spinelikericekrispy · 5 months
so glad kendrick is trending i’ve been losing my mind all week and i can finally unleash it on here
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bookofmac · 1 year
Renee/Phoebe slowburn real I am speaking it into existance
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mattmaesonnatural · 3 years
Okay imagine this is how we get canon buddie: 
Season 5 season premiere. And the major catastrophe this time is based around simple mistakes people keep making. Therefore creating a domino effect of more and more disasters. 
it starts small with some man getting electrocuted by putting a metal fork in a toaster. or a woman who left her straightener on on top of a a towel, causing a small fire in her apartment. To a teenager who left the hose running and flooded his parents basement (his little sister is trapped down there and they have to save her) then it’s a car accident and everyone’s okay but the guy’s who fault it was just says “i didn’t look. It was a stupid mistake. I’ll never make it again.” 
This continues until its a tech company where we see this guy looking at his computer screen with narrowed eyes, he takes some pills. a woman walks up behind him and says “still have that headache Roy?” he nods in pain but brushes her off. Suddenly there’s yelling and people saying “ma’am you cant be in here!” and she fights them off to come up to this mans desk “ROY ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?” “what no i would never” They’re husband and wife they argue “who’s tiffany?! huh?!? and why is she texting you to come to the mall on saturday?!?” it gets heated to the point and he says the wrong thing “you’re being paranoid” as he tries to hug her she pushes a chair in front of her and he trips and hits his head.  “it was a stupid mistake. I didn’t mean to.”
911 call. gang arrives. We find out later that Roy had a tumor but they caught it early thanks to their mistake. and Tiffany is actually the famous Tiffany’s jewelry store where Roy got a custom necklace done for his wife for their anniversary. a beautiful mistake.
Now throughout all these disasters we kind of get a hint and that’s some kind of something going on between Buck and Eddie. There’s something off between them. Catching each others gaze across carrying people on backboard and blushing. Buck brushes his arm on Eddies and Eddie pressing into it. Buck talking to some young women and Eddie fitting himself into the convo making up some lie to get Buck away from her. Buck sliding to fit next to Eddie on the couch that’s too close for platonic. Buck getting a call from Chris about where he put his red jacket and Bucks saying its in the laundry room (Hen and Chim catching wind of this convo and looking at each other) 
When we get to the end of the episode it ends with a montage of everyone they helped with their mistakes, and how they’re okay but learnt from them. The song Beautiful Mistakes By Maroon 5 and Megan Thee Stallion plays and we get a shot of a bedroom with covers pulled over. muffled but giggling voices. camera pans forward and on the beat we get a full shot of Buck and Eddie kissing in white linens, bare chested. Buck smiling into the kiss and saying “who knew you getting shot would lead to this...” Eddie shrugging saying “let’s chalk it up to a beautiful mistake.” before sinking back under the covers.
season 5 we slowly find out over the last few months that they’ve gotten together after eddie got shot. Buck moved in to help with Eddie’s recovery. they slowly figuring this whole thing out one day at a time. And as we find out so does everyone else. But no one is surprised in the the slightest. 
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Give you what you craving (branjie) - writworm42
A/N: Title from Big Ole Freak by Megan Thee Stallion. For a friend of mine who I’m wishing the absolute best <3
Thank u thank u thank u Holtz for beta-ing <3 <3 <3 <3
DISCLAIMER: In this fic, Brooke calls Vanessa mommy in bed without any prior conversation. Don’t do that!!! Just because I let it slip here for the sake of the story doesn’t mean it’s okay in real life. FIC IS NOT A MODEL FOR REAL LIFE! In reality, before you call your partner by titles during sex, check with them to make sure it’s okay. Always make sure to check in with your partner consistently and frequently during sex!!!
“Vanjie? Vanj? Earth to Vanessa!”
Vanessa blinks, coming back to her surroundings just in time to see Asia waving her hand in front of her face, looking bemused.
“Is it just as good as last time she walked by?” Asia jokes, and Vanessa feels herself flush scarlet, her cheeks burning as she tries to think of a comeback.
She doesn’t have time to say anything to defend herself though, because their third cubicle-mate, Kameron, looks up from her computer screen, removing her earphones to grin over at her two friends.
“Was she checking out Brooke’s ass again?” Kam’s eyes are lit up with scandal and excitement, and Asia nods enthusiastically.
“Her tits, too, don’t think I didn’t see you craning to get an eyeful when you first heard her heels, Vanj.” Asia notes, and Kameron lets out a big whoop, one which Vanessa almost hits her for.
“Shut up!” Vanessa hisses. “Are you tryin’ to get us in trouble? We supposed to be working on processing those orders for that new cake-baking cookbook, not gossiping about something I most definitely absolutely was not doing. ”
“Sure, baby.” Kameron snorts, but nonetheless, she and Asia settle, turning back to their own desks to attend to their work. Or at least, Kameron and Asia do - Vanessa herself is, for whatever reasons, struggling to focus.
Reasons that have nothing at all to do with how Brooke walks by again a moment later, and how for a moment, Vanessa swears that she sees Brooke glance at her and smile.
“You could just talk to her, you know.” Kameron offers kindly, but Vanessa only grunts in response.
Vanessa’s a junior sales rep for the entire cookbook company, while Brooke is a copy editor for the baking section. They may not work together directly, but they’re still part of two different worlds–one world that’s just a hair away from being an intern, days spent in a flurry of spreadsheets and scutwork, versus another world that comes with a postgraduate degree and a great deal of respect. Brooke couldn’t possibly want anything to do with Vanessa, and pretending otherwise…
Well, Vanessa would be setting herself up for heartbreak, to say the least. She’s sure it would. So it’s better not to get her hopes up; better to just keep things neat and tidy, limit her fantasies to watching Brooke’s ass whenever she walks by and hoping that when she walks back, she might catch another glimpse at that shy, beautiful smile.
“Oh, come on, now, don’t be like that.” Asia scolds, turning back around. “Kam is right, you know. We have that employee mixer coming up, and God knows the woman finds every excuse she can to walk past us all hours of the goddamn day. Just talk to her, Vanj.”
Vanessa snorts, not bothering to look up from her computer. “What would I even say, bitch? ‘Hey, mama, you got a fine ass, lemme eat it?’”
But there’s no laughter that follows the joke, nor any advice to soothe over the genuine question behind it. Instead, there’s an uneasy beat of silence, during which Vanessa looks up and realizes–
Oh no.
Oh God.
Brooke’s standing at the entrance of Vanessa’s cubicle, clutching a manuscript and looking absolutely mortified.
“I’m–Oh, God, Brooke, I’m so sorry–” Vanessa starts, but it only seems to make things worse; Brooke flushes red, mumbles something about sending in some pages as a preview for a prospective client, and then rushes off, leaving stunned silence in her wake.
“Okay, so when I said talk to her, I didn’t mean like that–”
“Shut up, Asia.” Vanessa puts her head in her hands, hoping in vain that the floor will swallow her up and never spit her back out.
The rest of the afternoon goes by slowly, shakily–Vanessa can hardly focus, the moment of her embarrassment replaying over and over in her head without reprieve, interrupting any task she tries to take on. Every time she tries to open a new document, her eyes fall down to her desk and onto the manuscript Brooke left her. And every time she tries to open an email, Brooke’s name appears at the top of her alphabetically-organized contact list.
It’s only when Vanessa finally gets ready to leave for the evening that Brooke fades from her mind, the space that the blonde occupied instead taken over by a list of all the snacks she’s going to eat and the reality TV shows she’ll binge when she gets home. She waves good-bye to Asia and Kameron, about to shut off her computer and get going, when suddenly–
EMAIL FROM: Brooke Lynn Hytes
RE: convo from today
Hi Vanessa,
Meet me in my office in half an hour… I want to talk to you about what you said today.
Vanessa’s head spins, her heart stopping dead in her chest and body going cold.
Oh God. Oh, Jesus fucking Christ. She’s going to be fired, she knows it–she’ll walk into Brooke’s office, HR will be sitting there to mediate, and she’ll be sent packing before she has a chance to contest the disciplinary action.
Vanessa’s about to write back, beg for forgiveness, or at least some other kind of recourse, when a second email comes through.
EMAIL FROM: Brooke Lynn Hytes
RE: Convo from today - oops
Hi Vanessa,
Just realized that makes it sound like im gonna fire you or something. Lol. Sorry about that. Can you just come by now? Easier to talk in person.
Sorry again.
Brooke Lynn Hytes
Vanessa can’t help but laugh a little to herself when she reads the text, her heart starting back up again and nerves dissipating a little. God, the fucking dork–maybe things will work out after all.
Probably not the way that Vanessa’s hoping for, though.
She scurries across the floor towards Brooke’s office, not bothering to return the waves and cheerful good nights! from coworkers as she passes. There’s only one thing on her mind at the moment–Brooke Lynn Hytes and her ass, and whatever she’s going to say to her.
Okay, three things, but it doesn’t matter. Because she’s outside Brooke’s office, and the door is open for her to walk through, and–
And Brooke is sitting at her desk, blushing and shifting nervously in her chair, gesturing for Vanessa to close the door.
“Brooke, I wanna say again, I’m—“
But Brooke cuts Vanessa off with a shake of her head and a kind smile.
“Did you—did you mean what you said?” Brooke stands up and walks towards Vanessa cautiously, slowly, her smile still gentle and gaze unwavering. “About wanting to rim me?”
Vanessa swallows hard, her heart pounding and mind racing. Brooke is close now, so close that if she reaches out, she could touch Vanessa, box her in against the door, do whatever she pleases with her—
“Yeah.” Vanessa admits breathlessly. Yeah I did.”
“Oh, thank God.” Brooke sighs, her shoulders relaxing and face smoothing out in relief. “I was afraid you were joking, and—“
But Brooke never gets a chance to finish that sentence, because before Vanessa can think about it, before she has a chance to stop herself, she’s leaning up and cupping Brooke’s face and pressing her lips to hers.
The kiss is electric, breathless and passionate enough to make Vanessa feel as if she’s floating, swept off her feet by Brooke’s lips, her sighs of pleasure when Vanessa tugs lightly on her bottom lip with her teeth. Brooke is gripping her tightly by the waist, pulling her flush against her body, and Vanessa is dizzy, held up only by the will to keep contact with the woman in front of her, entwined with her. She feels along Brooke’s back, down each curve and over every muscle, until finally, her hands sweep over the one thing she’s been drooling over for what seems like far too long.
Brooke moans, like really moans, when Vanessa’s hands reach her ass, and God, Vanessa would do anything to hear that sound again. She feels along the curve of Brooke’s ass, squeezing and kneading and listening for every little reaction, every repeated moan and little gasp.
“Keep–Oh, fuck, Vanessa, keep doing that.” Brooke separates from Vanessa, her eyes hooded and cheeks flushed, voice breathy with effort.
“Ain’t gotta tell me twice.” Vanessa giggles, and Brooke does too, pulling Vanessa even closer, and sticking her ass out a little and before grinding back into Vanessa’s hand to meet her movements.
“This might sound weird,” Vanessa starts to propose, before she can second-guess it, “But can I…” she trails off, her hands suddenly freezing.
How in the hell is Vanessa supposed to ask a woman she’s barely worked with, who she barely even knows , realistically, to let her spank her?
“Can you what?” Brooke repeats, and Vanessa realizes with a sudden rush of embarrassment and doubt that she’s already gone too far to turn back.
“Can I spank you?”
Vanessa pulls away, expecting Brooke to look at her strangely, to balk at the suggestion. Ask her what’s wrong with her, or why she’d want that.
Instead, she giggles.
“You’re cute when you’re embarrassed, you know that?” Brooke teases, and Vanessa blushes.
“I had to ask!” Vanessa gives Brooke a playful tap on her ass, rolling her eyes. “You telling me you’d rather I just popped your ass right then and there without no warning?”
Only, the way Brooke looks back at Vanessa in that second tells her pretty much exactly what she needs to know to answer that question.
“I think we oughta pick this up later.” Vanessa’s voice drops to almost a whisper, her hands clutching tighter at Brooke’s ass and stomach practically flip-flopping with glee and arousal when Brooke goes rigid, leans into Vanessa’s touch again. “Somewhere we can be private, so I can make that cute little ass nice and red.”
“I like the sound of that.” Brooke nods, and Vanessa answers by spanking her lightly again, grinning when Brooke lets out a soft, surprised oh!
“I gotta go home and feed my dog, but how ‘bout I’m over at eight?” Vanessa proposes.
“Sounds good.” Brooke smiles. “I can’t wait.”
“Me neither.”
Vanessa leans up and gives Brooke another quick kiss before turning on her heels, sauntering towards the door with a little extra swing in her step just to tempt the woman watching her walk away.
“Oh, and Brooke?” Vanessa turns around at the last second, only to see Brooke snap to attentively.
“Make sure you nice and prepped for me when I come. And whatever you do, don’t touch yourself before.”
Vanessa doesn’t wait for Brooke’s answer; she doesn’t need to.
She already knows that Brooke’s in the palm of her hand, and now she’s got to get home and get in the shower.
Vanessa knocks on Brooke’s door at 7:59 PM. Almost instantly, the door swings open and Vanessa feels her breath get knocked out of her body.
Brooke is a vision in satin and lace, dressed in a plain top with lace trim and a shiny, thin skirt that barely covers her ass, if it wasn’t for the identical lace trim that brings Vanessa’s eyes trailing downward to Brooke’s thighs, pale and toned and begging for Vanessa to grab them.
“You look beautiful.” It’s all Vanessa can think to say, but if the way Brooke’s eyes sparkle and her cheeks flush is any indication, it’s the right thing.
“I, um—Thanks.” Brooke brushes a piece of hair behind her ear, blushing deeper when Vanessa laughs fondly at the gesture. “Um, d’you wanna come in?”
“Absolutely.” Vanessa is already walking past Brooke when she stops to reach up and give the blonde a peck on her cheek.
“By the way,” Vanessa whispers, grasping at Brooke’s shirt with firm, eager fingers, “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”
The gasp that Brooke lets out as she shivers at the words is in itself enough to switch any thinking part of Vanessa’s brain off, her body moving on adrenaline and instinct as she practically drags Brooke towards the bedroom.
This time when they kiss, it’s slow, less frantic, less desperate. They take their time, exploring each other as they embrace, Brooke’s hands tracing Vanessa’s body slowly and carefully in a way that leaves goosebumps in their wake.
It’s only when Brooke lays her hands on Vanessa’s ass that a sharp arousal shoots between Vanessa’s legs, and enough is enough.
“Get on the bed.” Vanessa grabs Brooke’s arms and pushes them off of her body, holding firm despite how Brooke tries to bring her hands back onto Vanessa, tries again to grab and feel her. Seeing how her efforts are futile, Brooke whines, tries to lean down to distract Vanessa with another kiss, but Vanessa won’t have it; not now, when her heart is in her throat and she can feel herself getting wetter by the second.
“No, baby.” Vanessa grabs Brooke’s ass and squeezes hard, using the single moment when Brooke is caught off-guard to walk them backwards until Brooke’s knees are hitting against the edge of her bed. “I said get on the bed, now .”
Brooke whines stubbornly but obeys, grabbing onto Vanessa’s shirt and pulling her down on top of her as she goes.
“Eager beaver.” Vanessa rolls her eyes as she picks herself up, kneeling over Brooke to box her in with a knee on either side of her hips, a hand on either side of her head.
Brooke only sticks out her tongue, and Vanessa can’t resist leaning down to kiss her again, nipping at her bottom lip and smirking at the soft, surprised squeak that she lets out in response. Vanessa keeps going, kissing along Brooke’s jaw, down her neck, nibbling and licking and sucking experimentally as she pays attention to what makes Brooke tick.
It’s adorable how responsive Brooke is, how quickly her bratty demeanor fades when Vanessa pins once-again wandering hands down onto the mattress and sucks hard at her collarbone. How she moans and gasps and squirms like she’s being touched for the first time in years, an appetite whet after laying dormant for just a little too long.
“Lift up for me.” Vanessa prompts, tapping Brooke on the side, and Brooke sits up long enough for Vanessa to pull her shirt over her head, revealing the smooth, soft skin underneath.
“Really?” Vanessa smirks, tracing her hand over Brooke’s bare breasts, her nipples already hardened against the room’s cold air.
“Why wait?” Brooke shrugs, “We would’ve taken it off anyway.”
“So does that mean you’re not wearing panties, either?” Vanessa lazily traces over Brooke’s tits, circling and flicking her nipples as she lets her eyes trail down to the waistband of her skirt and the promise that it holds underneath it.
“Why don’t you check?” Brooke’s voice is laced with challenge, her face almost smug as she stares up at Vanessa, waiting for her to make good on the offer.
And so Vanessa does, and doesn’t regret it.
Brooke’s wearing panties, alright—ones that are white, made of thin fabric that Vanessa can practically see through and trimmed with lace on the waistband and leg holes. It’s tantalizing, how pure they look, how they contrast with Brooke’s mussed hair and hickey-bruised skin, and Vanessa almost wishes Brooke could keep them on.
“Like what you see?” Brooke grins, and Vanessa has to hand it to her—the bitch knows what she’s doing, she really does.
Fortunately, so does Vanessa, and so she knows exactly how to handle the situation.
“Fuck yeah, I do.” Vanessa breathes, kissing the nape of Brooke’s neck again, barely-there pecks that make Brooke squirm underneath her.
“Now how about you show me the view from the back, baby girl?” She lifts off of Brooke just long enough to trace a finger along the waistband of Brooke’s panties, watching with satisfaction as Brooke shivers at her touch.
“Yes, mommy.” Brooke gasps as Vanessa moves to cup her through her panties, pressing down just a little so she can feel Brooke’s slick soaking through them.
“Mommy kink too?” Vanessa can’t resist teasing a little as she finally brings her hand away, shuffling back to give Brooke room to reposition herself. “Damn, Miss Hytes, you a freak.”
Brooke blushes deeply. “I—I’m sorry, it just kind of slipped out, usually I talk to people before I do that—“
Vanessa swallows the rest of Brooke’s ramblings into a deep, affectionate kiss, one that makes Brooke soften enough that Vanessa can ease her back onto the bed again.
“Don’t worry about it, kitten.” Vanessa winks, her heart warming when Brooke beams. “Now, turn over for mommy, I wanna play with that pretty little ass already.”
Brooke flips over happy, eagerly lifting her ass off the mattress just a little and wiggling it in excitement.
It’s too hard to resist; Vanessa brings a hand down over one of Brooke’s cheeks, just hard enough to elicit a small squeak from the woman in front of her.
“What?” Vanessa cocks a brow when Brooke looks back and pouts at her. “You tellin’ me you really ain’t expect that, tryna tempt me like that?” As if to make her point, she lands another smack on Brooke’s opposite cheek, and Brooke melts, letting out a sharp exhale and wiggling a little again when Vanessa pulls back, almost as if she’s trying to ask for more.
“Uh-uhn, baby.” Vanessa shakes her head, crossing her arms in front of her. “You gotta use your words this time, or mommy’s not gonna do nothing to you.”
“Please, mommy.” Brooke whimpers in response, eyes wide and pleading. “Spank me more, please?”
“Of course, angel.” Vanessa coos, a calm sweetness before the storm she knows she’s about to unleash.
The next time Brooke squirms, Vanessa lets her spankings rain down, a flurry of impacts that make Brooke’s ass glow with a mesmerizing shade of red. Brooke, for her part, seemed to only take every slap in stride, moaning sinfully and begging for more, more, more.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough.” Vanessa chuckles when she feels the sting of her hits even on her own palm, instead beginning rub soft, soothing circles along the now-heated skin of Brooke’s ass. “Now what do you say?”
“Thank you, mommy.” Brooke sighs contentedly, melting into Vanessa’s gentle touch.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”
They stay like that for a few moments more, quietly enjoying each other, but then Vanessa’s own needs become too much to ignore–arousal is curling in her stomach, snaking between her legs, building up again until she feels like she might explode. She’s about to ask if Brooke is okay, suggest moving things along again, when Brooke speaks up suddenly, beating her to it.
“So… You gonna take my panties off now?” Brooke grins slyly, and Vanessa can’t help but laugh.
“So impatient.” Vanessa teases, but nonetheless moves back near Brooke, tapping her hip to signal her to lift up so that she can ease down her panties, noting with satisfaction the slick, soaked spot that sticks just a moment longer to Brooke than the rest of the fabric, just a little slow in being peeled away.
“Beautiful.” Vanessa breathes it out without thinking, the word rolling off her tongue because it can’t stay in, not with Brooke looking like that, laying bare for her like that. Vulnerable and delicate, all hers to enjoy, if only for the night (but God, what a night). At that moment, nothing else is in Vanessa’s mind except the curve of Brooke’s back and the way her hair splays across it, the flush of her cheeks and how they match the shade of her ass. Her smile, eager and warm and already a little blissed, like she knows she’s safe when she’s with Vanessa.
“You want my mouth or my fingers, or you got a strap?” Vanessa whispers, and God, Brooke’s eyes have never looked as beautiful as they have in that moment, when they look up at Vanessa and sparkle, her pupils wide and lids hooded.
“Mouth please, mommy.”
Brooke doesn’t need to ask twice. Vanessa kisses her way down Brooke’s body again, this time slowly, not teasingly but instead with devotion, her lips carrying admiration for every inch of skin they land on. Apparently, the message gets across, because Brooke seems to relax more with every kiss, her body melting into the mattress, sighing softly every time Vanessa’s mouth touches her skin.
“You ready, angel?” Vanessa pushes Brooke’s cheeks together, kneading them gently while she checks in, and Brooke nods.
“Please, mommy.” Brooke begs quietly, and Vanessa smiles, leaving one last kiss on the peak of Brooke’s tailbone before finally spreading her cheeks apart. She takes her time, licking around Brooke’s hole with short strokes, just the tip of her tongue, to find out what makes Brooke tick. She finds quickly that Brooke likes when Vanessa licks closer to Brooke’s entrance, honing in on one spot temporarily just to put her on edge. She shifts her position, brushes against Brooke’s perineum with the tips of her fingers, and Brooke goes rigid, lets out a sinful moan.
“Please, oh fuck, please, Ness, keep doing that.” Brooke trembles as Vanessa repeats the motion, timing it with a broad stroke of her tongue up Brooke’s crack. So she does, over and over, alternating with swirls around Brooke’s holes and little short darts into it, until Brooke is babbling and whimpering, a moaning mess underneath her that just can’t stay still.
“Come on, baby girl, come for me, I know you can do it.” Vanessa growls, continuing her ministrations. “Let me see you come for mommy, wanna see you lookin’ so pretty and fucked out for me…”
It’s as if the words are exactly what Brooke needed to tip her over the edge; without so much as a moment passing after the words leave Vanessa’s lips, Brooke goes rigid again, her cries cut off into a silent scream that ends with a final fuck before she relaxes again, panting and spent.
“Shit.” Brooke laughs breathlessly as Vanessa comes up from her place at the foot of the bed to snuggle at Brooke’s side, nestling into her arms. “That was amazing , Ness. Thank you.”
“No problem, baby.” Vanessa feels pride balloon in her chest at the words, but even that is secondary to the feeling of seeing Brooke’s smile, the renewed energy in her eyes even as she lays limp and sated, holding onto Vanessa like some sort of teddy bear.
It’s all she’s wanted, really–all she’s been after. Not just Brooke’s ass, or her body, or the way she walks and steals looks at Vanessa at the office.
Just for Brooke to look at her, really look at her. Smile at her. Thank her for something that isn’t work-related. See her not as Vanessa Mateo from distribution, but as Vanessa herself, as Vanessa wants her to see her.
“Vanessa?” Brooke pipes up again, snapping Vanessa out of her contented daze.
“I asked if you wanted me to return the favour.” Brooke doesn’t seem to mind Vanessa’s temporary absence; if anything, she seems entertained by it, the shadow of a smile on her face.
But as kind as the offer is, Vanessa just shakes her head. “Nah, baby, I’m good for now. Unless…” she stops, biting her lip as her heart kicks up a bit, squeezing its way into her throat as she contemplates her next move.
It’s a risk–Brooke might very well say no, might very well want to keep their relationship to what it currently is.
But if how they’ve wound up here together is any indication, then it’s worth a shot.
“Unless?” Brooke prompts, and Vanessa takes a deep breath, shoving any doubt out of her mind.
“Maybe you could take me out for a date, and we could see what happens?”
Much to Vanessa’s relief, Brooke doesn’t even skip a beat when she answers, a wide grin spreading across her face.
“I would love nothing more.”
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maroonskies · 6 years
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rep room - 7/28/18 - gillette stadium
ok ladies i guess it’s time for my rep room story! sorry it’s taken me so long.. i’ve been really overwhelmed with everything and just like … how is this real ya know. i’ll put everything under a read more but please enjoy these polaroids from rep room hehe. love u @taylorswift
so i guess i’ll start from saturday morning.. i had just woken up and i was visiting with king oliver (lejla @iknowplacesclean and liana’s @cuzustilldontknowwhatineversaid rabbit) when meg @stolenkissesprettyliies literally just.. kicked my foot sjkdfjs. she told me to come into the kitchen and she was like “we’re meeting taylor.” all i could say was “are you serious? are you kidding?” and then i just like started crying bc i’m dramatic. like?? she wanted to bring me with her?? what kind of angel?? i was pretty much in shock for the rest of the day tbh
i’m just gonna skip to rep room now hehe. so as we were walking back to get our wristbands i spotted dana @befearlessandstaybeautiful who literally had no idea what was happening and it was the funniest moment of my life. so we got our wristbands and finally it was time to go backstage!! we walked in and they made us put all of our belongings on a table and we were able to give taylor nation any gifts/letters we had for taylor. i had ordered a pack of worry dolls to give to her last week just in case something like this would happen and like IT DID WIG. meg and i kept one for each of us and gave the rest to her along with a few letters!
so we walk in to rep room and the first thing we see are the iconic outfits from various music vids. i took a pic with the delicate dress (as you can see in one of the polaroids). and then you see the arch that says rep room and it’s like this is actually happening this is real life. so we walk a little further and we see the throne and the couches and iconic pillows and the posters on the wall and the bench in the middle of the room with freaking snakes wrapping around it and i almost died i’m not kidding. we see the polaroid cameras and pick one up but no one else did bc they were scared we would get in trouble so i put that down REAL fast. turns out we were allowed to use them anyway lmaooo. so we took a bunch of pics and took some for queen em @ninetay89 (who is a literal angel and i’m so glad we got to do this together). then TN tells us we need to line up and the m&g’s started.
we were like.. 5th or 6th in line i think and while you’re standing there you can hear taylor and see her when they open the curtains to let people in and let me tell you … i’ve never felt more nauseous in my entire life. it was finally our turn.. we walk in and meg says “hi i’m megan” and taylor’s literally like “i know i picked you last night, i saw your airport selfie” like who is she.. then i introduce myself and tell her i love her and hug her and she’s like “i’m so glad you guys are here.” me too bicth the fuck?
i’m gonna like summarize the LWYMMD convo because I can’t remember all of it and megan told it better anyway so HERE is a link to her iconic rep room story. but basically we were talking about the snake situation and how people are like “why is she so obsessed with the snake thing, she’s taking it too far” and taylor, i kid you not, literally screamed “YOU WERE THE ONES THAT TWEETED IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN” while acting like she was typing on a phone and then said “you’re just mad because it doesn’t bother me anymore” like … my fucking queen. it’s important to note that meg’s story started with her talking about throwing up and at this point i looked at taylor and was like “i’m surprised i’m not throwing up right now” and she laughed and was like “oh my god no you’ve done so well” i can’t breathe
when we were done screaming about lwymmd she turned to me and i immediately started tearing up bc i’m soft. so i grabbed her arm and i was telling her about my anxiety and how bad it’s been for the past year (shoutout to meg for literally latching on to me to comfort me). she grabbed my shoulder and was like “i’m so sorry” in the most genuine way possible and i absolutely melted. i was telling her about how my anxiety was at its worst when the delicate music video came out and how it made my heart happy (like i actually said those words who am i) and how i’m glad that she’s so happy. so after i was done she was like “i’m so glad you’re here! small steps lead to big steps! you’re gonna in a stadium full of people soon and it’s great that you’re here i’m so proud of you” and at that point i’m pretty sure i blacked out bc i barely remember anything else.
meg got to talk to her about some other things which is in her story (i’ll link it again here). and like throughout the whole entire interaction she would make sure to look at both of us to make sure we didn’t feel left out of the convo she’s so pure. now it’s time for the picture rip. i said something about how i’d been crying and she was like “no you’re doing great this is an emotional time” like LITERALLY ME. so we got into position and then i remembered the pose we wanted to do and I was like “we were wanting to smush” and she was like ………. (big mood) and then at the same time meg and i said “like a taylor face sandwich” so taylor grabbed our faces and said “LIKE THIS??” UHHHH YES BITCH LIKE THIS.
after the pic we all hugged one last time (sad). as we were literally walking out of the room i turned around and said “OH YEAH, can you play come back be here… . please” and meg said “like tonight” (slkdjs mood) but taylor was like “i can’t tonight because i already have a request but at some point I will, I promise” and my heart was so happy. then we screamed that we loved each other and that was it.
i’m literally SO thankful to meg for bringing me along because i wouldn’t have wanted to share this experience with anybody else. i’m so glad i got to talk with taylor and hug her and tell her i love her. she was so sweet and genuine and funny and she cares SO MUCh and she’s sO BEAUTIFUL. i just love her. i also wanna thank all of you for all of your messages, posts, replies, etc before and after everything. you guys mean the absolute world to me and i’m so glad to have you. i’m truly having the time of my life fighting dragons with you ♡
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wlwhyuck · 6 years
Mutual appreciation time! Tag some of your favourite mutuals and write them a message! 🌸🌸🌸
im sorry this took so long !! its been sitting in my inbox for like a week shbdxjnd theres a lot so u put them under the cut !
@cokehei : zyla babe you’re my ocean for men enthusiast and favorite Traitor uwu 😔💞 you are deadass the Funniest person alive and you never fail to bring a smile to my face or make me ugly cackle i love u 🤧 i get genuinely happy when i see you on my dash n also you’re a Godly level of gorgeous ashdhhd you Glow inside and out n !!! am i Worthy of even associating with you i dont think so /: anyways im: love you 💖
@jxhnnyseo : isabel, my norcal counterpart, talented Goddess that puts us all to shame with her sheer Beauty 💞💕 highkey !! you make me hella regret stopping dancing shdjdndj you’re so talented and captivating and i hope you know that hsbdjd i love u n thank u for telling me boba guys isnt worth the hype n saving me time 💘
@starryjaes : darcy, a real life angel, the sweetest you’ll ever meet ✨💖 i just want to say you’re one of the kindest people i’ve had the pleasure of meeting and you just give off this soft aura and honesty uwu..also this is random but your glasses are super cute and they suit you so much idk if i ever say you in reg black frames id be like uh whomst ? anyways i love u a lot 💝
@omgjeongguk : sisi, my online best friend, a once in the life time kind of friend that im grateful to have met 💞 you’re one of my favorite people in the whole wide world and we’ve been thru A lot and i’m so happy we’ve stuck by each other. it would’ve been so easy for either of us to fall off but here we are, 3 years, almost 4 after we started talking on this hellsite hehdjd not 2 be gay but i love u you mountain dew drink bot 💕
@myfirstandlast : megan 💕💞🌸✨💖 i love u bc i can send u a hyuck post no context and you’re ready to yell w me and ive said before but more than half the convos we’ve had were in all caps thank u for indulging me and you can tell me to shut up i promise i wont be offended sndndjkf also reminder ur bangs are supa cute i love u
@haechanciaga : zuzanna, a recently mark ult turned hyuck 😈🤧💞 you were one of my first mutuals on this blog and because of that you have a special place in my heart ✨we talk about a lot of random things but much recently abt hyuck and i am excited i can scream even More to you about hyuck hsbdjd you’re so cute n nice n uh, i love u a lot !! 💖🌸
@hyuckhoney : lily, queen of fleeky brows and ??? angsty writing ??? 💞💖 you’re?? always hyping me up and saying the nicest things and i appreciate tou a lot 😔 you were also one of my first mutuals so you also have a special place in my heart…you’re a talented writer with a knack for writing that makes you feel melancholy and makes you think a lil (at least to me!) don’t stop writing you’re too good ily 💞
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resurrectionlily · 6 years
Old Roommate convos with Ashlee 2015-2018. Miss her!
Roommate: Do you think the reason no one hit on you tonight was that people thought we were a couple. Megan: I think it might have more to do with the fact that I was singing along to all the party songs the DJ was playing and dancing around your chair with kitty paws.
 (My roommate, everyday) Ashlee: can we get an alpaca. Megan: no. Ashlee: why not? Megan: where could we keep it? Ashlee: in the back yard. - Ashlee: can we get an otter. Megan: no. Ashlee: why not? Megan: where would we keep it? Ashlee: in the bathtub? Megan: where would we shower? - Ashlee: can we get a pet fox. Megan: no. Ashlee: you never let me get nothing!
Roommate: Remember that weird sexual thing you were talking to me about a few weeks ago? Megan [not looking up from computer] I say a lot of weird shit, you'll have to be more specific.
Megan: Like my sides hurt and my fingers hurt and my wrists hurt. Ashlee: Well, you're sick. Megan: I hate it! Ashlee: That's life. Megan: Well I also hate that!
Roommate: what's this word? Megan: (looks at crossword puzzle briefly) Strap? Roommate: ah! Megan: what's this game? I wanna play. Roommate: word a lot. Megan: like sir mix a lot. (Tries to type in sir word a lot in to search bar) I like big words and I can not lie. Ahhhhhh fuck me up. Roommate: (laughing at me, goes up stairs to her boyfriend) it was strap. Her boyfriend: seriously?! Megan: what??? he couldn't figure it out either??? Her boyfriend: nope. Megan: HAHA! I am so smart.
Me: [sees attractive person and makes an audible gasp] Roommate: What is wrong. Me: That. I want that for Christmas. Roommate: [laughter] - Roommate: [makes eye contact with me] Me: [Poses] ASHLEE THIS IS HOW YOU GET THE GUYS. [Guys come over] Me: [leans over to Roommate] Oh, no...what have I done?
Roommate: Are you writing about The Flash? Me: I am telling facebook about how you told me they were fictional as if I didn't already know that. Roommate: You could have been a delusional fangirl. Me: [offended] I AM A DELUSIONAL FANGIRL!
Roommate: I got you A FOX because it looks like you. Megan: (in her room, whispering) Chubby face and looking permanently annoyed...hmmm (loudly) We're practically twins.
Megan: [staring at her computer with her hands half-covering her eyes] Roommate: You look tired? Megan: I am tired. I need to go to sleep. Why am I still awake? Roommate: Because you're addicted to your computer. Megan: I AM READING BLOGS! I like to read. Roommate: Yeah....on the computer. Megan: I like to read on not-the-computer but that isn't where the blogs are.
(My roommate was having a conversation with her boyfriend about my sexuality last night. She was telling me about it today.)
Ashlee: He (Nick) was like, "Wait is she bi?" I said, "Yes and no. She goes for people she has a mental, emotional, and spiritual connection with them doesn't matter if they're white, black...alien." (with mouth full of chicken, points at me with a fork) I could see YOU being with an alien.
Roommate: You should hear my ringtone it is very violent. (goes to play ringtone and kpop love song starts playing) Megan: Your definition of violent and my definition of violent are wildly different.
Roommate: My coworker asked me if I was drinking yet because my boyfriend got hurt. I was going to ask you if you would drink in this situation but you drink for any reason. Megan: Truth though.
Roommate: Do you think the reason no one hit on you tonight was that people thought we were a couple. Megan: I think it might have more to do with the fact that I was singing along to all the party songs the DJ was playing and dancing around your chair with kitty paws.
[Watching a TV show with my roommate where two white people are like super white-people dancing to a mariachi band then they cut away to the band.] Ashlee : Is that how you dance? Megan: [offended] NO I HAVE STANDARDS, Ashlee! [The show cuts back to the white people and they are spinning each other around and stomping like godzilla while dancing] Megan: [points at screen] I dance like that. Ashlee: [DYING]
Me playing Down The Mountain in the quiet darkness:FUCK YOU YOU PEANUT BUTTER JELLY DOUCHEBAG! Roommate: [uncontrollable laughter from the next room]
Me: [in sing song voice to my dog] Nubie I hate when you do that it makes me feel really sad, no don’t do that. [dog starts barking] I don’t know why you’re barking, please shut up, Anubisssss do you know that you can be an asshole? Here comes the cat please don’t chase her… well fuck youuuu thanks for knocking over my laptop.
Roommate: [uncontrollable laughter]
Me, playing the Skyrim: I am not following this fucker around right now, I have to go to work I don’t have time to kill this dude everyone will hate me if I kill this dude. God damn, why did I become an assassin/good guy/imperial/werewolf? NOTHING ABOUT ME MAKES SENSE! I am having an existential crisis about a video game.
Roommate: [uncontrollable laughter]
Roommate: I don’t understand this usps verification thing? Megan: Bring it to me, I understand all the mail. Roommate: Look at all these coupons they sent through (tosses them on my bed and starts going through them) Oh my god, I am turning into you. Megan: I can’t make it rain 100s, so I make it rain coupons.
Ashlee: I want chicken fingers!!!! Megan: Well let's go get you some chicken fingers. Ashlee: Where are there chicken fingers? Megan: Uhm every restaurant up and down this road. Ashlee: Not Taco Bell. Megan: They have taco fingers! Ashlee: ? Megan: Burritos! Hahahahahahahahah
[I am reading critiques drunk. Ashlee comes into my room.] Megan: I almost posted on your wall, "Let's go get sheetz." Ashlee: Do you wanna go to sheetz? Megan: No, I am just drunk. [hold wine glass up to face] I wish my wine had a straw. [pretends to suck at a fake straw and Ashlee is laughing] I am going to die alone. Ashlee: Do you want me to buy a body pillow and put a man on it for you. Megan: Ash, I'm lonely and drunk not weird and desperate.
Ashlee: I got bit. Megan: Probably a spider. Ashlee: [tries to shoot web from hands] Ashlee: ...Nope. Megan: I mean, they're not radioactive.
Megan: Ashhhhh my nose is all stuffy. Ashlee: Why? Megan: I dunno, from the weather and like turning the heat down, I guess. Ashlee: Yeah, probably. Use your oil diffuser. Megan: I guess, I might have something that will help. [looks at oils that came with her diffuser] Yeah, they gave me eucalyptus and peppermint. I could use those. Ashlee: See, I knew you had something weird like that.
Megan: You have a lot of good things going for you that are in your favor. First of all, you have a degree in education. Ashlee: AH! I do! Don't I? (Laughing while eating thin mints) Megan: Did you forget? Ashlee: Yeah! You just reminded me.
Megan: I was thinking of getting us a wall mounted tv. Ashlee: What about the cat? Megan: If it is mounted well it'll be fine. Ashlee: Are we going to have someone mount it for us because if we do it... Megan: Do you know anyone who can mount things well, Ashlee? Ashlee: (laughing) That sounded wrong in my head. Megan: It sounded wrong to me too, that is why I said it.
Megan: I bought us this kit full of nails and screws. So we can nail and screw things. Ashlee: I already do that. Megan: (with toothbrush in mouth) Well, I don't! Megan: Ahaha, SICK BURN to myself!
Megan: I boiled some water, do you want some tea? Ashlee: No, I don't like your mint tea, it reminds me of gum. Megan: Okay, do you want some of your tea. Ashlee: No. Megan: Well, the water is still hot if you want some. Ashlee: Like you. Megan: [weird 1950's mom voice] Oh, shush you, you're such a flirt. Nick: [turns around from washing dishes] WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO? Ashlee: NOTHING! Megan: Yeah, Nick we're just flirting and shit, god.
Ashlee: (comes out her bedroom) Hey.. Megan, I need to talk to you about something... Megan: (playing Pokemon) what? Do you need condoms? Her boyfriend: (obnoxious laughter) Ashlee: NO! I wanted to tell you about my day!
(Watching Sense and Sensibility for a class discussion.)
Ashlee: Sounds sappy and stupid. Megan: Well it is based off a classic romance novel from the 1800s, not sure what you are expecting from it. Ashlee: It sounds boring. Megan: Well, I mean, I watched these girls get fucked around with by assholes for the past two hours and I am finally being rewarded with a character's wedding to a non asshole so..
Ashlee: [sees Megan cuddling with a pillow on her bed looking angry] What's wrong? Megan: [into pillow] I'm lonely and I hate it. Ashlee: Do you want to cuddle with my panda head. Megan: [looks up] ...I'm good.
Ashlee: You're down here on your computer, I am up there watching videos of Korean people I think are hot. Megan: I am also making FOREVER ALONE soup. Our lives are so sad. We really gotta go out and meet people. This is stupid. Ashlee: We went to the store last night. Megan: I mean, that is true, good for us. Though, not many people to meet in the produce isle at the Mentor Giant Eagle at 10:30 on Wednesday. Ashlee: Well this one guy was following me when I ran off by myself.
Megan to Ashlee: You're not a child. Children don't pay rent that is why I don't have any.
Megan: Come look at this thing I found on the internet. Ashlee: [comes into my room] Did you do your homework? Megan: I am, I am two paragraphs into this story. Ashlee: Do your homework! Megan: I am. Ashlee: No, you're messing around on the internet! Do your homework! Megan: [screaming turkey noises] Ashlee: [screaming turkey noises] DO IT! Megan: [whispering turkey noises]
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steamishot · 5 years
today i was in a meeting with some important people: director of labor relations, CFO, CAO, DIO of ACGME, residency director, residency manager, GME analyst, med ed people, and my bosses - academic HR manager and HR director. as the resident union was officially ratified yesterday, lots of new changes will ensue. wins that residents will now have: $1,000 housing allowance/month (almost double from what they had last year), $300 in meals every month and $25/day for ubereats when practicing at an affiliate hospital, 4 weeks of parental leave (instead of 2), smartphones instead of pagers, guarantee of one major holiday off, etc. our residents have much better benefits and perks than matt does. they also get up to $2750 in moving costs. but dude, the $1000 housing allowance/month is everything. for all the work they do, they definitely deserve it. crossing my fingers that his union will be able to achieve good things too. 
i get overly anxious when i’m around others who are way superior to me, as i rarely participate in meetings with them. generally, i already don’t like participating in meetings where i have to talk. 
the residency manager megan is my age, a friendly and pretty white girl who just started her role a few months ago. she’s really nice and knowledgable, passionate about what she does and overall a great person to have on the team. i sat next to her and observed how she acted. the really high status people (DIO and CAO) are white women as well. as they entered the room, megan welcomed them with a warm smile and they were just as happy to see her. my interactions with the CAO when i see her in the hallway are just a half smile or bland “hey”. not saying that they would only be that friendly with you if you’re white, but i think it does help because there’s some familiarity and similarities in culture. i thought of white privilege this afternoon, and about how growing up in a middle class or above american household equips you to communicate the way that (white) americans do, which is so very helpful in professional settings. many of those in the meeting today spoke so elaborately, intelligently, and articulately. it made me wish i talked more growing up, as i was frequently socially isolated and very introverted. a perk of being the dumbest one and lowest on the totem pole in that meeting was being uncomfortable, which is a catalyst for growth. i hesitated whenever i spoke and overthought my responses, hoping i didn’t embarrass myself or my boss. i beat myself up because i felt like i should have been more prepared. it could be that i really sounded stupid, or it was a product of my social anxiety where i overthink things that people don’t really care about, or both. 
anyway, i noticed that a lot of the admin directors are white. at least the residency director and CFO in the meeting today are asian men. due to the restructuring of our department, 4 people (including my work mom) were promoted to MSO, a managerial role. there are now 6 MSOs in our department, with my ex boss as one of them. the MSOs are aware of the wage disparity. my ex boss, a white female, outearns the other 5 by a lot, yet their duties are practically the same. the other 5 are females of color - hispanic, armenian, black, filipino. i believe my ex boss will be compensated at around 80k whereas the others will be around 58-65k. i also noticed that at ucla, black females are compensated the least. 
when we were in taiwan, matt and i had an interesting conversation. i don’t remember how we even got here, but i asked if he were reborn, would he want to be a male or female? he said he’d want to be reborn as an attractive white girl because of their privilege. “if one goes missing the whole world is looking for them” lol. 
today, i finally booked our broadway tickets- we will be watching the lion king in NYC and hamilton in london. watching plays in london is much cheaper. we got pretty good seats for hamilton for about $165. it would easily cost $300+ in the states. during the time he was on his shift a few days ago, he was texting me about getting broadway tickets (as a way “fun break” from writing patient notes in the hospital). however, because he was multitasking and at work/stressed, his texts to me were extremely straightforward and intense. fun, my ass. “you need to....”, followed with another “you need to...” and another “you need to...” informing me how to buy broadway tickets and kind of dismissing what info/screenshots i was sharing with him. i tried to stay patient and yield to his requests while hiding my annoyance and being like “this fuckin bitch” to myself lol. he acted the same way when we were buying airplane tickets. what i learned is that, he’s not in the right state of mind during these times to have a cordial conversation. apparently it’s how they communicate to each other at the hospital because of the scarcity of time, all communication has to be straightforward. is it a justifiable excuse? yes. but is it necessary? no. because his mind at the time lacks the capacity to process things clearly, so it ends up being a waste of energy trying to communicate with him. he realized afterwards how bossy he was being and apologized after rereading the text convo. i think the best thing to do is to ignore him during these times and wait for him to be relaxed. otherwise his stress will transfer over to whatever we are discussing. and also, i keep reminding myself to apply bruce lee’s quote  to life: “You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you”. 
during our facetime call today, he was impressed by my selection of tickets and said the lion king seats will be the best seats he’s ever sat in. I’m happy that I got to purchase one of the “best seats” according to a seating chart for a reasonable price. back to the sweet matt: you’re the best, thank you for planning, etc. i’m blanking out on the first half the convo, but for some reason, i remember him saying something about being with me “til the end”. he also reminded me today to “consider moving to NY”. i like when he throws in cute words/expressions. it catches me off guard and is a nice surprise each time. can’t believe i’ll be in NY in 10 days. the months of LDR felt long yet short at the same time. 
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theshapeshifter100 · 5 years
Guess What? I’m Not a Robot RC Ch11
Word Count: 2,666 (that was not intentional)
Chapter Warning: strong language
6.30PM Wednesday 10th November 2038
Megan and Paul ended up going back up the convoy. None of the cab doors were locked so they could go through glove boxes and dashboards and foot wells for discarded snacks.
They stuffed what they found in Megan’s backpack, which was mostly candy, granola bars, chips and trail mix. There were thankfully water bottles in them as well, most half empty, which was a little disgusting to think about.
“Beggars can’t be choosers,” Paul reminded as Megan wrinkled her nose at a half empty plastic water bottle. With a sigh she made sure the cap was properly screwed on and stowed it in her back pack.
“It’s good to see you again,” Megan finally said.
“You too,” Paul nodded. He fiddled with his raincoat, which he had found again. They were also careful to keep their voices down, since soldiers were still in the back of these. Guilt twisted in Megan’s stomach, they were stuck in the dark with no food or water, that wasn’t humane. They were only following orders.
Yet, what could they do? They had no resources to spare and they were all students. Julia was the only one with a decent income, and even then, providing for over 100 soldiers? Doable with a sandwich and a bottle of water each, but suspicious when buying.
“What are you thinking?” Paul asked, and Megan shook her head.
“Nothing much. Trying not to freak out,” for once it couldn’t be further from the truth. With Paul back, Megan felt calm, at ease.
“Really? Your vitals are fine,” Paul noted, and Megan mentally cursed.
“I’m mostly succeeding,” she amended. “How about you? What are you thinking in that big brain of yours?”
Paul didn’t respond for a few seconds.
“You put yourself at great risk to help me.”
“Yeah,” Megan shrugged. “You needed us, and there was no arguing with Alex once their mind was set. They got a plan together before I could even blink.”
“Of course they did,” Paul chuckled. “But, this was crazy. You could have died earlier, you know that?”
“Believe me, I know,” Megan sighed. Every time she closed her eyes she could see the barrel of a gun. “But, so could have you. In fact, if we weren’t there you most definitely would have died.”
Paul took his beanie off and began to play with it. They stopped outside the next truck and Megan went in to root around.
“I know,” he muttered, but in the dead quiet Megan still heard him. “It’s just, you don’t, I,” Paul sighed. “I don’t know how to say it, but I really think you shouldn’t have come to rescue me. I’m glad you did!” he defended when Megan shot him a disbelieving look. “It’s just, you took some serious risks and-”
“Stop,” Megan got out of the vehicle and grabbed his hands. “Stop with the self deprecation, because that’s what this is. You’re always getting me to stop, so let’s not be hypocritical,” Megan smiled up at him. “I came for you because I like you, I want you in my life, and, honestly, I was a wreck without you. Yeah I came to save you, but it was mostly Alex’s plan and I was terrified the entire damn time. I’ve lost track of how many anxiety attacks I’ve had or nearly had in the last three days and I’m still here, because you mean that much to me. Okay?”
Paul had no words, and gripped Megan’s gloved hands with his much larger ones.
“Tha- thank you,” he managed to get out, feeling the words catch in his throat. “I, I’d just gotten used to the idea of not being rescued, I, I don’t know...” he could feel moisture running down his face. “I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“You’re overwhelmed, and that’s alright,” Megan didn’t relax her grip, and could feel tears starting fall on her face. “I’m doing it too. This is the first moment we’ve had where we can really think, huh?”
“Yeah,” Paul agreed, and pulled one hand out to wipe his face. “Fuck, I’ve never done that before. I can see why you hate it.”
Megan laughed wetly. “Yeah, crying sucks, but you tend to feel a bit better afterwards.”
“Got it,” Paul’s hand hovered in front of him awkwardly now his face was clear. Megan took it, and in a moment of spontaneity she attempted to pull him into a hug. Since he was taken by surprise he didn’t budge, so she flung herself at his torso instead.
Paul was quick to recover, hugging her back. At that point it properly sunk in for both of them that the other was there. Safe, in one piece, alive. No guns were pointing at them, there was no rush, no time limit. For now, all was well. All was good.
Neither of them decided to mention that they could feel the other crying on them.
7.30PM Wednesday 10th November 2038
The two of them made it back to the Recycling Centre, bag and pockets full to bursting with snacks and drinks.
Androids had positioned themselves on the main fence, legs locking them into position and guns pointed outwards. A few were stationed on the ground by the tunnel and one more was lying in a sniper position on top of the front van. There was a slight nod from that one as Megan and Paul passed by, but otherwise no indication that they were noticed.
They found most of Android Allies by the security picker, sans Lucas, Ivy and Nathan, all huddled around some space heaters that had been up from where the flood lights were.
“We have food,” Paul announced, and Megan dropped the bag on the ground.
“Some of it’s half eaten,” she warned. “But it’s better than nothing.”
“Oh thank God, I’m starving!” Oscar was the first to dig in.
“Hey, save some for the rest of us!” Nathan cried. “That’s got to feed all nine of us!”
Oscar paused, and guiltily put some of the snacks down, and everyone else leapt on them.
It was not a substantial meal, but it would do for now.
“We need to do a supply run,” voiced Maggie halfway through a candy bar. “We don’t know how long we’re going to be here.”
“These guys have got it under control,” Allison countered, “they don’t need us!”
“Then what?” Alex asked. “We go back to my place and hide there?”
“We can go with the original plan,” Allison shrugged. “A shit ton of protesting.”
“Hate to break it to you,” Lucas responded from the cabin. “The right to assembly is suspended. We go out and protest, we’ll get arrested.”
“Oh, and we won’t get arrested staying here?”
“Actually, unlikely,” Paul added. “Given the android’s positions and weaponry, and the fact the alarm doesn’t seem to have been raised, we’re not likely to be arrested here.”
“Huh,” Allison was surprised, and Megan got a question in before she could recover.
“How’re the others doing?”
“Not so great,” Alex sighed. “Not much has changed from the last convo over radio. There’s stuff connected to the internet in the trucks, it’s just wiring it up to the phones. And, none of us are engineers.”
Alex looked at Paul, who shook his head.
“I am not a jack of all trades droid. I am designed for home assistance, not engineering.”
“You wielded a gun pretty well there, I doubt that’s in your programming,” Megan responded, and Paul’s shoulders slumped.
“Fine, I’ll go see what I can do. I’ll bring some snacks for them,” Paul grabbed an armful to a small protest and left the main compound.
Lucas had driven the truck up to the barrier, so thankfully they weren’t far. Lucas followed them and jumped into that truck while Ivy and Nathan were working in one of the massive dumper trucks. Paul tried not to think about their contents as he delivered food.
Lucas had merely nodded when Paul dropped by, engrossed in setting up his work. So Paul went up to the larger truck.
“All hail the bringer of food!” crowed Nathan as he dug in. He took a bite out of some chocolate and let out a sigh. “I might miss Dairy Milk, but right now, this is some good shit.”
“Nathan!” Ivy snapped, but she reached across and grabbed some chips from Paul, who was on the step up outside the cab. “Thanks though.”
“How’s it going?” Paul asked.
“Slow,” Ivy responded, Nathan too busy enjoying chocolate. “I’d love to see a nice obvious USB port, but of course, it’s not that simple. It’s only connected to the internet for maps, so trying to get it go further than that is fucking nightmare!”
Paul frowned and leaned over Nathan. “Mind if I-?” he started as he reached over. To his surprise his skin pulled back, and before he’d finished his fingers brushed against the electronic dashboard.
All of a sudden, he could see it. See the code, understand it. It just took a little push here, a little nudge there, and...
Ivy’s phone beeped and when she went to look at it, she found that through the amalgamation of cables, it was connected to the truck internet.
“How the hell did you do that?” she asked, in utter awe.
Paul pulled his hand back, synthetic skin covering his hand again. “I, I don’t know.”
Ivy began to scroll through her phone, getting online. “Let’s see what’s been happening.”
9.24PM Wednesday 10th November 2038
Android Allies were crowded around Ivy’s and Lucas’s phones as well as the space heaters. They had moved them out to the trucks and had been joined by a small group of androids, who were going to broadcast to the rest.
President Warren’s speech was about to begin, and no one was expecting anything good.
They were greeted to a tiny President Warren on each screen, walking towards the podium in the White House, all smiles and waves as cameras flashed. She got settled, and began to speak in an oddly halting manner, although it made it difficult to mishear anything even through tinny phone speakers.
“At 6AM this morning a national curfew was declared. Civilian movement will be strictly controlled, the right to assembly is suspended, all electronic communications are restricted, and I have granted enhanced powers to our security agencies. In addition to these measures, all androids must be handed over to the authorities immediately. Temporary camps are being set up in all our major cities to contain and destroy them. I am now asking all civilians to co-operate with the authorities, and rest assured that everything in our power is being done to guarantee the security of our nation.”
“So basically, nothing Detroit didn’t already know,” Allison sighed, huddling closer to the space heater.
“I don’t know,” Lucas disagreed, shifting position. “I don’t think we knew the curfew was country wide.”
“I feel sorry for those who want to check on family,” Julia suddenly interjected as various reporters vied for the President’s attention. “If communication is down countrywide then no one can check if anyone’s okay.”
A simultaneous sensation of guilt gripped those still in college. Their parents had to be freaking out, and for good reason. Not one felt like telling their parents where they were and what they were doing.
The President picked a reporter to respond to, and they asked.
“Has the leader of the deviants been apprehended?”
“The deviant that is known as Markus has not been located yet, but we will soon track it down and neutralise it.”
“There was a thing with Jericho,” Ivy explained for those who didn’t know. “Which was Markus’s base. It was raided last night, and we don’t know if he’s alive. He’s also kind of a big fucking deal.”
The next reporter was called upon.
“Is it true that the androids could hack our IT systems, like nuclear power plants and military bases?”
“All androids working on sensitive sites have been neutralised and all IT systems have been suspended to avoid any risks of hacking. The situation is under control.”
“Can you hack things Paul?” Megan asked, genuinely curious, and Paul shrugged.
“That’s how we’re even watching this. I didn’t even know I could do it until then.”
Yet another reporter.
“Many believe that androids are a new form of intelligent life. Do you have any comment?”
“That’s ridiculous. Next question please.”
“Fuck off!” Allison and Ivy both snarled while the androids all responded angrily. Surprisingly it was Nathan who exploded next.
“That’s clearly not ridiculous you ignorant, incompetent, senile old bat!” he bellowed, making everyone jump. “If they weren’t sentient, they wouldn’t be fucking revolting now would they?!”
“Nathan, we get it,” Julia tried to calm him down. “And she can’t hear you.”
“I know, I know. It’s just, ah! After all this!” Nathan mumbled before settling back down, just in time for the next journalist’s question.
“What’s going to happen to CyberLife? Will androids be banned definitively?”
“We’re working very closely with Cyberlife to neutralise all deviants. I won’t make any comments about anything else until we have dealt with the android question.”
Megan glanced at Paul, and gripped his hand, giving it what she hoped was a comforting squeeze. He noticed the pressure and looked down at his hand before smiling warmly at Megan, the gesture appreciated.
“Madam President, public opinion seems to have become increasingly favourable to the deviants, particularly since they’ve adopted a peaceful approach. How do you feel about this?”
“Damn straight,” Oscar almost rumbled over the President’s response.
“Public opinion is one thing, the security of the state is another. These deviants are dangerous and my highest priority is to protect the American people. Thank you. That will be all.”
“Oh fuck off!” Lucas rolled his eyes as the President walked away, desperate reporters still shouting their questions. “They’re as dangerous as any other human, and frankly, humans have probably harmed more androids.”
“Here’s a pretty good example,” commented android. “Excluding you guys.”
“It’s hard to figure out who’s the exception at this point,” Oscar added. “Especially if public favour is being brought to the President’s attention.”
Alex suddenly yawned. “So basically, that was a load of bullshit to make everyone’s life harder. I’m tired as fuck, so I’m going to sleep. Don’t know about you lot.”
“Alex,” Julia started, but paused when Alex looked blankly at her. “Are, are you going to be okay?”
Alex suddenly slumped. “I will be. I’d just like some space.”
They stalked back to the compound, and Julia sighed, but didn’t follow.
“I agree,” Ivy yawned. “Time for sleep. And deal with shit in the morning.”
She got into the big truck with Maggie, and Oscar took the bench the behind the driver and passenger seats. Lucas wordlessly went to the smaller truck, and was joined by Nathan.
With his new found hacking power, Paul unlocked the rest of the nearby trucks and everyone got as cosy as they could. Julia brought one of the heaters down to Alex before climbing into her own cab. Paul had turned the electronics on, so each cab was warming up.
He and Megan were in a small truck and Megan reclined her seat as best she could before curling up on the passenger’s side.
“Mmm?” Paul was leaning back in the driver’s seat, not worried about sleep.
“You’re going to be here when I wake up right?”
“Of course I will,” Paul responded softly. “I won’t go anywhere.”
“Thank you,” Megan murmured, and she relaxed into sleep.
Paul sat there, staring out of the windscreen. He was here. He was alive. He almost wanted to laugh it seemed so farfetched.
Instead he leaned back in his seat, and propped his feet up on the dashboard. He didn’t need to sleep, and had no plans on going into stasis, but there was no point in sitting rigidly upright.
I am an absolute sucker for Megan and Paul soft moments, just, ah!
The President Warren speech and reactions are pretty much copy and pasted from the Protest Path, although those who remember it will know that Paul never did the interface thing, 'cause he never needed to. Nothing much to add there, just a cool detail.
Other Options Flowchart
(Megan) Tell the truth
(Paul) Say nothing. Go along with the lie.
(Megan) Don't mention Paul using a gun
Tags! @nightmarejim @septicart-appreciation
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writingknb · 7 years
Can I request late night convos and snuggles with aomine and midorima please? Thank you!!
Here you go! 🌸
Thank you for requesting! 💋
“Why are you here again?” Aomine yawned, his eyes closed as he asked the question. (Name) perked up in irritation.
“Because.. I’m spending the night with you? You know my parents never allow me alone in the house.” she replied, glaring at the blue head.
“Alright.” he shrugged, sitting up from his bed, grabbing some magazine on top of his bedside table, then laid down again and started reading.
“You’re one hell of a hospitable boyfriend.” she snorted, then pulled out her phone and started playing some games.
“God, this is so boring!” she complained, but it’s not like Aomine minded much. In fact, despite hearing her, he continued to read.
She cursed under her breath, kicking off her shoes and pulled the pillow from under Aomine’s head. “Oi, if you’re going to ignore me, I might as well be at home.”
“Hey, it wasn’t my idea!” he defended. Then, a fun idea popped inside (Name)’s mind. Smirking, she whacked him with the pillow, before running off into the bathroom and locking the door.
Aomine sat up quickly, a hand on his forehead as he stared at her. “Oh, you’re getting it now.” he grabbed a pillow from his bed and rested his hand and weight on the other side of the door.
“Oi, come out now. This is your fault you know.” Aomine warned. (Name) giggled, but didn’t unlock the door.
“As if! It was your fault for being such a snob!” she shot back. Aomine rolled his eyes.
“How long are you going to stay there? I mean, if you want to sleep there then fine.” the tanned man shrugged with a smirk.
“I’m not going to sleep here, aho!” she answered, her mind wandering off to how she’s going to escape from the beast.
They stayed like that for a while, until (Name) finally got bored and sighed. “Fine. I’m coming out. But promise me you won’t do anything! We’re even!”
Aomine shrugged. “Alright. We’re even.”
Slowly, she unlocked the door and pulled it open. And before her mind could even process it, Aomine picked her up and threw her on the bed.
She squealed and laughed as Aomine started to hit the pillow on her, but not too hard. She rolled to the side with a laugh and covered herself with the pillow.
“I’m so tired! Stop!” she said between her giggles. Aomine laid down beside her.
“I can’t believe you stayed inside the bathroom for over an hour.” he said, making her glance at the wall clock.
11:34 PM
She turned so she was facing him. “Say.. Daiki, do you think.. we’re still going to be as happy in the future?”
Aomine scoffed. “Of course we are. Stop worrying so much. When we graduate, we’ll be happier.”
She shrugged. “I hope.”
“By the way, can you help me out with that lesson I didn’t get last week?” he asked cheekily. She scoffed.
“Only.. if you buy me (favourite food).” she grinned. Aomine pouted but wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer.
She giggled, and he couldn’t help but smile too. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Go to sleep. You made me tired.”
“But you don’t even get tired from-“
“I’m asleep, I can’t hear you.”
“Oh, how convenient.” she snorted.
“You’re gonna lose, Shin-chan.” she said confidently, shifting in her place and sitting cross legged on the bed, smirking.
Midorima pushed up his glasses and sat in front of her of the same position. “As if.”
“Well then!” she snapped her fingers and moved her head closer to the megane. “Let’s start!”
She rested her chin on her palm and locked eyes with Midorima. You guessed it- a staring contest. It was kinda funny when you think about it, but it was a long story.
“Alright, so here’s the deal.” she started, grinning widely. “If I win..” an idea popped in her mind, making her giggle. “Kiss me and tell me you love me. And you better mean it!”
Midorima didn’t blink, but narrowed his eyes. “H-Hey, that’s too much for a staring contest, nanodayo.”
She snorted. “Yeah right. Just how many times do you that, anyways? Once every 10 months?”
Midorima cursed under his breath but gave in. “Fine. But if I win, delete everything you shared on your social media related to my older posts.”
She laughed, but nodded. “It’s a deal.”
For 3 minutes, they’ve been staring at each other’s eyes intensely. It was kinda getting boring, so (Name) started to think of something to make her win easier.
“Say, Shintarou,” she started, using his first name without any honorifics, which was the first time she actually did it. Midorima’s face flushed, but he didn’t blink. “When did you get so handsome?” she raised her and trailed her fingers across his jawline.
Midorima blinked, blushing madly and moving his face away. She laughed, holding her stomach as the green head complained. “That.. that was unfair, nanodayo!”
“It wasn’t.” she defended, trying to catch her breath and sitting up, smirking. “The deal, Shin-chan.”
He looked away, then glanced back at her with an uneasy look on his face. And then he sighed. “Fine. Just don’t tell it to anyone.”
She raised a finger. “Hey, that wasn’t part of the-“
She was cut off with a pair of lips planted on top of hers. Surprisingly, it was longer than any of the previous kiss they had. She ran her fingers through his hair and after a few moments, Midorima pulled away, panting.
“I love you..” he murmured, and this time, she was the one blushing madly. She looked away, trying to cover her blush.
“I love you too.” she said, her hand finding it’s way to intertwine it with his.
When she looked at him, his face was still red, and he grabbed a tissue from his bedside table, dabbing the blood that trailed down his nose.
“Speaking about the past..” she trailed off, now intertwining two of their hands together and started swaying it gently, Midorima didn’t even yank his hands away and would swing it too.
They were still sitting cross-legged on the bed, talking about random stuff. “I think I remember something about you being ticklish.”
The megane’s eyes widened. “Y-Yeah, but let me tell you.. it wasn’t real, nodayo.”
“Really?” a playful smirk played on her lips as she lets go of his hands. She started tickling his sides, and he sat stiff, obviously trying to hold back his laugh.
When he started laughing, she was so astonished, she stopped her actions and smiled genuinely, her heart faltering.
“Y-You laughed!” she stuttered, an irresistible smile crawling it’s way up to her lips.
Midorima cleared his throat, then tried to act like nothing happened. He took off his glasses and placed it on his bedside table.
He then laid down and turned his back from her, obviously a bit too embarrassed. She sighed, laying down beside him and staring up at the ceiling.
“God, you’re such a tsundere.” she puffed out her cheeks, pouting. “Because really..”
“You have no idea how happy I become when I see you smile or hear you laugh..”
Midorima stiffened at her words. And a bit guilty, he turned so he could be facing her.
“But really..” she trailed off, laying on her side and smiling brightly at him. “I love you for you..”
He stayed quiet.
She laughed softly. “Say.. Shin-chan.. will you still be with me in the future?”
Midorima sighed. “Who knows?” he replied. “Fate has it’s ways..”
She smiled and started to admire his bare face. With no glasses or anything much like that.
“But..” he added. “If everything goes my way.. I’ll still be with you… I guess…” he flushed.
“Well..” she grinned, softly pinching his cheeks. “I’ll always be here too. Even if you’re one obsessed guy.”
For a short moment, his lips twitched to a small smile. Then he raised his arm. A dark tint of pink powdered her cheeks as she looked up at him.
Midorima looked away. “I mean.. if you get too cold, nanodayo.”
She smiled widely, moving closer so Midorima could wrap his arms around her. He kissed her forehead, which made everything okay.
“I.. love you..” she whispered. “So much.”
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