welcome to my exam revision
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“tu sombrero parece estupido” “gracias pequeñita”/“your hat looks stupid” “thanks little my” CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG LMAO
not when i had no idea how to draw moomin characters- jK I STILL DONT KNOW
fun fact this is back when i had only watched like 10 episodes of the 90s show and i shipped them PLATONICALLY i know fucking insane trdtfyTYRYUFYRTESDRYF
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idk if any of this is even understandable tfyugfUYRtfyDTRYttr but i had to learn the science of bread so i made this shitpost of joxter trying to steal a lo a f from moominpapa and moominmama by hiding it under his hat and sneaking away THAT IS ALL NEXT
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i got angry at my paints when i made this thats why it says FUCK PAINTING at the top lmao
and now, a compilation of small gremlin snufkin:
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very important close up of the siblings
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yes delicious ripped pages delicious coloured papers
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yes they climb my food tech revision yummy vitamin knowledge
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the crayola crayon supremacy continues with little mys delicious cabagge meal
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here is much gay because yes i am that kind of trash 🙏 and THE SCENE FROM COMET IN MOOMINLAND holy shit snufkins character is so HAPPY in that book im CRYING (obviously not when the sea disappears tho- *distant screaming and sobbing*)
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more food tech revision so here is the SOUP lore from the groke episode in moominvalley silly sniff stealing all the soup smh
for context heres how chaotic all these pages look
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have fun trying to decifer this insanity lmao
I STILL HAVE TO REVISE FOR MY GCSES IN A FEW MONTHS SO THERE WILL DEFINIETLY BE MORE MOOMIN REVISON NOTES FYTGYUTRYTYTFY (translation for everyone who is not in the UK but knows at least vaguely how america schools work: we do most of our finals 2 years early and call them GCSES (and then spend the next 2 years only studying 3 subjects and doing finals for just those))
89 notes · View notes
wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
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Word Count: 2673
Pairing: None 
Characters: Dean, Sam, Hezekiah (OG Character-I picture him like the dude who played Laurent in Twilight and New Moon), Reader, Rowena (Known in this chapter as ‘certain witch’), Michael (Mentioned), Maggie (Mentioned), HooDoo Zombies (not sure if that’s a thing but in this world it is), HooDoo Priestess (Mentioned)
About: Dean worries that he hasn’t heard from the Reader in a week. The Reader has stumbled upon a case that has a whole town trapped not knowing what day it is. The Reader breaks free and finds herself back in Texas and face to face with Hezekiah.
Disclaimer: Language and Angst
A/N: If you are on my tag list and wish to be moved off or to different tag list let me know.
A/N 2: Tag or share to all your favorite SPN Accounts
Forever Tag List: @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @magssteenkamp​ @elansaidaris​ @440mxs-wife​ @hobby27​ 
Dean/Jensen Tag List: @akshi8278​ @sandlee44​ @squirrelnotsam​ 
Centuries Master List HERE 
Want to read some of my favorite fanfics click HERE
"It's been a fucking week, man," I pace the kitchen holding the cup of coffee Sam gave to me. "I haven't heard from her since I called her that night." I set the cup down and rub my face.
That phone still plays in my mind. I get why YN left, I really do, but I had just gotten her back myself. I wanted more time with YN before she pulled something like this. I knew her would too. When I pleaded with YN to come back she told me she had to do this alone. She didn't want me near Michael at all. Hell, I didn't want him to come back but things kind of changed but I wanted to do this with you. Then YN said "What if I wanted Michael back because a part of me loved him? I don't want you near if that's the case. I'll call you when I can, Dean."
I hate that YN had some weird ass connection with the archangel that took his body for a joy ride. That used it to stab her. To hurt her. That used it to manipulate her to do his bidding. That used some dream to get into her pants. I shiver remembering when I found out that she and Michael had dream sex. Something that Cas told us that even though in a dream, it was real. That used it to get her killed. I just can't get on bored with YN being in love with him. I just didn't believe her and I knew she would say what ever she needed to keep me out of whatever it is she are doing.
"I'm sure she will call when she calls," Sams doesn't look up from his laptop. "Last I check her phones tracker was lost somewhere outside of New Orleans."
I look up from my coffee. "Why are you tracking her?" Then it hits me, Sam knows. YN told him she killed Maggie. "Dude, if you even think about going after her, I won't hesitate to kick your ass."
Sams looks up and I see the pain and anger in his eyes. I feel for my baby brother, I really do, but I can't let him go after YN. Sam doesn't know how freaked out she had been learning she did kill her best friend. Sam doesn't know how she hid from him in her room. "I'm not going to lie, Dean," Sam closes his laptop. "It crossed my mind a few times this last week but I just know I can't. For all we know Hezekiah, the angel that has her mind on lockdown, could have pulled the strings on this and manipulated her like Michael had."
"Then why are you tracking her still?" I ask firmly. "If you aren't planning on going after her."
Sam leans back and takes a deep breath. "I guess to make sure she's okay, since she hasn't called at all."
I sit back and let out he breath I held in. I know Sam is hurting. I've been in his place where the girl I love has died. Maybe we can find a way to bring Maggie back. I can call Rowena, but she always has some sort of condition. "You said she was somewhere outside of New Orelans?"
"Yep," Sam nods. "Then her tracker literally just fell off the face of the earth. I should also mention I did try to call her but her phone is also out of service when the account says it's still in service."
My heart just barely stops. I know she's in trouble. I get up and make my way to my room to pack. "We should go look for her," I yell towards Sam.
"I know, and she will kill you knowing you didn't listen to her," Sam yells back. It sounds like he's in his room as well packing. Even though YN killed Sam's potential love, he still cared for her. He is still looking on the bright side of all of this.
As I'm throwing things into a bag my phone rings. I look down to see an unknown number. Not many people have this number but it could be someone needing help. I reach down and something tells me that I need to answer this.
"Hello?" my voice is cautious.
"Dean?! Oh thank God!" YNs voice sounds freaked out and out of breath. "How long has it been?"
"Wait, what? Why?" I ask confused.
"I don't have time," she yelled into the phone. I stop what I'm doing and turn around to see Sam in the doorway. I mouth to him that its YN on the line. His face is covered in worry. "Tell me how long it's fucking been since we last talked!"
"A week," I'm suddenly aware of the pounding in the distance over the phone. "Is everything okay? Are you okay? Whats going on?"
I hear some shuffling and banging around. "I accidentally stumbled on a case that involves some dark and heavy hoodoo. What's been a week for you has been only a day for me. I tried to call but my phone wouldn't work. I couldn't even leave either. I killed the witch or hoodoo priestess or whatever the hell you want to call her but when I did, the town folk turned to zombies. Now I'm trapped in a room with the only working phone in town."
I zip up my bag and signal Sam that we were leaving. "Honey, where are you? Sam tracked your phones last ping outside of New Orleans. We are on our way. Just hang tight."
YN gives a small chuckle. "Of course, one of you tracked me. And yes, theres a small town outside of New Orleans but it's not on a map. But I got this Dean, you stay where you are. Theres a window I can jump out of and high tail it to my car. All the magical bearers are gone now that the hoodoo chick is dead."
The sound of banging and wood breaking kills the call. "YN?" I try to call the number back but it's dead. I look at Sam and he sees the fear written all over my face
"I'm assuming we're still going?"
"You bet your ass we are," I turn the key in the ignition and we are on the road in seconds.
The line is dead.
A few hoodoo zombies stumble into the room. I throw the phone aside and eye the window thats a few feet from me. This is going to hurt like hell, I think as I take a couple steps backward to get a good running start.
"This window better already have a weak spot," I mumble as I run towards it.
Taking a leap towards the window, I break through landing on a dirt and broken glass. A few shards of glass pierce my skin but I don't care. I get up and make a bee line for my car. Only to be stopped by a few hoodoo zombies. I then notice that the one trying to eat my face off has a familiar necklace on to the one of the hoodoo priestess. I yank it off and kick the thing off of me and break the crystal-glass thing to the ground. A faint glow comes from it and breaks into several tiny specks of light and going after the hoodoo zombies. Once the light touches them they all drop like flies.
"Huh," I then grab my side. I look down and see a shard of glass sticking out of my side. I know I shouldn't pull it out but I needed to. I limp over to my car and throw open the trunk where I know there is a first aid kit. I bite my lip and slowly pull out the glass. A small whimper escaping my lips.
I toss the glass to the ground and quickly cover up the already bleeding wound. I take my flannel and cut off a long piece and tightly tie it around myself. Maybe I can talk Hezekiah into healing it. I painfully get into my car and pull my phone out of the glove compartment. The battery is suddenly charged and there's service.
I dial up Deans number and press send.
"YN?!" Deans voice sounds so excited. "Oh thank God. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I get the car on the road and speed out of town. Not evening caring to look back. "I have a bumps and cuts. The Hoodoo zombies are all dead. Apparently there was a necklace that held some sort of light thing that killed them when I broke it. Similar to how I killed the hoodoo chick."
Dean sighs on the other end. "That's good. Sam and I can finally have a good night in."
"Dean," I know hes on the road. He can't hid that from me. "how far are you out of Lebanon?" Dean's silent. "Dean, don't forget I know you really well. Anyone in danger that you care about, you drop everything and race towards them."
"About an hour," Deans voice is firm and deep. "I just couldn't live with myself if I just sat back and let you die. Again."
I close my eyes. Maybe taking off was a bad idea. Maybe I should have done this with Dean. "Whatever happened in that field was not your fault. You had zero control over it. Michael hijacked your body."
I can picture Dean licking his lips and staring out the front of the impala. "Right, anyway, where are you headed?"
Right, of course he doesn't want to speak about it. According to Cas, it's too much for him. Michael is a sore spot for him. But what they all don't know, Michael is also a sore spot for me too. Despite everything I've done. The only reason I would want him back is to beat the living shit out of him.
I think back to the last words I said before this whole thing happened. I told him 'what if I wanted Michael back because a part of me loved him?' I shouldn't have said that. I even wonder why I even did say that. Yes I have or had some feelings towards the archangel. Hell, he was incredible at making love to me, almost as good as Dean. I push it aside.
"I have a feeling about Texas," I tell him. "I feel like I've driven this road before. Just keep an eye on me if you don't hear from me."
"Sounds perfect, we will make our way there then," Dean is quiet for a second. "YN, I love you. Whatever happens and whatever you find out once your memories are back, just know that. I will always be here for you. Hell, I will die for you if I have to."
I drive all night and end up in Corpus Christi early morning. I don't know why I am here, but I know I am in the right place. I send a quick text to Dean telling him where I ended up and to tell me to call me when he's at a motel. I stare at the beach in front of me and feel a pull on the mark on my side. Which reminds me that I never asked Cas to look deeper into that mark. Too late for that.
I get out and walk the beach. The pull on my mark is strong. I look up and down the beach and my eyes land on a light blue beach house. I've been there before. I walk back to my car and drive towards the blue beach house. It's not the same place I walked out of before I killed Maggie. Maybe we changed location. I don't know, But I will find out.
I get out of the car and pull out my gun. I make sure it's loaded, you know just in case I need to stun the angel. I slowly and cautiously walk up to the door. I go to knock but then I slowly put my hand on the door knob. I slowly open the door and slip inside. Dean would be pissed for doing this part alone but, I need to know if the dick face angel is in here.
The house is spotless. Almost like no one has lived in it for sometime. It's also quiet. I poke around rooms and find nothing. Then I come upon a locked room. I look around the small hallway for a key until something hit me. I sweep my hand over the top of the door frame and feel a small objet. I take it down and see that it's a small key like thing. I use it to unlock the door.
I see a room that looks like I could have slept here. The bed is all messed up. Theres clothes thrown all over the place. I guess I didn't care about what my room looked like then. I pick up the clothes and stash them all in the hamper near the closet. Something tells me that I needed to open the closet.
I am not prepared for what I see in there. There are papers taped and pinned to the walls. A list of things that make me tear up. Maggies name is on that list along with the words HAIR FROM DEAN. It's crossed out so I must have gotten it from him without him knowing. There are pages from a book about how to create a vessel without really having a body.
"What the hell did I get myself into?" I ask myself.
"I was wondering when you would come back," a voice startles me. I turn around and see a dark skinned man with dreads in the door way. "I see that wall has been activated too. So how did you find your way back if you're memory is gone."
I watch as he walked a few steps into the room. He spots the gun in my hand. "I'm assuming that you're Hezekiah," I say staying where I stood. "According to Cas, there are some holes and cracks in the wall. Could explain why I was able to find this place. He was also able to pull out one memory from me. Maggie."
"Ah, yes, the girl from Michael's world," Hezekiah smirked. "As I recall you didn't have much regret for it. You really really wanted to see Michael. Well," Hezekiahs smirk got bigger. "That's what I made you think when I brought back and refused to do what I needed." Hezekiah must have seen the look on my face. "Yep that's right, when I brought you back, with a little help from a certain witch, you flat out refused to help me get Michael back. Told me and I quote 'go die in a ditch you self righteous spineless dickless asshole.' So I toyed with your mind some and now we are closer than ever."
Fuck, I think. "So not only did you throw up a wall to cover your ass, which you did a piss poor job by the way, you messed with my mind to get you to bring back Michael. For what? Control? Power?"
"To rule Heaven, along side him," Hezekiah raises his voice. "Once he's back and finishes what he started, I can kill him and rule Heaven. With you by my side of course." He takes a few more steps towards me. What was it with angels want to rule heaven with me by their side.
"Okay, I'll continue to help, but first," I holster my gun. I know that if I don't go along with this I will die. I need to play along. "Give me my memories back."
Hezekiah looks me up and down trying to get a read on me. "You're still very hard to read." He closes the space between us. He smiles wickedly as he touches my forehead. Dean is going to be so fucking pissed.
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We Got Video Now
"Okay, so me, the rune witch, and our very tired kelpie, we w-"
"I'm tired cause I own the only braincell of this trio"
"It's cause your the mom friend"
"You're right and I despise that"
"Anyways, we were on a supply run when , One: I remembered we never explain anything about who and where we are, and Two: we found an old camcorder!"
"Anyways, hey hold this, we going to try to get video here"
"Wha- fine"
[There's rustling as someone seems to be handing off a mic]
"Guys!, I think I got it working"
{Video cuts in, it seems to be pointing down as the only things visable is a pair of shoes, it's very blurry}
"The quaility is shit though, eh it's good enough"
{The camera straightens out and the focus is played with for a second, There's two women visible. One has a pair of sunglasses perched on her head, along with two very noticeable eye bags. Her lower half of her face is covered with some cloth, there’s a hood bunched up around her neck. Her red hair looks windswept while still holding a very strong aura of bed head. There’s a bow and arrow on her back along with a quiver, there’s also a longsword on her hip. She’s wearing jeans with a tailcoat buttoned over a dark green shirt, with knee high boots. The second one is wearing a tank top and shorts, there’s a cloak tied around her waist, it reaches her ankles. There’s several runes and sigils visible on her skin, the quality’s too poor to be able to make them out. She has a pair of steampunk goggles on her head and a half-face gas mask. She has a backpack by her feet as she's playing with a butterfly knife}
“Here’s the mic”
{The one with red hair tosses a audio recorder at whoever’s holding the camera}
“Thanks anyway, right now we’re heading to our local string of power lines, 3 miles out. We don’t know how they get power, we don’t know why we can get wifi there, we don’t question it”
“We stopped asking questions a long time ago”
“The rune witch has the dead batteries we need to charge in the bag along with the laptop, so we can edit and post this thing”
{A hand comes from behind the camera and points at the bag at the feet of the one with runes}
“Laptop? I thought you had it”
“Come on!, give me a minute. How far are we again?”
“Bout one and a half miles”
[groan] “Fine”
{they hand off the camera to the red hair one, as the view flips around, there’s a clear view of whoever was recording. They’re wearing too many clothes to be able to place a gender, lots of layers, but two wings as tall as them are sticking out their back. They have sunglasses and a pair of aviator goggles on their head under a hood, along their own gas mask. They take off their sunglasses and pull on their goggles. Putting down their own bag and an instrument case, they take a few steps back and fly off}
“You have it don’t you”
{She only response with a smile}
“Of course you do. Any who while we wait for them to get back, I’ll explain something, like where we are, This is a seam for forgotten things”
{She pans the camera around, there’s piles of different things along with half destroyed buildings. Where the two are standing though there seems to be an absence of things, like a path has been cleared. other than that everything seems to be a stark white}
“A seam is basically a natural generated pocket dimension, while most people make their own pocket dimensions to store things, this one was generated by the multiverse. There’s a bunch of these, some of them are for lost souls, those seams are better known as purgatory, others house broken things, some discarded things, lost things, or forgotten things like this one. We don’t entirely understand how things appear in here, but even if everyone dies it still counts as forgotten for some reason, that’s why we have so many broken buildings here”
{She pans to the broken walls around the two of them, as she hits one of them with the side of her fist}
“But our basic understanding is, you know when you forget about something and it seems to disappear, like you lose some coins in an old jacket pocket and then next year the pocket’s empty, well those coins end up here. Anything forgotten and basically disappear, appears here. This does include storms and fires.”
“One time I got caught in a hurricane, I hated it”
“Yeah, natural disaster just popping up next to us, is not fun. Part of the reason we wear lots of facial covering when we go out the Library, is the dust storms and the stupid amount of poison gas that somehow gets in here”
{She turns the camera to her face and pulls down the cloth covering her face down a little to reveal a small device over her mouth and nose, there’s a couple runes on it. Also the sunglasses also seem to have runes of there own. She turns the camera back around}
“People can also create portals into seams, which is how we got here. We were teenagers, and we found an old cabin in the wood with a bunch of old notes on magic. We took a journal labeled dimensional travel, I guess we thought it would be fun. It took us about three days to gather the things for the spell circle, It really shouldn’t of worked. Well, then we got trapped here, because the portal to our dimension closed behind us. So we use the stuff in here to try to find a way back because-”
{She walks around the wall and grabs a book off a huge pile of random objects, and pulls her leg up to write a quick rune on the cover. A series of symbols appear near the rune}
“Most thing in here have symbols like this when we use a dimensional locate rune our warlock made. We can use these symbols in a dimension travel spell circle to head to the dimension it came from. We still haven’t found our original dimension, but we were able to get to a dimension where the spell circle killed us instead, so close enough I guess”
“How long has it been since wings left I would of thought they would of been ba-”
{A black streak dives out of the sky, tackling the warlock, they tumble a few feet before stopping, they’re in a small pile as the winged one is yelling at her as the scuffle}
“You little bitch, you made me fly 3 miles for NOTHING, I’m going to combo you into fucki-”
“Hey you two stop, just kiss and make up”
“Sorry mom”
“Sorry, mum”
“Ew, no. I’m not even that much older than you”
“You’re literally centuries older then the both of us”
“Ah curse my mythological heritage”
“Give me the camera back”
“Say please”
{She tosses the camera and recorder back to the winged being}
“Alright so our kelpie must have bored you so it’s time to sign off, till next time, that one winged sorcerer”
“Wait wait wait did you say ‘kiss and make up’, What the fuck An-”
0 notes
Sitting at a café overheard a meeting where someone said “I feel like all current art is fake”
Received text message from my ex boyfriend today of a photo of a bunch of flowers he had arranged himself in a vase
Last time we spoke was him sending me a message that said “I guess I lost everything in the divorce huh”, with no reply back from me
What is this trend I have set where my ex-lovers send me photos of self-arranged bouquets?
I received another one about two weeks ago of some very tall kangaroo paws in a glass
I guess I taught them about formal flower arrangements without realising
I’ve always thought I’d make a wonderful florist anyway so that makes sense I guess
Uh oh. My cappuccino just hit me and now I feel insane
Eating a chermoula chicken salad with hummus AND feta the only thing that could take this to the next level for me is a lil bit of pesto, right
I want to go to the beach! I want to go to the beach! I want to go to the beach!
My favourite story about my friend Jemma is that once she was so hungover and playing Mario Kart and she started crying when they were in the water world because she wanted to go to the beach that badly
I feel like some people believe that hummus and feta can’t be friends and this salad proves all those people wrong
Just like people that think you can’t wear orange and pink together
You can
Level of cool I want to reach today: Rose McGowan
Text message I just received from my grandma: “Mum sent me your writings. It is brilliant and shocking didn’t know you had to put up with such things. It is beyond words. Love you see you soon Grandma”
Definitely the coolest/best/most inspiring message I’ve received yet in response to writing about Harvey Weinstein saga/bullshit
My grandma is the last person I would think to be addicted to the Bachelorette but I talked to her on the phone last night and she is 100% addicted to the Bachelorette but she knows its fucked up so that’s okay
Feel like I won’t know the true meaning of home until I go to Scotland with my grandma
Trying to think of interesting things to write about and thought “what are some fucked up things that happened in my childhood?”
Don’t know if am stable enough to unlock that vault today
Kinda scared of being stoned again after last night
Things I ate last night:
Two-three bowls of green chicken curry, delicious, cooked by me
~half an icecream cake from coles with marshmellows and freddos on top
~half a block of smartie chocolate
two (big) pieces of Turkish delight chocolate
A guy I had sex with when I was ~15 at a Halloween party in freo just walked past me, didn’t recognise me, probably because I wasn’t dressed as a zombie bride
Remember waking up after having sex with him at my dads house in my step sisters bed, don’t know how we got home or how he got there or why he wanted to be there, woke up with zombie makeup still on, still drunk, put on my step mums black maxi dress and walked him outside and watched him walk down the street, that would be the last time I would ever see him until right now, 7 years later, sitting at a weird café with my dog and my laptop
Would he have recognised me if I was dressed like a zombie bride?
Am going out to dinner tonight with a guy I used to sleep with that may or may not have undiagnosed schizophrenia
He has told me a lot of crazy things but maybe the craziest thing he’s ever told me if that once he felt like painting his whole bedroom (granny flat out the back of his parent’s house) red so he just did it he went and bought red paint and a paintbrush and he did it he didn’t buy a roller and do it properly he just had a big paintbrush so now his whole room is bright red and splotchy and there are large and random brushstrokes it looks like a 5-8 year old painted it, it’s not a very condusive environment to have sex in
The best thing about having sex with him was that we’re on the same anti-anxiety medication so when I would sleep over and forget my medication (I was usually/always drunk when I went there) I could just take his
One of my following boyfriends was also on the same medication but used to get narky when I asked to borrow (take) it
Its actually the same guy that sent me a photo of his sad bunch of flowers today
He used to take 10mg and I take 20mg so if I had to borrow his medication I had to take 2 tablets, which I think used to make him feel anxious
More anxious
But whatever I made him dinner every night for a year and a half and the only thing he (ever) cooked me was an okay lentil soup when I was sick once
It was actually pretty good lentil soup which just angered me more because he proved he obviously could cook he just chooses not to
Because he knows I will just do it
Even though he is unemployed and sits at home wanking or on instagram or wanking while on instagram (or whatever, I literally don’t know what he did during the day) while I worked ~13 hours at a very stressful job and then came home and then walked the dog and then went to the shops and bought ingredients for dinner then cooked dinner while he sat there, still on Instagram, still wanking
I won’t do that again
He also threw my entire CD collection away one day when I was at work because “I never listen to them anyway”
Food related tattoos I could get:
Spaghetti Bolognese
The boy I had sex with dressed as a zombie just walked into an op shop across the road, day dreaming about what would happen if I walked in and followed him around, not overtly but subtly
Pretending I was looking for a zombie costume
I should definitely get a tattoo of spaghetti Bolognese
Hate it when I think I’ve written a hilarious text message so I copy and paste it and send it to like 4 people and no one replies
Just ordered a second cappuccino so shit is about to get real
My phone is on 4% battery and I feel free
Feel so lucky I have so many cool girl friends all over the world in all different places all doing different dope stuff
When me and my sisters were little and we had to stay at my grandparent’s house (on my dad’s side) they would make us eat like 5 slices of butter on toast and drink milo in bed before we even got up and then for breakfast we would have to eat like a million hashbrowns and bacon and sausages and more butter on toast, what the fuck, who feeds children that
I guess they were brought up post-war when no one had anything, my grandpa (who wouldn’t let us call him grandpa, first names only) still ate lard on toast for a really long time
I wonder if he still does
He also didn’t let my grandma drive, ever, he told her she was too stupid to drive, he said it so many times that she convinced herself she was stupid, too stupid to do anything except cook and clean and definitely too stupid to stand up to him ever
He also screamed at me any time I shut a car door that I was slamming it
My mum told me the other day that he had a serious problem with noise
That any type of noise really irritated him
And she always found that odd Also, whenever he would see an Asian person driving, he would get really aggressive and call them a “monkey”
He hated anyone that wasn’t white
He hated women
He hated gay people
No wonder my dad is so fucked up
Once when I was a kid I dreamt there was a terrorist attack at their house and there were bombs going off everywhere
I used to be terrified of natural disasters and would have recurring dreams about tsunamis and bushfires
The worst dream I ever had though was when I died from eating a poisonous ham sandwich from a man selling them out of a trolley in IGA
He wasn’t a part of IGA
He was his own separate business entirely
I don’t know if you would call it a business
It was pretty low key
0 notes