inkdrawndreamer · 2 years
I'm on the third season of the Orville and man, Topa's whole storyline is mesmerizing. It might not be perfect, but this show has one of the most nuanced takes on trans or intersex discrimination that I've seen in media. It's refreshing to see what Topa goes through as a baby framed as an issue of consent and bodily autonomy. So many intersex people are forced to undergo procedures to change their bodies as children, and I appreciate that the lack of consent from Topa is given as much priority as the misogyny fueling the procedure. I get that it's not quite the same thing, but it's an excellent parallel to that kind of situation. Explains the issue well. Also the love. Nearly everyone wants this kid to be okay, to be happy.
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orvilles-log · 9 months
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THE ORVILLE C1.01 - New Beginnings
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Topa: Can I have some?
Bortus, mouth full of cheesecake: It's really spicy, you wouldn't like it.
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sainthowlzon · 4 days
The Orville actually has no right being as good as it is
Like wdym the goofy ass guy behind fucking family guy is also responsible for this beautiful shit
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I wanna kick Seth McFarlane's ass
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I JUST finished watching a Tale of two Topas and I have things to say.
It's been long since I had to actually cry on any show episode or a movie, and I cried three times in this episode alone.
Klyden is good to go. (I know he's gonna come back) Topa does not need any of his internalised toxicity and I'm so glad to see how much Bortus loves and supports his daughter.
He barely ever gets big emotional reactions, but then he's sitting with Grayson and starts crying because he wants to help and make his child happy but doesn't know how. You have no idea how important that scene was to me. All this parental love stored in him. (Also that he gave her the password to let her find out.)
I also love the Orville for actually picking up old Storylines again (also everyone deciding to embarrass Kelly for becoming a god again and again). And how this was build up with the recurring issues between Bortus and Klyden. And how it was revealed that Bortus was already keeping Locars heterosexuality a secret for years which was against Moclus principals.
Not to forget Bortus concert. Truly an amazing singer. So happy that he helped his daughter by throwing a concert.
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wraithmancy · 1 year
So, Topa
I have been watching and enjoying The Orville for a while now, but i’ve had this conflicting pit in my stomach about Topa and her story ever since she came up. I don’t know anyone personally who also watches so I’m just putting my long form thoughts on it here.
At first I loved Topa’s story so much. I thought that the show had done a pretty good job at portraying the real life struggles that intersex people face, and was even pretty good at a trans story if read that way. Then, unfortunately, transphobes happened. I started seeing comments and posts and things taking Topa’s story completely differently. They talked about it as if it was some gotcha moment, like look, see, no matter what you change you’re still your birth gender.
As an AFAB trans person this. Stinks. And I know it was sort of an inevitable occurrence, it is Macfarlane’s show, and his past media hasn’t exactly been very open to. Well. Anything. So people following him and his work from those likely carry the same mindset. Even so, I thought since publicly he has said that it was not supposed to be a TERF-y story, so many people wouldn’t be able to use it as a gotcha moment. But they still do, and it makes me feel weird about the whole story and show, and makes me question if the writers intentions were really with us and not on some terf crud.
I dunno. If anyone has any thoughts on this pls do share I really dont know how to feel.
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damn I wish a robot was there to hear my mum tell me medical transition would mutilate me beyond repair and just be like "that is inaccurate :)" what a dream
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ajpesworld · 1 year
Been watching and catching up with The Orville recently and Topa, Bortus and Klydan's family arc has been exemplary as it has wonderfully coincided with Pride Month for me.
Some damn good writing and acting from all involved with the arc of that family and the show in general.
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adria-art · 3 months
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Mi sa tanto che resto in Spagna...
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unrepentantgeek · 2 years
I know technically it's not my place as a cis woman. However as a big sister to a nonbinary pal and someone who's a big believer in equal rights in general it thrills me how blatantly and how well The Orville deals with trans issues. Like literally trans issues, not just something that's symbolic or an allegory. Like, how can you look at how happy she is after she's transitioned back to physically being a girl and not feel all warm inside? Downright giddy even. And the happy ending? Gordon saying what every decent person wanted to say but was too worried about politics to do so? Klyden coming around so completely when faced with the lengths outside parties that think the way he did were willing to? Isaac's steadfast reassurance to Topa in Tale of Two Topas despite his assumption he had absolutely no bedside manner and the way he shut Klyden down so quickly and completely? Just *chef's kiss*
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hunterinabrowncoat · 1 year
So I’m finally watching The Orville and absolutely loving it and I got to my favourite episode so far - A Tale of Two Topas. And I have a lot of thoughts and feelings...
On the one hand it has the issue that every sci-fi metphor or allegory for real world issues has where it doesn’t translate perfectly. I think a lot of transphobes would still like the story because Topa was born female and changed without her knowledge or consent as an infant because of the misogynistic culture she was born into.
But then I don’t think these stories necessarily have to be perfect allegories. The fact that Topa’s story obviously resonates with a lot of intersex and trans people doesn’t mean the writers are intending to create a perfect metaphor for the trans experience, they’re just exploring an interesting topic of sex and gender in different alien cultures.
The thing that was lovely about it was how all the crew instantly switched to using the right pronouns the moment Topa told them she is a girl. I also liked how Klyden was a massive cunt and left at the end tbh because that’s how a lot of trans stories go. Like she’s lost her dad and literally been told “I wish you were never born” but she wouldn’t take it back for the world because she’s finally feeling like herself and she’s got a supportive family around her in the crew.
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orvilles-log · 19 days
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THE ORVILLE 2.01 - Ja'loja
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Bortus: A note? You sneak out and leave me a note?
Topa: I knew you would just argue with me.
Bortus: It wasn’t even a good note, “If you are reading this I am probably dead.” What sort of note is that?
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franciya · 9 months
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They kill my Dad every year
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hypnoticcastiel · 1 year
The Orville 'Midnight Blue' still haunting
I mean wtf seriously, what was the union's standpoint on the Moclan (regime/society) world BEFORE the case of Topa tortured?! bc as casual viewer i have seen how they treat the other part of their species and they probably tortured female Moclans to oppress and destroy the female social movement years before the incident in ep 3x08. What exactly was the argumentation of the majority of union worlds to have the Moclan (males) join? Ok they oppress their females or blahblah genetic puzzle them into male form, but hey there's this cool dude Bortus and we put him on a union ship and everything is fine.
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