jake english for the ask game ? :)
First impression: hmmm extremely indifferent (i read homestuck when i was like 14 and was not yet super into character analysis)
Impression now: oh he is such a mess (affectionate). the friend everyone has a crush on for no reason but he's too clueless to realize and breaks everyone's hearts. i think he is genuinely a really really good guy but he has no concept of what is acceptable in social situations (grew up alone on an island surrounded by monsters) so he comes off as kind of callous and mean sometimes without meaning to be. i love this about him. super gullible but also rlly smart. we have the same awful taste in movies (derogatory) (affectionate)
Favorite moment: HMMMMMMMM this is a hard one. i am a [s] game over enjoyer. the moment where he tried to save jane and got killed anyway made me so sad. i also rlly enjoy his pen pal letter to john i think its nice :]
Idea for a story: im gonna use this as an excuse to plug hsmc au by myself and roswell @snwchester bc its incredibly funny. he and dirk are the dnf of hsmc. oh my god they were roommates
Unpopular opinion: a lot of the fandom characterizes him kindaaaa. weird. when people make him the like. uber confident sexy guy that's a lil weirdchamp and ooc in my opinion. hes just as much of an insane loser (affectionate) as the rest of them. i mean his favorite movie is the james cameron avatar come on
Favorite relationship: will i get burned at the stake if i say dirkjake. i think they have good potential. they r so messy and maybe a little unhealthy but they have such good potential
Favorite headcanon: i think hes rlly good at biology. he knows a lot abt plants an animals just like. inherently.
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they didn’t even realize they liked eachother for y e a r s, bc theyre both incredibly bad at feelings. kunimi more so than kindaichi. feelings are....so tiring....why cant they trade them for like. money. or candy. 
they originally bonded over being the children of overworked mothers; kindaichi having a single mother, and kunimi having a very busy father who they almost never see.
do you know how goddamn proud kindaichi is that hes one of the few people who can make kunimi smile? and not just their sarcastic smile, their real, genuine smile. he is so fuckin’ proud of himself.
you’d never believe it if kindaichi told you, but kunimi has the cutest dimples when they actually smile. 
“i have two long, fluffy creatures living in my house: my cat, and kunimi” - kindaichi, at some point 
kunimi intiates all kisses at first, bc kindaichi is too shy, but ucan bet ur hat that he takes charge once they get flustered. 
kunimi gets terrible nightmares, which is one of the reasons they're so tired all the time. at least twice a night, if theyre alone, they wake up in a panic, kicking away their blankets and yelling to the high heavens. but if theyre with kindaichi, all they will really do is fuss and fidget in their sleep, and if they wake up scared, kindaichi will kiss all over their face and whisper sweet things to make them relax and fall back asleep in his arms. 
their favorite kisses are the kinds that start very soft, nothing but a peck, but end up with one of them pressed up against the wall panting (its kindaichi more often than you would expect) 
every time someone says kindaichi should wear his hair down more, kunimi gets a strike of fear, bc if he had his hair down all the time, kunimi would not be able to focus on ANYTHING, ever. hes too cute and too powerful, save them
kindaichi: what does my bedhead even look like? / kunimi, internally: really cute and fluffy and wavy and adorable and VERY distracting also i love you / kunimi, externally: you like a fuckin' wreck go fix it / kunimi, internally: GODDAMMIT AKIRA, AGAIN?!
kindaichi's thirteen year old little sister, hoshimi, and his mom both rlly like kunimi. hoshimi bc theyre really pretty and let her play with their hair/do their makeup and have a surprisingly good fashion sense, and his mom bc theyre incredibly polite and just being in their presence makes her son happy, which is just what she wants.
she had a not-so secret bet with her daughter on when they would finally get together. hoshimi won. 
"you know, kunimi, you look rlly nice with lipstick on, can i do your makeup again?" aka "im going to make my brother VERY frustrated, wanna help?" 
kunimi has never once said no to that offer. kindaichi is in hell 
kunimi basically lives with kindaichi from about halfway through the first year of high school onwards, when their parents get divorced and their mom becomes increasingly withdrawn and violent. they just guessed kindaichi's house is safer, and it is. 
on the days they HAVE to stay at their house, they stay locked in their room, texting kindaichi almost all day so they arent as scared. 
kunimi gets incredibly babble-y and shaky and jumpy when theyre feeling anxious. their babbles are hardly intelligible, but usually theyre about whats wrong. kindaichi is semi-skilled at translating them. 
they both know sign language, for when kunimi goes nonverbal, which only really happens when they get incredibly upset or angry or nervous. 
kunimi both draws and takes photos of kindaichi a lot. their personal favorite is one they caught in the summer, when he was laying out on the floor, on his back with a fan pointing at him. his hair is down and hes shirtless and kunimi keeps that picture as their home screen, to the surprise of absolutely no one. 
kunimi is cold all the time, to the point that they often get the shivers with the slightest wind. kindaichi is a human furnace, however, so kunimi spends a lot of time just...hugging him intensely.
“we all know im dating kindaichi for his warmth and the fact that he spoils the hell out of me” - kunimi 
off topic but theres a rumor on the team that kunimi isnt actually alive bc theyre so cold and emotionless. kindaichi knows this is incorrect, but never argues. bc sometimes kunimi does look a little dead.
kindaichi likes wearing skirts at times, but you know what he likes even more? kunimi wearing skirts. 
kunimi may not be that light, but that will never stop kindaichi from carrying them. hes very strong, kunimi is swooning internally (even when they laugh at him for trying to lift them up)
kunimi doesnt care if you make fun of them, to an extent, but the minute you say a rude word about kindaichi, you'll have bruises. 
this is probably my worst headcanon but kunimi gets into fights every so often, simply because theyre too protective of kindaichi and will gladly kick the ass of anyone who picks on him. also, fighting is fun and gives them an excuse to be tired, win/win. cue kindaichi patching them up and covering their bruises with makeup so neither of their mothers ask too many questions, warning them not to do it again, knowing they wont listen.
*inhales sharply* i love kinkuni thank u for listening 
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
Tagged by @irithyllians (thank you so much!! I’ve never done this one before and it was surprisingly fun to fill out 💛💛☀️)
why did you choose your url?
I felt like a change, and I came up w/ my current one while thinking of how much I love stories where death is personified (specifically one of my favorite books, Keturah and Lord Death, and the Grimm tale it’s almost definitely based on, Godfather Death) and changed it on a whim. Also perhaps tmi but I get tired of certain (at this point habitual) edgy dark thoughts and this url pokes fun at them, which I really need to do more. Just like for mental health reasons I need to lighten up, and the imagery this url evokes helps me do that w/o fail every time. Kind of ridic and very poorly explained, ik, but short story further condensed, I am the maiden... the bridegroom, married to amazement (like the poem <3)
any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
@/ beesmitten is art references and @/ cakerusk is art tutorials/tips/resources. If I didn’t have these blogs I’d hit post limit WAY less often but :/
how long have u been on tumblr?
Truly don’t remember. 2016 I want to say? If I had easy access to desktop I think I could tell u but alas! Despite my good memory, the general past is such a blur to me it’s hideous and shameful 🤢
do you have a queue tag?
Nooooo 🥀
why did you start your blog in the first place?
Came to tumblr to stare at art, will be here until the site capsizes or art dies (whichever comes first). Everything else I’ve found + enjoyed here has been an unexpected bonus <3
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Looks ever so vaguely (key word vaguely!!!) like me and style wise it’s exactly me. Also just a fan of Ana Clerici art lately 💜💚💙
why did you choose your header?
It’s a Jane Eyre cover (by Darya Shnykina) that I fell in insta-love with because of the composition and little details! And the fact that in it you can SEEEEE Jane’s drawings!!! I love that she draws and I feel it’s semi rare for artists to depict Jane’s own art !! Also love the blue because it happened to compliment my preexisting blog color and pfp AND reminds me of That Blue Dress she wears towards the end in That Scene (being vague on purpose) tho idk if that was the artist’s intention! :0
what’s your post w the most notes?
Definitely this one 😐 I feel bad that it’s so popular because that means a lot of ppl relate... not remotely a surprise but it’s still painful to see!!!!!!!!! I often say I’d wish violence on people, but not school related stress, because the latter has plagued me most of my life and it stings so bad for so many reasons.... I just ashdhsbbdb I see that post show up in my notes again and my heart breaks a little more :( I’ll never delete it tho, I’m glad ppl can like. complain and freak out in the tags of it even if I don’t love to see it, because I understand the stress and loneliness of being a bad student painfully well. I’m glad but sad my thoughtless vent post lets people convey their shame and fear w/o direct judgement from anyone around them <\3
how many followers do you have?
A bit over 1,070 BUT. I do not root through them to block bots and such, it’s too much work and u have to VISIT the damn blog each time (at least on mobile) if you wanna block them and for the love of god I was put on this earth for worthier things (or so I like to think) nor am I strong enough to do that. Ignorance is occasionally bliss 😏💆🏽‍♀️
how many ppl do you follow?
have you ever made a shitpost?
I guess, yeah. I don’t really call posts that but I think most of my posts for under that criteria (either that or vent posts wgdhehehe)
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
no, the fear of god and social estrangement in me is too strong, but I’ve been tempted! and for the record if I had ever started smth, it would’ve been over smth small like a book or character and I would’ve been right and I would’ve won! if I had bothered u_u)/
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’?
Not smth I rlly think abt. For the most part, I think it’s silly and counterintuitive but there are rare exceptions ! Like when ppl make posts telling ppl w/ x privilege that they shouldn’t ignore y type of post because they have x privilege. Ever so sometimes that kind of post is warranted but... eh. For the most part I don’t interact w/ posts like that or even see them that often anymore
do you like tag games?
Loveeeee them 💖💖💖💖
do you like ask games?
Yessss 💖💖💖💖
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
gafsgshhsh.zhjdhshdgdh.GAJSJDHSHS. This feels like a loaded question. I shall keep my theories close to my heart and skip this one only because I feel there’s no real point in answering... those computer friends of mine who r ‘famous’ r probably painfully aware any time they look at their notifs.
do you have a crush on a tumblr mutual?
God forbid. My true love has no idea what a mutual is (whoever they are)
tagging: @pinkafropuffs @noblyphantasmic @k-amui @h-isforhome @honeytuesday @netherites @dionhysus @bitter--edge @ghostingcave @tidal-elegy @leojupiters @chiiquitita @thebodykeepscore @dilfgirl @snailmailthings @las-enamoradas @ursulakleguin @tvlliaminor and anyone and everyone else who might wanna do this, mutuals or no <3
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