stormyoceans · 8 months
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jingerhead · 3 years
I'm gonna write...some more andreil headcanons...
Hey listen they're fun and give me some serotonin when I need it
I'm gonna write about some more about cuddles 'cause it's fun. Neil likes it when Andrew lays on top of him, but one day he got the chance to lay on top of Andrew, and that was just as great. Andrew's entire body is hard and soft in the right places, making him extremely comfortable. Andrew's chest is the perfect pillow. The only problem is that the cats think so too...
Andrew gets into crafting. He always seems to need something to do with his hands, so doing something like making friendship bracelets helps. Neil wants every friendship bracelet that Andrew makes - and he's very good at it, able to make super complicated ones - and gets jealous when someone like Renee gets one instead. One time the press asked why Neil had seven friendship bracelets on each arm, and Neil proudly started showing them off without revealing that Andrew had made them.
The Minyard-Josten rivalry is both the best and aggravating years of their lives. It starts the first year Andrew goes pro and continues even after they move in together. Sometimes they would tweet at each other while sitting on the same couch. It all came to an end when Neil was caught with Andrew in public and people started thinking he was Aaron of all people, and he had to shut that shit down before Aaron could find out and kill him.
When shopping for things for their apartment, they forgot to get non-stick pans, and thus every meal was a nightmare. They were both determined to still use them, but that came to an end when they tried to make fish. It didn't matter how much oil they tried to use, it stuck to the pan and ruined it. The cats got whatever remnants they could pick off and they decided to order a pizza that night instead. The next day they bought non-stick pans.
They have a vegetable and fruit garden on their balcony, and if that wasn't enough they decide to make a flower box as well. Neil gets a vase and picks flowers once in a while to put in it. King ate one and the two of them freaked out when their cat suddenly vomited on the carpet for seemingly no reason.
Andrew takes good care of the Maserati, going so far as to only wash it himself. Neil joins him once and is only allowed to help that once because he started a water fight by spraying Andrew with the hose. They had fought over it, Andrew had gotten the upper hand and proceeded to drench Neil until he was shivering so badly his teeth kept chattering. Neil got sick after that, so Andrew makes him sit on the side while he washed the Maserati from then on.
Neil gets into yoga. It drives Andrew up a wall because he only does it in their apartment. Sometimes he'll do some stretches after his morning run, and it's always when Andrew is trying to eat his breakfast. Sure, the view is nice, and Neil is very flexible, but does Andrew ask to have a gay panic at eight in the morning?
Andrew knows that Neil doesn't believe their ghost-mate, Harold, exists. That's why it surprises him when Neil comes home one day with an EMF, Sprit Box, DVR, and giant flashlights. He claims they're going to find out if Harold exists once and for all. That night, they go from room to room with the equipment, asking for Harold to show himself. The spirit box says more than one word, they catch more than enough whispers on the DVR and the EMF goes wild in the pantry. All things Andrew knows is proof that Harold is around, but does Neil think it is? Of course he doesn't.
Just a few today lovelies! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed :)
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lightpinkskye · 6 years
tagged by @podmore - thank you so much x
rules: answer all questions, add one of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions
tagging some friends n mutuals and whoever else wants to take a crack at answering these! @dissociable-trucidation @denialsaint @eliazarbecker @chewedbubblegumpink @strawberrytired @artsyplantgirl @bornlucky @danielhowellbutnotascool @femslashash @yellowhijab @thedarklordalwaysknows @serotonin-deficiency-king
1. coke or pepsi: pepsi!! all the way!! 2. disney or dreamworks: both how dare you 3. coffee or tea: tea 4. books or movies: books  5. windows or mac: windows 6. dc or marvel: i have never seen a single superhero movie or read a single superhero comic in my whole entire life so no 7. x-box or playstation: neither  8. dragon age or mass effect: i have this one friend who used to rave about the storyline of mass effect so that sounds neat but also dragons so both? neither? i’m not a video game person oof 9. night owl or early riser: i can get up early if i have to but i’m definitely more of a night owl 10. cards or chess: cards ig 11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate chocolate chocolate 12. vans or converse: converse 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: w hat 14. fluff or angst: depends on my mood tbh but more often fluff 15. beach or forest: forest 16. dogs or cats: cats!! (but i would die for corgis) 17. clear skies or rain: clear skies only because i cannot deal with humidity but i do find rain incredibly soothing 18. cooking or eating out: takeout!! (best of both worlds) 19. spicy food or mild food: spicy but only to a point (i am v white after all) 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: h a l l o w e e n 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: lil too cold bc sweaters 22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?: reading minds so i know what people actually think of me and sneakily figure out who has a crush on me 23. animation or live action: animation (esp studio ghibli) 24. paragon or renegade: whomst 25. baths or showers: i never take baths bc i don’t usually have time but i want to like just chill in the bath w a bath bomb and some soothing music so so so badly!! 26. team cap or team ironman: again. never seen a single superhero movie 27: fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they:
“There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.” - Sylvia Plath
“Does anything really matter? We all end up in the same place. All that's left is our Wikipedia entry.” - Lorde
“ It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” - Leonardo Da Vinci
“Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort.” - Jane Austen
29. netflix or youtube: both ok fight me
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: i have such good childhood memories associated with both but also both creators are.. kinda trash so this is a really hard call but i find myself always coming back to harry potter whenever i feel nostalgic or lost so harry potter! 31. when you feel accomplished: performing in a show!! 32. star wars or star trek: star wars bc at least i’ve seen them (also carrie fisher) 33. paperback or hardback: paperback - better cover feel usually and more portable 34. horror or rom-com: rom-commmmm the cheesier the better 35. tv shows or movies: tv shows  36. spotify or pandora: spotify 37. zootopia or inside out: zootopia (i loved inside out too but zootopia was so fuckin powerful and poignant and woke and i cried) 38. favourite book: the bell jar or pride & prejudice or harry potter or a half million other books i cannot choose ok 39. favourite flower: lilies of the valley, violets and peonies 40. what field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): either musical theater or something social justice-y! 41. song lyric you really love?: “all we are is skin and bone trained to get along” from “treacherous” by taylor swift 42. what’s your MBTI type?: isfp  43. fave movie: everyone who has access to netflix nEEDS TO WATCH CANDY JAR RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY it’s literally a slow-burn enemies-to-lovers fic come to life featuring an interracial relationship and musings on the societal pressures placed on teenagers in america today!! also movie musicals (esp the last five years) and disney and studio ghibli everything  44. favourite tv show(s): the good place, parks and rec, unbreakable kimmy schmidt, bake off, queer eye, anything bob ross has ever done, everything sucks!, anne with an e, downton abbey, atypical, glow, i’ve gotten into total drama again lately, and i haven’t seen b99 yet but i know in my heart i’m going to love it 45. what fictional world is your favourite? hogwarts hOGWARTS HOGWARTS 46. favourite mythological figure? i have a major soft spot for  47. who’s your all-time favourite fictional character? first of all, how dare you make me choose. ron weasley is up there, as is tahani al-jamil, the whole parks and rec crew, and the grinch just because. 48. if you could spend an entire day with a weasley, who would you pick?: charlie for the dragons
49. harry potter and the philosopher’s stone or harry potter and the deathly hallows? honestly really depends on my mood - philosopher’s stone for sheer comfort food, and deathly hallows for angsty character development and a good cry session
50. moon or stars?: stars
my question is: what color are the school subjects to you (ex - math is blue)?
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