painthesecond · 11 months
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grace i read the first book in the wingfeather saga when i was like. 14 and never thought much of it but tbh i want to give the series a second chance bc of you...
Sorry coughs Sorry. This ask made me excited. Oh my goodness :)
Gonna be completely honest, the first book was really hard for me to get through the first time I read it! I wasn’t invested in the story, and I would always lose interest and forget what I’d just read 😭 It took me six or seven months to finish it I think.
But after that!! Ooh boy!! After that!! After the first book, the series as a whole takes more of a darker turn, and GOSH. IT IS SUCH A GOOD SERIES. AAAAAAAAAAA!!! It’s the only book series I have ever enjoyed this much, and it contains one of my very favorite characters (Ghostbur is my number one favorite as we all know BUT this certain Wingfeather Saga guy is like. my second favorite. oh my gosh he’s so good) and!! It’s just!!
Anyway I highly highly recommend!
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riverteatime · 4 years
A night with my Moon-boyfriend (Moonjumper x Reader fic)
-and also a bit of Snatcher too-
Author note :
I'm back
I just want to say that they have not enough fic of the Moonboy. I may be a Snatch lover but there have also a big place in my heart for MJ (plus the fact that I will make MJ route before Snatcher in ADIT because he is a pure boi).
No trigger warning just fluff and love ! Also I am sorry but it's not really gender neutral. And also MC is shy.
And also next fic will be sick!reader or nightmare x Mj. (Maybe both in one fic)
Also Imma give a hug to the Moonfreak--
You are exhausted. It's one of those days you hate because it's sooo hot outside. And it's been two weeks since the last time you have 'a cool day' (a day in which the temperature is not too hot or too cold). Luckly for you, you spend a good time at Subcon Forest each days. This place have many trees (even if they are more dead than anything) but the heart of the forest is also in a perpetual night so this place is more pleasant in a time in which the desert and Mafia Town are literally 'hell' places. Plus you have a little further the 'ice biome' like you like to call it. But the last time you tried to go and 'cool off' you have seen a headless statue at the distance. Even if it was far from you, you just decided to return in the forest while you say to yourself "Nope. Not today!". And your 'task', like your boss (aka: Snatch the noodle ghost) love to call don't help. Every day you have something to do : searching for a lost subconite (every day), murder the fire spirits (once a week), delivering mail (once - twice a week), playing with Hat, Bow and Mu (once - twice a day and even more if you make a sleepover), be present for the Death Wishes... So many things to do. Every days you have to run in all Subcon Forest. At the end, when you have finish your job, you want to jump in the puddle of water in front of Snatcher's house.
Anyways, you finished your work earlier today. So now it's time for the best part of the day, it's time to go see your boyfriend Moony. It's now more than one month you started to go on dates with him. Due to his gentleman attitude, he brings you to fancy restaurants. But you always wonders something : where do his money came from. He is a corpse and dead livings have no use of money after their life. He is indeed a prince (or was), sure, but this fact don't stop you of thinking.
Today, you want to ask him for a date. Normally, it's always him who ask. But this time you want to change things. And also you are worried that he will run out of money with all the stuff he buys to you. And you have an idea.
You know oh so well the path that brings you to your beloved. With no time you arrived at the 'Mj's forest part'. And he didn't seem to have sense your presence or he will be already running (or floating) at you.
"MOONY!?" You call, almost screaming at the trees.
With no time he answers you "Darling! You are here?! Can you wait a little?"
"Are you busy? I can pass at another time if you want." You say, a bit disappointed.
"Nonono- I already finished, I just have to make this thing here and-. Ok!" He mumbles to himself
You were trying to watch the tops of the trees, hoping you will be able to see where he is hiding. And you see him, going down slowly at you like an angel. You cannot keep your mounth shut by how etherial he is. Your jaw is now wide open. Even it's been now one month you date him, and more you know him, you cannot help yourself to fall in love harder. Mj's body is now floating at some feets from the ground, he watch your stunning face with amusement. His small chuckle brings you to the reality.
"What is this visit worth to me?" He say with his oh-so-lovely smile.
"I-..." You shook your head for escaping your daydream. "I just want to talk with you about our next date"
"Hmm? I didn't set out where will we going next time. I'm little busy with Snatcher these days. Sorry..."
"No! I... Uh... I was thinking with the whole thing that you are always the one who invite me and pay for fancy restaurant..." You start shyly.
"You don't like it?" He asks with a concerned voice.
"No! Uh... Yes...Uh... I like it but I was asking to myself where all this money come from 'cause you're a corpse..." You stammer.
"Darling! I'm a prince!" He says while a small laugh.
"I know but... I cannot stop myself to think about that" You tell to him
"My little MC, you know that I will buy the world for you if I was capable. Don't worry about the money I have more than you though. And you deserve this my sweet doll. You deserve all the money of the world." He answer smiling smugly
The fact that he calls you doll -even if he calls you that ANYTIME he see you- make you blush a little. You shook your head for trying to make disappear the blushing (the keyword is trying 'cause you're always blushing with him). "...anyway! I was thinking maybe for our next date we ... can make -a- a movie night... in my spaceship and... m-make a sleepover ?..." You say so shyly that you are asking at yourself if he heard it. You are now just a blushing mess that want to hide somewhere.
Moonjumper sits on the ground to look into your eyes and asks "Is that an invitation ?"
"....yeah .... I think... B-but if you are busy we can make this another time...." You continue always blushing.
"I accept ! And no need to be so shy with me, my doll." He says happily. "How about tomorrow evening?"
"o-ok" You say shyly to him. Peck! Why it's always difficult to say things with him. Anyways, you succeed to ask him and it's truly something.
You stay with him for one hour, watching him re-arranging his home, sometimes telling him some stuff like the new restaurant you have seen in Mafia Town, the ideas of Conductor and Grooves for their next movie, the book you are reading when you are alone in your spaceship... Sometimes he answer you, sometimes he just hums. After some time, you decide to call it a day and to return in your spaceship after saying "see you tomorrow".
The next day you awake from your sleep, your morning alarm already ringing. You take a quick shower and prepare breakfast when you remember something you have totally forgot. You have a date with your boyfriend. Remembering this make your face all blushy and you even almost chokes on your breakfast.
"Just don't think about Moony" you mumble to yourself. But then your brain thinks about him and his charming persona so you blush even more. In fact you are already as red as a cherry.
After finishing your breakfast you go to the forest making Snatcher's work.
"Boss ! I found the subconite !" You say to Snatcher while you walk at his tree-house. "He was stuck at the swamp." It's now the third subconite you found lost in the forest in a week. Geez, they cannot stay at their work. Snatcher, already busy with one of his books (like always), waves his hand for showing you he have somewhat understand, and dismiss you in the same time. But you stay, because you want to ask something, and the simple fact you're not going out bother the purple man.
"What !?" He asks you a bit angry while placing a bookmark at the page he was reading.
"I need to ask something !" You answer
"I'm already listening" He tells you, proving you that he is really listening to your request for once.
"Cool ! So, I need your opinion for something. What type of movies MJ likes. I don't know what to show him and I'm thinking because you are his other half maybe you know. Hattie have inviting you and him for watching movies, right?" You tell maybe a bit too fast because you are just excited.
He closes his eyes and inhale. "Listen! It's not because he is my other half that I know all the things about him. You are his boy/girlfriend so it's more YOU who must know that." He says pointing at you with one of his finger. "And yes, the hatted brat invited me and Moonboy at her 'movie night party' so many times. Just don't show him a horror movie or he will scream like he will be killed for the second time. I also recommend to you to not show him a dramatic film or he will cry during all the movie."
"So no drama and no horror movies. I got it ! Thanks Snatch, you're the best !" You say happily while waving to him to say goodbye.
"Whatever... And don't call me 'Snatch'!" He yells from his chair at you while you are already far enough for not to be killed (in the figurative sens of the word).
So now it's currently the evening. You though about making a dinner for your boyfriend but you remembered he is a corpse so he don't need to eat (and also because you talked with him today in the forest and said that he will be alright). Anyway, for killing the time you though about what you will wear, took a shower and checked if everythings was alright (at least ten times for an hour). It will be the first time you will spend a night with your bf at home so you are stressed, anxious but also happy. For movies you choose classics : Disney movies. They have a lot of romantics stories with princes and princesses and you hope that your bf will like (and also searching movies in space is kind of looking for a needle in a hayshack).
So now you wait (and checked again a last time). You know that he will not be late, he is always at time for dates. But you cannot let your eyes see another thing than the needles of your watch on your arm. You even seem to hear the low ticktock of it.
Then you sense a little gust of cold wind. It's the signal.
"Hi Moony!" You say showing your more beautiful smile.
"Good evening my beautiful doll! You're splendid tonight!" He say while appearing from his glitch dimension (yeah I headcannon that he can go in a glitch dimension for long travels)
You blush and you whisper "You're the beautiful here". He place his hand on your head and reply "No you!". Like always you cannot win this argument. Then he grab something hiding in his coat and give you a small plush of your favorite animal (you can choose, but for me it's cat and red panda).
"Sorry to not give you a decent gift. The last time I gifted flowers... You know what happen" He tells to you. But for you this is more than a decent gift. So you do what your brain say, you hug Moonjumper and tell him that you are happy.
You stay some minutes like this. But you remember that you have a movie night to do. You take his hand and lead him to your 'movie place' (that is just many pillows, a pile of blankets, some bowls of popcorn and a pile of movies in front of your TV.). You said to him to make himself at home while you pick a movie. And you don't see your favorite Disney's movie (again you can choose the movie) so you dive (literally) your head first in one of your closet where your movies should be. Meanwhile your boyfriend Moony have set his eyes first one your little form disappearing in the closet, then on the delicious pop-corn you prepared for this occasion. What is this thing, again? He saw that when the hatted child (Hattie) invited him at a party. He picks one piece of pop-corn and hold it between his fingers for inspecting this. But then you find the precious movie and you come out from your closet. You see him with his pop-corn.
"Moony? Did something bother you?" You ask while walking to the TV
"Yes... I've seen this when I was at the hatted child's party..." He says.
"What? Wait! You don't know what is pop-corn". He shakes his head at your ask. "Eat it" You tell him. He tilts his head and look at you with a confusing and surprised look. So you grab a bunch of pop-corn and swallow it in no time. It's when he sees that you're not dying (so it's not poisonous) that he eat the small pop-corn. At the first time, anything happen, then a big smile appears on his face.
"You like it?" You ask. He continue to smile for saying yes. "You can eat more. All of it is for you"
"But you?" He ask a bit concerned about the fact that you will not eat
"If I eat all of the pop-corn I'm sure my dentist will not be happy". You reply while turning on the TV and putting the channel on 'DVD player'.
Soon, the movie starts. You sit next to your boyfriend. But then, the corpse start to watch you rather than the TV and thinks about something.
"My Angel?" He ask you
"Yeah?" You reply, not paying attention to the nickname he told you because you are so absorb on the movie, even if it started just some minutes ago.
"Perhaps it will be weird but can you rather sit on my lap?" He asks you shyly
You take some time before realising what he ask you but when your brain understand this...oh god... You are now as red as a cherry. You turn your head at the opposite direction because you don't want your Moony to see how you are madly blushing.
"....Yea...Sure". You say before you sit on his lap.
He traps you small form between his arm, hugging you tightly like a small child do with a plushy, but also paying attention that it's not too tight "Much better~!" He whisper to your ear. He cuddle you, resting his head in your shoulder while you are just a blushing mess who want to crawl in a hole like a mouse.
But after some time, you are used to his cuddling. He can be cold because he is a living corpse, but the heat of your body plus the blanket warms you and your boyfriend. One hour watching the movie and you start to be sleepy, even you miss the end because you have somewhat fell asleep on MJ's lap. It's at the credits that Moony realize that you are sleeping quietly.
"Awww~! What a cute and beautiful sight!" He says to himself "It's a pity that I have not a camera for taking a photo of this cutie~~".
He grabs the TV remote control press the big red button, turning off the TV. He then pick you in his arms (like a baby) and walks (floats) to your bed. He gently lie you down puts the blanket on you. But when he is about to floats away, you grab the sleeve of his coat.
"What is it little puppet?!" He asks you gently and also smiling (*cough*like an idiot*cough) due to your cuteness.
"Can you stay for the night, please?" You ask after yawning.
"Anything for you princess~~" He reply. He gets in your blanket and lie next to you (or maybe he lie behind you and you lie on him if you have a small bed). He gently pats your head with one of his hands while you hug him like a baby koala. Then, he place a chaste kiss on your forehead.
"Goodnigh' Moony... Love you..." You say half-sleeping.
"Goodnight my little MC. I love you too" He whisper before falling asleep.
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uwumeidotcom · 6 years
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Makoto Sakamoto,  Empress
Makoto, as a kid, loved helping her mother out. She was very smart for her age, despite being a little grumpy kid who threw a tantrum here and there. She was always helpful to her mom, never complained. She knew her dad was bad, the moment he began hitting her mom, she called the police.
A natural born leader was something she used to be, people always wanting to hang out with her. She had a huge group of friends back then. The thing she was most proudest of was her hair.
Her hair was always so long, so smooth, so soft...everyone loved it. Makoto loved braiding her hair or putting it in new hair styles for her mom.
Her and her mother lived in a house, not in a apartment. Sure, money was tight at times, but because of her good grades she was able to make it up to high school with a free tuition at fancy private schools. Makoto was so thankful for this, she never wanted to be a burden to her mother. Never.
Other than studying or doing homework on her free time, she learn aikido, seeing as a lot of people thought she’d do amazing at it. Which was true! She even met a guy named Akira Niijima, who she’d like to say was her rival. They were both on a equal level, their matches always ending in draws.  
Going to Syujin was...interesting. Makoto’s first year was pretty awesome. She was popular and even managed to become student council president! It was only in till the middle of the year before her life changed. The new gym teacher. He gave off the same vibe her father did, but so much worse.
Makoto usually avoided him, bothered by him staring at her for more than a few minutes. He always stares when she was around, even touched her shoulder once, which scared her senseless. He always asked if she wanted to join a sports team, which she denied multiple times, using her aikido classes as her escape. She knew he wanted to get her alone after a few weeks.
So Makoto did what she needed to do to avoid him, filling up her schedule to the brim to avoid him. This meant that during school hours, she had less and less time to hang out with her friends. She became distant, only focusing on her work simply to avoid the gym teacher. Whenever she saw sport team students come towards her, she simply ran.
Though, this wouldn’t last for long.
She was too slow one day.
Makoto offered to help some students with studying in the library, after she finished she prepared to bolt out but was stopped by the man himself. Kamoshida. He had a tight grin on his face as he gripped her shoulder.
“Hey! Mako-chan!-”
She didn’t like him calling her that at all.
“I need to talk to you about something, school stuff. Right now. In my office.”
Makoto didn’t want to go with him. But she didn’t have a choice. She resisted the urge to glare and nodded with a fake smile.
“Of course,”
Makoto shouldn’t have gone with him. She shouldn’t have. She should have ran. Make up an excuse. Lie. Anything than going with the man. She thought she could defend herself.
The man hissed as Makoto began yelling and screaming, punching him as she tried to run out. He was grabbing her breast and stroking her hair so much it disgusted her, she wanted to puke. But she tripped, slamming onto the floor with a loud smack. Makoto winced in pain, trying to get up quickly, but she was too late. He grabbed her ankle and leg too tight.
Makoto screeched so loudly, practically the whole school heard it. She began sobbing, grabbing her leg in pain. Her ankle and leg were broken.
Waking up in the hospital bed scared Makoto, but she was sure that the man was going to be put behind bars.
That didn’t happen.
Every sports team lied, saying Makoto attacked him first. And he was only defending himself.
No matter how many times Makoto sobbed and tried to explain that he tried to rape her, no one believe her. No one but her mother.
Makoto lost everything. Her respect. Her friends. Her scholarships. Her student council role. Her justice.
She was able to leave the hospital after a week. Makoto was in crutches. The moment she arrived home, she rushed to the bathroom with a dead look in her eyes. She stared at herself, disgusted. He touched her.
He touched her.
Makoto looked at her pride and joy, already beginning to cry. But with a stern glare and frown, she grabbed her scissors and grabbed the thing that made her proud.
“If you loved my joy so much…! Hic ILL JUST TAKE IT FROM YOU!!!”
She swiftly cut it off.
Her long hair fell onto the ground, her hair now went to her chin.
And she was happy.
Onward, Makoto began to act how people saw her.
A scary, cruel, delinquent.
She wore tons of black eye-shadow and a bit of black lipstick, she painted her nails black to complete the look. She transformed the Syujin uniform to her style. No one stopped her. They were too scared.
Kamoshida looked furious when seeing her hair, and that made her smile for the first time in months. It was a wicked smile.
Meeting Haru at first, she just scoffed and walked past the fluffy girl. Too...girly and perfect from the looks of it. Joining the phantom thieves though..
It made her alive.  
//Sorry this one took so long!! It took me a while to decide who has which role because I honestly couldn’t decide. But now I have a general idea for this au! Makoto is basically a edgy emo teen who is adorable :D I also developed a new writing style for this au so character description’s are gonna be lengthy sometimes. 
Do send in asks for these characters please!! It’d be very helpful and fun!
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