a-killer-obsession · 2 months
Some thoughts on the female crewmembers of the Kid Pirates? How do they interact with a big balls guy like Kid? 😅 I mean I see him threating women more disrespectful with a lot of ass grabbing 🤪
I honestly think Kid treats the ladies the exact same way he treats the men. In saying that: the kid pirates need a HR for sexual harassment from kid. He probably gets smacked a lot.
I do have a lot of personal headcanons though for what the girls are like! Behold:
☠️Kid Pirate Female Headcanons☠️
SFW under the cut 😊
Also including what I think their weapons would be!
I can never decide if she's a kid, or if she's just a short adult. The heels and fishnets make me lean towards adult, but then again her rolemodels for her fashion is the other kid pirates so she might not even realise how provocative those clothing items are. Either way, shes a fucking gremlin. Anger issues to boot but also so very happy go lucky, her mood can flip like a coin. We've seen how excited she gets for battle, I think she love love loves fighting. Shes a nuisance but everyone loves her. Has a massive stuffed animal collection (regardless of what her age really is)
Weapon: teeth
Hobbies: getting into mischief, swimming
Little old lady who is sick of everyone's shit. And by old I mean like, late fourties, early fifties perhaps. Ship doctor, but in a witch doctor sort of way. Big fan of dr kureha for sure! Has that same flippant, usually drunk on the job sort of personality. Everyone loves her though, shes the matriarch of the crew, and the commanders always ask her for advice. I headcanon she's related to Heat, perhaps his aunty. I like to think it was her that stitched up his Glasgow smile. She probably didn't want to be a pirate, but as the oldest she probably knew better than everyone what a shit show their home island was. Perhaps after all that gang violence maybe Heat is the only family she has left, so she naturally followed him out to sea.
Weapon: stays out of fights, but keeps a pistol on her just in case
Hobbies: collecting vintage medical journals, witchcraft
Most casual of the girls. Quiet, little bit stoic, bit of a tomboy, probably goes by she/they. Prefers to hang with the more masculine men on the crew, cos she'll gag if she has to listen to Quincy talk about makeup. I actually headcanon she's related to Killer, given they're both tan and blonde, and from the same island (probably, at least I headcanon all the kid pirates sailed out together), maybe cousins even. Strongest and the best fighter of the girls, everyone uses her like guard dog when they wanna go out. As the guard dog shes usually the one to smack Kid when he gets too handsy with one of the girls. He's a little scared of her tbh.
Weapons: the wiki says she apparently has two swords, i think dual weilding short blades would suit her
Hobbies: electric guitar, fishing (she likes the quiet time to think)
Bad bitch alert!! She's hot and she knows it! Bit of a stuck up bitch but she has her soft side. Gets along best with Wire. Considered the most stylish on the crew because somehow she makes even plain clothes look good, and everyone always wants her fashion and hair advice. I sort of imagine her to be like Nami, very obsessed with money and shopping, and a big time lesbian. Keeps her nails long and sharp as shit, and has a very impressive collection of knives. Her and Hip are very scary when they work together.
Weapon: wiki says she has a sword. I imagine her having a really delicate, slim sword, like a rapier
Hobbies: designing clothes, collecting vintage jewelry (she has very sticky fingers)
Super ditsy tbh, really not suited to being a pirate but shes doing her best, its better than staying in the south blue anyway. Everyone makes fun of her cos she has a big obvious crush on kid, she's convinced shes gonna be queen of the pirates. Kid thinks its cute but shes not really his type, he doesnt mind her fawning though. Turns absolutely psychopathic if someone threatens her sweet kiddo! A real girl's girl, she loves anything cute and pink and fluffy, like just so very stereotypically girlypop
Weapon: usually kept away from fights, but like in Wavelengths I'd like to see her use that big chain of beads around her waist like a weapon
Hobbies: makeup and nails, fawning over kid and drawing bad fanart of her and him kissing (yes everyone thinks its concerning, but in an sweet way)
The quintessential 2010s tumblr scene girl. She reads A LOT of fantasy romance, draws fanart of her favourite book series, she would be a warrior cats girlie for sure. Bit of a scaredy cat and cries when she yells, but shes not afraid to pick up a sword if she has to if its to protect her friends. Really energetic personality though, she's easy to get along with, and she seems to know a little something about everything. Gets along best with Heat.
Weapon: rifle or similar, something long range and slim
Hobbies: reading & drawing
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
col n trvl n bdh,k,j,,j,j
Hmkhmu jjjnn nj hi j i
Grammsr when hlp h j
Ww. K. Lf cover that, b dk,uh,h,m,j,wwjzk,k,,k,i,,m o k,uh,eh k l ,j,,,
15,ideating, niobium
K bye eh h mk jimk 3
erms rdy yh no pass idkz area,yh,law,h,k,
Emptional time pay, preaching, slow n 1 spir talking pt,wt,uzh
Ih dk,u,i,ju,,i,
K uh smtms,surprise ig,hk,,j,i,,i,
No, b dk, nd, h mu jo hm j k hi u
Eh b dtory n glasses uh no ww hku ki j u jk ww hku j big nw, like jeter w humbles,h ki
Dstrctn, gets them high, dusdtracting, soc, uh , dk, bedj k j
Thgts hk ww 2wk. Tlking pointy, lk hv sm n spiritualize them, religioud objects them, msking or redo a rel movekent ir spirit,nn
Using as expletive, expletive tone,hk,
K , hm u,k,,kdoi,,,jk,,
Y spending, no hkuh no nt hlp. Org h by j
Nt hlp if only u do, n work js mean do wt they say, not think or feel ig,uh,,jk,,
Hkuj friit uh hm
Ww noh y mn idea,k
Counter, rem soci, hm hi
General idiot, not gd lessons, nt deserv to tlk to particular person oh gee y,h,k,,j
Saltier, unis,m,
Gd fr them, f me, f them,
Nt mch no, sd, h k, can't, ww , coach idea, no im
Gee stat spirituslity, cry or suggest then ignorez yr js words n calls, for u, nt for other, butter h,m,j
Dk, u not clear, b commanding,yhww,,
Read ok b crfl,yh,k,,
R u ass/ey
It nt be ok. House uh. Gr hou
K u sqying u understand or u lk me , n gossip, gathr, mk project of person me, gee, nt knw wt takes to knw person,j,,,gt knw,wt,uzk,,,wwzuh,wt,k,
Ww hm k,j,,,j
Offc hr sk gee, trn on u
Being literally nc can be cotext mean, tone mwan, all wrongs, kind of autism
Y u selling constant, awk,hk,coffeer. Toldyousoing doesnt work,h,k,same ,joke,eh,j,k
Showman, win,what
0 notes
fairlyqualityanon · 4 years
(1) Two Tsun-deres and a Yan-
I must begin with a formal apology to Asmo stans and Levi stans - Asmo is in the Horny Bin(tm) because I’m incapable of doing his surprisingly complex character justice, and vore brain latched onto “make Levi the yandere source of conflict” despite all my protests. Going to be posting one chapter every week or two.
Soft safe clean g/t vore, initial vore accidentally implied by pred going to be fatal due to poor word choice
Branches from the main plot of Ob//ey M//e! during Lesson 4-6 as Levi canonically states he’d been intending to eat MC up until a minute ago. Written from the viewpoint of my MC as a character study of sorts for the bois.
Trying to ignore her still-twinging wrist - when she'd attempted to lighten the mood by joking that she could order Mammon to wrap her wrist better he'd just glowered back and gave the bandage a sharp tug - Emma fought to keep a grin off her face. She didn't want Levi to think she was gloating. While it was arguably a draw, she'd successfully managed to get the Avatar of Envy to wig out, which meant she'd won. Now he'd have to make a pact with her so she could get that exclusive TSL soundtrack from him, and then...
And then she could go upstairs to the attic, to find out whoever was calling, whatever was pulling her there. No, that was why she was grinning. Reaching to open the door, Emma paused and switched hands. Stupid sprained wrist. Well, that’s what one gets for choosing to deliberately piss off a demon.
"So, do you know why I called you here?", Leviathan asked when she met him in the middle of the planetarium.
Several responses came to mind - ranging from cocky to demeaning - but Emma went with a friendly smile, an extended hand, and a, "Let's patch things up between us."
Ignoring the outstretched hand, he threw back his head and laughed, jostling the colorful Heats™ headphones around his neck. “In order to patch things up we would’ve had to have been on good terms to begin with, wouldn’t we?”
Ooh, harsh. Emma was fairly certain that a normal person would consider the favor she’d done him as some degree of ‘on good terms’, but given that Levi was both otaku and demon... It simultaneously confused and annoyed the woman, how some of humanity’s cultural norms were identical to those found in the Devildom, while others would be met with statements like ‘I am a demon after all’; simply infuriating, as she could never tell which category any given circumstance would fall into.
Shrugging, she made a vague gesture with her hand before stuffing it casually into a pocket as if she hadn't noticed the refusal. “If you didn’t call me here to smooth things over, then what?” Maybe it was just due to being an otaku... “If you wanted to rant some more about how I’m not a ‘true’ TSL fan, you could’a done that over the phone.” And Emma would have listened to - or read - it, feeling like she owed it to him for cheating.
"No," he said with an unfriendly smirk, "if I took you out of the picture by eating you, that would leave me as the sole king of all TSL mega fans, right?"
She could feel her pulse throbbing in her veins, loud in her ears, and Emma desperately hoped it wasn't noticeable to him. Several of the brothers had warned her of the many different dangers from demons in the Devildom - trying to collect 'pretty' souls, killing her, demanding her soul as payment in a pact, even potentially eating her - and though she'd overheard casual comments about them doing exactly that, it was Beel and Mammon who had been the brothers threatening to eat her, while the danger from Levi had been merely him losing control and just outright killing her.
Which, now that she thought about it, the Avatar of Envy almost had. Even though she'd asked the next-older to help her - ‘run or die’ weren’t the only options after all, now that she had a pact with the second-most powerful of the Avatar brothers - he’d managed to slip and it had taken the oldest of all the brothers - who, ironically, she was attempting to bypass with this stunt - to prevent the demon from killing her.
Maybe I should run, Emma realized belatedly. She'd closed - but not locked - the door and so all she had to do was get out the door and even if he pursued her Levi would be spotted and she'd be s-
Emma yelped as she sprawled out on the floor. What the hell had she tripped over? She’d chosen a path without chair, coffee table, or even ottoman, and the public areas were kept tidy as a general rule. She managed to roll herself over, staring in confusion at her ankles. Correction: at what was wrapped around her ankles. Some kind of scaly lasso?
But then it moved in a decidedly unropelike fashion and the human realized what it was - the tail of Levi's demon form. But why does it look so bi- Oh, shit.
He wasn't very big, she was just very small. Well, he was still kind of bigger than normal, due to being in his demon form again, but that difference was relatively minor at present. The tail lifted her into the air and, with a graceful little flip, held her upright by winding around her waist.
"The hell are you doing? Lucifer told you to 'calm down'!" Emma wasn't about to try pulling at the coiled tail; if she came loose she would fall and at the current - relative - height would seriously injure herself, if not kill her outright. Seems she'd just have to try talking her way out of this.
"I am calm," Levi smirked, "calm enough to see that I'm the boss level on your quest to make a pact with me."
"This isn't a game, Leviathan!" Emma scolded, trying not to appear afraid.
"I don't see it that way," he purred, bringing her closer to his face. “You actually thought you could defeat a boss with a simple trivia contest? LMAO. You see," the demon continued, "making a pact with Mammon was just a short fetch quest in the tutorial that rewards you with a goofy sidekick. Even though he's my older brother, he's still not as tricky as me."
Still carrying the tiny human, he walked over to the door and locked it. “And don’t think about trying to call for my brother; summons are disabled for this boss fight.”
Wait, that was an option? Emma hadn’t thought about it, because Mammon was certainly out of earshot and she’d dropped her phone when Levi tripped her, or when she was shrunk. Either or.
“Some TSL fan you were, only paying attention for trivia," he scolded, "The overall story is an object lesson about the dangers of pride. I told you, ‘If you lose you might never make it back to the human world alive.’ You didn’t ‘lose’, but you did have Asmo toggle the difficulty level for your questions. You cheated,” Levi smirked darkly, hair beginning to overshadow his eyes, “and some games have clever ways of punishing cheaters.” He flicked his hair out of his face with an annoyed huff, but the dark cast to his eyes didn’t disappear.
“Levi,” Emma tried again, “you c- mmphf!” She pried at the tail covering her mouth, not finding much purchase against the slick scales.
"Ah ah ah," the blue-haired demon trilled, "it's not your turn for dialogue. This," he grinned toothily, “is a ‘Game Over’ cutscene. Even a normie like you should know how those work. I know of at least five video games in the human world that involve the protagonist being swallowed whole, and I’ve beaten them all.” Levi paused, seeming to think something over. "I don't normally deal with humans, as nobody is interested in trying to make a pact with an otaku of a demon like me, so eating them isn't really something I get the chance to do. But maybe I’ll make an exception for you; aren’t you excited?" He grinned widely and slowly began opening his mouth just as wide.
Staring in horror at the gleaming fangs, she tried to scream. Not in fear, but in defiance. No, it couldn’t end like this! Emma was going to make it through the year!
The Avatar of Envy apparently had missed the memo because after the briefest moment of hesitation - Emma didn’t for a second hope that Levi was rethinking this at all, but she did know that from the way his tail was wound around her that unwinding would give her plenty of time to cry for help - he spun her rapidly around and dropped her in his mouth.
"Mammo-!" She had time to scream before Leviathan's jaws closed her off from the outside world. If Emma hadn't been dizzy already, the rough treatment from the demon's tongue would have made her woozy. She swore she could have counted the bumpy taste buds, mentally naming off each smooth, slick, and worryingly solid tooth - shoulder against side incisor, foot against rear molar, ohhh shit forearm between canines! - she collided with as Levi shoved her back and forth, seemingly enjoying humiliating the shrunken human. She tried to tell herself that her lack of resistance was the smart move; even if the monster demon ‘only’ bit off a limb rather than her head, how quickly would she bleed out and die? And that might not even be the worst way to go... All the woman could do was cover her face and pray it would be over soon.
She screamed in anger again, wordlessly this time, as Leviathan's head tilted back and she slid into his throat. Emma had finally gotten over her general fear of the denizens of the Devildom and then this had to go and happen! Her senses overwhelmed her; she couldn’t think; she could barely breathe. Arm twisted awkwardly behind her back, elbow jammed against ribs, wrist angled painfully at her side, his powerful throat muscles squeezed her tightly, preventing her from drawing in enough breath to try calling for help again.
In what felt simultaneously like an eternity and nanosecond later, Emma’s stomach dropped out from under her as she landed in his stomach. There was now room to breathe, which meant there was also now room to panic.
“I had to get you all to myself before Beel could fall to the temptation, or Mammon decide he’s not actually okay with the power imbalance of your pact. Carte blanche pacts are super rare, because a demon'll demand a price few humans are capable of paying, which makes it all the more humiliating for that moron."
His words failed to register, only the tone of voice sinking in. Emma sucked in a deep breath in order to get all the words out at once without the tremble of fear she was nearly consumed by. "If you let me out now, I'll pretend this never happened, okay?" She couldn't restrain the gasp for air and hoped it hadn't been audible, even as she fretted over how much oxygen her hyperventilating was using up. "I'm not even gonna demand you make a pact with me. So," she pounded on the stomach wall with each word, "Spit. Me. Out!"
Leviathan made a small noise of surprise. “Wait a minute, you thought I was serious? LOL,” he chuckled, and the walls around her contracted. “There’s no way for you to earn an extra life, so I’ll give you a ‘continue’ option. You’re in a safe room - for now - so all you gotta do is admit I’m a bigger TSL fan than you and then I’ll make a pact with you. A promise is a promise... and Lucifer would get mad at me if I did eat you for real.”
Wait, wait, wait, did that mean she wasn’t going to die!? He was humming something quietly and it took Emma a moment to place it - the outro theme to TSL. The next words out of her mouth were ones usually reserved for Mammon - “Are you insane!?” - yet the proud Avatar of Greed had not done anything close to this... Yet. Just comments, but he hadn't acted on them, and so they'd become only hollow threats at that point. Given how much hassling he’d gotten from being coerced into a pact - this 'carte blanche' version - Emma could understand it on some level at least.
He laughed, and Emma wasn’t sure if it was a good sign or not that the harsh edge to his tone was gone. “You really don’t understand how outrageous - how offensive - it is for you to claim you are a true TSL fan after only one night! I will not stand for it! You can still watch TSL, but you have to watch it with me, okay? Nobody else!”
Might as well try. Emma herself was proud, yes, but not suicidally so. "I am a fan of TSL, but I wouldn't have gotten right the questions Asmo asked you." She took a deep breath before saying bitterly, "which means you're a bigger fan than I am." Now spit me the hell out!
Leviathan chuckled again, "Good human. I’ll let Mammon know of your fast-travel request, so sit tight."
Was it just nerves or was the goop on her hands starting to make her skin tingle? Emma tried to modulate her breathing to use the remaining oxygen more sparingly. She could hear him recite the words, pledging a pact. It didn't feel any different to her, and Emma wondered again about what exactly being in a pact meant. All she knew how to do was boss a demon around; maybe she'd check the library to better know what questions to ask Solomon.
She was spat out into an oversize - though not 'demon form size' - hand, and felt her stomach churn from the lingering fear and anxiety.
Emma looked up to see the door kicked open, hinges shrieking as it smashed against the wall and bounced back closed with a deafening bang. A white-haired demon stood in front of it, visibly bristling with rage. She didn’t think she’d ever be so relieved to see a Avatar that furious.
"I can't believe you ate my human! That’s not fair!" Mammon stamped his foot, like a petulant child. "I thought you were going to make a pact with her like you promised!"
"I thought you said that was my signature line, ‘it’s so not fair’," Levi smirked, "but don't worry, I did make a pact with her. Not for 'your' human's soul, but I'm not telling you what was in~vol~ved," he practically sang. “You two had time to binge-watch all of TSL; certainly you’ll have plenty of time to research the counterspell. Shouldn’t take you more than a day or two.”
Emma could only look at him pitifully as she dangled from Levi’s hand. There were simply no words for how miserable she felt. An unreadable expression flashed across his face before Mammon plucked her from his brother's hand. She could have sworn she heard him mutter, "Can't let any of the others eat my human," as she was tucked away in his pocket.
Don’t you even think about it. Emma huddled in the jacket behind his hand, not entirely caring where Mammon was going as she tried to slow her racing heart, hardly daring to breathe. To say she was uneasy in her current state was an understatement of massive proportion.
When she was taken back out of his pocket she looked around warily. Okay, she was in Mammon’s room - which was as dirty as ever - standing on his desk. Noticing the worried look on his face, she shook her head slightly and shivered. “I’m fine, just tiny is all.” And a little cold.
The demon looked massively relieved, pulling out a handkerchief and draping it over the human. “Didja catch what spell Levi used?”
Emma frowned, folding and wrapping it around herself like a shawl, grateful for the warmth. “No. I wasn’t exactly paying attention to anything he said after saying he was going to eat me.” Wait a minute... She looked up at him uncertainly, “I was hoping you knew the counterspell.”
“I don’t have every spell memorized; I’ve got more valuable things to do with my time than bury my nose in books like Satan.” Mammon held his hands up helplessly. “He didn’t tell you anything about how to unshrink you?”
She shook her head again. “Nothing other than that ‘research’ comment you heard. Would the library even have something like that?”
“Probably. No, definitely. Alright,” he said confidently, pasting a smile on his face, “all we gotta do is head to the library and read until our eyeballs fall out!”
Easy peasy. Turning the pages might be difficult, and she could only read English texts, but speed reading was something Emma excelled at.
She cocked her head, hearing a buzz. Mammon apparently heard it too and fished out his phone. "Uh oh," he said, white eyebrows arching as he unlocked his D.D.D., "we gotta problem."
"Great, what now?" Emma asked, standing on her tiptoes to try and see the screen.
"Beel's looking for ya." Mammon tilted the phone to show the shrunken human.
//Mammon, have you seen Emma? Neither of you were in her room when I got done with the fridge. She’s not answering her phone.//
//Oh and also she left her pizza behind, so I ate all of it before it could go stale.//
Emma reflexively checked her own pockets before remembering that her phone hadn’t shrunk with her. “Crap!” She smacked her forehead. “Levi still has it!”
"He's not going to listen to me if I say you're not here, and I can't let him find you like this; there's no way that meathead would be able to resist the temptation." Mammon cracked a grin, "Hell, I can barely resist right now, what with you being so perfectly bite-sized and all." He paused, thinking intently as he glanced around the cluttered room. "Your smell's a lot more enticing than a regular human's, so just hidin' ya out of sight is not gonna be nearly enough."
Grin growing even wider, a dangerous glint - not terribly unlike Beelzebub's when the glutton saw a stack of his favorite cheeseburgers - appeared in his eyes as he pointed to his stomach. "Unless I hide you in here, that is," he said, pulling his shirt up just enough to expose an inch of tan flesh - and what looked like the edge of a tattoo - in case she somehow missed his point.
[[Comments and questions are always appreciated; feedback is one of the best ways of supporting a creator!]]
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roymusdamn · 3 years
we are probably facing one of the worst physical and mental health crisis here in our collective. practically no one in the headships is okay and seemingly there would be one or two people daily being in the brink of ending everything. im surprised ive come this far , trying to be objective and receiving all of their heavy feelings to relieve themselves. cant seem to sleep anymore or even shower after 3 days. p sure i knew just how to shut this off before or command myself to sleep bc its the only logical solution to something i cant solve yet but here i am 3 days in with practically almost 5 hrs sleep daily. my mind cant shut up and probably also other comrades’ bc theyre still talking to me up until 3 am. i just feel like i have to reply and listen (except for that one that i could not muster up even everything ive learned and practiced from MLM to reply and be objective at this point). im fucken tired. yet i cant stop or disassociate bc i wouldnt want that and at the same time this government is fucking killing everyone bc of their class interest. sometimes i agree with the farmers when they said they wouldve brought a pillbox with them just to make my university listen. everyday state violence should be faced with revolutionary violence. despite all of these, everything violent that happened in the past months are within groups of people that I know and struggled with. why would you fight other kasamas? why would you push them to the brink of wanting to leave a house bc that entire place is a big truckload of triggers? why would u push someone who experienced one of the worst covid effects to still not heal at this point bc of everything that happened? why hasnt the pandemic ended on our part and continue to separate all of us from each other? why is it so hopeless for some important people in my life that they genuinely believe theyre just a nuisance in my/our lives when theyre one of the reasons i/we could still keep on going? literally why are we going through all of this? a lot of us are 20 year olds. people this young deserve this? this shitfuck of a feeling that they would feel truly happy if they never woke up again? it just doesnt make sense to me (or even if i did bc i could root it all back to class exploitation) and idk if theres anything that could be given to me/us which I would consider as having ‘justice’. i probably have to accept that this is already happening and i would have to live with it for the rest of my/our lives. whatever damage this whole ‘thing’ has done is just going to be there forever. thats why i cling so much to my collective bc its just too heartbreaking; its heartbreaking to see comrades i would die for experience all of these. they all deserve love if not happiness in this godforsaken mkmp society. idk if i could give it to everyone but i know others feel the same way (and thats why they should act like they love each other and not treat them like they arent their comrade). i know the communities and schools we’ve done mass work love us not only in the sense we’re able to help out in socio economic needs but bc they are also the ones we are with in struggle. it should be everyones primary task daily to show their love for comrades and the masses. everyday should be a reminder that we arent alone in the struggle. no comrade deserves to feel despair. my heart is always so overwhelmingly full of care for the well being of my comrades , i feel myself getting more and more sleepless in times they arent okay. i just hope we get through this, and i know we will (bc change has been in grained in me since i started here). i just hope others would be strong enough to see thru it til the end. i know we’ll pull each other towards it.
another sleepless night but i know one of these days ill be able to finally rest well
0 notes
grunge-finds · 5 years
The Evolution of best beginner piano
Within the age of eighty one, the pianist Shura Cherkassky suggests He's touring additional now than he did in his 70s. Mr. Cherkasskys performances have reached prevalent recognition particularly in the last 10 years, when he was labeled an incredible Romantic pianist -- versus his needs.
I dont such as this label, he reported emphatically inside a latest telephone interview from his household in London, exactly where he has lived for over a decade. I dont belong to any special classification.
Mr. Cherkassky, who began accomplishing in 1923, will Enjoy a recital on Friday at eight P.M. within the McCarter Theater in Princeton, a system he will repeat at Carnegie Corridor on April 21. On the program will likely be Bachs Toccata and Fugue in D slight (BWV 565), Schuberts Sonata within a (Op. Posth.), D. 959, two will work by Chopin -- the Ballade in F minimal and Variants on Mozarts La ci darem la mano from Don Giovanni -- Berios Encores Pour Piano and Balakirevs Oriental Fantasy (Islamey).
Looking again more than his a few years like a pianist, Mr. Cherkassky stated that in relearning outdated parts, I Engage in them otherwise. He added: Its tricky to know whats altered. My actively playing is more mature, richer.
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He tactics 4 hrs per day instead of a single minute much less, he reported. Once i apply, I need a clock.
He doesnt train, and refuses to present grasp courses. Some pianists really like to show, but I dont, he said. Thank goodness I dont have to teach.
Performers, he said, dont make very good instructors. They are really too egotistical and self-centered, he claimed. Ages ago, when I had to do it monetarily, I taught some girl who stored making problems. I wouldnt know what to state. I stated, Enable it to be sing, and he or she mentioned, How do I get it done? And that i said, I wouldnt understand how.
Mr. Cherkasskys enjoying is recognized for his singing tone, but he says he are not able to examine how he generates it.
Mr. Cherkassky has sturdy thoughts about judging musical competitions. As a notable musician, he has often been invited to evaluate, but has refused. I dont Believe its honest, because someone has got to acquire, he said. Its Great for business enterprise. Perhaps they are worthy of it, Or even the just one who does not earn is a lot better than the one who wins.
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There are solutions to your Level of competition route for youthful artists attempting to Make careers, he claimed, if they have got plenty of willpower and discipline, and whenever they dont Enable something outside -- emotions -- disturb them.
Its important psychologically to get a whole slave to some profession, he stated. If you're able to resist individual factors, art gets superior.
Born in 1911 in Odessa, Russia, Mr. Cherkassky was an only baby. His father was a dentist and an novice violinist, and his mom was a pianist and piano Trainer. His household came to The usa in 1923 due to the political upheaval in his homeland. It wasn't right up until 1976 that he returned to Russia. His performances at that time, he mentioned, had great psychological significance for him.
Soon following his arrival in The us in the age of 12, he performed a command performance at the White Dwelling for President Warren G. Harding and gave performances for both equally Paderewski and Rachmaninoff. The nice pianist and Instructor Josef Hofmann, he reported, was the best influence on his playing.
While in the 1991-92 time, Mr. Cherkassky gave a series of international performances in celebration of his 80th birthday, on Oct. 7.
People today check with how at my age I've a great deal power, he explained. He attributes his superior health to ingesting huge amounts of basic yogurt every single day also to a every day dose of a Japanese drink named Pocari Sweat, which contains sugar, natural vitamins and absolutely nothing artificial. It had been recommended by a physician in Tokyo to be a get rid of with the flu.
This season, Mr. Cherkasskys performances contain concerts in Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Canada and America.
I adore Japan, he said. Its the one region the place I get along very well. They can be fanatics on punctuality, they usually visualize almost everything in advance.
The Berio items on Fridays plan are identified as Drinking water Piano, Earth Piano and Hearth Piano and they are small abstract performs. You have to use your creativeness, Mr. Cherkassky explained. The initial piece is melodic, Virtually like Chopin. The 2nd one particular is hanging notes, no melody at all, and the final one is more like the fireplace, with lots of running passages.
Chopins Don Giovanni Versions, an early Chopin operate, is not really as popular as Liszts variants on exactly the same topic. After, Mr. Cherkassky performed both of those sets of variants on the exact same system, he said. The mix offered an extreme dose with the operatic topic, but a fascinating comparison. Chopins variants tend to be more delicate plus much more lyrical than Liszts, Mr. Cherkassky claimed.
Tickets to the Princeton concert are $twenty five and $28. Reservations are offered by contacting (609) 683-8000.
0 notes
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Become a member of the Vault Insider Agenda with unlock musical Within game loot regarding Borderlands 2 classes games. While Borderlands 2 originally let approximately some players, the VR report will probably be single-player only. There's now zero word because near no matter if "Borderlands 2 VR" may add the original game's substantial collection of expansion content material, consisting of extra character lessons and hr involving plane quests. If you want to go back to the present display at any time, you can find into it while using Tools, setup game records for mods food selection choice.
A listing of all of the Legendary (lime) artilleries inside the Borderlands 2 modpack, in conjunction with all their own single impact. Commander Lilith And also The Conflict With regard to Refuge assurances for taking players to the alien globe regarding Pandora, home dirt regarding Borderlands along with Borderlands 2 (2012) although only 1 regarding several planets within Sept 2019's Borderlands 3.
Borderlands helps 4 gambler online as well as two person splitscreen local co op within the console versions. Borderlands 2 is used to supply in players in the game. The four gambler characters through the original game, Roland, Lilith, Brick, with Mordecai, go back available as non-player characters which the modern characters will probably knowledge upon Pandora, as well as in various assignment. We get to go to the being from the real world walk into your organization connected with Maya so the lady puts down garbage in order to opponents.
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Borderlands 2 is perhaps a thrashing game, along with away from that it offers more than a modest amount of adult themes away from that, though the game's history completes in fact Borderlands 2 weapon parts possess a handful of good informations. Just like the second play-through upon Borderlands, TVHM is harder with tougher enemie Borderlands 2 max level.
Gearbox colour with vast brushstrokes, yes, but they just don't count on https://games-aarp.site cardboard cut out characters as well as move of the mill mission design. Players want battle across the total associated with Pandora to prevent Jack from awakening a old alien nasty learned just like. Very best of all, it's live at the moment if you've currently obtained ones copy regarding Borderlands 2 VR, you possibly can download that Bad Butt Super Enjoyment totally free in addition to event the DLC from the new view. Borderlands 2 can be a game of which doesnt show itself honestly, with wit with a cartoonish design littered throughout it.
If you have an incredibly low-end PC or maybe desire to act the action on ones small laptop wherever you work, Ultra Low Config mod with regard to Borderlands simply goes past budget friendly possible graphic venues as well as produces the action seem ten years old, although adds to the accomplishment significantly along the way. His or her search will bring them into experience of several personal encounters in the ancient game - almost all particularly, the main. Many points certainly not feel my age, in addition to Borderlands 2 mods are only as entertainment as they end up being pretty much ten years since. Class mods also have a chance of including skill points pertaining to a specific character's skill pine.
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Gearbox see that this upcoming PC report of Borderlands will certainly bring out both core game along with many techniques from the recently told when it is at this time non certain fall publication time frame makes it. The development increases the latest unique article involving several going back tossed organs then novel characters, except as always the important celebrity would be the loot. I participated the Xbox variety associated with Borderlands pertaining to near weekly, and while the incident also enhance on the first are plain, the quirk along with novelty of which designate the 2009 game Borderlands 2 weapon parts so endearing in addition to common.
These stat enhancement sign up for most of 1 player's characters. We accomplished realize it was fairly and so exclusive. Handsome Jack's approach is usually to open up Pandora's minute Vault and also unleash the "Warrior", a powerful Eridian monster restricted through whoever generates it.
Gearbox comments that the upcoming PC model connected with Borderlands will probably element both core game and from the newly showed as soon as it's at this time low distinct fall months release date appears. Gearbox Software managed to get crystal clear the sport exclusivity pertaining to PSVR was always timed.
Refuge ends up being within stress, the Vault's place continues to be lifted along with a dangerous gas ends up being poisoning Pandora. There's at present not any concept since to help whether or not "Borderlands 2 VR" may range from the first game's substantial documents regarding expansion content material, including extra character courses with hours involving wall journeys.
0 notes
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Connect the Vault Insider List and also unlock lovely During game loot regarding Borderlands 2 shift codes games. While Borderlands 2 originally permitted around several players, the VR variation is going to be single-player solely. There's currently not any remark because near whether "Borderlands 2 VR" will probably add the original game's big stockpile involving extension content material, which include further character lectures along with hr involving side journeys. If you want to come back to this project at any time, you can find to it with the Instruments, setup game sorts for mods food selection selection.
A directory all of the Legendary (orange) artilleries from the Borderlands 2 modpack, in addition to each one of their own single influence. Commander Lilith Next The Scrap Pertaining to Sanctuary offers to take players time for the noncitizen globe connected with Pandora, home land with regard to Borderlands as well as Borderlands 2 (2012) but just one associated with many entire world into September 2019's Borderlands 3.
Borderlands services a number of person online together with a pair of participant splitscreen local co op around the console versions. Borderlands 2 is just meant to double simply by players from the game. The several player characters from the original game, Roland, Lilith, Brick, with Mordecai, return such as non-player characters that the novel characters can meet on Pandora, or in a variety of assignment. We be able to view a character inside real life move into the essence of Maya so the girl put down trash to be able to foes.
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Borderlands 2 is undoubtedly a violent game, in addition to clear of to it offers in excess of a small amount of develop fully themes outside of that, but the game's account makes actually Borderlands 2 golden key possess a little positive messages. Such as the back play-through on Borderlands, TVHM ends up being harder with tougher enemie Borderlands 2 best class.
Gearbox coloring throughout vast brushstrokes, sure, however it doesn't depend upon cardboard scratch away characters or maybe function from the work mission structure. Players want attack across the whole associated with Pandora to stop Jack from wake a ancient noncitizen nasty identified simply seeing that. Very best of all, it's reside at the moment if you've by now followed your own item regarding Borderlands 2 VR, you are able to download all that Bad Ass Super Enjoyment for free also suffer the DLC from the new standpoint. Borderlands 2 is a game that will doesnt carry itself honestly, with humor also a cartoonish model littered throughout the idea.
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For those who have a very low-end PC or simply desire to participate in the game upon your small laptop where ever a person quit, Ultra Low Config mod pertaining to Borderlands merely goes outside of budget friendly probable graphic backgrounds and also presents the action look few years other, although strengthens the presentation significantly along the way. Their particular journey provides them straight into hitting the ground with some comfortable encounters from the ancient game - the majority of more importantly, the original. Some items by no means feel my age, and also Borderlands 2 mods are simply just while entertainment since they end up being practically 10 years in the past. Class mods also provide a possibility of put skill points regarding a particular character's skill woods.
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Gearbox takes note that the upcoming PC variety involving Borderlands will certainly characteristic the primary game with many methods from the recently told as it's presently non unique fall launch day occurs. The increase adds a new novel article involving several giving back tossed constituents along with further characters, although since always the real star will be the loot. I teased the Xbox side involving Borderlands regarding all around 7 days, and even though the enlargement in addition to updates on the unique become plain, the peculiarity and novelty to formulated the 2009 game Borderlands 2 shift codes so endearing along with widespread.
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These stat enhancements connect with each one of an individual player's characters. We accomplished realize it absolutely was fairly thus exclusive. Handsome Jack's proposal is usually to available Pandora's subsequent Vault along with develop the "Warrior", an excellent Eridian beast dictated by simply whoever announces it.
Gearbox comments how the upcoming PC form connected with Borderlands will probably report the central game and many methods from the newly exposed when it's at this time no certain fall launch day occurs. Gearbox Software managed to get make how the game's exclusivity pertaining to PSVR was always timed.
Retreat ends up being within duress, the Vault's record may be stolen next a lethal gas is poisoning Pandora. There's at present zero concept what to be able to whether or not "Borderlands 2 VR" will range from the original game's large library connected with increase content, which include added character orders and also hours of border missions.
0 notes
qbordermods4b6eu · 5 years
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Borderlands 2 can be a game to doesnt carry itself badly, with comedy along with a cartoonish type littered throughout this. We arrive at go to the role inside the real world phase to the main part of Maya because the girl rests spend for you to opponents. Legendary class mods are dumped in Vermivorous the supreme one last change for better associated with Varkid enemy. In case you still want to return along with visit the excellent older memories regarding Borderlands 2 at PC while, you could have an additional selections. There's currently zero statement equally to be able to whether or not "Borderlands 2 VR" will add some new game's substantial store involving expansion information, including extra character divisions with hr associated with facet quests.
These stat enhancements sign up for all of an individual player's characters. Borderlands helps some person online along with a pair of gambler splitscreen nearby co op on the console versions.
Commander Lilith Then The Scrap With regard to Sanctuary guarantees to consider players here we are at the alien planet involving Pandora, home earth pertaining to Borderlands and Borderlands 2 (2012) although one involving various planets in Sept 2019's Borderlands 3. Help save by hand migrated through Interface to Linux will need to have most lowercase characters within the filename. We worked out comprehend it turned out somewhat so special.
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Anyone desires free material, if you're however playing Borderlands 2, Shift codes can certainly unlock free mods, pores and skin, fantastic breasts and even more. Borderlands 2 is unquestionably a thrashing game, and away from in which it's more than some mature designs away from in which, even so the game's word completes really Borderlands 2 classes use a couple of positive concepts. About ideas by no means feel my age, along with Borderlands 2 mods are simply what fun as they live about a decade since. On the other hand, the a number of great campaigns you get in the BAMF DLC Stuff all offer a swarm regarding another environments, pursuits, products, guns, adversaries, bosses, so considerably more.
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Class mods likewise have a potential for adding skill points intended for a unique character's skill woods. While Borderlands 2 originally make it possible for as much as 4 players, the VR type will be single-player only.
In addition, it is a free DLC, so thises a nice extra intended for Borderlands 2 shift codes players. Sanctuary lives less than duress, the Vault's chart may be lifted in addition to a toxic gas is poisoning Pandora. Hyperion's gentleman and incapacitated is often a snickering ocean connected with disregard with whiskers oil realized only because Handsome Jack, that has perceived the idea after himself toward erase any non-Hyperion staffs - such as person - off of the face of Pandora. The several gambler characters in the original game, Roland, Lilith, Brick, in addition to Mordecai, return by means of non-player characters how the brand new characters can expertise on Pandora, or perhaps in several objective.
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Every time I mod my own skill points to be able to around they never ever break and I done to you xbox whilst your usb subsequently pile upward Borderlands 2 with all the modded. Go back to the give earn shooter-looter intended for the latest adventure of which settle on the present for that upcoming Borderlands 2. It was plenty of enjoyment We achieved understand Borderlands 2 would end up surviving a platform so many games would assemble with, nevertheless forget to meet. The increase adds a fresh novel article including several giving back cast portions and also modern characters, but because always the real superstar could be the loot. Borderlands 2 is surely an actions role-playing game played at a first-person standpoint as well as fundamental effects.
Jack, supposedly servicing them, out of the blue sabotages the aim with allows the Vault Hunters regarding ended in a very frozen wasteland. During the credits, various events become indicated of the Pandorans celebrating Handsome Jack's beat with paying for back again their particular earth from the continuing to be Hyperion pushes, Lilith turn out to be the modern leader of the Crimson Raiders, the Vault Hunters becoming hailed as heroes with regard to the actions, Lilith, Brick as well as Mordecai mourning Roland, and also Mordecai produce and also mention the latest puppy chook called up Talon.
It's an incredible game, taken pleasure in this so much playing this with my own closes friend along with tin wait for Borderlands, the idea searches delicious. Top coming from all, the item live today if you've already grown your current replica connected with Borderlands 2 VR, you can download everything that Poor Bumm Huge Entertaining without cost with encounter the DLC from the clean standpoint. Become a member of the Vault Insider Agenda and unlock cute With game loot regarding Borderlands 2 shift codes games.
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0 notes
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Meet the Vault Insider Curriculum with uncover kind Inside game loot intended for Borderlands 2 best class games. While Borderlands 2 originally allowed around a number of players, the VR model will probably be single-player solely. There's at present not any term while for you to no matter if "Borderlands 2 VR" can add some first game's substantial stockpile associated with development articles, such as added character classes along with hr associated with trait missions. If you want to return for this display screen at any time, you will get for it while using the Tools, startup game documents pertaining to mods menu solution.
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A listing of every one of the Legendary (fruit) weapons within the Borderlands 2 modpack, together with all of their sole result. Commander Lilith In addition to The Fight Intended for Personal space guarantees to consider players returning to the on the planet ? entire world associated with Pandora, household earth pertaining to Borderlands along with Borderlands 2 (2012) however only 1 associated with several planets inside September 2019's Borderlands 3.
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Borderlands assists some person online in addition to a couple participant splitscreen nearby co op on the console versions. Borderlands 2 is just intended to double simply by players in the game. The a number of player characters from your opening game, Roland, Lilith, Brick, and Mordecai, go back as non-player characters which the fresh characters will probably run into on Pandora, or in a variety of objective. We are able to see a person inside the real life move into the entire body associated with Maya seeing that she lays down garbage to help enemies.
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Borderlands 2 is unquestionably a violent game, in addition to outside of that they have more than a modest amount of develop fully topics outside of in which, even so the game's article completes in fact Borderlands 2 skill tree use a handful of positive communications. Much like the second play-through upon Borderlands, TVHM becomes harder with tougher enemie Borderlands 2 weapon parts.
Gearbox color in vast brushstrokes, certain, yet it doesn't make use of cardboard finish out characters or work with the generator vision construction. Players may struggle through the whole associated with Pandora to quit Jack from wake a antique alien nasty understood merely so. Best of most, it's stay at the moment if you've already moved your publication regarding Borderlands 2 VR, you are able to download everything that Undesirable Rear end Mega Enjoyment at no cost as well as expertise the DLC from a fresh point of view. Borderlands 2 is usually a game that doesnt acquire itself really, with wit then a cartoonish model littered throughout it.
For those who have an extremely low-end PC or just would like to participate in the action next to your tiny notebook where ever anyone move, Ultra Low Config mod pertaining to Borderlands merely goes over and above the minimum achievable visual sites in addition to turns into the action appear ten years older, nevertheless raises the execution significantly at the same time. His or her quest will bring them in hitting the ground with a number of comfortable deal with on the aged game - almost all particularly, the first. Certain ideas by no means grow old, along with Borderlands 2 mods are just so enjoyment because they lived approximately ten years since. Class mods likewise have a probability of increasing skill points regarding a unique character's skill shrub.
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Gearbox writes which the upcoming PC variety of Borderlands will certainly star both the central game in addition to sets from the recently told as the at present not for distinct fall publication time occurs. The extension creates a brand new novel tale containing nearly returning thrown participants and also different characters, except what always the genuine star is the loot. I enjoyed the Xbox type of Borderlands regarding close to every week, buying enough the progress along with enhance in the unique end up being apparent, the oddity and novelty that will presented the 2009 game Borderlands 2 golden key therefore endearing with popular.
These stat progress apply to all a single player's characters. We completed recognize it turned out fully so exclusive. Handsome Jack's approach would be to begin Pandora's next Vault and expand the "Warrior", an effective Eridian creature swayed in whoever announces the item.
Gearbox hint that this upcoming PC story connected with Borderlands will include the two central game along with from the freshly revealed any time its presently non unique autumn discharge night out arrives. Gearbox Software caused it to be obvious that this sport exclusivity for PSVR ended up being always timed.
Sanctuary becomes within siege, the Vault's chart has been pinched along with a lethal gas ends up being poisoning Pandora. There's at present zero speech so to help no matter whether "Borderlands 2 VR" will add the first game's big library involving increase articles, consisting of further character styles along with hours of boundary quests.
0 notes
vshifcodes5wge1 · 5 years
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Legendary class mods end up being stopped by Vermivorous the indomitable any change associated with Varkid opponent. This specific Badassery rewards players with Badass tokens they could consume on strengthening abilities they'll use constantly, this sort of seeing that decrease gun-recoil, marker damage, well being flats with protection charge fees. A list of all the Legendary (lime) guns from the Borderlands 2 modpack, in conjunction with all of the sole influence.
Borderlands helps some person online and also 2 person splitscreen community co op about the console versions. We prepared comprehend it had been fairly so exclusive. Gearbox Software managed to get clear that this game's exclusivity pertaining to PSVR ended up being always occasioned. It turned out lots of entertaining We accomplished realize Borderlands 2 would wind up live a structure so many games would construct about, nevertheless forget to live up to.
Finest of, the item live at this time if you've previously found your current photocopy involving Borderlands 2 VR, you'll be able to download all that Negative Bumm Brilliant Entertaining at no cost and also happening the DLC from your fresh perspective. In the event you actually need to rewind with visit the very good last reminiscences of Borderlands 2 about PC while, you have one more options. Hyperion's male on the ground can be a guffawing pail regarding disregard along with hair fat learned just so Handsome Jack, who has grasped the item ahead himself toward clean any non-Hyperion staff members - like the gambler - away the face connected with Pandora.
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A few things never grow old, as well as Borderlands 2 mods are just seeing that entertaining since they remain just about ten years previously. Everyone desires free things, of course, if you're even playing Borderlands 2, Shift codes may uncover free mods, skins, golden torsos and even more. Much like the minute play-through with Borderlands, TVHM becomes harder with tougher enemie Borderlands 2 shift codes. The experience can be commanded employing combining Real moment trying along with a typical PlayStation controller, as well as there's at the least about fashion regarding aid for the PlayStation Move controllers. I'm the master of mommy it doesn't allow my own little one enjoy appeal connected with tax in addition to games like that.
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I enjoyed the Xbox version regarding Borderlands regarding all around every week, and while the enlargement along with enhance from your primary end up being plain, the peculiarity in addition to novelty that will sort the 2009 game Borderlands 2 console commands consequently endearing in addition to current. The a number of gambler characters from your opening game, Roland, Lilith, Brick, and Mordecai, return available as non-player characters that the contemporary characters will probably knowledge about Pandora, or even in several missions. Borderlands 2 is certainly a chaotic game, also beyond that it's got a lot more than a modest amount of older concepts away from that will, however the game's article does really Borderlands 2 shift codes possess a couple of positive communications.
I visit persons talk about the gore, which I dont comprehend, as you can certainly transform down (which in turn i wish more games might work out). Handsome Jack's proposal is usually to begin Pandora's subsequent Vault along with expand the "Warrior", an excellent Eridian monster manipulated by simply whoever generates that. Borderlands 2 is often a game to doesnt consider itself seriously, with wit along with a cartoonish type littered throughout the idea. Also, for the reason that item's point is climbed to help your own character's amount, the item a good idea to unlock the breasts incredibly immediately after you've turned (and not necessarily to await until you're finding close to stage), so you can commit while significantly high quality occasion as possible helping make beneficial usage of which consistent degree merchandise.
The quest provides them into experience of a few traditional deal with from your old game - almost all more importantly, the main. There's currently no word because to no matter whether "Borderlands 2 VR" will certainly add some first game's big documents involving expansion content material, which includes added character ranks with hr of section missions. While Borderlands 2 originally enabled approximately 4 players, the VR model are going to be single-player only.
Gearbox reminder which the upcoming PC type connected with Borderlands can report both center game in addition to many methods from the freshly told while it's presently non particular fall launch time frame occurs. Deciding which class mod to work with is certainly not simple, in addition envisioned what every character into Borderlands 2 exhibit by it is convenience around. For those who have an incredibly low-end PC or perhaps wish to participate the game lying on your own little notebook everywhere an individual get to, Ultra Low Config mod with regard to Borderlands simply goes beyond budget friendly feasible graphical backgrounds in addition to constitutes the game search few years old, but expands the recital significantly in the act. Borderlands 2 is usually a game that doesnt work itself honestly, with comedy along with a cartoonish design littered throughout it. With the release of Borderlands VR imminent Sony have got declared a new PlayStation VR pack with all the game, Overcome Saber then all of the hardware you'll want to join in the games.
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0 notes
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Fix the Vault Insider Software also unlock attractive In game loot regarding Borderlands 2 weapon parts games. While Borderlands 2 originally permit nearly 4 players, the VR variation is going to be single-player merely. There's presently absolutely no concept when to help no matter if "Borderlands 2 VR" can are the new game's substantial annals regarding development content material, such as extra character divisions and hour or so of elevation journeys. If you want to return to this project at any time, you can find into it with all the Devices, startup game documents with regard to mods food selection alternative.
A report on the many Legendary (orange) guns inside Borderlands 2 modpack, in addition to each one of their own one of a kind impact. Commander Lilith As well as The Scrap Pertaining to Asylum assurances to consider players returning to the on the planet ? world connected with Pandora, home dirt pertaining to Borderlands as well as Borderlands 2 (2012) but merely one regarding numerous planets into September 2019's Borderlands 3.
Borderlands services four gambler online together with a couple participant splitscreen community co op for the console versions. Borderlands 2 is designed to be taken in players from the game. The 4 person characters in the opening game, Roland, Lilith, Brick, in addition to Mordecai, return available as non-player characters that the novel characters may expertise at Pandora, or in numerous missions. We are able to see a part inside real life march to the corpse involving Maya since your woman rests garbage for you to enemies.
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Borderlands 2 is perhaps a chaotic game, as well as over and above to they have in excess of a bit of mature styles outside of of which, but the game's tale completes actually Borderlands 2 legendary weapons have a very few positive concepts. Such as 2nd play-through upon Borderlands, TVHM becomes harder with tougher enemie Borderlands 2 weapon parts.
Gearbox coloring within broad brushstrokes, effective, but it doesn't depend on cardboard edit away characters or perhaps go in the work quest construction. Players may combat through the totality of Pandora to prevent Jack from awakening a great old alien wicked recognized only when. Finest of most, that stay at the moment if you've already grow your content regarding Borderlands 2 VR, you are able to download all that Bad Butt Super Fun free of charge also encounter the DLC from the new standpoint. Borderlands 2 is a game which doesnt work itself really, with humor and also a cartoonish design littered throughout the item.
In case you have an extremely low-end PC or maybe need to compete the action in your current tiny notebook exactly where a person reach, Ultra Low Config mod with regard to Borderlands really goes past budget friendly probable aesthetic sites and generates the overall game glimpse 10 years other, however spreads the execution significantly at the same time. Their own quest provides them in contact with some common faces from the ancient game - most obviously, the initial. Various factors by no means feel my age, in addition to Borderlands 2 mods are just because cool since they remain virtually 10 years back. Class mods have a possibility of increase skill points regarding a certain character's skill woods.
How to install the community patch for Borderlands 2?
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Gearbox write which the upcoming PC type of Borderlands will certainly be included both the center game and everything from the newly showed as their currently no particular fall discharge night out enters. The extension creates a whole new new report including things like nearly going back throw elements in addition to modern characters, yet being always the actual celeb will be the loot. I joined in the Xbox account involving Borderlands pertaining to near to weekly, and while the incident and also up grade in the original become apparent, the eccentricity in addition to novelty that caused the 2009 game Borderlands 2 legendary weapons so endearing in addition to common.
These stat development apply to all a single player's characters. We fixed comprehend it turned out fully therefore special. Handsome Jack's plan is usually to open up Pandora's second Vault along with expand the "Warrior", a powerful Eridian beast controlled by whoever issues the item.
Gearbox hint that this upcoming PC model associated with Borderlands will certainly include both the central game in addition to everything from the fresh showed whenever it is currently not for specific fall launch night out arrives. Gearbox Software made it understandable how the game's exclusivity intended for PSVR became always timed.
Retreat is under siege, the Vault's plan has become gained access to plus a lethal gas becomes poisoning Pandora. There's at present absolutely no phrase seeing that for you to no matter whether "Borderlands 2 VR" will certainly range from the first game's large records regarding development information, such as further character schools and also hr involving boundary quests.
0 notes
grunge-finds · 5 years
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In the age of eighty one, the pianist Shura Cherkassky says he is touring additional now than he did in his 70s. Mr. Cherkasskys performances have reached popular recognition specifically in the final 10 years, when he was labeled an awesome Intimate pianist -- in opposition to his needs.
I dont like this label, he stated emphatically in a the latest telephone interview from his house in London, in which he has lived for over ten years. I dont belong to any Unique classification.
Mr. Cherkassky, who began executing in 1923, will Perform a recital on Friday at 8 P.M. in the McCarter Theater in Princeton, a program He'll repeat at Carnegie Corridor on April 21. On the program will likely be Bachs Toccata and Fugue in D minor (BWV 565), Schuberts Sonata within a (Op. Posth.), D. 959, two works by Chopin -- the Ballade in File insignificant and Variations on Mozarts La ci darem la mano from Don Giovanni -- Berios Encores Pour Piano and Balakirevs Oriental Fantasy (Islamey).
Looking back again around his a few years as being a pianist, Mr. Cherkassky stated that in relearning aged items, I play them in a different way. He included: Its challenging to know whats altered. My participating in is much more mature, richer.
He tactics four hrs every day rather than just one minute fewer, he claimed. After i follow, I would like a clock.
He doesnt teach, and refuses to offer learn lessons. Some pianists really like to teach, but I dont, he stated. Thank goodness I dont have to show.
Performers, he explained, dont make fantastic instructors. These are way too egotistical and self-centered, he explained. Ages ago, when I had to do it fiscally, I taught some girl who saved building problems. I wouldnt know very well what to mention. I mentioned, Ensure it is sing, and he or she mentioned, How do I get it done? And that i claimed, I wouldnt know how.
Mr. Cherkasskys enjoying is recognized for his singing tone, but he states he can't evaluate how he produces it.
Mr. Cherkassky has sturdy thoughts about judging musical competitions. For a prominent musician, he has usually been invited to evaluate, but has refused. I dont Imagine its fair, mainly because somebody should earn, he said. Its Great for small business. Possibly they have earned it, Or perhaps the a single who would not acquire is much better than the a single who wins.
You can find alternatives to the competition route for younger artists attempting to Construct Professions, he reported, if they have got adequate willpower and discipline, and when they dont Enable everything exterior -- feelings -- disturb them.
Its extremely important psychologically for being a whole slave to some profession, he reported. If you can resist own items, artwork will get far better.
Born in 1911 in Odessa, Russia, Mr. Cherkassky was an only baby. His father was a dentist and an novice violinist, and his mom was a pianist and piano Instructor. His family came to America in 1923 due to the political upheaval in his homeland. It wasn't until finally 1976 that he returned to Russia. His performances At the moment, he stated, had good emotional importance for him.
Soon right after his arrival in The usa in the age of 12, he performed a command efficiency at the White Residence for President Warren G. Harding and gave performances for each Paderewski and Rachmaninoff. The great pianist and teacher Josef Hofmann, he explained, was the greatest influence on his taking part in.
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From the 1991-92 season, Mr. Cherkassky gave a series of Intercontinental performances in celebration of his 80th birthday, on Oct. 7.
Persons question how at my age I have so much strength, he explained. He attributes his fantastic overall health to having substantial quantities of simple yogurt daily and also to a daily dose of the Japanese consume named Pocari Sweat, which consists of sugar, natural vitamins and nothing synthetic. It absolutely was advised by a physician in Tokyo for a treatment for the flu.
This year, Mr. Cherkasskys performances include things like concert events in Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Canada and The usa.
I adore Japan, he reported. Its the one place exactly where I get together effectively. They can be fanatics on punctuality, and they think about almost everything in advance.
The Berio parts on Fridays program are called H2o Piano, Earth Piano and Hearth Piano and therefore are brief abstract functions. You have to make use of your creativity, Mr. Cherkassky claimed. The initial piece is melodic, Practically like Chopin. The next a person is putting notes, no melody in any way, and the last one is a lot more like the fireplace, with a lot of jogging passages.
Chopins Don Giovanni Variants, an early Chopin get the job done, isn't as popular as Liszts variants on exactly the same theme. When, Mr. Cherkassky performed both equally sets of variations on exactly the same application, he said. The mix supplied an abnormal dose with the operatic concept, but an interesting comparison. Chopins variants tend to be more fragile and more lyrical than Liszts, Mr. Cherkassky claimed.
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Tickets to your Princeton concert are $twenty five and $28. Reservations can be obtained by calling (609) 683-8000.
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kurgy · 7 years
yo I hate to ask like this but please know it's coming from a genuine place of understanding. I'm a trans individual, no college education (I didn't even graduate hs), no family whatsoever, i have bipolar/anxiety/ptsd/insomnia, and also my back is hella fucked.. but i still got a shitty job @ the local mall yknow? idk your situation is horrible and i know it'd be stressful, but it'd be better than being constantly vulnerable. have u applied anywhere recently? min wage is still $$$
same anon as the last ask! it can be really hard to work your ass off for like $7-$8/hr but honestly if you were getting enough shifts at this job you wouldn't have to rely so much on art as an income (im aware that it can be stressful, i used to freelance a lot), and you certainly wouldnt have to beg online for help from strangers--which can be v difficult. i used to work in phoenix and the jobs didnt pay great, but i made enough to get out of AZ within a few months (while payin rent n all)
god i normally just delete these but im already in a bad mood i get these things (albeit normally more aggressively) everyday and ive had enough and need y’all to understand something. im already doing everything im physically capable of to keep myself fed and bills paid. theres no “just get another job” advice you could possibly give me that i either havent already heard or isnt useful at all. or both. this is worded nicely but its the same damn “just do more” message that doesnt fucking work. 
im really not sure where to even begin with this, i think im just overwhelmed by the fact that i have yet another person coming into my inbox assuming to know everything about my situation and what i do with my time based on what theyve read from my donations post and acting nice by giving really typical “advice” as if im an idiot and havent already been looking for a better paying job than what i have right now. 
youre trying to be nice, i get it, i appreciate the nonaggressive way you worded this, but when it comes down to it this is still one of the many asks or comments i get from people daily who think they know so much more than me and think im not already doing everything i can. the most i can say is at least you didnt outwardly condemn me for having a donations post/fundraiser. 
just because we’re both trans and have mental illnesses doesnt mean our situations are the same. i have a personality disorder, paranoid schizophrenia, daily command hallucinations that demand i injure myself that i cannot stop (as in i cause myself physical harm daily and cant control my impulses which is u know bad), ptsd, severe depression, and an actual diagnosed physical disability that hinders me from doing the most basic of tasks, hell i cant even walk. even if i keep my mental disabilities to myself when job hunting, i have to share the information about my physical disability eventually, and guess what? it makes me a workplace liability. employers dont like workplace liabilities. i work 24/7 already, my art only being a fucking side job. you dont know me. you dont know what i do. and the only info you have about my situation is the info ive chosen to share. you dont know anything about my situation. and this doesnt even go into all the family trouble that directly affects my finances and quality of living. 
please just. do me a favor. if u see one of my donations posts, my commissions post, or any of my stores, and think “im going to go tell this person what 1000 other people with zero understanding of their situation have already said” just. dont. instead of sharing what you believe to be an insightful opinion on my increasingly fucked up life just. scroll past the post. you dont have to give it attention. you dont have to share it. just ignore it. because i can guarantee ive heard it all before, and it doesnt help anyone. 
oh and fyi, im already signed up with an organization to help people like me with schooling or job hunting, and its still a fruitless effort so far. theres no magical advice you can give me that will get me out of my shitty living situation or a better paying job that my actual case manager hasnt already been doing.
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fuck-customers · 8 years
A Lesson in Selective Reading
Alternative title: Common Sense is Not That Common (TL;DR at the end) Luggage Girl back again! Okay so this happened today and I'm baffled. To start, my department (we'll call it T) is a concession in a department store (D) and we're completely separate (different HR, management etc) but our products are still on the D website and the D managers can still act like our managers. We also have a 5 year guarantee on our suitcases and customers can contact our customer service and they contact us to invite the customer in for exchange. We got an email on Friday about a woman who had a broken handle on her case. She doesn't have a receipt but it's okay because we have the case's product number which tells us when it was bought, the barcode, how much it was etc. So she sends all this information, we get her details, call her up and invite her into store on Sunday. Fast forward to Sunday. I was on my own so I need to tell the home department that I was going on break. I let them know that I had a customer due in and to call me if she does. She does. Half hour into my break I get the call, so I run into the floor and see what's up. I see a woman, but no case??? I go over and ask where the case is. Apparently, the website told her that she didn't need to bring in the case. She says it gave her a number that didn't work so she contacted customer service and they told her that they can deal with her through email. I go to my supervisor E and ask her what to do. E checks the site and can't find anything so we ask her if she can show us. She does but it doesn't make sense. Then she says that customer service told her that she doesn't need to bring it in and that my coworker B told her to "come in and we'll do an exchange" (it's kinda implied but w/e) so I offer to call my manager as E is a D worker and doesnt know our stock or policies. I try to call my manager A but she doesn't answer, so I try to call B who's like a second in command to A, but got no reply either, so I end up calling the D manager, S. I explain to S the situation and she's like 'nope, can't exchange without the physical product' and I'm like "okay, I was just checking". Then I go to the lady and explain that she definitely needs to bring the case in. She gets visibly upset (not angry upset, just like she needs to cry) and I felt sorry for her, but like, what can i do? She even said to me that she was going to throw it away and (in a tone that was as if this was my problem) she wouldn't have any case to exchange. Like, no case, no exchange. The guarantee only stretches so far but we need the case for security reasons and for filing. We need proof that it has been disposed of. I promise her that I'll check the website and report any differences in policy and she tells me that she's going to write to corporate anyway. Then she leaves and I have to do damage control. I use the rest of my break to call B and explain why she has 3 missed calls from me, then I text A and let her know that I'll explain everything in a hand over note for tomorrow. When I get back up to the floor, I check the website. Here's the fun part. The return policy says that you must bring the product back to the store if you bought it in store (except for makeup, under wear etc that you can't return). There was nothing about products you don't have to bring to the store, so I look at the online returns. Yep. There it is. Or is it? Let me just say that in the emails she sent to cs, she told them she bought it in a different store, but not online, and also there was nothing about not bringing the case with her to exchange. So the online returns says you can post it back to the store OR (and here's where the selective reading comes in) if you can't bring [these products] in, you can have a courier collect them, and there's a list of 3 things with links to numbers for COURIERS, not customer service. It was so hard to not be sarcastic in my email to my manager because by god was this the dumbest thing I have come across. Who comes to a store for an exchange with nothing to exchange?! Anyways, the company did nothing wrong, it was the customer's fault for not reading things properly and not having common sense. TL;DR: Customer comes to the store for an exchange with no receipt or product to exchange because she read the website wrong and is upset that we can't do anything for her...
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bugswarm · 5 years
Capitalism and Privileged White Men who don’t know they are privileged
So, I have a story to tell about my boyfriend.  My boyfriend is literally the 1% and does not believe that he is/was privileged.  (Side note about my own choices in dating him.  I am aware he has issues and needs to grow up and learn to see things from other perspectives, but he also pays for my rent and groceries and i cannot afford to live on my own at this point in time, so I’m not about to leave him just for being ignorant to his issues).   Now, my boyfriend is a straight, white, cis, male born and raised in America.  His father is a hardware engineer, with a stay at home mother.  Where he grew up, this was standard for a family unit.  He thinks that his family was average and so were all the families he knew growing up.  It wasn’t until college that he met people who were “poor” (read as “didn’t get a car for their 16th birthday, didn’t own every video game console that came out, etc”).  He legitimately thinks that his father working in computers didn’t affect his outcome of becoming a software engineer (at the same company as his father, where he’s the youngest employee and has the least education/experience on his team).  He also thinks that his journey through life was not a crazy outlier where he was writing operating systems and programming major projects in middle school.  He legitimately thinks EVERY child could easily end up a programmer if they bothered to even begin.   Recently, we did a little experiment type thing though to try to show him that he’s not “average”.  First, we looked through the life of one adult person with meh skills and only a high school diploma.  We decided they were a manager at somewhere like McDonalds or Walmart (mind you, he thinks managers are McDonalds are all teenagers still in high school or college students at most, because anyone older would have a better job by then).   Googling, we found via inDeed that the average entry-level manager salary at walmart is around $29k/year, or $13.90/hr if they work a 40 hour week (aka full time) ($557/week from here on, we did all our our calculations based on per week). Next, we had a little debate about what is the cheapest car you can realistically buy and found the Honda Civic.  There are cheaper cars than this but they aren’t particularly popular cars, and we wanted to “buy” it used and 5 years old, so we had to pick a popular cheap car that was around 5 years ago.  We looked up prices online and they are around $11k.  Typical car loans are 5-6 years in length, and we used 6 years as our estimator length.  This means that if we didn’t put down a down payment, it would cost around  $182/month, or $45/week.   Next we looked at houses in my hometown.  At first he looked at the top listing which was around $250k.  I told him we should decide on a cheaper one for our fake person and picked a $100k 2 bedroom house with an attached garage.  He told me that he was going to win the discussion because I kept picking really cheap things that may as well be for extremely poor people.  We decided to go with a 30 year mortgage since its pretty standard.  Again we didn’t account for a down payment.  This would be $3333/year, or $64/week.   Next we looked at the average cost of food for one person.  We found a website for 2019 that said it was around $7,700/year, or $148/week.   We then looked at our weekly expenses so far deducted from our pay.  ($557 - ($45 + $64 + $148)) = $300/week.  This isn’t counting bills, gas, insurance, medical bills/prescriptions, phone bill, internet, and any other expenses.   We didn’t go on from there, but for anyone curious, my hometown has $107 average for electric, $73 for gas (the utility not for the car), $16 for water, $33 for sewer,  $40 for garbage collection.  Which is $269/week.  Which leave $31 for gas for the car, insurance, dental insurance, internet, a phone bill, any medical expenses, and any other incidentals such as clothing or tv.   Next we looked at this mythical person’s hypothetical child, aged 10.  We just assumed the person was still poor and living alone, so we had the kid get a cheap laptop donated to them by some charity, and somehow the parent afforded internet (but probably really bad internet like dial up).  We went step by step through this kids life on the computer, to show my boyfriend that no, most people don’t just jump from “I play minecraft” to “I can write software in 3 languages, have an understanding of computer architecture, have the basics of hardware down, and can drop out of college to be a software dev by the age of 22″.  The thing is, is that he kept trying to make these weird jumps in conculsion because he frequently goes off on weird tangents of internet searching basically every time he doesnt fully understand something.  Like, we decided this kid wanted to set up a custom minecraft server with mods, and the online instructions on how to do that include things like a copy and pastable powershell command, looking up local and external ip addresses, and port forwarding, with detailed steps on how to do exactly that.  He kept going like “Well then the kid starts looking up what powershell is, and learns he can automate things with it and starts making scripts from there”.  And I had to keep being like, “why would the kid who just wants to go play minecraft with his friends look up powershell and then read the wikipedia page, then start googling how to do the things that can be done with powershell, instead of just... copying and pasting the line and closing it like everyone else would?  He <i>might</i> google powershell and at most read the wikipedia and be like “cool”, but never follow up on it, because he just wants this server up and running”.  This conversation lasted literally 4 hours.  He still doesn’t believe he is privileged or had a weird upbringing.  I legitimately have no clue how he will ever learn that either at this rate.
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brainfood444 · 7 years
I Hurt
As you have seen from my last post, we went away on holiday to visit my wife’s mother and our son, daughter in law and grandson, never expecting to have a life changing experience, but i guess that is what trauma is all about. You dont know what is going to happen tomorrow.............................You can plan to a certain extent and most of the time you can get it right, but then something that is totally out of your control happens.
Monday march 20th 2017 - we went to visit our son, daughter in law and grandson in #Harlow Essex. We dropped Daizi off and with Nicole and Zach and our son Chris, my wife and I went shopping. We came back and had lunch and everything was normal, Daizi played with Zach our grandson who is 3 years old and loves her so much. My wife and Nicole went outside for some fresh air as it was a nice day and took Daizi or a short stroll. Zach would normally go with them, but he had a cold so we kept him in and me and Chris set about fixing my very slow laptop...................Then life changed.........
Chris and Nic live in an upstairs flat and the living room is at the back of the flat, therefore we didnt hear the nightmare that unfolded out the front until it was too late.....came running to the front door hysterically screaming Chris and me, we jumped the stairgate leaving a screaming Zach and ran down the stairs to the front door. As we got there we both thought that maybe something had happened to Rosie, not expecting the sight before us.........I went cold.
Rosie and Nic were literally 20 meters from the flat when three staffordshire cross bred ( we now know with american pittbulls, which are illegal ) came round the corner with a 12 year old boy. 1 was on a lead with no muzzle and 2 were not on leads and no muzzles. Rosie and Nic knew within 1 second twhat was going to happen and so did Daizi, who hit the ground flat.....the 3 dogs attacked
The boy was dragged to the floor and lost the lead and screamed, Nic scooped Daizi up and lifted her and spun round, but they worked as a pack of hunting animals, one of them hit Nic in the legs and the other ran up a parked car and bit Daizi around the neck and shoulder. Rosie tried to grab one of the dogs and pull it away, but the otherone attacked her....................I cannot type anymore of the rest of the attack because the tears dont allow me to at the moment.
Rosie and Nic fought with all their might to save Daizi, the owner of the dogs appeared and we have now found out from neighbours and witnesses, stood and watched the attack unfold, it wasnt until one of the dogs dropped Daizi to the ground because Rosie had kicked it in the face that the owner issued a verbal command and 2 of the dogs stopped and walked away, the otherone took another command. Rosie scooped Daizi up and knew at that point that it was bad. A disabled neighbour stood at a doorway with a large towel and took Daizi from her and sat on her bottom step with her wrapped up and this was when i got to her.......................and will never forget her frightened and shocked face, my baby was broken and she knew it too
I confronted the owner of the dog who to say the least had mental issues and as we have found out since is a drug dealer etc and uses the dogs for protection as his garden is boarded up, barbed wired etc
The neighbour who had hold of Daizi had called an emergency vet who said they would see Daizi straight away, Chris took her in his arms in the towel and we left Rosie, Nic and Zach all crying with neighbours whilst i drove and fast and carefully as i could to the vets. When we go there they were waiting for us and took Daizi from Chris and that was the last time we saw her awake and i will never forget the look on her face.....she knew and I knew....................................
I turned to see Chris looking down at his arms which were covered in blood as he collapsed into my arms distraught, people in the waiting room were crying, but someone had to hold it together and it was me. After 10 mins the vet called us in and explained the situation and it was as i feared, she had a lot of damage and was in shock so they had sedated her whilst they carried out their preliminary inspections, the initial bill would be upto £900, but the vet would comme back to me this evening with other options, Daizi could not be moved for now. The drug dealer owner had shoved £150 into my hand and said give me the bill when you get back and i will take care of it, no police need to be involved.........................too late for him someone had called them, but that is a different story and a very frustrating one.
We got back to shocked Rosie, Nic and Zach, who had been protected as much as possible and we waited for the phonecall. The vet called a few hours later into the evening to tell me the damage to Daizi could be fixed, but it would cost upwards of £5000 (Thousand ) and there would be no guarantee’s that she would survive the operations and that she would ever be the same again. The second cheaper option was amputation of her front right leg, but she also had nerve damage to her rear legs and spine..............................I beat myself up for not having insurance but as i found out from the vet, 90 percent of insurances do not cover dog on dog attacks, so it wouldnt have made a difference and it wasnt about the money, it was about Daizi and the pain she would suffer and the Trauma that may never heal. She was our child, our baby, our puppy, she never grew up she thought she was human and she was and i am sure every pet owner who truly loves theirs knows how i feel.
I spoke to my family who looked to me for the answers and we all knew, but only I could make that decision and spoke to the vet...........can she just keep sleeping.
I went back alone to the vets the next morning and looked through the viewing window at a peaceful sleeping Daizi and gave the go ahead for them to give her an injection not to wake up again and they nodded to me when she was gone. I left and walked as quickly as i could through people going on with their lives back to my car where i completely lost it for a few moments, before gathering myself and heading back to Rosie, Nic, Chris and Zach.
Zach still doesnt quite know what happened and we have told him that she is in doggy hospital for now and as a 3 year old he just carries on as normal. Our daughter Kayleigh and her husband Scott and the three grandsons were still in Scotland and Kayleigh and Scott were distraught, especially Kayleigh as she had bought Daizi for her 21st birthday when she didnt live at home and when she came to visit us with a 4 month old puppy, Daizi took a shine to me and wanted to stay and thats what she did. We had to tell Alfie the eldest grandson of 6 years old that Daizi was poorly and wouldnt be coming home with us and was in doggy hopital.
Its been 4 weeks now since the attack and the police still have not been to the owner and the dogs have not been seized, which is totally unfair as we have now not got our pet, they say they are getting a warrent and it takes time..what would they have done if Zach had been with them and the dogs attacked him.......Nic said to me how strong I had been and asked how i did it and at the time i told her that i took strength in my family loving eachother and me and that was what i pulled in to cope.
I had contacted my employer by email as it was too bad for me to talk to someone on the phone and the HR department had said take all the time i needed and look after myself and the family, which at the time i needed....little did i know how bad they would be when i got back. We came back home 2 days later than planned and i went into work, biting my lip as i went into the office to find noone talking to me, only good morning and get on with your work, maybe they could see how rough i looked and didnt want to upset me....but something wasnt quite right. The sales director came in and took me to another office and explained that eveyone had been told not to speak to me at all as the ompany comes before anyone and that they had decided not to pay me for the extra 2 days that i had taken off and that i needed to forget it and get on with my work.......................................................................................................
No compassion, no thought as to what i had been through, what i was going through, Rosie was at home now on tranquilisers because of the attack playing over and over in her head...........................................I have to find another job. 4 weeks later and still noone has said a word, un fucking believable
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