evenmorestress · 2 years
A TFA OC writing game!
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The Deathworld- A Collaborative “Choose Your Own Adventure” Style Fanfic
I’ve been wanting to write something with the setting I designed a long time ago for my roleplaying game days. Why not let everyone take part and make it a writing game?
I write a base, you fill in prompts! Like a free writing Choose Your Own Adventure game. In the end, we can watch how one story changes from person to person.
The Concept/Plot:
Trapped after a catastrophic shipwreck, your OC finds themselves to be the only survivor of the crash. Quickly jumping from the frying pan and into the almost literal fire, they are saved by a minibot named Sandcrest. With their new guide, they must find a way home before the death world snuffs yet another spark.
That’s right folks, we are going robot cowboys.
[Rules and actual story beneath the keep reading!]
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Our Rules:
It’s essentially a more freeform method of “Choose your own Adventure”
Within the story, anything I put in bold is something you replace with the relevant prompt. So “OC” would be the name of your character, while “[Prompt]” would be an entire segment where you write based on the prompt given.
You can change any bits you want really, so long as the spirit of it remains the same. I need a beginning and end that lands on the same note, otherwise I can’t write future chapters if people decide they had fun
Be sure to tag it “#TFWritingWithStress” so we can all find it and everyone can see your amazing characters!
If you had fun, spread it around! Or even drop me (EvenMoreStress) some constructive criticism if you think of ways I can improve the format.
So, let’s get started!
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The Deathworld, by EvenMoreStress and Others
A collaborative transformers animated fanfiction, link to the google doc
A voice echoes in the distant shadows. It grows louder as white floods OC’s vision. Static filled diagnostics overtake their HUD, which are swept away by the sudden surge of light, sound, and heat. A wince wracks their frame but a muddled processor narrows in on the shadow above. Specifically, a face that is quickly coming into focus. 
A young minibot stands over OC. Short but sturdy, the tan mech is bouncing from pede to pede in a nervous jig. The poncho across his shoulders sways wildly in the searing wind. 
“Hey!” He says again. “Get up! You gotta get up if you don’t wanna die here!”
That quickly snaps the world back into focus. OC jolts up, pain lashing through their helm. The agony is enough to bring the world into sharp detail. It’s carnage.
A ship, OC’s ship, is in ruins. Nothing remains, all of it scattered across an endless desert. Not even a spare bolt is left undamaged. What could be salvaged quickly sinks beneath the swirling sands. 
In an instant, it all comes back to them.
[For this section, write how your OC had their ship end up crashing on Varmego 7, a little known death world covered in scorching deserts, near bottomless canyons, and vicious megafauna. It’s hot enough to melt circuitry during the day and cold enough to freeze energon lines at night.  The crash can have happened however you want, but your OC will be the only survivor if they were traveling with others.
If your character IS the ship, you can make overall adjustments as needed but it won't be as easy as flying off planet (the story can't continue otherwise)]
OC snaps back to the present as an increasingly panicked minibot smacks their cheek.
“Come on, we gotta go NOW!” The Minibot spins around, “We only got a few minutes before the dead pits swallow everything. So if you’re not hurt then get up!”
The mech takes off- bouncing between sinking chunks of wreckage. Even his minimal weight pushes each debris born foothold further into the gritty mire.
[For this section, narrate how your OC gets out of the crash site. If they step or fall into the sand then they will immediately start to sink as the ship has crashed right into a giant pit of quicksand. They are surrounded by the sinking ruins of the ship, their only safe footholds in the pit. The Minibot, Sandcrest, will already be tensely waiting at the edge of the danger zone when your OC finishes unless they need help
If your OC is the ship, then other parts of the story can be adjusted. The footholds can be debris from a rockslide caused by crashing against the nearby canyon instead.]
The minibot only relaxes once both of them are on relatively safe ground.
“Primus, that was close. Now,” he turns to look at OC, “No one ever survives crashing here! Who the frag are you?”
[Have your OC introduce themself however they want. Any mentions of rank or faction are met with an unimpressed look from Sandcrest.]
“I’m never going to remember that. So I’m gonna call you Survivor.” Smiling, the strange mini introduces himself, “I’m Sandcrest, a scavenger for Sanctuary City. I can bring you back with me, if you want? Not that you have much of a choice.” He looks at the final piece of wreckage sinking under the quicksand , “It's the only settlement in the star system. Only settlement in this sector of the galaxy, actually.”
Sandcrest is waiting for a response when a noise catches both of their attention. OC looks back at the metallic groan that echoes from the sand pit. They spot a distinct sparking from the final piece of ship as it disappears beneath the liquified dunes.
“Oh.” Sandcrest whispers, “That can’t be good.”
Seconds later, the pit explodes.
The desert lurches under them as the glitching engine overclocks, energy core exploding as it’s snuffed by grit and silt. Tons of stone and sand rain down on the two mecha, leaving them scrambling for cover. The small mech beside them loses his footing and tumbles backwards.
[Put in how your OC reacts to the impromptu earthquake. You can also put in how they feel about any hope they had of recovering something now going up in literal flames]
“Oh no… Oh, that’s really bad!”
OC looks down at the panicking Minibot. Sandcrest struggles to his feet and scrambles up the nearest sand dune. OC trudges up behind him, peering over the small Cybertronian’s helm. The sands shift a short distance away, splitting in half a dozen spots like the wake of a boat in the ocean. All beeline straight for the two mechs standing on the dune.
Sandcrest throws out an arm, grasping whatever of OC’s plating he can reach. “Don’t. Move. No matter how close they get, don’t move.”
The panic in the minibot’s voice is enough to catch OC’s attention. The waves get closer and closer. Grinding earth and scraping claws reach their audials, growing louder with each meter of ground the hidden creatures eat up. The surface parts, a ridged spine breaks through as the body beneath rises.
It vanishes with the powerful swing of a stinger tipped tail.
The waves disappear as the sand swimming monster dives deeper, ground sifting below their pedes as it passes them by. Moving at a snail’s pace, Sandcrest removes something from his subspace. As his hand emerges from the shadows of his Poncho, OC spots a grenade unlike any they’ve ever seen. Formed from a long pipe with a weighted spike on one end, it's ramshackle in its design. As if built from wayward scrap and wires.
The minibot grips it on either end. “When I give the signal, run and don’t stop until we reach the stone plateau.” Sandcrest juts out his chin, pointing towards a flat red expanse in the distance. He gives OC one last glance. “And DON’T look back. It’ll slow you down.”
He twists his closed fists. The object clicks then begins to loudly tick. With an admittedly impressive throw, Sandcrest launches the object several hundred paces to their left. It smashes point first deep into the ground. The minibot braces.
The grenade splits apart with a POP and starts to shake, sending vibrations deep into the dune. Half a dozen slipstreams burst to life around them, going straight for the trembling object.
“NOW!” Sandcrest leaps into his own alt, a small dune buggy that bounds across the loose terrain.
[Put in here how your OC reaches the safe zone, a large expanse of red stone in the distance. Your oc will get about a fourth of the way until they realize the creatures in the sand have eaten the grenade and are now splitting between going after them and Sandcrest. Your oc can use whatever skills they have to avoid them- be it combat, mobility, or anything in between. I won’t limit how you decide to play this. If you want an additional threat, you can bring in the factor of sand and how hard it can be to walk or drive on it. The intense heat may also be an issue for some flight frames. The creatures are about as large as a midsize car, with long snake-like bodies broken up by dozens of short but powerful legs. They don’t have any special skills when it comes to combat aside from biting, clawing, and leaping up from the sands below to try and drag their prey beneath the surface.]
The creatures break away the moment OC crosses the line between sand and stone. A jarring change in terrain, pedes slip and slide across the glass like surface.
Sandcrest transforms to root mode in a flailing sprawl of tumbling limbs. Finally rolling to a stop on his front, he jerks his head up. A ridged head emerges to peer over the plateau’s edge. Reptilian eyes stare them down a long moment before sinking back into the grainy abyss.
[Any reactions to the above or additional thoughts towards the situation]
A shaky burst of air leaves Sandcrest’s taxed vents. He looks over to OC, admitting, “I swear those things are sapient sometimes. We should be safe for now, though. They can’t swim through stone. Are you ok?”
[If OC is injured, Sandcrest will offer them a small medkit. It's as barebones as it can get with only a glitchy welder, some patches, chips of a crystal eerily similar to energon, and a bottle of coolant labeled “Only use when about to fragging die!!!!” Sandcrest will help if needed but otherwise will let them do it on their own while he takes stock of his own supplies and their location on a 3D projected map]
Sandcrest drags himself up, shaking grit from his poncho. “Let’s get going then. We have a few more hours of sunlight, then the real scary stuff comes out!”
The minibot does a quick check of the sun then begins the arduous trek across the wavering desert.
[Any last moments of introspection or actions for your oc, as a chapter 2 may come at a later date if folks want it]
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