kayfabebabe · 2 years
SFW Alphabet - Lord Steven
This is my half of a collaboration with the amazing @regalityandcoffee over our shared love of Lord Steven. Here you’ll find letters A to M. 
You can find Regality’s half right - HERE  Go and read her half right now! 
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
From an outsiders perspective, Lord Steven Regal is the furthest thing from an affectionate man. He is far too preoccupied with his public image to let himself accept and give affection as openly as others. A stiff upper-lip must be kept at all times. Privately, he is surprisingly affectionate with his partner. Leaving sweet notes on their bedside table, regularly gifting them fresh flowers and planning impromptu dates. 
B = Books (Are they a bookworm? What is their favourite genre?) 
The Lord’s illiteracy is a closely guarded secret. Throughout the years, he has learnt how to maintain the idea that he is a well-educated man when, in reality, he struggled to write his own name. It takes an immense amount of time for Steven to trust his partner enough to divulge this information to them. They don’t poke fun or act outraged. He is met only with their compassion and want to help him. A private tutor is quietly hired and, in a month, the first carefully written note appears on their bedside table. It’s short and simple, but the meaning behind the shaky words are incredible. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
There are a handful of people in the world who can proudly say that they’ve been cuddled by Lord Steven Regal. And all of them would happily agree that he loves to cuddle, despite some denial from the man himself. He is the first to reach over after settling into bed for the night with his partner in hopes of completely enveloping them in his arms. Gentle fingers would brush through their hair or trace light shapes into their skin. Even if they’re not ready to fall asleep yet, Steven will hold them and they’d speak softly to each other without breaking the peace of the moment. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
There is one thing certain in this world: Lord Steven doesn’t know the first thing about cooking. Growing up, there were dozens of servants working in his family’s manor to handle those tasks. He is absolutely astonished when his partner shows off their culinary skills in the kitchen and pleads with them to teach him the basics of cooking. There is something undeniably endearing about Steven’s obvious enthusiasm for knowledge. HIs partner doesn’t force the Lord to struggle through reading an actual written recipe. Instead, they relay their favourite childhood from memory, not precisely measuring the ingredients or setting any strict timers. The finished dish almost brings Steven to tears because he can feel the love poured into it. He can taste it. And in the dozens and dozens of culinary masterpieces  that Steven has had, not one has tasted that good. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Steven is, if nothing else, a gentleman. He isn’t the type of man to write his partner a short, discourteous note to explain his decision or simply disappear into the sunset without a word. Even when finishing short-term trysts, he simply can not forget his manners. So, when ending an extended relationship with a partner, Steven would sit them down to have a mature conversation, face-to-face. 
“Darling. I can’t begin to tell you the full extent of my happiness over the course of our relationship. But, I believe that it’s time for us to part ways…” 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment is a slightly sensitive subejct for his Lordship. Due to the circumstances of his youth; Steven was always lead to believe that he NEEDED to get married and he NEEDED to have children. He grew to slightly resent the idea of marriage and settling down which is why he experienced the odd affair before meeting his partner. Then, he begins to understand why people get married. It takes Steven some time to accept and openly express these feelings to his partner, but when he does tell them, it’s a precious moment. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
The best way to describe Steven is carefully brutish. He isn’t afraid of laying his hands on someone or verbally besmirching them, but there’s always a softness to him. A delicate nature that he only allows to flourish in the privacy of his home with his partner. If his partner is ever upset about something, Steven will wrap them in his arms in order to comfort them or listen closely if they simply need to get something off their chest. They once cut their finger whilst preparing dinner and Steven insisted that they sat on the counter beside the sink whilst he carefully bandaged them. It is remarkable to see such acts of tenderness from a man as tall and broad as Lord Steven. 
H = Happy Memory (What is one of their happiest memories with their partner?) 
It was when Lord Steven was forced to attend some boring family business in England and he was able to convince his partner to accompany him on the trip. They seemed rather excited to visit his homeland as well as the chance to learn more about his fascinating culture. However, the excitement was quickly lost when they reached the airport. It took nearly an hour of panicking in the lounge for Steven’s partner to admit that they were terrified of flying, but they wanted to come with him to England anway. 
Things became worse after they boarded the plane. Seated together in first-class; Steven tried to soothe his partner by reciting Shakespearean monologues that he was forced to learn as a young boy. It didn’t work. He recounted a humorous story of one of the horses. Again, it had no positive effect. Out of slight desperation, Steven pulled his partner into his lap and held them to his chest whilst telling them of the things that he missed most about England. The genuine warmth behind his voice and the security of his arms miraculously worked on easing his partner’s anxiety. So much so that his partner remained asleep for the entire flight. Steven didn’t care or, even, notice the sideways glances from the flight attendants and other passengers as he was too focused on ensuring his partner remained calm. 
After a wonderful week together in England, it was time for the return flight to America. Once the seat-belt sign was switched off and they were allowed to move inside the place, Steven didn’t hesitate in guiding his partner into his lap again. They slept for the entire journey. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes a while for Lord Steven to feel comfortable to say ‘I love you’ to his partner. He doesn’t try to ignore his feelings for them, but he can’t force himself to say those three specific words. So he finds subtle ways to express himself without having to say them.
“I find you rather remarkable.” “You’ve bewitched me.” “I’m partial to your company.” 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oh dear. One of the Lordship’s few flaws is his tendency to become jealous. It is more likely to happen at the beginning of a new relationship when he hasn’t settled into it and learnt to trust his new partner. Much of the jealousy stems from believing that somebody better than him - somebody more handsome, richer and smarter - will take them away. When this happens, Steven retreats into himself and withdraws. He becomes lost in his own head. It takes a great deal of patience and gentle reassurance by his partner for Steven to return to normal. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
The very first kiss that Steven ever gives his partner is a polite kiss to the back of their hand whilst being introduced to each other. It is a sweet gesture. One that leaves his partner’s cheeks pink and warm. The next is a small peck to their cheek. Still polite. Steven is always polite, even behind closed doors with his partner. Before their first ‘real’ kiss, he lowers his voice to a gentle whisper and quietly asks for permission. 
Slow. Sweet. Lingering.  It doesn’t quicken or deepen until Steven feels his partner pulling him closer by a hand on the back of his neck. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
‘Wretched urchins’ is how Steven once described children. They are loud, rude and, oftentimes, inexplicably sticky beings. There is, of course, immense pressure from his family to raise an heir for the ‘Regal’ name to continue. The subject of having children with his partner isn’t brought up until somebody lays their baby in Steven’s arms. Wide, unblinking eyes stare at him from the bundle of soft blankets. Steven stares back as something frozen cracks deep in his chest. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
His Lordship is rather a lazy creature in the morning. He spends as much time as possible in bed before he forces himself out from underneath the covers and searches for the nearest source of caffeine. This slow, leisurely approach continues throughout the entire morning. The only exception is made when Steven’s partner asks him to accompany them to the morning market in search for something special for their dinner. They are the only person who can coax him out of bed before sunrise although their efforts are often successful due to the promise of coffee and a few kisses. 
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mrs-han · 3 years
HOO. So I’ve been a little busy lately, but here is one of the pieces I wrote for @mysme-rbb !
This was a collab piece with @pondlilies00 ! It was an honor working with you, darling!
You couldn't understand how he could sleep so soundly.
Your silver-haired captive lay blissfully in repose in your bed, nearly wholly unaware of the bounty that lay on his head... and your own, in due time.
You were supposed to kill him - to bring the queen his heart in a cold, velvet-lined box. You weren't entirely sure why the queen wanted her son and heir out of the way, but questioning the queen's motives was unthinkable. As her top enforcer, you had never gone against anything that was asked of you...
... Until now.
As the ethereal man adjusted himself, you kindly adjusted his blankets and let out an afflicted sigh, stirring him awake.
"Your Highness, please go back to sleep," you hummed, rubbing your forehead. "Remember, you can't be going out in the middle of the night anymore."
"Ah, how many times have I told you? Call me Zen," the prince lightly chastised, reaching over and tapping her forehead. "Are there more guardsmen out there?"
"A couple of hundred, maybe more, Prince Hyun. The least attention you attract, the better. And I mean it this time."
Zen blushed furiously and averted his eyes. "I made two or three different pies," he grumbled, his regal air now childish.
"Gooseberry, blackberry, cherry, apple," you emphasized. "You brought strangers to the cottage, Prince Hyun. It's dangerous."
As much as you couldn't understand how he managed to remain so upbeat, his attitude impressed you. He was a figure straight out of a fairy tale, his presence and demeanor so innocent and full of life that you couldn't understand how he and his pessimistic mother could be related.
"Try to keep a low profile this time. That includes keeping your singing at a minimum volume."
"Can do," Zen winked.
"And outdoor baths need to be taken indoors from now on."
"Then... how will God come to appreciate their most perfect creation?"
"They'll survive. The problem is, you may not."
"Ouch," Zen hissed, his hand over his throat. "Fair point! Anything else?"
"... I'll be visiting your mother tomorrow."
Zen's expression twisted into a mixture of confused affection. As much as you wanted to lend a supportive hand on his shoulder, you knew better than to jeopardize yourself any further. "I shouldn't be very long, but you understand why I need you to lay low."
"What do you need to see her for?" Zen asked, his carmine eyes staring at you demandingly yet benevolently.
"To deliver this." You set the velvet box in front of the prince, tapping the top of it. "She's growing impatient and is beginning to believe that I haven't exterminated you."
"Exterminated?" Zen squinted.
You waved your hand. "Her words, not mine."
"Still, that's a bit -"
"There is a heart inside," you proceeded, your brows knit firmly. "The heart of a pig, to be exact. It's similar to that of a human, so your mother's suspicion should be ebbed for as long as time will allow."
"You killed a pig?" Zen inquired, leaning closer to the box.
"I did what I had to do," you responded, your voice colder than you intended.
"I understand," Zen nodded, his eyes glued to the casing. "Still... you need to come back safely. I'm not necessarily in a position to protect you."
"I won't leave you alone out here, Prince Hyun -"
"Here you go again," Zen sighed, raking his fingers through his silky hair and tsking at you. "What did I tell you to call me?"
"... I can't call you anything other than your title."
Zen shone a smile that briefly wiped away your anxiety. "What's the use of calling me by some royal title when I'm practically stripped of it anyhow?"
"So long as you're still breathing, you still have your title, Your Highness."
Zen frowned. "Will you be stiff towards me forever, then?"
You opened your mouth, perplexed by his cavalier manner. "I'm not stiff."
"Then call me by the name I asked you to call me by!"
"... No. Honestly, I can't imagine where you came up with that name."
"Sit and let me tell you a story," Zen chuckled.
You did what was commanded of you, setting the velvet box far away from you. "Go on."
"Now, you're the first person I'm telling this to, so react however you'd like, but... I've always dreamed of becoming an actor. You know, if I wasn't a p... a p..."
Zen snapped his fingers. "That."
"I didn't think you had much trouble with your position," you spoke softly, leaning on your knees. "You seemed -"
"How I seemed wasn't how I was."
You leaned back, folding your arms over your chest. Perhaps there was more trouble in paradise than you knew. Still, it wasn't any of your business. "We're all assigned roles in life, Your Highness. There are the ones who were born into power and the ones who were born to serve them."
"That's such a cynical way of viewing everything," Zen lamented. "You remind me of one of the scholars who tutored me. Everything was so black and white with him, and I couldn't stand it."
"I'm... sorry," you mumbled. "If it makes you feel any better, I've... always believed that everything happens for a reason. Good or bad. You haven't been able to become an actor because you were born a prince."
"But I was able to meet you."
Your eyes locked with his. "Pardon me?"
"You heard me," Zen smirked, leaning against his arm. "You saved my life. I have plenty of time to pursue my acting career, so long as I'm not recognized. The earth is big, after all! But it's because of you that I'm able to think of my future."
You exhaled sharply and cast your eyes down towards your cold hands - the hands that had taken so many lives in the past, killing without question or remorse. Clenching your hands tightly, you bit the inside of your lip and shook your hair from your face. "I... don't know what to say."
"Then, let me speak in your place," Zen hummed, kneeling in front of you and taking one of your stiff, relentless hands into his own. "Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for taking me away from a situation I had no power in... you are my hero. My very own knight in shining armor."
"Y-Your Highness," you stammered while attempting to pull your hand from his.
"I owe you the world," Zen's voice fell, a deep sincerity behind his words.
"You may repay me if both of us come out as survivors -"
"We will," Zen whispered, a bright smile on his lips. "I doubt you can fall short, but if you do? I'll pick up those pieces."
Your tense expression softened for the first time that night. The prince was certainly very eloquent... no doubt, he would have made a stellar actor in his time. But his words were honest... at least, they seemed that way. You wanted to believe him, to put your trust in someone other than yourself.
"If you don't mind me asking," Zen began, finally moving his hand from yours to scratch the back of his head. "Why -"
"I do mind," you interrupted. "I refuse to keep you up any longer than I have. Besides, I have an early morning."
The light in Zen's eyes sank. The barrier he attempted to crack in regards to his savior seemed impenetrable. "Right... right. I'll ask you tomorrow, then!"
You curtsied, your movements swift and practiced, and left the room... while Zen stared at the velvet box before him. He didn't regret too much in his life... except when he took a peek at what was inside.
"It's about time."
The booming voice of the queen rumbled through your very being. You curtsied deeply, all power that you held at that moment snatched away. "My sincerest apologies, Your Majesty. The prince did not make the task any easier. He is much stronger than I anticipated."
A dismissive huff followed by striking heels against limestone approached you. Without another thought, you presented the box before your queen, its weight far less than it was the night before.
"Where was it done," the queen demanded, grabbing the box from you.
"Twenty miles from here. I was able to drown out his cries thanks to the waterfall."
"And the weapon?"
Unsheathing the dagger from the holster at your side, you presented the weapon to the queen. A minute or two of silence felt like an eternity, and your courage began to dwindle... until she finally spoke. "Fine."
Exhaling softly, you bowed your head. You were in the clear, and it was foolish to dig your grave more than you had. But as images of the prince's kind face flashed before your eyes, you couldn't help but wonder why. Why did his mother want him gone? What had he done so wrong that he deserved to die?
"Your Majesty -"
"You are dismissed," the queen spoke sternly, turning her back on you and halting all of the rebellious questions that lay on the tip of your tongue.
Still, you couldn't let it go. You stood, clenching your fists firmly at your side. "Your Majesty, what if the prince's blood was like that of a lamb's?"
She paused and faced you, her domineering presence overwhelming. You continued. "I don't understand why -"
"Your job isn't to understand. Your job is to shut your mouth, accept whatever it is I ask you to do and do it."
"Your Majesty -"
"I need to prepare for the boy's funeral. When I need anything else from you, I will tell you about it accordingly. You are dismissed."
Your nerves started to spark within you—nerves of steel and turbulence. None of it seemed right with you; none of it made sense. You began to open your mouth, ready to shoot out another argument, but the queen had disappeared from your eyes. More weight began to pile onto your shoulders as more worries infiltrated your mind; would she ever find out that the heart was that of a pig's? Would she ever be able to find the cottage that housed her banished son? How soon? How long? What would happen to you then? More so, what would happen to the prince?
Your head began to throb at the possibilities. You felt a well of emotion bubble in your chest, but you weren't sure what to do... no, you weren't certain of anything anymore.
The walk back to the cottage was usually a peaceful endeavor for you in the past. Today, however, your mind couldn't silence itself. Not only did you feel morally conflicted, but this was the first and only time you had gone against the queen's word. Death was the only sentence that awaited you - not now, but eventually. What would become of the prince then? What would he do as soon as you were apprehended? You clenched your fists tightly and decided to make some sort of a game plan with him... when you noticed more animals moving in the same direction as you. The closer you drew to the cottage, the more you heard his melodic vocalization... the prince was singing.
"Damn it," you cursed under your breath, sprinting towards the bungalow at full speed. You stopped in your place as you witnessed several furry creatures climbing up and over the opened windows; deer, badgers, squirrels, and mice cluttered towards the door.
"What... the hell," you uttered. "Your Highness?!"
His singing suddenly stopped, and he poked his head through an open window, his crimson eyes full of life. "You're home!"
"What... what are you doing?!" You shouted in disbelief, attempting to open the front door.
"Just cleaning around!" Zen beamed, tying a towel around his waist and placing his hands triumphantly on his hips. "I needed help, so I called a few friends!"
"A few friends?!" You yelled, a smile behind your wonder. "Your Highness, do you remember anything I told you last night?!"
Zen placed a hand on his chin tentatively. "To keep a low profile. Right?"
"And what aren't you doing right now?" You glared.
"... Oh."
You looked around and tried your hardest not to smirk - this man was out of this world. "We're just going to attract more attention to ourselves at this rate. We have to get all of these animals out of here now."
"But we aren't done cleaning -"
"Now," you emphasized.
"All right, all right. Everyone out now, come on!" Zen encouraged, gently ushering the animals out of the cottage. "Set everything where you left it. I'll take care of it!"
Somehow, the creatures seemed to understand him completely. Broom and mop handles clattered against the floor as the animals flit out - and as soon as the hatches closed, you let out a loud laugh.
"Huh? What's so funny," Zen asked a slight smirk on his lips.
"How on earth did you manage to do that?!" You bellowed, hands on your stomach. "Never in my years of life have I ever seen something like that!"
"Well, maybe because you've never met me before," Zen huffed pridefully. "My voice is so beautiful that it even attracts the animals of the forest! Impressive, no?"
"Are we a part of some fairytale or something?" You laughed, wiping at the tears in your eyes.
"When you're with me, plenty of unexplained things can happen!"
"Still, your Highness, I told you not to attract any attention -"
"If you think about it! The only attention I attracted was that of the animals!"
You shook your head. "You don't think that's going to attract whoever may own them?"
"... Well..."
"It's... we'll deal with whatever happens when it happens." You kicked your shoes off and set your bag on the floor.
"How did everything go with my... mother?" Zen asked tentatively.
"... I don't want to say," you grimaced. "Considering the current situation, you know? I don't want to upset you."
"You could never," Zen spoke softly.
"... She seemed to believe it. That the heart was yours."
"... And that's it for now," you nodded, moving to grab the brooms and mops from the floor.
"Wait, what?" Zen pressed. "That's it?"
"Well... I'm not entirely sure."
"What if she finds out that the heart isn't mine? What if she comes after you?"
You pushed your hair back and looked at him. How was he more worried about you than he was about himself? "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. If and when Her Majesty comes after me, I need you to -"
You blinked. "No?"
"She won't take you anywhere. I'll make sure of it myself," Zen spoke resolutely.
"... Your Highness, you... you'll be executed as soon as she sets her eyes on you. You have to understand. Nobody will possibly side with you."
"We don't need any of my mother's men to ensure our safety. I'll do it myself."
You stood up straighter. "Your Highness, you aren't thinking clearly."
"I respectfully disagree," Zen said kindly, a smile behind his eyes. "You've been protecting me, right? It's time I defend you now. While you've been away, I've been working to secure a safe house just for the two of us. It won't keep us safe forever, but it will do the trick for a month or two. You know how we neighbor three countries?"
You nodded slowly.
"The house is on the border with a country we're allies with. My mother is bright, so she'll eventually find out what's going on... but we'll be long gone by then. We'll disappear, both of us."
"What..." you exhaled. "How did you... manage to secure such a location?"
"I have my ways," Zen winked. "There are some good things about being a prince."
"But there are problems with that," you protested. "If Her Majesty finds out we're hiding out by a nearby country, it could spark a war. We're both fugitives now, and I can't risk anything happening to you."
After the words spilled from your mouth, you bit the inside of your lip. You weren't trying to confess anything to him, and the last thing you needed was for your words to be misconstrued.
"I don't want anything to happen to you either," Zen cooed softly, taking your hand in his. "You won't have to risk anything anymore. Leave it to me, and I promise I'll take care of you."
A twinge of heat sparked through your chest. Your brows began to furrow as more protests rose within you... and just as quickly, Zen placed a finger on your lips to silence you.
"Everything is going to be all right," Zen nodded, his confidence palpable. "It's time for us to switch roles. I will be your guard, and you will be the princess I must set out to rescue."
You pulled your head away from Zen's finger. "I'm not cut out to be a princess."
"So now you understand where I'm coming from."
You rolled your eyes. "... Fine. Fine, I trust you. When do we set out?"
"Tomorrow night. They know we're coming, so pack light."
"... Thank you," you whispered, the anvil on your shoulders lifted and partially shared. "I'll repay you for your kindness, Your Highness."
"Stop calling me that," Zen drawled, putting his hands over his ears. "I thought I explained to you why I didn't like being called that!"
"Sorry," you shrugged. "I'm not changing the way I address you anytime soon."
"Just try calling me Zen."
"It's only three letters! Your Highness has..." Zen counted on his fingers. "... eight..."
You grinned. "Still not doing it."
Zen hesitated. "I'll cry."
"How will I know you aren't acting?"
You let out a bellow of a laugh, one louder and bolder than you had released in days. And as you looked at your prince's gracious yet mischievous eyes, the more you began to believe that everything would be all right.
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lixis-sin-cauldron · 4 years
Oh Raven (Sing Me A Happy Song) [Present Mic | Hizashi Yamada]
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Rating: Explicit  18+ content MINORS DNI. Pairing: Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic) X fem!original character Word Count: 5k Kinks and Warnings : semi-public sex, exhibitionism, light choking, fingering, oral sex, vaginal sex, orgasm denial, dirty talk
Inspired to create this by the Citrus Dome Server Masquerade Collab!  Can also be read on Ao3 here: Oh Raven (Sing Me A Happy Song) Big thank you to the Goddess that is @thisisthehardestthing​ for beta reading!!!
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Tori was no Pro-Hero, but she did all she could to inspire the people with her voice, her quirk amplifying the effect of joy to many. To her audience, she was as true a hero as any Pro. Perhaps that was why Midnight deemed her worthy of not only entertaining at the masquerade but also to attend.
Her manager was apprehensive about the invite, having heard some of the rumors of what could occur at this particular event, and just how private it was. Tori noted the claims but decided the chance not just to mingle with those she admired, but to also show them her adoration for their work–even if she would be unable to tell who was who–was too good to pass up. She promised to behave and went, ignoring further protests.
The event itself was the spectacle, so her performance was small. It took place in the main area of the large mansion; where the musical ensemble was seated during the duration of the gathering to play before and after she finished.
She took heavy breaths as she entered a side room after her show, set up for performers to use, and felt as if she would collapse from the nervousness that overwhelmed her body. From the moment she had stepped out and Midnight announced her, to the end when she finished the final line and walked away, she had felt tense and on edge. It was as if she was re-experiencing her first-ever live performance back when she was just an unknown hopeful.
Every song she had ever sung was about the concept of being a hero. To stand before her very inspirations and sing to them was dizzying. She had even recognized a few, despite their mask, thanks to their more apparent quirks. Yet she cast no judgment on them, even Heroes were human and what they did at the party was well within their rights to privacy.
After calming her nerves, she slid the colorful wig from her scalp and shook out the raven black hair that was tied beneath. Even artists enjoyed a sense of anonymity, and her colored hair had become an iconic look that allowed her to blend into the crowds when she wished to live a normal day.  Now that her performance was finished, she could do that very thing and meld into the Hero-filled crowd just as a masquerade demanded.
She slipped from her costume and into the prepared gown: open shouldered and black with golden trills, a giving split along her right side–allowing ease of movement– and exposing the black laced stockings that enthralled her legs into simple black heels. A simple ensemble compared to the more extravagant ones the other guests wore but she had little time to prepare if she wanted to enjoy the event herself.
Golden drop earrings and a simple matching chain necklace adorned her skin, a touch of red lip gloss along with dark eyeliner was all that she added after removing the show makeup, the rest of her face hidden by the raven inspired mask that now covered it. With these final touches, she stepped out of the room through a different door and slipped into the crowd, another unknown who came to partake in the delights of the night.
She moved from room to room, conversing with strangers one after another. She recognized some but held her awe at their meeting. The most breathtaking parts of her night were when she ventured into some of the more private performances, where unknowns and heroes alike showed their skills in various techniques - Techniques that made her heart pound, throat dry and insides tighten with need.
She was approached more than a few times by masked suitors, handsome and beautiful, even hidden beneath their masks. Some to dance, others to partake in the night’s more stimulating acts. There were times she almost gave in to their sensual words, but she politely refused, dazed at the idea. Not the judgments of it, but that she herself would be eaten up into this world of physical delights and would not come out the same.
“Enjoying yourself?” a voluptuous female voice whispered into her ear, causing her to spin. Midnight straightened, her mischievous smile on her lips as she twirled a wine glass in one hand.
Tori swallowed, “Midnight. Hello.” She had to wonder if Midnight knew who she was.
“Oh, my little songbird. You look so lost.”
Songbird, the nickname Midnight had given Tori when she arrived. Tori gave a lyrical laugh, her quirk slipping through with the task, “I won’t deny feeling overwhelmed, but yes I am enjoying myself.”
“Hm, I noticed you had a few dance partners, but none remain? Did their movements not entice my little bird?”
“Ah. No, I think not. I think I am more of an onlooker for tonight.”
“The night is still young and there are plenty of birdwatchers waiting for their sighting,” she held out a hand, and Tori took it gingerly, apprehensive at her words. The Heroine spun her, twirling her and making her dress spin. The action took her by surprise and made her laugh with enjoyment, her laugh causing a few heads to turn at the musicality of it.
Midnight removed her grasp and allowed her to spin alone before leaving to continue her hosting duties.
Tori slowed, more at ease after the moment. Sighing with a smile, she ventured further and found herself again in the main room where the musical ensemble played beautiful music. She listened, allowing herself to fall into the sounds.
“Excuse me,” a breezy male voice intruded, interrupting her thoughts. As she took in the speaker, she was taken aback by their mask. A regal lion, covering most of his face aside from the mouth. While startling, it was also fitting as long blonde locks flowed around the mask and his neck to create the dazzling mane. The length undeterminable as some of it was held up in a loose bun. A black suit and vest with a golden tie accented his frame, matching to her own attire. He gave her a wide grin, his red eyes analyzing intensely and somewhat hungrily through the mask.
“I’m sorry?” she peeped, unsettled by the gaze.
“No, I am the one who is sorry. I seem to have startled you. I just had to say something before I lost you again,” he held out a hand, beckoning hers. Not a demanding gesture, just one that was done in greeting.
Not wanting to be rude, since there was nothing to fear at the gathering despite its atmosphere, she placed her hand in his in reply, “you’ve been searching for me?” she asked as she did so.
He bent and placed a kiss on the back of her hand, gazing up at her, “All night, my beautiful Raven.”
She slipped her hand from his grasp easily, holding it to her chest, feeling her heart race. They were honeyed words, easily spoken to any person here but they still made her blood rush, “and now you’ve finally found me.”
“Only because I was lucky enough to hear your exquisite laughter while you danced with our host. A moment later and I would have missed you and my search would continue.”
“And what do you hope to gain from that search?”
“Very little… or the world. We shall see. For now, I only ask…” He held out his hand yet again, but not in greeting but in offering, “a dance?”
As if he predicted the change, the ensemble began a new song. The pounding in her chest became louder, the beat resonating in her ears. She swallowed, surprised at the fear she felt–as though she would be eaten alive by the lion before her. It was just a dance, not even her first that night. She could say no to any other requests just as she had to the others.
She gave a guarded nod and took his hand. He took lead quickly, sweeping her into his embrace and on to the dance floor. He controlled their movement effortlessly, one hand holding hers with the other on her waist. While she was trained to dance due to her career, she still felt some unease when doing ballroom dances. There was no unease with him though, where she felt unsure, he was not and led her even when she faltered.
“You’re very skilled,” she remarked.
“You would be surprised at the skills they expect a hero to have,” they spun and she felt as if she was flying, a laugh of excitement escaped her lips, “the things I would do to hear more of that laughter,” he purred into her ear as they came together.
She felt her throat dry, a tingling rushing through her at the words. “Just my laughter?” she asked, her voice breathy.
“Oh no, I would love to hear all your ranges; I do admit an addiction to your laughter though.” He gave a knowing grin, as if he knew all her secrets and would give her anything she wished for.
The song finished and the dance ended. Releasing his hold, he took her hand once again and placed another kiss upon it, “A delight. Thank you.” He did not release the hold though and she did not remove it, not wanting to lose the warmth it gave. Their eyes locked upon one another.
Although a new song began and with it a new dance, they did not move. The dancers simply moved around them. He ran his thumb gently along her knuckles, “May I show you something?” he asked softly, breaking the silence.
The mystique of the moment was broken along with that silence and she remembered where she was, the things that took place. She knew his wants and the truth behind his honeyed words and hungry eyes. “I-“
“I promise, I will do nothing you do not want and will not touch you unless you give permission. I mean it, I only want to show you something.”
Her denial was trapped in her throat; her curiosity now piqued.  Biting her lip, she gave her permission with a slight nod, unsure of her voice. His eyes drifted to her lips as she bit them and she saw him swallow, his Adam’s Apple bobbing with the hunger in his eyes increasing. What had she just gotten herself into? she wondered.
He led her through the twirling bodies, his hand never letting go of hers. Through hallways and up flights of stairs, he led her to an unassuming door with no one around. He paused at it, staring at the doorknob and she heard him sigh with relief. He released his grasp of her hand and reached into his pocket, pulling out a key which he slipped into the keyhole. She heard it click and he opened the door, holding it open for her to enter.
Fighting her nerves, she stepped inside. A few steps in the room reacted and dim lights fluttered on, giving light to a regal bedroom with a large bed. As the locked door hinted at, no one else was inside. Fear pounded through her as she spun to look at the lion who had led her right into his den. As she had entered the room, he had removed his gold tie and wrapped it around the outer doorknob; the door clicked shut behind him.
“You said-“
“I keep my promises,” he affirmed, holding his hands up in a sign to remain calm, “This room is more than it seems.”
“And the tie?”
“While the room is private, Nemuri did give a key to a handful of people. It is just a sign, to ensure no sudden visitors.”
“You say Midnight’s name so casually,” Tori remarked, surprised but cautious.
He gave a side smirk, “We’re kind of close. May I?” he motioned towards the direction of one of the walls, where a full wall-sized TV sat turned off.
He walked towards it and her. She stepped back, giving him room as he strode past. “I’m not interested in viewing any… films.” She quipped, eyeing him.
The statement seemed to have surprised him, he paused and let out a bellowing laugh. The sound stunned her, not having expected such a loud sound from the breezy voice. It also sounded familiar.
He calmed himself from his fit.      
“I did not expect that,” he stated, giving a Cheshire grin, “you can trust me. This is no video, nothing recorded can compare,” he finished walking to the wall beside the TV and flipped a switch. The large panel came to life, but it was no TV; the darkness faded and became a window. She stepped forward and stared, amazed at the sight.
Below them was the main hall where they had just been dancing, the guests still dancing to music she could no longer hear. The gowns swirled in hypnotic patterns while hair flowed with the created drafts.   Along the walls and the edges of her sight, she saw guests conversing as well as being enticed with their partner. She could see the movements of the musicians as their fingers swayed along their instruments. The view was amazing, and every glance gave a new scene to see or miss.
“Beautiful,” he commented, taking place beside her.
“It is,” she agreed, breaking her gaze and looking at him, relaxed now that he was proving himself trustworthy…ish. As she watched at him, she flushed when she caught him staring at her instead of the view. Realizing what his comment had really meant, she turned her gaze back to the ballroom below.
“I…” he swallowed, “was ecstatic when Nemuri told me you would be at this event, not only attending but to sing as well…”
She felt cold at the words, her eyes once again turning to him. He knew who she was, he really had been looking for her at the party and not just been flirting.
He gave her a tender smile, seeing her unease. “I’ve been trying to find a way to approach you for a while, but our schedules are so conflicting, and being discreet is difficult. Just to speak to you again is all I wanted.”
She contemplated his words, studying him, “We’ve… met?” was he a crazed fan or a hero she had met in passing?
With another smirk, he reached up and placed a hand on his mask, his other reaching and unclipping whatever held it in place.  As the disguise moved, she felt her unease fade and be placed with astonishment.
“Present Mic,” she whispered. He wasn’t just a hero she admired; he had been one of her biggest inspirations for her work as well as the reason she had gained so much notice in the past few months. She had been on one of his radio shows, he had found her work and demanded an interview and blasted her songs non-stop for the whole day.
“Hizashi, please.”
“I… I couldn’t. I knew you were a fan but…” her words stumbled as she spoke, recalling his gazes and touches.
“I was a fan, but once I had that interview… I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I had to know you, but that interview made it impossible to… I had to find you tonight, or I may never have another chance.”
He started to raise his hand, but she stepped back. “They’ll see.” she exhaled, suddenly very aware of the window.
He smiled, looking hurt at her movement, “They won’t. It’s one way. To them, it is just a painting.”
“Tori.” Her name caused her to jump, he raised his hand again, holding it out to her, “you can trust me.”
She stared at the hand and swallowed. She had wanted to see him again too but had buried it, expecting to never satisfy the desire. Was this real? Or just a way for him to entertain himself at a party? Trembling she took his hand, the feeling so different now that she knew who he was. The mystery from the masquerade now gone.
Pulling slowly, he turned her hand and he raised her palm to his lips, placing a gentle kiss upon her inner wrist, sending shivers through her body. Her insides tightened at his gaze: ravenous, needy, hopeful, “I looked all over, not even realizing I had passed you so many times. Until I heard that magical laugh, I was sure my prey had been caught by another.”
Another kiss; his fingers laced through hers. He pulled her closer, her forearm pressed against his chest and she was only a few inches from being in his embrace. With his free hand he hovered over her mask, “May I?” he asked, not touching her. Keeping his promise.
It felt like the last line of defense she had, with it gone she would be overcome by the night’s atmosphere and she would lose herself… to him.
The raven mask lifted, her hair flowing around the strap and back down her shoulders, hiding some of her face. It was discarded to the floor, along with the lion mask that had hunted her. He brushed the locks side, running his fingertips along her cheek; barely touching and leaving a trace of longing for more on her skin. He leaned towards her, lips floating just above hers, but he paused, holding back.
“I almost forgot to-“ his words, his request, were cut off as she closed the gap and pressed her lips against his, finally succumbing to the need that had been building all night. He released the entwined fingers and placed both hands on the back of her neck, pulling her deeper into the kiss. Their lips parted and tongues traced each other, wanting to be as close together as possible.
They parted, breathing deeply; his hands remained where they were as they breathed, their eyes studying each other. She noted her red lip gloss now on his lips, she smiled at the sight. He smiled in return.
“I’ll… make this easier,” he started, swallowing, “just… tell me when you want me to stop.” There was so much meaning in the statement, all the permission she could give. She nodded in agreement. “I need to hear you say it.” He demanded softly.
“I’ll tell you.” It was all he wanted; all the resistance left in her gone.
He pulled her into another kiss. When that broke, he pressed her back against the window, another kiss that then led to her chin, down her neck, following the flow of her throat to her collarbone where he bit gently, feeling her pulse racing against his lips.
Each kiss, every touch, sent shivers of excitement through her, heavy breaths laced with moans escaped her lips as he worked.  His hand found the opening along her leg of the dress and slid inside, tracing her thigh. He groped, kneading the soft flesh, hand trailing upwards until he found the strap of her thong. His fingers slid underneath, moving under the fabric until he encompassed her buttocks, squeezing and lifting her, pressing himself into her.
She squeaked, both in surprise at the action and the feel of him, his growing need already apparent. Her moans increased as his mouth continued to explore her flesh. She slid her fingers into locks of his hair, gently running through the golden mane. His gaze returned to hers at the touch, pressing his lips to hers once again.
“Such beautiful sounds,” he growled, breathing heavily, “I’ve done so little yet…” he grinned, “makes me wonder just what songs my Raven will sing for me if I do more…” he trailed the fingers still in the strap of her throng along her hip bone, finding the soft fuzz hidden beneath the fabric between her legs. She was panting at the caress, the feel of his fingertips teasing to explore further.
“Oh… my little bird, you make me want to eat you right up.”
Hooking a finger, he started sliding the thong down, taking a knee, and carefully lifting her leg. His eyes never left hers as he worked. He slid the garment over her heel and let it fall to the ground, still clinging to her other ankle.
His hold remained on her leg and began kissing the stocking slowly upwards, once at a certain point, he braced her against the wall and lifted her, placing the bend of her knee on his shoulder.
“Hi-Hizashi… what are you…” her words cut off in a gasp as he nipped at the flesh of her inner thigh.
“Careful, keep saying my name like that, and I may not be able to control myself,” he growled, smirking against her skin. “I just want to see just how sweet you taste.” His free hand ran up her opposite leg, brushing aside the skirt of the dress so he had full view of his meal.
Gently, he reached up and grazed her, pushing between her folds with a finger and feeling the wetness that had been building over the course of the party. A rumbling moan rolled in his throat, “already so eager. Lucky me.” As he spoke, he explored and found his goal, a whimper of excitement escaping her as he slowly rotated his thumb over the eager bump. He held her steady as she twitched at the motion.
“Shall I stop?” he teased.
“Don’t stop.” She begged, her insides twisting with need.
As his thumb worked, his other fingers slid down and found her entrance–wet and ready. “One or two…?” he asked, as he slid one finger inside, the other pressing patiently waiting to join. She squirmed in pleasure as he moved inside her, her moans taking on musical tones. “Two,” he decided, sliding the other inside.
His fingers worked inside, curving and pressing into her g-spot. He grinned as he moved, “if I write my name out, will that make you mine forever?” A sharp breath from her makes him chuckle, “Already? Your insides are squeezing me so tightly, were you that pent up? Hm?”
“Yes,” she sang in reply, his rhythm increasing. “I’m… don’t stop. Ah!” She let out a gasp of frustration as he did exactly that, stopping his movements as she was reaching her edge. “Why?” she whined.
He stuck his tongue out at her, giving a teasing wiggle “because I want to savor it. If I make it too easy, you’ll get bored.”
“I… don’t think that’s possible,” she huffed.
“Good to know,” he stated with a chuckle. He moved his thumb, causing her to shiver in anticipation for him to start again, however, he instead pushed her lips aside showing a clearer view of her eager nub. He ran the tip of his tongue over it slowly, circling it as he began to slowly move his fingers inside her again. As she shuddered, he braced her tightly against the wall, his other hand still locking her leg over his shoulder.
He continued to tease her, not fully taking her in, running his tongue along her slit, wetting his throat with her juices. He finally relented when she grasped his hair again, clutching forcefully but not pulling, giving him a push, begging him to do more. He followed her urging, enveloping her into his mouth fully and sucking. He could feel her spasms in mini orgasms around his fingers as he worked her.
He pulled his hand from her and wrapped it around her thigh for further support as he buried his face deeper, sliding his tongue inside.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she repeated the word over and over in her sing-song voice, her mind engulfed in the pleasure. That small ability to speak left her as well when he continued to devour her. All she could emit were musical squeaks as she reached her threshold once again. He didn’t stop this time. He felt her reaching it, letting her tip over the edge.
As she did so, he felt her body relax and he slid her leg from his shoulder and secured her in his arms, cradling her as she came down from the climax. She let out an intoxicated giggle as she regained some awareness, turning to face him with a smile. “Wow.”
He gave his signature grin in return, “I take it you enjoyed yourself?” he hummed as she straightened herself, not leaving his embrace.
“A little,” she admitted in a breathless timbre while reaching up and wiping his mouth with her thumb before pressing her lips to his. He took the action happily, enjoying her exploring him with her tongue. They broke for air, a giddy smile still on her face. He could feel all the tension from her nervousness had evaporated, her eyes staring at him just as hungrily as he had been all night.
He growled, “ah, fuck. Turn around,” he demanded, loosening his hold enough for her to do so.
As she did she came to remember the window of the hall below and was surprised to see that the dancing had stopped, Midnight now speaking to the guests.
“Don’t worry,” Hizashi whispered in her ear, “it’s nothing worth hearing.” She was going to reply but her words caught her throat as she heard the crinkle and tear of plastic.
The sound of his belt and zipper followed, “Tori, I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I met you. I am way past ready for you… Is that a problem?” His voice hinted at worry in that final bit.
“Not at all.”
“Splendid,” he slid the fabric of her dress out of the way, her bottom now in full view. “Fuck, you have an incredible ass,” he growled as she gave a small wiggle in reply. He gripped her hips, using his foot to spread her legs further. “Brace against the window… and let me know if the heels become a problem.”
“Yes, si-Ah.” He pressed at her entrance, finding his way.
He slid in gradually, relishing the feeling of her encompassing him. He stopped pressing into her half-way, rocking back and forth as she shuddered at the feel of him inside, stretching her walls to take him in. Her unfocused gaze settled on the party below, her heart pounding at the idea that they could see her. She wasn’t the only one with this thought.
“Quite a show it would be, don’t you think?” Hizashi hummed as he moved, “if they could see the marvelous Tori like this?”
“But – ah – they can’t so – ah.”
“Oh, but – mhm – I could make it so they could. Wouldn’t you love that?”
“No, th- Ah!” her words cut off, as he thrust into her. Her hand slammed against the window at the force, giving her better purchase.
“Oh no, my beautiful raven, I know you’d love it,”  he reached over, entwining her fingers in hers on the window while the other gripped her hip tightly, making her move in time with his thrusts. “Letting them see how gorgeous you are with me buried deep inside you.” he whispered against her ear, breath tickling the shell of her skin.
Another growl rumbled in his throat as she tightened around him, his words clearly arousing her, though she would deny that. “Oh, yes, yes. You would love that. Your devoted fans hearing the happy sonata you’re singing for me right now, sounds only I get to hear.” His pace intensified; her cries growing to a crescendo.
“Hi…zashi- Ah-,” his name barely escaped between her moans.
“Mm, yes?”
She turned to look at him, eyes half-lidded from the sensations overwhelming her mind. “You…you’re amazing.”
His pace slowed, his hand slipping from her hip to encircle her chin and throat, pull her back against his chest as he tilted her mouth to his.
“Only the best for my favorite listener,” he breathed, he thrust roughly into her at his slowed pace, causing her to cry out and clench tightly around him. He continued the harsh movement. As he did, he released his grip on her hand and gripped her shoulder so that his face rested over. He bit into his finger slightly, using the pain to keep his mind clear and from his own edge as he performed.
His motion went unnoticed as she succumbed to the pleasure of him pressing deep inside of her, allowing herself to fall into his hold. If anyone walked into the private room now, they would hear a concert like no other as her quirk created a symphony from her moans. Her pitch increased as she once again came closer to the crest of her aria.
He placed a gentle pressure on her throat, her moans quieting as he pressed.    
“Cum for me, baby, I want to feel you,” he hissed as her grip strangled his cock, his deep thrusts increasing in speed. Her mind clouded over, enveloped completely, and totally in the bliss that filled her body. She reached her pinnacle, her back arching as shockwaves rushed through her, a soundless whimper escaping her lips as she shook.
He held her still as she shuddered, resting inside her as he fought off his own torrent of pleasure as she convulsed around him. As she calmed, he slid from her.
“Did… you…?” she panted.
He hummed in delight, “Not yet, Songbird.”
Struggling with his slacks for a moment to ensure they didn’t leave him yet, he scooped her into his arms, one arm bracing her back and the other under her knees. Her thong, still loosely clinging to Tori’s ankle, finally fell freely to the ground, forgotten.
Hizashi brought her to the edge of the bed where he began to caress her once more, running his hands along her legs. Tenderly, he slid her heels off and tossed them aside, then leaned in and kissed her before reluctantly parting so he could remove his jacket and start working at the vest.
“The night is still young and I haven’t even started with you. Not to mention…” he paused, eyeing her with a sinful smirk, “I still need to see everything that dress is hiding from me.”   
@lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten @cheeriecherry
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antigenius · 4 years
Tainted Love (Tsuyu x Reader)
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A/n: God I’m so late, I apologise but word literally screwed me over. ANYWAY! this is a server collab with the bnharem server, so go check out the whole masterlist here! Go support all these wonderful writers!! ALSO my friend @bnhcs​ made this super cute banner!! It’s so pretty!! Anyway, here’s the fic!
Your breath hitched in your throat. Asphyxiation was making your brain go fuzzy, but all you could do in her presence was hold your breath.
You watched her forest coloured hair sway left to right as she turned around, the bow at the end making her look adorable. She was so pretty…
“(Y/n)… You look really creepy watching Asui like that.”
You jump up at being spotted, immediately snapping your head towards Hiryu in attempts to save your dignity.
“I-I wasn’t staring! I just, happened to look! Y’know? Coincidence?” You say, laughing nervously.  The fact that you were rubbing your neck didn’t exactly help your situation all too much either. The boy only chuckles, poking you in the side, making you straighten up with a jerk.
“Just talk to her! You’re even in the same class!”
“I just…”
You sigh and look back to see Tsuyu walking away, talking to Midoriya. You swallow hard.
“It’s not that easy.”
Getting into UA was a nightmare. You were scared to bits, and despite having a potentially very helpful quirk, all you could do was distract the robots to let others run away.
“C’mon, this way! It’ll be okay, I’ll just-“
The zero-point robot slams his arm to the ground, a rumble making you and the other student tumble butt-first to the floor. They cling onto you for dear life, tears running down their face.
“It’s too scary here! I don’t like this, I wanna go home!”
A cough wracks through your lungs from the dust kicking up. The robot tranches its way towards the both of you, hand soaring into the sky. You could only watch, paralysed, as it began to come down again.
But the impact never came.
You had shut your eyes at the last second, but you didn’t feel your body turn into the mush it was supposed to turn into. You heard the loud crack and rumble of his fist hitting the ground, as well as gentle words.
“You should be more careful, kero.”
You open your eyes to see the girl who had saved you. She resembled a frog in a lot of senses, it must be from her quirk. She had emerald eyes coupled with leaf green hair tied in a sweet bow. In her tongue, she carried the other person you had been trying to save before. You could feel your heart skip a beat.
She sets you both on the ground, far from the others. She was about to jump away.
“Wh-what’s your name?”
She looked at you, eyes locking with yours. The whole world froze for that single moment, all was deaf and hushed as she tilted her head and beamed.
“Call me Tsuyu.”
You never thought you’d make it into the hero course, but you sobbed as the acceptance letter came in the mail. You were to be in Class 1-A, unlike your childhood friend Hiryu, who was in Class 1-B.
Your dream was simply to be a great hero. To help and guide people. To do anything you possibly could. You didn’t have to be the best, you didn’t have to do a lot, but at least something, anything to help, since the world had done so much for you already.
A flash of green catches your eye. You spin your head towards it, choking on your breath.
It was her.
In the well-fitted girl’s uniform, her smile shone from so far away. Her hair was its cute bow style, something you had remembered vividly. She seemed to notice your staring, waving at you.
“Kero! I know you! I’m glad you’re in my class!”
She caught up to you, hands on the straps of her bag. She giggled.
“I never got your name?”
“(L-L/n), but you can call me (Y/n), if you want.”
Her eyes crinkled. “I’d love to.”
The flowers in the basket slowly began to disappear as you plait each one into her hair. It was quiet, but it was a silence you would cherish. The memory was so long ago, and now you were here, in third year. It was senior prom, and you had already finished dressing up. You and Tsuyu were best friends, sharing everything from secrets to food. When everyone thought you couldn’t get closer, you did. Yet, you had still to tell her how much you loved her.
“You’re going to look so pretty Tsu-chan.”
“Yeah, I hope so.”
She didn’t have to hope. She was already gorgeous. The dress was made out of elegant white silk, light and airy on her figure, yet heavy enough to not fly in the wind. The sleeves on her arms were puffy, letting her bare shoulders show. She looked almost regal like, and with grace in her steps, she would be the talk of the dance.
Well, in your eyes anyway.
The number of flowers in the basket eventually dwindled down to five.
“(Y/n), how do you ask someone out?”
You froze, heart slamming against your ribcage so hard you almost thought it came out of your chest. Your fingers were still woven in her hair, mid-braid.
“U-uhm, why do you ask?”
Tsuyu sighed as you felt your hands get clammy, you wipe them against yourself in a hurried attempt to not mess up her hair.
“Well, there’s someone I’ve liked for a while now. We started talking a lot more lately and…”
Tsuyu let a smile paint upon her lips, her cheeks turning a soft pinkish hue. “I think… I really like them.”
Your heart moved up through your throat and into your mouth. Was she… talking about you?
With trembling hands and a shaky breath, you brace yourself for what might be the happiest day of your life. To be honest, you had an inkling of the feeling when Tsuyu would hang out with you more, or she’d pick you first out of the groups or she would give you one of her rare hugs. It was so obvious the more you thought of it, you were just paranoid.
“Well… Well…” You keep yourself from bursting, fumbling with her braids albeit. “Maybe just tell them? Like just straight, name, I like you, would you like to dance with me?”
You felt Tsuyu nod her head the slightest bit. She was so considerate.
“Should I practice?-“
“YES!” You almost shout, but you cough into your elbow. “Sorry, I’m just excited for you!”
Tsuyu laughed. “Okay. Here it goes.”
“Uraraka-san, I like you, would you like to dance with me?”
You could only look down. It wasn’t a shock. It wasn’t a surprise.
It was never you. It would never be you.
Your hands were rigid with the last flower in the basket, but you force your body to move. Your throat constricts, and you have to swallow down every tear that threatened to fall.
You shake yourself out of your daze to look into Tsuyu’s beautiful eyes. You’ve adored them forever, and you could just lose yourself in them anytime, if she’d let you. You braid the last flower into her hair. It was a single daffodil.
“Y-yeah. Like that.”
You breathe, biting your lip. A daffodil symbolises regard and chivalry. It is indicative of rebirth, new beginnings and eternal life.
For you, however, it symbolised your unrequited love.
“Thank you (Y/n)! You’re such a great friend.”
“You’re… Welcome… Tsuyu.”
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sapphireglyphs · 5 years
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(secrets of an) opaque romance
➵ pairing: do kyungsoo x lalisa manoban ➵ rating: PG-15 / T+ ➵ genre: modern arrange marriage!au-ish, romance, slice-of-life ➵ chapter word count: ~ 38K  ➵ summary: Back by popular demand, MBC brought back “We Got Married” for its 5th season and it looks like the K-pop world was going to get turned on its head when BlackPink’s Lead Dancer gets paired with EXO’s Legendary Lead Vocalist. Between award shows, drama shoots, TV show tapings, dance practices, album promotions, and potential fan riots, these two mega stars will have to juggle their demanding careers and a burgeoning relationship - even of the artificial variety.   ➵ a/n: I remember thinking when I posted episode 1, that there would be absolutely no one who would actually be interested in read this. Thank you so much for the likes and follows! You cannot imagine how much every single one of those mean to me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you and please continue to follow Kyungsoo and Lisa’s journey through this story. I hope that it doesn’t disappoint! ♡
Episode 1
Episode #2 - First impressions
Sweat was stinging the corners of his eyes by the time Kyungsoo was about to suggest they take a break rather than just collapse right there in the middle of the practice studio (like Chanyeol was) at the exact moment when the door to the studio opened and two cameramen and the director of “We Got Married” walked in. 
“Ah!” Baekhyun’s face split into a mischievous grin, knowing exactly who they were here for, as the group had been informed earlier that day that the crew from WGM would be in to collect Kyungsoo for the filming of the second episode, “BOOMBAYAH! DAHN-DA-DA-DAHN DA-DA-DAHN-DAHN-DAHH-DA-DA-DAHN! Yeah-yeah-BOOMBAYAH!”
The studio then erupted into chaos as the other members leapt at the opportunity to tease their quietest member. Chanyeol and Jongdae joined Baekhyun in unison, singing the chorus at the top of their lungs, making sure to scream “Oppa!” right at Kyungsoo in high definition surround sound while  Kyungsoo buried his heated face in his hands, trying to get his growing embarrassment under control. Sehun was on the ground laughing uncontrollably as Jongin and Minseok were dancing in the background, way too focused on getting the choreography just right, rather than rag on the main vocalist. Suho tried to bring some semblance of decorum to the room but realizing it was a losing battle, he simply shook his head and went to crouch next to Kyungsoo. The guardian of EXO placed a supportive arm around the younger member’s shoulders, reassuring him that the guys were just being idiots and not to take their teasing seriously. 
By the time, the “Beagle Line” got to the second round of the chorus, Kyungsoo had had quite enough of all of this nonsense and attacked the closest member to him. As it so happens to be Baekyun, who was trying to hair-flip his short locks right into Kyungsoo’s face, he got the full force of the fellow vocalist’s fist in his solar plexus. Kyungsoo sighed in satisfaction at the look of the older man doubled over on the ground, groaning in pain. He stepped over his fallen member and properly greeted the director before he was handed a new brown envelope with that day’s challenge. 
He read it to himself first before he was prompted to read it aloud. The other members listened intently for the reveal of the challenge but Kyungsoo simply tucked the thick paper back into the envelope and suggested to the crew, “Shall we get going?”
As expected, all the members started to whine and heckle at him as he walked over to retrieve his backpack and half empty water bottle. “Come on, man!” Chanyeol cajoled. “Just read the prompt out loud, like you’re supposed to!” A chorus of approval from the other members echoed across the dance studio. 
“No,” Kyungsoo said firmly as he walked towards the door, “Just watch it when it airs, like everybody else.” 
As the rest of them shook their heads in disappointment, Chanyeol turned his back to the door and scoffed over his shoulder, “He’s just wants to quickly run off to see his wife. That’s why he’s in such a ru-OOF!”
The rapper never saw the water bottle fly at him before it made contact with the back of his head. 
- ❥ -
“Can I see it again?” 
Lisa rolled her eyes but still smiled shyly and placed her hand into Rosé’s outstretched palms. She squealed in delight and ogled at the pretty ring, to heck with her dignity! Lisa was sure it would have been like this anyway, even if the cameras weren’t there at the salon. She had arrived there with the girls in-tow straight from morning workout and was currently getting her hair done for the wedding photo shoot before the ceremony later that night. Just the thought of it made Lisa’s palms start to sweat and her heart race in her chest. 
She had regaled the first meeting with the girls in excruciating details over french fries and soju that first night, complete with squeals over the ring and reveal of who had been cast to be her “husband”. 
Lisa looked over at Jennie and then Rosé the moment she said his name. Jennie’s poker face was on a little too tightly as she poured herself another shot. Lisa tried not to read too much into it when Rosé gave her a strange look. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” the other maknae asked. 
Lisa blinked, “Well, aren’t you close to his band mate?”
Rosé tilted her head questioningly, “Who? Chanyeol?” She gave a cackle, “What are you implying? We did one collaboration together, nearly 5 years ago, and he was nothing but polite and professional.”
Jisoo started to laugh, “Why so defensive? She’s just asking if you were close because of the collab.”
“Um, excuse you! You seem to be leaving out the crucial detail that there were two other artists there too! It wasn’t just Park Chanyeol and myself.” Rosé rebutted. 
“You mean, no matter how much you had wished it was?” Lisa said cheekily, with a suggestive wag of her eyebrows. 
The action garnered her a Rilakkuma pillow to the face. 
“Ow! I was just joking.” Lisa muttered in a cute baby voice, rubbing her offended nose. 
“So, what was he like?” Jennie asked as she finished her shot in one go. “Was he ‘award-winning-actor’-like?”
“I’m not sure what means but… hmm…” Lisa chewed thoughtfully on a limp french fry before saying, “He’s quiet… but also rather easy-going. I can tell that he’s very kind… a bit… reserved… and very respectful. He opened every door for me and walked on the street side when we were going to the jewelry shop.”
The girls were the perfect audience members, “aww”-ing and “yah”-ing at all the right moments. It made her less nervous when the episode actually aired that Saturday night and they watched it together over fried chicken. 
They were all commenting how good Lisa and Kyungsoo looked together when the camera shot them walking side by side. It was right when she was mentally scolding herself for not paying attention to him that he had simultaneously asked whether she was listening. Experiencing that moment again from another perspective felt odd, like an out of body experience. The woman on the TV screen that had Lisa’s face was laughing in a charming manner, even grabbing onto his arm while she begged him to repeat himself. Lisa didn’t even remember doing that. She had been so nervous trying not to offend him, she completely went into “adorable defense mode”! 
She watched as Kyungsoo became flustered and couldn’t help it when her heart fluttered at the bashful look on his face. 
“Oh my gosh!” Rosé exclaimed in English, “He’s adorable! And you were there in person? How are your retinas even functioning from all that cute?” 
The other two girls chimed in agreement, teasing her mercilessly when she started to cover her face in embarrassment. 
“Don’t look now, but it seems a celebrity has entered the building.” Jisoo’s stage whisper brought Lisa back to the present and she couldn’t help but look in her periphery at the man who was walking in the door of the salon. 
His cap was low on his face so she couldn’t see his eyes but she could have picked his lips out of a line-up. Plump and perfectly shaped, she watched in rapture as his tongue peeked out to wet those lips and she couldn’t help but mirror the action.  
Oh, how was she supposed to make it through this day with him looking like that! 
The other members of Blackpink cheered and welcomed him warmly, bowing in respect and introducing themselves one at a time. 
“Good afternoon,” Kyungsoo greeted the other members, “It’s nice to formally meet you all.”
Jisoo touched his arm in compassion as she said, “Oppa, as the oldest member, I feel the need to apologize on behalf of Blackpink for our sister’s spaztic tendencies.”
“UNNIE!” Lisa protested with a pout from the makeup chair. 
Ignoring her whining, Jennie nodded, “She’s is a spaztic princess, but she’s our spaztic princess.” She then stepped into his personal space and pointed a finger at him, his eyes crossed trying to follow it’s tip. “So please continue to look after her.” Her blessing seemed to be laced with an undertone of a threat and they watched as a soft smile stretched across his handsome features. 
“There is no need for apologies,” Kyungsoo insisted. He looked up at Lisa then, their eyes locked as he continued just loud enough for her to hear, “I like her just the way she is.”
“Oooohhh!” The girls’ approval rang across the salon, Jisoo even turned around and gave a thumbs up at Lisa. The youngest member acknowledged the praise with a smug look, wagging her eyebrows as though she had any decision in the matter. 
Kyungsoo strode up to Lisa’s makeup chair and greeted her properly. “Good afternoon, princess.”
Her shoulders shook slightly from her repressed giggles, as she was getting her lip color applied at the moment. She greeted him in return with a muffled “an nyeong” while cutely waving both of her hands. 
He returned her double handed wave before asking the dreaded question. “How are you feeling?”
Lisa began to nervously laugh and held up her hand, which was shaking slightly. Kyungsoo chuckled and took her hand in both of his. “Why are you so nervous?”
“Aren’t you? I would take a debut stage 100x over this any day!” Lisa whined, doing everything in her power to focus on her words rather than the soothing way his thumb was rubbing light circles into the top of her hand. His hands were warm and she scowled her heart as it twinged at how right this felt. As if them touching each other came second nature to the both of them. 
“Do you know if they’ll be served drinks at this thing?” Lisa asked abruptly. He burst out laughing, the sound rumbling from deep in his chest as she turned to the film crew asking if there will be soju served at the ceremony. “It’s a party right? There should be drinks!” she insisted.
Kyungsoo shook his head and patted her hand supportively, “Don’t worry. I’ll be right there beside you.” 
“Says the man in the same sinking boat as me.” Lisa muttered dejectedly, retreating her hand back into her lap.
Kyungsoo’s eyes widened slightly. “You don’t know if this boat is going to sink. We haven’t even left the dock yet!”
It was Lisa’s turn to laugh and this time she caught herself grabbing his arm. He laid his hand atop hers as he reassured her that it was going to be ‘just fine’ before he leaned in. She felt her breath catch as he whispered, “I’ll run to the store and pick up some champagne for us.” 
Lisa truly felt bad for her makeup artist since it was taking twice as long to do her makeup - she couldn’t help it though. She pushed him away to cover her growing blush, blaming Kyungsoo for making her laugh so much and ordered for him to go get prepped for his hair and makeup.
- ❥ -
Even though Kyungsoo got there after Lisa, he finished hair, makeup, and “costume” before her and was sitting patiently in the waiting area. He was so sure that it would be uncomfortable meeting up again after last week’s episode aired. Kyungsoo had cringed watching himself awkwardly navigate through the episode while she made the whole affair look so effortless. He told himself that this time around, he would relax more and give himself over to the role. It would be just like any other acting job and, if in the process, he got the opportunity to work with a beautiful and sweet woman in the process, well then it’ll be like icing on a cake. 
So far, it wasn’t bad at all. He had managed to carry a short conversation, even made her laugh and found an excuse to hold her hand (twice!). That was huge for him. He credited it to the fact that she had made it feel as though he wasn’t pressured to be anything but himself. And though most of the time, he was a nervous wreck of a man, Kyungsoo blocked out every anxious thought in his head and allowed himself the skinship he knew will bring in viewers. 
He was sure she could hear his heart beating wildly in his chest especially when he leaned in to whisper in her ear. He wanted to act as natural as possible - as though he was with his group members. But the moment he breathed in that faint fresh strawberry scent, his heart began pounding against his ribs. Kyungsoo was glad when she pushed him away - it gave him the opportunity to save himself from doing something reprehensible… like lean in to nuzzle behind her ear, just to see if she would smell just as good up close. 
A squeal brought him out of his revelry. Kyungsoo stood up as the other girls walked out excitedly towards him. “Wow! You look so handsome!” 
He shyly smiled and waved off their compliments. “Is she coming out right now too?”
Jennie wore a dangerous smirk. “Oh! Someone is anxious to see the blushing bride!”
“Wait! Have you seen the dress she’s going to be wearing?” Rosé asked. 
Kyungsoo shook his head which prompted a chorus of squeals. 
“She looks soooo pretty!” Rosé dreamily sighed.
Jisoo nodded, “You are going to be shocked.”
“She looks like an actual modern day princess!” Rosé exclaimed. Jennie and Jisoo nodded vigorously in agreement. 
“Unnie ~ Don’t get his expectations hyped up over nothing!” protested the woman in question, her voice filtering out from behind the curtain. Kyungsoo thought he might have caught a slight tremble in her voice and made a mental note to work harder at making sure she felt comfortable with him. 
The moment the plush velvet fabric was pulled back, all thoughts completely flew out of Kyungsoo’s mind as he stood there forgetting how to breathe. 
He would never consider himself a man of fashion but he could not have imagined a more fitting dress for her. She walked out like an ethereal goddess, the pearl white silk hugging her lithe form like a glove, designed so it would accentuate her figure in a tempting silhouette. The opaque rhinestones and milky grey crystals in the intricate patterns along her waist sparkled and winked with every sway of her hips as she strutted out of the changing room. Her look was even complete with a simple crystal tiara, tiny rose gold leaves woven into the metal headband atop her expertly curled hair. She was truly a sight to behold. 
Lisa stopped just in front of him and took him in with a slight tinge of a blush on her perfectly made up cheeks. She must have been wearing heels because he noticed that she was the same height as him. He thanked the heavens that the rest of EXO weren’t going to be there at the ceremony or else he would never hear the end of it. 
“Yah, oppa! You’re gonna catch flies if your mouth stays open any longer!” Jisoo teased. 
Kyungsoo burst out in an embarrassed laugh, covering his heated face as the rest of the girls giggled uncontrollably. Once he got his nerves under control, Kyungsoo boldly met Lisa’s gaze and said the first thing that came into his mind, “You’re right, noona, she does look like a princess.”
Lisa look away and smiled shyly. Kyungsoo leaned in then, his heart stuttering once again as his senses tingled at the scent of her sweet perfume. “And just for the record, my expectations were far from met.”
She looked up at him then and watched as he smiled coyly, “They were exceeded - in every sense of the word.”
- ❥ -
Soon after, the pair were rushed off to the site where they were going to take the “wedding photos” and, even as they were saying their goodbyes, Lisa had hoped that the rest of the girls would accompany them to the photo shoot. The moment she entered the large SUV and was once again alone with Kyungsoo, she felt her nerves return with a vengeance. The drive to the site wasn’t long but it felt like a lifetime as they sat there silently, both of them too nervous to actually make small talk. 
Finally remembering the advice one of her seniors at YG had said about needing to talk a lot on variety shows, she figured this was not the greatest content for the viewers to have her just nervously sit there so she decided to once again swallow her nerves and say something to fill the void. 
“You look really nice too, by the way,” she offered. Kyungsoo turned to her with his large, round eyes and blinked at her sudden proclamation. She tucked a stray curl behind her ear, taking extra care to not loosen the bobby pins that held down her headband in place, before continuing, “I didn’t get the opportunity to say that you look very nice as well.”
His eyes soften. “I could be wearing a hot pink suit made from rice sacks and yellow rain boots and no one would notice me.”
Lisa snorted at that image and then offered, “I’m not sure hot pink is really your color. I would think a... mint green suit with like a bright orange tie and orange loafers would be better.”
“Mm. And a top hat that lights up.” He added casually.
“Oh! And one of those obnoxiously big diamond encrusted necklaces with a huge dollar sign on it.”  
“And a cane made of gold and jade.” 
They were both still laughing at the ridiculousness of the ensemble they had conjured up for him when the SUV pulled into a visitor parking spot and the side door opened. Kyungsoo climbed out of vehicle first and turned around to offer his hand to her. She took it graciously and carefully stepped down, her heels hitting the pavement with two small clicks.
As she stood up straight, Lisa was very conscious of the fact that he had yet to let go of her hand. Kyungsoo must have noticed her look down to where their hands were still linked and simply said, “The asphalt in this parking lot is a bit uneven. I just want to make sure you make it there in one piece.”
She bit the inside of her cheek to make sure she wouldn’t swoon out loud at how gentlemanly he was acting when her heart began to squeeze uncomfortably. 
‘Fool. Have you forgotten that this isn’t real? Get yourself together.’ Lisa thought bitterly before she quickly shook her head and said nonchalantly to him, “I wasn’t complaining,” and gave his hand a squeeze. 
He smiled, satisfied with her answer before he turned away with a nod. “Good. Let’s get this show on the road.”
They walked hand in hand for a few minutes, the site was some kind of park with cobblestone pathways, not ideal for strolling in heels, but Kyungsoo made sure she didn’t lose her balance even once. Eventually, they came to a nicely groomed wall completely made of deep green ivy from top to bottom. They were directed to stand in front of the wall of greenery and Lisa looked down nervously at the wood chips that filled the entire area in front of the wall. She wished there were sandals for her to wear because she was sure the fancy little heels were going to sink into the ground with every step she took. 
As if sensing her disquiet, Kyungsoo squeezed her hand to get her attention. When she finally looked up at him, his eyes were filled with quiet determination. “We’ll take it slowly. Just lean on me, okay?”
Lisa was sure her heart could only take so much more of this type of abuse before it simply gave up in protest. How did he always know what she was thinking? How could he make it look so easy to be so considerate? She decided that it would be safer not to dwell on that thought for too long as she simply nodded and gave a shaky “okay” as they took their first step towards the ivy-covered wall. 
She would take a step and then pause, trying to get her balance as Kyungsoo patiently stood by her, never complaining, even when she gripped his arm like a vice. He softly muttered words of encouragement as they approached the wall and Lisa felt herself become hypnotized by the deep timbre of his voice that they ended up arriving at their destination before she even noticed. 
They both let out a giggle of relief as they positioned themselves for the photo shoot. Lisa was handed a bouquet of white peonies and grey berries to hold. She brought them to her nose and was disappointed that they smelled mostly of dust and plastic as they were silk flowers but the craftsmanship on the details were so intricate, she could have sworn they were real.
She then brought the bouquet up for Kyungsoo to smell and his blank expression when he sniffed it made her chuckle. Lisa could see the gears whirling in his head and burst out into an all out laugh when he pulled the bouquet back for another sniff. 
“They aren’t real, right? Or is that how this flower normally smells like?” Kyungsoo asked just to make sure he wasn’t mistaken and she shook her head, confirming that he had not been. 
“Aish…” he softly scoffed under his breath before he very playfully poked her side. She yelped in surprise and nearly tipped over on the uneven ground. Kyungsoo’s arm shot out and pulled her flush against him, taking most her weight so she wouldn’t fall. They both began to laugh nervously, as they stiffly tried to get their balance back. 
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered breathlessly between chuckles, “I shouldn’t have done that. Are you okay?”
His voice came out even but Lisa could tell that he must have been nervous too. Even under the three piece suit he was wearing, she could feel his heart thump wildly under her palm that had landed on his chest. It made her feel better knowing that she wasn’t the only one affected by all of this. 
“I’m fine now… just keep your fingers to yourself, mister.” she said cheekily. 
Kyungsoo chuckled, “Deal,” and she thought the sound was slowly becoming her new favorite thing to listen to. 
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adreamingsongbird · 6 years
FOR MY SAD ANON: a snippet of a high fantasy au with wandmaster yuuri and royal sorcerer viktor, which when i one day get around to writing it will be a collab with @artofmarylarson !!!
The week after Lord Nikiforov’s first visit to his shop, Yuuri puts a little chime above his door, one that lets out a melodious tinkling of bells that sounds a little like silver rainfall on the pebbles by a stream, and hopes that it’ll mean he won’t be caught unawares again.  That was so embarrassing, stammering his way through a conversation with Lord Nikiforov of all people, the King’s very own Head of Sorcery!  He never wants to think about that again.  What a mess he was.
He goes through his daily routine to keep his mind off it, just as he has every day for the past week, and reminds himself to breathe. He makes breakfast and feeds Vicchan, sings to the flowers in the side hall so that they can eventually turn into charms, and takes a break with some honeyed tea so he doesn’t strain his throat. Then he dances for a while, laughing as he twines magic around his fingers and spins it into an imaginary partner, composed of wind and leaves that twirl about as he whirls and skips his way around the room, and Vicchan yips happily and chases his feet.
He’s watering the potion-herbs in the front room when his chime twinkles merrily, and he looks up, a polite Hello, how may I help you on his lips, only to find—
Lord Nikiforov.
The words die in his throat.
Viktor Nikiforov is dressed just as regally as he was last time, with a long red, velvety cape lined with maroon silk and trimmed with lace.  Underneath he wears a dashingly-cut dark suit, trimmed to fit him in all the right places, and embroidered with rich rune-patterns that swim and sparkle, dazzling the eye.  His long silver hair is braided even more intricately today, a dizzying pattern of plaits and swirls, and as he surveys the shop in all his elegance and finery, Yuuri wants to shrink.  He feels inadequate next to this man, all over again.
“Ah!  Master Katsuki!”
Vaguely, Yuuri realizes he’s probably just drowned his poor thyme and winces, immediately putting the watering can down.  “Ah, um, yes, hello.  I mean—welcome, Lord Nikiforov.  You’re… um… back soon.”
“I am,” Viktor Nikiforov agrees pleasantly.  Yuuri walks over to his spell counter, feeling like he’s in a daze, and checks his notebook quickly, wondering if there was an order he was supposed to have filled but just somehow forgot about.  There isn’t, and his stomach fills with dread—did he forget to write it down?
Heart in his throat and anxiety thrumming in his veins, Yuuri swallows hard and asks, “Wh-what can I do for you today, my lord?”
“Oh, please, just Viktor is fine,” Viktor Nikiforov—uhm, that is, Viktor—says with an airy wave of the hand.  He comes closer, leans on the wooden counter between them, and smiles winsomely.  “I appear to have broken my wand.  Again.”
Yuuri’s eyes widen.  “Oh.”
Viktor produces it from his sleeve with a flourish, and Yuuri has to do a double take.  The wood is—it’s completely snapped in half, not just cracked like it was last time, and the little lines of magic are flickering, fading, dying.  Tears prick at his eyes as shame churns in his gut.  Did he—did he really fail so badly at repairing it last time?  He thought…
“I’m very sorry,” he murmurs, hanging his head.  “I don’t know what I did wrong, but I will be very careful today—”
“What?”  Viktor sounds very surprised, almost alarmed, and then to Yuuri’s shock he actually reaches over and cups Yuuri’s chin, forcing his head up to meet his gaze. “Oh, no, Master Katsuki, your work was impeccable.  I assure you, this was completely my fault.  I don’t suppose you could help a foolish sorcerer out again, could you?”
He bats his eyelashes at Yuuri, then winks, smiling cheerily, and Yuuri is so bewildered by how one man can be so incredibly charming that he forgets to be anxious as all hell and just asks, “How in the world did you manage…?”
Viktor waves a hand again, as if he has not a care in the world.  “Oh, you know.”
Yuuri, in fact, does not know, but he supposes there’s a reason he’s just a wandmaster and not a sorcerer.  Perhaps there are spells of great power that put too much strain on Viktor’s wand.  Maybe he was in a duel!
Yuuri clasps his hands around the two broken halves and bows slightly.  “I can fix this, Lord Nikiforov—”
“Viktor,” Viktor corrects, smiling, and Yuuri nods quickly.
“I—Viktor.  I can fix this, Viktor, but, um, it will take some time, I’m afraid…”
“That’s alright!” Viktor says breezily, his smile growing.  “I had a feeling it might.  Don’t worry, Yuuri, my schedule is free today.  I can wait as long as you need!”
Yuuri frowns at him, suddenly emboldened by his lack of consideration of Yuuri’s business.  “Yes, well, did you consider that I might also have other orders to work on today as well, and that generally long repairs are done by appointment?”
Viktor frowns back, as if he hadn’t actually considered that. “Oh.”
“Yes,” Yuuri agrees.  “Oh.”
Viktor drums his fingers on the counter surface, sighing, and then perks up.  “Would there be a way I could ask you to do it first?  I could pay you double the price, if you would.  I just do need it as soon as possible.”
Yuuri balks.  “Twice—oh, no, that’s too much!  I usually charge half the price again for something like this—”
“Consider the rest a tip, then,” Viktor says, reaching into a pocket of his suit and retrieving a silk wallet.  Firmly, he places several gold coins on the counter, and Yuuri’s eyes widen.  That’s definitely more than double his original price.  
“I—you don’t need—”
“For exceptional service,” Viktor adds with a wink, and before Yuuri can process that, he reaches over, takes his hand (his gloves are so soft, Yuuri realizes faintly), and lifts it to his lips.  Yuuri has to swallow a loud squeak when Viktor kisses his knuckles—not just a touch, but a full-on kiss, and uh wow okay this should not make him as weak in the knees as it is doing, but—
Vicchan starts yapping up a storm from the supply room, and Yuuri yanks his hand away as if burned.  “I—there’s a—I have to—one minute please—I’ll be back!  Please wait here!”
He all but sprints into the supply room and nearly slams the door, sinking down with his back against it as Vicchan leaps at him and burrows into his arms, licking his cheeks with frantic reassurance.  He has the best familiar.  Vicchan knows how to get him out of scary situations.
“Thank you, Vicchan,” he coos, kissing the dog’s head. “You’re a good boy.  You’re such a good boy, my Vicchan, yes you are… You get extra treats today, you do.”
Vicchan paws at his chest and licks his chin again. Yuuri sighs.
When he gets his heart rate back under control and forces himself to head back to the front room to face Viktor, this time with Vicchan cradled safely against his chest, he finds his interesting client surveying the herbs Yuuri was watering earlier.  He has such nice shoulders, and that cape really brings them out, especially from behind…
“Sorry about that interruption,” Yuuri manages, feeling much more at ease with Vicchan in his arms.  Viktor turns around, and his face lights up immediately.
“Oh!  Master Katsuki, your dog is so cute,” he croons, coming over immediately to offer Vicchan a hand to sniff. Vicchan licks it, and Viktor—oh no—Viktor actually giggles, and Yuuri feels his heart skip at least twelve beats.
“H-he is, yes,” he agrees faintly, while Viktor scratches under Vicchan’s chin.  Vicchan normally doesn’t let strangers just touch him like this, but with Viktor he’s fine, and Yuuri doesn’t know how to feel about that.  His familiar is perfectly content with this stupidly attractive man cooing at him and petting his ears.
“What’s his name?” Viktor asks eagerly, and Yuuri sighs to himself.
Vicchan perks up at the sound of his name, wriggling his way around to lick Yuuri’s chin in acknowledgment, and Viktor claps his hands in delight.
“Wow!  He’s adorable!  Did you know, I have a dog too?  She looks a lot like your Vicchan, but much bigger, about this tall—” he holds his hand a little below his hip, beaming. “Her name is Makkachin.  Say, Master Katsuki, if you ever decide to visit the city, come see me!  I’ll be glad to introduce you.  I’m sure she’d adore you!”
Yuuri blinks, processing, and nods.  “I, um, of course!”
“I’d show you what she looks like,” Viktor adds a little wryly, “but…”
Both of them look at the wand, sitting in its two halves on Yuuri’s counter.  Yuuri sighs.
“I better get to work on that,” he says, a little regretful that he has to stop talking to Viktor to get to work.  The topic of dogs is a much easier one than hand-kisses, and the way Viktor dropped his winking and charming airs to be excited actually put him much more at ease.  It’s hard to feel initimidated by someone who’s getting their hand kissed by your dog.
“Thank you for doing this, Master Katsuki,” Viktor says sincerely, still petting Vicchan’s head.  “Truly.  I appreciate it.”
Taking a gamble, Yuuri holds Vicchan out, and Viktor delightedly accepts, holding him close against his chest.  Vicchan wriggles, but to Yuuri’s mild surprise he doesn’t protest, even when Yuuri starts to walk away to the counter.
If Vicchan likes him that much…
“You can call me Yuuri,” he says, and picks up the flickering wand.
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guksthighs · 7 years
A Spell For Jealousy || kth
Pairing: V X READER
Summary: ‘Taehyung could see you were busy, he knew his jealousy and possessiveness were apparently unfounded, but you had been lying to him about how you had been studying and had been meeting his best friend behind his back.’
Genre: fluff, angst, wizard au, jealous tae, angst with a happy ending
Length: 2.4k
A/N: this was my first collab and although their account only has a few pieces of writing, i hope you show your support for @korean-hellhole ~ they’re so lovely and i really enjoyed doing this project together.
have fun trying to figure who wrote what !
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You sighed in exasperation as the professor’s explanations morphed into gibberish and your gaze wandered towards the window next to your seat, following the snowflakes that coated the school grounds in white. The late afternoon sunbathing the dull white scenery in gold and you silently willed for time to speed up.
“Y/N!” An elbow nudged your side making you turn to look at Namjoon with a raised eyebrow and he used the tip of his quill to point towards the professor as if to say: ‘Listen in class!’ Rolling your eyes at him, you nudged him back with more force and suppressed a laugh when he yelped and bumped into the boy next to him.
“Unbelievably hopeless…” He muttered and shot a warning glare towards your direction but you knew this was far from being over, messing with Namjoon was way more entertaining than watching snow anyways.
An idea suddenly popped into your head and you grinned mischievously, reaching for your wand, your fingers wrapping around the smooth wooden rod and you whispered a simple spell, watching as the pink haired boy’s glasses slid off his face and snatching them before they dropped to the floor.
Namjoon glared at your smug face while you slid his lunettes onto your face, snickering at the dirty looks he shot you as you pretended to pay attention to the professor.
“Okay that’s it for today. Class dismissed!”
Cheering out loud, you stood up immediately from your chair, ignoring the stares your classmates were giving you, and scooped all your books into your messenger bag. “You know you really have to start paying attention to this class (Y/N).”
You turned to watch the pink haired boy’s blurry figure stack his textbooks into a neat pile and blinked, feeling yourself tear up from the glasses. “Joon, I’m terrible at Charms and you know it. It’s okay if I fail this subject, I’ve accepted my fate.” Your reply was said with a dramatic air as you placed a hand on your friend’s shoulder and nodded. Namjoon chuckled as the two of you headed towards the exit, his black cloak billowing behind him, commanding attention from everyone as he walked.
Kim Namjoon was a prefect, top of his class in every single subject he took and an absolute genius. Being taller than most of the student body, he radiated superiority, intimidating many and you were grateful to have a friend like him.
“If you even need help with the spells you just have to let me know alright?”
“Don’t be silly! I don’t need anyone’s hel-”
A pair of arms wrapped around your waist before you could finish your sentence and you immediately knew who it was, giggling before leaning your back against his chest.
“Yah Tae! How did you get here so fast? Don’t you have class on the other end of the campus?”
Your boyfriend nuzzled his nose into your loose hair before turning you around to face him. You beamed at him as soon as his boxy smile came into view and he raised his arms to squish your cheeks when he suddenly stopped, staring at you before glancing at Namjoon who stood behind you.
“Y/N ...Are you wearing Joon’s glasses?” You hadn’t realized you were still wearing and you nodded, taking them off to hand them back to the pink haired boy. Taehyung frowned and mumbled an excuse before walking away.
“You better go after him; you know how possessive he gets when you’re around any of us.” Namjoon urged you to leave, shooing you with his hand and you gave him thumbs up before rushing after your fuming boyfriend.
“Taee, you aren’t mad, right? You know I only have eyes for you!” You hugged his left arm to your chest, resting your cheek affectionately against his shoulder as you looked up to him with large innocent eyes and he gulped before sighing, placing his hand on top of your hair.
“I can never get angry at you; you know that?” Taehyung grinned, finding your bashfulness endearing and freeing his arm from your grip before wrapping it around your waist. “So how was class?” You pouted, remembering the amount of spells you had to learn to keep up with the rest of your classmates.
“Absolutely terrible Tae, I’ve given up on Charms at this point.”
“I can always give you a hand with the spells?
You looked up at your boyfriend smiling gratefully and leaning up to kiss his cheek when he returned your smile with a boxy grin.
“Thanks, babe, but I think I’ll manage on my own…It might be my worst subject but it’s not like I’m failing.”
His smile drooped a little before returning quickly as if it never happened just as you glanced up at him again.
“If you say so…”
“Miss (Y/N), I’m sure you realize Charms isn’t your forte. If this keeps up you’re bound to fail the year.” The professor spoke in a hushed tone, careful not to attract attention from the other students.
Your eyes widened in shock as time seemed to freeze at that moment. “I see; is there anything I can do to raise my grade though?”
“Tell you what Miss (Y/N), if you past the test next week; I can guarantee at least a B for your final grade.” You nodded softly, frowning while your mind whirled with unsaid thoughts and bowed before returning to your seat where Namjoon waited, a worried expression on his face.
What would you do now? There was no way you could learn the spells on your own! Especially with how clumsy you were… you would probably burn down your dorm before you could master one!
Your mind drifted to your boyfriend, smiling faintly as you remembered how he had sweetly offered to help. But knowing Taehyung, he was probably as bad as you if not worse. Sighing hopelessly, you turned your head to watch Namjoon take notes on his notebook and you silently wondered how amazingly smart he was.
“If you even need help with the spells you just have to let me know alright?”
Snapping up as you recalled what the pink haired boy had told you, a sense of hope filled you, he was a genius after all. Maybe you weren’t doomed after all! You poked his arm shyly, giving him a lopsided smile. “Yah Joon! Do you think…Youcanhelpmewiththespells?” You flushed, not used to asking for help and glared when Namjoon smirked at you.
“Oh so you finally admit you need my assistance?” You scowled before nudging him causing him to  laugh and nod, nudging you back. “Sure, we can start today after class?”
“Yeah you can use my notes” You gave him thumbs up, and turned to face the professor just to hear him dismiss the class.
You remembered with a groan that it was your date night and that you would have to cancel, and as you sent him a quick text the thought that maybe you should have asked your boyfriend instead of Namjoon made you wonder if you had just messed up doing this even with the knowledge of how insecure he could be about your relationship. And yet you still hit send.
Well, There was no turning back now.
“Babe,” Taehyung whined and tugged at your arm trying to get your attention but you pulled your arm out of his grasp and continued to study, the peace of the library that was meant to hide you from distractions had led you into the biggest disruption of all, your boyfriend.
Taehyung had been working in the library since you had met him, spiderwebs strung in his hair like an ornate crown that sat regally on top of his brown hair. These days the library was less dusty from his constant cleaning, but, as amazing as it was to have him know where all of the books you desperately need were, instead of studying all you wanted to do was fall asleep in his arms to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
However, you were busy reading over Namjoon’s notes, whispering incantations to yourself that now made more sense but whose wording was still needlessly complex. You flicked through the books Namjoon had recommended to read, things like ‘spells for beginners’ and ‘so you can’t remember your spells’ but you were becoming progressively more despairing.
“I’m proud of you,” your head whipped up to meet Taehyung who was staring at you, a small smile on his face as he admired your concentration, “You’re putting in so much effort, I mean look at all of these notes,” he gestured at Namjoon’s work, his obvious scrawl covering the copious amounts surrounding you but Taehyung continued with a beam, completely oblivious to the evidence of your lies, “and you did it all by yourself!”
You swallowed hard, it was becoming obvious that when this came to light he was going to be extremely upset and yet the compliment gave you the boost you needed to learn the last few spells. Quickly you leant forward to press a kiss on the tip of his nose, whispering thank you before you muttered another spell and you both watched in awe as it started to snow above the two of you.
The library was quick to dispel the magic, but Taehyung knew what it meant, you had improved massively and although he had thought he would have to stand in and give you some last minute tips, you seemed to have everything under control.
Contrary to your belief that Taehyung was as incapable at spells as you were, he was actually a magical genius. His constant chatting in class and pranks meant he was under more scrutiny from the teachers which led to him having more help than other students, and within months Taehyung was consistently getting top marks, not that he had told you that.
Taehyung watched you begin to study and wondered if your problem lay in you making incorrect notes, so he leafed through your pages and found a higher grade spell, studying the writing he was hit by an icy feeling of realisation. The messy scrawl that was covering your page, devoid of small animations and pretty colours, was not your handwriting.
Taehyung could see you were busy, he knew his jealousy and possessiveness were apparently unfounded, but you had been lying to him about how you had been studying and had been meeting his best friend behind his back.
In the meantime, he was able to swallow the lump in his throat, waiting for you to finish so at least your deceit would be worth a good grade, even if the second you had finished you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him like there was no one watching, making him feel slightly unsure to the judgement he had made.
Taehyung didn’t kiss you back, instead, he placed his hands on your waist and moved you so you were sitting on your chair again, and that was when you realised he knew, even before he started talking, “Why did you lie to me?”
His voice broke; Taehyung’s eyes fell to his hands that fiddled as he found himself unable to meet your eyes in embarrassment at being so easily deceived. “You lied to me,” he whispered, more to himself than you and as you opened your mouth to reply, he pushed his chair out and stood up.
“Tae-” you tried to get his attention, but he was busy picking up all of the books you had been using and before you could say another word he had stalked off into one of the many aisles of floor to ceiling books and with a quick wave of you wand you packed everything up and into your bag, grabbing it and sprinting after your boyfriend, desperate to diffuse the situation.
“KIM TAEHYUNG!” You shouted, and with a flash, you had been teleported out of the library, their warning system of going over a certain amount of decibels getting you banned was apparently still in place and you paced outside, hoping he would come out and talk to you.
The boys often teased you about how jealous he got, but after you explained it was because most of his ex-girlfriends would date them after the breakup and that had resulted in his confidence plummeting, they lay off and became more protective of him.
You knew you needed to talk to him, so you could explain what had actually been happening instead of the romantic rendezvous he was imagining after watching all of his beloved dramas with Jimin on a Friday night.
“If you had a thing for Joon, you just had to say,” he was standing in front of you, brown hair messed up as if he had been running his hands through it, and you realised he probably had been. Taehyung still wasn’t looking you in the eye, but you could see how hurt he was, his arms hugging his torso as he moved from foot to foot, “You were so scared of me you didn’t even tell me.”
Taehyung seemed in pain, his brow creased as he began to back away from you and your arms extended without a thought, as you tried to make him stay, “That’s not true.” Taehyung smiled but it was hollow, it didn’t quite reach them and make them sparkle in a way that was special to just your boyfriend.
“I’m not attracted to Joon,” he raised an eyebrow at the nickname and you just sighed, taking a step forward and grabbing his hands in your own, “No matter how many times I have to tell you, I’ll say it a thousand more. I love you Kim Taehyung, my eyes are only for you and for no other boy, no matter how smart or helpful they are. You are the one that stole my heart. You, my loving boyfriend, Kim Taehyung.”
He frowned, his brain obviously trying to process what you had just said but you knew this was a matter of the heart, not the mind, so with a smile you leant forward and gently pressed your lips to his, hoping he wouldn’t pull away, and as his hands moved up to lace into your hair, you knew everything was okay.
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