getvalentined · 8 months
My sister has just discovered that like nobody in her friendgroup knows what a goathead is and I'm flabbergasted.
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People can just walk around outside and not get these fuckers all themselves? I understand folks are who in less arid climates or more industrialized areas, but we're talking friends from neighboring states with no concept of the existence of horrible evil spiky seeds of death.
Absolutely fucking wild. Tell me more about this wonderland where you live.
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higuchimon · 6 years
Arc-V Anniversary:  Day 15:  Headcanons
All right. Headcanons. Oh, do I have a lot of these and this isn't even close to an exhaustive list. Here we go. Enter at your own risk.
All Commons in the Synchro Dimension have their medical needs taken care of by the government. Not out of kindness, of course. To make sure that nothing from them finds its way to the Tops. Also, birth control is 250% mandatory for Commons. You need special permits & treatments to have biological offspring. (Because of this , there are actually more illegitimate kids born to Tops people, but they don't talk about that. Ever.)
Yuuri treats XYZ as his private hunting preserve when he is in between kidnapping bracelet girls. If anyone argues this, they get carded, and since only a Fusion person would raise an unexpected protest, said carding is blamed on the resistance. Oops, Yuuri totally wasn't there when it happened. Really.
Since the Fusion forces use the Antique Gear Hounds to track resistance members, the resistance insists everyone keep as clean as humanly possible. When this can't be done (clean water must be kept for drinking too & there's not as much clean water as there used to be), other measures must be taken. Among those is something Yuuto discovered by accident: he hid in an abandoned perfume store once and the Obelisk Force/Gear Hounds missed him entirely. Ever since he carries perfume to hide his trail & taught this to other resistance members. Shun keeps some on himself at all times, even after the war (habit by then).
Edo, Kaito, & Shun knew each other as tiny toddlers in the United World. Not enough to fully remember each other after 14 years and everything else, but they lived within a handful of streets of each other. They played in the same little park and were there together when the dimensional split hit.
Shun's parents took him to duels when he was still a small birb. On two separate occasions he met Zarc and Ray. They both liked him, and vice versa.
The Kurosaki parents died in the invasion. Not carded. Actual not coming back death.
While most of the resistance scarves are just found from whatever remains of clothing stores, Shun and Yuuto's scarves are handmade, by Ruri. Shun treasures his above all his possessions except his deck.
Shun and Reiji's scarves are both sentient and self-aware. Post-canon they mate and have two pairs of mittens. Reiji's scarf is also carnivorous.
Post-canon, Asuka works at You Show, as does Dennis. One day, Dennis happens to come in & sees her hugging a strange guy. He politely greets & asks if he can be introduced to her boyfriend. They both laugh: this isn't her boyfriend. This is her brother, Fubuki. He was running a secret resistance against Fusion during the war and has only recently been able to get back in touch with her. Other members of Fubuki's resistance include Marufuji Ryou, Marufuji Shou, Fujiwara Yuusuke, Saiou Takuma, Saiou Mizuchi, and other familiar faces from GX.
Yuugi, Juudai, & Yuusei do exist in Arc-V-verse, to a degree. Yuugi & Atemu live a quiet, peaceful life in Standard, never having gotten into competitive dueling. They just enjoy the fun aspects of it. Yuusei lives in Synchro/what was Synchro dimension with his boyfriend Bruno also happy. Juudai lives in an unknown dimension not connected to the original one or to the four summons dimensions. His home is in one of those places where Duel Monsters live. He also lives with Yubel and Johan, peacefully and happily, taking a lifetime off from having to save the world.
Yuuma doesn't exist. The events that would have led to his existence (i.e., the original war against Don Thousand) never happened.
The (not quite?) Barians do exist in Arc-V!Heartland, though. They do their best to fight Fusion. Vector set up an elaborate ruse to look as if he defected to Fusion, but got information that proved useful (he, in fact, made certain everyone in the resistance could card other people). Only Ryouga/Nasch ever knew/knows that he's not an actual traitor. They sort of are allied with Kaito's bunch but it's tenative and not as good as it could be. Also, there's a good chance they will encounter people from Fubuki's Resistance. Durbe and Yuusuke would get along famously.
Arc-V!Vector did use his position to persuade Arc-V!Mizael to sleep with him on multiple occasions. "Real nice resistance you got here. Be a shame if someone let on where they're hiding." Vector's gonna Vector. Mizael is gonna be pissed when he finds out.
Yuuri is a gardener/botanist and considers the laws of physics loose guidelines at best. He's invented demonc hellplants much like his Predaplants and some sex plants too. Post-canon he wants to go back to the Academia building and get his plants before they start eating more people. Yuugo considers this a Very Bad Idea.
Also post-canon, with four worlds mushed together, a service is set up so people can find their possessions that were lost in the reunification. This includes things like Yuugo's D-Wheel. Said D-Wheel ends up being recovered and repaired by Yoko and Crow.
Edo and Arc-V!Saiou don't meet until after canon. They would have met before then, but then the dimensions were split and Edo ended up in Fusion while Saiou grew up in Standard. After they meet, Saiou eventually learns to Synchro Summon & gets a D-Wheel of his very own.
Dennis is never sure if he trusts or is trusted enough to reveal he & Yuuri were best friends. It does eventually come out. Not everyone is thrilled. Some of them get over it, some don't.
Post canon, Rin (or Rin/Yuzu, whatever you wanna think of it as) meets Merag/Rio, and they become friends. In magic-based AUs, Merag teaches Rin ice magic.
Zarc's sadism was only encouraged by the people wanting more violence. It wasn't created by said encouragement. He could have chosen otherwise. He didn't. And the people could have not encouraged him. They did. The same goes for Yuuri. Some people are just born with tastes like that. How they choose to deal with it is their own decision.
I have a lot more headcanons, but those are some of my favorites.
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