#fields: thriving
citrus-cactus · 2 years
After 20 years of the bare minimum, the Frontier content is being unleashed like there’s no tomorrow. I mean, LOOK AT THIS?????????
WHAT THE FU— 😭💖🌙💯💯🤩🤯‼️‼️
Ahem. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I’m not on Twitter, so this is the first I’ve seen of these. More new art, a popup store, an adorable theme, the Year of Frontier continues, this series is finally getting it’s day in the sun, I’m not ok, I am vibrating, I’M
Look at them!!!
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storm--bound · 6 months
since we all agree Sam needs a new job, may I present ✨️ Caretaker ✨️
Hear me out: always need people for the night shifts. He already has experience helping/healing others. Depending on the care home/care facility it can be rather laid back. Fairly fulfilling since you are actively taking care of others in the community
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coldtortelloni · 1 year
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>10 likes and i'll draw them kissing
well i got like 70 likes in the first 5 hours so i owe you guys. uuuuuummmm idk 80 reblogs on this one and i'll uhhhhh.... i'll design a human(oid) glados and make them make out or smth
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milktian · 17 hours
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my farm might be a mess but my house is pretty cute (´ ω `♡)
i don't know if im gonna get the house upgrade just cause i like how cozy it is now, but if there are benefits in the full release, then i'll start planning for that
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crowned-peony · 8 months
With it being black history month, educate yourself how you can be a safe space for poc especially woman. Be someone they can allow themselves to be vulnerable with. Also if your in medical field give them extra care and attention ♡
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kozzax · 3 months
Birds chirp in the distance. A music disc plays, its familiar tune echoing out over the hills. Fields of wheat sway in the gentle summer breeze. The sun sets on the horizon.
There is a home built into the landscape. A mound of dirt dug out into a comfortable living space. Its windows are lit, a warm glow coming from within. A long overgrown path sits next to it. The original planks only barely visible after so many long years.
It's been years since this home was first built. It's been so many years since the wars that destroyed this world. And yet, a young man steps out of the building with laughter and a smile on his face. He's tall, with broad shoulders and long brown hair that covers his eyes. The rams horns that adorn his head knock against the door frame as he exits, but he pays it no mind.
He drags a group of young adults out of the mound-house behind him. Their conversation is private, too private for us to know. All we need to know is that they're happy. They're happy, and at peace, and despite the faded scars that cover each of them and tell the stories of danger and destruction-- they're okay.
The boy whose hair never grew back in, whose eyes are forever burning with the flames that he fell into. The half-enderman, their crown askew and their posture hunched not in fear but to better accommodate the arm thrown over their shoulder. The boisterous demon, laughing and roughhousing without a care in the world. The young piglin child, held in the arms of a man wearing a blue cardigan and a party hat that's only barely staying put in his hair.
They walk down the overgrown path together, no worries about danger or concerns about those that might want to bring them harm. Every time they pass someone else, they pause for a moment to greet them. Every person they pass gives the tall blonde man a hug, and a smile, but the seven are left to continue their journey on their own.
And then, just as the sun finally disappears beyond the horizon, they reach their destination. The music disk finishes its song as they arrive at the tree, at the bench that they've met at so many times before, and at the night-time picnic that's been set there.
We don't need to see the celebration they hold. It is not our place, just as their conversations are theirs and theirs alone. But what we do see is this:
The demon pulls the cardigan-wearer into a tight hug and a noogie. The enderman takes their son into their arms and gestures for their friend to take his seat on the bench. The burly leader, covered in burn scars, leans over the back of the bench to have his head next to his friend's. The hell-raiser lights the candles on the cake that's been left here.
They sing, for their friend.
And then, eventually, the music disc starts again.
And they are home.
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minor legal shenanigans rant below
it's been like. 12 hours. and i'm still unreasonably pissed.
there's this high volume, low priced budget law firm that i absolutely hate working with in any capacity because they're shady af, their documents and precedents suck, they don't train their staff properly, THEY NEVER ANSWER MY LETTERS OR EMAILS PROPERLY SO I HAVE TO FOLLOW UP WITH THEM AT LEAST THREE TIMES TO GET AN ACTUAL RESPONSE
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citrus-cactus · 5 months
There are NOT!!!!! enough posts on this webbed site talking about Antiope and Alesand. FRIENDSHIP OF THE MILLENNIUM, I am LIVING!!!!!!!!
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Dark Ages issues 5 and 6 highlights (plus some very narrowly-focused musings and speculation) under the cut.
I did NOT expect two new characters (who are really only fleshed out in the last three issues) to be my favorite part of this miniseries, but here we are. This series scratched a very specific itch I’ve always had about Gargoyles regarding the “on-screen” relationships between female characters, and between these two kiddos and Sacrifice’s mentorship of Desdemona, we FINALLY made some headway into where I always wanted to be!
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First of all, SHE GOT TO FLY FOR REAL!!! Congrats, Alesand, you did it. You’re living 10yo Citrus’s ultimate fantasy and I’m SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY FOR YOU! Out there living the 10th century dream, fr fr 💛💛💛
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Antiope’s FACE!! Sorry, Brooklyn and Broadway, but you aren’t getting any credit apparently, bahahaha XD
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Antiope always being the one to tell Alesand how to be careful in the cave (around a bunch of stuff Alesand doesn’t understand) and just generally looking out for her safety and well-being, with Alesand trusting and heeding her friend’s warnings without question 🥺 Plus, the way she tries to shield Alesand from the dragon’s view for just an instant longer with her wings to give Alesand as much of a head start as she can is such a fantastic detail 🥺🥺🥺
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The way that both Brooklyn and Antiope remain (relatively) calm under pressure and are the ones to have the most common sense when trying to reason with Wyvern, plus them being the ones who shape the quintet’s exit strategy from the cave 🥺
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“I swear I’ll let no harm come to, friend Alesand!” GIRL!!!!!!!!! 🥺💖😭💯
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The last speaking lines they have, second to last panel of the miniseries. I love Alesand’s exhuberance, it’s clearly not something that Antiope is used to. Their relationship dynamic is gold, A+ no notes.
Ok, so Watsonian speculation time! I know it’s foolish to hold out hope that the friendship between these two will last, as-is, until 994 (or beyond… hey, I can dream, can’t I?!?!!). Even if they were the same biological age at the time of the miniseries, this is just a snapshot in time for them, since they age at different rates (absolutely heartbreaking information that I’ve been keeping in the back of my brain this whole time, thanks I hate it). Even more heartbreaking is that we know what Robert will do, how disillusioned he is with the inhabitants of the castle by 994, and of the cracks and fissures in the human-human relationships and human-gargoyle alliance that began forming long before the day of the massacre. I have to think that Alesand’s death at some point before Episode 1 would be a huge catalyst, if not the primary motivation, for Robert’s betrayal of the castle, under the right circumstances. Assuming that is what happens, I would predict that the gargoyles do what they can to help/save her, which is why he really digs in to the “humans are not my kind” sentiment, but my latest hypothesis is that the sympathy(/lack thereof) he receives from either Prince Malcolm or Catherine/the Magus is such that the man he once was, the man who was so unwaveringly loyal to the crown, dies at the same time she does.
It’s even possible that the Archmage is directly/indirectly responsible for her death, and part of the reason he’s banished. Maybe Robbie wanted to execute him for his crimes, but Prince Malcolm refused? I don’t want that story to be told because I would be emotionally wrecked if true, but it also seems incredibly possible… not to mention a potential path for the villagers to arrive at the point where they call the gargoyles beasts and monsters to their faces. What better reason for open hatred, fear, and bigotry than the death of one of your own? :(
That, or Alesand and Antiope really do disappear to join the theater troupe Illuminati, and everyone just thinks they died. I would prefer that by a mile, but I won’t explicitly count on it (surprise me, Greg. Let them survive somehow, I double-dog dare you) ;)
A couple more wrap-up thoughts:
- I’m absolutely gobsmacked that Lex knows how to read already. Whom did he learn from?? I had previously assumed Demona was going to be the literacy vector for everyone in the clan who was interested in learning (since, iirc, word-of-God stated she taught Goliath) but clearly that’s not true! I still love that Alesand is going to learn from Lex, though. Did Brooklyn learn from him as well? 🤔
- I am absolutely not normal about widower Hudson. The last two-page spread stabbed me right in the heart.
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- I feel like there’s a lot more to say about Verity, since her attitude was so very, very different from the stated origins of her clan, and none of the other gargoyles really even acknowledged Wyvern’s opinion of humans as they fended him off. Is “human problems become gargoyle problems” a philosophy that the clan had adopted decades before the alliance with Prince Malcolm that Verity was merely reminding Hudson of in Issue 1, or was it a belief that was primarily only held by herself, which became part of Hudson’s guiding principles as he was forced to carry on without her, and thus he made a conscious effort to make it part of the clan’s common culture only recently? What did “protecting the castle” mean to Hudson before there was an actual castle to protect? Their home along the cliffs? Wyvern’s cave? The rookery? Did he literally make up the saying “a gargoyle can no more stop protecting the castle than breathing the air” as the castle was being built? There are SO many little Wyvern-gargoyle-culture questions to chew on here. 🤔🤔🤔
- Looking back at the TV series, I find it interesting that Demona places such a significant amount of blame on Goliath’s leadership/philosophy specifically, when their clan throwing their lot in with humans was a decision made by Hudson during his leadership tenure. You’d think she’d have way, way more to say to him about that in hindsight… but maybe it’s yet another example of how incredibly short-sighted she can be.
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pixiecaps · 1 year
very excited for gen loss today!! its crazy to finally be able to see this project come to fruition after so long. having been there when ranboo first came up with the idea is so wild to look back at! i remember a time when nobody believed ranboo would actually finish this project😭(people were BLUNT lol) so its cool that after such a long ride its finally here! i don’t have any expectations going into the stream so we’ll see what happens in a couple hrs:D all i really hope is that gen loss is everything ranboo hoped for and more!!!
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lunasilvis · 5 months
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Alexa play Green River - Creedence Clearwater Revival 🌿🪕
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spoonstrek · 21 days
My grandparents wrote genealogy books about each of their families. Seeing how they each organized their own books about their own families is this really interesting look into how they both functioned and you can actually feel the autism radiating off the page in my grandpa's books.
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iceclew · 1 month
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*new/old obsession unlocked* *initiate sketching*
Yeah, don't mind me slide in another fandom, guess who watched deadpool the second time now and is obsessed again... (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Look he's like.. the ONLY Marvel Character I am really really into.. like.. ok, I liked Guardians of the Galaxy like the first two movies.. but HIM... I. ADORE. MY. POOLY.
I am so glad my man found finally found his waifu this time. And I am not talking 'bout Vanessa, you know that as good as I am. (she's cool, don't get me wrong)
I genuienly love the humor and the fact that "Deadpool" expresses so much more emotion (even through his mask) than Wade W. could ever do. It's weirdly relatable to me. Also the way they visualise it in comic and movie is great. <3
He should have two swords, I apologize.. it just wasn't there in the reference and would have fckd up the view on the face.
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dismalzelenka · 10 months
#today i had a pianist during a rehearsal go “wow your voice you just have so much natural talent i mean some people really work for years—”#and i kinda snapped#and i was polite but also i unloaded the entire story of the last thirteen years in the cosmic joke that is my life#this lady got thirteen years of trauma in a twenty minute speed run#she Learned Things today about existential despair and the societal clusterfuck that is the Trans Experience#and how that intersects in the classical singing world in an incredibly challenging and fucked up way#and how i went from scooting under the door into a voice program with seven lessons under me#and then three years later proceeded to fling myself into a testosterone fueled vocal puberty in the midst of a professional singing degree#and lost the respect and support of most of the vocal and choir faculty because everyone thought i was committing professional suicide#if it werent for my own voice teacher (who at some point became the mother figure I'd never had) keeping me afloat i would not be here#i have c-ptsd from the shit i went through in the choir department#i had to drop out of school for a semester because my body just folded under the stress#i started getting migraines severe enough i was hospitalized twice with stroke-like symptoms#two weeks ago i had a former teacher from the early days deadname me in front of our colleagues#she tried to play it off as no big deal and it just reminded me no matter how successful i become in this field#no matter how much work i put in to overcome my past#its always going to come back and find me through people who refuse to learn respect#and somehow! im still here! im making a living in the field i trained for#how many people in my generation in the arts degree sector can say that?? by some metrics i am thriving but jesus goddamn#i clawed and fought and bit and dragged myself to where i am right now and had to find my voice TWICE and the worst part is#she meant well#the pianist i mean#and i was polite when i told my story but it was so important to me that she understood#no amount of talent would have gotten me here without sleepless nights and long hours and blood and sweat and tears and you know what#maybe i am a better person for it but dont compliment me by implying i have some inherent gift from a god i dont even believe in#dont tell me your god put me in this place to teach other people compassion#i didnt brush the door of death as many times as i did for the sake of someone else's enlightenment#its been a long 13 years. hell its been a long 2023. in the last eleven months ive had a fundamental upheaval#of everything i thought i knew and understood about myself#so yea im standing at the gate to hell looking the devil in the eye. try me bitch. ive endured worse.
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jomadis · 1 year
Definitely not the theme of this blog but lowkey I want to share the steps of my bug collecting/pinning project . . .
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boop bbg
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Im texting you from the fields
oh thank u!!! im very happy to see that ur booping from ur natural habitat!! this is perfect <33
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ququoquaw · 1 year
academically speaking, i think that kobeni would be the dom and quanxi the sub
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