jerrsterrr · 1 year
you'll never guess what game i picked up again
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the-one-who-lambs · 1 year
uhh hello!! sorry if this is a tall order LOL but I wanna ask, do you have any narilamb fanfic recs? :D I already read yours and I really like bamsara’s and I’m waiting for epicaandk’s to update (that one is my fav ever <3) but idk what to read now lol
Tall order?? Naaaaah, I'm always happy to give recs. Oh boy, I'm gonna go in reverse chronological order.
If you've read all of my narilamb fics (have you seriously? I'm impressed, that's probably well over half the 150k+ I've written for this damn fandom. Also, to anyone seeing this from a reblog, my stuff is over at onethirdofimpossible!) then here we go!
You already mentioned it, but The Rehabilitation of Death is excellent so far! This one is by @bamsara who is new to the CotL fandom but apparently not new to fanfic writing; they have a really popular FNAF fic and I assume the well-deserved attention this fic's been getting is a byproduct of the popularity they've already gotten in other fandoms. :D Welcome, bamsara! Many of the fic writers in this fandom are friends with each other already, but we don't bite if you wanna say hi.
Feel No Evil and Language Barrier, both by @payasita. I always love how payasita portrays this duo (in both digital art and writing), with so much sass and repressed loneliness, knowing they're stuck together for eternity and making the best of it. (And maybe falling in love, depending on how dense Narinder keeps being.) What makes these come alive for me is how well thought out the setting is outside the Lamb and Narinder. The descriptions and weight of emotions really pop here.
LITERALLY ANYTHING written by pavi / @i-eat-deodorant. Depending on how spicy you want your fics to be he has even more here. Character analysis, diction, pacing, etc. are consistently 10/10. Top-quality banter between a sassy Lamb and tired old man Narinder. We constantly bounce ideas off each other and inspire each other a lot but I promise I'm not hyping him up just because he's my friend oh my god please just go bless your eyes.
It Was For You, O Death by blueberry-muffin-massacre (if they have a tumblr, let me know so I can tag!). An intriguing alternative ending to the final battle wherein the Lamb chooses a secret third option by refusing to give up the Red Crown and still observing Narinder as the God of Death. So many details are so well thought out and duality their relationship is nicely characterized-- both genuine care for each other and also quite unhealthy. A fine line treaded well!
Confessional by jusmove (again, lmk if they have a tumblr). Been a while since I've read it, but I love how the Lamb chips at Narinder's very carefully built emotional walls. Their personalities are very well fleshed out here, especially Narinder's cognitive dissonance at being able to process love.
Confession by @thewitchoftheweed. I didn't expect a part two to this one, but my god I was so thrilled when it did update. Narinder and Lamb with their unique and parallel loneliness and their fucked-up sense of everything. Their relationship is very rocky here, and I love how they navigate it: with tension and eventual, pained acceptance. Mind the rating.
Of Character Development and Being Dense by @calliecature. A short and sweet narilamb classic. They're both mutually pining and one of them is too emotionally repressed to realize it. Guess who.
Not An Offering, But a Gift by @checkplzjuliet. Small confession fic. I especially love how Narinder's descriptions twist the knife of his situation here, and how Lambert is a total foil for him! There are a lot of good things happening in such a short span, which is impressive.
Also, if you think you've read all my narilamb fics... I do have a secret one out there too. Just so you know.
Happy reading!
I'm already friends with many of the people here, but if any of the writers I've tagged have been kinda wanting to reach out for a while but feel a little anxious... Don't be. I've made my best friends in this fandom by literally just waiting for some of my readers to get over whatever assumption they have that I'm cool and say hi. Or being the more confident one first.
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trollol360 · 2 years
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I swear I'm not dead... Erm... Sun and Moon simps come get your food :P
I FINALLY drew them after ages,, (I totally wasn't supposed to write this whole time whaattt???)
Inspired by @shandziii and @bamsara's Sun and Moon designs because I'm sillyy
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here-2suffer · 2 years
I have it! I tried finishing this as fast as I could, but then I took a break and I got distracted on said break. Then I saw the time and freaked out and rushed to get this out. But anyways, this is the little merfic thingy inspired by @justaduckarts, @total-fandom-tr45h, and @bamsara! (Also I have no idea how the read more thingy works so sorry, but I hope you guys enjoy) An edit, someone told me this reminded them of Astro-Nautical on AO3, and I agree it's similar, so I'll just add that here.
You woke up in a dark room, you don't know where you are.
You try to feel around for something, anything to tell you where you are. Water, you're in water, sea water. But you're not in the sea, no, you would've been able to tell if you were in the sea. It's daytime, you know it is, so the sea shouldn't be this dark. You try straining your eyes to see in the dark, it works, barely.
You're in a box, a wooden box, how it's not spilling the water you're in, you're not sure. You feel around the rough and bumby edges, and after a bit of trying to figure out what you're feeling, your fingers come across a hole, not a circle, it's... a keyhole! Suddenly the edges made sense, they were gold sequins.
You're in a chest!
Why are you in a chest?
You look around and try to make out some shapes, but just when you're close to figuring out what they are, light pours in the room, blinding you. You hiss in pain and retreat into the chest, tucking your tail close and squeezing your eyes shut.
Then you hear a voice, a very sweet voice spoken with worry. "Oh! No, no! Don't be scared, we won't hurt you."
You slowly open your eyes and peek out of the chest, you find the source of the sudden light becoming clear, a door was open. There's someone infront of it, but your eyes are still trying to adjust to the light. The figure gets closer, and you back up as much as you can and hiss at it. It's figure becomes clearer as your eyes adjust to the light, and you find a human in front of you.
Their blond hair being split through the middle, having one side a darker shade than the other. Their skin... had two different shades as well? A big blotch on the left side of their face being darker than the rest, and it seems to stretch to the rest of their body, but you can't know for sure, the shirt they're wearing and the big pants block you from seeing whether your assumption is correct. You don't mind really, if their clothes were off that wouldn't mean anything good for you, at least you think it doesn't.
He (are they a boy? They sure looked like one) stayed 2 or 3 feet away from you, but he obviously wants to come closer. Well, at least he's giving you space.
"Are you okay? Does it still hurt a lot?"
Okay, now you're confused. Catching onto your confusion, the human points to your tail. You look down at it rather quickly and sure enough, there a bunch of scars on your tail. It looks like they came from a net. Not surprising, humans usually thought you were a big fish and tried to catch you, but you were usually good at avoiding them.
You can't remember how you got this though, they seemed fresh too. You suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder and let out a yelp in surprise.
The hand immediately leaves your shoulder, and you look up to see the boy, backed away with a look of surprise on his face.
"She's really jumpy, huh?" A lower voice called from the doorway.
Turning to look at the person at the door (another human, great), you realize he looks like the one you had just met.
He seems to have a big blotch of his skin on his face darker and it seems to stretch to the rest of his body. His hair is even colored differently in a half-and-half style, but unlike the other one, one half on his hair is black and the other is white. You wonder if he dyed it. He stares at you with crimson red eyes, the intensity of his stare quickly becomes too much and you look away. You hear a low chuckle from his direction, he knew what he was doing.
"Lucien don't make our guest uncomfortable!" the blond human scolded. Lucien, as you've learned, merely shrugged and said "Breakfast is ready." Then he turned and left without another word or glance back.
You turn to the human at your side, watching him intently, waiting for any sudden moves he might make. He shifts awkwardly. "Uh, sorry about my brother," Ah, so they're brothers, "he's nice, really. But he likes to tease a lot."
You didn't really pay attention to it before, but he has blue eyes. Pretty.
"So, what's your name?" He looked at you hopefully.
Why does he want to know your name?
You eyed him suspiciously, then told him your name. He repeated it back to you, making sure he heard and said it right. You nodded.
"Well, my name is Solaris! Nice to meet you." He smiled and brought his hands together. You couldn't find any ill intent from him, maybe you could trust him, for now. It doesn't look like you have much of a choice anyway-
Just then your stomach growled. Solaris' smile dissapeared for a second before returning, though now looking a bit deflated.
"Ah, right. You haven't had anything to eat yet. Uh." He looked at the chest you were in, was he contemplating carrying you in the chest? He seemed to grow more unsure by the second, so you decide you don't want to stay for however long he would've taken deciding, and you start climbing out of the chest.
"O-Oh! You don't have to- you're doing it anyway." He steps out of your way, still watching you closely.
You've made it to the door when the other human (what was his name again?) comes back into view. He's carrying a bucket with... something inside (is that a fish tail?). He looks at you, then behind you to Solaris.
"...I brought fish for you, you eat fish, right?" Luciel (that was his name, right?) sets the bucket down infront of you and sits down.
"Great timing!" Solaris chimed in, "We were just about to go get breakfast." Lucas pointed to the deck. "You can go eat, I already ate."
"Great. Oh, before I go, make sure you don't make them uncomfortable." Solaris gave him a stern look before heading in the direction of the deck, leaving you alone with Luca. The silence that took over was... awkward, at least for you it was.
He didn't say anything for a moment, simply leaning back and holding himself up with his arms. Then, he looked at you and the bucket. "Aren't you going to eat?" You didn't answer, you didn't feel like talking to him. After a beat, he said "Well, I guess if you want to starve then be my guest."
"No!" Your response was immediate. Lucio raised his eyebrow, then smirked. "You know, you could at least show some respect, we did save you after all."
What? What is he talking about?
You didn't say anything, but your confusion must have been evident on your face, he sighs and explains. "You really don't remember? We could hear your cries from up here. You were, uh, I think you were under our ship, but your cries were really loud. We put a rope down for you to hang onto it, it took a couple seconds, but you grabbed it, so we pulled you up. You were covered in cuts and blood, so Solaris and I tried to help with what we could."
Lucifer looked at the room you were in, then at your tail (which was still covered in scars, but it wasn't bloody). He seemed to hesitate for a moment before asking, "Does it still hurt?"
You looked down at it and smacked it lightly on a scar, a habit you developed, before flinching from the pain (maybe you didn't smack it as lightly as you thought you did). Lucan quickly grabbed your wrist, not hard enough to hurt, and held it up so you couldn't hurt yourself again.
"Don't hit it! That's only going to make it hurt more." He was right, it did hurt more, but that's what normally happens when you do it anyway.
Solaris came back, confused. "What are you guys doing?"
Lucier groaned, "I asked them if their tail still hurt, and they smacked it." He let go of your wrist and went back to his sitting position from before.
"Oh." Solaris' eyes kept switching from you to Luceal. "Well, we aren't the best healers, and their injuries were pretty bad..." He looked at you with some worry. "Does it still hurt?" You nodded.
"I think we should just throw them back to sea." Lucias smirked.
"Lucien, no!" Solaris scolded. Lucien (yeah you totally didn't forget that was his name) scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I was kidding."
Solaris kept scolding Lucien, trying to lecture him you guess, and they kept going back and forth. You didn't really want to stay, and going into the sea does sound like a good idea right about now. You turned and started dragging yourself to the edge of the ship, but you didn't make it that far, maybe like 2 or 3 feet closer.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?" You turn around to see both boys staring at you.
"...Sea." You blinked dumbly at them. Lucien deadpanned at you. "I was joking about that. You're not going back." "Yet!" Solaris quickly added, looking a little nervous.
And now you're confused. "Why no?" You don't know a lot of human words, but you know enough to have normal conversations (though your grammer would simply not exist).
"Because your injuries aren't fully healed yet!" Solaris looked at Lucien with a certain look, maybe asking for help? "Heal good." They looked at you confused. You touch one of your scars and bite back a whine. "Heal good." They finally seem to understand what you mean, because Solaris' shoulders slump and Lucien reaches out and light smacks your tail (it might've actually been a pat, but it still hurt so who knows).
You flinch and hiss at him while pulling your tail closer. "Lucien!" Solaris starts scolding him. "What? I'm just proving her wrong." Lucien shrugged. Solaris let out a sigh of frustration while pinching the bridge of his nose.
Yeah, it took a while after that. They wouldn't let you leave, but they let you help around the ship, so that's something. One of them was always near you to ensure you didn't try to escape, it was kind of annoying. Lucien did let you get close to the edge of the ship to see the sea again, but he didn't let you go too close.
Solaris was steering the ship and Lucien was out hunting some fish for... dinner? They called it dinner, you don't know why. Usually when your hungry you go find food, you don't have to wait and eat at designated times. Humans were just weird that way.
At night, you were still out (and so was Lucien), Solaris had gone to sleep.
"You should be sleeping." A low voice spoke from behind you, startling you. You turn and deadpan at Lucien. "I sleep now." You start making your way to your room when suddenly, Lucien picks you up. One arm behind your back and the other under your tail. "Hm, thought you would be heavier."
You hit his chest and flail around to try and free yourself from his grasp, yeah it doesn't work. Okay, these humans are really weird, any normal human wouldn't have enough strength to carry you this long and would've dropped you by now. He doesn't even seem bothered, just amused. He carries you all the way to the chest you woke up in and gently sets you down in it.
He pats your head and smiles. "Goodnight starfish." He leaves and closes the door.
Starfish? Guess he's found a nickname for you...
The days and nights continue like this, with the boys getting more touchy the more you grow closer. You don't think they'd let you leave easily now.
Enjoy your new life~
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catflowerqueen · 1 year
6. how did you get into SAMS?
7. who's ur favorite SAMS character(s)?
8. what's ur favorite au that you've made? or made by someone else?
6. I got into SAMS by looking at some posts of it via @dana-chan-the-control-brain/@twinanimatronics. Which, if you haven't read their stuff yet, you totally should!
7. That's a tough one... I'd say my favorite SAMS character is probably Moon, followed by Lunar.
8. I kind of cycle through favorites, I guess. A lot of it depends on what I'm feeling most inspired to write at the moment... currently for me I'm thinking more about my PMD stuff and the bag swap au--and, of course, security cam moon.
As for others' stuff... well, lots of dp x dc crossovers, and @bamsara's Solar Lunacy, probably. Also the latest stuff coming out of the Twin Animatronics series.
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springtrappd · 2 years
thank goodness my attention-seeking behaviour has paid off by getting me (squints) from twentyish to thirty followers on tumblr dot com and hundreds of messages calling me different variations of a stupid idiot psycho bitch
like yeah sure I totally wanted to spend my afternoon nursing a migraine and getting called a terf. real high of my life, here. could get some real views on that fic I don't have and the ko-fi I barely use. how could my self-esteem survive without the funny number next to my post going up? without anons ""calling me out"" for being a scheming asshole? oh, whatever shall I do now that you've caught me... posting negatively about five nights at freddy's x reader! what could possibly inspire me to reach such depths of depravity?
well, someone asked me a question, geniuses, and I answered it. it's long because I didn't want to have to talk about it again. I used bamsara as an example of a wider phenomenon because they're the most popular figure, and I used their work in general, not solar lunacy specifically. I spent several hours writing the bloody thing to be as easy to understand as I could, and made sure I included citations and further reading. I replied to comments until my chronic illness flared up and left me unable to look at screens for several days. because I was answering a question. an answer that I felt no need to censor, because I figured that it would be drowned out in tags with thousands of posts and tens of thousands of notes. because I have maybe twenty followers.
whoops, no, thirty. can't forget that clout!
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universal-kitty · 2 years
hi hello I am casually sliding into ur ask box to seek rambles of your Sun n Moon self-ship 👀 how was your s/i’s first meeting with them? Do they have any habits or methods for comforting your s/i? - @limey-self-inserts
LIMEYYYY, thank you sm for this ask!! I actually haven't gotten into detail w/ these dorks yet... 😳 Guess the day is today to talk about them!
For reference, there's two versions of this ship now, so I'll go over both of them! Starting with Night Guard SI.
Lowkey inspired by the wonderful fic, Solar Lunacy ( @bamsara ), River is a struggling, would-be artist who needed some cash. Turns out, local Pizzaplex is looking for a nightguard, they pay stupid-well, and the wacky hours... Well, suppose they've done worse than a funky sleep schedule, right?
Turns out, that high price was for a reason. Chaos abound, Sun's odd attitude, Moon's..............himself, and the rest of the crew. It's a lot, but also... Whatever. Local fan/nerd of AI is delighted to be surrounded by such smart machines and treats them as people unthinkingly. (But also a little thinking-ly, because they believe in that kinda thing. Don't think too hard about the times they've talked to themself or inanimate objects, though...)
On a sidenote, they're closest to Freddy. (Perhaps, predictably, given his oddly fatherly nature.) Chica wormed her way in there by force, Roxanne is cool (and she pretends so hard that she isn't touched by that), and Monty... Is Monty; respectable distance given.
To give better details, tho-!!
.: First Meeting :.
River started working in the daytime to first meet Sun. Essentially settling them in with the "better" half to the duo...with the hope of avoiding the other entirely, given how much of a menace [and beyond] he could be.
For better or worse, River and Sun get mutually attached. And it sort of rubs off on Moon, with a pinch of them refusing to simply give up on him or stay afraid. (For their own good, far as he's concerned.) Buuut it helps that they're horribly oblivious- in every way that matters- and stubborn to boot.
Perhaps the only downside to the relationship is Moon pushing them to sleep is...a not unfounded ask; River is terrible at having a consistent bedtime, even with the busywork the Pizzaplex passes down. Even with the drama of the animatronics around them. If anything, the exhaustion goes up, the fussing of the Daycare Attendant rockets up ever skyward. Perhaps, ironically, all things considered.
.: Methods / Habits of Comforting :.
☀️ Sun being the energetic one, his methods of comfort mean rarely slowing down unless the situation truly calls for it. (And even then, bouncing in place enough to count it as stimming behavior.) He likes to tease, play games, and generally try to get River to relax via... I guess you could say "childish" methods, but definitely aren't unfounded ideas, either.
They've started bringing their mobile console (totally not the Switch) to work sometimes- when active service hours are out and the lights will be on for a portion of the night- and Sun LOVES seeing their video game progress! Their village in one game delights him, and the pocket monster game... They both have too much fun with that one. Sun pets the lil guys sometimes, while River watches. (He doesn't wanna play battles, though. The idea of them fainting concerns him. Too much pressure!)
Is also the main 'bot to ensure River eats, and does so in a somewhat healthy way, for what little the Pizzaplex can offer.
🌙 Moon, on the other hand, is a lot more quiet with his comforts. A lot of comforts from his side involve relaxation, sleeping/naps, quiet time, and parallel play (typically with him lurking over River's shoulder in some way).
In the beginning, "parallel play" is a BIG thing for Moon. Kinda like a feral cat, he's content at keeping his distance and assisting where need be. Making sure they don't get hurt on the job. Maybe scurrying off and dropping treats into River's path/on their head. They're vending machine snacks. They can't really complain; food is food. Water or other drinks (commonly Fizzy Faz) are left on any table or flat surface Moon can find.
Later on, after he's able to relax some and become the naptime 'bot again, River starts trusting him more to be asleep around. They take a long time to fall asleep, so Moon immediately started finding ways to aid their naps or sleepovers; finding preferred plushies in the Plex, needling River into bringing/buying blankets to bring over, setting up a hammock, etc.
It's actually this kind of motivation that actually makes their private room get decorated quite a bit before the Pizzaplex goes up in flames... (And yet, he ensures the fires don't get to that stuff. Almost gains extra damage because of it; Sun and Moon are dedicated to protecting it.)
Post-Pizzaplex burning, Moon rebuilds the "cozy nest" in River's apartment. They get put in "time out" there whenever they get overworked, are overly stressed, and so on. Along with the addition of Moon nabbing their candles and comfort items to put in there...if he can get away with it.
...They do have a small, moon phases blanket that's a major comfort item, and that typically stays in the main bedroom. (Secondary room was more of an office/workspace, but Sun/Moon command it later on.) Moon lowkey preens over that information.
Sun, on the other hand, is just glad to be here. However, he does take every opportunity to mother hen all he wants now that he gets to personally see into the life River leads. (Which is about what he expected, if a little worse. Honestly! Why wait so long to throw away trash?! "When I get up next," do it sooner!! Messy, messy!)
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And then... There's my animatronic SI! Currently nicknamed "Dancer" for lack of a name idea.
Made for Sun/Moon, it was management's hope that they would be able to keep the two in line. For Sun, less stress and ability to give kids more even attention with a companion. For Moon, to keep him in check and prevent (harm) any danger to the restless kids during naptime.
Their base comes from Ballora; essentially the ballerina has been remade into a playful, breezy assistant! A flowing gown, gentle elf ears, and peaceful, closed eyes. Even their body is padded, to aid in comfort when holding or carrying kids.
Much like Moon, they have a music box in their chest, and often dance while it goes off.
Although they are overall a pleasant addition and Sun adores them (Moon has complicated feelings), Dancer has, occasionally, been a problem for management. Hair sometimes catching on their joints and causing chaos. Paint getting on their hair. The occasional malfunction, as well. (Much to Sun's panic.)
On that note, though, Dancer and Sun/Moon rather balance each other out! Where Sun gets stressed, Dancer is able to soothe him into peace. Even Moon, who has complicated feelings for the assistant (to this assistant), appreciates their company. He's hesitant to ever admit it, but he likes their singing voice. (Sun, however, would admit that in an instant.)
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h0pef1lled · 2 years
when ur sun n moon design literally looks like a circle with long legs so u draw them cyborg version which is basically them in human but some robot lines hehehaha and then u realize the idea of cyborg not human version of them was still inspired by a big fnaf sb artist that u love
oh and u cant draw digitally without drawing on the wrong layer ALL THE TIME
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imlostontheinternet · 2 years
I am by no means a professional, and my skill with an embroidery machine needs work, but I wanted to share the project I finished!
This jacket is heavily inspired by the concept sketches that @bamsara drew for their reader in their Fnaf Secruity Breach fic Solar Lunacy.
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I'm pretty proud of how it turned out. I was torn between putting lettering under the Freddy head, or totally encasing it with "Freddy Fazbear's PizzaPlex" but I did not have the confidence to do that much.
My college friends were kind enough to let me borrow their embroidery machine, so I didn't want to go overboard either in case I broke it.
Here are some up close pics of the details.
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Also it has an inner pocket too. Fits my phone well :]
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cursedthing · 2 years
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TA DA! -jazz hands-
The bracelets are finished! And I totally did not forget to show them here, nope not at all! (I did forget, I very much did but that's besides the point-)
They were inspired by a drawing of sun and moon bracelets from @bamsara stream from a few weeks ago (with the addition of an Eclipse one!) and Sun/Moon and Eclipse from fnaf sb :D
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meeludrawz · 2 years
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Was totally not inspired by @bamsara ‘s new oc “Arson”
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here-2suffer · 2 years
I made a mer fic inspired by @justaduckarts, @total-fandom-tr45h and @bamsara but idk if I should post it here. I spent a couple days on it and it's not that long, but idk.
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