atopvisenyashill · 1 year
another day another shit take on catelyn
this one was “catelyn is classist for calling the smallfolk edmure is bringing into riverrun useless mouths” and my main thought is “do you guys read with your eyes closed or what.”
let’s look at the passage:
“My people,” Edmure answered. “They were afraid.” Only my sweet brother would crowd all these useless mouths into a castle that might soon be under siege. Catelyn knew that Edmure had a soft heart; sometimes she thought his head was even softer.
now let’s look at catelyn’s other disapproving thoughts throughout the chapter:
Her brother’s voice was full of brusque confidence, but Catelyn found herself wishing that Robb had not taken her uncle Brynden west with him. The Blackfish was the veteran of half a hundred battles; Edmure was the veteran of one, and that one lost.
She was suddenly weary. Perhaps she was wrong to oppose him. Perhaps it was a splendid plan, and her misgivings only a woman’s fears. She wished Ned were here, or her uncle Brynden, or …
and later, when edmure puts his plan into action:
Her brother had taken every able-bodied man for the fords, leaving Ser Desmond Grell to command a garrison made up of the wounded, the old, and the sick, along with a few squires and some untrained peasant boys still shy of manhood. This, to defend a castle crammed full of women and children.
Do you see what happens when you actually read instead of simply deciding that Cat is a huge bitch who hates all Northerners, smallfolk, bastards, tomboys, and all things good and great? You see what she’s actually upset about, which is that Edmure’s plan hinges on luring a man with 3 times his host into battle while leaving Riverrun full of women and children and no one to protect them but old and wounded soldiers. She’s judgemental because she doesn’t think the plan will work and as far as she knows, Robb doesn’t approve of the plan.
And she’s RIGHT - Robb is pissed at Edmure in a storm of swords because he had wanted Edmure to hold Riverrun and that’s it, to lure Twyin deeper into the Riverlands where he’s cut off from refreshing his host, and cut off from King’s Landing, which is tearing itself apart unbeknownst to Tywin. Catelyn was right to question Edmure’s call here because it was a super risky plan with absolutely zero pay off and only serves in prolonging the war.
And Catelyn is right to fear a siege! The most famous siege we’ve had mentioned on page, stannis’ holdout against the reach lords at storm’s end was brutal, and a siege of Riverrun would be no different if it were to last overly long:
Ned found it hard to imagine what could frighten Stannis Baratheon, who had once held Storm's End through a year of siege, surviving on rats and boot leather while the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne sat outside with their hosts, banqueting in sight of his walls.
she calls them “useless mouths” because she’s worried they’re about to enter a siege and she knows a siege can get real desperate when you have a lot of people who need to eat. she’s not making a comment on the uselessness of the smallfolk, she is pointing out the flaws in edmure’s battle plans, which she thinks have a small chance of working - and once again, she is proven to be right! when robb shows up he’s livid about edmure’s blunder! it’s one of the key missteps during robb’s war against the lannisters!
like yeah, a lot of these characters are classist and one of edmure’s defining traits as a lord - his care for the smallfolk - is one of the main positives about him, and also why so many are still willing to flock to the Tully banner! but crowding a bunch of scared and starving people into a castle that is about to be brutally attacked by a man known for the brutality of his armies is not the smartest move!
that’s it!!! that’s all she’s thinking!!!!!!
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stormbornbastard · 5 years
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Sansa + Podrick 
( Summer Romance Modern AU)
Sansa Stark had spent her entire life chasing an image of a man that only existed within the pages of her novels. Men who were kind, gentle and brave. Men who loved with tenderness and soft security. Who loved unconditionally. 
Men who she’d discovered didn’t seem to exist.
On her quest for the love she craved, she had met only cleverly disguised cruelty. Her handsome prince turned out to be a sadist, her blue-eyed bastard who she saw the best in, had only left her with scars. She had been battered and bruised chasing that image. 
Sansa Stark had grown to believe that a love she craved was too much to ask for. 
Now, as she returns to Winterfell Manor from Red Keep University the summer after her Junior year, she’s pretty much given up on love completely. Learned to believe that a kind good love just wasn’t in the cards for her and would remain within the confines of her beloved fiction.
She was surprised to find that her fellow siblings have found what she had been dreaming of since she was a little girl. The right kind of love. 
Her eldest brother, Robb, had fallen into the arms of one Margarey Tyrell who seemed to make him better and happier. Jon had Daenerys, a woman Sansa figured she hate but had soon come to form a strong bond with through their shared trauma. She understood her pain and never judged her for it. Both their exes had left their fair share of marks and Dany had this way of reassuring her that the abuse didn’t have to define her. That she could find genuine love, like she did with Jon. Sansa wanted to believe her. A small part of her did. 
Even Arya and Bran had found people. Gendry was nice and he and Arya argued like an old married couple. Sansa called them cute once and Arya shot her a look of disgust before her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her waist. She could still think they were cute, even if her sister would detest her saying it aloud.
Bran had found comfort in his best friend’s brother, Jojen Reed. She hadn’t even known he was into guys until they showed up, hand in hand. Then again, he was never really the type to share much about himself. That and the fact that they were never that close as kids. 
She liked Jojen though, Bran seem more alive in his presence. He actually got him to respond to the world around him and she hadn’t seen her brother seem so happy since before the accident. 
It seemed like it was just her and Rickon now.
Until it wasn’t. 
She didn’t even know thirteen year olds could have relationships. The Stannis and his family came over for dinner one night and he caught Rickon and Shireen holding hands under the table when she moved to get the fork she dropped. 
Sansa was the last Stark who wasn’t in love. She tried not to dwell on it but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t hate it. 
And then, came him. 
Her mom, Catelyn had made partner at her law firm and with the extra money she decided to hire some help around the house. Brienne’s nephew came to work for them as a groundskeeper. She had met Podrick Payne once before and she was not impressed. Not even in the slightest. 
She remembered him being aloof and always with this goofy grin on his face. He seemed to stumble throughout life, like a newborn deer. He had a crush on her when they were kids, an awkward crush and Sansa had made it a point to avoid him ever since. 
She doubted anything had changed so without actually interacting with him, she decided to avoidance was the best route. The last thing she needed was to deal with some helpless, love-struck man baby who wouldn’t leave her alone.  
Sansa had successfully remained ignorant to his presence for the first few days and it was a pretty proud accomplishment might she add. And then she actually saw him, sweaty and shirtless outside of her bedroom window as he mowed through the lawn. 
And something inside her, stirred. Awoken like a bear in hibernation.
Podrick Payne...was hot. 
Gods, she felt like a fucking cliche watching him from her bedroom window. 
He had lost his baby weight, grew out his hair and had a beard. 
She had never pictured Podrick Payne with a beard. She never even thought he could grow one. Nor did she think he’d ever.  
She hadn’t thought he’d fill out the way he had either. He had strong arms, really strong arms. He didn’t have abs but his stomach was flat and his chest, covered a little bit in hair. 
She bit her lip as she watched him, she actually bit her lip like some silly school girl seeing an attractive man for the first time. 
Podrick must’ve sensed her gaze and looked up in her direction. Sansa’s eyes widened when he waved at her. Fuck, she probably looked like some random creep. 
She didn’t wave back, just closed the curtain swiftly and ignored the churning in her stomach as she sat back down on her bed. 
Was she-Was she just thirsting over Podrick Payne? 
Podrick. Fucking. Payne! 
After that, Sansa avoided him for an entirely different reason. 
Yet she couldn’t avoid the Summer Harvest. A religious holiday that people just used as an excuse to eat good with their families and friends. Her mother, ever the socialist, invited Brienne and her family along with a few others. 
Podrick sat directly across from her and Sansa hated to admit that he made her nervous. She wasn’t an anxious person yet here she was and this was Pod for crying out loud. He cried when he stepped over a snail in Kindergarten. Why was she nervous over Podrick? 
After Dinner, Sansa just wanted to disappear but if she left, it’d spark some kind of suspicion amongst her family members and friends. The last thing she wanted to do was explain her crush and she was a shitty liar. 
By the luck of some very unforgiving gods, the very subject of her anxiety approached her. She felt her stomach flip when he smiled the same cheeky little grin that made her want to throw sand on him when they were kids. 
“Hi.” He dug his hands into his pockets and Sansa felt her cheeks turn red. He was so cute and he didn’t even know it. 
“Hi.” She couldn’t remember the last time her voice had been so soft. Or high.
“You uh, you look nice.”
“Thank you, you uh, you look tall.” 
Tall? What? What did she just say? 
“I meant, you look taller. Taller than the last time we met.” she fumbled out as Podrick stared at her, a small smile playing at his lips.
“Yeah well, puberty I guess.” 
And Sansa laughed, a little too loudly but it made Pod smile and it was nice. Talking to him after that was nice to. Easier than she thought. Podrick listened and only spoke when he felt it necessary but Sansa didn’t mind. She actually preferred it. 
It was comforting. 
After the harvest, she found herself around Podrick more than she ever thought she would be. Sansa talked to him while he worked the weeds, ignoring the way his shirt clung to him and the way his muscles flexed as he did so. She helped him when he worked in the greenhouse, admiring the difference of how firm he was with the weeds and how gentle he was with the roses. 
Then it happened. The moment. 
The moment where the both reached for the watering can at the same time. Their hands touched and shivers ran up her arm and down her spine. 
Podrick turned to her and the look in his eyes, the shift in the atmosphere scared the living shit out of her. He was going to kiss her, she knew it. 
“I have a midterm to write!” She screamed suddenly, taking Podrick by surprise as he pulled away from her. 
She didn’t wait for him to answer before running away like a frightened school girl. It was summer vacation, mid terms were half a year away. That was by far, the worst excuse she could have ever come up with. 
She avoided him for a week after that. Mentally tormenting herself for her freak reaction. 
What was wrong with her? 
Podrick was cute. 
He was kind and he made her feel safe. 
And he made her laugh, without even really trying. Nobody has ever made her laugh the way he has. 
He was everything she had ever truly wanted and she freaked out when he tried to kiss her. 
She was so stupid. Gods, how could she face him again after this? 
She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. 
Summer would be over soon. Six measly weeks and then she would never have to face him or her actions again.  She could do it.  
After the first day, she actually believed it. She doesn’t know if it was her or if it was Podrick but she didn’t care, only thanked the gods. 
And then, the second day came. 
There was a dinner that was way too romantic for her taste. She felt like the third wheel amongst her family and by the time appetizers’ came out, she had found some flimsy excuse to go home.
He was there, in the greenhouse. She knew he worked tonight and that he probably would be nurturing the winter roses Daenerys brought from Dragonstone which needed to be tended to at night. Her plan of avoiding him slipped her mind as she  but she’d be lying if she made her way over to the crystal building. 
She wanted to see him and that also scared the living shit out of her. 
He must’ve heard her heels clicking on the sidewalk because he turned to her, stepping from the greenhouse and into the moonlight.
Shit, why was was he so cute? 
“I know I freaked out yesterday bu-” 
He didn’t let her finish before closing distance between the two of them with four short strides. The feeling of his hands on her waist halted her words in her throat as he pulled her gently into him. Her stomach dropped and her legs wobbled but he held her steady. 
“I just, can I kiss you? Just once.” 
She nodded, not able to form coherent thoughts as his lips pressed against her own. They were soft and Sansa melted into him. The once feverish kiss turned passionate as her arms wrapped around his neck and he pulled her into him even more. Her mind was hazy as her fingers moved to entangle themselves in his hair. 
Thunder crackled above them but neither cared enough to pull away. 
Only when soft droplets of rain fell on their skin did she and Podrick finally move away from each other. Foreheads resting on the other’s as they breathed in sync. 
She couldn’t believe it, she had kissed Podrick Payne in the rain like some kind of Disney movie. And she still wanted to kiss Podrick in the rain so she did. Closing the gap once again, a smile playing on her lips as she lost herself in the moment and him, especially him.
The cold they both got a week later was so fucking worth it. 
Suprisingly, she and Podrick worked. It wasn’t just some fleeting kiss, it became so much more. They explored Winterfell Manor together. Stealing kisses in the nooks and crannies of the old noble home. They went on a few day trips together, sometimes just to drive and find the most secluded clearing to have picnics in. He took her hiking and she took him to art museums. 
They worked and falling in love with him was a natural occurrence that summer. 
By the end of it, Sansa came to the conclusion that maybe she had it wrong before. That maybe kind, brave and gentle men didn’t just belong in her novels. Maybe they were just clumsy frogs who needed time to blossom into the handsome prince, or in her case, the cute groundskeeper who made her feel safe and happy. Really happy. 
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carniegan · 5 years
21 Questions Tag
 I’ve actually never done one of these before! Thank you @whataremetaphor for tagging me, this was so fun!!
1. What is your eye color? Brown.
2. Who’s your favorite person in the world? My little sister. No brainer. 
3. What is your favorite snack? Carbs. Every carb. Any carb. 
4. Following: I’m following 174 blogs with many more incoming. 
5. Writing Motto: Procrastinate. that's not enough procrastinating. do more. 
6. Favorite TV Shows: I don't think I really have one? But I’ve been really into Kdramas recently if that answers the question. 
7. What is your favorite fairytale? Does Mulan count? Mulan has and always will be my fav. 
8. Favorite Song? I can’t pick just one! But ones I’ve been jamming out to lately have been Might Not Like Me by Brynn Elliot, Crown by txt,  Strangers by Sigrid, Solo by Jennie, Peek-a-Boo by Red Velvet, Tiempo by Profetas, Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield, Superhero by Simon Curtis, No Roots by Alice Merton and oh my god I’m gonna stop it here before it gets too long.
9. Languages I’m Fluent In? English, and I’m not even fluent in that.
10. Languages I can Count to 10 In? English, Spanish and maybe Japanese. 
11. Top 5 Mythical Creatures (in order)? In order of what though? First ones to pop into my head? Uhhh Dragon, Leprechaun, Faerie, Griffin??? oh and Giant. 
12. What is your favorite sport? Baseball. (I don't even know what's going on half the time, I’m just there for the good times and baseball pants.) 
13. Favorite (Musical) Character? Idk! Never seen a musical. 
14. Favorite (TV) Character? Don’t have one. 
15. Favorite (Book) Character? I ain’t picking a favorite child and you can’t make me. 
16. Are you a dog person or cat person? Both? Both. Both. Both are good.  
17. Favorite Genre? Fantasy, urban fantasy, adventure, as long as it’s all got humor. 
18. Who is/are the best teacher(s) you’ve ever had? I vividly hated all of my teachers except for my third (I think third?) grade teacher. She was this super sweet Asian woman who probably doesn’t remember me at all but she's the only one who ever made me actually feel like I was a joy to be around. 
19. Favorite Fanfiction (Authored by Someone Else)? I’m gonna try to keep this down to three. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12025527 <-- bnha fic, Bakugou/Kirishima Actor AU 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8211029 <--- GoT fic, Sansa wakes up in Cersei’s body on her wedding day to Robert. Time Travel. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8645329 <--- DnA fic, Kuramochi/Ryousuke. Stays pretty canon but Ryousuke’s blind in one eye it gives me all the feels. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4036288 <--- some pjo fanfic, Nico/Will superhero AU. Will’s a med student, Nico’s a superhero.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10694774/1/ode-to-sleep <--- TG fic, OC finds herself in a random girls body after an accident. Somehow in an anime that she knows very well. 
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12322355/1/Flash-Point <--- naruto fic. If you decide to read any of these please read this one, you won’t be disappointed. Ino/Diedara. Lawyer and con-artists Do Not Mix AU. 
OH! And there’s one really good bnha fic I love but I can’t remember the title?? Kinda a bnha/Tokyo Ghoul crossover? Except the only crossover is that Deku develops a late quirk that basically just makes him a ghoul. Que breaking into hospitals to eat dead bodies, lotta confusion, and self hate but he still wants to be a hero!
.........I didn’t stick to three oops. Oh well...
20. Favorite Original Story Idea (Authored by Me): I’ve got 2/3 on my mind right now. (Because I can't pick favorites to save my life.) 
 #1 is Introvert city girl with a fear of dogs and her mom move to a small town where the random dogs out in the woods are bigger than average and a really cute boy takes a sudden interest in her. (spoiler alert--its werewolves. He’s a werewolf. Do you know how hard it is to tell your crush about your furry problem when they're afraid of dogs? Also, add in a mysterious organization that has a problem kidnapping adolescent werewolves and we’ve got ourselves half a plot ladies and gentlemen.)
#2 is about another introvert girl (surprise, surprise) in a zombie apocalypse. It’s been months since she’s seen another human being who doesn’t want to eat her. Her story starts when she happens upon an old radio and while fiddling with it one night, she accidentally tunes into a boys channel where four boys talk to each other. there’s a lot of introverting, reading, dogs, cold weather, dead people trying to eat her, looting, and listening to boys conversations over a walkie talkie that may or may not classify as creepy.
and #3 is just classic noble girl is sent as a spy into the enemy kingdom but everything goes to shit before she even walks in the door. Mission was simple. Be a kitchen girl, poison the King's food and kill him and then escape back home during the confusion. Instead, she gets the honor of becoming the Prince’s comfort woman/concubine after the last girl did an honor killing on herself. So, new mission. Get close enough to the Prince that he tells her information and then send that information back to her country so that they can win the war. (Passing secret information along is a little easier when it's not written down on paper but instead in flower crowns and bouquets as the secret language of flowers.)
Tagging some of the people in my notifications if you feel like doing this! @imaghostwriter @alexwillow @theotherchloegrace @ps-nippets @maikosworld01 @sapphonics
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janiedean · 6 years
sansan reverse cinderella, the sequel
... hi. so, like a year and something ago I was prompted a reverse cinderella au where she’s the princess and he’s obviously not. I wrote a scene. today I was feeling like writing random sansan fluff and I had no better ideas so I usually don’t write things out of order but I figured LET’S JUST WRITE THE ENDING. have the ending. (sort of.) one day I’ll write this properly is2g. anyway.
reverse cinderella, sandor/sansa, pg13, tooth-rotting fluff. here you go.
“If you don’t come out, I will come in,” Sansa says as she stands outside the kennels.
For a moment, nothing happens, then -
“You should leave.”
Well, now that she’s heard him, she’s not going to for sure. It’s his voice, she’d recognize that rasped sound anywhere - even if they only talked for those few hours, she had committed it to memory. She looks down at her hand, where she’s holding the mask that he left behind in the dirt in Winterfell’s yard.
It’s still black and sleek, and half of the back is covered in satin.
“Well, I’m not going to,” she replies. “And don’t bother telling me I’m wrong. I heard you. And even if I hadn’t, Theon told me everything from the get-go, I only went around to have other people try it on for show.”
“Bugger that arse.”
She laughs. “Oh, you should be nicer to him, unless he told me a lie.”
“He hasn’t. But - never mind. You really should leave. How aren’t you gone yet?”
“Why would I be?” She asks, sincerely.
“How wouldn’t you?” He snaps back. “You’ve seen where I come from, I suppose you bloody know who I am, you’re a princess, you shouldn’t be here at all.”
“I did see that,” she agrees. “And honestly, even if it wasn’t you I’d beg Robb to take you into his service just so you don’t have to live with your brother anymore, because I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. But I know it’s you. And believe me or not, I’m very disappointed you didn’t kiss me before so rudely leaving me hanging.”
For a long moment, there’s silence. Then -
“Your friend Theon was very clear on how long he could wait for someone to hold my horse and I wasn’t going to go back after Gregor did, little bir -” He says, and then stops himself.
“I did like it when you called me like that.”
“I shouldn’t have. But I thought I had nothing to lose, if it had to be just once.”
“What if it doesn’t have to?” She presses.
Nothing for a long while.
She’s about to push the door open, and then -
“You’re japing,” he snorts, and he doesn’t sound happy. “You couldn’t. There’s no bloody way. And if there was, you could have plenty of people who actually deserve someone like you.”
“Actually, Robb said that I could choose whoever I wanted, and he never said he had to be a king. Never mind that you aren’t even a commoner, technically, so what would the others complain about?”
“Yes, and you’d tie yourself to my brother’s house? When he’s the firstborn?” He laughs again. “I wouldn’t inflict that on my bloody worst enemy.”
“Your brother won’t be at the head of anything much longer if Robb has his say, and since he’s living here now, Robb does. And who says I’d tie yourself to your house and not the contrary?” She smiles to herself.
“But why?” He sounds like he can’t even conceive that she actually means it.
She considers telling him that she wants this conversation face to face.
But that wouldn’t work, she thinks.
“Because out of everyone who danced with me that evening you were the only one who actually talked to me and wasn’t trying to make himself look so much better, or who was obviously wanting to marry me for my title. It was the same as my - my failed betrothal. I thought he did really care and he did really like me, and then he broke it off when he found someone more beautiful and whose family was richer and who was - more experienced and more to his taste,” she says, and it comes out way more bitter than she had imagined it being, but then again she’s never talked about it to anyone if not in bits and pieces to Robb, for years. It feels nice to let it out. “And none of those people was there for me. They were there for my title. None of them, except for you. Excuse me if I would rather give a chance to the one person who actually seemed to be there for me. And who treated me like a person and not some kind of prize. So, will you just come out already? I have a direwolf, you know. Even if there’s dogs inside there, I won’t mind.”
“No,” he says, and then, “you really don’t want to.”
“You know, Theon did tell me why this mask needed silk on the inside,” she says, her voice turning softer. “If that’s the problem, I - I know. Please, just -”
The door opens at once, even if he’s turned on his good side and he’s not quite looking at her, never mind that his face is covered by long, black hair, so she can barely see it.
“That arse,” he sighs. “No, you don’t. But - fine.”
He turns, slowly.
And - right. Theon did tell her.
Half of his face is scarred. The bad kind of.
But that - well, it wasn’t a lie. It just didn’t entirely convey how bad it is, because half of it is indeed a mass of scar tissue, in some places deep enough you can see a hint of bone. One of his ears is gone, and she can only think, does it hurt still?, and the contrast with the other side of his face is even sharper for it. On the other side, he’s downright handsome, with his grey eyes and sharp cheeks and strong jaw. And as much as the ruined one makes her recoil at first, her eyes go back to it at once.
“How - how did it happen?”
“Hasn’t Theon told you?”
“No,” Sansa shakes her head. “I wanted to hear it from you.”
“Not much to say,” he rasps. “I was twelve, Gregor was in a mood, he always treated me like shit and he was trying to pay my sister the same service. I tried to stop him and he figured he’d do that to me instead. She got him off me before he could turn me on the other side and she died for it anyway, I survived because at that point that good for nothing of my father came in and stopped him, fat lot of good it did, and then - well. It was the perfect excuse to get me to do menial work.” He shrugs minutely, still looking down at her. “That’s how it happened. Satisfied?”
She keeps on looking at him. He’s holding her stare, at least, and he obviously thinks he can scare her off, but she remembers how gentle his hands were on her waist when they danced, or how his eyes seemed to gleam when he laughed, and how he was a much more charming partner when he had that mask on. Maybe because he thought he had nothing to lose.
Still -
She grins and holds up the mask. “Well, I had most young princes and not in this realm try this on. May I?”
“… You know.”
“Still, it’s protocol and there are guards along with my brother watching us from afar, so they have to see me doing it. May I?”
He sends her a disbelieving look.
But then -
“Well, fuck it all. Sure. You may.”
He leans down, slightly. She reaches up with the mask, placing it on his face gently, and of course it fits perfectly. It was custom-made, after all.
“Look at that,” she grins. “Perfect fit, isn’t it?”
“And what do you want to do about that?” He snorts. “I can understand if you think I should keep it,” he says, his voice full of resignation, and -
She grins wider. Then she pulls it off and throws it on the side, where she thinks the pig pen was.
“The hell -” He starts.
“That looked nice with your outfit,” she says, “but if there’s one thing I learned in King’s Landing is that looks deceive and that looking beautiful doesn’t mean that you are. I liked you with the mask. I think I can like you without - if anything you haven’t lied to me once. So, without having to swear you’ll marry me now or anything of the kind, and I think I should like to know better the man who should put a cloak on me, how about you get out of there and do what you were about to before you so rudely walk out on me?”
He stares down at her.
“Are you serious?”
“Absolutely, Sandor,” she replies, and he seems to consider it, and then he shakes his head, closing the door behind him.
“Honestly? I was about to do it because I thought I wouldn’t have another chance. You really want me to -”
“I absolutely want you to. Or maybe -” She grins. “Maybe, I should do this myself.”
“What -” He starts, but then she moves up on her toes because he’s tall, she puts both hands on the sides of his face, scarred and not, and drags him down, pressing their lips together, and - for a moment he’s obviously surprised, but then he kisses her back, his arms going around her waist and lifting her up, and for a moment she shivers at the feeling that he’s doing it so effortlessly, but then she catches her chance and parts her lips, and then his tongue is moving against hers and she’s barely even paying attention to how the scar tissue feels under her hand or about the fact that his lips obviously feel way rougher on the burned side.
And damn, he’s kissing her like he means it and it’s rough enough that she can feel that he’s desperate for it, but not enough to hurt, and when it’s over she’s breathing heavily, and he’s looking at her as he can’t even believe it happened.
“Why”, she says, her fingertip running gently over his ruined cheekbone, “maybe now it’s your turn.”
“Bloody hell, denying you anything isn’t just a thing that happens, is it?”
“Not unless you mean that,” she says, “but until now you just told me why we would be a bad idea or why you aren’t good enough for me. You never said no. So, do you want to continue this conversation in a nicer place or not?”
He stares at her, still holding her up -
And then he smiles, just slightly, but it’s there, and -
“Fine,” he says. “I hated this bloody fucking place anyway,” he adds, but before he puts her down she kisses her again.
She kisses back, and she decides that she will enjoy getting to know him better.
She most definitely will.
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Recap Pt. 1
Oh boy… I need to vent again, I’m sorry, but thanks to everyone reading this, it’s a cathartic experience if anything.
WARNINGS: SPOILERS; Not a D@€ny fan, but if you follow me you already know that and if you don’t no problem that’s why I always warn you about it; Jonsa shipper and still growing strong ( I always loved the Tyrell OK???)
Before diving into the recap:
1.- The toughts, tinfoily wishy washy stuff, analysis, random stuff that I write are my own only, and in no form or way am I trying to convince you that I am right and every body else is wrong, I have been wrong about fandom stuff a LOT, and really it’s just fun for me to do this, anyway I am open to debate if you want just be respectful. Feel free to correct me if you notice I have some facts I present wrong, I will never get mad about it and will even thank you for your insight.
2.- The analysis/opinions I express of certain ships/characters are just my opinion as an audience, if you like the ship/characters good! That’s what makes the fandom experience such a diverse thing, and I have nothing against you. Keep on loving the thing you love!
3.- The Salt Throne and I are one entity of pure undiluted Salt and bitterness,if you don’t wish to subject yourself to reading my salty fangirl rants I completely understand.
1.- We start on that table-map, helI feel I condemned myself saying I didn’t wanted no more close-ups of the thing, anyway so it’s just a pretty shot to get to where the story (plot? What plot?) really pick’s up: Eastwatch by the sea.
We are with the suicide squad on this show’s dumbest mission, but then again this season a lot of dumb things happened so I am resigned. Yeah so Jon and Tormund are talking about how dumb this mission is (got is breaking the fourth wall now???) while Gendry is freezing, Tormund is happy to be back North of the Wall cuz the air in the south is shit, Jon is like bih you never went south but really is agreeing actually Jon seems much more himself now that he is in the North again. Tormund and Jon tease Gendry about making do with him cuz there are no ladies here (ahaha joking about experiencing homosexual sex but no homo bro it’s just because we have no ladies amirite? Am I watching got or the big b4ng th€or¥?) and you know what else they don’t have?? Horses, and food, and those pesky dragonglass weapons, and a raven to send for help should anything happen… But no ladies are the priority. (*sigh* this show is so painfully obviously written by man) Gendry apparently believes them and goes away, Tormund comments he isn’t very bright, he needn’t be says Jon cuz they need the brawn and not the brains right? No this stupid ass mission could have seriously used some brains.
Anyway this next convo of conversations was very intresting to hear, not because they add anything to the plot (if such a thing exists anymore in this show) but I think they are important in understanding the theme they have in common and the relevance I think they have in the final scenes of the episode.
First we have a Tormund/Jon convo, our funny redhead asks about the Dragon Queen, and I expected they would use this chance to make some crude remark about her beauty or her body (dude not a second ago they were joking about bedding Gendry!!) but no, the conversation never goes in the direction that could further the idea of Jon’s attraction to D, Jon trusts Tormund and it would be normal for bros to discuss this stuff (remember how Jon giggled about Tormund mentioning Brienne last episode), instead a very weary and frustrated Jon states she (D) wouldn’t help unless he bends the knee, Tormund says that won’t happen cuz Jon spent so much time with the Wildings to be a kneeler again, but then he moves on to talk about Mance Ryder (dude this Jon/Mance parallels are hitting me in the face like a cold fish, I know D&D I noticed! You haven’t been subtle about this!!! You used the same FUCKING dialogue) and how the dude could have saved a lot of lives if he just had let go of his pride and knelt (so Tormund is our Jon in this parallel ain’t he?) it just made me laugh that Tormund, a wildling cuz they are still Free Folk and rule themselves even if they have an alliance with the KitN, is the one to suggests kneeling, but then I realized how big of a fucken deal that is, Mance could have saved those lives yes (and that’s mere speculation honestly cuz Stannis and his army could have also died at Hardhome #just saying) but he decided keeping his people’s will was more important, Jon respected that to the point he defyied Stannis (they needed his help and dude had just saved them) openly by killing Mance, and now Tormund who is kind of the new Free Folk king/leader is saying it would have been OK if he knelt to save everyone’s lives in front of Jon whom is in a very similar situation.
Then we get a Jorah/Jon convo, again perfect oportunity to show them as D’s love interests and rivals, or for Jorah to wax poetic about Khaliiisi and Jon being jealous or some shit. Some serious talk, if we had time in this compact season for Jon to threaten (or pardon) every man who ever crossed paths with Sansa, why Gendry or the Hound haven’t mentioned Arya at all, if logic states that she is someone this people have in common and should talk about? (like Theon asking about Sansa, or Tyrion) Why Jorah doesn’t talk about D if Jon is her new love interest and it would be a nice and neat contrast between the two of them? Instead they disscus another people they have in common, ex-Lord Commander Jeor Mormont and Ned Stark, oh yes they talk about their dads, Jon says how wonderful was Jorah’s dad and how awful was his death, while Jorah said it must have been heartbreaking for his dad whose entire life was the NW and Jon talks about Ned “the goodest most honorable man ever” dying like a traitor for his honor and pride (like I sense a pattern, can you tell? Gods D&D are too subtle guys) and goes as far as to say he is glad his dad didn’t kill Jorah (you know making him pay for his crime in a just honorable way). Honestly what was the point of this conversation if not that survival is most important than honor? The writers (through Jon) are celebrating that Jorah survived even if he has done sketchy awful things (among them he conspired to have D and her baby killed so he would be allowed to go back to Westeros).
Right we get an intresting end to this convo, Jon offers Jorah Longclaw (why would he give him the sword if he is gonna need it right now in the stupid ass Wight hunt? Why didn’t he gave it to Lady Lyanna Mormont, she has presumably begun training cuz she said to Lord Glover she wasn’t gonna sit by the fire while the man defended the North??? Why would he give it to someone if Jeor gave it to him cuz he didn’t wanted Jorah to have it???) but the point of the conversation it’s not the sword, because Jorah rejects it, it’s about planting the possibility of children in Jon’s future. people have been screaming Targ baby to the heavens and back, and if that is what you chose to belive alright, but I think not, if that was the case wouldn’t it be appropiate to have the Targ theme or the J/D song in the background and transition to DS where D talks about children with Tyrion like she does in a future scene? I would have believed it then. But instead we have the Stark theme and the scene transitioning to Arya and SANSA, call me delusional if you want but for me this is another check in the ‘targcest is building up tarbowl’ column.
Summarizing this we get the very bright neón message of Honor=Death. Which I’ll bring back later.
2.- Y'all remember those good times when the WF storyline was the only thing getting me through all the bullshit I was being fed by D&D? Well they’re over. As I said in point 1 we get a transition of Arya and Sansa looking down at the courtyard while Arya talks about how Ned watched the boys training and tries to diminish Sansa’s connection to her family by stating she was surely too busy sewing to know that (have fun freezing your limbs off darling!!! Sewing and Knitting and all those “delicate female” activities you sniff at are the reason you have clothes miss, really I can’t with this where is the Arya that thought woman to be of equal importance than man?) Sansa is having none of that and says she remembers, we get a cute memory of Arya practicing archery in secret and Ned approving (we get again nods to the patriarchy is wrong! But this is sloppy as fuck if D&D make Arya feel superior to non-warrior inclined girls, like that is also misogynistic) Sansa is smiling fondly (she at this point is more of a feminist icon than any other girl in this show, make no mistake she is not upset or resentful of warrior girls, she approved with a smile when Lyanna said girls on Bear Island were going to be trained too, and she smiles at the memory Arya is sharing with her of defying the rules and practicing archery cuz that made her happy) but then things take a turn for worse when Arya said that Ned is dead cuz Sansa helped the Lannisters. I never asked for this bullshit!!! Not even Ned blamed Sansa for anything, even if Sansa hadn’t alerted her Cersei was gonna kill Robert to protect herself and her children, Ned died for Joffrey’s cruelty (he wasn’t even supposed to die, he was to be sent to the Wall) and yes Sansa had a role to play in the chain of events that led to that, but Sansa had no way of knowing that, she only tried to save her family! The smile gets wiped from my girl’s face she is completely at loss. Arya takes out the letter and starts reading it out, even when Sansa asks her to stop cuz she already knows what does the letter say (wow I can’t belive D&D keep on triggering Sansa through her siblings, FUCKING disgusting) Arya is being unnecessary cruel, blaming Sansa for being powerless to stop their father’s death when she herself was equally powerless, like????? D&D are pushing this Starkbowl bs cuz this is got and nothing can be nice for 2 sec. But really this shit has no basis, you have Wight Hunt Team people who have literally killed each other or tried to working together and joking and then have two sisters who went through hell and back fighting cuz one of them thinks the other survived KL by being a princess in a tower??? Like how is this logical? Even if this is a cleverly crafted Arya plot (I think there is some logic to this) to kill LF is not fair for Sansa, god can’t she have good things on her life? D&D took away the safety of her home by marrying her off to Ramsey and have him rape her in her HOME, and now they make her family treat her one like a stranger and the other like shit???? I’m not asking for Arya to thank Sansa on her knees like she suggested (if anything Sansa was super brave standing her ground and defending her possition and everything she did to retake their home) I don’t want everyone to worship her as they do certain someone all I am asking for is respect and safety for someone who deserves it! Really and Arya suggesting Lyanna Mormont would go for Sansa’s throat why yes she is a child, one that has lost a lot with all this fucking wars but still a child that lacks the knowledge of the true game of thrones and what it takes to survive it, like you Arya (doesn’t she remembers she was cupbearer to Tywin who literally was responsible for the murder of her brother and mother? This is actually what leads me to think this is a ploy cuz Arya is not a hypocrite as far as we’ve seen) still this was painful to watch if you love the Starks.
Anyway leaving my frustration with this cheap drama aside, did anyone notice the parallels between the Arya and Sansa confrontation and the Jon/Tormund and Jon/Jorah conversations? The Wight Hunt Team was talking about great honorable man whose honor and moral code brought their downfall and in the Sansa and Arya, the youngest sister was blaming the eldest for having no honor and surviving (she goes as far as to say she would have rather died than betray her family) while Sansa defends what she did and shows how far she has come from paying the game.
Again this thing is not subtle at all.
This is too long so Part 2 is coming!
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