javatello · 20 days
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Wc rewrite doodles, my rewrite ideas can be found here!
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shummthechumm · 1 year
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assorted (rewrite) designs that i never posted here? das crazyyy
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kudossi · 7 months
Hear me out: Lionblaze is born brown and is named after sea lions, actually.
I'm not taking into account the commonality of sea lions in whichever place one might imagine the clans are as it's a magical place no matter what and sea lions might as well be there. Really it would have made more sense for Midnight to be a sea lion instead of a dry land-ass badger hoping that high tide doesn't drown her this time.
Anyway, the journey group rolls up to the sun-drown-place and goes what the fuck is that a sea lion? I'd only heard RiverClan stories about those things!
And of course Midnight the sea lion is like BARK BARK BARK BARK [delivers prophecy in pinniped]
So naturally when Leafpool hands over her kits to Squirrelflight, Squirrelflight is like your names suck ass this one is Lionkit
And Leafpool's like ...why are you fucking reminding me about that fucking sea lion who broke up my illicit affair?
And Squirrelflight's like of all the cats you had crushes on over the years you just HAD to run off with the grumpy WindClan idiot whose original also-sapphic-leaning girlfriend kicked it in the mountains.
So of course Leafpool has no choice but to be like yeah fine Lionkit it is.
Lionpaw doesn't like this very much, mostly because his siblings like to make sea lion impressions every time he enters into literally anywhere. Hollypaw's gotten really good at it.
I also like to imagine one of the ubiquitous quests that everyone and their second cousins seem to have to go on leads them to a zoo and Lionblaze is like SEE! LOOK! I WAS NAMED AFTER THIS MAJESTIC CREATURE THE AFRICAN LION!
And he turns around, triumphant, to see that his siblings are just standing by the sea lion exhibit barking at him.
The quest is of course leading them to the sea lions. Lionblaze considers feeding himself to the land lions.
Also imagine a bunch of sea lions attacking the camp in Twilight. Like I mean they're probably still badgers I don't think that has to change but hear me out: it would be funny.
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bonefall · 1 year
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BB!Mistystar really does have the best arc in Better Bones, ngl
context below the cut:
BB!TNP is an arc that confronts a lot of the leftover ideas from TPB, one of which is an overhaul of Hawkfrost. Instead of being "The Tiger in RiverClan," he was groomed by the remaining TigerClan supporters to inherit his father's legacy
Mistyfoot realizes that he wasn't the root of the evil; he was a symptom. And RiverClan doesn't "go back to normal." After another clan discussion blows up into a huge argument, she looks up for help to her leader on the stump... only to see her gazing down with amusement.
The setting sun turns Leopardstar into a black shape on a dark, spiky hill, splinters and branches jagged like rotting bones. Her eyes flash, Tigerstar amber, Dark Forest red, and Mistyfoot understands that these ideas won't die unless they are killed.
She finishes Leopardstar by bashing her head on a rock in the southern delta, an inlet river, which is what causes the lake to run red with blood. Hawkfrost's death is now impaling himself on the stake by accident, charging at Mothwing when she pulls it out of the ground.
Mistyfoot then chooses Sedgecreek as her first deputy.
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riverc1an · 5 months
average conversation within the new prophecy crew
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milezperprower · 7 months
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having a pretty stressful end to my day so i decided to cool down via doing this
so i hit tadc with my warrior cats ray.... but what if i hit warrior cats with my tadc ray..??
i present to yall- squilfagtha and leafgle.
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artaintfartwarriors · 9 months
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booksofstars · 8 months
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tnp infection au!! inspired by those mlp aus going around.
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burntpaws · 4 months
okay warriors fandom, as someone who read the new prophecy arc, the winds of change graphic novel, but did NOT read onestar’s confession
sell me on why mudclaw should be leader and not onewhisker
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roadeaterr · 10 months
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wcstarless · 4 months
The New Prophecy (since nobody is asking about it I'll just spill)
Blossomfeather is sent a vision from StarClan about the journey.
Without darkness light can't triumph, light can't exist without the dark to oppose it.
The vision is sent to her by Spottedleaf (ew) Goosefeather and Yellowfang. They insist that the dark forest has to follow them to the lake.
I imagine StarClan and the dark forest had to actually make the journey with the clans. But it's like first class versus the back of the plane. StarClan gets fed and sunny pelts and a wonderful peaceful journey.
The Dark Forest cats have basically a comedic road trip with Firefall asking are we there yet every fifteen seconds.
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mud-castle · 2 years
I've been trying to hold out on posting designs for EoS, but I'm so proud of this Tawnyclaw:
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
Thoughts on Graystripe?
i'm so glad he's dead. once bramblestar is dead, i want the line of cats who are unnecessarily favored by the authors to end once and for all.
like i enjoy graystripe, he's cute and funny and i get why people still really like him....but he doesn't get to really ever deal with the consequences of his actions.
He routinely ditches his apprentice and puts the work onto Firestar -> Brackenfur never holds resentment towards Graystripe and for whatever reason despite doing jack shit this is still enough to make him qualify for deputy.
He ditches his Clan -> he barely gets any resistance, the bit he does get is from Darkstripe who is portrayed to be in the wrong.
He ditches his kids in RiverClan who nearly face execution because they're half-clan -> they never resent him despite their only real kin abandoning them and not being there to defend them when they were rounded up to be k i l l e d
he never defends briarlight or his other children against millie -> the narrative never blames him, his kids never hold resentment towards him. his absence puts more onus on the mother, he's a garbage father and the narrative never wants to address that
He'd be more enjoyable if he did face consequences! If his relationship with his mates and children was strained, his Clan didn't respect him, and he wasn't a good deputy. it's okay if he suck, male characters getting consequences is good!!!!!!
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sophswritingthings · 1 year
Longstar AU — Chapter Fourteen
   Longtail was settled into his next, a gentle breeze filtering in through his thinner fur. He was sound asleep, comfortable and quiet. Though, his ears twitched at a rustle at the entrance.
   He rasied his head to see a fluffy brown tail wading out of the den. His green eyes narrowed, his eyesight much fuzzier than it was when he would usually wake up—but he could see enough. He blinked a few times, clearing it so he could see better.
   Longtail slowly got to his paws, padding out of the den with gentle paws. Though as he slipped out, so did this other cat. He lent over, picking up the scent trail of ThunderClan warrior Brambleclaw.
   He swiftly trotted out of the camp, Brambleclaw’s scent fading a bit, but strong enough where he could follow it. And soon enough, he realized where it was leading.
   “Tawnyfang!” Brambleclaw mewed, nuzzling his sister. Sure, the warrior had a harsh temper with an apprentice, but he was a well shaped warrior and loved his family. And, he was much better than his father, Longtail could give him that. “So, do you think the others will come?”
   “I’m not sure.” Tawnyfang flicked her tail, “Lets hope they do, though.”
   “.. Brambleclaw! Tawnyfang!” A sweet, soft voice filled his ears. “It’s good to see you! I’m happy It’s cats we know.” Feathertail flicked her bushy tail, her brother, Stormfur, padding in behind her.
   “Was he chosen, too? They said one cat per clan.” Brambleclaw mewed, flattening his ears. Chosen? Chosen for what? Longtail thought with narrowed eyes. And whose gathering them here? StarClan..?
   “No, he wasn’t. But he insisted on coming when I told him about my dream,” Feathertail smiled. “He didn’t want me meeting with random cats. But its only you two!”
   “And me,” A raspy voice came from behind them, a small black cat with large ears and river blue eyes. “Crowpaw. WindClan.”
   Thats Deadfoot’s kit, Longtail thought.
   “Than thats all of us?” Tawnyfang prompted.
   “Nope!” A more high-pitched voice came from behind Brambleclaw, a small red and white she-cat appearing out of the bushes. “Squirrelpaw!”
   Squirrelpaw! Longtail let out a hiss. Sneaking out of camp! What was she thinking?! He leapt out of the bushes, hissing at the small she-cat.
   “L-longtail!” Squirrelpaw recoiled, flattening her ears tight to her skull. “What.. what are you..”
   “I saw a warrior sneaking out of camp in the middle of the night,” He shot daggers at Brambleclaw, who recoiled as well, “I didn’t think one of my warriors would do this, without talking his leader. But my apprentice?” Longtail growled, “You’re all going to explain this. Now.”
   “You’re not my deputy, or leader,” Crowpaw growled. “I dont have to listen to you.”
   “I’m a deputy nonetheless,” Longtail hissed, glaring at the young apprentice. “And I happen to know your father quite well, Crowpaw. He wouldn’t be so happy if he heard about any of this.”
   “Give him a little respect, Crowpaw.” Tawnyfang mewed, gazing at Longtail. “It’s nice to see you healed and still the same cat I knew while in ThunderClan.”
   “.. Same to you, Tawnyfang. And a warrior, too.” Longtail mewed, curling his long tail around his paws. “So, explain.”
   “We’ve.. each been getting these dreams, well, beside Stormfur.” The gray striped tom flicked his tail with a nervous smile. Brambleclaw mewed, “From StarClan. Telling us we had to meet here on the full moon, at midnight. That there would be others, and we’d be told what we have to do, or why we were getting these dreams in the first place.”
   “You should have spoken to Firestar, or me, at the least.” Longtail sighed, “I have to tell him, you understand that.”
   “I know,” Brambleclaw murmured. “But.. I thought that you wouldn’t understand it. That he wouldn’t let us go.”
   “Of course he would understand!” Longtail hissed, “Firestar had dreams of StarClan when he was a warrior. And now he’s a leader guided by StarClan themselves. There’s no one who would understand more.”
   “.. I-I suppose that’s right,” Brambleclaw mumbled, flattening his ears.
   “Let’s go,” Longtail took a sharp breath, “And this isn’t the end of this for you, Squirrelpaw. You weren’t even chosen.. for whatever this is. I suggest the rest of you go back to your camps and talk to your leaders.” He narrowed his eyes, turning back toward camp with his clanmates in toe.
   “.. Longtail?” Squirrelpaw mewed softly, her ears flattened, her tail tucked between her legs. “I-I’m sorry. I thought.. well, I-I don’t know what I thought. But—I’m sorry.”
   Longtail sighed. “Maybe you had good intentions. Maybe you weren’t thinking.” He replied, glancing at her. “Either way, you shouldn’t have snuck out of camp. It’s dangerous out there at night for a barley trained apprentice, okay? I'll have to tell Firestar, and you'll receive punishment.”
   “.. I.. understand.” She murmured, making a beeline for the apprentice den as they entered camp.
   “.. What about me?” Brambleclaw murmured.
   “I have to talk to Firestar about that.” Longtail replied, “I saw your intention, Brambleclaw. You were only following the will of StarClan; but there are people here who can help and rationalize these situations. Get some rest and we'll talk in the morning.”
   Brambleclaw dipped his head, padding over to the warriors den. He slipped inside, beyond the bushes, a few warriors hissing and grumbling as he did so. 
   “Longtail?” A gruff, sleepy voice came from the entrance. He turned around, claws unsheathed, only to see Darkears standing there. “Relax. It’s me. What are you doing up?”
   “I could say the same for you,” He replied, settling down in the soft sand beneath his paws.
   “I went to the dirt place.” Darkears padded farther into camp. “And what about you, what’s your excuse?”
   I can’t say anything til I talk to Firestar, Longtail thought, “I couldn’t sleep. I went for a stroll is all.”
   “And why’s that?” Darkears raised an eyebrow.
   “I don’t know,” Longtail mumbled. It wasn’t exactly a lie; the reason he'd woken up in the first place was because he was sleeping rather light. He was having trouble getting good sleep, ever since the rabbit attack and loosing his eyesight. Not being able to see as well put him.. on edge, half the time. “Ever since loosing my good eyesight I’ve been on edge.”
   “You have no need to be, Longtail.” Darkears flicked his ear with his tail, “You have a clan behind you that would protect you if you came into trouble. If your eyesight was holding you back.” Darkears mewed softly, “But I think you're still that strong apprentice I trained all those moons ago.”
   “I’m.. I-I’m not so sure,” Longtail flattened his ears. “I feel like I’m less of a warrior because of my eyesight. I don’t want others to have to protect me, I’m their deputy, I should protect them.”
   “Don’t think like that.” Darkears gently lifted the tom's chin with his paw. “You're no less of a warrior. You're no less of a deputy, Longtail. Just because you need protecting sometimes doesn’t make you weak.” He smiled softly, “Now get some sleep, mouse-brain.” He gently nudged his shoulder, padding into the warriors den. Longtail let out a scoff, following the dark tabby tom into the den.
   He watched as Darkears curled up beside Blacksight, the two toms snuggled up and comfortable in a nest. Darkears had reintegrated into the clan; he'd healed from Tigerclaw, he'd made his amends. He'd gotten a new mate, a happy, loving life once more. He was happy for him; he was apart of the clan again. And so was Longtail, deputy, a mate—expecting kits—it seemed like everything was so perfect.
   But he knew it wasn’t.
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bonefall · 6 months
ever think about how in tnp bramble is suspicious of hawk until the /moment/ they visit tiger together? and then gets mad at squilf for expressing an opinion he used to agree with?
Actually! The moment Bramble stops being suspicious of Hawkfrost is when he's jealous of Squilf's magical telepathic bond to her sister. It's like spite. It fascinates me that you can read it as though Brambleclaw is being consumed by jealousy, trying to have everything that Squilf does, as though his "hatred" of her is coming from envy.
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riverc1an · 5 months
whats are roadtrip gangs go to gas station snacks and drinks?
feathertail: would grab some dried fruit, sunflower seeds and water (or lemonade)!! if a gas station has an option for milkshakes, she would purchase one lmao
stormfur: some cashews (i don’t see him having a particular favorite snack, would grab whatever he’s in the mood for) and he’ll get water or some juice
squirrelflight: definitely gummy fruit candy and beef jerky lmao, as for drinks her go to choice is either water or some apple juice
tawnypelt: half the time she would just grab anything that she’s in the mood for. other half of the time tho she would grab some trail mix, dark chocolate, and canned tea
brambleclaw: most of the time he would go for either granola bars or trail mix and some good old water (if he’s in the mood for it he would get something sweet)
crowfeather: this guy would grab any chip bag that’s spicy and some soda or slurpee lmao
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