s4ndg3m · 3 hours
omg ,,,,,,, woukd yu be willing to draw folly (from regretevator)
your art is awesome sauce cool beans by the by ..................and crunchy
thakn you in advance :D :D :D :D 🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬 <- treats
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thanks for the treats have a madagascar reference
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dullard · 2 months
1, 3, 8, 11, 13, 15, 22, 28, 29, 34, 44, 49 for Siamont pleeeease 👉👈
1. What motivates your character?
The pressing need for a safe and warm environment for children, especially in the face of disaster and tragedy.
3. Is your character an optimist or pessimist?
I think he's a realist, but he's a bit optimistic in general, because he sees the real ways things can turn out okay, and when he doesn't, he at least sees the ways he can make it not as bad as possible.
8. What are some internal obstacles that your character has to overcome?
He knows he really, really needs to talk more. Really badly. But its habitual that he doesn't, his tongue doesn't feel used to it anymore, it's not in his nature anymore... Plus, when other adults talk to him and expect a response, he shuts down. The only times he manages to talk a little is to the children, and he knows its not as much as it should be.
When he needs to talk to adults, he often writes, but it still makes him extremely anxious. He learned to write for this reason, actually.
11. What events in their past helped shape and influence them into who they are today?
Oh You Know ;)
If you asked him this question (and we ignore that he isn't a very talkative guy), his opinion is that one person shaped him almost entirely, and it's his younger brother.
His younger brother was why he learned to care for children, his younger brother was what drove him to take fishing seriously as a career and make money, the memory of his younger brother is what he sees in children that makes him care about them right away before he even knows them for themselves.
The loss of his brother had him not doing anything, and when he saw a child all alone he remembered his younger brother when he'd sit off to the side, and he knew it was like he was speaking to him, in a way, and telling him to do the thing he's best at. So he thinks his brother helped him decide to start the orphanage, too (But really, his own force of will is what helped him overcome his grief, and it was his own kindness that gave him purpose)
Also, obviously, he hates to admit the influence its had on him, but the encounter with pirates as a child where he lost his tail (and his voice, in a way) had a huge influence on who he is. He still fights against that trauma today every time he speaks.
13. Who is the closest person to your character?
His brother, for his whole life. Now that he's gone, I'm not sure. I assume someone else must work at the orphanage as an adult, and he's probably at least a little close with them, but he's very close with all the kids, and his inability to talk to other adults At All (He just can't make himself do it - He will want to, he will open his mouth, he will move his tongue, no sound will come out, and its very frustrating for him. It's driven him to tears before.) means he doesn't have very many close friendships emotionally.
15. What habits does your character have?
He watches around the floor and his feet when hes walking anywhere because he doesn't want to step on children, lol. He's not even that tall (although he's on the tall side for an ecaflip).
When he holds anything, he does the little bouncing with his body (I don't know how to describe it. It's the same motion you do to soothe a baby.)
Also, he likes to quietly watch the sunset. Usually the kids don't let it stay quiet though.
22. What regrets do they have, if any? (From any part of the story, not just exposition.)
He has plenty about where he was when the wave happened, but he knows that they're not reasonable (He survived because he was on a fishing boat, and his brother just would not have been there under any circumstances, no matter how much he thinks about "well maybe I could have..."
He sometimes has regrets about how he handles things the children need. He can always do better. He tries to apologize by doing something nice for them if he thinks he did the wrong thing, but he's never been mean to any of them, so they usually just think he's trying to cheer them up because they were sad earlier.
He regrets when he and his brother were kids and he said he wished he was an only child (I don't think his brother even remembered this as an adult, but it haunts Siamont), and he regrets a time he left a younger child for an hour when he was 11 years old and came back to the child crying because they thought he wasn't coming back. Lots of little things like that.
28. What emotion is the most unfamiliar to your character and how do they deal with it?
Anger doesn't come easily to him, but it takes him over. When it's at an adult, he usually just lets himself react with that anger and show it with his body. When it's at a child, he notices it and leaves the situation, then comes back when he's calmed down (so the children are most afraid of when he Looks A Little Angry, Then Leaves, even though he never does anything with it. They get the right response to fix what they did every time. It's just how the kids know they really messed up)
29. What are the three things that your character values most?
The children's safety, their emotional wellbeing, and his memories of his brother.
34. What are three negative traits that your character has?
Silence, letting his anger take hold of him when he thinks its justified (He has killed. many pirates in this state, when he probably didn't need to kill every single one of them on the ship and could have let them flee), and thinking he can take on everything on his own
44. What does your character fear?
Losing anyone else. Also, in general, rogues trigger bad memories for him, and he's way more likely to fight someone if they're a rogue.
49. In the end, what is your character grateful for?
The children, their safety, their joy, their play, their creativity, their...
Well, a lot of things about his kids.
His memories of his brother, and his memories of Sufokia as it was and the people he's lost. They hurt, but he holds them tight to his chest.
The luck of the sea (The sea is where luck comes from, in his eyes - Fish, driftwood, seaweed, he's even grateful, sometimes, after he's handled the rogues on board, for the pirate ships, because he takes what they need from it (including, usually, a lot of the clothes from the pirates that he fixes to fit the kids, and their sails and some of the wood from their ship and their food and... everything.) before setting it ablaze and sending it off. )
I'm insane thank you so much for my life laura i had so much fun doing this thank you thank you thank you thank you
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leave-your-body · 1 month
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stars for you <3
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this is my gift for yuo
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
an uncle nina check in <3
hi team! thanks for sticking around! i know my blog isn't always the most exciting and enriching place in the world in terms of content, but i am very /content/ to have you all here. <3333
i promise, oddly enough, i have A TON of inspiration and ideas for all my weird styles ( if you're curious about anything please lmk! i've been trying to flesh out my aus out lately ), i've just been in a major bummer depression era lately, so it's hard for me to get my asks done and i'm having a hard time committing to finishing my writing. :<
i think it's because of stress and my bipolar, but i am trying to get back on the horse! ( are we all laughing at the idea of me trying to get on a horse? i'd start crying help city girl fail moment for me ) yeehaw!
and while, unfortunately due to the instability ( fabulous legendary iconery ) of my pretty girl popstar personality, i do not know whether i will be answering almost no questions or one million, regardless of that, i just wanted to let you know, i'm still here, still kicking my feet, twirling my hair, cooking...i'm just really trying not to force myself to put out anything i don't like...and only do what makes me truly happy.
however, nothing, my dear sweet e-darlings...
makes me happier than coming home to all of you. <333
so thank you for flooding even the darkest corners of my life with bright light, supporting my phantom fics and being wonderful,
uncle nina xx
#nina speaks#hi my loves#idk what the point of this was#i just know my blog is really inconsistent and i know i dont really post anything or anything that useful#but i wanted you to know that i love you very much and i still care a lot about all of you and all my content actually#which i have been fleshing out in notebooks and google docs i've been doing lots of world building and character study#so feel free to ask me something challenging about any part of my nina sp auniverse that interests u itll make my brain work#i've also been taking very silly but dilligent notes abt what ravesey style looks like for ter so if u want to laff at those u can#i just love taking notes on detail and understanding exactly what characters look like or what settings appear like idk#might be some experimental writing on here i like doing different mediums like i was being silly#and started writing a netflix trailer for rm haha i also have been doing weird personality tests and questionnaires#i've been trying to think very deeply about tkak and my tfbw styles if u have any questions there and am deep plotting rm#trying to be impactful while also keeping things fun and learning to enjoy myself again i suppose#so again thakn u for being here sorry its weird on here but thank u for supporting me as i learn and grow my sunshines#also ik i have a ton of asks and uve already asked me so many things so never feel inclined to message me#but i love hearing what ur curious about hopefully i can answer some stuff eventually but again im on a break#i'm here but i'm not this is a safe place we try and fail we have fun and promote style world domination thru my weird styles#ilysm i'm shutting up now i promise i'm still here i'm just trying to be healthy and happy esp rn when i am not emotionally well#gotta protect my peace and my vibe palace but im still here!#MWAH MWAH MWAAAAAH#really trying to heal my inner child or like the girl in me that liked to write silly stories and create crazy things#weird hcs big dramatic plots silly stuff...i want to honor that girl because she was happy and free and had fun#and i want to do that again so lets have fun guys#no judgement no seriousness just good vibes and good reads#welcome to the uncle nina learns to laugh again arc#i hope you enjoy it
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 7 months
my dad came in and saw me on the couch (for the first time all day and i had literally just sat down for less than a minute when he came in) w heating pad and immediately goes "you have two options" (different chores to do) (as if i was like 10 years old and getting punished for something that i didnt even know i did wrong). what about secret third option where you treat me like an adult or i don't come home for winter next year. Lol
#.mei chats#soryr really my family is. great i need to stpo complain#i just wish theyd realize that im not incompetent#i do a really good job taking care of myself for the entire 10 months out of the year that i dont live with them#and im proud of the independence ive developed bc i worked really hard to feel ANY sort of positive feelings about myself#but they just dont recognize it at all when i come back#trying to tell me how to microwave my food and reminding me of paperwork i have to do#Thanks i literally managed the entire program tasks myself for the last 6~months but yeah you better remind me about the medical forms#or else ill totally forget and mess up the whole thing :'333 bc im just so stupid!! thakn you soooo much for taking care of me!!#<- not like ive been hypervigilant and anxious about making sure i do every little thing with it perfect#in fact there was actually an issue w one of my forms bc they made me submit it even though i didn't think it was filled out properly.#they were like “itll be fine youre overthinking” guess who got an email 3 days later saying the form was completely invalid.#god just bottom line why cantthey trust me when i say im on top of it. fucking trust me this program is my entire life right now#i am putting literally eveyr ounce of effort i've got into not ruining it. they just dont see the improvements and growth ive made at all#so frustrating bc ive worked so hard to pinpoint and fix that specifically but what can ya do#god this got long. sawry#.not f/o related
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sunshineram · 11 months
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Places this down here and skitters away
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gaysonlyocean · 10 months
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new lovejoy ep fucking rips by the way are you guys hearing this rn
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stackofeggs · 2 years
https://redstonedust.tumblr.com/post/692794903444570112/for-the-record-visa-vi-this-fanart-bc-i-am heres the bdubs link !! <3
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mewfeuillez · 1 year
i turned my phone off and played tetris for an hour and i have stopped shaking and hyperventilating im okay now yay :>
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taleofharrison · 2 months
Why do swifties want everyone to be swifties?
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Wip, but all the slugnons will be in one place, as long as I don't forget anything
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I keep seeing you on my dash and at this point I'm considering my mutal and will miss you when you don't appear on my dash. you're very pog
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ngmn2002 · 2 years
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Good morning, my dear! 💜
How sweet of you to come just to say good morning to me. I'm so important to you, huh? 😊
My dear, sweet boy! Thank you! 💜💜💜
Thank you for sending this sweet message to me! It's so nice of you! I'm so happy! You've made my day! ❤️❤️❤️✨
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benji-woodside · 2 months
i think yr cool and i’m worried about your digestive system given the amount of noningestable things you’ve ingested but i admire your resilience and constitution and willingness to eat things you definitely shouldn’t. also drink some water (i’m just going off a hunch here)
were you the demons anon or not i need to know this is vital information......... sigh
thakn you im quite like that one weed thatkeeps popping up in the garden no matter what you do/ this is me agreeing about my reslilence. thank yoy
i am drinking water right now i tend to avoid that after the. bug
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artseniccatnip · 9 months
originally i was going to put more than just “pom <3” like how they’re great everything about them makes me so happy and i just like them so so much I don’t completely know what it is but they are the best and I like them and Razz’s cute dynamic and how they unashamedly love each other (both platonically and romantically) and how I like their design a ton and the cool lore it all makes me insane (in a good way) but I didn’t know how to articulate all the words so I decided “pom <3” would work well enough
- one of pom’s biggest fans
WAH... THIS IS MAKIGN ME CRY ;-;;; thakn you anon.. I'm so glad they could bring you joy, i love them a whooole lot i think it's a bit obvious pom's my favorite lol, they're just a lil thang truly, started out as a funny underfell joke then became a precious blorbo.... thank you for this ask and for the support ;-;;;!! also yesss they love each other :]]] here u go just for u <3
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