elmaxlys · 2 years
The Previous God’s Revelations
Tenkuu Shinpan Arrive ch70 and 71, just transcribing the French translation (Kana) to English.
The pics are screenshots I took of magapoke when the chapter was free to read.
Note: where I wrote “mechanism” the French actually says “organism”. I however chose to write “mechanism” because it seems to be the same term used in the original series, chapter 50, which has been translated as mechanism by Mangabox. As I do not have access to the Seven Seas translation, I chose to use the Mangabox term.
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Chapter 70 - Page 14
Panel 1- Here.. I must be in my mental palace... It really looks like the cosmos, I wonder why...
Panel 2- Maybe because the human brain and the cosmos are alike? What even is the cosmos in the first place? This is fascinating...
Panel 3- Stop! This is not the time to think about that! I have to go back there to help the others...
Page 15-
Panel 1- No, Senya... The role you had to play has been over for a while...
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Page 16-
Panel 1- You need to keep wandering just a bit more... until the “winner”’s emergence... If you make your consciousness emerge right now... There’s no doubt that you will disappear...
Panel 2- Who’s talking to me? Ah... this time it’s an alien!
Panel 3- Stop saying nonsense... I am...
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Chapter 71- page 1
...in this dimension... and of course in the parallel world in which you’ve entered... I.. even before that this situation was born... In this death game organized in this world... I am...
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Page 2-
Panel 1- The winner. You can consider me the “previous” god...
Panel 3- Huh? I don’t understand anything you’re saying...
Panel 4- You didn’t know that you were in a mechanism to create a god, didn’t you? What use is there for me to leave traces of my fights on the signboards if it’s not to create my legend?
Page 3-
Panel 1- Well, saying “god” is a bit much... Beings that are born in this world are merely functional: their role is to eliminate threats... The fact I came out as the winner of this game complicated everything.. I didn’t intend to act until danger appeared.
Panel 2- However... The world which was supposed to have ended slowly reactivated... That doesn’t concern me.. This is a bit like it demanded new sacrifices...
Panel 4- At first, I thought I wasn’t recognized as a god, but... I was probably mistaken... Because in fact, to ward off the dangers that are born in this dimension, several gods are needed.
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Page 4-
Panel 1- Wait a second... This mechanism... this world... It was created, but... By whom?
Panel 2- That, I do not know... A being that’s in an even higher dimension? Unless it’s only a phenomenon, similar to the universe, born from a vibration between being and nothingness?
Panel 3- Or even... a thing born from the collective consciousness of more and more numerous humans demanding a god?
Panel 4- The collective consciousness of humans?
Page 5-
Panel 1- But I’m getting off topic... I learned afterwards that there existed another world. And I also found out Yuri Honjo’s existence, a kind of devil in that world, and the battles she had fought. I assume Sniper already talked to you about it.
Panel 2- So I then wanted to oppose her. She used a different method from mine to stop the deadly game: the invasion. And I disliked that immensely.
Panel 3- This is the reason I guided Taisei to this world, he who was wandering through dimensions. Because of Yuri Honjo’s actions, he had become powerless and I felt bad seeing him like that.
Panel 4- Wait a second... If I sum it up... All the horrors we had to go through were your fault?
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Page 6-
Panel 1- I indeed carry part of that responsibility. This is why I’m currently protecting you right now... I gave you powers, to you but also to numerous other people. Senya...
Panel 2- This is you I pity the most here. Because you’re the one Taisei used the most.
Panel 3- Who? Me?
Panel 4- The school’s arrival was Tenma’s doing, but Taisei predicted it. He had been watching you [plural] for a while. And he spotted you on the school roof.
Page 7-
Panel 1- He then decided to make out of you a being that would fight with all his strength in the middle of the despair and whose prowess would create a huge increase in energy. Tenma was already acting like that, but Taisei went even further. He really tried to create a hero in this world.
Panel 3- And a hero cannot die easily... This is why Taisei led you to Sniper. To Sniper’s spirit, which nobody had seized... Your very meeting had been arranged by Taisei!
Panel 4- Then, for you to understand the rules of this world... he put a young girl on your way and he pushed her to suicide.
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Page 8-
Panel 1- Indeed... Your friend too...
Page 9-
Panel 1- Taisei created beings of “stage 1″.. Of course, there are other ones apart from Tenma or her men that are inferior to them. They’re not strong, but they make the perfect pawns for Taisei... The one who killed your friends was one of them... The goal was to generate despair in you.
Panel 2- A hero plunged in despair by an external force... This is what you are. However, to be used and then emptied of all energy, even I think it’s too cruel.
Panel 3- After all, if everything went according to Taisei’s wishes, it would be no fun. This is the reason I gave you additional strength... To others, too: to the astronauts, to Kyouko Oribe, to the super cute blind girl...
Panel 4- What?! To Kyouko too?! So she really is in this world too...
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Page 10-
Panel 1- You went beyond what Taisei expected... But you’ve been “killed”... And your consciousness is on the verge of disappearing...Your brain and vital functions have been regenerated by Kuon Shinzaki, but this goes way beyond now... If you recuperate your consciousness and continue to fight, you will end up disappearing.
Panel 2- I advise you to stay here for some time, where it’s calm... I’ll keep you up to date with how the fights are going. We still have some time before Yuri Honjo manages the “fusion”... But if it really happens..
Panel 3- Yes, I know... I will have a chance to survive, but... What will happen to Kyouko and my classmates?
Panel 4- Kyouko is fighting “Stage 2″ beings... I don’t know what will happen to her. The middle-school students have largely tasted despair... Taisei should act soon and appropriate this energy...
Page 11-
Panel 1- In that case, let me out right now. I have faced many hardships in this world! I cannot abandon the others and behave like a loser!
Panel 2- Behave like a loser? In the setting of this deadly game, I admit this is a detail I quickly forgot about.
Panel 3- For you, the way we appear is more important that our own lives and efficiency? Still, if you disappear, there’ll be nothing left of all that.
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Page 12-
Panel 1- Wrong! I refuse that the universe I love will keep this memory of me!
Panel 2- That’s right, there’s still a trace. As quantum information.. More simply put, people’s memories...
Panel 3- If you disappear, your being will be scattered... It’ll become impossible to put it back together, for Yuri Honjo or for me. And you still want to go back?
Page 13-
Panel 2- Well, fine...
Panel 3- Of god I only have the name.. I certainly am unable to predict all quantum movements. I am curious to see which phenomenons your action will bring.
Panel 4- And so I am sending you back... to your universe.
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
Of course: FUCKING SPOILERS, IF IT ISNT GOD DAMN OBVIOUS! and yes i say it like that because i see someone saying ‘EWMYGEWDIWASSPOILE--” shut up.
shut the heck up.
I wont cross tag, this will be explicitly called Tenkuu shinpan arrive spoilers and the others ones i have. i wont even tag characters to not spoil anything at all.
now get ready....
Yuri faced Alien-kun, who seems to be the predecessor God of this realm. Or so it was told. It seemed to the the retaiing existence of him.
even with the facing she did, she cannot save Senya with the power she has. The only posibility is Senya returning by his own or something like that. He seems to be trapped in another area, different that the first high rise world of the survival game, and also different than the barren survival world
Yuri and co are thinking of going there it seems, Oribe says its too dangerous, but she thinks it only
Yuri learnt there is a CREATOR of all this realms. Each survival game, and each dimension of survival. Yuri says she needs to stop that person once and for all. Yuri says if that mean is defeated, maybe everyone might come back, from Senyas will, to Nanamis father, though its a possibility. (aka, also Kuon would return, my baby <3)
it seems the creator is IN A REALM CALLED AS ‘ARRIVE’. he said she found it, and what she really must do.
Oribe, seeing Yuri happy, thinks she is a little bit crazy....Also, she says when Senya goes back to normal ‘I will also....’ (ngl,if she confesses to him i would be dissapointed. That would feel forced a bit. sorry. And i like ships (?)
Yuri asks Kuon, who is with her,what about Daisei. Kuon says the battle with Daisei its almost over. Rika succeded in killing his body and Rika, Sniper, Nise,Hayami Shintaro, and Great angel colaborated in reducing the energy of the realm, so Daisei would be consumed aka killed. But he ran away with a little bit of energy
That confirms my theory that when the realm energy gets consumed, if there is a being that was born with that energy (Aka Daisei or Kuon), that entity dies since its made of energy, and the energy was consumd. That explain many people wondered why Yuuka (since Yuri being the admin, and Rika being a non-electible for god God candidate) didn’t keep going with the god trials, not only because there wasnt enough energy only, but also because the energy consumed would mean Kuon’s death.
Kuon asks Yuri if she meets Daisei she will kill him? Yuri says yes. Since Yuri before wanted to be diplomatic with Daisei, but no, fuck diplomacy.
Tenmas was listening all the new info all along, with Asuka on her back. She seems interested with the new realm, info and energy. She wants to be stronger than the original Yuri, so she taunts her saying if she reaches that place, she will finally be able to surpass her. Yuri is puzzled *Choco chuckles*
 Tenma admits she cant surpass her in strenght competition, but with ‘this new little acqueired guy’ she will, as she wants to absorbs his abilities. That ‘little guy’ is no one as Daisei as an eye/cloud. Tenma has seized him. Tenma wonders wht will happen if she has him at her side (well, mostly as kidnapped---). 
Daisei’s seems to gone crazy as he is crazily repesting the world ‘equality’ multiple times. his motto for him to be god.
Kuon sees the scene surprised. “Daisei...how pitiful...”
Yuri tells Tenma that her sin was only because of Daiseis program when he created her, and for that, she didnt pursued her. Yuri warns her if she indeed goes away and keeps going and stuff with Daisei, that means Yuri and co will take her down.
Tenma looks at her down, mockingly. Asuka raises her the middle finger
Far from there, Sniper is aiming at them with his rifle, ready to take the shot. In the end, he sighs and mutters “what a bother”, and lowers his rifle. Ttaku is pretty much the japanese “Tch” muttering.
Something that noticed later...I feel Sniper a bit odd. Maybe its just my imagination because I’m not used to see him with no mask but...
Tenma notices Sniper was threatening, her, and she mutters he is scary, so in the meantime she will ran away with her friends (dunno if she only meant Asuka, or she will take Zeon and Juo(rika) with her too)
She says one last thing, in honor to the ‘Originals’, aka they main 5 original crew:
“Thank you....and goodbye, clumsy people.”
As she said the Clumsy people phrase , we see different pannels: Rika watching the horizon, Nise with Mayu (nise’s clone) in her arms, Great Angel also watching the distance and Shintaro Hayami (Prophet) reuniting with Shika Hayami finally.
Tenma ports away. Yuri falls and laughs softly. Saying that indeed, they are clumsy people, not only her, but also her crew, that being because... (She alludes to the fact that maybe they could have done the teleportation to the OG world, but not happening because Yuris powers were unstable (special chapter) and also the fact they would sacrifice Kuon)
Yuri reassures Oribe and Nanami that with time she ‘will deliver them to the OG world, so please rest assured.’
Oribe comments that she is a bit confused since it seems the Original World is also turning to be dangerous, and also that her head hurts.
Oribe says she wont go back yet, she still have many things to do. Yuri smiles softly to her, but a bit sad.
Oribe looks at the distance and asks Yuri about that orbital elevator. She asks her about if Yuri has a way to make that elevator work somehow, of course if it doesn't bother her. Oribe says she is curious if it is truly connected to space
Oribe: “I...I actually like it a lot. The universe...”
With that last phrase, we see the last panel of Senya resting in a bed. He is resting with a smile.
Besides they need to go back. And also there is the issue if bringing Senya back, alongside with Kuon’s returning to have a physical body. and the slight possibility if the creator is defeated, maybe some things will be solved. 
(Yuri says maybe she can bring back Nanami’s dad if she faces the creator, but I’m not entirely sure because Supervisor told us before bringing people back to life was impossible, and the only exceptions being the ones with the Judges “Resurrection.” Even Senya’s state is still unknown. But ther eis a posibiity for Senya to come back.) THATS ALL, EVERYBODY! STAY TUNED IF I KNOW SOMETHING ELSE! for now i will go and write some fanfics and cope with this because holy smokes, i am curious
Also no, no ‘visual’ confirmation about the ships for the ones who likes that. Yes, we know some ships are freaking almost undeniable canon but ANYWAYS
....And I really hope i’m wrong with Sniper. It’s an interesting theme of him seeing a downfall to what has been told since day one in Tenkuu shinpan, that Gods doesn't need to feel and stuff, and Sniper already facing one of the 3 god trials. And knowing Sniper’s key-stuff of his personality is his humanity and how he clings to it so hard... It pains me.
Also he needs a freaking rest for fucks sake. Like, stop, let him be happy for once---
take care <3
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xchoco-mixturex · 2 years
Hcs of the dorks:
This may have some implied tenkuu shinpan spoilers just in case
Okay so we know already how he is in canonverse and he doesnt kill the bugs but traps them. Excepct cockroachs maybe cuz ew. At first he tried to capture it and free it outside....but it started flying and he killed it. Kuon was shocked. He apologized.
They have money = they can afford as many pets they (COUGHSYUUCOUGHS) want. If not they put a shelter. Kuon has to stop her bf from bringing strays at home. She suggested Yuu to fosters. He foster fails.
She got used to nap on his lap. He got used to that. So when she says she is sleepy and doesnt nap on his lap he is staring at her like a betrayed cat. "...?" "Oh i didnt wanted to bother your lap! Hehe! I should sleep on the bed" *BETRAYAL*
You know the teaser and shy dynamic? AT first Yuu teases (mostly on her height), Kuon shies out...Over the years it goes the other way arround.
He falls asleep after her. Always. Its 3 am and she is up? So is he. He doesnt fall asleep. He makes sure she is indeed there. (If you know you know *sips angst tea*)
She tends to snuggle against him, he is warm and he is huge, his hugs are comfy. When she does that, thanks to Yuris silly comment, Yuu imagines a koala. (A Ku-ala bear.)
Usually Yuu tended to compliment her using animals as examples. Rika told him that he is a hypocrite by calling him a nerd when he himself is one and calls his gf by pet names (LITERALLY). No worries he started using normal compliments
"The heck is this?" "Affection?" "...Do it again."
"Oh you will arrive late from work? Kuon dont worry is a kitchen whats the worst it can happen?" *is a tech kitchen* "...Honey im buying take-out--You want chinese food?"
Shebis cold? Jacket. No,no, he doesnt care if it is as big as a poncho, JACKET! She doesnt want her to be cold. More cold? He...embraces her with an arm--yes is an embrace not a hug-- no he doesnt care if it has been 5 years with her IT IS NOT A HUG (in public)
Softer side in private. Quite soft. He can open himself. And also be a more visible dork.
Have i said he is a cat? He is a cat. Can be independent from her he wont die but like that doesnt mean he is not affectionate.
Both have each others back. No he is not affraid to twist your arm if you try to harm her. He will do it...with no effort. Also she can ruin your life if you also hurt him-- she a fucking socialite.
FRIENDS NIIIGHT! "Lets tease them a bit, as his siblings...as a treat." //they get bonked.
He make sure she has the best memories he can provide her. He is not perfect, he knows that very well but makes sure she is happy. I mean, her smiled saved him. (If you know you know.)
Ah yes he discoved he has a crush last and he is a total mess trying to figure out whats next.
Naturally cool? Yes. Tries to be cool to impress crush? FUCKING FAILS. She finds it cute. He DOES NOT, HE CANT BE NOT COOL-!
Cat. One moment he is busy reading a book on the couch next to her, the next moment he flops on her lap.
Thats all for now
Busy in med school now. Byeee~♡
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
This analysis episode: THE STENGHT OF "DEVA"
(Warning: this analysis has HUGE spoilers from all the manga of TENKUU SHINPAN ARRIVE AND PICTURES FROM THE MANGA IN JAPANESE. A read more shall be put in place. BUT JESUS CHRIST, SERIOUSLY I AINT JOKING)
Read at your own risk.
Lets make a countdown so ppl are free to LEAVE FROM SPOILERS OKAY
First of all I wanna say I knew it. I knew he was the one who would be DAISEI’S LAST WEAPON. DAISEI’S CARD UNDER HIS SLEEVE.
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Also known as EVIL SNIPER!!!
And this this...the clones of the main 5 are completed....
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The evil main 5 made their entrances...
((Holy shit goals---))
So again lets remember the increasing order of power
First lvl: strongest that an mask, clones made by Daisei, not humans. Juo and Zeon are first stage. Purpose: Cause despair. Actual status of first stage: Truce. Allies. Zeon in critical state, Juo is helping.
Second stage: stronger that first stages and activated under a stimuli. Purpose: full obidience of Daisei, eliminate defective clones and foregein matter (Yuris og team interferamfe aka clouds with will). Known second stages: Archangel (evil),Miiko mask, Mayuko, Tenma,Maid. Status with second stage: Mayu and Tenma: truce. Miiko and Archeangel: Enemies. Maid: Deceased. Low chances of a truce with those stages, but possible.
Third stage. Purpose:ELIMINATE MATSUDA SENYA. Merciless killers as the triumph card of Daisei. Use a huge amount of  energy creating them. Huge potential, low ratio of victory against any 3rd stage, to the point the Sniper Mask found the enemy too dangerous for Senya and tried to stop him,but failed. Alliance is impossible. Designed to kill Senya and Senya only. Only member of the stage: Deva/Evil Sniper. Senya called him a monster.
Okay so about his power is too much. as you see in the pannel, Senya and sniper noodle are too shocked. Senya calls him a monster,but might be a reference chapter 3 as he called the angels monster, and Deva is the clone based in Sniper's time of him being a mask.
He even has an aura. All Stage soldiers has that aura ngl, but lets see the comparison.
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The aura seems to active under a emotional state. But in Devas its latent over there. He is not charging up,he is literally standing and Senya is already affraid.
Now this...is the part you may not like. Remmeber who else made that trembling efect. Thats right....
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Kuon did. (Possessing nanami)
IMMA STEP IN AND SAY THIS: DEVA HAS THE JUDGES’ POWER?! MAYBE! BECAUSE DAISEI KNEW EVERYTHING! And Tenma KNOWS how to open portals.... Sniper was the second Judge already, and he still ahs the powers, but refuses to use them for a unknown reason. (possibly fear to lose humanity)
Maybe not the same but that dude is...Strong.
BE STRONG SENYA. Sniper is by your side. Maybe not possesing you but moral support!
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
Senya, after using his rifle’s abilities: *Smiling with gleaming eyes* Sniper-san! Sniper-san! Did I do well?
Sniper,proud: *smiles softly* Amazing, you did it well, Senya...
Sniper, cradling his body tight: *holding tears* You did it very well...
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
Warning, spoiler from Tenkuu Shinpan Arrive and also the ending of said manga.
i added like a million dots so you all dont come crying cuz spoilers and wahs (?
I mostly wrote this because yes, and because maybe another person (Elmax) might read this as well.
@elmaxlys oi i did this
.Okay, if you havent read the mega summary i did form the tenkuu shinpan ending, no worries, not all of it its important, just the fact Tenma left with Auka and co. I am picting Mayuko stayed behind because she redeemed completely, unlike Zeon or Juo(rika) who also were loyal to her.
After she took hostage the last remains of Daisei as a cloud, she took the remaining information of Daisei’s databank and recreated the Sniper clone, after seeing the original Sniper and denominating him as ‘terrifying’ she thought he would be a good asset to the team. Along with everyone under her alliance, she let him chose a title since Zeon is kuons clone and Juo is Rika clone. He came with the ‘Deva’ Title and as delimitated by Daisei’s databank, he is a 3rd tage clone, but who is also loyal to tenma. Unlike the other he has a little bit more of freeom. His personality from the clone one doesnt change much: super soldier, maronette, but he is a bit more cocky and less patient. I mean he has to deal with Zeons shenaningans and for him, a super soldier, a cheeky ass woman who likes to act coy makes him lose it. 
Besides that and just because i can and i wanna do this bullshit, Tenma also creates a clone of Juo (Suzuki), but calls him Apostle. She made him...totally the opposite of the real Juo. He is still smart and very logistic, and still strong, but he is more of a scary at and a goody two shoes (just like Mayu was the antithesis of Nise, Apostle is the antithesis of Juo Suzuki). He stays in the building and prefers to make plans of conquering in the new realm where they are now trying to get more advantage from Yuri and co before she gets there.
Apostle gets along with Juo, and they both stop Deva and Zeon from killing each other. Zeon likes to annoy him, Deva doesnt take that very lightly at first so she starts laughing because she likes him to lose it and Deva is just....himself.
Also, Deva doesnt smoke, he hates cigarettes. He calls it poison.
Something that i hc Devas face: he doesnt have the characteristic scar under his eye, and when he gets unleashed or angry, his sclera (white part of the eye) gets black and the iris and pupil gets shiny and whiteish, just like when Yuri was in unleashed mode in the prequel. Ah yes, he dresses like Snipers first appearance, but the belt is different, just like int he scene Deva appears the first time.
Apostle by appearance is pretty much similar to Juo suzuki, still beefy, maybe he ties his hair in a manbun while doing strategies, and lets it lose when he is more chill. He is capable of fighting but he rathers...not.
How the fuck do i call this now?
Doopelganger!AU? Parallel!AU? i will go with both
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
Ah yes, spoilers as always of tenkuu shinpan arrive below, i need to scream: HUGE SPOILERS!!!!
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Senya: Sniper-san? I noticed you dont use your powers....why?
Sniper: *noodle stare*
**Senya gets hurt badly**
Daisei: ah yeh, and the kid is dead u failed ad his guardian haha--
Sniper: . . .
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"Alright,note: DONT MAKE HIM MAD."
He literally said, first time I lose someone I spill tears. Second time I SPILL BLOOD--!
Pd: Also me seeing him kicking ass
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
okay so SOON! Soon! I will update as far as i know, all of the God candidates powers from Tenkuu shinpan to Tenkuu shinpan arrive. (Yes, EVEN THE UPDATED ONES!) SO EXPECT A HUGE POST AND A HUGE SPOILER SIGN BECAUSE ONCE I WARN IT, ITS ON YOURSELF IF YOU GET SPOILED! Thanks!
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
Holy moly, choco thorws an arrival (duh) analisys?!
As always, spoilers from tenkuu shinpan arrive, up until chapter 71. Always, the japanese version, since I read it in japanese. Read with caution below. ALSO ITS VERY LONG. I apologize before hand! (and for my poor english)
Like seriously, i mean, it ,this is HUGE SPOILERS! if not spoilers from much of the plot until now.
(And before you ask, we are translating be god damn patient or we drop the project, k thanks nwn)
Okay? okay!
I dont now how many chapters we have left but i hope im actually wrong in this one because it feels like too few has passed :c. But a climax happened ofc: Daisei is there, you know, the huge ass eye. Also, ORibe mentioned that Yuri in on her way on fusion the dimensions, i dont know if she means the OG high rise dimension with the ruined high rise dimension? OR back to the real world? I doubt it’s back to the real world, since they still need a God, and left the game on pause tecnically. As Yuri said, it was ‘their fault’. Of course, Yuri being the actual administrator knew Daisei could do ruckus since he is also trying to archieve god. 
Now, i think Daisei is doing that in that ruined world since the OG High Rise world its paused. There hasnt been more killings, and i am not sure if the god candidate needs to read the other 2 god codes. For the ones that have read at least one code are:
And the Judges duo aka Kuon and Sniper.
Of course, Yuri cannot be god since it breaks the administrator rule, Juo is dead (is he? DUUUN DUN!) Okihara was comatose the last time we saw him and the med staff was healing him, Yoshida its mentioned to be alive but MIA. (or at least mentioned, since Yuri told Rika if he sees yoshida to thank him)
That would leave our beloved Sniper being the one with that duty. And for the role he is taking in arrive, who he is a bit more predominant there, it could make sense. BUUUUT! The issue is the god damn God system. I do not quite remember if reading the other codes was necessary,since he and Kuon finished the trial and faceless-kun said “yeh go on!” Of course, the issue with that, is that turning into God needs energy, and in the OG high rise world there is none or not the enough level to turn him into that, EVEN WORST, it seems that, according for what we have been seeing here, is that the ‘Will’ and the fluctuations of that is the one that feeds the system (despair, hope, etc). And will usually manifests, in a soul. Who the heck is a soul of the main five? Kuon.
You think the god damn Sniper would literally say “oh yeh, lets get rid of her and we get all out of here”. Lets be freaking honest, that option was there long ago but he was the one, literally, HIMSELF, that told her that no matter what she wont disappear. So yes, sacrificing Kuon is out of the question. Actually, sacrificing any of his team members its our of the qustion, since he asked Rika that with Yuri’s condition as Admin, she was forced to stay there somehow, and Rika said he is staying, and so did Sniper. So yes, leaving someone behind its ALSO out of the question Now, with the appearance of Daisei, who....Wanted to be like Kuon in that ethereal form since, according to him, it gives him a sort of inmortality, also wants to be god. And apparently, after he killed himself but had the will to ‘keep on living’, he realized he could be god. Now, I dont quite know HOW Ruined High rise world came to happen, but somehow Daisei arrived there. According with that he started a new killing game, a killing game the OG gang wanted to end FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL. Of course Daisei did not wanted them to interfere, so he created a sort of barrier that doesn't let the old members of the game enter. Therefore, neither Yuri and co could chase him down with the manipulating the barrier powers. That’s UNTIL...Kuon came with an idea. Apparently for what Sniper told Juorika and co, Kuon, Yuri, And Hayami Shintaro created the cloud mechanism (the ones with Clouds with a WILL aka, clouds with souls). Since Yuri seems to be human and in a frontier, and I am guessing its to keep the plan going, she sent the other main 4 to blend to that place: Rika, Nise, Sniper, And Kuon. Each of them linked to an object with their souls within, and not necessarily a weapon.  How each person got linked to their cloud its ANOTHER THEME, specially with the new character seen: Senya’s alien. The alien seems to be related to the creation of the system, not giving exactly who he is, but he having some authority over the strings of destiny, since he saw senya being a ‘main protaginist’ and, therefore, thats the reason he linked Senya with Sniper’s rifle, and therefore, Sniper! Who is the alien and what exactly is his role, i do not know quite yet. I just know the systems apparently were created with humanity’s will, the issue is how? and why? was a group of persons will? Since it seemed to be related to the archival of god status,  keeping people away of feelings, actually turning them emotionless, and being the strongest. Was it high class ppl? governments?  we dont know yet. Now back to the actual pot, Daisei has showed up, and his abilities with his second stage masks he seems to create using old memories. Some data recollected from the old world, not necessarily being ppl of that world that are alive right now, but also dead people since he brought Maid mask back.   Also it seems people are and at the same time are not related to their original power. If they have an original power beforehand, its good, but Daisei can also provide them more power of needed, specially if they are second stage soldiers. For example, Rika and Kuon are one of the strongest characters of the manga, Rika being an Apostle and not having  a god code in his system, yet still paired with the strength of a god, and Kuon, right now, its awfully OP, being able to bring ppl back to like and/or healing him. But their clones, Juo(rika) and Zeon, are just first stage level, who are just created to bring up despair, and analyse about intruders, but not personally KILLING the intruders or the foreign objects. (they call object from the OG gang like that). Then again, them compared to their og versions, aren’t that strong. Are they the strongest of their category? Yes. Are they paired to their original versions? Hell no. But then we have second stage soldiers that are naturally strong (Mayuko and Archeangel aka Nise and great angels clones...Oh and X, who is Miiko’s clone). And Second stage ones that aren’t naturally strong, like Maid mask, who was just paired up in strength to a strong angel, but nothing else, and now its paired up to people like Oribe who has Rika as her cloud (then again, a strong cloud,b ut his power is reduced due noodle form),and Asuka, who has Great Angel’s rod. What will happen now? Well, many stuff. First of all I don’t want it to end yet, but here are my takes: Well, we know Senya is coming back after talking with his alien friend (?, so he may get Oribe out of that issue when she is being strangled. The world merging may happen sooner as expected. That could mean, maybe, just maybe, the physical interference of the OG gang, no longer as noodles, since their presence its related to how the barrier (that its in a constant purge between Yuri and Daisei) its weakened or not.  I wonder if Daisei might flee with that, give a fight, or send a stronger clone. Hmmm... On the other hand, if the gang presence its stronger now, either be cloud is stronger or them just yeeting themselves there, that means MORE INTERACTIONS! (andsniperdad--). I hope we see other ones besides the main five, while i love the main five, i also like the other characters a lot, also lets have in mind Shika needs to see Hayami. Another thing, yes, during this whole ordeal, the Judges were investigating about Daisei, and while they aren’t sure if they can replicate bodies like he does (Iiiishhhh...) well they know, or at least Kuon knows, how to regenerate/resurrect people, but that takes a lot of energy and the hurt/dying person to have a will to keep on living, and honestly, I am surprised she hasn’t fainted yet--! Would the dimension merging somehow return her body back? Eh, its free to dream. What i know its that if the dimensions are united, that means Yuri could travel from A to B and, therefore, meet Nise again! And the crew of course! (well, after she rests because that whole things takes a lot of energy.) I rather not have my hopes up because Tenkuu shinpan Arrive aint as merciful as the prequel. Because honestly, it made me cry like at least 8 times. And Miura is not afraid to hit us in the feels, either be good or bad. What shall Daisei do? Oribe will be okay? What about the Mayu-Mayu gang with Juo(rika) and Zeon vs Archangel?! Rika will do something as a cloud? Shika will shoot? How long will Kuon endure in Nanami’s body?! WHERE IS THE SNIPER NOODLE?! And most importantly, if we have seen clones about almost all the main gang, and even some extras...Does that mean we shall face a Sniper clone soon?! (I fanon-wise call him Deva)  And how will his personality be? Because we have seen all clones are lacking on most of emotions (unlesstheyaredefective) Because if he is like how me and my tumblr bestie have been theorizing...This will be bad. Thank you for reading my huge analysis! Take care!
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
if you read my blog u know the gig. avoid those god damn tags.
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
Ah fck, this chapter did really fked me emotionally, didn’t it?
Again, this is from the japanese release, so ITS VERY FAR FROM WHAT IT IS SHOWN IN ENGLISH!
An i know maybe no one reads it in japanese so i will just put this read below for me to scream alone and maybe only maybe my friend elmax will scream with me, excuse me.
AGAIN, HUGE TENKUU SHINPAN ARIVE SPOILERS BELOW! LIKE FOR REAL! DONT READ! BECAUSE ITS SAD AND HONESTLY A WTF MOMENT! And again this blog is not spoiler free, so i the end you just start reading this, dont blame me.
Seriously im not joking this is a huge fucking mess, like, if you start reading this, its your fault honestly. WHAT THE FUC--! Cant you just give Sniper 5 MINUTES OF GOD DAMN HAPPINESS BEFORE REMEMBERING HIM HIS GOD DAMN TRAUMA OF HEARING AND LOSING SOMEONE IN FRONT OF HIM?! Like, I don’t give a damn what u think about this relationship or not, but when Kuon fucking died he was DEVASTATED! And it happened and its canon. He cares for her, and guess what?! IN THE SEQUEL HE STILL DOES! HE EVEN CALLS HER ‘MY PARTNER’ NEWS FLASH!  All that experience was a living hell for him. (And all that happened to him as well like wtf, being a mask, erasing his memories, brainwashing his brother,etc) And now you are killing the kid? A GOD DAMN 14 YEARS OLD KID?! IN FRONT OF HIM?! And he, again, CAN DO NOTHING! (magically I mean, dudes, his carotid artery was cut!) He is just watching and hearing how he is literally giving up and you can see his sadness and pain as he is watching the poor bean dying.  I knew the sequel would be dark and sad but DAMN, I wasn't expecting  it was ‘Lets make Sniper Mask live a never ending story of pain’ He is begging, and I mean, BEGGING for the kid to stay and not die. The SNIPER MASK, the dude we have seen the coolest untouchable man ever. The god damn husbando of the fndm! And he is desperate. Yep. He is desperate for that kid to keep on living! He doesnt want him to give up. HE DOESNT WANT HIM TO DIE! A kid he bonded with. A kid that admired him and was just as excited to have dreams as any 14 y/o would. He sees anything related to aliens and space and Senya just eeeks in glee! And Sniper just stares at him like any tired but happy parent ever. like ‘this kid...heh’. They bond to the point Senya trusts him blindly! And Sniper is happy with the kid. Yeh, at first Senya was sorta....hormonal and Sniper just stared at him like ‘kid, I’m judging you’ but they bonded far from that even! And now he is re-living that horrible situation he lived with Kuon with said kid.  And he is broken. And he is begging for him to stay, and he is trying to comfort the kid and reassure him by saying ‘its just a little wound, that he will be okay, that this will pass with a bit of rest!’  He even screams “Senya! I am begging you! Don’t die...!” He IS A GOD DAMN DAD! And he needs a hug. And Senya will live I know he will. HE JUST CANT DIE-- LET THEM BOTH BE HAPPY FOR PETES SAKE--!
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