#TOMOKI’S!!!!!! SLIPPERS!!!!!!!
citrus-cactus · 2 years
After 20 years of the bare minimum, the Frontier content is being unleashed like there’s no tomorrow. I mean, LOOK AT THIS?????????
WHAT THE FU— 😭💖🌙💯💯🤩🤯‼️‼️
Ahem. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I’m not on Twitter, so this is the first I’ve seen of these. More new art, a popup store, an adorable theme, the Year of Frontier continues, this series is finally getting it’s day in the sun, I’m not ok, I am vibrating, I’M
Look at them!!!
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sambart93 · 7 years
2017.05.16 Dansui Stage Review!
I went to see this a few weeks ago and I was pretty excited to see it because of the dorama; it was a decent dorama and I enjoyed all the characters. Also who doesn’t want to drool at about 20 almost naked men for 2 hours?
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Official Website here Dorama Official Site here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Videos 1, 2, 3 PreOrder DVD/BR here, here, here and here Order Dorama DVD/BR here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here Order the Soundtrack CD here and here
Cast and Characters
Matsuda Ryo as Shuhei Miyazaki Shuuto as Daiki Anzai Shintarou as Reo Akazawa Tomoru (aka Tomorun) akazaas Harumi Sato Hisanori as Yuuta Ozawa Ren (aka RenRen) as Mitsuki Kuroba Mario as Homare Ikeoka Ryousuke (aka IkeP) as Ichitora Kaminaga Keisuke as Daniel Saitou Kyouhei as Masaki Nasuda Yuudai as Eisuke Tsukayama Hisanao as Ichiro Sakurai Keisuke as Jirou Kamimura Kaisei as Shintarou Moro Moroaka as Shinichiro Hirose Tomoki as Ryouya
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Overall: This was a huge disappointment. The stage is essentially the entire dorama put into one two-hour segment with the last 15 minutes or so barely continuing from where the dorama finale ended. I went into the stage expecting it to be a continuation of the story, but I was completely wrong. It got about 20minutes into the stage when I realised ‘his isn’t just a big flashback opening, they’re actually doing ALL the scenes from the dorama again!’ and so once I realised that.... I was very bored. And disappointed. The saving grace of this stage is that we get more scenes from the competitor team (Ryuuhou) so more character development for them and the other saving grace were the comedy scenes because they were hilarious. For the best viewing experience either watch the drama or watch the stage but don’t watch both. Especially when one was free to watch and one cost me 8000yen -__- Rating: 4/10. Excluding my personal feeling and rating purely on the stage itself then I’d give it a 7/10.
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Now onto the spoiler section! I’ll try and stay as positive as possible.
Okay quickie negatives out the way first! As already stated in my overall review, I was disappointed in this stage. If you’ve seen the dorama then don’t bother with the stage. Same with if you’ve seen the stage then don’t bother with the dorama. It’s the EXACT same. I was bored for most of it because I’d already scene the dorama. I went in with the expectation of ‘yeah the dorama ended on a cliff hanger and we’re going to get this amazing 2 hour ending and we might even reach nationals at the end!’ but no. Nadda. Nothing. Just one BIG 2 hour recap of the dorama on stage -__- It’s just a rerun of the dorama with some extra scenes and so continuation right at the very end. Seriously only the last 15-20minutes go PAST the dorama so I was annoyed and by that point I was so bored I didn’t really pay attention as to whether it continued or not. Isn’t that what the stage was supposed to be? Seeing the swimming results and doing kantou finals or national finals? Was I the only one assuming this? I don’t understand (other than it being a money maker and giving the other school a bit more ‘screen’/stage time and development) why they chose to just redo the entire dorama on stage... we all watched the stage for free on television, I don’t want to pay another 8000yen a ticket to resee that when I was under the assumption I was paying for a decent finale and resolution and possible nationals beginning! -__- I’m pissed, safe to say. AND they ‘reacted’ the flashback scene from when Shuhei, Daiki and Reo were in Middle school SO many times... with the stage and dorama flashbacks of this combined, I'm SO bored and over it. Lastly: I’ll tell you a surprise disappointment I had: Hirose! I was freaking in LOVE with his character in the dorama but for some reason in this stage A. his stage time was ridiculously small, like ten minutes(!!!) and B. he was super super pissy and moody in the stage version. I hated him in the stage! Where’s my sexy, mysterious, logically-mean but supportive Ryouya at?!
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I had a really good seat though! I was SMACK in the middle so I had center view which was perfect!
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I enjoyed Anzai’s character Reo a lot more in the stage compared to the dorama. I feel we got to see more from his side and he seemed a lot softer in the stage version.
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Of course Tomorun as Harumi was freaking adorable! I love how he’s in love with Shuhei and how protective he is when people like RenRen go towards Shuhei, and he tries to pull Shuhei and Daiki away from them xD I also liked the little extra scene we got of him being bullied and called girly and how he’s happy he could be the manager. Tomorun’s Harumi is probably my second favourite character has was always my second/third favourite the entire series/drama/stage.
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Kamimura Kaisei is the one guy who caught my eye even in the dorama! He’s a cute character and the stage time he got too made me happy xD I’ve been told he’s completely different in real life though,like a little devil I believe I heard xD
I liked the three ensemble kids they cast to be the young versions of Shuhei, Daiki and Reo and I liked that during the flashback scenes they’d have all six of them onstage and like mirroring each others actions. It was cool.
Also ensemble did an amazing job in general. A lot of stunts for they had to do and during the swimming scenes they might use fabric land creative waves with them and there was also a lot of dancing from them which for the most part was really good. HOWEVER I did spot ONE ensemble cast guy who wasn’t putting as much energy into the dances and you could (if you’e good at spotting these kinds of things) see the lack of energy and powering his dancing compared to the other ensemble around him. It was personally distracting and annoying for me and I just wanted to yell ‘why you not matching your crew?! You must put the same height, the same power, the same exaggeration into your moments!’ I’m not even a dancer yet I really noticed the difference in his performance.
Speaking of stunts the main cast to did a great job with the stunts they had like jumping off boards.
Now to the COMEDY! They had a lot of comedy scenes which were very good. This seriously was the savior of the entire stage for me:
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Some comedy scenes were like the re-occurrence of Kaminaga/Daniel constantly getting hit with slippers and hands and stuff especially from Harumi and Ichitora/IkeP. I giggled a lot every time. Sometimes it sounded like he was honestly going to have bruises around his head by the end.
I loved whenever Daniel and Ichitora met. Especially the first time because it’s when Ichitora overhears Daniel claiming he’s good with girls and Ichitora just goes all tiger mood (as his name does mean ‘First Tiger’ xD) on him and growling. Daniel is quietly talking to the guys from Ryuhou while Ichitora is growling, and walking off /on stage about 10 times before Daniel notices him and Ichitora tries to be normal again. I’m not doing the scene justice but it was VERY funny. Especially because on the other side of the stage Shuhei and co. are having a serious discussion and they’re suppose to be the center of that scene but I was way too busy looking at the hilarity in the background between Daniel and Ichitora xD Quite a few of us were laughing hard and over the boys serious talk xD 
Also Ichitora had a habit of not getting Daniel’s name quite right. Every time, whatever name he would yell out that was suppose to be Daniel was hilarious.
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The day I went, I think IkeP got thrown off his chair. Looking at the Dress Rehearsal videos he is supposed to get knocked over and out of his chair, BUT the show I saw, he kind of went across the stage a little and RenRen paused before apologising. Ike just looked at him and laughed at himself. Also after he got up he started rubbing him arm and leg. So maybe they over did it by accident that show.
I enjoyed the fall over scenes they had. One scene is where the Ryuuhou team fell over in like disbelief and Ichitora fell onto Homare and then because they were going up stairs when this happened, one of the guys failed falling onto the steps and ended up going off the stairs and onto the main stage. Everyone was laughing. Don’t worry, the steps were on like 4 or 5 steps high xD
ALSO! After some of the races at the end, Ichitora confessed his love to Mario/Homare at the end!! He was like ‘I love you!’ and Homare is like ‘I don’t love you!’ Homare rejecting him was purely funny! I didn’t even cotton on that chitora liked Homare or was somewhat gay... BUT now I’m on board with him being in love with Homare! *dead*
Also Ike (can you tell I love Ike? Yeah I’m talking about him a lot because I’m Ike bias and the reason why I watched the drama anyway!) during one of the training scenes, the first years fell behind so he told them to do some impersonations. It was the first years on stage while the rest of Ryuuhou were against the wall of the left side door exit. Ike and Mario were literally on the floor laughing. All the Ryuuhou actors were honestly cracking up so hard. Ike was the worst out of them all and he was like ‘nah carry on, keep going’ and Mario is like ‘we HAVE to move on!’ xD I hope on the DVD there’s somewhat a higwari section because that was definitely it.
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Oooooo another loveboat/ship I can get onto it RenRen and Ryo aka Mitsuki x Shuhei! Not joking you, Renen grabs and holds Ryo’s hand on at least 3 different occasions! His character is definitely in love with Ryo, just like Tomorun’s character xD
By the way did you follow the Dansui twitter as the show was on? Their photos every damn day were hilarious! Here’s a teaser:
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Onto a more shallow topic: I changed my mind on who’s body I like the most! When I first saw all the press pics I decided that Mario had the best body in my opinion. I’m a girl who doesn’t like visible muscles so people like RenRen and Ryo and Shuuto who have visible stomach muscles and such, I don’t like it (I like them! But not so much their bodies xD). I am very much a ‘are they slim? do they have muscles but not obvious ones? Kool that’s my boy!’ and that’s why originally I went in with ‘yes Mario’s body!’ feel. BUT coming out...Before I say who lets just appreciate ALL their bodies okay? xD 
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Have you guessed who I fell for body-wise?
So the one who caught my eye was:
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I am ALL over Anzai’s body! He’s got that stomach where it curves out at the bottom and I like to call that section ‘pudge’ and I freaking LOOOOVE pudge (MakiChan has it too) and it was so cute! I just wanted to grab that tiny little bit of pudge. I think it’s adorable. So Anzai wins the Best Body Award in Dansui for me! Yes I am creepy and weird and need counselling... ANYWAY!
I was thnking of doing a ranking for the Dansui boys but after like IkeP Tomorun, Ryouya, Daniel, Anzai, then I get stuck xD
I think that’s me done for the review. It’s a strange one.
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Another review done! Sorry if you were expecting a great review for this one...
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