boolger · 5 months
i was tagged by the sweet @rosieblogstuff !!<3 anyone who wants to answer this too, consider this your tag 🫡💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 53! Somehow, haha. Once I'm done w thesis, it will grow for sure!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
608,326 words! 😳 i stresswrite
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now its only Macgyver(2016) and Call of Duty! I've made a marvel crossover, but not anything else. Once I'm done with uni and actually have the time to write and see shows without feeling like I should be doing other stuff, I will definitely write for more! I want to write something for stuff like Knives out, Phantom of the Opera, Star wars -- but mainly a ton of Macgyver and call of duty, lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? well, they've changed quite recently, since i jumped headfirst into the COD fandom and was welcomed very nicely! So, right now, theyre:
Adventures of 141's bunny (1,502 kudos😳😳)- Call of Duty
Mami's omega (448 kudos) - Call of Duty
The Heron Club (363 kudos) - Call of Duty
Warm water (150 kudos) - Macgyver
A pregnant night (144 kudos) - Macgyver
Im very grateful for each single kudos !!💖🥰
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, or I try now! It was easier when I was only in the macgyver fandom, since it is much smaller, but now in the Call of Duty fandom, i'm afraid I simply cannot keep up! So if I don’t reply to your comment, I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be rude or anything!👉👈
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
phew, that is one good question, because I honestly don't know. I have a tendency to end things either happy and hopeful like, or dark and like, with the vibe of things just being uncertain but not necersarily angsty? Lmk if im wrong lmao. I think the closest is in A dog needs a garden, but then again, its not really angsty - at least not to the characters. just... dark.🤷‍♀️
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hm. I mean, in my two fics Sir and his good boy and my baby’s got a gun (that I struggle to read myself now bc while I do have a soft spot for them, I hate my writing lol.) I make poor Mac go through a lot of shit, and they both end up on a happy or hopeful note- so those two, I guess? For now, heh.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
mmm, not really. When I do get some questionable comments, I either just answer in a jokingly manner or ignore it. I think I've only deleted one comment, lol. 💀
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
hah, YES. what don't I write. Despite being ace and not really being interested in sex irl, I sure do write a lot of smutty smut. I mostly write kinky stuff, a lot of BDSM ones. A lot of darker stuff too. I mean, out of 53 fics I think maybe 13 ish of them doesn’t have smut in them? So yeah, I write a bunch of smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Well, I've only written three (so far) lol. Two of them was just... Angus Macgyver and Jack Dalton having a threesome with a character from a different fandom, LMAO. I've written them having a threesome with Bucky Barnes from marvel and then one with Simon Ghost Riley from Call of Duty. The craziest one technically isn’t a crossover lmao, more just the fact that I made twilight vampires canon in a Macgyver fic I wrote once 💀😂 it’s called this is the skin of a killer, Jack and yes, I find it funny and stupid myself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not, lol. So no, at least not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Uh, no, again, not that I know of, lmao.👀
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Mmm, not technically, no. I don't talk often with a lot of fanfic writers, (im shy and idk how to become friends with people) but I do have 2 wonderful sweet friends I met through the macgyver fandom, whom i'm very grateful for and love lots. (They adopted my imposter ass who hadn’t even seen the show) They have managed to deal w my annoying ass for like... almost 2 years, I think and somehow isn't scared away yet. So, what I was going with that is, no, i've not co-written anything, but they do spar a lot with me and we discuss ideas and such, hehe. They've def helped me with a lot of fics.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
That is one good question that I honestly don't know the answer of. I'm pretty open to most ships, as long as they're written well in the fic or the show. (and legal. and not *ncest or pseudo *ncest.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
don't call me out like this, I have a lot of WIPS. But honestly? Probably Wet footprints on the wooden floor (Macgyver). A part of me wants to, but its been like 1,5year or so, i think. At this point I would probably just delete it, then rewrite the entire thing and post it again, lol, because I do like the concept.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't know, actually. I like to think I write somewhat interesting plots whenever I'm trying not to just write pure smut. But eh, idk. I think I have an okay sense of humor too? but I am also biased.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Weird sentences! English isn't my first language, Danish is! and the structure of a sentence can be very different in Danish, so sometimes my English sentences ends up weird bc they're translated, lol. I'm working on it and I have definitely become better ver since writing my first fanfic, lol.🤷‍♀️
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like to read it, but I struggle with writing it! It's hard, especially when you dont speak a certain language. I sometimes go with google translate, but I've tried just writing it like this when its in another language, lol. so ye, fun but hard.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Eh, i mean, I wrote a fanfic or two when I was like 15 or something, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember what for. probably marvel or twilight or something😂
If we go with the boolger account time-line, then it's Macgyver!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
don't make me choose between my babies. So I shall cheat the system and mention some of my fav.
The many deaths of a phoenix(macgyver), since I like the plot ideas lol, even though I feel stuck with it atm.
Lovers in the garden of Eden (macgyver) (dead dove dont eat) which is def fucked up, not the worst kind I've written but still. It has a special place in my dark, f'ed up heart. 🖤
Do you think I'm broken? (macgyver) bc I tried to voice a lot of my own gender struggles through it lol.
and finally, i am a lil proud of So long as I'm your favorite toy(COD) heh.
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birdmaam · 11 months
Small personal rant
Five days until my thesis desdline and I'm stresswriting the last bit. The next couple of days may be hard, but at this point I only care about passing and not about the grade. And as a treat for when I'm done, I have a couple of episodes of the new season of Stormester (Danish Taskmaster), new episodes of my favourite animes, and several long fanfics on my read later list.
So hopefully, everything will turn out fine. At this point I'm still optimistic about my chances of graduating.
Might also go home to see my father and have someone else cook for me while i wait for the results.
I'm just done now. This whole year has been one long burnout and I can't wait to be done with uni.
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evenmorestress · 2 years
A TFA OC writing game!
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The Deathworld- A Collaborative “Choose Your Own Adventure” Style Fanfic
I’ve been wanting to write something with the setting I designed a long time ago for my roleplaying game days. Why not let everyone take part and make it a writing game?
I write a base, you fill in prompts! Like a free writing Choose Your Own Adventure game. In the end, we can watch how one story changes from person to person.
The Concept/Plot:
Trapped after a catastrophic shipwreck, your OC finds themselves to be the only survivor of the crash. Quickly jumping from the frying pan and into the almost literal fire, they are saved by a minibot named Sandcrest. With their new guide, they must find a way home before the death world snuffs yet another spark.
That’s right folks, we are going robot cowboys.
[Rules and actual story beneath the keep reading!]
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Our Rules:
It’s essentially a more freeform method of “Choose your own Adventure”
Within the story, anything I put in bold is something you replace with the relevant prompt. So “OC” would be the name of your character, while “[Prompt]” would be an entire segment where you write based on the prompt given.
You can change any bits you want really, so long as the spirit of it remains the same. I need a beginning and end that lands on the same note, otherwise I can’t write future chapters if people decide they had fun
Be sure to tag it “#TFWritingWithStress” so we can all find it and everyone can see your amazing characters!
If you had fun, spread it around! Or even drop me (EvenMoreStress) some constructive criticism if you think of ways I can improve the format.
So, let’s get started!
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The Deathworld, by EvenMoreStress and Others
A collaborative transformers animated fanfiction, link to the google doc
A voice echoes in the distant shadows. It grows louder as white floods OC’s vision. Static filled diagnostics overtake their HUD, which are swept away by the sudden surge of light, sound, and heat. A wince wracks their frame but a muddled processor narrows in on the shadow above. Specifically, a face that is quickly coming into focus. 
A young minibot stands over OC. Short but sturdy, the tan mech is bouncing from pede to pede in a nervous jig. The poncho across his shoulders sways wildly in the searing wind. 
“Hey!” He says again. “Get up! You gotta get up if you don’t wanna die here!”
That quickly snaps the world back into focus. OC jolts up, pain lashing through their helm. The agony is enough to bring the world into sharp detail. It’s carnage.
A ship, OC’s ship, is in ruins. Nothing remains, all of it scattered across an endless desert. Not even a spare bolt is left undamaged. What could be salvaged quickly sinks beneath the swirling sands. 
In an instant, it all comes back to them.
[For this section, write how your OC had their ship end up crashing on Varmego 7, a little known death world covered in scorching deserts, near bottomless canyons, and vicious megafauna. It’s hot enough to melt circuitry during the day and cold enough to freeze energon lines at night.  The crash can have happened however you want, but your OC will be the only survivor if they were traveling with others.
If your character IS the ship, you can make overall adjustments as needed but it won't be as easy as flying off planet (the story can't continue otherwise)]
OC snaps back to the present as an increasingly panicked minibot smacks their cheek.
“Come on, we gotta go NOW!” The Minibot spins around, “We only got a few minutes before the dead pits swallow everything. So if you’re not hurt then get up!”
The mech takes off- bouncing between sinking chunks of wreckage. Even his minimal weight pushes each debris born foothold further into the gritty mire.
[For this section, narrate how your OC gets out of the crash site. If they step or fall into the sand then they will immediately start to sink as the ship has crashed right into a giant pit of quicksand. They are surrounded by the sinking ruins of the ship, their only safe footholds in the pit. The Minibot, Sandcrest, will already be tensely waiting at the edge of the danger zone when your OC finishes unless they need help
If your OC is the ship, then other parts of the story can be adjusted. The footholds can be debris from a rockslide caused by crashing against the nearby canyon instead.]
The minibot only relaxes once both of them are on relatively safe ground.
“Primus, that was close. Now,” he turns to look at OC, “No one ever survives crashing here! Who the frag are you?”
[Have your OC introduce themself however they want. Any mentions of rank or faction are met with an unimpressed look from Sandcrest.]
“I’m never going to remember that. So I’m gonna call you Survivor.” Smiling, the strange mini introduces himself, “I’m Sandcrest, a scavenger for Sanctuary City. I can bring you back with me, if you want? Not that you have much of a choice.” He looks at the final piece of wreckage sinking under the quicksand , “It's the only settlement in the star system. Only settlement in this sector of the galaxy, actually.”
Sandcrest is waiting for a response when a noise catches both of their attention. OC looks back at the metallic groan that echoes from the sand pit. They spot a distinct sparking from the final piece of ship as it disappears beneath the liquified dunes.
“Oh.” Sandcrest whispers, “That can’t be good.”
Seconds later, the pit explodes.
The desert lurches under them as the glitching engine overclocks, energy core exploding as it’s snuffed by grit and silt. Tons of stone and sand rain down on the two mecha, leaving them scrambling for cover. The small mech beside them loses his footing and tumbles backwards.
[Put in how your OC reacts to the impromptu earthquake. You can also put in how they feel about any hope they had of recovering something now going up in literal flames]
“Oh no… Oh, that’s really bad!”
OC looks down at the panicking Minibot. Sandcrest struggles to his feet and scrambles up the nearest sand dune. OC trudges up behind him, peering over the small Cybertronian’s helm. The sands shift a short distance away, splitting in half a dozen spots like the wake of a boat in the ocean. All beeline straight for the two mechs standing on the dune.
Sandcrest throws out an arm, grasping whatever of OC’s plating he can reach. “Don’t. Move. No matter how close they get, don’t move.”
The panic in the minibot’s voice is enough to catch OC’s attention. The waves get closer and closer. Grinding earth and scraping claws reach their audials, growing louder with each meter of ground the hidden creatures eat up. The surface parts, a ridged spine breaks through as the body beneath rises.
It vanishes with the powerful swing of a stinger tipped tail.
The waves disappear as the sand swimming monster dives deeper, ground sifting below their pedes as it passes them by. Moving at a snail’s pace, Sandcrest removes something from his subspace. As his hand emerges from the shadows of his Poncho, OC spots a grenade unlike any they’ve ever seen. Formed from a long pipe with a weighted spike on one end, it's ramshackle in its design. As if built from wayward scrap and wires.
The minibot grips it on either end. “When I give the signal, run and don’t stop until we reach the stone plateau.” Sandcrest juts out his chin, pointing towards a flat red expanse in the distance. He gives OC one last glance. “And DON’T look back. It’ll slow you down.”
He twists his closed fists. The object clicks then begins to loudly tick. With an admittedly impressive throw, Sandcrest launches the object several hundred paces to their left. It smashes point first deep into the ground. The minibot braces.
The grenade splits apart with a POP and starts to shake, sending vibrations deep into the dune. Half a dozen slipstreams burst to life around them, going straight for the trembling object.
“NOW!” Sandcrest leaps into his own alt, a small dune buggy that bounds across the loose terrain.
[Put in here how your OC reaches the safe zone, a large expanse of red stone in the distance. Your oc will get about a fourth of the way until they realize the creatures in the sand have eaten the grenade and are now splitting between going after them and Sandcrest. Your oc can use whatever skills they have to avoid them- be it combat, mobility, or anything in between. I won’t limit how you decide to play this. If you want an additional threat, you can bring in the factor of sand and how hard it can be to walk or drive on it. The intense heat may also be an issue for some flight frames. The creatures are about as large as a midsize car, with long snake-like bodies broken up by dozens of short but powerful legs. They don’t have any special skills when it comes to combat aside from biting, clawing, and leaping up from the sands below to try and drag their prey beneath the surface.]
The creatures break away the moment OC crosses the line between sand and stone. A jarring change in terrain, pedes slip and slide across the glass like surface.
Sandcrest transforms to root mode in a flailing sprawl of tumbling limbs. Finally rolling to a stop on his front, he jerks his head up. A ridged head emerges to peer over the plateau’s edge. Reptilian eyes stare them down a long moment before sinking back into the grainy abyss.
[Any reactions to the above or additional thoughts towards the situation]
A shaky burst of air leaves Sandcrest’s taxed vents. He looks over to OC, admitting, “I swear those things are sapient sometimes. We should be safe for now, though. They can’t swim through stone. Are you ok?”
[If OC is injured, Sandcrest will offer them a small medkit. It's as barebones as it can get with only a glitchy welder, some patches, chips of a crystal eerily similar to energon, and a bottle of coolant labeled “Only use when about to fragging die!!!!” Sandcrest will help if needed but otherwise will let them do it on their own while he takes stock of his own supplies and their location on a 3D projected map]
Sandcrest drags himself up, shaking grit from his poncho. “Let’s get going then. We have a few more hours of sunlight, then the real scary stuff comes out!”
The minibot does a quick check of the sun then begins the arduous trek across the wavering desert.
[Any last moments of introspection or actions for your oc, as a chapter 2 may come at a later date if folks want it]
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stories-by-rie · 2 years
124 Fwd: Re: Re: pls read your mails
Popping out of my temporary grave and dumping a quick thing here in a futile attempt to suppress impending doom. Might not be very coherent. Trigger warning for a bit of violence, mention of knife, blood and gunshot. ~800 words
The door bangs shut behind me and the hero swirls around to face me. In the absence of stars, the neon signs make the mist of fog and fumes shine like a piece of art--a sharp contrast to her silhouette. Perhaps, the city’s noise could be the matching music, but it hardly reaches us on the flat roof of the skyscraper. We’re still too far away from each other for her to recognize me. 
One hand flies to her thigh where she keeps the knives for throwing, another to her ear-piece. There’s a beep in my ear, I push the button.
“Hero to sidekick, please respond. Unknown character at agreed meeting point?”
I push the button again. “Sidekick to hero, the character is known.”
I don’t have to be close enough to see the shock on her face, I can hear it in my ear. Many aborted you’s, even more broken I’s. A change in emotion. 
“Hero demands to know what her sidekick is thinking.” Her voice is quieter, but the consonants sharper enunciated. The t’s and s’s are stabbing. She pulls a knife, but doesn’t hold it at the tip, ready to throw it. Somehow it looks more like moral support. 
I take controlled steps toward her. She doesn’t get more defensive and it makes my blood boil. Not a single thought wasted about the potential threat that I could be. Wholly unaware of the knowledge I hold. It must show on my face because she raises an eyebrow in a way that clearly says what do you think you’re doing.
“You know, I was burning for the cause”, I start and try to at least pretend to be nonchalant about any of this when my whole presence is proof of the contrary. 
“I cannot claim to have noticed”, the hero bites out. 
“Oh, obviously not. For that you would have to notice anything. You would have to notice that the secretary whose offer you took donates money to the supervillain's corporation. I wanted to tell you but you weren’t in the base. So I wrote an email which you clearly haven’t bothered to read. You would have to notice that your other sidekick hasn’t been in the base for a whole week. I let you know after you told me to assign them a new mission, and to that email you also have not replied. And that was just last week.”
The hero laughs near-hysterically, the knife swinging between her fingers at the tip now. 
“So what? You’re rebelling because I don’t check my emails enough? Who do you think you are? The hero of bureaucracy?”
I let a smile slip on my face. 
“I am not rebelling.” I’m finally close enough. “I am avenging the people you failed because of your ignorance.” I aim at her chest. “Ignorance that has already cost lives, all for your own vanity.” I pull the trigger.
The bullet hits her right in the chest. Her armour can’t hold it because I rigged it. It’s not that she would ever check her gear herself, she simply expects me to do it. I can hear her surprised gasp as her fingers come away bloody red. She sinks down on her knees, right as I arrive next to her, my lips close enough to her ear that 
“If the superhero offered you more fame and glory, you would not even hesitate to accept.” I dip a finger into her wound, make her wince. “Just so you know, the others aren’t in on this. I left the others in the dark about our get-together tonight. So if they’re not responding to your calls, you’ll know that I didn’t even have to convince them.”
Her breath comes out stuttered in pain, but her eyes are burning with fury. It unfurls  something in me. Some ugly scraps are peeled off by my courage. The thing at its core is still hungry for more. 
I clasp my hand around her face, force her to look at me. “Go on. Try it.”
She doesn’t move, but I will not be satisfied with her defiance. I press harder into her skin. “I said. Try it.”
She presses the button and calls for the others, one after the other. There are a few replies that let her know that it is my shift today, most of them say that they cannot aid in order to keep their identities safe. Most don’t even pick up. 
I let go of her face, my fingers leaving faint red impressions on her skin, a bloody tear beneath her eye. 
The neon lights of the surrounding buildings mirror in the blood that starts to pool around her. I find that it is not worthy to be called pretty. 
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azaleablueme · 4 years
AO3 Posting this monster-sized chapter after an insane work week, I really hope you all like this. Thanks to all of you for giving this story so much love. Your reviews make my day!
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arbitrariandelight · 6 years
Motif of the Gaze
Rating: M
Summary: You catch yourself looking at your partner, and sometimes you catch his nephew looking at you.
Pairings: Adachi/Yu, one-sided Adachi/Dojima, Dojima/Namatame.
Warnings: Underage, unhealthy relationships, blood, disturbing themes.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16429082
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notcatherinemorland · 3 years
im stresswriting a fic in what is my apparent literary niche (gay people having difficult conversations) and im playing fast and loose with c/r canon - the characters at the point in canon, both time-wise and character-development-wise, in which they could have potentially had this conversation were physically unable to be in the same room to have it, due to being in totally different continents. canonically speaking, this fic cannot exist.
however on GOD if i do not get the exact worldbuilding detail correct then i will combust. if the view from all/ura’s tower is not dm-approved accurate then i will throw my laptop off a bridge. i will burn my dnd character sheets on a bonfire as an offering for my Failure.
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simplyfroggy · 4 years
i’m one week of quarantine away from stresswriting a prequel closeson fic
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untilicomehome · 7 years
Exam Time
Well it’s that time again.  Every eight weeks at my uni means that once again I have my head buried in flashcards, unfinished papers, and research papers that are way more confusing than scientifically necessary.  It also means I have been scrolling down the #studyspo tag for longer than I would like to admit. Anyone else?
However, this has given me inspiration to stress write. My first exam is tomorrow and I am in that terrible stress limbo of you don’t know anything/this extra studying is useless.  It just so happens that this particular exam is the one that I am most worried about, right smack dab in the beginning of the week. All I’ve been telling myself is “it can only get better from here”.  
I am actually really excited for this block of classes to be over. Not my most interesting block to be honest. Next block I only have two mandatory classes, so I decided to take an extra “Political Philosophies and Organizations Studies” class which I am incredibly excited about.  Taking this extra class also means one less in South Korea, which also makes me less stressed about my time there.
Speaking of South Korea, the coolest thing has happened. A girl in my Questionnaires class is from the university I am going to be at, and is the sweetest person I could have asked for. From being patient with my terrrrible Korean, to being almost as enthusiastic as me about my exchange there, I have a feeling we are going to great friends.  
Well that’s all I have to say for now. See ya later skaters!
Until I Write Again,
Raquel xxx
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varlysca · 2 years
the neurodivergent mood of having a deadline for a paper but it's not near enough to cause stresswriting and productivity so you sit in the library on tumblr feeling horrible because you're actually kinda early-ish in comparison and you could make it but your stupid brain won't get into work mode
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dweebpheles · 7 years
Harringrove New Years Drabble Pt. 2
((//So I’m basically stress writing, I should really be in bed but what better to way to get my mind off my problems than to write fic parts right hehe I’m actually in a very bad emotional struggle rn but hey enjoy my stresswriting))
“Shit, glad we grabbed the car.” Billy shivered as he tucked Steve’s fluffy jacket around him. He also was holding onto Steve’s scarf that just so happened to be around his own neck as well.
Steve nodded in agreement, holding onto his scarf on Billy’s, he trailed his hand up the soft black material running his hand underneath to rub the back of the other mans neck. He gave a gentle squeeze, Billy shivering in response.
“So where in the hell are we staying tonight Harrington?”
Steve pondered, he looked out at the open and slightly icy, empty, lonely road. He responded with a small shrug.
“I don’t know, maybe somewhere in the main city you know? Like I was thinking a nice hotel, something ritzy. I’ll charge it to my dads card, he won’t miss the money for any reason.”
Billy nodded in agreement, changing the radio channels.
Lunatic Fringe by Red Rider. Not bad, Steve thought. Billy laughed and cranked the dial up as much as possible dropping the windows in the freezing cold, so all of Hicktown Hawkins could hear what was coming from their car. Steve laughed, and looked over at the slightly crazier man. His cheeks flushed red.
Billys feet were on the dash, he threw his head back and exhaled a what he had taken in from his cigarette. He grinned wide, Steve thought his teeth were almost sharp. He looked out the window, hand out feeling the snow. He was laughing, long, curly hair fluttering as the bitter air blew it around. His white tanktop and jacket were also being pushed around by the wind. And he started singing. Billy started singing the lyrics perfectly in tune with the song exiting the radio.
Steve’s cheeks lit up like a firecracker, and even though his eyes should have been on the road, they were on Billy Hargrove in the passenger seat.
((@norwegian-boi heres this))
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jomarchwrites · 7 years
hard day @ the farmer’s market, trapped in my room avoiding houseguests; hit that like button if u wanna plot, I’m gonna stresswrite
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evenmorestress · 4 years
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I had inspiration awhile back to do designs and story overview for a tfa fanfic or comic set 20 years past the series end. I ended up working on design work for it for funsies. Maybe I’ll go into it more as the urge hits me or if folks wanna know more.
Some details I thought of while designing under the cut
The story would follow Bumblebee returning to Earth and seeing how much 20 years can change Earth, a span of time that’s like the blink of an eye on Cybertron. Both he and Sari have to come to terms with the fact that the world, and they themselves, have changed for better or for worse. Can their friendship survive?
Character rundowns:
> Sari (about 8-9 in the original series) is now 29, CEO of Sumdac Systems, and head of a super hero team she started to combat the B-List villains who rose in number once the Autobots left
> She’s leagues more serious than she had been as a child, as both CEO and the “Defender of Detroit” she has a lot of responsibility on her shoulders
> Is also both best friends and engaged to Penelope Sutton- the now reformed villain known as Professor Princess
> She first receives Bumblebee rather coldly, as she felt for years that he abandoned her during a time she really needed him despite there being circumstances out of their control that separated them
Professor Princess
> Penelope Sutton became Sari’s personal rival after the Autobots left and both ended up becoming the youngest people let into Michigan’s most prestigious technical college
> As the years went on, however, they ended up becoming close to the point the two eventually started dating then got engaged
> She is still girly and fashion forward but gained more of a “function first” mindset as the years passed- she affectionately blames Sari for this development
> She is now the co-founder of Sari’s super hero group with her
> Her pony, Powdered Sugar? Now Powdered Sugar Version 5 is a mechanical drafthorse that turns into a giant blaster cannon for fighting villainy
> Still a villain, and now one of the notorious ones of Detroit
> She spent nearly a decade scheming, designing, and building after losing her allspark powered timepiece to make a new one
> With one blast from her new timepiece topped staff, she can short circuit any form of machinery- even Sari herself
> This makes her one of the most dangerous foes Sari has to face
> On parole after years in prison, Sari convinced him to use his intellect in the name of good
> He accepted and now acts as the overseer/home base operator/base protector for the superhero team
> Not a fun spot to be in but it keeps him out of jail or some lab somewhere.
> He would never admit it but he’s also grown to sort of ... care about the team 
Angry Archer
> Not actually the original archer but his son, Arthur A. Archer (yeah he hates his dad’s obsession with alliteration too.)
> He took up the Angry Archer mantle after his father got cancer and nearly killed himself trying to keep his legacy going
> He’s, in a weird twist of fate, leagues more competent than his father was since he’s not nearly as theatrical or prone to dramatics
> He is, now, more or less blacklisted by civil society
> He’s still filthy rich but now works more openly with shady business partners, barely skirting the line between legal and criminal activities
> Where he was professional rivals with Isaac Sumdac, he is now professional rivals with Sari
> He’s funded a number of Detroits criminals but Sari has never been able to outright pin any villainous activities on him, he covers his tracks too well
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evenmorestress · 4 years
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Future TFA Designs Continued
Decided to continue with designs for TFA Future, cus why not? I have fun with it!
Featured here: Sari with battle skates, blade, and helmet out. Daniel Witwicky, Wilder, and Headmaster.
Some details about them in future tfa I thought of under the cut.
Daniel Witwicky
> New Captain of the Detroit Police Force
> Son of Spike and Carly, the two kind of traumatized by Ratchet when they asked to be taken to the hospital then realized he was alive
> He and Sari, while forced to be “friends” at first, became actual friends later on in their lives- a change somewhat prompted by Penelope, who is far more socially capable than Sari will ever be
> He thinks Optimus is the coolest ever and hopes the Autobots will come back one day (he was a bit disappointed when only Bumblebee came to visit)
> He has Fanzone’s giant brick phone as a good luck charm, as it was given to him by the former captain before retirement
> Snagged straight from Masterforce, Wilder is the leader of a hovercycle gang known as the Jack Boys
> Wilder has a spine of solid steel, metaphorically. Guy isn’t scared of anything. He’s also kind of a dramatic emo punk who declares his love of Penelope… and doesn't seem to realize what the word “lesbian” means
> He terrorizes Detroit in their gang war with the Cool Guys- a rival hovercycle gang
>The Jack Boys are losing the gang war but not through error of their own aside from a numbers game, one jack boy is worth two Cool Guys but sadly the cool guys outnumber them three to one.
> Wilder would likely end up being some sort of fall guy or henchman in Decepticon plans to break Megatron out of prison in exchange for a leg up in the fight against the Cool Guys (if I’d go the route of Decepticons showing at all)
> The years didn’t treat Masterson well
> As Penelope puts it, “He somehow got grosser and is as annoying as ever.”
> After the events of tfa he was outright blacklisted from the world of robotics and science
> Bitter and unwilling to admit his own actions may have led to his own downfall, Masterson is one of the villains currently plaguing Detroit
I have so many potential ramblings about this idea/au/whatever but never know where to start or when to end, lol
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evenmorestress · 4 years
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Lich for Hire Sketch Drabbles: Missed Chances
Necrosia stares at the cigarette in her hand. “Edna, drop it.”
“But why do you-” 
“Edna.” Necrosia meets her cousin’s gaze, “I died when I was sixteen. Sixteen. I didn’t even have my driver’s license yet. I’d never been on a date. I was never able to smoke, or drink, or vote-” She sighs through nonexistant lungs, “I never got the chance to do any of it with the mess we got into and now I never will. Not in this life and not in the next. So kindly shut up and let me play pretend.”
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