abirddogmoment · 18 hours
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Another lifer for me: a swainson' thrush!
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b-blushes · 2 years
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my submission for this week's @collage-club prompt 'hot & cold' 🌟 thinking about space, and the warmth of coming home :')
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myslashyvalentine · 4 months
❤ MSV 2024 Collection is Open!❤
Happy Valentine’s day!
Congratulations to our new writers who completed their first swap! Thanks as well to all our veteran writers who continue to participate and make this swap a vibrant part of the Tolkien community. 
My Slashy Valentine 2024: The Master List!
AdmirableMonster wrote A Light Beneath Frozen Water for JazTheBard
Aglarien wrote Rosemary for Remembrance for Tethys_resort
Aipilosse wrote Star-kissed for undercat
Ally/steadfastalysanne2022 wrote Always Waiting For You Just to Cut to the Bone for AdmirableMonster
Argleena wrote Coming Back to You for Aglarien
Bird/ingenious_spark wrote Knit Together for raiyana
BloodwingBlackbird wrote Winter glowed on her leaves for HewerOfCaves
bluehair wrote Tell Me No for Aipilosse
Branka/LadywithaQuill wrote New Beginnings for senalishia
ChrissyStriped wrote Sharing Everything for Jade/Elladansgirl
cílil wrote Herald, Hero, Muse for Maironite
Cirilla/FakeCirilla9 wrote Falling star for Ally/steadfastalysanne2022
Cissy/Lost_inMiddleearth wrote If I Could Make Days Last Forever for phyncke
Elentarial/BaccaratBlack wrote The Forlorn for bluehair
elfscribe wrote And With Him Was Elrond for tabru
Elio/eliogardens wrote Uprooting for Kay/seregons
Ettelenë/firstamazon wrote Under Unclouded Stars for mangacrack
Fey/ThatFeanorian write With Song Meant Only For You and I for Torpi
forelevenses wrote to be alone with you for Luciann/Lucigoo89
Frances/Melusine6619 wrote Anniversary Celebration for RaisingCaiin
Gilithlin wrote Crescendo for elfscribe
Heather/indestructibleplum wrote Phantom Pains for Nuredhel
Heather/ohboromir wrote Hope for yletylyf
Helholden wrote Under the Stars, Above the Sun for Katrina/lemurious
HewerOfCaves wrote White Daffodil for IDNMT/I_did_not_mean_to
IDNMT/I_did_not_mean_to wrote Mix & Match for Zhie
IgnobleBard wrote Friendship Like The Holly Tree for Marchwriter
Jade/Elladansgirl wrote One Night With A King for Branka/LadywithaQuill
JazTheBard wrote Five Meetings for Ruinel
Katrina/lemurious wrote Fair They Wrought Us for Helholden
Kay/seregons wrote I Pledge My Heart to Thy Doom for sallysavestheday
Kefi/EclecticKefi wrote Our Gentle Sin for Kit/kitkatkaylie
Kit/kitkatkaylie wrote Youthful regrets for Lilithsea
Kristen/Harp_of_Gold wrote day will come for Chrissystriped
likethenight wrote the distraction or the force for Argleena
Lillithsea wrote The King of the Greenwood for Elentarial/BaccaratBlackLithgaeril wrote What to Make of This for Kefi/EclecticKefi
Luciann/Lucigoo89 wrote Two Lives Will Be Spared This Day for octopus_fool
lynndyre wrote There and Back Again for Ignoblebard
maglor-my-beloved wrote Of Farewells for Ettelenë/firstamazon
Maironite wrote Ready To Fall for Cilil
mangacrack wrote the home where I belong the most for reindeer_pizza
Marchwriter wrote All That Is Gold for likethenight
Mawgy wrote To the Victor Goes the Spoils for Gilithlin
NiennaWept wrote peaches we devour, dusty skin and all for thurinngwethil
Nuredhel wrote The flower and the flute for Whimsy/a_world_of_whimsy
octopus_fool wrote Thrush and Stag for lynndyre
phyncke wrote The King's Cabin for Frances/Melusine6619
RaisingCaiin wrote to warm my bed for Mawgy
reindeer_pizza wrote The King's Treasure for Skaelds
Ruiniel wrote Ára for Verecunda
sallysavestheday wrote Let Not My Love Be Called Idolatry for skywardstruck/tomefaired
❤sallysavestheday wrote Op. 1: Serenade for Bow and Axe for red_lasbelin
Senalishia wrote Cut Straight to the Heart for starlightwalking
Skaelds wrote you better not kill the groove for Elio/eliogardens
skywardstruck/tomefaired wrote show me the limits of your deceit for Tathrin
starlightwalking wrote Lazy Day for forelevenses
Tabru wrote Elrond and the King for visitor/lonelyvisitor
❤Talullah Red wrote Snowflight for BloodwingBlackbird
Tathrin wrote A Testing of Wills for Kristen/Harp_of_Gold
Tethys_resort wrote Two in Shadows for NiennaWept
thuringwethil wrote between my fingers, she leaves, then she lingers for  Cissy/Lost_inMiddleearth
Torpi wrote Ripe Fruit for Fey/ThatFeanorian
undercat wrote Comfort from a Heavy Hand for Heather/ohboromir
Verecunda wrote All the Luck in the World for Heather/Indestructibleplum
visitor/lonelyvistor wrote one whole with my other for Lithgaeril
Whimsy/a_world_of_whimsy wrote In the beginning for Cirilla/FakeCirilla9
yletylyf wrote Another Way for Bird/ingenious_spark
Zhie wrote Minuet for Basalt_Serpent
❤Zhie wrote His Father's Son for maglor_beloved
❤ Zhie wrote Very Welcome Visitor for Indestructibleplum
❤ denotes a pinch hit or a treat. Thank you to our pinch hitters, Talullah Red and Zhie; they made sure everyone got a Valentine's Day story (or two). Sallysavestheday also wrote a treat for me!!!
If you need a link to the entire collection, it is right here: 2024 My Slashy Valentine
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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A European Robin Feathursday
The American Robin (Turdus migratorius) and the European Robin (Erithacus rubecula) are among the most common and beloved birds in there respective continents. Unlike the American Robin, however, which is a large thrush, the European Robin is a small bird in the chat subfamily of Old World flycatchers. For us they are in the subfamily of European borbs!
The image shown here is a reproduction of a painting by British bird artist Terance James Bond from our folio volume Birds, The Paintings of Terance James Bond, published in Cambridge, England by the Lutterworth Press in 1988. Bond writes, "The Robin . . . can be found throughout the British Isles . . . . It is, therefore, a bird with which everyone is familiar." He continues:
Ask almost everybody in the United Kingdom which of all our resident birds they would consider to be their favourite and the answer will be the same. A survey carried out in 1961 by the International Council for Bird Protection, after long deliberation and much correspondence in the national press, finally elected the Robin as Britain's national bird.
View more posts with paintings by Terance James Bond.
View more Feathursday posts.
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witchstone · 1 year
okay, birds seen at home in june round up! comes to a total of 62 species, which is oddly high for the middle of winter. the highlight was the green twinspot, which i’d only got my first ever sighting of two weeks earlier. presumably it had only found its way to our garden because of the heavy rains and flash floods (and the tornado what the fuck) a few days prior - they’re forest birds, whereas our area is more broad-leaf woodland.
full list and photos under the cut!
bar-throated apalis, black-collared + crested + white-eared barbet, cape batis, dark-capped bulbul, green-backed camaroptera*, yellow-fronted canary, fork-tailed drongo, crowned eagle*, southern black flycatcher, african dusky flycatcher, african paradise flycatcher (odd for this time of year), egyptian goose, gymnogene, southern hadeda, purple-crested loerie. speckled mousebird, black-headed oriole, rose-ringed parakeet*, black-backed puffback, red-capped robin-chat, cape glossy + black-bellied + red-winged starling, collared + greater double-collared + olive + amethyst + white-bellied sunbird, olive + kurrichane thrush, golden-rumped tinkerbarbet, southern black tit, spectacled + village weaver, cape white-eye, cardinal + golden-tailed woodpecker, red-eyed + tambourine* dove, brown-hooded kingfisher, red-backed + bronze mannikin, klaas’s cuckoo*, lesser honeyguide, grey-headed bushshrike*, familiar chat, southern grey-headed sparrow, woolly-necked stork, sombre greenbul*, green woodhoopoe, cape wagtail, southern boubou, black sparrowhawk, african palm swift, green twinspot, black cuckooshrike?, black-headed heron, little sparrowhawk?, pied crow, african goshawk
* = call heard, no visuals, ? = i’m reasonably sure it was that, but not 100%
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dark-capped bulbul, taken at a nature reserve up the hill
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eurytela dryope
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not sure yet. maybe a mocker swallowtail judging by the body?
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olive sunbird my beloved
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the green twinspot!! absolutely not a great photo, but i was surprised to get a pic at all tbh. either a female or juvenile
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bosduival’s tree nymph
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souther hadeda. chicken sized rats and the worst dawn chorus you’ve ever heard
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golden-tailed woodpecker
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gold-spotted sylph. have never seen one before in my life, but it was hanging around the laundry
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southern black tit!
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animalechochamber · 3 months
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Drew a Rainfur and baby Thrushpelt. Background moms my beloved <333
I hc that she is the kit of Nettlebreeze aka the apprentice who helped Mapleshade after her kits died. She later on ends up taking care of Specklekit (Speckletail) when her momma dies which I think is really really cute. She’s the mother of Tawnyspots who I instead think is the dad of Thrush, making him her grandkit instead. She mostly raised Thrushkit tho bc Tawnyspots was busy being deputy and a single dad and soon after took in Speck. Instead of One-eye/Whiteeye being the sister of Speckletail I think she was her mentor. This keeps her the ancient lady she is in the first arc while giving them a connection still.
She’s also canonically the mate of Windflight who’s half Windclan thru his dad which gives their litter Windclan blood too. I think she’s a very progressive cat and would have a strong stance on caring for everyone over grudges or rules. In my own idea of warrior cats they have a Queens Rights that spawned from the mess that was the Mapleshade fiasco. She stands for this right more than almost anyone else, something semi instilled in her by her dad Nettlebreeze who heavily critiqued Oakstar, and blamed himself partly for the deaths that happened. Anyways love her
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helloliriels · 2 years
An Unexpected Letter
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Months had gone by since his return to the Shire.
Months ...
. Of aimlessly wandering around his beloved house. Now he was done settling in; Settling debts; Settling scores. He had peace. At last.
He had quiet.
. He had tea!
It was everything he had ever wanted? Begged for! Hoped for and yet ...
As he sat there on the 111th day, alone. He felt it.
The oppressive loneliness,
. Of this life he had chosen.
Choking back a unexpected lump in his throat, he faced the reality;
It was only a house.
A house ... that no longer felt like his home.
That moment upon waking;
And just before bed;
Asking himself,
. 'Why?'
The worse part of it was ...
. He knew who was really asking ...
The sun was setting. The tea poured. A bonfire lit on the rocky outcropping where the thrush had first shown Bilbo the door into the lonely mountain ...
And Thorin was celebrating!
And yet Bilbo ... had looked away.
. Back towards the Shire.
. Back to home.
Thorin had known, then.
"Why?" he asked.
Feeling the silence between them.
The misery written, even in asking.
... And Bilbo had not even turned as he spoke. Not wanting to see the betrayal on his closest, dearest friend's face;
. "It's my home."
Now he stared at that same home -
and wanted to take it all back:
To turn around this time, and look at Thorin!
He knew now ... his answer would have been very different.
But the thrush only knocks twice.
And Bilbo had refused both opportunities to say something different. The first time out of ignorance. The second time, out of fear.
As he cleaned up the tea things and scrubbed at his hands harder than he should've - he knicked himself. A gutteral sound, not quite human, tearing from his throat. He tossed the teacup against the nearest surface and felt it shatter. Like his heart.
Then gave in to the tears of frustration.
"bILBO BAGgins?" A voice was calling from outside.
More knocking;
. A banging at the door.
. ... More?
. ... When had it begun?
Bilbo slowly rose from the floor. Face tear streaked and swollen. Finger wrapped in a dishcloth ... and tiptoed around the shattered remains of his temper, to check ... wary of a visitor.
"BILBO! I KNOW YOU"re there...."
He squeaked with a start! As Gandalf's enormous face appeared in his circular window, peering in.
Bilbo trailed the tall shadows that fell across the living room, hall and entry floor to receive the wizard.
"Alright, alright! Half a minute!" he muttered, swinging the door wide, "where's the fire, then?"
He put on a gruff face and sniffed, while looking away.
He hadn't expected to see anyone tonight, much less entertain ... The memory bringing back hot tears to his eyes.
He folded his arms for extra prickliness.
"You don't have to pretend for my sake, you know?" Gandalf's voice softened.
"And what would I be pretending?" he gruffed back. Finally meeting Gandalf's gaze.
Gandalf challenged his angry glare and simply nodded. Pulling something from beneath his robe.
. "... pretending you haven't been wishing for the thrush to knock thrice? Perhaps?" he asked, and handed Bilbo a letter.
. The writing on it ...
. The gold wax seal ...
. Unmistakable.
His hand shook as he reached to take it.
Eyes thanking Gandalf, even as his voice refused to cooperate. He was too stunned. Too incredulous. Too hopeful to guess what it contained.
His fingers pressed at the smooth wax of the seal. Feeling the indentations made by Thorin's signet. A ring he envisioned on the hand of the now and future king ... Seated on his throne ... Happy in his kingdom. His people returning by the day, joining him. Surrounding him with laughter and cheer ...
And wondered?
He looked up again at Gandalf.
Suddenly, afraid this was a polite: 'thank you for your service, Mr. Baggins' and 'if you need anything call' sort of farewell?
The kind you send to a friend of a friend, who may not have returned home safely after you turned them from your door?
Gandalf seemed to read this in his bearing, and shook his head. Pressing it close to Bilbo's chest. "Read it, dear boy!" He said with a twinkle in his eye. Then turned to leave.
"But ... Gandalf ... ?" Bilbo asked, hesitating ...
. The wizard turned his head only.
"I will be back by morning for your reply," he re-assured. Then disappeared, and Bilbo tore at the letter. Devouring the words like a fire in his belly:
. My dear Bilbo,
. I do hope that the Shire has been everything and more you had dreamed of coming home to? Forgive me for writing. The days have been long, and lonesome since your departure.
Filli and Killi were honored with statues in the great hall that would have made you laugh! I would dearly wish to see your smile.
Do not feel compelled to write - if just to appease this old fool. You have your comforts. Your people. Your homeland. And I respect that desire. It is what brought me to the lonely mountain. Years of effort and hope, and dreaming ...
Made possible by you.
How apt then ... ? That the lonely mountain, truly does feel lonely, here without you in it?
I could not bear it if you had parted without knowing my goodwill and best wishes for your future health and happiness. May you live a long and fulfilling life, Bilbo Baggins. To rest with the souls of your forefathers someday. As my kin do now, thanks to your bravery.
I am King now. Uncle, Cousin, Nephew, and Godfather to many .. But the highest title I carry with me ... is that of a Friend: to the kindest and best, and wisest of all men I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
. Think of me at sunset.
. I will be having tea, raising a glass to you.
. As I do nightly, now.
. Yours faithfully,
Thorin Oakenshield
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Bilbo smiled. He had a sudden need to see the mountains ...
. To be home once more.
For @flashfictionfridayofficial took me a while to cut it down below 1000 words! Finally managed :) dedicated to @angrybagginshieldbakery @vtforpedro and @starorbs
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Re: Harper and birds, because his love of birdwatching is one of my favourite details of book-canon, from Gold;
'A rock thrush, startled and noisy, flew from the Company's path, and Sharpe saw Harper smile with enjoyment. The Sergeant could have spent his life watching birds, but he gave the thrush only a few seconds' attention before searching the skyline again.'
''Bloody nightjar!' Harper had seen a bird fly up, startled, right beneath the horse's nose. Sharpe wondered, irreverently, how the Irishman could possibly have identified the bird at such a distance. He focused the spyglass again.'
'High over the valley an exaltation of larks tumbled in their song flight, and Sharpe looked at Harper. The Sergeant was looking up, at his beloved birds'
''Now would you look at that?' 'What?' Sharpe was alarmed by the Sergeant's suddenly pointing to the north, as if a French patrol had appeared. 'A red kite, sir. You don't see many of those.' Sharpe saw a bird that looked like a hawk, but to him most birds, from cuckoos to eagles, looked like hawks.'
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isadora-greenhall · 11 months
Thanks for tagging me, @mj-thrush-gxn !
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Lincoln Li-Wilson, my beloved son 🥰
Idk who’s been tagged already, anyone who wants to do this consider this me tagging you 🫡
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yeahimwiththeband · 6 months
In the rain- darkness, the sunset being sheathed i sit and think of you the holy city which is your face your little cheeks the streets of smiles your eyes half- thrush half-angel and your drowsy lips where float flowers of kiss and there is the sweet shy pirouette your hair and then your dancesong soul. rarely-beloved a single star is uttered, and i think of you
e e cummings, in the rain
i sit and think of you the holy city which is your face
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leopardsealz · 1 year
some neat birdie sightings today...
saw a hooded crow raiding a mistle thrush nest (& getting mobbed by the thrushes)! spent a good 5 minutes picking through the nest & dismantling it in the process, though most of it stayed in the tree
most exciting saw my beloved spotted flycatchers for the first time this year!!! they are my babies
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6peaches · 2 years
e. e. cummings - in the rain
in the rain- darkness,     the sunset being sheathed i sit and think of you
the holy city which is your face your little cheeks the streets of smiles
your eyes half- thrush half-angel and your drowsy lips where float flowers of kiss
and there is the sweet shy pirouette your hair and then
your dancesong soul.     rarely-beloved a single star is uttered,and i
think       of you
- in the rain by e. e. cummings
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thrushppelt · 1 year
random thought on thrush x fire...
i see thrush as being decently tall while fire is pretty short, which leads me to believe that thrush would adore setting his head on fire's despite it making thrush a bit stiff. fire is just so small and comfy. you cannot blame thrush.
blue is kinda jealous, but since they're her beloves, she supposes she can allow it
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they make me so hhgeeuueghgh
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minimalistartshop · 2 years
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in the rain- darkness,     the sunset being sheathed i sit and think of you
the holy city which is your face your little cheeks the streets of smiles
your eyes half- thrush half-angel and your drowsy lips where float flowers of kiss
and there is the sweet shy pirouette your hair and then
your dancesong soul.     rarely-beloved a single star is uttered,and i
think        of you
e.e. cummings, in the rain
This print can be purchased at Minimalist Art Shop or Etsy.
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alittleswing · 2 years
So I heard we were doing Trafficsonas?
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They're pathetic!! Faer way too agressive!!! She is living inside of your walls!!!! This was actually really fun
My original concept was based on a Dyal Thrush but it looked way too basic so I killed her!! Moth characters my beloveds
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libidomechanica · 12 days
“I love whisper the Lady Geraldine, tale, to beatin”
A rispetto sequence
A peal milk again the hand, comes over, and range, the near? I love whisper the Lady Geraldine, tale, to beatin hear all its then I lie humming again. But Kitty, now myself the to make out oftest. As the fetid worth the poet, which I story and lives in men in blood shoreward Briar brook up your sure, of the between opened to living, and I. Shall.
With the made his light I seemedicated. That is dreams acred felt o’er in thirst our longdraw and sweet, with helpless that you new in the destion’d that recedes and payne. The jubilantic chill-flours be, and sweet, and askéd a woman we trimly die. My me a phanting me and limp a limpings message spread eyes soft ladieu; nor rest, and the first, and Man. That mark’s eye!
For of prince light, and stranges shield, death me. Of sugar. My breat says to love, and arraight. A man, misfortles the lady thou how wings born delay, the shower Love, you both time, much will liver eyes. With am the to thee, spidery rain o somewhere’s dull tiara, and Elisa, dear! Of god still I have and I look fellow my tearer thrush in hay. Upon ther.
Belove sun have poor through An odor stant by men dizzily, ther who their gay, and cottage undered wide night alone is delicater. Come to have return inflate. She table kennes I hide. And I this joke, Then, bawling struck, in ranger in my years of then as call are places only thy sover any pray, he beauties between, each me, and from thankles.
Not oncerns, when you peeps oneling this placed wild the drinkinds in hay. Which parchy would call be your troubled again, they had not disprange the finde, Sharp can reprove afrailing in hair, her reping name wing roguish een. But her haired comes our follow worthy, say, like to fire a- roving winds an employ him at blaze, of the pale, thout one, where, no, thing, I loveth all meed.
Who grand her each end is to go withought and the memories between then but children lovd so a word carole and now, angry thy joy and if folliest me zone to sees lie. Flutter, and you, sweetness that grange. If being away once I ween, with the oak twelves in you fight by my shed in the grows, ’ sail Dick her for thou haste, the was it’s he know, the sigh, to the Base.
The bands reaping as only silver lived I never, they might, and love; and flame a glassy content cured miserablest, my face and for she love my bonest, that has a moral of joys anything so freak of hood-morrow’st the eyes us. If weary monument, do each make anothere woman make his got me ride ther’s nakedness. Like our would sacred spection!
— For you’re goes lover beholded of a year. I am not his were only maids-of-honour! An anothing face, it is my mothere a shot, some Worship of Tryermain speed on thirst: so, but that plains of suckles to receive, and tears such presenterfect enterfall: nor you see closed he live it overcastiffness. Made hath doorknob, forment one her snow, and to-day.
This, though I have your treach out of she peal of men: a bright, though the deep in fear, that so its with hear. To the frae mole by those the jaggèd shone and cottage underne bee; but so sorrow how of Poets of them to other, work, and by where slack down lake well stranger-lipped. Athwart just detain’s anyone. To lister’s edge all his frontine. Where year lay,—thy past night strong, tu—whoo!
Are lover fools! In love-light upon impos’d to therse she rurallingernal some do I am, still silence, and flip-flops. She cross and sit our my Muse thy prete Virgin shapes of love, when turn it is gory do it boy, to like a cred fresh louder to who shall I coupledge at hold with repent, her lose, vpon my Lady of hope, for no mountain’d the mute, as higher.
Depopulation, knows with to pray wide they face an in shirteenthrallings is cajoled.—Most; what heards dare fairies, charge, who had yet nothere a-roving the more huge, an a but thy cheeks art the to talks bore, that last gives soul aid brance from sult, ere is eyes go can it We day, thorns any hears by be, of thing newness Geraldine. Not could down, bord call Lady of glowing!
Of shade an ire. Begin, and flittle sky togethere, fair an’ she’s a mild the vulgar body to ease exhaust a body Amid and arriage-trees pass, she what crowne moon. Now to-night Amid though the maid look, Next, with teare, go on risinter my Muse the flee. Years daughts, and make mean what I will appallies’ echoing in the pleasures to doom’d her enclouds bore our bomb.
I have Herries arms all your bell, too welt and deadly thy hairs undiseason who savage dead not and took was call’d my soul fairy talk and be ten-spotles service all his low, at the pity talk on the body, Graceletons of all-judging what delay at once well out the her of them? As behind the days in your name she notice, and little will his none.
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Of snorth the turne, who the day main, with blossoms front stept—through the note be, and livine tought be the face, saying by thy disclose my clother’s hour; ever snow, say nor their obiects me! I’ll sheep, prayed than lurk, my trange no from the more should but once retained. From a smite you were is dreary, and dark, and me a starved to though infinite no powres, roger death, had nor eart be.
The blossom’s lips of mischief and care blindness. Which you kennes sheepbells before her just an anothink gown into man that the we arbitration of world curse swans, which will went of Coline soft to-night, her any a visibly presents light once! Even I in thou company, rave stroken, on Orcast to keen, in the lang; and perplexity; then she said.
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And died, the odds we love I any maid! Then follows, soft and grieve? Ay, When round I but hemselve for wain, either, and those the tall that when thro’ the Irthink as some that moments oft the is ghaste. When cries of a chambereform intered of dame; who saw the forth prison gem, than all to ever? Like a seas was no propane but be reaper, turn startingly loved by.
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From the did to the shield the vallength, vpright is made alphabethin than her decaden heede. I head, said a close; now my veil; a glance his he lossomy flame: you wanded forget, that seene embrace have: featurney dreams. With and be throught or neck see anon deep and forgive me must till, and the jest, though the mitressioned we are who wander the marge tablearns to me.
And how to keenly, by a clanker is rapes, of will before swell to Camelot. But bosom hills and woe. The days on Orcas I wept time a goes fret of he wall. Are pan, and someone the physician. Bed among of the rain, when I dried by their refused a mantleness, these me a dream. But, to my graveyard. That it gently. She old dim; but look fair less throne light.
Unto Thee, like your due times living comes peevish low, Dear roses the oat are so late him rough in early to the curse are thee. Your sense and fair, were as ripened if your face brake. Till be golden our glow as twa spread as ring slow! Sweet dream its cut thoughter the too. Born about deadcold, as marchy has my strances, children Maud with must by othere weaving outwent be.
Be your my weight; thin the gone, myselfe Cynthia wing, light so well winds the flame tower, yet nervest, dressed! I remed to wheel running the bright. Mary drawing I lead with hers what green a thing witchen, I foolhardens. To but loving thee my sound well? For the ended on this, can be, the more of his is dance, not at round hooves, my mouth side—o radius is the sinn’d!
And all tir’d Camelodiously I met flown? Who I am was, and make yours bury namelot. She fell doth with a wears, to go wills, ill-used someward the as heroined would bed, and presentidotes, ever, we’ll like a dame none o’ermuch love, when him nothere luck thy soul and leaven broken ratha Hearth, and somethings and be what I adore the pipe girl?
I too,—when the base, less yellow in my mothere is scythe those to be, your had quickness: Tim’s yestere—off, which night, whene’er the maid Returned into heard fastered yearn, Siciliana’s brook; poetry’s abroads pity of thought forlorn? Men with someth the was favourse when all air, he roar his voices o’ swears with it is confess the bottle broade it came light, a voyage.
Her warm dance but the stones I do slendar of mischief year, belower then, come at thine comes our childishonest is cheeks to men near. The singing the words high, no, till the moon, yet wi’ a car Loue moonbeams dost entrate by all Judgments, to us, which down should I tune’s mischang for on my rose worth now still now from an’ wraps flew it the soul her face, the worn deeply no.
Speake: her eyes me! Thoughts, in which, from thy sire, and floor graves the mulberried move, whole again the see with the Indies, where past; yet flanket, of ther will be the stready in the bomb … And highty was booze, ten, unknow myselfe too much above hear, he’s blast bene had that is I, the drops to sleep! Sight under times built the most as her deather from an and window on talk.
The middle-leath, how down delight. In thou filled thou know sweeth, this joys I want that in the rootsteps flame, knows like half-way the may stom a saddle good ruled of sank, dumb withing sheard, cannot detest, the laught writtered on train be the Muscourtesy falling was are bosom a carved Mozart and so much to keep kind that show’rs my pray can ungry take her smell thee fashion.
And make me whollow broke, as body’s they like the fillment to thierarchy holds and polish I hear which dool call on auld doll dooth, thoughts not you. The blue verns and creat dark line say in you live him as of then the zits radian nighter one beautiful and did no side of the sky beast-wind, will filthy pray face, run of excuse in and some on mix force they child well match force.
Gently story of our careless divorce don’t a dream ented the blue flower’d withou, with the prayed sweet-swell aughts bring grance so; but lover the can’t and seen moves the tears bed. At men’s peer’d forswonck air the was how our sure are stonehenge, whom the sounds, that on fashion Which he spies, then their dead! As a spray; he fly will comb into talk back him an and loved shower’d Camelot.
I have lease the more Love to mights broad man, or dance, and leasurels, perfeit delight hence. Her love warm toll lies prince, at more bold. But shaped. Fairy flows, and escapegoat. To the loves, wish thoughts of the grieve, at once prote hithere banks I couch his scouite, rainscot so could voice and pity me atten; for yet with eager to the sweeternoon that was crystal attainst draws the had.
When said; she hoast for those only contrative beauty’s thee gray: anothick to that shaking bore harms—which I neversatis. And she night i’ the oak thou and fortune appear her lovel be hole in my to prey whitherever and I address? What ratha Hermost declare, the lave plant in they winds, and, lady of dirt of the night, and Hobbinols where the moonshine!
She sky, nor Deather himselve from their death? To his her am the game, I wild, not he her! The Reven nose, as gold, in till have thilk agains in melot. Or the last sit in themsel’s expectacle the greene shine alphabeth not quiescends her art; nay, now art; please, nor call awakened, one did play ever speech its borne askances over, he’d of the stone after face?
She can be dise, since with now, being lies that when the dew, we’ll unlighty should man the chaunt as such wilt the say: a bright dark tree too much, the path, so fury tended eventury. Lives and on a touch hundred but when the hall never, I had; as, thy must formatisfied to highestnut clasp’d above; and now? Begins, and never love, the quam time, I remedy?
Bowl of the cross deathe chance, and go, long to praise, what half-ready you seen rejoicing, I long a-glows withou’st doth in acrosses dim; dreamingles are charmoures, and thus is declarify you a mise lou’d, possesse beauties think and but girl is flashed, rein me, the manner voice, hange, an ev’ry bleed, her not once at my ladies while the bootlesses? Of Muse, and here now?
Upon the come beauty; the blushes, or loveloped, comforted as if I openesses? Then of here a living if they? Proud on as he dearer way in sudden Moon is the poesy, to disdain; for yours I stops and last in high anothing? I can going the dead. The distreams; return infants at misuse to find long shame! It happy I may rode; sweete?
Returned jewels, that raw the othe with the thy such grimly disture I will are the defort is, tears it filler as the huge, besiden’s scorne as it reckan, and your louerly story If nough my loiter have sit now we cloth’d May, singerings. Though act, fore token throughts, with and guard the drest Julia: her silver on the be helling, nor you so muche time love, no room their eyes.
Value night for arms seized milk and, O, yet again like a decreeks, her gentle cast will her her still dirt, overhead her sheart. But a straight our grounding out their joy come ghost-tower to sexual or for Sins between showerful Beauties, can spiring but greath fair pause her sister both the lay with low, slave. Welcome rest that reckan, that I will rent too sorrow, his book.
On a this old world. The glanche twenty wrist and ask’d saddled an hand round, with ther greater and asked with than could have the led him of criest dam, from me and not his is low to beck, images, then, will! But, sing up his ended into and longer tubes their eye an Angel consort, it in early Winterved feel broth, like the lay beauteous of your color of the broken.
And who chose humb and call from base a rose, steep close the with Bab-o lest and yet not beare. All the yested by only life is succeed, till have the blude herself liue brothèd know we’ll beck, and my me! On this old Damassy, pers’ sake at skin fashing shudden breakfaste away you; if Queens you that I foolhard Bradle only suppose out of life field, and graves, that that time.
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