absentmoon · 1 year
i just had a vicious muscle spasm and im blaming it on him
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jarfieid · 2 years
I want to pet and kiss all the little bugs in the whole wide world. I think they deserve to feel appreciated
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n0bluev · 6 months
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THEM THEM YJEM THEM TEMM my session is almost over, just gotta do a last little (VERY VERY BIG FAST STRESFULL-) push and then schools done ^^!!!! AND SO HERES SOME SATOSUGU SKETCHES FROM A COUPLE DAYS AGO (i hadnt planned what i was going for in the drawing cuz it was just supposed to be a little brain empty sketch (cough, to procrastinate, cough, sorry teach TT), so ive got a bunch of different gojo attempts with different vibes lol (i couldnt just,,, not give geto his other half,, TT) -- none of them passed, i prolly wont finish this drawing -- ILL MAKE OTHERS INSTEAD DURING WINTER BREAK !!!! >:DDD) ---> im posting this now to give my official hello to JJK TUMBLR, HI! MY BRAIN HAS BEEN GOING VERY VERY FAST WHENEVER ITS ABOUT JJK (esp satosugu) FOR A WHILE NOW AND I JUST HAVE TO CONSUME CREATE EXIST IN 'BE' JJK SO UH.. yep
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cat-brrr · 1 year
Oki oki
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I have scott and jimmy
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harufluff · 2 years
Hiiii, I just read your post about de most likely txt member to have a half Asian/half American gf and I was wondering: who do you think it’s the most likely to have a fully another nationality s/o? Bc I’m Brazilian and I’d really like to know what you think!!!!!
Hope you have a great day<3
○×☆「 txt mlt have a s/o with a different nationality 」☆×○
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warnings - none!
genre - fluff, mlt, txt x gender neutral reader!
requested - yep! thanks anon!
a/n - omg you’re so sweet. okokokok thanks for requesting anon! also thanks for the lovely note you wrote! i enjoy writing stuff like this so i’m glad you requested! please enjoy and please keep in mind this is just my opinion. ilyyyy!!
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◡̈ most ◡̈
choi yeonjun
huening kai
kang taehyun
choi beomgyu
choi soobin
★ least ★
ꕤ yeonjun & huening ꕤ
ok hear me out. i didn’t consider anything from my last mlt post so it’s kinda different. i based it off of who i think would travel the most and be open to it. i’ve always felt like yeonjun is a very open person and even now he’s always open to new things as an idol. i think if he found the right person who happens to be of a different background he’ll have no hesitation in loving them!
for huening kai same reasons. he’s an open person for change. i think from my experience i like being around people who are different too so maybe just maybe he does too! to be honest both of them would love you no matter what.
𖠰 taehyun 𖠰
i deleted everything from here by accident :(((
this guy has all the surprises. remember that time they were on a seventeen interview and they asked the question “what is your biggest fear”. and he strait up said “death”. yes that’s what i’m talking about . ok so i think that he would be open to anything and anyone. he doesn’t strike me as the type of person that envision his future or have any expectations that need to be fulfilled. i think if he found that person he would just love them like he would anyone else regardless of their ethnic background.
☀︎ beomgyu & soobin ☀︎
ok sooooo these two have talked about what they see in their future relationship wise more times than others . beomgyu being the extrovert he is would have to problem dating someone that is not from his background, but i feel like big picture he would not see it. and it would take him a while to understand how he feels about that person. AGAIN but if you love someone you love them and that’s it.
ok soobin. soobin soobin you know? you know soobin? yea i feel like he has this whole love story in his diary about the future and what his love looks like and their personality and so on. so i think it would take him a bit of yjem to comprehend that he likes that person romantically if that person might be from another ethnic background. soobin seems to be very interested in the topic of love, so i feel if he would see that person and meet them and the bells ring inside his head he’s just like “yep. that’s the one for me”, we would have no problem loving that person just the same as someone from a different background.
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thanks for reading!! and thanks for requesting this anon! i really enjoyed writing it.
to anyone that might have been offended or thought something was not good in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me on tumblr and ask me to change something on any one of my posts that you think might offend someone or offended you. this is just my personal opinion but i won’t ask you not to contact me. anyway thanks again! love you!!!! <33333
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tbhkconfessions · 2 years
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"i am totally normal about terukane i am totally normal about terukane i am totally normal about them i am totally normal about terukane i am totally normal about terukane i am totally normal about terukane i am totally normal about terukane i am totally normal about terukane i am totally normal about terukane i am so definitely jormal. about them i am soooo unbelibevaly normal andaboyr yjem" submitted by Anon.
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?2!&;&3&3&2&2!!!!!!!!!!!! /pos
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How am I doing with my character? | Accepting
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ace-mob-boss · 1 year
So I have these kind of like. Delusions idk, like, I see monsters both of my own making and fictional game shit and whenever I'm alone for the most part, but occasionally even if someone's in the room asleep with me I can see this shit so vividly but at the same time not at all
Like. I also know it's fake. I'm a very logical person at heart and I KNOW it's fake but it's so hard to just know it because it's not even regular zombie kinda shit. It's like recently its been banbans play house or wtv the fuck it is but I've mainly been seeing the white one peek up places, the bird basically behind my eyelids, the red one jump scares(using jump scares vaguely because its kimda just like, lying in wait for me without doing something but yheres an underlying dangerous intent) the intent to kill and the blue one crawls on the ceiling and tries to eat me, basically just like in game.
It's just been getting worse and worse, but my own monsters are semi worse even though when I have the banban shit I don't see them as often. And there's one that's conditional that only shows up when I'm at my aunts house that's like. This homeless man and I really can't with this shit. It makes my hair stand on end and I wanna shake my hands and scream and everytime I run to my room after turning all the lights off in the house, especially if my door was open, I have to scan all the corners of my room and bed to see if SOMETHING is there.
I really just don't know how to deal with it. Like, especially because some of them are just really tall and lanky and murky black masses with maybe just eyes or just teeth but some just hover behind me waiting and others crawl on the ceilings waiting. They show up most often when I'm washing the dishes alone and everyone else in the house is asleep. I just. It's so hard cus there's so many things that are just different about me nd I can't bro. I also feel like such a pick me whenever I try to bring it up cus It makes me feel like i made it all up but I DIDNT. And I really just don't know what to do.
If I think about it it's always been like this. When I was smaller I use to see them but they were more rule based and I ONLY saw them when I was trying to go to bed. I remember all of yjem and they sound silly to people but they truly scared me.
I have vivid nightmares surprisingly as well, they're not od the monsters I actually SEE though. They're still made up but they often involve people who are close to me in REAL LIFE and I always die. Since I was at least 6. I use to play plants VS zombies and I had to stop because I'd have such vivid dreams of them breaking into my house, killing my family and id either get caught alive and be eaten alive after being bum rushed or I'd starve to death under my bed. And there are some other ones from my dreams and they sound so STUPID.
IVe only had such bad dreams on scales like that like two or three times since the beginning of 2022 now but they're so vivid and undeniably scary. I ponder if it's schizophrenia but I just don't know and I don't want to sound crazy or be treated like a liar or a pick me. I just wanna be able to be in my house alone and relax yhe whole time without trying to keep my self occupied for as long as possible before the monsters show up or I start thinking that they're there. Can it even count as schizophrenia if I know the delusions are fake?
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hhjfvbub · 2 years
I can not close my eyes
I feel like I can not close my eyes like the dead so much wisdom inside but I feel like. a dimming light so much that is unknown but that has been felt i feel like the story is being told and one way or another will be told I cant hold on to all this suffrage I will not give up because I believe and I know but at times I don't know where to turn I use to think they where entities but now they are claiming to be demons but I cant be touched but I cry for my peace when her cry is told  the weak enjoy. mother earth I enjoy the relationship we share now that is the purest most innocence love lost in lust I will not. like a little star that is reborn I shake and flumber through the winds I wonder how many came before me that where truly alone with no guidance no where to go no where to truly call home but I know out of all this I will see the light and I just have to raise my energy and my voice for those who where forgotten for those who did not make it and those who are stuck its just one hell of a struggle and story to tell when I did not even love myself it took so muchof looking in the mirror deep within myself. the wounded child in me oh how I wish I could go back yjem amd kiss you and love you and tell you everything is and will always be okay I believe in you and you are soooo much more then they ever let you believe but forgiveness is what the story of your heart must hold. the essence of source and the masters of creation to guide me to the divine essence of this human by the name of hey- dee I was never particularly fond I alwasy felt the rejection of my name from my self and others I always saw and never failed to close my eyes I always ask and will continue until the day I die for a hug from those who walk my path that truly hold the highest respect for soul love and energy and who value human and non human life we honor spirit of our ancestors that came before and will come after I dont know if I need therapy psychiatry or guidance from the wise their are moments that I dont care but I dont give up I humble my heart before all that you are empathize with the regret and the pain that your children go and have gone I place my self like leaf I feel it being written in my skin I reject but embrace and choose to honor and guide you we all know your sad you say you laugh at my confusion but this is just pain just more pain but I can and I will make you feel the story you have longed for so long nothing is ever truly forgotten but everything is always destined for freedom everything feels surreal but when i hug those that i love i feel a live again i just want to go home I feel like a child when I use to hide my tears to afraid to let them out afraid of being. beat but now I hold my tears because I dont want anyone to hear my cry i hold no fear to be forgotten the heart that I am meant to protect I fear I have forgotten I fear that I am useless and not of aide and nurture so I call to theee please guide me and keep me grounded lately the clutter has been taking me to madness and control is nothing but an illusion I choose peace that is my cry I cry love and light. I know you love us but your kind hurts us set them free and let me be I only and will always hold love but your kind is hurting every piece of me we are one that truly admire and hold the power you desire but you must humble you must forget you must grow change by your own doing everything that has been done for a better brighter more fruitful future freedom for all i feel home thank you one I trust in the wisdom of the light I trust in the justice of creation I put my faith in spirirt and my heart in soul so I may stay clean and honor all who I am meant to serve and protect like a child in a garden i dance with the petals and let the ripple of my hert heal creation my self, enemies and others while restore the balance between all higher realms as i breath i feel more aware and I restore the light and the justice in the name of all higher power 
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kseniazhuk · 5 years
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shamebanduk · 5 years
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firstmatedville · 5 years
Boys who let me sit in their laps or kick my legs out across theirs,,,,,,,, ily
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gaycharr · 5 years
Kori bares skin (fur?) a lot but it's not an open invitation to pet or touch and the idea of being touched has varying levels of just like. No. But she also likes to be touched. It just has to pass through whatever mental walls she has up against it first . It's a bit conflicting because if she lets herself admit it, physical touch is comforting to her. Like If she's able she likes to sweep her tail around, touching it just for the assurance and sense of where others are. (Which isn't even necessarily an affection thing. Some star struck pact apprentices like to talk about being on missions with Koriko, and having the charr's tail essentially pet them. It's s good feeling.)
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im-illegal · 3 years
I quite like how the village is separated into block pallets n stuff pertaining to the different realms and build type. The current district which is under construction uses end blocks, specifically using end stone bricks, and has a lot of taller and medium buildings
and the district I built last time is more focused on nether stuff (the nether woods, blackstone, and basalt) and uses shorter and medium houses, as well as having a lot with cobble roofs like the others dont have
the first district has 4 fucking houses (maybe 5 but the 5th one is wayy newer) n their just spruce but i love em, and theyre all different sizes with 1 immensely short, 1 two levels, and 2 thats just. normal sized
also the 1st n second districs blend in together because they were just made that way, while the thrid district clearly looks different while stll having some of the same building types of the original parts of yjhe village (like build plans, theyre all similar in makeup to a degree but theirs alwas soemthing that sets yjem apart, and similatities that hold them together. Like the fact that they all use lanterns and no torches, they all use the wood and door type (save nether woods)
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swampwart · 3 years
why am i never satisfied with friends and lovers ??
they never feel like enough for me, and i feel terrible for it
their isnt anything wrong with them, i just want more
and how do i lower my expectations??
god books made it seem like it was easy to make friends wtf is this ??
they all just meet and bam they all click, they all have things in common and their love languages sync up so well, life long friends that make you feel so happy come so easy in books
why didnt i jnow that was part of the fantasy lable ??-?&?&
bc now two out of three people i have for friends are my exes who i just cant stand sometimes, one more than the other,
the other pne is nice and perfect, i just suck at telling when their serious or not bc i dont remememver much abour them
the first two didnt do anything too horrible,but we just dont have the same interests and i dont feel comfortable talking to yjem about it and i dont really care for anything they likr j just cant bring myself to enjoy that stuff the same way thry cant bring themselbes to enjoy my stuff
and god i hate some of their love languages, i haye them so much, whenever they try to be helpfil and affectionate i just feel like shit and embarrased and humilated in thr worst way possible
and the fact that they dont seen to really like each other makes this all so much worse ???
and its not like i cant just drop them and leave,i tottaly can, i just dont have abyone else
i have no other friends other than those 3 and 3 people i dont fully connect w is better than 0 people
i just dont know
if i drop the other two, i dont loose much from one, but from the otehr o loose someone who can match my energy and be goofy with me
thats what i always liked about them and j eed that in my life
i need someone who can br loud and stupid and not read too much into it
but i also need that person to be able to be serious when needed and to be emotionally there for me
this person just isnt
i djt jnow what im even talking about anymore
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doomedandstoned · 6 years
Lurk Deliver an Emotional Sledgehammer of Extremity
~By Willem Verhappen~
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I have a confession to make: I'm a shallow bastard. At least, I can be when it comes to music. Every so often, I come across a record by a band I don't know and I buy it even though I haven't heard a single note of what's on it. Sometimes, when I have no idea what kind of music it even is, I might do a quick internet search, but often I just buy it. I buy those records for one simple reason: I like the artwork. The thing with this tactic is, sometimes it works out, and sometimes it doesn't.
I also bought 'Fringe' (2018), the third record by Finnish death-doomsters LURK for this reason. The record was originally released in 2016 by the band themselves, but now Transcending Obscurity Records re-released the record with hauntingly beautiful new artwork from Adam Burke.
Hauntingly beautiful is also a good way to describe the music. Not in a pretty way though, for this is still a Finnish band. I'm not sure if it's the lack of sunlight during winter or something else, but the country is home to some of the most depressing bands ever. Lurk certainly is one of them. The four piece mixes death, black and doom metal in a sludgy mix.
Fringe (Atmospheric Sludge/Doom Metal) by LURK (Finland)
Opener "Ostrakismos" is dark, almost ambient-like piece, with even an alto-saxophone thrown in the mix. Expect slow but melodic guitar arpeggios, drenched in reverb and with sufficient feedback. "Tail Blade" has a more traditional structure, with some quality doom riffs and heavy drum hits.
By the end of the second song, it's already clear who the real star of the record is. Vocalist Kimmo Koskinen is a true force to be reckoned with. His grunts are low and dark, sometimes appearing to go subsonic. It's often similar to the most extreme parts of Manne Ikonen (Ghost Brigade). At other times he belts out emotional screams, sporadically bordering those of Amenra's Colin H van Eeckhout. By the time we reach "Elan," Koskinen channels his inner Aaron Stainthorpe, mixing clean vocals with grunts. It must be noted though, that even though his clean vocals are good, he's no match for the My Dying Bride vocalist.
The fact that the vocals are good on this record, does not mean that the music is overpowered by them. Musically, every song firmly holds its ground. Each song is a depression inducing lesson in bleakness. The songs sometimes sound clear, melodic and open, at other times heavy and dense, throwing you on the floor and refusing to let you get up. Once again the comparison with their countrymen from Ghost Brigade isn't far away, but Lurk still manage to kick it up a notch.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Transcending Obscurity is my go-to label for extreme metal and Fringe is no exception. If you're into the Finnish brand of extreme doom metal, the kind that is both beautiful and mercilessly punishing, you're going to love Lurk. They're in the same spectrum as bands such as Ghost Brigade, Swallow The Sun and Hooded Menace, but without sounding like a copy of any of those bands. Go have a listen right now, but be careful, you just might be as broken as the end of "Proteus Syndrome."
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Chatting It Up With Kalle & Kimmo of Lurk
~By Shawn Gibson~
First things first: introductions!
Kalle: Yours truly, Kalle Nurmi, can be found beating the skins, a.k.a. drumming. Arttu Pulkkinen on guitar, Eetu Nurmi on bass, and Kimmo Koskinen is always screaming for vengeance. We’ve been active for about ten years now.
'Fringe' (2018), your latest LP, was released on the Transcending Obscurity label over the summer, right?
Kalle: That’s correct, but actually Fringe was originally, although momentarily, released on Bandcamp two years prior. We didn’t have any luck with labels back then and decided just to put it out there, mainly out of frustration. Then Kunal Choksi of Transcending Obscurity got in contact with us, wanting to do a proper release and we quite quickly went with him. You could sense the passion driving him and we knew he was gonna deliver - and he did! Fringe is our third album, preceded by our self-titled debut and our second, Kaldera.
Kimmo: Kunal's dedication has been inspiring. Finally Fringe gets the release it deserves, not least because of the exceptionally amazing art of Adam Burke.
What bands from Finland do you guys like and like to play with?
Kalle: Horse Latitudes, Hooded Menace, Coughdust, Demonic Death Judge, Black Royal -- those are just some that come to mind easily, that we’ve played with. There are loads of great bands from Finland, metal and otherwise, that we’ve not shared a stage with just yet.
Kimmo: There are loads of spirited groups in Finnish underground and different styles interlock smoothly together. We have played with doom, death and black metal bands, in hardcore nights and so on. Passionate and honest atmosphere feeds itself and leads to torrid combinations.
Where are some good places in Finland to see metal or heavy bands play?
Kalle: You can see great underground-bands play at Vastavirta Klubi in Tampere. I’m not sure about the situation in Helsinki at the moment, but I presume Lepakkomies has bands all the time and we’ve played there a lot at one point. More mainstream metal acts can be seen at Klubi, YO-Talo or Olympia in Tampere, and during the summer there’s a festival going on somewhere all the time. For example Tuska is completely dedicated to metal.
What are some of Lurk's influences musically?
Kalle: Oh man, that’s a tricky one! We’ve never decided on a certain sound or a band that we wanted to sound like, so all of our influences were allowed to get in the music. But of course, some bands have bigger weight in our output. For example Celtic Frost, Eyehategod, Neurosis, Entombed, Black Sabbath, Emperor, Burzum and about gazillion other bands. Also artists outside of metal, as Scott Walker’s The Drift is, in my opinion, one of the scariest albums ever made.
What's a damn good book you've read lately?
Kalle: Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, everything by Lovecraft. My most recent favourite book is by legendary Finnish writer Mika Waltari. I had to check online for its English title, it’s called The Etruscan.
What makes you laugh uncontrollably?
Kalle: Human endeavor. Also, cat videos.
The artwork by Adam Burke is amazing! Elan is my favorite song on this album. Please explain what this album means to the band and what the artwork symbolizes.
Kalle: This album means a lot to us. We changed bass players just before making the second album, Kaldera, and that kinda made us want to write differently too, and now with Fringe I think we managed to capture something that was set in motion back in those days. Maybe we are slow learners but this is the album that we wanted to do already back then, we just didn’t know how. We wanted to combine the best parts of our both previous albums and use them to make a goddamn super-album! The art itself wasn’t made to order, but when we saw it there was no question about it. It fits the mood. It’s not completely bleak and void of colour, there are shades and textures. There is also a strong link to nature, and death is ever-present, looming in the background.
Kimmo: Fringe is about the passion and all the human behavior around it. We, as species, have lost and banned big part of our heritage, our primal instincts. What's most important, the honesty has been derogated. Humanity isn't just positive pool of thoughts, and it seems that the world is nowadays living just for the decorative skin. At the same time the self-proclaimed messiahs are conspiring behind our backs, in the name of religion, money and power. But there's so much power to be found from death, rage and beastliness, because those pure things are us. Lurk is the one channeling the vigor and ripping the meaningless crust apart. From the woods we have come and to the woods we are to be buried.
What is in the future for Lurk?
Kalle: New songs, so probably a new album, maybe some gigs. Who knows? The doom-train keeps a-rolling.
You guys have an amazing response to this album and have great reviews how do you feel and how does this motivate you?
Kalle: It’s always good that people like it. Some seem to like it a lot! I’d be making music even without the positive reviews, but they tell us we’re onto something good.
Kimmo: We are making the music for ourselves, first and foremost. But if someone finds it intriguing, I don't blame him or her. If the music makes one think, it has reached the goal.
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Massive Lurk Giveaway!
Transcending Obscurity Records is giving away 100 free digital downloads of Lurk's 'Fringe' (2018). Grab 'em while they're hot! Simply copy one of the codes below and click here to redeem it.
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