
Ta-Da! List
✧ throughout the day: - kept emails manageable - loaded the dishwasher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the bedroom setup: - O&T: the scheduled “How to Spot a Job Scammer” post was published, then was manually shared to other social media; shared today’s TDL - Branding: in Canva, created the “OP” IG Template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the office setup: - Gaming: played Final Fantasy XIV - WGS: prepared the ASO for tomorrow, Apr. 20th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ chores and miscellaneous: - Movies: “watched” “Sin City” repeatedly - Food: had coffee and water for breakfast; had two bowls of cereal for lunch; cooked bon appétit’s recipe “Steak and Spring Vegetable Stir-Fry” with partner for dinner - Chores: vacuumed; swiffered; took out the trash; checked the mail
Well, these are all the updates I had for today! Thank you for reading!
May every decision you make be *in the spirit of fairness* and may the rest of your day *NOT go to $#!7*!
Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC)! Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! This post contains affiliate links.
Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube! For more about MonriaTitans, click here! The image was made in Canva!
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Hamlet and Horatio
who is more likely to hurt the other? - Hamlet. When she’s not feeling the greatest she will, as we’ve seen, lash out. But she always apologizes quickly.who is emotionally stronger? - Horatio’s a tough kid. Which is why it’s so shocking when she does have really rough days and she breaks. Hamlet gets it though, and she’s always there for her.who is physically stronger? - Horatio is not only the tol to Hamlet’s smol but she’s got muscles. She may be a nerdy scholar but she can also do pushups while Hamlet sits on her back and reads to her.who is more likely to break a bone? - Hamlet is a total klutz. Every day is a new opportunity for her to fall down the stairs. Horatio doesn’t know how Hamlet manages to fence so well.who knows best what to say to upset the other? - They both do? But it does not come out at all, even when they’re mad at each other.who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? - They’re both quick to the punch, usually apologizing at/around the same time. who treats who’s wounds more often? - Horatio carries around a first aid kid. Help her.who is in constant need of comfort? - While I wouldn’t say constant, Hamlet’s definitely in need of comfort far more than Horatio, especially when it gets close to the anniversary of her father’s death.who gets more jealous? - Hamlet. While she trusts Horatio, she’s very often taking what could just be seen as people being polite to Horatio as them flirting. Horatio doesn’t mind so much when Hamlet gets all possessive.who’s most likely to walk out on the other? - Neither. They’d never, no matter how angry.who will propose? - Horatio for sure. She’d want to make it a big deal at first and probably have this big elaborate plan in place, but then before the thing would go into motion there’d be this perfect moment that had just the two them and Horatio would propose right then and it’d be intimate and adorable. (BUT ALSO IN MY HAMLET ADAPTION HORATIO PROPOSES TO HAMLET IN A SORT OF NON-ROMANTIC “I’LL HELP YOU MAKE A FAMILY OF YOUR OWN THAT YOU’LL FEEL COMFORTABLE IN” WAY but then of course it gets romantic anyway imma go cry brb…) who has the most difficult parents? - It’s more Claudius that’s the difficult “parent”. Gertrude more or less knows that her daughter’s in a secret relationship and helps keep it on the DL, but Claudius is always going on and on and being a general douche. Horatio’s parents know all about the relationship and they are so down for it. Whenever they’re on leave they always want updates.who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? - Horatio does most of the time. But if Hamlet’s nervous/anious/having a rough time she will go for Horatio’s hand the minute they’re out the door.who comes up for the other all the time?  - uh?who hogs the blankets? - Hamlet is a total HOG. Horatio has back up blankets for situations of this kind.who gets more sad? - Hamlet, definitely. She always feels even worse because she feels like it makes her a bother or a pain to be with. Horatio never minds. She understands that Hamlet can’t control her depression.who is better at cheering the other up? - While Horatio generally is doing this and is definitely an expert, Hamlet’s very good at it as well. But Horatio’s probably the better of the two.who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? - Hamlet. When she finds something funny, (especially when it’s Horatio saying it), she’s a giggling mess.who is more streetwise? - Hamlet. Girl survived pirates.who is more wise? - While they’re both extremely wise, Horatio takes the book-smart cake.who’s the shyest? - I feel like they both are? It depends on the environment they’re in.who boasts about the other more? - Hamlet cannot stop talking about Horatio. She’d be the type that posts pictures of Horatio around like “Have you seen my girlfriend. She’s not missing or anything she’s just perfect” if their relationship wasn’t hidden. But anytime she’s around people who know, she’s like “MY GIRLFRIEND IS PERFECT HOW HAVE I BEEN SO BLESSED.” Otherwise she’ll always just really talk about Horatio. Polonius thinks they’re just really good Gal Pals ™ until he figures out what’s going on. He ships it.who sits on who’s lap? - Hamlet loves sitting on Horatio’s lap. Horatio loves when she does.
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we-will-neverfade · 6 years
Flower monster
tdl spoilers ✨✨
by the way “••” means i did not come up with it @give-emhell-darlin (who falls victim of my many hc rants) came up with the points marked “••” (LOVE YOU AYLA 💕)
•roman, actual flower child, can not only make killer flower crowns
•zu is always like “where in the fresh hell did you learn to make these”
•but doesn’t say anything bc she loves them
•zu and roman will pick each other flowers as a date
•it’s so cute when zu picks him a single flower bc romans face turns into a tomato
•but he also picks so many flowers for zu that you can’t see his face
•and zu simply just kisses his cheek
•when liam finds out about this little flower thing
•he hits up roman
•bc liam once picked up dead flowers and gave them to ruby tryin’ to be all cute
•but then found them in the trash 30 minutes later
•liam in bed that night: ”did you not like them?? if our love gone??? i’m sorry for whatever i did what can i do for you to love me again????”
•”babe the flowers were dead”
•liam in small voice, ”i thought they were vintage”
•ANYWAYS roman fixes up a bouquet so beautiful it makes ruby cry and smile for days
•and as ruby is admiring the flowers liam slips roman a twenty
•and roman is like “oh no i had this premade”
•following this, zu kind of starts noticing that roman disappears throughout the day
•she looks through security footage and sees he keeps going into one of the storage rooms
•so she decided to investigate when he isn’t in there
•and what she finds
•her heart exploded
•he has plant lights and temperature settings AND EVERYTHIng
•i can’t breathe
•this is so cute. i love him
•so upon finding this out, zu stops questioning where he always is bc she knows this is how he deals with his past and it’s pretty damn adorable
•like imagine him picking flowers for the kids when they have a bad day
••zu catching roman picking flowers
••“Whatchya doing?” Zu asks, leaning against a tree a few strides away.
••Roman drops the daisies in his hands, eyes widening a little but not landing on Zu at his back.
••“Uhhh,” he starts, eloquently. “...Weeding?”
•roman picking flowers singing some cute song
•chubs one day: “dude are you singing to the flowers?”
•”you are all so weird, don’t know how you AND lee manged to get a girlfruend in a matter of weeks meanwhile my normal ass took months to get with vida”
•roman just shrugged and went back to his flowers
•the kids at the psion ring call him “THE FLOWER MONSTER”
•it’s quite adorable
•he has a whole section in his flower room where he grows yellow flowers for zu
•zu always brings him back new seeds for new flowers and secreatly puts them in his plant room
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zot3-flopped · 3 years
You’ve probably seen it, but there was someone who got to be on DWD’s set and watch them film a little (they have photos, sheets, videos to confirm that they were there) and they’ve shared a little about their experience — including that Harry uses an American accent in the film. That’s important because those people who messaged TDL and pub annon to trash DWD after the screening claimed he used a British one in it. Shockingly, it seems Larries and incels spread agenda-driven lies. 😱
Seems like nobody in the fandom actually went to the screening.
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