boygirlctommy · 1 year
HHHHHHPLY FUCK i just watched nimona. oh my god. oh my god
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thevoidwriting · 5 months
New man's alert zombie or Vitali Farkas
Okay, triggers military mess ups (I'm still learning), torture, mentions of scars and mental states not being there and everything that comes with 5 month of torture and losing pieces of yourself, will to proceed on Russian operator Zombie. Some detail not a lot this is a mismesh or discord chat with some filler. @mammaonii hey new mans
Age 37, gender, hermaphrodite, next of kin, a mother and father unnamed, a daughter Lilly Anna Farkas.
Russian Hungarian that came to the states at 13, speaks three languages well.
Zombies current appearance kinda hinges on that, he was a proud Russian Hungarian man, 6'6, bright blue green eyes, black hair, doll man, would be a bear of Russian if he let himself go a bit, friendly outgoing as most Russians are. His parents immigrated from Russia to us when he was 13 and he tried his best to fit in but everyone regards him as rabid and feral, not totally wrong he just couldn't speak English well.
He ended up seeing he could enlist at 16 to the marines with parantal approval. (Yes this is a thing.) So he brought it to his parents since he didn't fight in and he was a good hunter, they let him in and really he thrived in that environment, getting along with his unit and such, becoming a marine medic and the sole braincell for them. During a join mission during (redacted) he got captured and tortured for 5 months, for info and such, his left eye received chemical burns so it's just milky, can't see from my much of at all, lost right cheek so you can see his teeth (he likes to poke his tounge out of it.), nerve damage of course. Mentally not fully there anymore, his unit doesn't recognize the white blond man that was brought back to them, cause he's twice as likely to throw himself into death cause survivors guilt.
Fun things to note, he can drop the accent, he enjoys tang and obsession with furbys. He was tied up and forced to be alone in a dark room till they come to hurt him, with ear plugs and a blind fold to block all but taste and smell, made to eat his own cheek after they cut it off, he screamed so loud he lost his voice but never gave the enemy what they wanted.
days have no meaning as he goee though all this. Coming back from that was hard, he isn't the same. No matter how much therapy he goes though. Even missing a eye and a cheek and covered in scars from his time in their loving care. At some point his captors found out he's was actually a they took advantage of all that and he ended up pregnant with a child, having her safely after he was returned home, took me a bit to let others touch her.
like imagine the pre torture smile of a kid that feels invincible to the broken man that returns him missing pieces mainly seen his milky eye to his missing cheek flesh that never healed right there makes his jaw click.
He wears a surgical mask to his his mouth, no one needs to see that either, just slowly hiding more of and more of himself to fit in. Just to the point he makes a cabin in the woods (90s slasher style.) just to be by himself without the need to hide. "oh yeah Jake, he was a pedo so I ate him. Kids are safe but he was tough to get down. Want a rib?"
He desperately wante to fit in but after all that he can't trust or feel safe around others. So become unassuming and in the background, it's just so he doesn't have to relive that part of his past over and over again.
Five years later he gets discharged honorable of course after all he went though, "I will child leash you to me ankle biter." With a heavy Russian accent then switches to American the second they talk to someone new. "Hi John how's the wife i know I'm moving off base crazy right well my mom wants to see the kid and I think it will do them both good." Voice more male leaning but can be female if they push it.
He binds his chest to keep that male look but sometimes he lets the titties free, having both down there messes with his head. He moves in shortly after pup and ends up liking his neighbors even if their a bit weird, still has cannibalistic tendencies but only to rapists and pedos.
Keeps to himself mostly and rarely lets others in.
All I have so far.
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boomclowntown · 10 months
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My art trade with @mortal-kombat-shitposts !!! this is their lovely OC Swond for their D&D campaign
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hypaalicious · 1 year
Honest thoughts on Swond his cannon so far in my poor series that's been neglected.
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His pre gwyllgi look when he was still a cwn annwn. They aren't bound by time so his outfit half reflects that. ~ local pocket dragon spaced out on meiker and got her boy/ideal bodyguard made.
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Love me a brown skinned long haired man that’s for sure!
Full disclosure: iono what a gwyllgi or a cwn annwn is nor how to pronounce it so forgive me for smiling and nodding a lil when it comes to that 😭 You just might have to explain to auntie
I know the feel of an abandoned series tho… *stares at Chocobro x reader* I’ve just stopped telling myself I’ll complete it because it’s like a curse at this point, extending the time to when I actually might do it 😭
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tales-from-annwn · 1 year
@krysta-cross hello third blog of dray,
Okay so we'll start with name, swond cailic, age somewhere around 500 to 700 depending, he's 8ft tall with reddish black hair, red eyes, small button like nose and thick lips, while in human form he keeps his black ears and tail out hiding them with a coat and hat, he's chest is defined as well and he's pretty well in shape, he looks to be in his mid 30s, he's a bastard as well as a bastard dog or hound of destiny.
Has been free from the otherworld for around 200 years. He can't really eat veggies so he keeps quail on hand to cook and eat, he's a decent cook and he moonlights as a psychic cause hound of destiny.
Things that could change: he was found by the witch that owns hells hand basket about 100 years ago she saved him from bleeding out and while he doesn't work for her he will pick up odd jobs around to keep the shop safe and from harm, he works seasonly at hell hub, He is friend with kimchi the cwn annwn cause he used to be one of them before he won his freedom and became a bastard dog.
He could be a mastiff or dire wolf, leaning towards wolf but big eight foot tall man with mastiff ears and tail in a biker jacket, band tee and black jeans with biker boots saying soft but gruffly "hey kid are you supposed to be here, I see you staring. (Cackles a laugh at the 14 trying to play adult) see I'm what you call a hound of destiny, you can enter and get eaten alive if you can go back out this alley and live another day your choice kid?"
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11 swond club animation process my laptop is unfathomably slow,there's about a 2 second delay in the actions I take, i might have to do some things on the lab pc apart from which,I'm at a decent pace, I'm handling one sentence a day
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I will sync everything with the audio at the end, is the plan
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avatarquake · 4 years
Remember this post I made 4 months ago? About how Shinobu’s handguard used to be Kanae’s? That’s probably anime-canon. In the manga, Shinobu and Kanae both had the same tsuba. (Still heartbreaking, though)
And I’ve noticed a couple of other differences.
Like the line ‘The moon looks beautiful tonight’? In the manga, Shinobu is adressing Older Spider Sister, instead of Giyuu in the anime. Or the white haori Shinobu was wearing over her uniform in the anime when she found her dying sister? She doesn’t wear it in the manga. Or her sword. In the anime she isn’t seen with a swond in that scene, whereas in the manga she is.
Or at the Pillar Trial, when Kagaya says Tanjirou saw Muzan, either Uzui or Rengoku throw Mitsuri down and Giyuu catches her by her hand to keep her from falling over.
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ali3557 · 4 years
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Swond knot and portepee for sales send private messages for inquiry.. REGARDS ALI HAQ PAK https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJuZJpBk07hfZlRlpVBzjuo9SP_gIGC0K8CCg0/?igshid=8foat03oyv1f
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thevoidwriting · 8 months
Welcome home.
Tw pups gendered looks, pre talk of ftm and mental struggles, depression, suicidal thoughts, multiple povs, pup will be referred to still as pup, hcs then fic time be scared I did this at work, tell me if I missed anything. Bad puns
Works at the local bar, as a bartender and bouncer, he tries his best, makes a mean cocktail.
Acts like a disappointed dad with kids 18 and under they come in with fake IDs and try to act the big game, gives them Shirley temples and didn't tell them.
Gets protective if they look or smell like their home life is bad. "I got ya kid, just rest in the back I'll wake you when it's time to leave." He'll growl out.
He checks on them from time to time after they leave his custody to make sure their really doing better
Once he gets pup, he excitedly tell them he's a real dad now since he has a blood child, he's doesn't love them any less of anything he loves them more. "Their just so bloody perfect." Crys a lot.
Tells his witch buddy they are his lil blessing, she just smiles at him lovingly like a older sister that just got notification that their now a aunt
He keeps a pic of them in his wallet, one current and one of them as a baby, he stole the baby pic from their mom, sneaky lil devil wolf.
Keeps a photo album of his favorite pics jokes on him now he has 4 of them cause he doesn't want to miss a moment of their life now
Wishes he could have been there more for them, keep their mother from making them feel like they didn't belong since they were afab and feel male
He's making up for it as much as a man who didn't know he had a child can. Lots of support.
He's was on the brink of killing himself when pup was dropped on his door step more on that later
He knows without pup he would be dead, either by his own hand or asking to be back in his kings service, he just knows he wouldn't be a dad,
low and behold arawn his king would make sure he was a dad, though natural means or unnatural means
Arawn would have made it so, call up Loki to seduce the gwyllgi, helloki, his king always wanted pups from him so it was always in his cards to be a dad, it's why his king gave him up so willingly without much of a fight.
Arawn will be the wine aunt of swonds litters.
Fic time call back
As he looks at the dim bar, he was done for the night, not really wanting to take anyone home, he looks at Steph. "Your alone tonight want me to stay and help out boss man?" He asks, Steph was a 50 year old Irish man, the owner of the bar, he could handle himself sure but he owned the man to much.
"nah take your time off laddie ya be needing more than I need you." The man chuckles, when Steph calls him laddie it warms his heart since it's been a good minute since he's been a laddie.
"sure thing boss man, call if you need me, not like a have family to be away from." Swond teases, Steph winces at that. "Get one it's worth the trouble, trust me I would love to have mine back." The man mummers softly, Stephs family died while he was away at war trying to keep everyone safe. The pain he hears on the man voice almost makes him cry, " your young, health get you a good woman or man, the Lord's know I don't judge." Steph chuckles, " maybe old timer." He leans on the bar top watching Stephs eyes crinkle in amusement at being called old timer.
"get some laughter in the home o' yours," Steph laughs out, "it's to big and to quiet for just your sorry hide." Steph finished, "never met the right lass is all." Swond defends, hands up. Steph chuckles again, "so then find the wrong lass raise some hell then find the right one settle down have a few kids amd settle down. That's what makes life worth living my boy," Steph hums out, maybe his boss was right.
Maybe it was time to start a family, "sure thing you old buzzard," Swond moves to grab his sling bag. He'd known Steph since Steph was 20 years old, doesn't ask why he doesn't age just accepts it fae magic and moves on. "When you ask Sheila out then I'll think about starting a family. Ask a nice lass out." He says jokingly with a wink, it's about time Steph moved on and gets a new wife and Shelia is a widow with two kids that need a strong father figure.
"aye is that a promise ya dodgy bastard." He jokes and challenges Swond. Of course Steph would do this knowing Swond wouldn't back down. "You know I won't back down from that." He throws a wink to his boss, adjusting his bag. He says his good byes then exits to the cold and damp.
He puffs out his breath feeling like a pup again, of course the cold would bring this out in him. "To my king I hope the new years finds you well and healthy. May ye's health continue to flourish." He whispers out a small prayer to his king arawn. He still misses his king, regretting why he left, for a feckless and fickle lass. Now he's wearly of anyone who's tounge is layed with flattery, he puffs out another breath thinking about how most can't be trusted past a few nights, he should ask to be put back in service to his king. "Like he'd take me back, I left him once whose to say I won't again." He chastised himself he knew better, it's a long cold walk home.
Apon his doorstep is a woman barely 18 by the looks of it, she sobbing softly, if not for his hound hearing he wouldn't know, she had snow white hair with wolf ears tipped in red, her hair tips match, a matching tail as well, flat chested and no hips, she looks up at his approach and he freezes she has blood red eyes, a small button nose and fangs just a bit to big for her mouth, she's in flannel, t shirt, jeans and high tops. "Dad?" She whispers.
He's in shock, he stopped by her. "I'm not anyone's dad I've been very careful, sweetheart where is your parents?" He asks as softly as a 8 ft tall man can, "s-she left me here, and said I'm my dads problem now. That was 9 hours ago." Just his luck he has a crying teenager on his door stop.
He lets her in to warm up, texting the rest of his make shift pack to see whose closet to see if she was his, since he can't smell it himself, as they wait he feeds and waters her, lets her borrow one of his shirts to help warm her up, she doesn't talk much he doesn't either. She acts so much like him it's unnerving, she's scared of her own shadow, so defensive for someone so tiny at 5'5, it takes about a hour for, Tyler to show up.
"Swond you told me you had a unknown, HELLO CHILD OF HIS." Tyler practically screams seeing and sniffing the air. Well that concerns and confirms it. "Tyler I've been safe how is she mine." Swond asks his friend. "Can you call the witch and see what she can find since pup will be staying here now, her mom dropped her off and ran while I was at work." Swond rubs his left brow, looking at her trying to make herself smaller. "I'm 18 I can take care of myself you know." She piples up. He give her a drool stare. " Not happing lass." They both say at the same time she just curls up more on the couch. They talk for a few hours at this point she's calmed down and her hair is now blond no trace of her ears and tail now. " We have to train her into her new powers, tell her what she is." Swond speaks softly as not to wake her as he picks her up to place her in bed.
That's how their first night went and from there it's just him trying to be the best dad he can be and trying to be respectful of his pups gender, now if you want to know about the time he broke into pups moms place I could be talked into sharing that.
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thevoidwriting · 9 months
Hey so @tsutkomi here's more Swond being a menace to his pup, @clownwrites last time I tag you in Swond content unless you want it
So here's a thought, our boy is lorger than normal but in his hound form he's a little bit bigger than a dire wolf, he's about 400 lb of gwyllgi, his pup would be the size of a husky, small next to the pack but large by human standards, they can look his human form in the eyes hah. Mini story.
"Da why am I pure white with red tiped ears?" They cock their wolfish husky head to the left. " And your all black with burgundy tipped ears and tail?" They ask softly in case it upsets Swond. He laughs heartily and loud, "well mine colors are of shame for leaving the service of arawn. I'm dyed back as night for that's when I fled him, the burgundy is to show me tainted blood. You are pure colors to show innocence and light my pup." He explained just as softly. " Uncle arawn isn't mad at you. He's the one who brought me here." Pup says sleepily.
Their father's eyes practically pop out of their socket. "uncle arawn." His pitch gets higher and higher as he repeats it, "how did he find you before me." Swond sounds shocked and in disbelief. "He tracked your scent with the other cwn annwns and came to me first, he says he gets it now and he's not mad live your life as you see fit but when your ready to come back here one unanswered phone call away and if I need help call him like beetle juice." Pup replies nonchalant, "that's nice pup, did he seem mad or hiding his anger." Swond sounds scared. "He seemed genuine and upset that you haven't talked to him in centuries 1500 years dad really. Now he just wants to actually talk now that everything has settled please call him da." Pup snuggles into their da and falls asleep in wolf form getting head scratches and their ears played with. " Maybe I will lord knows he could and should have claimed you as one of his cwn annwn but instead he gave me the greatest gift of all. My pup to finish raising, sorry I yelled at you my lord but I wanted to know what else was out there." Swond talks to himself.
Another voice creeps up, "may I safe passage into your lovely home dear puppy." It was arawn. "My lord you always have safe passage in my home, i should have never-" Swond was cut off. "I saw you wanting to leave and I didn't want to see my children leave me so soon, no one ever took your place, in my heart or during the hunt. When your ready to come back, for now I can be uncle arawn to your pup, teach them magic and how to change gender on their own wouldn't that be fun. "
Swond laughs low and soft, "for a god of black magic and the underworld you seem all to happy to be a father, grandfather and uncle, teaching them the wicked pagan ways, next your gonna own a coffee shop." He jokes. "I helped make hells Hand basket." For the second time Swond felt his eyes pop out of his sockets. "Of course you did, no wonder hazle wouldn't tell me the benefactor, just cause you were a fae King doesn't mean you have to act like one." Swond groaned. "My dearest pup I want to make sure all my kids are taken care of, even the rebellious ones that become gwyllgis are my babies." Arawn pets swonds head his hair turning white with red tips again, "the cleansing will only last a week then you'll be back to being black as night. I'm feeling nostalgic for the days you listened to me." The god hums sadly. "I get that my lord. I miss it to somedays but I wouldn't have my pup if I did as you say." Swond murmurs. "I know it's a balance, you get to be a father but at the cost of your lord that's kinda steep and I'm sorry for that." Arawn whispers, the night carries in much like this as they catch up. When the sun finally peaks over arawn exits not before leaving a gift for the pup, a custom collar that hides in the skin so they can transform whenever they want like a good uncle would. "see you in two weeks to start their training for the hunt next year." Arawn hums happily.
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thevoidwriting · 1 year
Of myths and monsters, hells hand basket flower shop.
@krysta-cross I made more
Swond is the resident good boy and protector
This is a extension of midnight rectory and blue ocean hotel
This is a off shoot of Draconias hell hub company.
Jonathan Boeyaer
age : 32
Job: call centre worker for hell hub
Likes: Caire of hells hand basket, flowers and Cwn Annwns
Religious: celtic
Looks: 6’3, auburn hair with brown streaks in it, green eyes, small nose and thin lips.
Clothing style: on work days its business attire, days off comfy sweats, loose hoodie, if he's leaving the house then the sweats turns into jeans.
Personality: quiet, shy, mousey lil fella, likes fighting games
Worked at hell hub for three years before he met Caire. Since that day he now wakes up early to see what's in stock. Lowkey accidentally sold his soul to the company ,has been working up the courage to ask her out. So far hes only stumbled over his words and ran out with a pride bouquet for his boss.
Caire tostua
Age: undefined demonkin
Job: works at hells hand basket
Like: her shop and florals
Religious: nope
Looks: as human barbie but with a bob, demon green skin, yellow eyes, purple hair, snake like nose and mouth
Clothing style: both forms very bo-ho
Personality: idk yet, kinda blind
Pets: Cŵn Annwn and a hell hound,
She works for the witch that own the shop, been there 9 years, she doesn’t have a pact. Has no idea that the human that comes in has a crush on her.
Her cwn annwn is her seeing eye dog and bodyguard. His name is kimchi for he is a spicy boy. Doesn't mind Jonathan but hates his crush on his owner.
Strange happening at hells hand baskets, a flower shop with a occult vibe and theming, everyone who gets a basket somehow has something supernatural happen to them, from ghost hauntings to demon sightings
“ hello this is hells hand baskets, how may we absolve your sins with floral arrangements. This is Caire speaking!”
lust gets two different ones depending on if your lusting after your partner or apologising for lusting after another
Gluttony is flowers you can eat
Pride is made up of apology flowers
Envy is very green and you can fite me on it
Rath is just passive aggressive in the form of mums
Greed is just a fucking vase cause they took the flowers
Sloth is just a basket full of seeds
the preacher/priest special it's just a garden of make it fucky
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