#TMA rp
Lae isn’t exactly sure when this forest stopped being her forest. Technically, she doesn’t know if it’s not her forest at all. It could be the same one.
But none of the traps are in the right places, and he would know- he helped lay most of them. He avoids them anyway. Lae knows Marc, and she knows traps- she’s been walking among them long as she can clearly remember.
But it might not be her forest. And that is an interesting thought.
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little-watcher · 2 days
Getting time off from the Usher Foundation is a bitch, especially when it's to take a trip that absolutely isn't work sanctioned. But even with the tower, hell, especially with the tower, the town gets claustrophobic. More than she knows.
Alexis makes landfall in London well past midnight. The kid's probably out, and if he is awake, she's not bothering him. She can mind her own business sometimes.
So, she wanders, and she waits.
ellery knows that she’s looking for him. so it yawns, stretches, presses a kiss to rosalind’s cheek, and leaves a note on the kitchen counter explaining where he left to.
it wanders. it knows it could find her in the blink of an eye, but the sky is beautiful at this time of night, and it deserves a little break. but only a little one. then it goes to Find her.
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There's a box at Anna's door.
There's a box at Anna's door, with Alex's and Lucía's direction in the remitent and it isn't ticking or making weird noises. Just... A box, with a note plastered to the the top.
((The Falling Girl
Anna opens it. If it were coming from anybody else, she'd at least check the damn thing, but Alex has probably checked it half a dozen times already, and she can't get a dead body through the postage. Knowing Lucia, she has probably tried.
She's not scared of her. She should be.
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visceralfractal · 3 days
There's two donuts on a paper plate on Pamela's nightstand. One is jelly filled, the other custard. They are actually ketchup and mayo. But Pamela doesn't need to know that.
Tal is there but isn't showing up yet, so they don't scare her on accident.
- @eyes-that-decieve
She pokes them, hesitant, skeptical. In part, it's just to let her new hands feel these. Everything feels so different now.
"Who left these here?"
No answer.
Spi bites, and spi retches.
"Bastard! Ugh!"
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pupil-of-the-eye · 2 days
Oh! I found a little image maker!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So I made Elias and I :)
@sonar-fairchild Would you two like to try?
//OOC tags (because this version of Elias and Cordelia Céline haven't interacted with many people yet) @flowers-and-mourning-songs @apartment-413 @little-watcher @elias-magnusnt @fairchild-isnt-my-actual-name
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y0ud0n0tkn0w · 3 days
liza wanders into the cinema curiously. she isn’t planning on seeing a movie, she’s just interested in what might be there.
When it hears her come in, Cole looks up from its phone. The cinema is unusually empty today, and it has been waiting for customers for what feels like hours, so it leans over the counter enthusiastically.
"Hello! Let me guess, a ticket for 7 pm?"
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nobodys-soldier · 3 days
Charlie comes home to a strange man on her couch, a shovel on her floor, and an awful lot of blood on the carpet.
He doesn't know why he came back. Pity? Obligation? A need to own up to his actions?
It doesn't matter. It never mattered. He will kill her if he must, but for now, he just sits there, quiet.
She screams. Of course she does. What else do you do when you find a man, a stranger, sitting in a mess of blood in your living room?
Charlie reaches one shaking hand back to the door handle, and another to her purse. She keeps a knife in there. She doesn’t think she ever told Marc that.
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This is your doing?
what is?
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julian-says-howdy · 8 hours
Are you busy?!
Can we go get ice cream?!
Like right now?!
sure!!!!! lets do it!!!!!!!
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The sundae is disgustingly sweet. If she had a stomach, she'd be sick. Jude nearly does get sick, just from the intensity of it. It's overstimulation in a cup. Why did he agree to this?
"Jesus Christ. Okay. Fun first food."
Laertes has to put it in almost immediately. The fact that he’s never had it before makes it about three times stronger. On the plus side, the face he makes is hilarious.
“….the taste buds were a bad idea.”
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little-watcher · 17 hours
You also work at the Institute, correct? Do you want someone to torment? Or more specifically, keep an Eye on?
um. n o?? th ank yo u???? h i??? wh at???? um, im el lery, wh ats yo ur nam e? i fe el li ke that s a bet ter star t??
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To say Laertes hasn’t visited Marc would be unfair. They have, they didn’t just forget him once he was no longer in immediate danger of dying.
It’s just…hard. Hard to see the proud man he once was made even less than a ghost. Hard for that part of her that sees him as the pack’s leader to accept that his fight had gone out.
That difficulty doesn’t stop her from trying. Marc has abandoned himself for dead. Laertes has not. She nabs some chicken from the dive and hopes that maybe this will cheer him up.
But why is it that when she blips in search of him, he finds himself in the Hollowville graveyard?
Marc is not here. Mort has had no time to bury him, and now he's not sure if he ever will. But his grave is here. It lies open and empty between the places where his parents and sister took their final rest.
He should have known he'd find them here. He should have seen it coming. He just didn't expect them to come so soon.
He gets the shovel ready.
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visceralfractal · 1 day
Amelie storms into Sinclair's apartment, going straight to the wardrobe.
"Hey, Slaughter dumbass where did you put my leather jacket¿???"
They yell out without little care if anyone else is there.
Pamela almost falls out of their chair. Why are they here? They were under the impression things between them were on the rocks.
Should she hide?
She throws the door open, teeth bared, rapidly oxidizing hands held out. They have a distinctly bloodied look to them. Perhaps that was on purpose.
"What do you think you're doing?"
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"Dammit," Pamela curses.
Oh, well. This could easily have gotten a lot more embarrassing.
She gets up and goes to make them some breakfast. Spi can't cook, but it likes these little gestures of self-reliance. Choosing what they wear, what they eat. That matters after a long time of no choices.
"How do you like your eggs?"
"Dunno. Haven't had those in a while."
Niss shakes themselves, prompting more sleepy grumbling from Tal.
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mart1n-k-blackwood · 2 days
Martin- Martin, please come to my office. Now. Quickly, Martin.
Uh- yeah! On my way is something going on???
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j-sims-tmi · 3 days
Would you also like a cat, Jon?
Well... I like cats a lot, but... I never got myself one because I am not sure if I can keep it alive. And I'm very busy lately, so... Unless I can take it with me to work, I can't accept your offer.
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