#if people have fun we can do polls and stuff in the future to decide where we end up
mcyt-builds-contest · 12 days
I'm not sure where that previous anon is seeing people say that Ghost's Vault should be disqualified? I haven't seen ANYONE saying that.
If they mean the 'these bribes shouldn't be allowed', we mean going forward. Ghost's Vault won fair and square (or, well, with highly coordinated voter fraud, which is allowed and we did it too. So it's as fair as it gets for this sort of thing). It wasn't disallowed, thus it's not really something we can say should disqualify them. We're not saying 'no they shouldn't get their win', we're just worried that any FUTURE bribes of that nature could end in a very ugly situation.
I think some of y'all who think it's not a big deal haven't seen any of the horrors and think we're exaggerating when we say we're concerned about potential consequences. Like, please understand; Dreblr has had people deal with serious things like stalking, doxxing, and utterly deranged shit like people threatening to kill pets over MCYT fandom darma. It can get NASTY-- just look at what happened with the USMP and QSMP. People were in literal, actual, physical danger because of fandom shit.
While Dominionblr and their ccs seem fine-- lovely, even, and excellent opponents; we think highly of y'all-- we've seen other ccs (and their fans) dogpile on fandoms and ccs that they don't like.
The concern is that someone with that kind of mindset and that kind of fanbase might see the results of the previous poll and take the wrong lessons from it-- ie, that if they dangle goodies above their fans heads they can get clout. They might actually not release that stuff if they lose.
We've seen multiple ccs decide to get involved with various tumblr polls, so I really don't think that's a huge stretch to imagine someone deciding to do those kind of bribes again but not release the goodies at all if they lose.
What happens if a less chill fanbase genuinely loses something they care about? People don't always lose gracefully, and it would be so easy to point the blame at the winning team.
Does that sound paranoid? Yes, yes it does, and I fully acknowledge that fact! But it's a genuine concern because we've seen and been through too many horror stories of hatred and harassment.
Plus, again-- adding Actual Stakes for a dumb tumblr poll feels weird! It can make the other team feel like they're bad people for voting for their side and potentially making the others miss out on stuff they really care about.
While Dominionblr knew that their prizes would eventually be given regardless of the results, WE DIDN'T. We thought that us winning would lock you out of those prizes. There were a lot of people who felt guilty for voting, and that's just not fun! It spoils the enjoyment of the poll because it felt like we'd be huge assholes for pushing to win when there were Actual Stakes Involved.
Someone in both fandoms did assure the server I'm in that the prizes wouldn't be lost, which very much influenced me deciding to commit massive voter fraud. I don't know that I would have done it without that knowledge. But not everyone saw that message, meaning a lot of people still labored under the assumption that prisonfuckers winning would mean that Dominionblr lost a lot of really cool content forever.
All we want is for the polls to stay silly. We don't want to grapple with the ethics of potentially depriving the other side of important things for a fuckin' tumblr poll. Even if it's not us who goes up against a fandom like that, it's unfair to whoever does so.
TL; DR: Ghost's Vault won completely legitimately and Dreblr/DSMPblr has zero issues saying that. Nobody wants it disqualified. We're just asking for FUTURE bribes from ccs to be disallowed out of worry it could lead to harassment & generally suck the fun out of the polls.
Yeah I understand the problem, smaller ccs will want to interact with a poll about them if they find one, you cant really stop them from doing it, and this things as been made for fun and was never supposed to be some sort of accurate classification medium, just silly polls. But we dont need more drama in the mcyt fandom so I understand where you're coming from
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I was waiting impatiently for the poll to finish and dare I say, I have never been more excited for the next part- especially because this is set after the first installation. Now, one thing I'm sure all of you are curious about: can ghosts be stanked?
Much like what I said about Akumas, no- this simply isn't possible for, well, a few reasons but that will come later, so you'll just have to wait! (as for halfas, the answer to that question is also being left ambiguous-)
This does mean that whatever happens in the next part won’t be involving ghosts being affected by the Sorcerer’s magic- now whether ghosts exist inside Norrisville, well, we’ll just have to see won’t we? I do like to think ghosts aren't a common phenomenon everywhere because of other reasons
For now, these are my current forming ideas. Either Danny ends up in Norrisville somehow (which would be partially dependent on the timeline-), or Randy is sent to Amity Park as a result of... other reasons. This is a bare minimum draft to say the least and I have some stuff that will be included immediately and the rest will be added in as the series continues!
I will say that Danny’s going to be having a time if he’s the one to arrive in Norrisville. Poor Danny gets to go through the burner during a lot of this- he is one of the protagonists after all hahaha
Though I decided to use this time to explain some of the lore and information about this AU people are still interested in (which I’m admittedly surprised about-), so without much further ado- let's get right to the point!
Also, one last thing before I start: this takes place before the season two finale of RC9GN for what I feel is kind of obvious, but moving on-
Lore Dumping + Headcanons
Something that was canonized in the first installation: not all heroes are aware of another- due to certain restrictions and, well, some magic of the universe... a lot of the organizations basically were sanctioned off to specific locations as a way of maintaining the peace. What this means is that clashing will go down at first- perhaps not between the main heroes but say, a certain council with other groups but we'll get to that later
Norrisville does not have a high concentration of ghostly energy since there isn't a portal (natural portals are an entirely different story; i'm more referring about something like what's at fenton works-). This didn't really need to be said but just in case! I'm shoving it into the lore dump anyway
Randy faces a lot of pressure just for being the Ninja but without the added knowledge of other heroes- he's genuinely living the best life and having fun while still being the protector, though we all know this won't last. I also will say this is going to explore the whole thing with the tengu but I'm not sure how much just yet-
Could someone else be shloomped inside the Nomicon? Hahaha, you'll find out later- I thought about saying it, but decided to hold myself back for now. I will say this: the Nomicon is still a sentient being and, well, who is able to go inside it (since technically, in one of the episodes, Howard did but I'm not sure how far into the RC9GN 'canon' it's set in-) has some rules to it
Danny and Randy are obviously different in terms of personality- having them work together is going to come with its challenges, but I do think they'd have a good partnership going. They just have to get comfortable with one another
I'm trying to keep myself from saying things about future installations lol, but- I will say that so far, Vlad has zero connections to Norrisville. This one-shot is going to be a little different and that's all I'm going to say for the time being
If anyone's curious about the difference in strength between Danny and Randy- well, their methods of combat are different so, do with this what you will for now :)
As of right now, there are no confirmed ships within the series! To be honest, I don't fully see it as important but it may show- just... not right this second
So far, this is all I got! It's getting a little late and I am honestly really tired which means posting will have to wait until later, but do expect more content soon! I am very excited for the continuation of this project to say the least!
Goodnight, my lovely readers!
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leidensygdom · 2 years
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(I'm dropping the picture again for context to not confuse too much people who didn't see the poll the first time. The Interest check is still open if you haven't answered yet!)
So, let me get through some of the questions and stuff for the acrylic charms!
I'll preface this by saying that it may still take a bit for the designs to be available for sale. I'm doing a first batch of them to sell at a local con, where stakes are lower (because Spanish cons ain't all that fancy). If I notice any issue with this first batch's colors and such, I can correct stuff going further! If it comes out well though, I may start online sales with what isn't sold at the con, although numbers will be very limited since I got far less than what people have expressed interest for.
I want to make sure I get the entire process of online selling properly handled, so I'd rather start with a small batch and ensure it all goes smoothly before jumping to the big bit!
However, a redbubble shop should be arriving soon enough, even before the charms are available. Redbubble offers a lot of merch options (including stickers, which have been requested a lot), and it handles the shipping process, so it's a comfortable way to offer my merch without being too much workload. If people can think of other similar services they prefer buying from though, please let me know (as replies here or asks), I'll study my options!
Now, let me answer some of the stuff seen in the poll!
Currently I'm considering going for the standard acrylic charm for $12 and holographic charm for $14, and no glitter epoxy option, as most people who would prefer the glitter have manifested they'd rather get holo
I'm still studying my shipping options. I may up a bit the charm price but include the shipping fee in said price, as it may make it easier for me to calculate
DM is currently the most popular option, and monk is the less popular! When I sold stickers at the local con, this was also true
And now, to other questions:
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Pride d20 designs seem to be quite popular and wanted, so that's probably coming with a second batch! For most of the suggestions, I'd probably be doing them in different batches, focusing on the DnD classes designs first. I actually have a couple of fun extra DnD-Related designs I haven't shown yet, which could make for good charms too
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I actually want to use this one to redirect you at @boociforme ! I first made the class designs to go at a local con, and when Boo joined, she decided to do some of the classes, in a similar style. She's got 7 of them on Redbubble currently, and will offer them as acrylic charms. We did the order together!
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Nat 20 and nat 1 designs will come in a second batch! I have designs for these currently, but I feel like they could be very much improved from what I initially did.
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I actually dig a lot the idea of a double sided charm for this.... I'm taking notes-
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So, Pathfinder! The good side is that Pathfinder has a few classes that overlap with DnD ones. Our group is going back to PF very soon and I really love PF, so I'd love to offer options for it in the future, but I'd need to find the best ways to reach the PF-specific audience. I may do them as stickers and such for redbubble, and if they seem popular enough, I could potentially do charms with them too!
There's also interest for few varied things, like enemies (such as mimics), phrases and such, which could be considered. I may do a few of these and offer them on redbubble and such, and again (if there's interest for them), I could make them into charms too.
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To answer the second one: Witch and Oracle are PF2 classes, so these could potentially be done! Subclasses may be more finnicky, though, because there's +40 of them and the audience for each may be a bit too small to justify the work. I may offer these sort of designs as cheapish commissions, though. I could potentially bundle up a design commission + an acrylic charm for a set price tag, since I can sneak individual charm designs into larger orders
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As mentioned before, I'm planning to try Redbubble with these designs (and/or other sites, if people have good suggestions!), so stuff such as stickers, shirts, mugs and all of that should be coming with that.
I've been considering special options such as holographic stickers (which I should manufacture elsewhere, as redbubble doesn't give that option), but I need to think about this. I'm mostly concerned about the loadwork of selling individual stickers, as the entire process of sending a package can be quite timeconsuming, and it may be a bit too much for something worth 2-3$ (and the shipping may be more expensive than a single sticker). Maybe I could think of minimum orders, unless people have good suggestions for that
Acrylic pins may also be happening! A business contacted me to license them as pins. They wanted to do enamel pins first, but since my designs weren't make with enamel in mind, that wasn't doable. Once they get the pins running, I'll be linking them here!
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You would be able to mix and match!
Finally, there's been some comments about the design for the rogue one. If I do a Pathfinder batch, I may end up doing a different rogue design, so people have a couple to choose from. But that's plans for the future.
That was quite the extensive post, but I wanted to be as transparent as possible with how this is going and clear few doubts. I want to thank everyone for the interest shown and all the input. I got a lot of sweet messages there too which made me a bit teary so-- Yeah gods thank you so much!
I'll keep you updated as this goes on, and the check will remain open. Asks are also on (including anons), so if you wanna get any message across I'm all ears. Thank you so much again! (Also I'm tagging as long post because this got quite long!)
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kayzero · 1 year
ZWG Author's Notes | Prologue
So I have this thing where I think the text should speak for itself so I don't end up trying to explain my thought process in the end notes of every chapter. I've decided that while this stance is valid, people are interested in my process so I want to share my thoughts with everyone if they're interested. This also serves to share a space for people to talk about older chapters if they want - the notes I get on my poll posts give me inspiration, I really appreciate the reblogs and the screaming in the tags, it fuels me.
Alongside my thought process and decision-making, this post will also cover any lines I especially loved writing. If there's anything else you want to know about anything, let me know and I'll be sure to let you know and include it in future Notes!
This post will cover the following chapters:
Walking Into a Trap Interviews With the Damned Preparation of Demise
so if you're new to ZWG and you haven't read those chapters, please do so before reading any further.
Walking Into a Trap
For the most part, the Prologue chapters were written out of necessity for scene-setting and introduction. It's intended that anyone reading this story has background knowledge of 999 and VLR, but not necessarily ZTD since I know some people steer their friends away from the third game because it "ruined the series." I liked it well enough, I just found it a little lacking in some places, which is why this story even exists.
I use this first chapter to set a few things up to explore later: Akane's distrust of Sigma, her interest in Mira, her unease seeing Junpei, Maria's otherworldliness, and Carlos' eerie familiarity. There's also Diana's androphobia, which does get explored eventually, but less than I expected it would.
In terms of stand-out lines or passages, there isn't a ton, since everything is so perfunctory and introductory, but there is the Aoi-Phi relationship that gets teased.
"You don’t want her as a little sister? She’s adorable, and way more manageable than you’ve ever been!" “You know what? You can have him to yourself. I disown myself. I wipe my hands clean of him.”
That part was pretty fun.
Interviews With the Damned
One-on-one interactions, but mostly more introductory stuff, mostly setting up everyone's initial relationship with Akane. Out of everything, I think I enjoyed characterizing Diana the most - she's a bit of a rambler when she's in a chatty mood, and in the future I would use her for exposition more than anyone else (besides Zero's notes).
It's such a shame that I don't have Uchikoshi's trivia-brain and thus I can't make Akane more rambly than I've written her, her nervous tics definitely involve distracting herself with trivia and it doesn't present itself in the narrative like, at all.
Besides that, there's also the everything with Junpei. Besides his actual scene, it kinda dominates Phi's scene (which sets her up as a pragmatic sort of problem-solver) and little hints of him pop up in Sigma's and Mira's scenes as well.
I feel like I could've done more with Aoi's scene, but silent comfort before the big event seemed suiting at the time of writing. I'll just have to wait for [REDACTED].
Preparation of Demise
The start of this chapter is more prose-y than the rest of the story. Its significance won't be apparent for some time. I like writing prose, and stilted narration like this is useful.
Then there's the scene with Zero's assistant. Out of everything, I think I like this line the most:
But the bracelet didn’t suddenly become a watch. It remained a shackle.
The rest of it is pretty perfunctory, explaining rules and whatnot. In all of Part I (it will be readily apparent what separates Parts I and II when we first dip our toes into Part II), I think this and Dead Cat are the only places where Zero's assistant has a role in the narrative past game organizer.
And Candid, I guess, with them doing poses with Zero. I try to inject humor when I can, to varying levels of success.
And that does it for this set of notes! I'm not, uh, great at explaining my thought process, I don't have a lot of experience with it, so if you have any questions about specific scenes or lines, please ask! These notes won't be written on any sort of schedule (except that they won't ever appear on Tuesdays), just kinda whenever I have the brain power to write them. Thank you for reading!
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bandofchimeras · 1 year
Why to do things because you enjoy them for Catholic guilt havers with ADHD
First off: in Christian spaces the "rules" for how to be a good person are not often. Explained? aside from X is good bc it brings glory to God Y is bad because it hurts God. Highly ???? for any autistic or ADHDer trying to find the why, so we can build motivation to care about the thing in the first place.
Also most of deprogramming harmful cultthink is going, wait, why do I follow this rule after all? and how do I shift my values when guilt and fear are omnipresent goblins chasing me around my own metaphorical internal attic any time I try to "relax" and "enjoy life"?
Let's take for example, the notion of humility. Humility says you shouldn't do things for recognition and appreciation. Within Catholicism, it was based on this sense of pride being bad, yu have to give all the glory to God or....DIVINE WRATH but also, idk sometimes bad stuff will happen bc you got cocky, is the most practical way I could think of putting it.
But in secular United States of American fuckin adulthood, I'm learning that doing things for recognition as a replacement for "God Wants Me to Do This" sucks for other, much more compelling reasons.
Mainly, almost /no one/ will actually recognize your efforts, especially in the workplace. Especially if you're disabled and the basics are taken for granted, or you're poor, and surviving is a struggle every day.
1. To get any sort of recognition you have to not only stand out in a highly competitive marketplace environment, you have to recognize /yourself/ talk your shit, you have to put in 150% effort...if you're doing shit /for/ recognition, there's no way to sustain motivation through the down slumps where you're grinding your ass off and no one sees a thing you do.
That is the unpleasant reality of this system and world, most work is pretty thankless, and if you decide to have a chip on your shoulder about it, it just turns you into a bitter and resentful Misery Gremlin immune to life's tiny joys. Oh also, if you're a "minority" of any kind (read, an inheritor of generational exploitation and priming for abuse), you don't get extra thanks for the extra work, you get some half ass recognition sometimes that is usually exploitative (not compensating you fairly), MORE work and MORE people bitching at you for no real discernible reason other than their own unexamined stinky doodoobrain.
2. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE DECISIONS BASED ON VAGUE INTEREST AND DESIRE FOR RECOGNITION if you already have a hard time making decisions, because everything is cool, this will murder your drive. Yeah if would be cool to be an acclaimed chef or a rockstar or an astronaut or or or ...this is how kids think and unfortunately also me living in a cool delusion of future coolness and funness mostly based on an aesthetic understanding of shit at a surface level. However it's not much better to ask "what am I good at" or "what do people want" as guiding factors...those can come in later but as a starting point, suck. The world needs SO MANY things. And maybe you have a knack for 20 different little skills or you love everyone you meet and maybe everyone needs food but also shelter and also love and so on and so on. Who knows what people want, or what your real true talent lies in, before you just start doing shit!
SO. I'm gonna quote Mark Manson, author of "How to Stop Giving a Fuck" here: find problems you love.
It is a PRACTICAL and LIFESAVING decision to do stuff that you enjoy, whether for work, or as a hobby, or for recreation, that also requires effort.
Stuff you love so much you don't give a rats ass if anyone ever sees it but also hope they do bc it's so damn exciting to you!!!! Even if it's terrible and ugly because what a fun puzzle that was! It will keep your motivation stacked! It will protect you against the demoralizing leagues of Misery Gremlins at work who want to siphon any living emotion out of you with an HR flavored straw! It will fill your cup and you won't need the recognition because you had a damn good time struggling with your own sense of creativity and living authority! Fuck God! Fuck the Patriarchy!!!! Vibe la revolution!
This is essentially Love, because loving people takes effort but with the right ones you'll be excited to do it.
You can do the things you enjoy, even if it feels bad and scary at first! If you get stuck in the misery business just offer up the needless complications caused by your guilt complex for the souls in HR departments (Purgatory).
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evenmorestress · 2 years
A TFA OC writing game!
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The Deathworld- A Collaborative “Choose Your Own Adventure” Style Fanfic
I’ve been wanting to write something with the setting I designed a long time ago for my roleplaying game days. Why not let everyone take part and make it a writing game?
I write a base, you fill in prompts! Like a free writing Choose Your Own Adventure game. In the end, we can watch how one story changes from person to person.
The Concept/Plot:
Trapped after a catastrophic shipwreck, your OC finds themselves to be the only survivor of the crash. Quickly jumping from the frying pan and into the almost literal fire, they are saved by a minibot named Sandcrest. With their new guide, they must find a way home before the death world snuffs yet another spark.
That’s right folks, we are going robot cowboys.
[Rules and actual story beneath the keep reading!]
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Our Rules:
It’s essentially a more freeform method of “Choose your own Adventure”
Within the story, anything I put in bold is something you replace with the relevant prompt. So “OC” would be the name of your character, while “[Prompt]” would be an entire segment where you write based on the prompt given.
You can change any bits you want really, so long as the spirit of it remains the same. I need a beginning and end that lands on the same note, otherwise I can’t write future chapters if people decide they had fun
Be sure to tag it “#TFWritingWithStress” so we can all find it and everyone can see your amazing characters!
If you had fun, spread it around! Or even drop me (EvenMoreStress) some constructive criticism if you think of ways I can improve the format.
So, let’s get started!
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The Deathworld, by EvenMoreStress and Others
A collaborative transformers animated fanfiction, link to the google doc
A voice echoes in the distant shadows. It grows louder as white floods OC’s vision. Static filled diagnostics overtake their HUD, which are swept away by the sudden surge of light, sound, and heat. A wince wracks their frame but a muddled processor narrows in on the shadow above. Specifically, a face that is quickly coming into focus. 
A young minibot stands over OC. Short but sturdy, the tan mech is bouncing from pede to pede in a nervous jig. The poncho across his shoulders sways wildly in the searing wind. 
“Hey!” He says again. “Get up! You gotta get up if you don’t wanna die here!”
That quickly snaps the world back into focus. OC jolts up, pain lashing through their helm. The agony is enough to bring the world into sharp detail. It’s carnage.
A ship, OC’s ship, is in ruins. Nothing remains, all of it scattered across an endless desert. Not even a spare bolt is left undamaged. What could be salvaged quickly sinks beneath the swirling sands. 
In an instant, it all comes back to them.
[For this section, write how your OC had their ship end up crashing on Varmego 7, a little known death world covered in scorching deserts, near bottomless canyons, and vicious megafauna. It’s hot enough to melt circuitry during the day and cold enough to freeze energon lines at night.  The crash can have happened however you want, but your OC will be the only survivor if they were traveling with others.
If your character IS the ship, you can make overall adjustments as needed but it won't be as easy as flying off planet (the story can't continue otherwise)]
OC snaps back to the present as an increasingly panicked minibot smacks their cheek.
“Come on, we gotta go NOW!” The Minibot spins around, “We only got a few minutes before the dead pits swallow everything. So if you’re not hurt then get up!”
The mech takes off- bouncing between sinking chunks of wreckage. Even his minimal weight pushes each debris born foothold further into the gritty mire.
[For this section, narrate how your OC gets out of the crash site. If they step or fall into the sand then they will immediately start to sink as the ship has crashed right into a giant pit of quicksand. They are surrounded by the sinking ruins of the ship, their only safe footholds in the pit. The Minibot, Sandcrest, will already be tensely waiting at the edge of the danger zone when your OC finishes unless they need help
If your OC is the ship, then other parts of the story can be adjusted. The footholds can be debris from a rockslide caused by crashing against the nearby canyon instead.]
The minibot only relaxes once both of them are on relatively safe ground.
“Primus, that was close. Now,” he turns to look at OC, “No one ever survives crashing here! Who the frag are you?”
[Have your OC introduce themself however they want. Any mentions of rank or faction are met with an unimpressed look from Sandcrest.]
“I’m never going to remember that. So I’m gonna call you Survivor.” Smiling, the strange mini introduces himself, “I’m Sandcrest, a scavenger for Sanctuary City. I can bring you back with me, if you want? Not that you have much of a choice.” He looks at the final piece of wreckage sinking under the quicksand , “It's the only settlement in the star system. Only settlement in this sector of the galaxy, actually.”
Sandcrest is waiting for a response when a noise catches both of their attention. OC looks back at the metallic groan that echoes from the sand pit. They spot a distinct sparking from the final piece of ship as it disappears beneath the liquified dunes.
“Oh.” Sandcrest whispers, “That can’t be good.”
Seconds later, the pit explodes.
The desert lurches under them as the glitching engine overclocks, energy core exploding as it’s snuffed by grit and silt. Tons of stone and sand rain down on the two mecha, leaving them scrambling for cover. The small mech beside them loses his footing and tumbles backwards.
[Put in how your OC reacts to the impromptu earthquake. You can also put in how they feel about any hope they had of recovering something now going up in literal flames]
“Oh no… Oh, that’s really bad!”
OC looks down at the panicking Minibot. Sandcrest struggles to his feet and scrambles up the nearest sand dune. OC trudges up behind him, peering over the small Cybertronian’s helm. The sands shift a short distance away, splitting in half a dozen spots like the wake of a boat in the ocean. All beeline straight for the two mechs standing on the dune.
Sandcrest throws out an arm, grasping whatever of OC’s plating he can reach. “Don’t. Move. No matter how close they get, don’t move.”
The panic in the minibot’s voice is enough to catch OC’s attention. The waves get closer and closer. Grinding earth and scraping claws reach their audials, growing louder with each meter of ground the hidden creatures eat up. The surface parts, a ridged spine breaks through as the body beneath rises.
It vanishes with the powerful swing of a stinger tipped tail.
The waves disappear as the sand swimming monster dives deeper, ground sifting below their pedes as it passes them by. Moving at a snail’s pace, Sandcrest removes something from his subspace. As his hand emerges from the shadows of his Poncho, OC spots a grenade unlike any they’ve ever seen. Formed from a long pipe with a weighted spike on one end, it's ramshackle in its design. As if built from wayward scrap and wires.
The minibot grips it on either end. “When I give the signal, run and don’t stop until we reach the stone plateau.” Sandcrest juts out his chin, pointing towards a flat red expanse in the distance. He gives OC one last glance. “And DON’T look back. It’ll slow you down.”
He twists his closed fists. The object clicks then begins to loudly tick. With an admittedly impressive throw, Sandcrest launches the object several hundred paces to their left. It smashes point first deep into the ground. The minibot braces.
The grenade splits apart with a POP and starts to shake, sending vibrations deep into the dune. Half a dozen slipstreams burst to life around them, going straight for the trembling object.
“NOW!” Sandcrest leaps into his own alt, a small dune buggy that bounds across the loose terrain.
[Put in here how your OC reaches the safe zone, a large expanse of red stone in the distance. Your oc will get about a fourth of the way until they realize the creatures in the sand have eaten the grenade and are now splitting between going after them and Sandcrest. Your oc can use whatever skills they have to avoid them- be it combat, mobility, or anything in between. I won’t limit how you decide to play this. If you want an additional threat, you can bring in the factor of sand and how hard it can be to walk or drive on it. The intense heat may also be an issue for some flight frames. The creatures are about as large as a midsize car, with long snake-like bodies broken up by dozens of short but powerful legs. They don’t have any special skills when it comes to combat aside from biting, clawing, and leaping up from the sands below to try and drag their prey beneath the surface.]
The creatures break away the moment OC crosses the line between sand and stone. A jarring change in terrain, pedes slip and slide across the glass like surface.
Sandcrest transforms to root mode in a flailing sprawl of tumbling limbs. Finally rolling to a stop on his front, he jerks his head up. A ridged head emerges to peer over the plateau’s edge. Reptilian eyes stare them down a long moment before sinking back into the grainy abyss.
[Any reactions to the above or additional thoughts towards the situation]
A shaky burst of air leaves Sandcrest’s taxed vents. He looks over to OC, admitting, “I swear those things are sapient sometimes. We should be safe for now, though. They can’t swim through stone. Are you ok?”
[If OC is injured, Sandcrest will offer them a small medkit. It's as barebones as it can get with only a glitchy welder, some patches, chips of a crystal eerily similar to energon, and a bottle of coolant labeled “Only use when about to fragging die!!!!” Sandcrest will help if needed but otherwise will let them do it on their own while he takes stock of his own supplies and their location on a 3D projected map]
Sandcrest drags himself up, shaking grit from his poncho. “Let’s get going then. We have a few more hours of sunlight, then the real scary stuff comes out!”
The minibot does a quick check of the sun then begins the arduous trek across the wavering desert.
[Any last moments of introspection or actions for your oc, as a chapter 2 may come at a later date if folks want it]
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star-anise · 2 years
This is what the fight is like
Sooo, apparently the extremely tenuous and recent nature of the LGBTQ+ community's legal right to exist was not actually super widely known to a lot of people on Tumblr?
Which clarifies some stuff in retrospect. I have so often wanted to grab people by their lapels and shout, "Stop picking on someone for not meeting your entry requirements! We need everyone we can get, you asshole! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THEY HATE US OUT THERE?"
Aaaapparently... no, they did not know. Or they knew and were a conservative psyop preparing the ground for our loss of legal rights. Fun times!
So: Look, it is bad. Shit is scary. They really do hate us out there. You're not wrong.
But: This is what we've always fought. This boat we're in with its antique fittings and strange markings on the floor is a battleship. Work has always been going on in the basements, and when shit gets tough, we clear away clutter and roll out the cannons.
I found this chart a couple weeks ago and hung onto it because it felt like the map to my first 25 years on this earth:
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[Image description: A graph titled "Same Sex Marriage: Public Polls since 1988." It is from FiveThirtyEight's NYT column. It records the percentage of US Americans polled who would say yes or no to legalizing same-sex marriage, from 1988 to 2011.
The two lines begin with roughly 10% saying yes in 1988, and 70% saying no; the two lines gradually draw closer over the years, until by 2011, the percent saying finally dips under 50%, and the group saying yes makes a tentative reach for the majority. End of image description.]
After some great social change has happened, when everyone has admitted that gay marriage is very cute and Pride is a colourful parade, hooray, people like to pretend that it was just natural and inevitable and happened on its own. People just became less prejudiced! Courts just decided on a case! Governments just passed a law!
In reality, it was a vicious fucking fight, every fucking time. Every fucking where. There are a lot of people who deeply, sincerely believe that a hundred years ago, society had good rules about sex and gender and intercourse and marriage, and that changing those rules has made the world worse. They don't always agree on the specifics, but they can work together far enough to fight anyone with new ideas.
This is why we are a community. Even when we don't have the same experiences of attraction or identity, even when we don't do the same things, even when we have wildly different ideas of a good time. Because when these groups take aim, we're all under fire, and none of us is responsible for why they hate us.
In some ways I think it's a miracle that there seems to be a generation that did not grow up, as I grew up, constantly glued to news reports about What Percentage of Society Hates Us this month. I can't imagine who I'd be if my brain and heart and soul hadn't been tied up, that whole time, in the political question of whether I'd get to dream of a decent future.
I think that it will give us strength to have people who can imagine a world where no one hates us. Who believe in it so strongly they can taste it. That's my prediction: If you didn't know this was coming, you'll be a boon to us, because we have always needed joy so fiercely, in this fight, to keep us going on. We have needed drag queens and punk bands and "her wife" and safe space stickers. Parade floats and wedding days and little dogs with rainbow collars, badges and banners and meetups, because more than anything else we need to fight our own despair, and our fear that the world will never get any better than this.
It will. We know it will. We can taste it.
Look up to the history, organizations, and people who've got us this far for information on what forms of activism will actually advance our political goals. Look to the side to make sure the comrades within reach are keeping their heads above water, and that you're keeping enough joy going to stay alive. Look back to see who's more vulnerable than you are that you might have forgotten or been tempted to leave behind. Look after each other. Look after yourself.
We can do this.
To your battle stations.
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sonocomics · 3 years
A Hat in Time Discussion!
As promised a while back, I’ll be posting my A Hat in Time thoughts in a post instead of a video! I’ve also answered the questions you guys sent in a while back! So here we go!
(There is also a poll on my Patreon now to decide what game gets discussed next month!)
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(Discussion under the cut - sorry mobile users!)
I overall thought the gameplay was really fun! Hat Kid has enough moves to feel dynamic while not feeling too overwhelming either! It was really fun to just run around and explore the levels or even just the hub world, which is always a mark of success in my book!
That said, although I'm a bit foggy on it since it's been a while since I played (and for some reason I keep getting an error when I try to open my copy ^^;) but I doooo remember a few times where I think the camera screwed me over? It wasn't very often though, and is a common problem with platformers, so that's more of a nitpick than anything o:
The game is SUPER charming. I really love how it feels like you're playing a Saturday morning cartoon, especially with the different title cards for the different time pieces. Each world had its own distinct feel to it too which was super great! The writing for the characters is ON POINT and I KNOW I laughed a LOT while playing xD
Also Hat Kid is definitely a huge highlight. I love how mischevious they are, and I definitely said "Look how CUTE I am!!!" on many occasions :D
Embrace Cat@bones_joan: Any headcanons about Hat Kid's reason for traveling?
Hm! I've never really given it much thought. They seem pretty focused on getting home, and they use time pieces as "fuel". I can only think that maybe they're from the future and checking out things in the past?? Like maybe it's a vacation type thing where they're from. I can't think of the reason being too serious as Hat Kid's pretty casual about running around and exploring as opposed to "my people need me back home! D:"
ikebogard: Favorite level/ hat from a cosmetic standpoint?
Favorite level cosmeticly probably has to be Subcon Forest. I really like spooky things and shadowy figures and such. Dead Bird Studios is a close second though with how creative everything is with the sets and designs. As for hats, I'm a sucker for these two:
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Anonymous asked: Were there any Time Pieces you had a big trouble getting?
I actually didn't 100% the game, so I don't have full knowledge of all of them. I do know that one in Alpine Skyline gave me enough issues that I had to turn on the easier difficulty for it? I think it was the one where there was a bunch of lava. There was just such a big gap between the checkpoints and SO MUCH that could hit you, and without bein' able to regen it just got annoyin after a bit ^^;
askbodiddly: Which Director won Battle of the Birds in your playthrough?
DJ Grooves won! I liked both directors, but I really liked that DJ was nicer. In a weird twist, I think I actually prefered the look/feel of the Conductor's levels, while the DJ ones were a bit more fun imo o:
lapisamethyst: What did you think about the sense of progression overall playing through the game? By which I mean the process of unlocking and going to new levels.
I think it progressed nicely! Fast enough that if you were tired of a level you could go to the next one, but slow enough that you could really stick around and enjoy a level that you liked. Though I will say that personally I kinda like when there's like...an Event that opens new levels in games rather than just collecting x number of things. I think Banjo Kazooie had a nice mix where you needed collectibles, but those collectibles opened the picture of the world o:
stjustin-stuff: Did you ever try the multiplayer? Have you ever hit a softlock point in all the time you've played the game? Did you think for the cat level there should have been more cat?
I actually have not tried the multiplayer! Nor have I hit a softlock point in my game time.
And surprisingly no - the cat level had a good, substantial amount of cat. (o3o)b
Anonymous asked: How do you feel about some glitches in AHiT?
I never encountered any noteworthy glitches in my playthrough, so I'm very neutral! If glitches don't show up frequently in regular gameplay, I usually just find them fun/amusing! ...Unless they're gamebreaking, then UH OH
Anonymous asked: Questions for the ahit discussion. (1). What did you think of the cut content? Would you have wanted to see hat adult?
1) Not gonna comment on everything since there's a lot, but it's super interesting! Especially seeing that there were some older and way different concepts for levels earlier on. ...Also creepy characters. Gimme all the creepy characters. |vo) As for Hat Adult, I actually think I prefer just having Hat Kid! Hat Kid is SO. CUTE. And while Hat Adult is also cute, I feel like staying a Kid worked a bit better. Hat Kid's moveset is already so robust, I don't know if I could have kept track of a new moveset for an Adult version @v@
(2). What do you feel like the worst Time Piece was? Objectively and subjectively
2) I kinda already answered this in an earlier question!
(3). Did you feel that mustache girl had enough screen time?
3) This is an interesting question. I think having the first level of the game basically focus on her was a good choice, so it makes sure players meet her. I guess it could be argued though that depending on who's playing/how they play, they may forget her a bit by the time they get to the end of the game. I don't know if adding more focus on her would have been better though, as I feel that could have taken away from other characters like the Bird directors or Snatcher. I think it did well overall!
(4). If they made a sequel what would you want more of, and what would you want less?
4) HMMMM. Honestly I can't think of very much for this question? I think the game is really well done and well rounded. There's a lot to love. I think they experimented just enough to always feel fresh, but not so much that it felt "gimmicky". I don't wanna say "more of the same!" but...I wouldn't want a sequel to overdo it either. Maybe a power with the umbrella where you can float would be cool?
(5). What was you're favorite badge and hat?
5) I've already gone over my favorite hats, but for badges I like the Hover and Item Magnet badges. :x As for ones that you actually use, the scooter is, of course, a blast xD
(6). What did you think of the ending?(Did you give the time piece?)
6) I thought it was really cute! A little cliche, maybe, but that's not a bad thing! A little hard on the eyes at one point, admittedly xD (the funky psychadelic effects got to me for a second). I beliiiieve I gave the time piece. Whatever was the "nice" option xD
Annnnnd that’s all! :D Overall, A Hat in Time was a GREAT experience. Super fun to play and super fun to explore - loved the characters and the levels! If you guys have any further comments, feel free to reply to this post! It is a discussion after all :>
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zorilleerrant · 2 years
“love at first sight” is just a joke. or, at the very least, it isn’t real. and I don’t mean in the sense of ‘this is just a social script, a cultural narrative that ebbs and flows in weight and personal importance’ altho that too. I mean that, when people poll about it, most people - more than half of people, sometimes as much as 90+% of people - do not believe that love at first sight exists. and I do mean straight people, people who aren’t just straight but are so straight they don’t even identify as straight, just as normal. don’t believe in it.
when people talk about this, super frequently they’re talking about it as a trope, a kicking off point in a book or a movie, something that can signal to them that this is an endgame couple and they can settle down and get invested. a type of interest that doesn’t have to acknowledge the variety and complexity of real life, because we know it isn’t real life, it’s only fiction, and we don’t care about the parts where it simply might not work out, we want a story with a fun middle and a happily ever after, not a tug of war. it’s shorthand.
but in real life, this is different. and people will talk about it, even use it to describe their own relationships, but they aren’t talking about actually falling in love with someone right away, or even necessarily feeling romance. (I’m sure, in the infinity of human experience, someone has, but that itself would be just as non-normative, let alone uncommon of a life story.)
some people, they mean they felt potential right away. they mean, as soon as they started talking to someone, they just clicked. not in a different, separate, romantic way, but in the same way you can talk to someone and think, yes, I do think we’ll make good friends. with, only, the additionally component of being open to a long term romantic relationship, if it works out. in the same way one has to determine if friends are the kind who want to hang out and do fun stuff only, or share secrets and emotional burdens, or give advice, or teach each other skills. but this time with kissing. the thing they felt right away was that, eventually, this could be a good match.
some people, they mean they felt attraction right away. they mean they looked at this person and they saw someone they thought was hot, but more that they saw someone they thought was interesting. someone wearing their favorite type of jacket, someone carrying their favorite book, someone drinking their favorite fancy coffee drink. someone who spoke in a way they would like their future romantic partner to speak, who moved their hands in a mesmerizing pattern, who sat close and looked at them, engaged. someone who decided to share the same meal they wanted or go to the same museum. the thing they felt right away was this person matched their checklist for all the things they would most like to have in a partner without any of the dealbreakers they’re worried about.
some people, they mean, looking back, they can see then what they see now. they mean, even though they didn’t know the person, oh, here was why they were walking down that street, a life story they’ve shared together, that seems destined or fated looking back on it. the way they smiled and nodded back then was just a smile and nod, but seeing it from the other end, they can see how the smile blossomed slowly, as the person didn’t get the joke at first but came to realize it, came to laugh, something always endearing these days, after the relationship has long since begun. they can look back and see the growth of something important to them, the seeds that were there all along. they felt nothing right away, but can see now, even in the beginning, what would make them feel love later on.
or they mean they wanted to bone down and had to get that marriage on lock for it to be moral to bone down. this is a little facetious, but it’s another one of the major possibilities in the social script: someone else who fits the narrative, and the feelings never really change. this is someone who sees in the other person the stereotypical cultural markers for a good spouse and a good parent, and thus thinks they could easily pursue the neat little life that they’re supposed to want for themselves. they don’t actually experience an emotional (or even attraction) component right away, but just do quick calculations in their head and come up with a favorable estimate, which bears out over time. they don’t usually end up with stronger feelings, thus the love was always the same.
anyway, this is not to say that anyone’s self-descriptors are inaccurate or useless, or even to comment on people’s experiences of and relations to the cultural script or touchpoints of the narrative they’ve been given. that’s all highly individual and you would know better than I would. it’s just to say that everyone deviates in some way, bigger or smaller, and just because something is said over and over doesn’t mean anyone actual feels it, or that people who do feel it are feeling the same thing as each other. it’s all putting words in people’s mouths in every direction.
this is one where most people don’t believe in it, even the people who do believe in it mostly wouldn’t describe their own relationships that way, and the ones who do describe their relationships that way all mean different things by it, many of which are incompatible with the other ones. but even the straightest of straight most normative cultural script (in most of the USA and parts of Europe, this is certainly not an everywhere narrative even) does not expect “love at first sight” to happen and even actively discourages it if someone claims to be experiencing it at the moment.
sometimes, people are expected to begin feeling right away a) attraction (sexual, because ‘romantic attraction’ is usually just a polite/euphemistic way of saying pants feelings), b) romantic compatibility (i.e. the idea that long term romance and life goals fit together, such as number of kids, where you’d like to live, etc.), c) companionship (i.e. not hating each other, enjoying spending time together), or d) complementary personalities (e.g. one wants to work and one wants to stay home, but in less traditional goals, that they won’t egg each other on or feed into each other’s anxieties, that they cover each other’s faults or weaknesses). no one expects people to be in love right away, even in the most traditional, culturally conservative straight version of the story.
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joellesims · 2 years
some ideas if you want to keep patreon tiers
post wip pics- people love seeing behind the scenes processes!
polls- get your community in on ideas and find out what people want to see!
testers- aka a way for early access but people actually have to give feedback! this works best for mods but cc needs testing too! how many hairs with bald spots and clothes that just don't work did we get in early access tho can't complain about maxis not testing their content if you don't (ok yes you can still complain, complain a lot actually)
sims trivia posts- i've seen a few patreons with this! it's fun, it gets your community active, might learn a thing or two about this old old series
discord perks- special roles in a server, like mods or colorful names
post videos of you making content- even short clips of the process! just like wip pics people love to see how things are made
patron only livestreams- i'm pretty sure this is a thing you can do now? either stream you making cc, playing the sims (with your cc), or just chatting!
creator diaries- let us know what's going on in your head when you're making cc! your inspirations, what cc annoyed you the most to make
post sims moodboards, renders, or even a special story- content you make with your own stuff that isn't a download and is fun to look at! it's just an extra thing to make people happy! make the story juicy, drama, etc get people hooked and feature YOUR creations in it. product placement, in my sims soap opera? more likely than you think
Make a schedule with these things so people know when to expect it! It will keep people coming back. The best thing you can do is build up a back log and THEN announce what you're doing. It's a supplementary thing. get creative but don't break the rules
if people like YOU they will give YOU MONEY. If you've lost all hope because you can't monetize cc anymore you need to rethink some things. If this never made you happy and was only to pay the bills you need to find a new hobby, because that's what cc/mod making is, a hobby. it never should have become a job because it was never going to be permanent. the sims is always going to die some day. you need to plan for the future.
even if EA clarifies things and decides to allow early access, you can still do this stuff as a hobby. do not let a video game control your life.
lots of you are very very talented and should start looking for jobs in the gaming or 3D modelling industries. hell, even fashion or interior design! you could get paid so much more than what you get on patreon. gaming industry might be toxic but is it as toxic as this community? (yea... yea it is) build your brand without the sims and see where it takes you. if people like you, they'll follow you where ever you go
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btssavedmylifeblr · 4 years
I forgot to send on my voting story. Ok so my brother and I both got mail in ballots, and let me tell you how we both forgot to mail it in so we just thought to bring them to our voting location. The lady there kinda yelled at us? She was confused and didn't know how to go about it. And honestly I just took it because we were the idiots who didn't mail in our ballots. We had to rip them up and they just us new ones to fill out in person and submit. Not exciting, but a story for void snippet. 👀
Anonymous said: Hi!! I'm so excited for void! I voted today around 30 minutes before the polls closed in my neighborhood because I had to wait for my dad and brother to get home from work since they wanted to go all together hehe. It was a pretty fast process! We just pressed buttons on screens (compared to last election where we had to bubble in everything by hand) plus, I got to keep the stylus that they gave us and it works on phones too! 🥰🥰 Thank you! I love your writing so much 💜💜💜
Anonymous said: I did mine through mail me and my husband did and we went to the post office a little while back and then he took us on a nice little date afterward and we got ice cream! Also I love void💖 keep up the good work
Anonymous said: VOTES FOR VOID??? I love democracy and I love VOID! So since May I've (temporarily) moved back home from New York to Indiana RE: covid; I've voted absentee for the both the primaries and presidential election (I'm still in IN rn...blah). I voted early and mailed in my ballot for the presidential election (about 3 weeks ago). Made sure my family was voting (brother mailed it in, mom dropped off a ballot, and dad did early voting) and encourage them to put up a Biden sign in our yard <3
Anonymous said: HI BEE! I ALSO VOTED TODAY! IM 21 SO THIS IS MY FIRST TIME VOTING FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION (my 18th bday didnt make the cutoff since im a december bday) im so happy to have done my part! I made sure to study up on the judges and policies and everything! Luckily the polling place didn't have a line so i was able to get in, get my ballot, and fill it in right away! I even dragged my mom and cousin to come with me. I made a joke on snapchat to encourage my friends to vote too. It was a pic of my "i voted" sticker with a caption saying "omg youre so sexy when you vote aHaha" -🦙
Anonymous said: this is my first time doing this so, so i hope i’m sending this correctly! i voted early in late september by mail! i live in a swing state, so it’s really important for me to vote and not waste time!! bc of my age, this is my first time voting so i’m really nervous 😅
Anonymous said: I voted by email! I'm overseas so I wasn't sure if my ballot would actually make it through in time, so I decided to go electronically. Had to sign a waiver saying I understand that my vote won't be anonymous but I haven't been given a reason to suspect voter suppression/fraud in my state, so I'm happy I think...!
Anonymous said: hi, i voted early on oct 24th. my absentee ballot didn't come in, so i had to travel back home to vote (~3 hour drive). when we got there, there was a ton of people outside the polling place, but no lines, so i was in and out pretty quick. it was my first time voting, so i had all the candidates i was voting for written down on a tiny receipt so i wouldn't forget 😅. my mom was with me, so she voted too. took a pic with my sticker (mask on for extra covid-ness) and went home. drove back the next afternoon!
whippedforkook said: Hi Bee. 💕 I voted in early October - nearly a month ago! 😱 It’s been really weird with all the lead up to the election because it felt like it should have been done once I cast my ballot! A lot of my friends have volunteered to get out the vote: writing postcards to voters, texting, phone banking, working the polls, curing ballots. I didn’t volunteer at all this year, but I hope that all of my friends’ hard work and everyone else’s is enough. I’m also hoping and praying that I will be in a better place mentally for 2022 so that I too can volunteer. Our work starts with 2020 not ends. 💕 Wishing you well. 💕
begineuphoria said: I went and voted last Friday as it was our last early voting day. No way was I going to wait until today with the crowds of people in my area that still act as if masks are somehow infringing on their rights. 🙄 It was a rather normal experience for the most part. Other than having to use a coffee stir stick to press the buttons on the machine to vote. In and out within five minutes.
Anonymous said: I voted down the street at this pretty park this morning. I got up at 5:30 and it was freezing. Luckily I wore like 30 layers and stood outside for 2 hours. Some nasty orange man supporters were rude but everyone else was pretty nice. A really cute older couple was playing soccer with pine cones and kicked it towards me to play too. Not the worst time tbh.
Anonymous said: Did mail-in voting in California! Extremely exhausting and took forever to research all the propositions - they are notoriously tricky in hiding their flaws and one side tends to outrageously outspend the other. But in the end I felt really good about my research and decisions! No need for you to post a snippet for this story - would like to save that to read sometime in the future ;) Thank you so much for doing this!
joonsgotthejuice said: Votes for void??? I am here! I went last Thursday and it was chaotic bc I kept going past the poll place but the line was soooo long so my mom called me and woke me up like "its pouring rain and the line is super short get up I'm gonna pick you up" so thats the story of how I got dressed in 5 minutes and dragged my ass to vote in the rain <3
Anonymous said: i voted early on thursday it was cold and rainy but i went in the late afternoon and thankfully the only waiting i did was a few minutes for an elevator i got very lucky and while waiting for the results is awful the relief that came from voting in general was just great
Anonymous said: Wheeew the polls just closed and I finally got to cast my ballot yayyy ( I was the one working the polls from earlier) it’s been a really really long day and we actually had surprisingly good turnout. I saw a woman try to vote for someone else who claimed to be “helping” and I saw a woman who I’m pretty sure was on some typa something 👀 Overall though I really I’m really thankful for people like you who encouraged people to get out and vote. I hope the odds are in our favor❤️🤞🏼
chelsea-chee said: Hello Bee! Today surprisingly my elderly father wanted to vote so I brought him out with me. He only cared about voting for Biden, which meant I got to help decide who he should vote for with the rest of the candidates and amendments! Say hello to baby bee for me as well! 💖
Anonymous said: Okay I gonna got a chance to vote today and the process wasn’t that bad actually. I went in just now and it wasn’t that busy( thankfully) so no lines. I’m from Texas and it’s gonna be almost impossible to turn this state blue, but every vote counts! I love that you are getting people to vote and also sharing your experiences as well!
owl-orgy said: Dropped off my mail in ballot at a polling location! I originally wanted to vote early in person because I was worried my signature wouldn’t match closely enough but ended up just turning it in and double checked today to make it said “ballot accepted and counted”!
Anonymous said: I voted in person this afternoon, better late than never I guess. I was gonna go last week but then I got cramps from hell. There was no one in line in front of me, I think my county early voted because it was packed everyday the last few weeks
Anonymous said: I voted early a couple weeks ago. Exciting thing though that did happen was I got both my parents to vote for their first time ever.
Anonymous said: I had a mail in vote. So, I filled it out and dropped it in at the ballot box at my library. (I also checked out books for the first time in years, so I had fun!)
bubblyjiminnie said: I literally just finished voting. Lucky for me, the line and wait wasn’t very long, and it was a nice enough day that the short amount of time I had to spend in line outside of the building wasn’t too bad. My social anxiety when it comes to stuff like this tends to be high but that’s what I get for waiting until Election Day instead of going the mail in route. This was only my second time voting, but I’m glad that I did 😊
Anonymous said: I turned my ballot in last week :) I’m not a big fan of crowds and I hate make spur of the moment choices but despite that the first time I was able to vote back in 08 my Mom pressured me into voting in person because “you’d have to experience it at least once in our life”. And ever since then I comfortably vote by mail. I take my time, do all of my research, listen to music, and best of all don’t have to deal with people.
Anonymous said: here in Washington state it’s super easy to vote. I dropped my ballot off in mid-October and it’s already been accounted for! Mail in voting and drop box voting is fantastic and provides equal opportunity and access. Sad to see some people in red states misinforming Americans about it! We also have a referendum for implementing mandatory sex ed, including teaching respect, empathy and consent as part of the curriculum so I was happy to vote yes on that too!
unionrox006 said: I voted about 2 weeks ago by doing a mail in ballot. The other eligible to vote members of my household did the same. We chose to vote by absentee ballot because both my mom and I have an autoimmune disorder, so we have to be careful going out in the pandemic. Tbh, the ballot layout was a bit confusing at first as was all the paperwork and required IDs and documents. But my dad explained it to me and we got them filled out and mailed off. Kinda mad I didn't get a sticker for it though
bluetostone said: Love this and so excited for the next chp of void! I early voted a few weeks ago and because I live in a pretty rural county I was in and out of my polling place in a few minutes. No sticker though 😢. I live in a swing state so it could go either way in terms of delegates. Just praying everyone is safe tonight as the results roll in...though, won't we not know for sure for a couple of days or weeks?
Anonymous said: My mom, sister, and I received our early voting ballots a while ago and I took the longest to fill mine out because it was making me anxious :,( but I did return it before it was due. I checked our ballot statuses and mine and my moms were accepted but my sister’s said they hadn’t received hers back. Then she got another ballot so she filled that one out too and I took it yesterday 👍👍 I think she got two because she changed her address late so they sent two?
vixsynsblog said: Non-interesting voter story: I'm paranoid and live in a highly divided area, so I filed mail-in ASAP, mailed it a few days after cause neighbors are nosy and don't understand boundaries. Was able to track my ballot through my credit company, which was nice. Only thing I was missing was my sticker. Never got one✊😔. So I had to improvise and write it in pen on my disposable mask. I'm working all this week so if riots break out from either side, I'll be at work. Prayers for the safety of others🙏
Waaah!!! Thank you all for voting!! You are all my heroes. I am so grateful and proud of you. I’m sorry I ran out of time to respond to you individually. I’m going to drop two big scenes from Chapter 7 in gratitude (one of which will be familiar to my patrons and one won’t). I’m hopeful I will have the whole next chapter out very soon. Love you all!
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Void spoilers below the cut.
When you wake up in the morning, there are still no signed HR forms in your messages. Had you been a fool to think they were interested? How much time does it take to decide such a thing? Perhaps just by putting the idea out there explicitly, it had lost all of its taboo appeal. 
There is a calendar reminder waiting for you: Today is chili pepper pollinating day. At least this gives you an excuse to talk to Hoseok. 
You find the science officer in the lab as always, sitting with his knee up against his chest. Hoseok doesn’t look well. He’s got dark circles under his eyes.
“Hey, um…” You shuffle your feet. Want to fuck me? No wait…“You don’t look good. Were you here all night?” you ask.
He blinks at you, bleary-eyed. “Um, was I? Yeah.. I suppose. Lost track of time.” He rubs his eyes, before looking you up and down, then casting his gaze back to the floor. 
All you want to do is ask about the forms. Or the meeting. Or what he thinks of you now. But you don’t. “I need to pollinate the chili peppers today.” Usually Hoseok is the person who assists with that. “But I can get one of the other guys to do it if you need the sleep.”
“No!” Hoseok lurches forward, standing up a bit to rapidly and needing to put his hand back on the bench to steady himself. “I mean, I’m fine.” 
You should disgaree with him. He is exhausted. But you’d like more time to talk to him. 
Pollinating the chili peppers is both time-sensitive and time-consuming, hence why it took two of you to get the job done. There were no insects on your ship to do the job for you and if they didn’t get pollinated, they wouldn’t bear any fruit. Your chili peppers were your favorite crop. Not only a vital source of Vitamin C, but all your food benefitted from having a bit of spice added to it. 
You and Hoseok head for the greenhouse together. The intital set-up gives you something to talk about in the beginning. Hoseok gathers the pollen from one flower onto a paintbrush, then hands it over to you to paint onto the stigmas of each little flower on the next plant in the line.
Slowly the conversation dries up as you fall into a silent rhythm. Other than just enjoying the chili peppers, you must admit that this was one of your favorite tasks on the ship because of the high likelihood that the two of you would brush hands peridically. Always gave you butterflies. But today he seems extra intent on keeping his distance from you. Was he disgusted by you now? His hands are trembling.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
His hand twitches so hard that a little rain of yellow pollen cascades onto the floor. He curses in frustration before turning to face you. “Are you sure you’re okay?” 
“Um, yes, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“This, um, plan of yours…” he gestures to the vague tension in the air. “It doesn’t feel like you.”
“I’m trying to save the mission. That has always been my top priority.”
“Yeah, I’m still not clear on how this benefits the mission.”
“Yoongi said…” you start to say, but are cut off my Hoseok’s derisive snort. 
“Look, if you’re in love with Yoongi, just go date him, okay? Don’t feel obligated to include the rest of us out of pity.” 
You frown. “I’m not… I’m not in love with him. It’s just sex. Just biology.” 
“This isn’t you!” Hoseok argues back. “You hated the idea of anyone of us ever treating you that way. And now you just want all of us to… to… use you like that?”  He splutters out the end of the sentence.
“No one is using me! This is my plan! I’m in charge!”
He sighs. “Well, I can’t be a part of it. Excuse me.”
Taehyung finds you in the gym. It’s good to see him up and about, even if his arm is still in a sling. 
“Hey, so I need to talk to you about this, um, ape sex thing.” He fishes awkwardly into his pockets and pulls out his tablet.  Maybe Jimin was right. Is Taehyung going to be the first to take you up on your offer?
You pause your jog on the elliptical machine. You wish you weren’t so sweaty and gross for this conversation. Taehyung is such an intimidatingly attractive man with those strong eyebrows and that perfect skin. 
Taehyung opens up the tablet and flips to the form. It’s happening. He’s going to sign the form. Shit. Then what will you do? It’s one thing to say you want to have sex with your whole crew, but what if he’s hoping to go right now? You need a shower. 
Taehyung has really nice hands. Long strong fingers delicately navigating the touch screen. It seems totally improbable that a man this attractive would be into you, even if you were the only woman in the universe. It just adds to your suspicions that hormones are driving everyone crazy. Perhaps if you slept with him once, he’d lose all interest. 
He finds the form and then turns his gaze up to you, staring you down with those eyes. It’s a good thing that Taehyung rarely turns his full gaze on you, because it is almost too much to bear. Shit, is he just going to sign it? Is he waiting for you to give him some sort of signal?
“You can’t do this to Jimin,” he says.
“What?” Not what you were expecting. “Do what to Jimin?”
“This.” He gestures over the HR form. “Signing these forms with everyone. Having sex with everyone. You’re going to destroy Jimin.”
“Jimin’s the one who suggested this whole thing in the first place.” It’s a lie. You know its a lie. Or at least a gross exaggeration. But Jimin was the one who first brought up the idea of sharing. All for the benefit of the man in front of you now. 
“No way.” Taehyung scoffs, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. “No way was it Jimin’s idea that you sleep with the whole crew.” 
“Well…” You can’t bear his gaze anymore and look down at the floor. “He wanted me to sleep with you.”
That surprises Taehyung. He puts down the tablet. “What? Why would he want that?”
This is awkward. “He, um, thinks you’re in love with me.”
“What?” There is only surprise on Taehyung’s face. It’s actually a relief to see that Taehyung is just as shocked by that idea as you were. “Why does he think that?”
“I don’t know…” You feel kind of dumb now. Of course, Taehyung doesn’t feel that way about you. Look at him. “Cause you told him you were jealous. Cause you can’t stand to be in the same room as us…”
Taehyung bites his lip. “Oh, um, shit, sorry, that’s not what I meant.”
If Taehyung isn’t jealous of Jimin... 
“Taehyung…” He looks up, biting his lip. “What did you mean? Who are you jealous of?” 
Taehyung’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead he reaches for his microphone and mutes it. Out of respect, you mute yours as well. He glances toward the camera in the corner of the room, then stands up and begins unzipping his jumpsuit. 
“Um…” You are distracted by the golden arms that peak from either side of the tank top as the zipper reaches his groin. “What are you doing?”
“Need something to block the camera.”
“We have towels,” you mutter.  But he’s already stripping out of his shirt. The musculature of his back ripples. He hangs the shirt off of the camera to block the rest of the room from view. 
“Yeah, but this way anyone watching will think we’re having sex.” His chest is just as attractive as his back and you flush at the sight of it. Mercifully, he zips back into his jumpsuit as he returns to his position in front of the exercise machine. 
“You want them to think we’re having sex?”
“Don’t you? It plays right into your whole save the mission with bonobo sex plan.”
“I suppose.” Though the plan was also supposed to be that there would be no more secrets between the crew. “What plan of yours does it play into?”
“The one where Jimin doesn’t realize I’m in love with him.”
“You’ve never tried to tell him?”
Taehyung laughs wryly and shakes his head. “How would that conversation go? Hey man, I know we’ve known each other for years and I’ve already seen you naked and that you just think of me as a friend, but I’m in love with you. I know that’s awkward but now you have to spend the next twelve years with me, knowing that I’m attracted to you when you don’t feel the same way.” Taehyung sighs. “Doesn’t sound like a good plan to me. If he doesn’t feel the same way, I’ve just ruined the friendship for nothing and then I don’t even have that.”
“Yeah… I get that.”  There’s something touching about realizing that Taehyung has been fighting the same battle as you for the last two years. 
“I couldn’t tell anyone before launch because what if they wouldn’t let me go then? You know?”
“Yeah, the director wasn’t big on sending anyone who might ‘complicate’ the mission.” The two of you share a sad knowing smile. 
“Yeah… And I thought it would be fine, you know? I like women too. I’d just date women until launch and no one would know. I wasn’t planning on falling in love with my roommate.”
“I don’t think any of us really knew what this would be like.”
“I knew it was going to be a problem. I should have pulled out…” 
Your mind flashes back to that moment of doubt when Hoseok talked you into still coming on the mission.
“But I couldn’t just let him go off into space without me. Even if he’d never feel the same way, at least he’d still be in my life.”
The emotion in Taehyung’s words makes your eyes begin to mist. “You really do love him.”
“Yeah,” Taehyung sighs again. “But he’s in love with you.”
“Well, he thinks he is.”
“What does that mean?”
“He only feels like that about me cause he thinks I’m the only option.”  You wonder if maybe he would feel differently if he knew about Taehyung’s feelings. 
Taehyung frowns and shakes his head. “You don’t give him enough credit.”
“Oh come on, you know him. How many women did he date while we were in training?”
“A few…” 
“And how many of them was he in love with before he found the next one?”  
Taehyung bites his lip. He can’t really argue with that. “So why are you with him then, if you don’t think it’s real?”
You shrug, rubbing your arm. “He wants me. It’s nice to feel wanted, I guess.”
“You know you could have that with any man on this ship right?”
You scoff. “They’re all suffering the same delusion. It’s only-available-vagina syndrome. I just want us all to fuck and get it out in the open. Maybe if we could get it out of our system, they would see I’m nothing special. And then we can get back to the mission.”
Taehyung eyes you up and down. “You don’t give yourself enough credit either.”
You shrug. “You wait and see. Jimin will get bored of me. They all will.”
The two of you both slump backwards in your seats, mulling over your shared woes.  Taehyung bends down and picks up the tablet again. “So what should I do with this?”
“Obivously, you don’t have to sign it. I should have realized that not everyone would be interested.”
“Jimin thinks I’m in love with you?”
“Is it okay if we let him think that for now? At least until I figure out how to tell him the truth?”
Taehyung smiles and signs the bottom of the form, then sends it to you. Your phone lights up with a message. “Thank you,” he murmurs before he leaves. 
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brelione · 4 years
Endgame(Kiara Carrera X Reader)
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Request:with kie with a like super rich kook SO and bringing them to meet the rest of the pogues and they all expect to hate them but then not
Kiara had never liked you.Well, she had never reallly met you.She kind of just assumed you were a bitch.You were what Sarah Cameron thought she was, you came from a ridiculously rich family.
Your mother was a brain surgeon and your father was a famous actor so that obviously meant that you were ridiculously rich.Kie had done a lot of research on you, finding your name on your fathers wikipedia page and from there finding your blog where you posted videos of him behind the scenes and personal interviews with him on your youtube channel.
She was up for 16 hours straight watching all of your videos, memorising your intro song.You had a good one million subscribers, posting a lot of blogs and videos showing things that you had found on the beach.She would blush and giggle at your little comments.
 “Hey, beautiful people!Its your bitch and today im gonna show you guys my new surf board because my old one got broke on an accident.I mean, my wrist also broke so if you were gonna comment on it, trust me.I definitely noticed.So before I get into this video I just want to talk about mental health really quickly.”You paused to take in a quick breath, speaking a bit too fast.
Theres a new suicide game and its getting across social media really quick so please do me a favor and stay safe.It doesnt matter what the problem is now, its only temporary and suicide is a permanent solution.I linked some suicide hotlines and free therapy sources in the description so please just keep yourselves healthy and happy for me, okay?Okay, cool.”You licked your lips, calming down from the quick rant.
“Also drink some fucking water!Its hot out and I almost passed out the other day and make sure you get a snack because this video is already fifteen minutes long and im probably gonna be ranting for another hour.”You grinned at the camera.
Kiara bit into a carrot stick, her knees on her chest as she sat in the recliner of her living room. “Watching another documentary?”Her mother asked, noticing that her daughter hadnt moved in hours.Kie shrugged, focusing on you as you dropped your surfboard. “This is exactly how I broke the first one-fuck!”You laughed, picking it back up.
Eventually the boys started to spam her phone, interrupting her binge watching.She left her house with a sigh, walking out to the dock and waiting for the pogues.Thats when she heard your voice.It was quiet as you walked, wearing white jeans and a light blue button up shirt.
 “So you guys always ask me to show you the beach that I find all of my seashells at so thats what we’re-”You paused, looking over to Kiara.She quickly looked away, pretending to be busy on your phone. “Sorry guys, I just saw a really pretty girl.”You whispered to your phone, continuing your walk.
From there she finally worked up the courage to talk to you.She couldnt simply message you on instagram, you had hundreds of thousands of followers so her dm would get lost with all the others.
So she found her prettiest outfit and walked to your house, knocking on the door.You looked at her through the camera of your doorbell, knowing that you had seen her before.You set down your lap top as you were editing, going to answer the door. 
“Hi...um...hi.”She laughed, not planning on getting this far. “Hi, um...what’s up?”You cringed at your words. “Nothing much.I just live a block away and I just thought id say hi...im sorry.”She laughed again, becoming more anxious.
 “Its fine!So um...I dont know, do you wanna maybe hang out sometime?”You asked, leaning against your doorway.She licked her lips, trying her best not to blush. “Yeah, yeah ok.Um...could I get your number?”She asked, holding her phone.
You nodded, giving her your phone number and telling her to text you whenever.Once the door was closed and she had left you were a squealing mess on your couch, recording. 
“So you guys know that pretty girl I was talking about that I saw?Yeah so I just got her number and im low key freaking out-oh god lets just hope she doesnt watch my channel!”You laughed before finishing the editing process, uploading it to youtube.
Kiara got the notification while she was washing her face, watching the video and absolutely losing her mind.She buried her face in her pillow, squealing before deciding to text you.
Unknown number:hey!Its Kiara.Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?
You smiled, letting out a sigh.You screenshotted it, knowing that it would be fun to look back at in the future.
You:Sounds good!Do you want to come over and we can get coffee or lunch or something?
You:Works for me :)
You were anxious the whole night, trying to figure out what to wear.You couldnt decide, posting a poll on your instagram.They decided that you’d be wearing a dark green romper and sandals.You went to bed early since you’d have to wake up before afternoon, heart pounding.
When you woke up it was eleven and you were already behind, hopping in the shower quickly, drying your hair and brushing it, trying to get it to a soft texture.You didnt want to look like you were trying too hard, deciding not to use all of the hair products you’d usually put in your hair before a meeting or a date.
You got into your outfit quickly, pinning your pin back with bobby pins so you could moisturize your face, grabbing your box of beads and parting your hair.You braided the two groups of hair that framed your face, intertwining the beads along the way, securing it with an elastic.
You sighed, twisting a golden flower ring onto your pinkie before going down stairs to sit in your large living room, waiting for Kiara.Your doorbell alerted you to motion outside, getting excited when you saw Kiara walking up to your front door.
She was wearing a pink tube top, light washed jeans with her hair half up and half down, bracelets hugging her wrists.You got up, answering the door the second she rung the bell. “Hi.”You smiled, phone in your pocket.
 “Hi.”She smiled back, looking up and down at you.The two of you got into your car, you driving as you started your drive to a cafe. “So how are you?”You asked, realising you knew nothing about her. “Im good, what about you?”She asked, hands in her lap. “I was up all night editing which obviously sucked but you know, it is what it is.”You replied, biting your lip.
She smiled, knowing she’d end up watching the video. “Editing what?Like an edits account on instagram?”She asked, cringing at how stupid it sounded.You shook your head, slowing down once you got to the main road, searching for a parking spot.
 “No, I have a youtube channel.I kind of just post random shit and hope for the best.”You answered, pulling up next to the cafe.She nodded, turning to look at you. “That’s cool, what kind of stuff do you post?”She asked, resting her chain against her palm.
You bit your lip, glancing over at the cafe. “I post a lot of interviews and random videos of my dad and sometimes he’ll take me to a set with him and i’ll take videos with the cast.I got to meet Scarlet Johannson so thats cool.”You replied, unbuckling your seatbelt.She grinned.
 “Thats fucking awesome-were they in a movie together?”She asked, wanting to hear you talk more. “A show thats coming to Netflix soon, its kind of like a murder mystery meets greek mythology and my dad plays Zeus.We should watch it together.”You answered.
The car was cool but you felt hot, probably because her eyes were focused on you.She nodded, liking the idea of hanging out with you more. “That’d be awesome.”The two of you went inside, the barista grinning at you.
She had always liked you and liked showing up in your vlogs when you came in to get your coffee with boba.She looked to the unknown girl beside you, a small pout on her face. “What can I get for you ladies?”She asked, already preparing your coffee. 
“What do you want, Kie?”You asked, moving aside so she could see the menu. “Uhhh….whats a green frappe?”She asked, squinting at the menu. “Oh-its like a blended matcha latte with like mint and vanilla.It's really good.”You explained.
The two of you sat with your drinks, Kiara laughing as you stabbed the boba bubbles at the bottom of your cup. “You know whats cool?These straws are made of hemp plastic so its-”She cut you off before you could finish.
 “Biodegradable?”She asked.You nodded, glad someone finally knew what you were talking about. “Yeah!And the company is awesome, they have like 10% of sales going to help the Amazon rain forests and another 10% going to help clean the ocean.”You smiled, taking a sip of coffee.
The afternoon had ended with the two of you on the beach, taking photos of eachother discretely while you finished your drinks, searching for sea glass and watching the sun set.Kiara was freaking out on the inside, knowing that she was pretty much dating a celebrity.
It didnt take long after that first day for her to start showing up in your videos.You held your camera as you two walked down the beach, her hand holding yours and twirling you every once in a while, flashing a smile to the camera. 
“So we’re currently on our way to a place that Kie will not tell me about because shes rude.”You spoke, turning the camera to face you.Kiara simply laughed, placing her chin on your shoulder. “Uh...no its because im good at planning surprises.”She answered, grinning when you gasped.
Two surfboards were on the sand along with a blanket and a basket full of fruits, veggies and sandwiches.You cut the camera, giggling and pulling her into a kiss. “Love you.”She grinned, giggling.
 “Love you too.”You replied, looking down at the boards.It didnt take long for the two of you to be in only your swimsuits, grabbing the boards and heading towards the water.You clipped the camera to your board, making sure it was secure before stating to film, catching a few good waves on camera before focusing more on Kie.
 “There she is, showing off for you guys.”You zoomed in on Kiara as she rode the wave, twisting her body to get a beautiful spin on the dark blue wave.She disappeared under the water, resurfacing with a smile and hair on her face, swimming towards you.
 “Did you see that?”She asked, a proud smirk tugging at her lips.You nodded. “How could I miss it?”You asked, earning an eye roll from your girlfriend. “Shut up.”She splashed you, letting out a loud laugh when you splashed back at her.
Turning off the camera, laying on your stomachs against your boards, holding hands so you wouldnt drift away from eachother.It was heaven. “So...ive been thinking lately.”She started, a nervous look on her face.
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. “And I think I want you to meet my friends.”She tapped her fingernails against your surfboard, waiting anxiously for your answer.She had told the boys all about you.
About how you had a huge following on youtube, how your dad was an actor and how you lived in the biggest house on figure eight.She had tried her best to tell them that you werent like the others, that you were fantastic and humble.
But of course they didnt believer her and ‘would believe it when they saw it’.She knew that if she didnt end up introducing you to them sooner or later that she’d lost the chance to introduce you at all.
You nodded, considering it. “Yeah, okay.When?”You asked, hoping you’d at least have time to think about this. “Tomorrow.”She replied, wincing when you let out a small shout. “Tomorrow?Shit-Kie, im not ready!”You exclaimed, covering your mouth when you realised how loud you had been. 
“Babe, chill.Let me pick out your outfit and it’ll be fine.”She insisted.You gave in, the two of you paddling back to the sand, wrapping up in your towels and sitting on the blanket, eating some cutie oranges.
She spent the night at your house, holding on tight to you even though the two of you were in a king sized bed and she had more than enough space to spread out like a starfish.
The morning came too fast, Kiara raiding your closet for something appropriate for the occasion, pleased when she came across a black bathing suit and a yellow shirt along with some jeans, tossing them at you. 
“Babe, you gotta get up.”She told you, already dressed and ready to go.You groaned, finally getting up a few minutes later, slowly changing and not even bothering to pick up your pajamas.You were still sore from last night, stretching your limbs as you pulled the jeans up your body.The boys were spamming her phone, making her annoyed.
Dumb Blonde:Where are you guys
God:Are you bringing them with you
Trash Rat:Dont bring them with you 
Trash Rat:The place is a mess
Trash Rat:Kie
Trash Rat:Kiara
Trash Rat:Kiara Madelyn Klark Carrera
God:Where are you guys
Dumb Blonde:Wait are they the one with the dad that was in that one movie
She ignored their texts, turning off her notifications and sending you a quick smile, promising to get you an iced coffee on the way.You were half asleep in the passengers seat until she handed you a french vanilla iced coffee, slowly becoming awake.
By the time you had finished your coffee she had pulled into John.B’s drive way, hand on your thigh in attempts to calm you down. “You’re gonna be fine, babe.Everyone likes you, they just havent met you yet.”She grinned, getting out of the car.
You squeezed her hand, following her into the house.The boys were all sitting on the couch, looking up once the two of you had entered.JJ immediately looked you up and down, raising an eyebrow.You felt a bit insecure, trying to figure out what he thought of you.
 “This is (Y/N).(Y/N), these are the boys.Thats John.B, thats JJ and thats Pope.”She pointed to each of the boys.The tension in the room was ridiculous until Kiara pulled you into her lap, the boys looking between eachother. “So whats it like having a movie star as a dad?”JJ asked, the first one to speak up.
You bit your bottom lip, pulling at the skin on your hands. “umm...its really cool sometimes.Chris Hemsworth is a family friend so thats cool but like...I cant go anywhere with him when he’s home without getting followed around and there was this one teenage girl stalking him once and she was climbing our house and was watching me sleep.”You answered, relieved when you heard Pope chuckle. 
“Wait, actually?Thats so scary.”He replied, the two of you beginning to calm down a bit.You, John.B and JJ were all conversating about Chris Hemsworth, all of them asking a lot of questions.
 “Wait-who else have you met from the Avengers?”John.B asked. “I met Scarlet Johanson and Chris Evans.”You replied.Kiara smacked your leg. “You met Christ Evans and never told me?”She asked, outraged.
You rolled your eyes, pulling out your phone to show them the vlog that Chris had made an appearance in.Kiara was just confused as to why she had never seen it before you informed her that it was private. 
“Ew-ignore my face.Just wait a few seconds.”You told them, the phone between the circle that had ended up forming. “Oh my god!Its Chris Evans!”JJ shouted, staring at the phone.Chris had leaned over your shoulder, saying a quick ‘hello’ to the camera before Scarlet stole it from you. 
“This is Scarlet Johannson and I have decided to take over my new role as (Y/N)’s mom.Im sorry (Y/M/N) but they’re mine now.”She smiled.Her hair had been dyed a light blonde, red lipstick and light eyeshadow.
You had been freaking out the whole time. “Wait-will you ever see her again?”JJ asked.You hummed, sure that she’d be making an appearance for a Christmas Party. “Can you tell her I love her, please?”He asked, face red. “She reaches my vlogs-do you guys want to be in one?”You offered, remembering that you had your camera in your bag.
They all agreed, excited as you took out your camera, Kiara holding onto you. “So Kiara introduced me to her friends today and JJ has a special message for Scarlet.”You grinned, pointing the camera towards him. “Marry me, please.”He winked, giggling.
Pope flashed a peace sign at the camera, John.B sticking out his tongue and doing finger guns. “This is John.B and this is Pope, and then we have Kie as always.”You pointed the camera at her.She bit her lip, winking at the camera and making you laugh.
 “Oh my god- what is this vlog.”You shook your head, turning off the camera.When you had posted the vlog that night you were spammed with comments demanding JJ’s instagram and of course you had to give the people what they wanted.
JJ was more than happy to have a ton of pretty girls hyping him up in his comments, Pope getting a lot of attention as well.Scarlet had made sure to let you know that she had watched it and to tell JJ that he was too young for her but she was flattered by the offer.But then your instagram was being spammed.You were being tagged in dozens of edits of you and Kie along with one of you and JJ.But the comments on that one were so funny.
Kieand(Y/N)4life:bruh no
(Y/N)officialfanpage:no <3
(Y/N)officialfanpage:Kiara and them are meant to be bb
Kiara(Y/L/N):Kiara and them are meant to be buddy
KIEANDYNAREENDGAME:uhhh isnt it confirmed that Kiara and (Y/N) are dating?
“They’re catching on.”You told Kie, sitting down on the bed and showing her all the things you were tagged in.She grinned, telling you to post and make it official. “You sure?”You asked.She nodded, fixing her hair as you got ready to take a photo, kissing her cheek. She bit her lip, watching you type.
We are endgame.
@poguestyleskye  @jjtheangel @lovelyelinor @messuhp  @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @i-love-scott-mccall​
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m-c-coy · 4 years
Sero X Kaminari ghost au
Here's a fanfic idea I won't do anything with but I hope you enjoy!
Sero lives an average life. Average job, average looks, average apartment, etc. But he likes it like that.
The only really exciting thing in his life is his friends: Mina, Kirishima, and Bakugou.
They go out every Saturday night. Tonight being Mina's turn to choose what they do.
They go bar hopping for a bit until they get lost along the way and end up in front of a fortune tellers shop.
It being Mina's night to choose what they do demands that they get their futures read.
So they go in and do exactly that. Kirishima and Bakugo get told something about love making them blind, Mina gets told that she will excel at her new job (and upon request will be successful in love as well).
Oddly enough they all also get told that they will grieve the lost of someone they all hold dear soon.
Then Sero goes expecting the same but the old lady that has been telling their fortunes almost freezes the moment he sits down
"You will have a boring life full of disappotment and loneliness."
"That's nice"
The old lady quickly grabs what looks like a necklace that has a small obsidion rock with golden lines running through it like lighting.
She buts the necklace in Sero's hand and says he must keep it on him at all times if he wants a chance of having an exciting and fulfilling life.
He tries to leave without it but she says thats its free and he needs to take it. So he does.
Over the next week of wearing the necklace he notices some werid things happening.
And by werid I mean that he is now being haunted by what looks like a blond ghost his age in clothes from hundreds of years ago.
Sero tries to ignore it to see if it will go away but he won't stop talking.
"Hi! My names Kaminari Denki and I need you to help me cross over to the after life!"
"No thanks dude, I think I'm good."
But Kaminari won't leave him alone and keeps messing with his lights, throwing things off his shelf, messing with his TV, etc.
Its driving him crazy! Denki even follows him to his job! He can't take it any more. He wants him to leave him alone!
Sero's friends start to notice his werid behavior as well and don't hesitate to let him leave their next saturday outing early for "personal" reasons.
"Why do you keep following me, huh!? Why can't you see that I don't want to help you and instead bother someone else with your problems?"
"My soul is trapped in the necklace you're wearing...I have to go where ever it goes."
Denki continues to try and apologize for the trouble he has caused. He says that he was only trying to help him but Sero doesn't want to hear it anymore. He takes off the necklace and chucks it into the tree line.
And with that. Sero walks off and is free from the annoying little ghost. His apartment is quiet, all of his stuff is organized, and he actually has a productive day at work!
But its almost to quite now. His apartment dosen't feel as lived in and he has nothing to distract him when his work gets slow.
He soon realizes that he was a little harsh on the ghost that just asked for his help. So he goes back for him.
He goes back to where he thinks he tossed the necklace and begins to search but he can't find the necklace anywhere. He's panicking now becuase he thinks he just lost Kaminari for forever.
"Did you drop something young man?"
Its the old lady from the fortune telling. She has the necklace in her hand and scolds Sero for not taking better care of his things.
Once Sero gets back home he puts the necklace back on and can immediately see Denki again. He apologizes for what he did and asks if he would still like his help in finishing his unresolved buisness.
Kamianri of course agrees with his 100 watt smile and Sero can't help but bask in the light.
The mood is almost immediately ruined though when kamianri admits that he dosen't know what his unfinished buisness is.
Time to call in the moral support!
Sero calls over Mina, Kirishima, and Bakugo to explain why his been acting weird and for their help in freeing Denkis soul.
"So remeber that necklace that ildy lady gave me, yeah it kinda huanted and the ghost needs our help."
After Denki reveals himself and their shock wears off, they get down to buisness.
They ask Denki about his life and how he died to see if that could be any clue to why he hasn't moved on yet.
"Well I died from being struck by lighting..."
"Thats kinda manly..."
Denki tells them that he was tied to a metal poll during a thunder storm and left to die becuase the people of his town thought he was a demon in disgues.
They basically find out that he didn't have a life full of friends or fun and died to young to truly experience anything so they decide to go on adventures so that Denki could actually "live" a little.
They take him to the mall, site seeing, carnival, museums, game nights (Denki figures out that he can possess a controller and actually play with them) and even to the bars
All of them get closer to him and he feels like the finale piece of the puzzle making their little group whole.
Once Denki learns that it is socially acceptable to date the same sex, he becomes Minas wingman at the bar. Literally ghost pushing girls into her arms or stealing their items for Mina to "find" and give back
Kaminari is determined to make Kirishima and Bakugo confess their obvious feels for eachother. He give Kirishima peptalks about how they have the actual ability to be together and gives him old English poems to recite to Bakugo. Denki gives Bakugo plenty of time to confess his feeling by some how always getting the two of them alone. Whether that's sticking them in an broken elevator or locking them in rooms.
But now that the gang can see Kaminari, they can easily tell that Sero is his favorite person to help. He follows him at work making sure that his coffe cup is always in reach, holding elevator doors open so he dosen't have to take the stairs, catching stakes of papers before they can fall off his desk, etc. He does it so seamlessly that they don't even think Sero notices his actions.
After a few months of hanging out together the group is once again out on another Saturday night. They have already hit a couple bars and are now walking through the park.
Mina is texting the girl Denki helped hook her up with, Bakugo is hold Kirishimas hand as he drags them to a swing set.
Sero walks over to a pond off to the side. He dosen't even have to look to know Kamianri has followed him and is floating next to him.
Sero can't help to notice how pretty Kamianri looks in the moonlight making him look like he is glowing, but also solid. Like hes a real person.
"So, do you think that we are any closer to you crossing to the otherside?"
Denki shakes his head no and Sero mentally sighs in relief.
They watch their friends laugh behind them and Denki smiles. He's so happy that they found and are with the love of their lives.
Denki frowns at the thought.
"I didn't tell you the whole truth of how I died."
Sero turns to Denki completely as he tells his story again but this time he says why he was left to die by his towns people.
"I don't know how, but they found out that I didn't like women. Were I'm from... liking men is a sin or the act of the devil so...they thought it was best to get rid of me and cleans their town of evil."
Sero never wished so badly that he could touch Kaminari and pull him into a hug.
"That wasn't right of them. I'm sorry you had to go through that...but while you're here you are free to like whoever you want."
"What if...what if I like you?"
Sero pauses only for a second before smiling the biggest smile in his life.
"Well...seeing as how I kinda fell for you, I would accept your feeling for me."
Kaminari has a shy smile on his face and asks if Sero could close his eyes for a second.
Sero does without hesitation and its not long after he feels what could only be described as phantom lips on his.
When the pressure on his lips leaves his, he opens his eyes to see Denki moving way from him. And see as he starts fading away.
Denki looks at his hand then up at Sero with big water eyes. Or maybe thats Seros eyes. He can't really tell in the moment.
Denki gives him one last smile before thanking him for everything and then disappears from existance.
Sero tries to grab him but its useless. He's gone. He turns and walks back to his friends.
When he finally reach them and they ask where Denki is, he finally allows himself to cry.
They end their Saturday night outing in Seros apartment all cuddled together and mourning the loss of their friend.
Some more time has passed and no one has really recovered from Kaminari's abrupt departure. Mina, Bakugo, and Kirishima try to keep a brave face on for Sero's sake but they all feel the loss.
Because all things happen on Saturday, the gang decides to go on a walk around town as their activity. Mina brought her girlfriend along so now Sero has somehow become the 5th wheel and is not fan of this revelation.
His sad boy hours are cut short though when he is suddenly hit by a guy caring a box.
They both go to the ground with the box opening and spilling everything around them.
The guy immediately starts to ask if Sero is okay and if he needs help getting up, but Sero can't respond in that moment because he is staring at Kaminari. A Kaminari that he can touch!
The gang by this point is also staring and watching this guy ramble on about being new in town and helping his grandmother with some errands exactly like how THEIR Kamianri would ramble without a breath in between.
Kirishima finally breaks the spell and helps the guy pick the stuff up and asks if he would like help caring the stuff to his grandmothers.
The guy agrees and then introduces himself as Denki.
Sero can't talk or function right now. He is so confused but also filled with so much happiness he thinks that he's going to burst.
"I know I just met you guys but, I feel like I known all of you from somewhere... maybe we were friends in our past lives!"
They all laugh off the comment as they come up to a familiar hole in the wall shop that started this entire journey.
Denki greets the old women with his 100 watt smile as he introduces everyone to his grandma.
The women just gives them all knowing smiles as she ask for Sero and Denki to put the boxes into the back room.
They quickly put the boxes away. Sero had to stand behind Denki to put his on the top shelf and he couldn't help but notice the blush spreading on the others face before joining the group back outside.
The old women informs Denki that these lovely people have volunteered to show him around town and even invited him to go bar hopping with them.
Denki agrees immediately and Sero can't help but be thankful that his boring life got interrupted by the ball of sunshine now walking next to him.
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dropintomanga · 3 years
On Kodansha US’s New Tagline
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One of the North American manga publishers recently got a new revamp as Kodansha Comics became consolidated into a more centralized Kodansha with a new logo and also a new tagline.
That new tagline is “Inspire Impossible Stories.” I know for most fans, taglines are taglines. But I’m somehow emotionally drawn to it due to my own relationship with Kodansha-published manga series for more than a decade.
Where do I start with this? I think the 1st Kodansha series I ever truly read was Chobits when Tokyopop released it back in the day. But the first actual Kodansha-published series that really drew my interest was Great Teacher Onizuka. After watching all of the anime in the early 2000s’, I jumped in on the Tokyopop volumes. I still consider GTO to be one of the best “high school teacher” anime/manga series of all-time. Now that I think about it, GTO did something very notable and maybe impossible compared to a typical Shonen Jump story. It was a story about a former young adult gangster who decided to be a teacher in a high school class full of troublemakers. GTO went deep into real-life issues plaguing youth in high school. It made caring about the mental health of youth a thing before it really became a thing this past decade.
Also, I just remembered that Initial D (which is another Kodansha title) was a series I loved when I was a young adult. This is starting to sound like a Tokyopop appreciation post, but I know who the real MVP is here.
I remember a famous line in Gintama about Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine. There’s a code in the Shinsengumi that states all members should read Magazine instead of Jump. 
“Shinsengumi Regulation #17: No manga other than (Weekly Shonen) Magazine are allowed to be read within the confines of the station.'”
While it’s a joke poking fun at Magazine for publishing stories about delinquents and appealing more to older youth/young adults, it felt like Jump was for babies.
I browsed issues of Shonen Magazine in the past at a Japanese comfort food restaurant many years ago and it was full of series that I didn’t recognize or couldn’t get into. I did recognize a few titles like Fairy Tail and Air Gear, but the fact that it also had pin-up girls on their covers from time-to-time made me realize that Magazine was different from Jump. I remember one issue had a large fan poll on which AKB48 girl was the best.
A few years ago, Kodansha interviewed Hiroya Oku of GANTZ fame, who drew Inuyashiki for Kodansha’s Evening (a seinen manga magazine). When asked about how he came up with the idea of having a robotic alien superhero in the form of an old man, Oku mentions his former publisher, Shueisha, while describing his initial thought process. He says,
“When I was working on GANTZ on Shueisha’s Young Jump Magazine, I was more concerned about the popularity and sales figures of my manga. In that magazine’s culture, there’s an unspoken rule to make the main characters visually attractive. When I started work for Kodansha’s Evening (the magazine Inuyashiki is published in), there was more freedom. So I suggested going with the not-so-good-looking teenager as a main character. They green-lit the idea, so I started drawing the character in the manga.”
Let me put this out before we go a bit further - I love Shueisha manga series. I grew up on Shonen Jump. Their material always seems to captivate me somehow. They kept me interested in shonen for a long time. But because the fact shonen is the mainstream genre, I might get sick of it when the time comes. It’s why I also started following Young Jump series since they sounded more appealing. However, I do notice that with series like Tokyo Ghoul, Kingdom and Golden Kamuy, to name a few, the magazine is filled with stylish-looking characters that have greater appeal to a younger audience despite whatever mature tones they have.
But when it comes to Kodansha, their manga series are mature from the start and I don’t mean in a fanservice kind of way. Can you see series like A Silent Voice or Your Lie in April published in Shonen Jump or one of Shueisha’s other notable magazines? I'm not sure I can. It’s also noted that Hajime Isayama, creator of Attack on Titan, tried to get his series into Shonen Jump. Shueisha thought the series was a bit too dark for their tastes, and Isayama decided to try out for Kodansha instead and that’s where he’s been ever since as the series is published in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine.
So why appeal to that older shonen demographic? Probably because life isn’t some battle manga with friends that are there for you every step of the way. Hard work doesn’t always get rewarded. The idea of victory can also get very gray. You see more delinquents than overpowered ninjas/pirates in life. While Fairy Tail and The Seven Deadly Sins are two of Kodansha’s popular “battle manga” series ever, both series seem to subvert some of shonen’s popular tropes and/or have a certain edge to them. What’s funny is that both series involve a bar/pub/restaurant location where all the heroes meet up. Many older teens start to hang out in places like restaurants as their after-school hangouts.
There’s a lot of Kodansha series that I feel seemed impossible to tell for other publishers. I can think of titles like Tokyo Revengers, Blue Period, Land of the Lustrous, Witch Hat Atelier, Cells at Work!, Knights of Sidonia, etc. The lineup of shojo and josei titles is also incredible as well (Princess Jellyfish, Wotakoi and Chihayafuru are the best examples I can give here) Hell, Akira is a Kodansha title that’s still groundbreaking and evergreen as ever. Their tagline, “Inspire Impossible Stories,” makes sense as while it applies to their U.S. operations, a lot of job hunting students in Japan really want to work for Kodansha Japan.
While Shueisha does have a good share of its own “impossible” stories (Chainsaw Man was a title that impressed me), Shonen Jump is mainstream-friendly and safe to a certain degree. The stories I discovered through Kodansha made me realize how big the world of manga really was and what kind of stories were possible. While they may not have the biggest fandoms compared to Shonen Jump series, I can feel a certain vibe when I read Kodansha-published manga in that any mangaka working under them has their vision unleashed in a way that pleases both readers and the mangaka themselves. There might be a certain bias though as I’ve gotten to see editors from Kodansha Japan in person when they showed up for manga-related events in my area.
Kodansha showed me that there’s more to the manga world than just Jump. That’s why I love their new tag line of inspiring impossible stories. I think we need more exposure to new kinds of stories that speak to all kinds of people. I know people don’t like different stuff outside of what they usually like, but I believe those differences are beneficial in learning how to appreciate nuances in life when one gets older. Being challenged isn’t as frightening as it sounds. Those differences are trying to tell us something about ourselves. For me, it was “I really want something that isn’t about fighting super-powered villains and rivalries all the time.”
I have ambivalent feelings about my life during my 20s’, but Kodansha-published stories helped me appreciate possibility at the time when I didn’t feel there was anything to keep me going. So go on, Kodansha. Keep putting out impossible stories that are thoughtful and inspiring future generations of manga readers. Tell the world that impossible is nothing.
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moonraccoon-exe · 4 years
Hi, Connie. I know it's been a while since you did any headcanons and idk if you still do them, but I'm curious of your opinion. I realize the wall is one giant quarantine bubble, but the people are still free to do as the please inside it. How do you think each of the chocobros would handle an Insomnia-wide quarantine like what's going on in most of the world right now? What if one of them got sick (assuming a FFXV equivalent of COVID-19?) How would Regis, as King, take care of his people?
PS: Aparently the Keep Reading line is having some troubles. May appear right under the question (how did it get THERE?) or nowhere at all lol pls forgive tumblr he trying. 
It’s definitely been a while since I did any headcanons, but that’s because school has kept me busy like crazy, and when I have spare time, I put it into my two big fanfics going on (I don’t want people to wait too much!) but I’ll definitely keep doing these, every single one of them, until I finish, even if it takes me years and years <3
The ask prompts are one of my favorite things in the world so of course I’ll keep them going!
YOUR PROMPT IS SUPER INTERESTING!!!!! AYYYYY, let’s see what this raccoonie brain has there!! 
FFXV Insomnia in a quarantine
First things first, the government
Regis, as King:
Regis is going all the way into making sure EVERYONE can stay home.
Regis is going to ask the other countries to lend Lucis money. As in. M I L L I O N S.
“Your Majesty, you ARE aware we’re nowhere half to repaying that debt in a near future?”
Regis has brain and, most importantly, humanity. He’s definitely going to put the country in debt for the next 15 kings is that helps people right now.
Mostly because he’s aware it’s no one’s fault. 
Regis is announcing what he’s going to do to keep people safe publicly:
The next three months of any loans are forgiven. Mortgage, rent, water, electricity, and all the public services will be free for the next three months. If you own any debts, be it a house or a little clock, you don’t have to pay on the next 3 months, and instead that amount will be divided into future months in small amounts so it’s recovered in the medium or long run. No one needs to spend one gil in any of the basics, don’t worry about that, it’s covered, government’s got you, SO PLEASE STAY HOME. 
Regis is aware that some people can’t stay home because what little they earn is what they spend in basic food; Regis is going to spend lots of the money he burrowed in them.
Regis is going to pay as well to teachers and artists for online classes and entertainment, because he’s aware of the mental/emotional distress people can be in after certain time indoors. 
Regis is going to put most the money in the medical and cleaning services.
Regis is going to keep online and phone polls for people to fill in particular cases (I still need to go out because I need to go look after my mother each friday, I still need to go out because I need to go get medicines each certain time at this district) so the Citadel’s intel know best what to do.
Regis is going to make sure to have teams sanitizing public transport and places everyday.
Regis is a no-game man, dammit.
((Regis is the reason Insomnia only needed three months before being free))
Makes sure the media broadcasts not only the death cases, but also and most importantly the healed cases. Not gonna let the media get stupid with this for money or paranoia, no sir
Noctis, as prince
(Remember the game tells us he was a damn good prince as in politically? what a bean <3)
Noct was taken more off guard; Regis acted immediately like a (good) madman, Noctis still needed a bit to process it
Noct is who comes up with some ideas that Regis puts into action (the phone/online polls, the online classes, for example)
Noct too manages some of the intel going on during quarentine to see how the city is progressing and how else they can help.
Noctis is in charge of the interviews along the...health minister (?) everyday, while Regis stays at work and intel.
Noctis makes sure to do a livestream each certain days to greet the people, answer questions, or just have a bit of fun, and to remind them to stay home and to keep the spirits up. We know Noct would rather rot in boredome in his sofa because Sleepy Boy, but he knows the effect he has on his people, so he does the livestreams for them; to keep them entertained, informed, and simply to keep them sane.
Noctis came up with the idea of making an app/text service for those that suffer of domestic violence; “staying home” sounds easy to him because he has a huge house and a good family, but he’s aware that not do everyone. 
(Putting a keep reading here)
Sleeps it away lmao
Honestly Noct doesn’t have much troubles with the whole “stay home” thing. He likes home. He LOVES staying home. LET HIM STAY EVEN AFTER QUARENTINE IS OVER.
Noct has videogames and his bed. You don’t need to tell him twice to stay home. 
Noct sleeps most of the day. 
Noct decides to not shower everyday.
The only trouble Noct goes through is that his room starts getting super messy everyday and Ignis isn’t going to appear to help him out. 
Noctis spends his time doing homework and mumbling about how “teachers didn’t use to give us this much homework until quarentine, this is just their excuse goddammit fuck this shit”
I feel you Noct
Besides that, videogames, trash food, and sleeping.
It’s 9 pm, he’s in pajamas. That he hasn’t taken off in three days. 
It’s 6 am and Noct is out of bed. He hasn’t slept since 2 am.
What is this guy’s sleep schedule.
Despite the careless and carefree attitude, Noct still worries. He still has to stay the most informed, as the prince, of the international and national situation, and it sometimes gets stressful.
When Noct sees numbers grow and a gloomy future, he gets stressed but won’t say it; that careless attitude is his way of coping. Like pretending it’s not true.
Noct worries about the poor, too, and the low and working class. He too came up with more ideas along with Regis to keep them safe too and not force them to work while the middle and upper classes stay indoors like it’s not the big deal.
Noct thinks a lot about Prompto. He knows he doesn’t need to go out too much, but he also knows how much of a terribly, horribly emotional distress Prom is in when staying at his house for too long.
Noct takes up on video-phoning Prom, everyday. His best boy can’t be sad, stressed, or messed up, and he’s going to keep him sane and cheer him up everyday. 
Noct may or may have not ended up inviting Prompto to spend quarentine at the Citadel with him. He hadn’t finished saying it when Prom was already at the Citadel’s door asking to be sanitized before going in.
If he got sick, everyone around him would be more scared than him LMAO
Noct: so can I skip online school like this?
He’d be looked after with almost paranoia, there’s only two of the Lucis Caelum alive and honestly losing the heir and only one that can have kids at this point to the virus woulnd’t be very epic on history books
Noct IS worried, just pretending he’s not. 
Noct is going to avoid Regis LIKE A PRO. He’s going to ask to live somewhere else, will ask to sanitize his room and keep it locked, will ask that Regis gets nowhere near ANY of his belongings. Basically, Noct is going CRAZY over avoiding Regis...so Regis doesn’t catch it :’’( 
What a pure bean
Even if Regis tries visiting him, and even if the whole place is sanitized and like a little bubble away of the rest of the world, Noct will still not want him to come inside. 
Honestly, this is going to make Regis really, deeply sad and maybe even hurt. He wants to stay positive, but he keeps thinking of what if Noct dies to it, and not only dies, he’d also die without having held him for a last time or seen him.
They meet through the window. They phone each other and just touch through the closed window... :’) </3
Noct knows he may be over protecting Regis, but he’s honestly not going to have it any other way. He has way more than enough watching his old man grow old too fast from the Ring to run the risk of giving him this stupid virus. If he has to make his old man sad in order to keep him healthy, SO BE IT. 
He’s fine.
He’s just so cool with this.
“Ah, of course. A plague. It was our turn, as was expected.”
...w...what are you talking about, Ignis.
He’s barely impressed. 
Master of following instructions, they told Ignis to stay home and THAT he did.
The store? The neighbor? Just an inch outside his main door? NO. THAT’S NOT INDOORS.
It’s not that he’s paranoid, he’s just not bothered by the idea fo not going out and he knows that the more he stays home the faster this will pass that he just. Stays in, sometimes not even looking out the window for a day or two.
Ignis still phones Noct each two days to remind him his room is messy do something because I won’t, or do nothing, the cockroaches will help you with the crumbs and leftovers in a day more.
Ignis isn’t bored. He still has home office and paperwork to do, the poor, young, miserable thing. 
In his spare time he likes doing stuff he likes, as he normally didn’t have the time to do. 
Ignis is making sure to call the other chocobros to make sure they’re ok. He’s particularly attentive to Prompto.
Boy is having video calls with Gladio because Best Friends. 
Ignis attempts to do as your raccoonie; will try to finish two-week worth of his paperwork in one or two days t o have the rest of the time free LMAO
(I hope, unlike me, he’s succeeding at that)
Ignis worries mostly about others and the outside Lucis. He takes up on the advantage of being bros with the prince to suggest something, that Noct can suggest to Regis to make it better for as many people as possible.
If he got sick, he’d attend hospital and not go out until he’s 100% okay AND spent 2 weeks with no fall back into it. 
He’d thank the doctors and nurses like every five minutes honestly. Iggy appreciates they’re doing such high risk job, keeps admiring them. Dammit.
He would accept no visits. Is it the prince? tell him to FUCK OFF. 
Mostly the throne family Ignis won’t dare visit even after he’s healed.
Ignis is not overly worried about the illness. He has stupidly strong defenses and can see himself getting out of this. He worries just what’s normal but keeps spirits up with all the numbers of healed cases.
Go Iggy! 
Surprisingly, he’s taking this really well.
Gladio’s sort of more scared than the rest at the news; he was so prepared for physical enemies, the idea of an abstract, non-physical one suddenly sweeps him off his feet.
But he handles it well. So long he doesn’t watch the news.
Gladio won’t listen or read the news on the virus; he’s aware of it, he’ll take care and be careful, but he won’t read or hear numbers or updates, he’ll just live this out until it’s over.
Gladio takes his mind off it with indoor exercising, lots of it. 
Gladio’s job was mostly physical, so he takes on the advantage that he has nearly no chances of home office to do stuff he likes; mostly, this nerd will drown in history documentaries on KupoTube, will watch the equivalent of Disney and Dreamwork movies, will read like the world is ending, and will take up on online courses.
He likes crafts. Okay? Leave him alone and let him give his baby steps into watercolor painting. 
Gladio is video calling Noctis. To force him to exercise LMAO
Gladio is holding back a Desperate-To-Go-Out Iris.
Gladio’s not letting Jared go ANYWHERE
Gladdy it’s ok :’)
A bit paranoid when it comes to others, though will still be a bit paranoid about himself.
Gladio is mostly calm about it; just a few times every now and then he’s stressed and a bit too troubled for an easy sleep.
Video calls Iggy every day because Best Friends.
Iggy keeps him sane, the baby :’(
Honestly, Gladio also makes sure that Ignis is ok. Ignis is always looking after all other three, but Gladio is who’s most aware of looking after Ignis. Ignis won’t say it, but he’s probably feeling very lonely after a month indoors, as his family won’t pay much attention to him. Gladio’s making sure to keep him happy, distracted, and in good spirits, and in company.
If he got sick, he’d probably have a very bad emotional time at first.
Gladio would cry and think nearly for sure that he’s dead already.
Not like in drama, he would seriously get sad and be very, very scared :’(
Same than Noct, he wouldn’t let Clarus near him or any of his belongings, nor Jared. Not Iris either, of course, but he worries more for the older men.
Gladio would probably not do very well emotionally in hospital. He’d spend there the necessary time, but then he would probably like most to be in an apartment for himself if available or in his room without letting anyone near. 
Gladio will keep thinking of the chances to live or die, of how scary the idea of a virus with no cure is, will get really gloomy and negative on it.
His family try to provide emotional support, but every time they call Gladio just drowns himself in ideas like what their family would do if he died and it just makes him sadder
The doctors and Iggy are what keep his spirits up, to be honest.
The sadness lasts the first days. AFter that, Gladio’s going to handle the ilness like a DAMN WARRIOR
A new treatment and the consequences are unsure? BRING IT ON.
Whatever it is, Gladio’s HEAD IN FOR IT
Baby boy just needed some time to process it. After that he’s just taking it so lightheartedly, even the doctors get cheered up at his bright attitude towards it.
“You’ve progressed on a 1%”
What a beautiful boy omg
This one is the chocobro that REALLY gets hit by quarentine.
Prompto’s not hyperactive, he can stay indoors if they ask him to...the problem is his house.
Prompto gets easily anxious staying at home for too long. He spent his childhood locked away in there, isolated. No parents, no friends, nothing. He stayed locked away in what was the toughest moments of his life. He doesn’t hate indoors, he hates indoors at his house. It brings all of that back.
Prompto’s trying to keep all the lights on to make it less like in his childhood; gets easily guilty remembering the huge debt the King put himself into so he doesn’t have to pay for electricity and now he’s wasting it. 
Prompto gets easily anxious around food nowadays. Remembers it was staying indoors doing but eat what got him so fat and lonely.
(Prommy it’s ok, fat is not bad :(( this poor angel )
Honestly Prompto’s so busy emotionally stressing over being indoors at his house that the pandemic in the world isn’t even super concerning, it’s just as if there was a storm outside; he knows it’s bad and that not everyone can stay safe from it, but he’s just worried in his own situation at home.
His parents get to stay indoors with him for home office, which is as good as it is bad.
For some reason it’s not so comforting because it makes Prompto think of how absent they used to me. For some reason, it also IS comforting because unlike his childhood, at least they’re there now.
Prompto tries to make the best out of this and tries bonding with them when they’re not busy.
It actually works <3 They don’t get overly emotional or anything but they get to spend some good time together, watch movies, talk more, etc.
It helps Prom with the food issue that Dad does the cooking this time.
Good as his parents are with him during quarentine, it’s home, like the physical place what keeps gnawing at his emotional health.
Prom is going to try EVERYTHING to keep himself distracted. 
Iggy phones him constantly, which helps a lot. Noct videocalls him everyday, which really keeps him up.
Prom is taking BUNCHES of online courses and classes, bECAUSE THIS BOY LOVES DOING AND LEARNING STUFF
Week 6 of quareantine, Prompto has made his own jacket out of kitchen towels. It’s...actually impressive.
If he got sick, he too would be paranoid.
More than sad, Prompto would be openly scared and nervous.
The chocobros as a Four:
They’re having online video parties and meetings.
The four got a pizza each. They’re video meeting, and pretending it’s the same pizza lol
The guys are showing their quarentine achievements to each other.
“Look, I’ve let my feet nails long because I don’t need shoes anymore and I shaped them like I’m a dragon haha”
“Oi look, I learned a new trick with my yo-yo”
“Look how GREASY my hair is right now haha. what do you mean if I’m attending the national interview later like this, of course I am”
The chocobros are sending each other online courses that they think the others or one of them will like
They’re having one of those online movie in different computers together. 
Also multiplayer games because they can.
Ignis wins every time. 
The chocobros are playing a 4-members Squad mode in Battle Royale games. Noct and Prom are okay. Ignis is the Pro. Gladio is the bait.
Cor is surprisingly calm about this.
Cor is spending his time meditating.
Cor has barely any paperwork, as his work is mostly physical, so he gets a lot of time free with Regis’ politics for a proper literally-no-need-to-go-out politics. Meditation that is.
Cor is phoning Prompto each now and then, too. 
Prompto would answer happily that he’s fine and with no virus. Cor finally once tells him he’s not asking if he’s ok about the virus. Prom needed no more explanation and just said he was ok, if a little sad.
Cor is working out at home.
Cor is getting bored.
Cor is reading, watching series, or meditating, or cooking just for the sake of it.
Cor just has one problem.  He’s a workaholic. You give him no work, this man starts slowly having a meltdown and descent into the abyss of madness. He needs to die of stress, how else do you expect him to live?
The first weeks were fine. After the first few weeks Cor starts getting anxious about needing work to do.
Cor you stupid thing 
Cor is starting to get distracted in meditation because he keeps getting anxious about working in something.
Cor starts phoning Regis.
“Do you have any paperwork for me now?”
This is every two days. 
Regis COULD have given him something. Regis doesn’t. Cor needs to learn to know how to be AT PEACE FOR FUCKING ONCE.
Cor is making paperwork up to work on lol
Cor was diagnosed with the virus. They put the virus in quarentine for its safety. 
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Review Anon’s current policy post Tumblr Screw Up
Firstly, Submissions are working again. Seriously Tumblr, you suck.
And now it’s time to give you guys a current statement and policy. As you know, the Puppetmaster Arc was MEANT to be posted on this site, but because just before I submitted it the Submissions crashed, I was forced to use Google Docs. Now that it’s working again, am I going to submit the Puppetmaster Review again onto this site? And what of The Storm Dissipates Arc as now I’m free to submit them on the blog?
I’ll say this right now, The Puppetmaster Arc Review will NOT be resubmitted onto this blog. The reason should be obvious, it’s about 39 pages long. Not that my Arc Reviews been easy reads to begin with but that Arc Review is in a league of its own. Its staying on Google Docs and that’s fine.
As for The Storm Dissipates, that depends. Obviously, it’s not going to be as big as the Puppetmaster Review and will be more on par what my average review word count is, but I say it’s up to the Mod. Personally, I’m not a fan of submitting it on the Blog as I feel like the sheer word count breaks up the flow of the blog and it could disrupt the enjoyment of the blog. I’ll be happier to post them on Google Docs and send the link, which I can do PROPERLY thanks to Submissions working again. Also, I’ve realised that not only is Google Docs a good place for my Arc Reviews, it’s an EVEN better place than the blog because I can do stuff with Google Docs that is impossible in Tumblr’s restrictions. So not only would it mean that only the people that want to read my reviews can read them, and thus not negatively effect the enjoyment of them.
Speaking of reading my Arc Reviews, I’ve imported all of my previous Arc Reviews plus my Hibiki Analysis to Google Docs and over the course of the next few days, I will be providing links to them. I have mostly left these untouched but I have added a note at the end of each one stating if I left stuff out, if my current opinions on the Arc have changed and anything else I feel like it’s worth mentioning. The Mod did say they are thinking of making an extra tab to go to the Timeline when its finished and links to my Reviews. That way it’s an easy access, dunno what to call it though ‘Fan Content?’ There you could have a link to TV Tropes which has the Timeline AND my Reviews/Analysis there, and any other future fan content that people come up with.
And now updates on my future projects, firstly the obvious one, the second character analysis. I mentioned that after The Storm Dissipates is done, I will be doing my second character analysis. In light of the Mod stating that the Aftermath of the Puppetmaster is gonna be in two Arcs, I have decided to delay the Second Character Analysis until the second Puppetmaster Aftermath Arc is completed and reviewed. The reason being is that the characters I have in mind to analysis are probably gonna get a lot of development in this and the next arc so it be more time for them to develop. Also, another thing, what am I gonna do about my Hibiki Analysis, after all she got a lot of development in the Puppetmaster AND this current Arc. Well, every time we reach a mid-session (not counting this one) point or end a session every character analysis I’ve done will be updated. So, for Hibiki, I’ll update her Analysis when we finish Session 2. And just to be clear; I will be doing a poll on what order of priority you want the three characters to be done in. It’s pretty much confirmed by now that Chiaki is getting her own character analysis (which is a big reason why I’m delaying it, in case she wins) but the other 2 candidates might surprise you, or not. All three will be done, it’s just who to tackle first.
But obviously I need to make it up to you guys about the fact I’ve put off my second character Analysis. So as a way to apologise for delaying the character analysis, my next project after the Arc Review of The Storm Dissipates is A Retrospective of Session 1. After all, now that Timeline Anon has chronologed ALL of Session 1, its high time I give my thoughts on Session 1 as a whole and you guys see what arcs I like, what arcs I DIDN’T like and while obviously not as helpful to the Mod as my Arc Reviews, what I believe can be learnt from it. Because Session 1 is a very big learning experience and there is a big difference between Twilight Syndrome Arc and The Storm Arc.
Speaking of Session 2, when we finish it, I hope we get a big break from the Mod because there’s writing projects and there is writing projects. Because I have not one, not two but THREE writing projects geared up when Session 2 ends. First, obviously the Review of the Arc Finale. Secondly like Session 1, I’ll be doing a Retrospective of Session 2. And thirdly, my personal predictions what I feel is gonna unfold for Session 3. I didn’t do this beforehand because when Session 2 started, I wasn’t sure if I was gonna be a long-time stayer or not, and I had binge read all of the previous Session. But having seen Session 2 unfold live, I might have some ideas. And it’ll be fun to see how wrong I am. And of course, updating my Hibiki Analysis, my second character Analysis and any other Character Analysis I might have written then.
And that’s all I have to say. Ever since the Submissions went belly up because of Tumblr being a functional site, it’s given me a lot of time to reflect on how I’m gonna handle things from now on so here’s to that. See you once this Arc finishes and I do my review on it! – Review Anon
//Yeah, I don’t blame you ^^;
//I really look forward to seeing what you have to say. Really, writing this whole blog has been a learning experience for many people, probably none more than me : P
//As for yours and other fan theories, I imagine that this and the upcoming arc may throw many people for a loop. I’ve seen some predictions that have come close and others that were way off but really interesting to think about ^^
//You guys really are what make this blog what it is. Part of me still wonders what it is you like so much about my work, but given that I have a TV Tropes page devoted to it, you putting out great reviews and nearly 700 followers, I suppose I’m doing something right. Thank you very much for your continual support ^^
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