mistninja · 1 year
how fast i can go from loving burrich to hating him truly i am fitz and fitz is me
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gaspbrat · 7 years
Tiny Revolutions
Hey!! My first reddie fic//series!!
Summary: Sonia Kaspbrak raised a wonderful, loving son that was always docile, respectful and receptive son. That was until he finally found a conscience of his own in the form of a tall neglected boy he considered a complete pain in his ass.
warnings: devils lettuce and thats it… they're like 17/18 lol
Wc: 2317
(this is just like an intro for everything else to come pretty much,, i hope its okay! :) )
1 》
Six weeks into the summer before senior year, little Eddie Kaspbrak popped out of his bubble for the second time in his life. His mother was suffocating him with questions and expectations and something in his little Eddie-bear mind snapped. He finally decided it was time to do something that was long overdue.
Twelve years overdue.
He screamed some final obscene thing through the doorway as he slammed it with enough force to rattle the panes around it. A small part of him wished they had just broken right then and there but he was glad they didn’t. It would be hazardous for his mom to pick up. He stopped.
There he was thinking about safety, of all fucking things. Things that she shoved down his throat.
He put on his hood before shoving his hands into the dark maroon hoodie he was swimming in. He jumped down the steps in front of his house to his bike that was propped at the curb ready to help him escape. Only Eddie didn’t know where to yet. He just knew he wanted to forget.
He needed to forget and relax as soon as possible, as quickly as possible.
There was only one person he knew other than Beverly that could solve his problem. So he pedaled as fast as he could to the Tozier residence.
About a quarter block away from the house Eddie already smelled that sour skunky smell he recognized so well now. He found the source minutes later, sitting in his window sill one chuck swinging in the wind while he took drags off of a spliff. It would have been a great picture, had he not been in only his chucks and dark blue boxers.
Nah, it’d still be a good picture, He corrected himself.
“Oh, Hey Eds! My favorite piece of ass!” Richie shouted down at his visitor with his hands outstretched in welcome, a huge cheesy grin on his face.
Eddie immediately got flustered and checked around to see if anybody could hear this dumbass screaming.
“Would you shut up and let me in already?”
“Yea, just a sec.” He took the last drag off his spliff before flicking it into the yard and moving back into his room to unlock his front door.
Eddie rounded the house to find Richie with- what hell is that? A toothpick?
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” The lanky, still shirtless Richie asked him, grinning.
Eddie’s smile faltered.
“About that um,” he twisted his sleeves together.
“Can we use your bong?” Eddie asked, barely saying the last word.
“My what?!” Richie shouted disbelief but also he just wanted to make him as flustered as possible.
“Bong! I said bong, you fuckin’ heard me asshole.” he said as he just shoved an amused Richie back into the house.
About twelve minutes later they were onto their second bowl of the evening. Richie had stuffed a sheet under the door and covered his vent to make the perfect hotbox while Eddie scanned Richie’s shelf for his favorite mix tape. When everything was ready they finally settled into the makeshift seat on the window, leaving enough room so they could watch the upcoming sunset together with Richie’s bong sitting between them.
“Thanks,” Eddie hissed as he sucked air in after his hit before exhaling fully.
“I really needed this.” he admitted, passing Richie the piece.
“Any time, don’t mention it.” he spoke almost into the neck as he lit the bowl.
“My moms being such a fuckin’ pain and I just couldn’t take anymore of her bullshit.” Eddie said as he excused himself to get some snacks out of his very full backpack in the corner.
Richie expected there to be clothes for probably more than one night shoved in there under all his munchie foods. He knew this refugee situation far too well.
“Okay, so my plan is,” Eddie said around an oreo with his hands in the air as he sat back down with the pack of cookies.
Richie was focusing on him intently, waiting for Eddie to finish.
“To not come home for a mon-“
“I’m in.” he said.
Eddie shook his head in disbelief.
“Do you not remember that month and a half I practically lived at your house?”
Eddie was instantly reminded of the time Richie had climbed through his window at four in the fucking morning with three bruises and a black eye. His father and him had gotten in a fight that night but it always ended the same, he realized.
Pushing led to shoving and shoving led to Richie seeking refuge in the quiet kaspbrak house with his head resting in Eddie’s lap. He remembered combing his hair, singing to him softly and drowsily.
They ended up waking up like that, too.
Richie had been thinking about that exact night when he realized he finally could repay Eddie for all those times he had woken him in the middle of the night with his ongoing list of personal problems.
“You can spend the rest of the summer with me Spagheds, don’t you worry bout a thing.” he slung an arm around him as the smaller boy leaned into his side.
“Thanks Richie.”
In that moment, Eddie decided he would fight his overprotective mommy by just blatantly blowing her off for the duration of the summer, spending that time next to the person she probably despised the most out of his friends. No calls. No worries. No pressure.
And that’s also how he ended up spending his last Derry high school summer in the arms of his very best friend as much as the other would allow it; which was constantly.
But they weren’t dating.
Even if they spent their time together twenty-four-seven, they were not dating.
At least Richie couldn’t say they were dating, they hadn’t even really kissed yet. Well not since that time they played seven seconds in heaven when they were 14 but that didn’t really count.
He was going to take this miracle of a month to find out exactly what this was. Even if that meant harboring his friend in his empty house while he silently rebelled against his own mother. He would be there for him, always. Whether or not Eddie liked him in that way or not.
The following week Richie helped push the wardrobe in front of Eddie’s door when Sonia finally found that skeleton key he thought Eddie broke last Sunday.
Eddie snapped that thing years ago, however.
She just had copies. So many copies.
Even with that wardrobe in front of the door Eddie knew she would still somehow manage to get in.
It’s because they’re both the same size, Eds.
He would punch Richie for that later.
Anyways, Eddie would only use his room that month sparingly for the sake of his own hygiene because he was for damn sure not going to shower at Richie’s. So just  like every other night before his mom came home from errands, Eddie was in the shower rinsing out his hair. The shampoo he bought smelled like honey and always relaxed him somehow. That was until he heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Eddie froze.
Fuck, oh fucking, fuck..
He had exactly ninety-six seconds,(he used to count time when he was younger, always staring at his watch) until she would be at his door.
Fifteen minutes later he was at the base of the tree outside of Richie’s window with his hair still wet wearing some gym shorts and a hoodie he found. He threw rocks at the window like he had heard countless nights but he guessed someone wasn’t able to hear him. He sighed dejectedly as he prepared to scale the tree.
What if he’s not even here? He thought as he struggled from one branch to the next, wondering how Richie did this all the time. Then he remembered that Richie was a full seven inches taller than him still since Eddie had only grown like two inches after eighth grade.
“Ah, fucking, shit. Come on.” he huffed as the bark from the tree started to leave scrapes on his knees. Shorts had probably not been the best option for this but he had been in a hurry, okay?
About three feet away in his room, Richie was listening to some mixtape of his on his walkman while he was sprawled across his bed elbow deep in a family sized bag of cheetos oblivious to the boy who was quite literally wrestling the tree outside.
Then he heard a muffled grunt in the silence between songs and tore off his headphones.
What the fu-
Surprise, surprise.
“Richie! I know you’re there, get the fuck out here and help me!!”
“Uh, sorry! Nobody’s home, please leave a message after the beep. Beep!” he yelled from his comfortable position on his bed, crunching on more cheetos.
Fingers crossed.
Beyond amused he got off of his bed and opened the window to find Eddie hugging the trunk of the tree, hair strewn all about with leaves stuck to it, wearing shorts. In a tree. Shorts. He didn’t even have to look at his bare knees to see the bark burn on them.
“Jesus, Eds, you ever climb a tree before?” he teased him as he stood behind the window, laughing hysterically.
“Shut up.” Eddie was trying to focus on balancing on the last branch that reached his window when he started to lose his footing near the end of the branch and had to helicopter his arms.
“Oh shit oh fuck!”
Richie watched Eddie grab the window sill seconds before he would have likely fallen to the branch not even a foot below.
Eddie was kind of dramatic like that.
“Sorry, can’t help yo-” he started to say with his back to the window but was interrupted by Eddie clamoring in through the window quickly and collapsing on the floor with a loud thud.
Richie wasn’t sure how but Eddie had gotten so many cuts and scratches from climbing just now he really did wonder if he had ever climbed one before.
“Fuck, oh my GOD, I almost died.” Eddie wheezed.
“No you didn’t.” he chuckled.
Richie stepped over to Eddie and pulled the smaller, now damaged boy up to him by his backpack; brushing him off slightly.
“Look at me! Look at all these scrapes!” he gestured to his legs and hands.
“That’s what you get for wearing those tiny shorts.” Richie said as he tugged at the hem of the shorts. Eddie took off his backpack and set it next to the bedpost, rolling his eyes.
“Shut up asshat, if you hadn’t been blasting that garbage you might have actually heard the rocks I threw and I wouldn’t be all scraped the fuck up! That tree’s probably filthy, too.” Eddie spat back with a grimace as he shoved past Richie and sat on the edge of his bed, opening his fanny pack to dress his “wounds".
Richie smirked as he sat next to him, thigh to thigh, to watch the little hypochondriac carefully clean and cover his maybe two layer deep scrapes with his tongue poking out from his lips in concentration.
“Why were you in such a hurry anyway?” Richie asked as he ruffled his wet hair before wiping his now damp hand on his own pants.
“My mom came home earlier than I thought so I had to get out so fucking quick.” he said not taking his eyes off of his knees.
“Okay,” Eddie stood up finally, taking his now slightly dirty hoodie and throwing it onto his backpack next to the bed. “You owe me for all this shit anyway so let’s go-”
Eddie was halted by Richie’s finger over his mouth,
“Eds, I know you’re excited to see me, your shorts shrunk about a size,”
Eddie rolled his eyes in complete annoyance with Richie’s finger still on his lips.
“But listen,” Richie placed a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, “If we’re gonna do this whole, rebel with a cause thing, you’re gonna need some new clothes. You still look like you give too much of a shit.” Richie pointed at Eddie who had taken off his hoodie and was standing before him in a salmon polo.
“What do you mean?” he seemed mildly offended.
Richie spun Eddie around so they could see the contrast between them in the mirrors.
From head to toe Richie looked like any parent’s walking nightmare. Classic chucks, tie dye socks that disappeared under his cuffed black jeans with complimentary tears in the knees of course. Eddie hadn’t noticed before but his white t shirt had a pocket that said “false” in light blue letters that matched the blue in his socks. To finish the delinquent look he usually had his trusty fleece lined light blue jean jacket that was carefully adorned with pins and patches Richie had collected or received over the years.
Eddie made sure to keep note of this since Christmas was coming up anyway.
“Yea, I do look kinda like a preppy clean boy compared to you.” he shrugged with a smirk after a short while. His mom had bought him almost everything he wore. She pressured him to wear dull colors and refused to buy him anything darker than maroon unless it was for a funeral. He looked like a doormat, he had to admit.
“and we want a RAD DIRTY boy!” Richie pointed a finger gun at mirror Eddie, winking. “We’re going thrifting, Eds.”
“O-okay. Yea.” he was hesitant but nodded nervously.
“We need a before and after though.” Richie pulled out the .35mm camera he stole from Mike a couple weeks back. He was so thankful he hasn’t asked for it back yet. Especially now that he finally has something worth wasting film for. Sunsets just weren’t cutting it by themselves.
He slung his arm around Eddie and held the camera sight up to his eye. Eddie quickly fixed his hair with his comb while he tried to hide the pure joy on his face being this close to the trashmouth. The camera, however, would probably damn him for sure.
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taegdcl1018 · 7 years
3 Billion Dollars [Part 21] - G Dragon Mafia!AU
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Summary: When your father owes 3 billion dollars to the mafia, he must repay his debt. Although things don’t exactly go the way he hoped.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Swearing probably
{part 1} {part 2} {part 3} {part 4} {part 5} {part 6} {part 7} {part 8} {part 9} {part 10} {part 11} {part 12} {part 13} {part 14} {part 15} {part 16} {part 17} {part 18} {part 19} {part 20} {part 21} {part 22} {part 23}
A/N: So the ending is a little rushed, but it’s an okay chapter. LITERALLY ALL FLUFF. SO FLUFFY TODAY. I hate to say this, but the end is near. And I mean like the next chapter is the start of the end. Upside, chapter 23 is smut soooo. Sorry this took a while to update, I just started school and it’s already making me cry. I love feedback on everything, my inbox is open!!
~ Admin Brooklyn
“I kinda hate to break it to you Ji Yong,” you say, a weak joking smile forcing it’s way on your face. “I kinda have to marry you even if I say no.”
“I know,” he says. You watch as his cheeks turn different shades of red, each darker than the last. Your awkward smile falls, and quickly a small sincere smile softly spreads on your face. He looks down at the ground. “I mean it a bit differently.”
You smile down at him. After taking a second, silently fighting the anxiety, he looks back up at you. His eyes meet your sincere and patient ones. Instantly, he feels his body relax. Although his mind is still spinning, you manage to dissipate some of his anxious thoughts. You slowly lower yourself onto the ground, adjusting the bottom of your dress before sitting down. Ji Yong slowly falls from his kneeling position, settling into a more comfortable one.
“I know that it might not have been your choice at the start,” he lets out a soft chuckle. “Or now, being that I won’t let you go. But I want to kinda give you that option. I want you to have all the traditional stuff that people like me normally don’t get.” You watch as he lets out a sigh. “I know you probably don’t want to live your life in this, and I don’t know I guess this was my way of changing that. It kinda makes things a little more normal.”
You feel a soft smile spring onto your face and bounce off as soon as it comes on. Ji Yong’s fingers play with the small velvety box. His nimble fingers quickly spidering around the edges of the box, spinning it in his hand. “Ji Yong,” you say, grabbing his attention. He looks up at you. “Thank you. Although I have been taking care of myself and others while you were… gone.” Ji Yong gave you a slight smile, taking note that his absence still irritates you a bit. “The change and differences are still a bit scary, and I appreciate that you’re making things a bit more comfortable for me.”
You watch as his wide gummy smile quickly blooms on his face. He bows his head, giving a quick sign to show his gratitude to you. “Anything for you princess,” he says. “Always.”
He extends his hand, offering it out to you. You give a small glance before placing your hand in his. You smile at him as he guides your hand, moving you towards him. You slightly get up, and awkwardly, you shift your position and sit with him. With your right hand in his, you cuddle up with him. Your back against his chest, with Ji Yong playing aimlessly with your fingers. Slowly, an aimless conversation starts to pick up between you two.
“I’ve been thinking about setting someone up with Seungri,” Ji Yong says. You smile towards Ji Yong’s antics. Ji Yong’s callously padded thumbs pattern light circles and triangles on the back of your hand. The soothing gesture lowing and disintegrating any left over awkward tension.
“I think he’ll be fine,” you say, a light smile and a small chuckle coming out as well. Ji Yong nods his head. The running and splashing of water filled in the cracks of the conversation. “He probably will be,” Ji Yong agrees. “Only if he doesn’t stop messing around with so many girls at once.”
You scoff at him. “If I remember high school correctly, you had swarms of girls around you.”
Ji Yong chuckles at the memory. “What can I say,” he says, a cocky smirk on his face. “Ladies love a bad boy.”
You turn your head to face him. Your eyebrows were raised, your mouth opened in shock. He gives you a teasing smile. You lightly smack his chest and give him a smile. “You ass.”
“You love it,” he says. “Don’t lie.” You roll your eyes at him and turn back to the waterfall. You rest yourself back into his chest, Ji Yong still holding your right hand. “Seriously though,” Ji Yong says. “What if we arrange a marriage for him?”
“That might not be a good idea,” you counter. Ji Yong’s fingers swirl around yours, mindlessly playing. “She might be the right girl, but not every girl falls for a bad guy. AND not every girl can or will tolerate with the mafia.”
“You’re not wrong there,” he agrees. Ji Yong lets your hand go for a moment. You feel his fingers come up to the side of your face. They slide against your soft skin, lightly pushing back hair behind your ear. “You like it right?” You hear him ask.
Nodding your head, you reply, “yeah.”
“You don’t just tolerate it right?” He asks again. You turn back to face him. He showcases his curiosity and slight insecurity in his face. “You don’t hate or dislike this lifestyle? You don’t have to love it, hell I don’t most of the time, but the last thing I want is for you to continue living your life in a place you tolerate.”
“Ji Yong,” you coo. “It’s okay. I don’t really hate this place. Yes, it’s not exactly… ideal for living a long life, but it’s okay. I have you, the boys, and it’s kinda growing on me.” Ji Yong perks up, excited at this. “I don’t love it, but I don’t exactly hate it and I don’t really tolerate it?” You explain beginning to get confused at your own words. “Do you get it?”
“I think so,” he said. He smiled at you. “You don’t exactly mind it, right?”
You nodded, confirming his much simpler version of it. It feels weird looking back at everything that’s happened. Finding out about Ji Yong and all that. The whole situation seems ridiculous in itself, but at this point, there’s no leaving this. Plus, you don’t wanna leave Ji Yong. He’s kinda been your first for everything. Well, almost everything.
“Flynn’s been quiet.” Ji Yong’s long fingers stop playing with your hand. “It’s been awhile since the last time we saw him.”
“To be fair we killed about a hundred of his men.” Your eyes widen slightly at his casual tone. He felt you stiffen in his lap, giving a small apology and rubbing small circles on your back for comfort. “It’ll take time for him to come back from that.” Ji Yong acknowledged. “Although it is time to worry about him and after the stunt he pulled with you, I’m more than willing to end this.”
You furrow your eyebrows, unsure of what he means. “How?” You ask, turning around to face him. “How do you stop it?”
He let out a bit of a sigh. “You're not gonna like the answer,” he admits. You raise your eyebrows at him. His lips press together tightly, before letting out a long breath. “To fully end this,” you eye him innocently. “I have to kill him.”
Your eyes go wide for a second. His bluntness towards murder still irks you. You look away from him, clearly conflicted on the situation. The moral and rationalizing side of you says killing Flynn is wrong. Although, you know for a fact that if given the chance, Flynn would kill Ji Yong in a heartbeat. Plus, he’s not the same person he used to be, and neither are you. You take a deep breath and go back to leaning against Ji Yong. You close your eyes, letting your head tip back onto his shoulder.
“Stay safe,” you whisper. You feel his lips press lightly to the side of your face, just missing your ear. He pulls away, letting his lips stay near you for a second. “Your wish is my command.”
You feel a small smile tug on your face. You stay like that for a little. You let the comfort of being around Ji Yong wash away your worries and nerves. The sound of rushing and spilling water fills the silence. You just relax there with him, letting the water carry all your nerves away.
You hear Ji Yong let out a light chuckle. You turn around to face him, a confused look on your face. He smiles at you. His laid back happy smile causing one to spread on your face. You adjust on his lap, turning around completely so that your straddle his thighs. Watches in slight amusement as you awkwardly move your legs. You look up at him, your face close to his.
“What’s so funny?” you ask him. He continues to smile at you, staring at you lovingly. He kisses the tip of your nose. “You know,” he says. “You never answered my proposal.”
Your eyes go wide, realizing he was right. He chuckles once again and kisses your cheek. “It’s okay,” he said. “I’ll just ask you again and again till you say yes.”
You let a small smile jump onto your lips. He smirks, leaning back and letting his hands support his weight. “Well then,” a sly smirk sliding onto his face. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me?”
You smiled at him and shrugged. “Sure, I’ll marry you.”
His smile dropped into a frown. He gave you an irritated groan, sitting up right. “Noooooo,” he whined. “You have to actually say yes.”
You scoff and roll your eyes, a smile sliding onto your face. “Okay,” you comply. “Yes Kwon Ji Yong, I’d love to marry you.” You say, sealing the deal with a kiss on his nose.
He grabs your cheek before you can lean away, gently leading you back to him. His lips press against yours, kissing you passionately. Your eyes widen but then slowly close, responding to the kiss. You pull away after a few seconds, needing to catch your breath. He stares at you, pushing your hair back behind your ear. You feel your cheeks heat up, looking away from him. You awkwardly rest your head on his chest, bending at an awkward angle.
“It’s probably time we get back home,” Ji Yong says, a hand running through your hair. You pull away from his chest and nod your head. You get up from his lap, brushing off any dirt from your dress as Ji Yong stands. He takes your hand and together you walk away from the waterfall.
tag list
@breathe-think-dream-official @abbiedail @doubleb-nyongtorytrash @tie-dyevibes @francey-pants @pegacorn24 @panickedbisexual @sulennys @black-pink-reactions @beautifulparisiangirl @thedabdabchronicles  @darth-woozi @tiffanyknowsnothing
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taegdcl1018 · 7 years
3 Billion Dollars - G Dragon Mafia!AU
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Summary: When your father owes 3 billion dollars to the mafia, he must repay his debt. Although things don’t exactly go the way he hoped. 
Genre: Fluffy with a hint of angst in this one
{part 1} {part 2} {part 3} {part 4} {part 5} {part 6} {part 7} {part 8} {part 9} {part 10} {part 11} {part 12} {part 13} {part 14} {part 15} {part 16} {part 17} {part 18} {part 19} {part 20} {part 21} {part 22} {part 23}
A/N: This is the first story I’m posting on Tumblr! I hope you like it! I will always take requests if you wanna send me any. Anyways please enjoy! 
PS: This is just part 1 and it maybe kinda slow.
not my gif
~ Admin Brooklyn
“What are we going to do?” Your mother whisper quietly to her husband. Her disappointment in your father was clear, as her face framed her emotions, all of them ranging from anger and frustration to anxiety and worry.
“I don’t know, but I’m so sorry.” Your dad said, remorse filling his voice. “I’m sorry. I’ve should’ve found a better way. I could’ve-”
“Are they coming?” Your mother cut him off, igniting a new problem in their minds.
“I don’t know. They didn’t say they would.” Your father said. As if on cue, the doorbell chimed through the house. Little three-year-old you smiled and ran towards the door.
“Mommy, Mommy someone’s here!” You giggled joyfully. As you stood in front of the door waiting for someone to open it. Your mother picked you up and carried you away from the front door.
“Sweetheart, (Y/N), go play in your room please.” You looked at your mother with wide eyes and nodded your head. She carefully set you down and you headed towards your room. Your mother watched as you climbed the steps and went to your room. The sound of the doorbell broke her trance. She looked at the door with panic and fear as she turned the knob. She plastered a smile on her face as the door swung open.
Her smile dropped as her visitor sprouted a malicious one. Before her stood Mr. Kwon, a high class mafia boss, one of the richest men in the world, and the man your father owes more than 3 billion dollars too.
“Hello. You must be (Y/M/N). I’m sure your know who I am.” He said. His voice was smooth and sharp, like a knife. He was older than what his appearance said, although a few grey hairs had threatened show. He had cunning cat-like eyes and thin lips. He was surrounded by men, all covered in dark clothing, except a little boy whom wore red and clinged to Mr. Kwon’s legs. He had big round cheeks and short jet black hair with dark brown eyes. He couldn’t be older than five. Your father walked up to your mother and gave Mr. Kwon a loose awkward smile.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” He said his voice wavering. “Please come in.”
Mr. Kwon gave him a curt nod, a devilish smile plastered on his face. Mr. Kwon held the little boy’s free hand, the boy’s other hand was occupied by a bright red gift bag. Mr. Kwon lead the little boy inside, then followed by all the men around him.
“Thank you for inviting us. Who knows what would happen if you didn’t.” Mr. Kwon said. He took off his shoes then turned towards the little boy to help. His shoes already off and neatly set together on the mat holding other shoes. You mom and dad led the way towards your kitchen. Mr. Kwon sat down and pulled the boy closer to him.”This is my son Ji Yong. He seemed lonely, and I’ve heard that you have a daughter.”
At his words your mom and dad shot up, terrified about Mr. Kwon’s plans. Young Ji Yong clutched the gift bag to his chest. Mr. Kwon smiled at their fear, his eyes scanning over your parents. “Why don’t you call her over?”
His request sent chills up your mother’s spine. She frowned and opened her mouth to say something, but your father stopped her. She glared at him, until he nudged her, hinting at how the men around them were reaching for their guns. Ji Yong started at your mother watching her first instinct to defy his father.
“(Y/N), come down here please.” Your father called stiffly. Ji Yong watched your parents carefully, his gaze then switching to the men that came with them. The men listened to his father out of respect, while your parents listened out of fear. Ji Yong sometimes envied the control that his father had. Ji Yong looked up at his father, who looked down and smiled fondly at him. Little footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs at an uneven, yet steady pace. You walked towards the kitchen, a smile on your face. As you stepped into the kitchen, your smile fell. You looked at mom and a small smile formed on your face as you ran to her. You eyed the men in the room, your innocent eyes staring out of curiosity, as you hid behind your mother’s legs.
“Hi there. You must be (Y/N).” Mr. Kwon said. Your parents grabbed your shoulders and pulled you closer to them. You made eye contact with Mr. Kwon, who looked at you expectantly. You nodded your head then looked at the floor. Mr. Kwon chuckled at your cuteness and guided Ji Yong so he stands in front of him. Ji Yong was staring at you, watching you in curiosity. You didn’t seem afraid, just shy.
“This is my son Ji Yong. He came to play with you (Y/N).” Mr. Kwon said. Your head shot up, eyes wide. You’ve never had someone to play with before. Ji Yong smiled at you and you stepped away from your mother. Her grip on your shoulders tightened as she pulled you back to her. The men in black were quick to react as their hands went to their belts, grabbing their weapons.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen, calm down. We’re trying to make friends. Isn’t that right (Y/L/N)?” Mr. Kwon’s taunting smile threatened your mother and father. You watched the men as their hands backed away slowly from their guns. Your father pried your mother’s hands off your shoulders. Ji Yong stepped towards you as you walked away from your mother and towards him.
“Hi there.” Ji Yong said softly. His voice was quiet, but reached your ears softly. You gave him a shy wave and looked at him with wide curious eyes. He smile softly and stepped closer to you.
“(Y/N), can you take Ji Yong to play up in your room? I need to talk to your parents.” Mr. Kwon’s voice asked. His voice very calm and relaxed, while your parents quivred in fear. You nodded your head and walked towards Ji Yong, grabbing his hand in your tiny one.
“Come on.” You said quietly, still feeling slightly shy. You were happy to play with somebody, but that doesn’t mean you knew them. Your parent’s had always said to never trust a stranger, and you still didn’t know anything about Ji Yong, except for his name. You lead him away from the kitchen and towards the stairs leading to the upper level of the house. Ji Yong’s hand was able to wrap around yours easily, almost engulfing your tiny one. The red gift bag made crinkling noises as he walked up stairs with you guiding him up and out.
Your parents watched Mr. Kwon, his venomous smile ready to unleash his hidden plan that would soon haunt them. Everyone could hear the footsteps as they reached the top of the steps, as well as the rustling the gift bag made as Ji Yong climbed the steps. It wasn’t until the squeaking of your door, followed by the sound of it shutting, did Mr. Kwon finally say something.
“You’re in quite the pickle aren’t you (Y/L/N)?” Mr. Kwon said, getting up from his seat and stalking his way towards the refrigerator. He opened it carelessly and grabbed a drink. “Three billion dollars. That’s a lot of money. Not to mention the men, and the time I lost without that money. You sir, owe me a lot in order to compensate what I lost.”
“It’s okay though, I’ve decided there are a few things we could do to fix your little problem.” Mr. Kwon had them and he knew it. The way your father’s eyes lit up, but at the same time your mother’s skeptical eyes glared, preparing for what he had planned for her family.
“Your daughter is wonderful, by the way. She seems very shy, yet I think she’ll be very independent.” Your mother narrowed her eyes at him. Mr. Kwon just smirked, happy that he was able to get some reaction out of her. He loved seeing how people tried to defy him, like they would have a chance to prove him wrong, especially when he had the power to be right.
“Stay away from my daughter. She has nothing to do with this.” Your mother said. The men around them reached for their guns, but made no effort to aim them.
“Sweetheart you are in no position to be making orders. Your husband here, has wasted a lot of my money, my time, and my men. You must know how valuable money is. Things always seem to be more expensive when you have kids, don’t they.” Mr. Kwon paused, taking a sip of his drink. His pause went on a little longer, not only for dramatic effect,  but he wanted to watch as fear sunk into your mother’s eyes. “I just want to make sure I have what I need to solidify my child’s future.”
“What do you mean?” Your father asked cautiously. Mr. Kwon malicious smile appeared once again. He stayed quiet until he heard what he had been waiting for. The house seemed to echo your screams soon followed by a quieter, more joyful fit of giggles. Your parents faces fell containing their horror and shock.
You smiled and clung to Ji Yong as he giggled and smiled. You had been playing together for quite sometime, enjoy each other’s company, well at least you were. After you had gotten to your room he had given you his gift. The shiny red bag with the red and white tissue paper preventing you from seeing to the gift. Ji Yong watched as you unwrapped the gift slowly but surely making your way to the object his father picked out for you. Ji Yong knew what was going on down stairs. He already knew the ultimatum his father would be giving your parents in a minute. He knew what his father had planned for his future, and Ji Yong trusted his father enough to let him take control. So he sat back and watched your eyes light up with joy as you pulled out a fuzzy deep blue blanket that held another item. Along with the blanket was a stuffed dog, a blue ribbon acting as a small collar. You pulled the blanket around you and held onto the dog, creating a small tent just for yourself.
“Do you like it?” Ji Yong asked. You smile and nodded happily.
“Thank you.” You said sweetly. Ji Yong gave you his wide smile and scooted closer to you. “Wanna help me make a fort?”
After a few minutes of setting up, Ji Yong pushing chairs and pillows, and you sitting with blankets directing him where things should go, the fort was done and filled with all your stuffed animals. Ji Yong crawled his way into the fort, making you giggle as he commando crawled. You scooted over to make room for him, only to run into Miss Cupcake, your stuffed unicorn, causing you to sit on her hind legs due to the lack of space. He smiled at you and grabbed a storybook, showing off his skill of reading to you. Although the few words he skipped caused rifts in the story, you enjoyed the effort he made and soon you two started playing games.
Half way through the game of hide and seek in your room (which didn’t last two round thanks to Miss Cupcake being a tattle tale). Ji Yong had found you in your closet and scared you by tickling your sides causing you to scream. You fell over on top of him in a fit of giggles and kept rolling until his torture ended. By then he was smiling and you were a fit of giggles. Ji Yong would just smile at you and you couldn’t stop laughing.
“You are not going to take my daughter away from me and give her away like some prize.” Your mother growled at Mr. Kwon. He raised his eyebrow in amusement as the men around them pulled out their guns and aimed them at your mother. Your father pulled her closer to him and held her tightly against his chest. Calming down, her growling of ungodly words had settled to a glare as Mr. Kwon casually sipped his drink. Your giggles still echoing in the house.
“You see, I planned to let her live with you. Let you raise her, teach her what she’ll need to know, until Ji Yong can take my spot. Then she’ll become apart of the mafia world, alongside my son. Or we can continue this, let you struggle and fight to save your only daughter. Which will end up with both of you dead on the floor, and (Y/N) an orphan. I guess we’ll just have to take her in early then. So your choice (Y/L/N), now or later.” Mr. Kwon stood patiently waiting for their answer. Your mother calmed down, but her glare was steady. The men lowered their weapons as your mother nodded her head and Mr. Kwon smiled at his victory.
“Good choice.” Mr. Kwon was cut off by hurried foot steps and the sound of giggling. You ran into the kitchen, the fuzzy blue blanket still wrapped around you. You hid behind your mother’s legs, your giggling dying down. Ji Yong ran to catch up with you and caught you in the kitchen. Your giggles grew back to life again and you ran away from your mother and towards Mr. Kwon. You hid behind his legs, until he picked you up.
“Do you like your gift (Y/N)?” He asked sweetly. You nodded your head shyly and buried yourself in the blanket more.
“She’s still shy around you dad.” Ji Yong said. Mr. Kwon looked down at Ji Yong and smiled. He set you down carefully then smiled at your parents. They watched in horror as you giggle playfully with Ji Yong, him tickling you as you fell onto the floor again.
“This has been wonderful, but we must get going Ji Yong, you have to get to bed soon.” Mr. Kwon said, a knowing smile on his face. A whine sounded from both you and Ji Yong as you two stopped playing. Ji Yong helped you up and then sent a smile your way. You couldn’t help but giggle as you covered his head with the blanket once more. He smiled at you then pulled away and looked up at his father. Mr. Kwon guided Ji Yong towards his shoes and got ready to leave, with you trailing behind them silently. You gave Ji Yong one last smile, which was quickly returned by a wide one of his own.
“Goodbye little (Y/N), hopefully we’ll see you soon.” Mr. Kwon said sweetly at you. You smiled back at him and gave him a small wave.
“I hope you understand our deal (Y/L/N). We don’t want anything to get ruined.” Mr. Kwon said, his malicious smile returning once more. Your father gave him a curt nod, satisfying Mr. Kwon.
“Bye Bye Yongie.” You said to Ji Yong smiling. Mr. Kwon smiled down at his shoes, while your parents stood motionless. Ji Yong turned and smiled at you and waved. His shoes on and ready to go.
“Bye (Y/N). I’ll see you later.” Ji Yong replied. Mr. Kwon held Ji Yong’s hand and walked out the door, leaving you to wonder when they’ll come back.
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