shellxrls · 7 months
hear me out but i swear jj maybank wld be the no.1 temu warrior 😭😭.
“babe, babe, this only what — 90 cents, 90 cents!”
and you’re just there like 🧍🏽‍♀️.
”jayj they have tons of lawsuits against them sweetheart, maybe it’s better to invest your money elsewhere?” for fear of him getting broker than he already is with the way he seems so eager to spend.
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bobmckenzie · 5 months
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sorry i feel like i'm ALWAYS talking about randall's dorm but i gotta ramble about how much i'd love to know what any of that stuff around his desk is LMDSLKDJF... maybe i'm stupid but i have no idea who that little statue-lamp is of 😭 the things behind it almost look like concert tickets to me but i can't be sure. and that painting??? putting under readmore bc nudity lol
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with the way it's taped together i assume he took it out of a book which is really sweet to think he looks at art books in his free time :') he is truly such a balance of arts/sciences <3 i can hardly tell what it is bc it's so blurry but it fr looks like a naked lady with the head of a wolf and like. donkey/faun legs ?? 😭 RANDY WHAT IS THIS. HE'S SO INTERESTING I NEED TO KNOWWW
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erwinsvow · 5 months
I need kook!reader’s side now 😭😭😭 her genuinely having no feelings for rafe and then through her kindness to shy!reader gets invited to hang with the pogues and falls for jayj. PLEEK 😭😭😭 (i can’t stop going through your page and commenting on everything, IM IN LOVE WITH YOUR WORK)
omg yess babe your mind?!?!?! this is soo perfect, rafe with shy reader and jj with kook reader <3 i knowww i need to write more for all of them so much to write n my brain is being stupid and doesnt want to write but this idea is sooo god tier!!!
also stop you are such an angel thank you soooo much ♡ that means so much thank you babe!! im so glad you like everything!! im so thankful for your sweet comments!! gna try to work on some more stuff rn!! <33
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shopcat · 7 months
i literally think the aquarium that has the pregnant stingray claiming it's "possible" a shark impregnated her do not deserve to be open i'm sorry 😭 you cannot be so... plain stupid to mark down something like this as "oooaaaa you can't say it's impossible because we don't knowww science is about discovery okay ^_^" WRONG. SCIENCE IS ABOUT FUCKING SCIENCE...
in a real way it's honestly concerning that any facility that holds animals and i assume does their part to participate in conservation education and rehabilitation of animals which is the POINT of public aquariums and zoos ... would try to garner sensationalism in such a way and hide it behind "it could be possible we don't know yet!". like it literally could not be possible. and now there's like hundreds possibly thousands of people who genuinely believe blatant misinformation bc they were taken advantage of so they could get views on fucking tiktok. eyeroll. at the end of the day i'm just hoping it's a horrible pr team and the person who runs the social media accounts is braindead bc the idea of the actual qualified people working with these animals thinking these things is ... concerning at the least.
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msookyspooky · 3 years
Part 14 of Sequels Suck had me SCREAMING 🥴 I knew it was too good to be true considering the first thing Billy said was "You DiDnt ThinK TheRe WouLD Be ConsEqUeNCes FOr WhAt YoU SaId ?" Litterly fuck off lmaoooooo YOU DESERVED EVERY WORD. I might've been flattered asf when Stu called us gorgeous and Billy agreed that we were beautiful, but that went out the window the moment we caught on and outside the screen I was PRAYING we would wake tf up 😬 sooo glad we realized it before it was too late. We would have regretted that for the rest of our life. They would have killed us after or even just kept manipulating us AND then kill us.
The part where we called them monsters and absolute pieces of shit after getting to the door made tears come to my eyes bc it really got me in my feels surprisingly 😞 It's just so sad and imagining going through that bc of someone you actually STILL care about despite everything hurts. For a second, just a second, we convinced ourselves that maybe we can work things out with them. That maybe they still love us deep down. Only for them to basically say 'Fuck you, I don't love you anymore bc you refused to enable my toxicity.' It's so vile to try to manipulate us into hooking up for the sake of their stupid rules and I felt the pain when we cried in Derek's arms and in the dressing room after it was over😥
I'm assuming were NOT a virgin lol but if we had been and we hooked up with them? We would have been even more devastated bc losing your virginity is a big deal for girls usually (or atleast for me it is). I feel like we're not tho bc lets be real here, James was an abusive piece of shit, and he seemed like the type to not wait lmao I also can't help but feel like James could have manipulated us into having sex with him 🤐 we all know he wasn't good, and we even compared Billy to James. If James was really similar to them, I don't think it's far-fetched to think sexual situations may not have been consensual 🤢 I can't help but wonder if that's something that will ever be brought up 👀 bc the whole virgin thing is making me think that we could have past trauma from James that we've never talked about...maybe 🤡
I'm just glad that we've realized that these two will do anything to take us down 😭 so glad Randy is back even tho I KNOWWW were gonna be so embarrassed to face him 🤡 still can't help but want Randy to get a chance with us even tho I know we don't love him 😣 soo excited to hear what's got Randy so scared. I think we're all praying this man somehow saw Stu and Billy bc I'm TIRED OF LOOKING CRAZY ✋ another question I have tho - what exactly did we tell the detectives? We told them we were attacked, but didn't they ask what they looked like? Bc clearly, we couldn't have told them what they looked like bc the police were questioning Derek sooo what EXACTLY was the story? I'm assuming we said something like 'oh, I was attacked in the dark and couldn't see my attacker' bc the police litterly have no idea who they're looking for.
A couple more predictions have formed in my mind as well 👀
1. I'm still sticking with Derek being a 3rd Ghostface. The only thing that stood out was the fact that he said "I'll kill them!" after seeing what happened to us. This actually makes me think Derek DIDN'T know what they were gonna do and is GENUINLY PISSED OFF. He could just be ACTING pissed off, buttt I think him actually getting into an argument with Billy and Stu is possible.
2. I'm predicting Randy dies by SACRIFICING HIMSELF FOR US. There's definitely evidence for this lmao 1. In Set Up Randy was alllll too willing to sacrifice himself for Sidney cause he loved her right? This man litterly got stabbed in the thigh and he STILL went to go help Sid. We all know Randy likes us andddd Set Up kinda gave us a sneak peek at how far Randy's love for Sidney went. Hell, Randy admitted to us several chapters ago that if Sidney had been the killer, he might not have allowed her to get shot just like how we couldn't let Billy die. That kind of loyalty shows that Randy more than likely would have SACRIFICED himself to save Sidney even if she was the killer. 2. Randy admitted to Dewey that he wouldn't know what to do if he lost us. Shows the loyalty that has no bounds, and it can be inferred that he could care so much as to throw his life away or get injured for us. 3. Randy sacrificing himself would make us all basically depressed 😭 Spooky loves to make us suffer with angst and this would be so dramatically heart wrenching that I KNOW it's a possibility that she might not pass up.
3. This contradicts theory 2, but it's still one of my favs. WE SACRIFICE OURSELVES TO PROTECT RANDY AND FAKE OUR DEATH. Idk I just really love the angsty idea of us sacrificing ourselves to protect our last real connection to Woodsboro. It's got that spiciness of being tired of the survivors' guilt and saying fuck it and offing ourselves to protect another. I feel like we would do it to also fake our death to get Billy and Stu to finally move on. Even if we don't sacrifice ourselves at all, I'm still predicting us faking our death lmao I feel like that's the big ending we create. We have a talent for acting right? Who's to say we can't fake our death? Ending wise, I feel like it's the only real option to get them to finally stop. There's no way they can go after us if were dead. We have to take drastic measures to get them to stop and this has to be one of the options. I can't see us becoming a killer UNLESS it was accidental. We clearly have high morals, and we definitely aren't sociopathic.
ANYWAYS hope you enjoyed my essay 😂😂
I loved your essay!! 😍
Eh, I leave it up to the reader on sex life, looks etc. So you could be a virgin or not be; completely up to you! Immerse yourselves babes! And leaving James explicit too. In my headcanon he got offed before he could get anymore abusive than he already was but he definitely pushed for sure 💯 I actually had a rough draft of this (Which was a hot mess) that was a LOT darker than this one where James was so bad it made Billy and Stu look like angels. But I scrapped it because I like 3 dimensional characters that even the worst characters have some good qualities or we can at least understand why they were what they were. (James was abused himself badly as a child and felt like he was ostracized for not being from an upper class family...Still a shit excuse but it adds dimension)
I'm sorry but also elated that it stirred that much emotion in you reading it!!! That's the best compliment even if it's sad to hear I'm so sorry and it's sounds sadistic but as a writer it's like 'WOW...THEY LIKED IT THAT MUCH' 🥲💘
Omfg your theories are so sad that would be horrible 😢....*Writes them down*
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tearsona · 4 years
Why would you do something like that to MEEEE????
I'm also concern about Jugyon, like will she be a little more in the fic or is something like, yes, we don't really care about that character???? (I don't know if this sounds hostile, I'm just asking for how important her part will be in the headcanon lmao)
Also I don't dislike that much suho and y/n. I mean, suho is really an incredible boy, and I mean it as a friend or as a boyfriend, but I kinda feel like or either y/n moved on from seojun like super fast (which is not a bad thing, just that she's been crushing on seojun for quite a while for her to forget about it in weeks but we don't judge here) or she always had those feelings but she did with those feelings what seojun did with his or she's just leading suho on, like he's a rebound and damn that makes me feel bad for suho.
Tbh Idk, like suho is so sweet but there is something about he and y/n as a couple that doesn't sit quite well to me.
Either way, I'm mad at seojun, he really stupid boy, he really had to lose her to finally put his shit together SMH.
I'm feeling things and I don't wike it and I read that there's only 2 parts left and I'm kinda heartbroken bc at this point everybody now is team suho including y/n LMAO.
My poor seojun baby, let him be happy, he smol bean, he need to be protected
Hahaha, well, sorry for my rant, hope it makes sense at some point bc honestly I'm a mess lol that and english is not my first language so there's probably tons of grammar mistakes lmao
Anyway, I'm looking forward to your next update
hi anon omg sorry it took me so long to reply, i was waiting til i wasn’t busy to answer this bc i was happy to see a long rant on my fic lol 😁
I KNOWWW just when seojun’s finally realizing things ... :( anyway jugyeong isn’t really a main character so there won’t be much focus on her, but not in the “we don’t care about her” sense, i just didn’t write much in her pov bc the drama was already all in her pov so u can assume that’s all canon (including her chemistry with the two boys) obviously i just changed up some stuff in my fic if that makes sense... so yeah... i’ll be focusing more on y/n’s endgame but. i will give them all closure :D
i understand!!!! i think y/n hasn’t forgotten about seojun... like in that scene y/n was thanking suho for everything he’s done and then it was mentioned that she took a moment to appreciate her “friend” but she had no idea that suho has had feelings for her in the past nd her heart got confused for a second bc. suho was staring at him like that 😆
also yeah poor seojun, he didn’t make a move before bc he thought it would put a risk on his friendship with the boys and y/n... on the other hand suho didn’t think about that kind of risk but he was more concerned about seojun’s feelings (who unfortunately never acted on it) so like... 🤭
anyway dw anon everyone’s got a little team seojun in them 😋 thanks for sharing ur thoughts!
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