fincrew · 1 year
E-commerce has a lot of potential in Malaysia. There’s zero doubt about that. But even with this, it isn’t uncommon for eCommerce and online sellers to struggle a little with getting the ball rolling. So, if you want to get business loans to boost your online business, all you have to do is follow these three (3) simple steps:
Step One – Attend To The Legal Affairs Of Your Online Company
As every Malaysian knows, legalities are essential in the country. Because of this, you need to make sure you’re very clear on the specifics of what type of online business you’re running. In addition to the above, you should also ensure a good picture of the local market. Along these lines, one thing you should be intimately familiar with is the debt collection law in the country. Finally, ensure that you have any license or permit necessary to run the type of online business you’ve set up.
Step Two – Prepare a Clear And Concise Business Plan
Even family members will be hesitant to extend you a line of credit if you don’t give the impression that you’re well put together and have a clear idea of where you’re going. It goes double for corporate finance institutions. Consequently, it would help if you had a detailed and specific business plan. But having said that, it can be challenging to prepare a proper business plan. To help with this process, you can start by putting down all your thoughts and ideas for the online venture as well as your short and long-term goals for the virtual enterprise. It can help you get a clear sense of where you will go so you can prepare a more constructive business plan.
Step Three – Start Knocking On Doors
Now that you’ve defined your brand and have a good business plan handy, the next thing on your to-do list becomes finding the best business loans for your enterprise. One of the most practical and efficient ways of doing this is by looking at what funding opportunities the government is offering. Five (5) fantastic funding schemes we love are;
The TEKUN Financing Scheme.
Soft Loan Schemes for Services Sector or SLSSS.
The Tambung Pembangunan Pengangkutan Awam Scheme or TPPA.
Tabung Usahawan Siswazah or TUS Scheme.
SME Emergency Fund Program or SMEEF.
However, as many of these programs tend to have a long waiting list, they aren’t always ideal for online businesses that need the influx of cash as soon as possible. So alternatively, you can use the FinCrew Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Loan Comparison tool to get a rundown of what options you can access more quickly. It’s simple to use, delivers excellent results, and it’s completely free!
It can take a considerable amount of resources to get your online business to where you want it to be. But now that you have a better idea of how to get more funds, we hope you have an easier time with the affair!
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web-series · 2 months
Temporada de vingança (ciúmes doentios)
Lígia mente para João, que se assusta.
[João]- isso é mentira, né?
[Lígia]- pior que não, viu. Sentimentos acontecem, ué.
[João]- você está maluca, Lígia! O Sérgio é o diretor dessa instituição!
[Lígia]- e daí? Isso não faz dele um ser intocável.
[João]- não, você tá mentindo pra mim! Ele sabe disso?
[Lígia]- aí cê tá querendo saber demais, meu querido. Por que não descansa um pouco? Você tá tremendo. Toma um copo d'água.
[João]- não, eu não vou me acalmar até você me falar que é mentira o que disse!
[Lígia]- é verdade. E não quero mais falar sobre isso. Agora tô falando sério, se recompõe porque temos reunião daqui a pouco.
Lígia sai, deixando João ainda arrasado.
[Lígia pensa]- se esse mala não me der paz agora, eu vou ter que bolar um plano. Ele não vai me atrapalhar.
Sérgio vai ver Sara na enfermaria.
[Sérgio]- suas amigas me disseram que você tava aqui porque tinha brigado com uma das alunas.
[Sara]- elas não tinham que ter aberto a boca.
[Sérgio]- é claro que tinham. Diante de toda essa situação você ainda me inventa de brigar, Sara, pelo amor de Deus!
[Sara]- se veio pra encher meu saco, pode ir fazer suas coisas.
[Sérgio]- vim porque me preocupo com você, filha. Precisamos estar unidos, não sabemos o que vai acontecer nas próximas horas.
[Sara]- pois eu sei! A minha vó vai voltar e as coisas voltarão a ser como antes.
[Sérgio]- e é por isso que devemos estar unidos. Unidos como nunca.
Sérgio abraça Sara, que chora.
Julieta vai visitar Paula em seu flat.
[Julieta]- e aí.
[Paula]- que bom que veio. Entra.
[Julieta]- eu ia vir até mais cedo, mas rolaram umas tretas na faculdade, enfim.
[Paula]- já comeu?
[Julieta]- ainda não.
[Paula]- tppa almoçar em um restaurante próximo aqui?
[Julieta]- claro, bora.
[Paula]- ótimo. Um minuto que só vou pegar minha bolsa.
Paula sai. Em uma escrivaninha, uma foto chama a atenção de Julieta.
[Paula]- pronto. Vamos?
[Julieta]- o que a Cícera é sua, Paula?
[Paula]- você conhece ela?
[Julieta]- sim, somos da mesma sala.
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suratsuara · 2 months
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rockintapper · 6 months
i loove the tlal tapeprs so mcub. im insane. j LVOR THE TPPA TLWHR WVWNAMNA
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markojuanito · 10 months
Melebihi Kapasitas, Sampah Warga Depok dialihkan  TPPAS Lulut Nambo
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Tumpukan sampah  di TPA Cipayung, terlihat seperti gunung dari bawah, dan terdapat alat-alat berat untuk mengangkut sampah. Sumber: Dokumen Pribadi
Masalah sampah di Depok semakin rumit karena Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Cipayung sudah penuh kapasitas. Kota ini membutuhkan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini.
Kepala UPT TPA Cipayung, Ardan Kurniawan, mengungkapkan bahwa setiap hari TPA tersebut menerima sekitar 1.000 ton sampah. Meskipun jumlahnya besar, tidak ada pilihan lain selain mengirimkannya ke TPA tersebut. Jika tidak, sampah di Depok akan menumpuk.
Untuk mengatasi situasi ini, Pemerintah Kota Depok membutuhkan bantuan. Baru-baru ini, mereka meminta bantuan dari Kementerian PUPR untuk memasang alat pengelolaan sampah di TPA Cipayung.
"Bapak Wali Kota telah meminta bantuan dari pemerintah pusat beberapa waktu yang lalu. Hal ini bertujuan agar sampah di TPA Cipayung dapat ditangani dengan baik," ungkap Ardan Kurniawan pada Senin(19/6) sore.
Dia menambahkan bahwa mereka ingin menggunakan teknologi pengelolaan sampah yang modern dan ramah lingkungan. Program yang disebut Improvment of Solid Waste Management to Support Regional and Metropolitan Cities Project (ISWMP) adalah salah satu program yang ada.
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Terlihat pekerja di TPA Cipayung sedang berjalan di jalan yang penuh dengan sampah Sumber: Dokumen Pribadi
"Kami sangat berterima kasih karena Pemerintah Kota Depok mendapatkan bantuan melalui program ISWMP. Rencananya, program ini akan dibangun pada tahun 2024 dan mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2025," tambahnya.
Ketika beroperasi, pengolahan sampah tersebut juga akan memberikan manfaat bagi kebutuhan masyarakat.
"Jadi, bukan hanya mengenai pembuangan sampah, tetapi sampah yang sudah ada akan diolah menjadi sumber energi," tutupnya. (MJM)
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Kondisi area sekitar yang terlihat sangat tak terawatt karena terdapat puimg-puing bangunan yang dibuang sembarangan. Sumber: Dokumen Pribadi
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nursingscience · 1 year
Q: John Korsah
The understanding of syphilis test, types, purpose, diagnosis, procedure, risks and results.
Suggested ways of bringing the abnormalities to normal both in natural and the use of medicine.
1. The understanding of syphilis test
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The infection can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from mild to severe, and can potentially lead to serious health problems if left untreated.
There are several types of tests used to diagnose syphilis, including:
• Blood tests: These tests look for antibodies that your body produces in response to the infection. There are two main types of blood tests:
• Non-treponemal tests: These tests, such as the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test and the Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) test, are used to screen for syphilis. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to perform, but they can produce false positive results in people with other conditions, such as lupus or HIV.
• Treponemal tests: These tests, such as the Treponema pallidum particle agglutination (TPPA) test and the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test, are more specific for syphilis and can confirm a diagnosis. However, they are more expensive and require more time to perform than non-treponemal tests.
• Fluid tests: These tests look for the presence of the bacterium itself in a sample of fluid from a sore or lesion. These tests are more specific than blood tests, but they can only be performed when there is an active sore or lesion present.
It's important to note that syphilis can be difficult to diagnose, as it can often go undetected for years before symptoms appear. If you think you may have been exposed to syphilis, it's important to get tested regularly and talk to your healthcare provider about your risk factors.
Treatment for syphilis usually involves antibiotics, which can help prevent further complications and reduce the risk of transmission to others.
2. Types
There are three main types of syphilis, which are:
• Primary Syphilis: This is the first stage of syphilis, which usually begins with the appearance of a painless sore or lesion at the site of infection, usually the genitals, anus, or mouth. The sore is called a chancre and may go unnoticed, but it is highly contagious.
• Secondary Syphilis: If left untreated, primary syphilis can progress to secondary syphilis, which usually occurs several weeks after the appearance of the chancre. This stage is characterized by a rash that can appear anywhere on the body, as well as flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes.
• Tertiary Syphilis: If syphilis is still left untreated, it can progress to the tertiary stage, which is the most serious and potentially life-threatening stage. Tertiary syphilis can cause damage to the heart, brain, eyes, and other organs, and can lead to severe neurological problems, blindness, and even death.
It's important to note that syphilis can be effectively treated with antibiotics, especially in the early stages of the disease.
However, if left untreated, it can cause serious health problems and complications. It's important to get tested regularly for syphilis if you are sexually active or at risk of exposure to the infection.
3. Purpose
The purpose of syphilis testing is to diagnose the presence of the Treponema pallidum bacteria, which causes syphilis, in an individual's blood or other bodily fluids. Syphilis testing is essential because early detection and treatment can help prevent the progression of the disease and its complications, as well as prevent transmission of the infection to others.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can be easily spread through sexual contact. If left untreated, it can cause serious health problems, such as blindness, paralysis, and even death. Testing for syphilis can help diagnose the disease in its early stages, when it's most easily treatable, and can also help identify and treat people who may be carriers of the infection without showing any symptoms.
Syphilis testing is recommended for people who are sexually active, especially those who have multiple partners or engage in high-risk behaviors, such as unprotected sex. Testing is also recommended for pregnant women, as syphilis can be passed from a mother to her baby during pregnancy, which can lead to serious complications and even death. Overall, syphilis testing plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of this serious and potentially life-threatening infection.
4. Procedure
The procedure for syphilis testing may vary depending on the specific test being performed, but generally involves the following steps:
• Blood or fluid sample collection: The first step in syphilis testing is to collect a blood sample or fluid sample from the individual being tested. The sample may be collected by a healthcare professional through a blood draw or by swabbing a sore or lesion if present.
• Laboratory analysis: The collected sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. The laboratory may perform one or more tests, such as a non-treponemal test, a treponemal test, or a fluid test, depending on the individual's symptoms, risk factors, and other factors.
• Results interpretation: Once the laboratory analysis is complete, the results are interpreted by a healthcare professional. The healthcare professional will explain the results to the individual and provide recommendations for treatment or further testing if necessary.
5. Risks
Syphilis testing is generally a safe procedure with minimal risks. However, there are a few potential risks that individuals should be aware of, including:
• Discomfort or pain: Blood draws or sample collection may cause mild discomfort or pain at the site of the needle insertion or swabbing. However, the discomfort is usually brief and mild.
• Bleeding or bruising: Rarely, a blood draw may cause bleeding or bruising at the site of the needle insertion. However, this is usually minor and resolves on its own.
• Infection: There is a small risk of infection at the site of a blood draw or sample collection. However, healthcare professionals follow strict infection control protocols to minimize this risk.
• False positives or false negatives: Some syphilis tests may produce false positive or false negative results, which can lead to unnecessary treatment or delayed diagnosis. It's important to discuss the test results with a healthcare professional and consider follow-up testing if necessary.
6. Results
The results of a syphilis test can vary depending on the specific test being performed, but generally fall into one of the following categories:
Negative: A negative result means that the test did not detect the presence of Treponema pallidum bacteria, and the individual is not currently infected with syphilis. However, it's important to note that some tests may produce false negative results, especially in the early stages of infection.
• Positive: A positive result means that the test detected the presence of Treponema pallidum bacteria, and the individual is currently infected with syphilis. A positive result requires further testing and treatment to prevent the progression of the disease and its complications.
• Indeterminate: An indeterminate result means that the test produced unclear or inconclusive results, and further testing is required to confirm a diagnosis.
7. Diagnosis
The diagnosis of syphilis involves several steps, including a physical examination, laboratory testing, and a review of the individual's medical history and symptoms. The following are the typical steps involved in the diagnosis of syphilis:
• Physical examination: A healthcare professional will examine the individual for any visible symptoms of syphilis, such as sores, rashes, or lesions. They may also ask about the individual's sexual history and any other risk factors for STIs.
• Laboratory testing: The healthcare professional will order one or more laboratory tests to detect the presence of Treponema pallidum bacteria in the individual's blood or other bodily fluids. The most common tests include non-treponemal tests, treponemal tests, and fluid tests.
• Review of medical history and symptoms: The healthcare professional will review the individual's medical history and symptoms to help determine the stage of the infection and the appropriate treatment.
• Follow-up testing: Depending on the results of the initial tests, follow-up testing may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis and determine the appropriate treatment.
Once a diagnosis of syphilis is confirmed, treatment typically involves a course of antibiotics, such as penicillin, to kill the bacteria and prevent the progression of the disease.
8. Suggested ways of bringing the abnormalities to normal both in natural and the use of medicine.
The treatment of syphilis typically involves the use of antibiotics, such as penicillin, to kill the bacteria and prevent the progression of the disease. In addition to medication, there are also several natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can help support the body's healing process and bring abnormalities back to normal. Here are some suggested ways:
Adequate rest: Getting enough rest is important to help the body fight off infection and promote healing. Individuals with syphilis should prioritize getting enough rest and avoiding stress.
• Healthy diet: A healthy, well-balanced diet can provide the body with the nutrients it needs to support the immune system and promote healing. Individuals with syphilis should focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.
• Stress reduction: Stress can weaken the immune system and make it more difficult for the body to fight off infection. Individuals with syphilis should prioritize stress reduction techniques, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
• Avoiding alcohol and drugs: Alcohol and drug use can weaken the immune system and make it more difficult for the body to fight off infection. Individuals with syphilis should avoid alcohol and drugs during treatment.
• Regular follow-up testing: Regular follow-up testing is important to ensure that the infection has been successfully treated and that abnormalities have returned to normal.
It's important to note that while natural remedies and lifestyle changes can help support the body's healing process, they should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment.
Individuals with syphilis should work closely with a healthcare professional to develop an appropriate treatment plan that may include a combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and follow-up testing.
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phanminhhoang1995r · 2 years
Xét nghiệm VDRL là gì
So với những phương pháp xét nghiệm giang mai khác thì xét nghiệm VDRL được đánh giá tồn tại với các ưu và nhược điểm bao gồm:
++ Đối với ưu điểm
Xét nghiệm được thực hiện nhanh chóng đồng thời mức chi phí cũng khá thấp.
Kỹ thuật được thực hiện khá đơn giản, dễ dàng và ưu tiên áp dụng trong trường hợp sàng lọc cộng đồng số lượng lớn.
Không chỉ hỗ trợ chẩn đoán giang mai mà đây còn là phương pháp được dùng để theo dõi hiệu quả chữa trị cũng như giúp phát hiện tái nhiễm.
++ Về nhược điểm
Xét nghiệm này tìm kháng thể giang mai không đặc hiệu do vậy độ đặc hiệu thấp và có thể gây dương tính giả, âm tính giả cao.
Kết quả xét nghiệm theo từng giai đoạn bệnh có thể sẽ thay đổi. Có khoảng 20% người bị giang mai giai đoạn muộn nồng độ huyết thanh giảm dần trong khoảng 1 năm.
So với những phương pháp xét nghiệm giang mai đặc hiệu như TPHA (TPPA), Syphilis test nhanh, Syphilis TP thì độ nhạy, đặc hiệu không bằng…
2. Khi nào cần xét nghiệm VDRL?
Toàn bộ trường hợp có xuất hiện dấu hiệu nghi ngờ bị giang mai đều có thể làm xét nghiệm VDRL này đó là:
Xuất hiện biểu hiện giai đoạn ủ bệnh như có các vết loét có hình tròn, hình bầu dục không đau và không ngứa ở vùng da bộ phận. Mà đặc biệt là ở vùng sinh dục như môi bé, môi lớn hay âm đạo nữ, dương vật nam.
Bị đau rát ở bộ phận sinh dục hay ở vị trí nổi hạch.
Bắt đầu xuất hiện phát ban, nổi ban hồng, loét, sần…
- Cảm thấy đau rát tại bộ phận sinh dục hoặc vị trí bị nổi hạch.
- Da bắt đầu xuất hiện phát ban, nốt ban hồng, sần, loét.
Thường nếu thấy xuất hiện các biểu hiện trên cần lập tức kiểm tra càng sớm càng tốt. Bởi vì nếu không kịp thời kiểm tra thì bệnh có thể chuyển sang giai đoạn muộn. Khi đó gây ra nhiều biến chứng nguy hiểm cho tim, gan, thận, não…
Ngoài ra với các bệnh nhân nếu đang điều trị bệnh lây qua đường tình dục như sùi mào gà hay lậu… thì cũng có thể được yêu cầu làm xét nghiệm VDRL để đánh giá nguy cơ bị mắc bệnh giang mai không.
Nguồn ** https://dakhoahoancautphcm.vn/xet-nghiem-vdrl-la-gi-va-khi-nao-can-thuc-hien.html
Thông tin liên hệ: Phòng khám đa khoa hoàn cầu
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atlaspacificmedical · 2 years
Get In Touch With The Best Doctor For STD Singapore For Syphilis
According to the Doctor for Syphilis Singapore, you can get tested for sexually transmitted diseases and receive treatment if necessary. Get in touch with our medical staff immediately for any advice or treatment you might require. What is syphilis? Syphilis is a bacterial STI caused by the organism Treponema pallidum. In the absence of treatment, syphilis can spread to the central nervous system, the eyes, the heart, the liver, the bones, and the joints, resulting in a host of unpleasant side effects. What steps must be taken for a person to become infected with syphilis? Direct communication with syphilis ulcers during vaginal, oral, or anal sex is the primary mode of transmission of the illness. It is possible to spread the disease by prolonged kissing or other forms of intimate physical contact. Even if you've had syphilis and been cured, you can still contract it from unprotected sexual intercourse with someone who does. Is there any way to determine if Syphilis is present in our bodies? Syphilis is known as the "great pretender" because of the wide variety of illnesses it may mimic. Time to onset of symptoms averages 21 days but can be as long as 90 days. Normal symptoms would include: • An ulcer (chancre) on or near the penis, scrotum, cervix, or anus that is hard and notchy. • Sores that hurt inside the vagina, rectum, mouth, and lips • Symptoms include a reddish-pink, non-itchy rash all over the body, including the palms & soles. • Condylomata latum are wart-like lesions that appear on mucosal membranes and are flat and large. The Syphilis Test Screening and monitoring syphilis therapy typically involves blood tests (VDRL, TPPA, RPR titers). Additionally, a Rapid Syphilis Test Kit (with findings in 20 minutes) is on the market for anyone interested in performing a preliminary screening. Every syphilis test is available at Cross Street Medical. Get in touch with our medical staff immediately for any advice or treatment you might require. You can schedule an appointment with a female doctor. All consultations, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic outcomes are held to the highest standards of confidentiality. It happens for four reasons: Syphilis infection at its earliest stages You may observe a single sore or many ulcers during the early stage. The ulcer is positioned where syphilis enters the body. Sores are typically (but not always) hard, circular, & painless and even go unnoticed. Lymph nodes may or may not cause any discomfort. In around three to six weeks, the wounds will have healed. The only way to stop being contagious once your ulcers have healed is to take antibiotics. Disease caused by syphilis that spreads to other people In the later stages, you could get skin rashes & sores inside the mouth, vagina, & anus. A rash can appear anywhere on the body. The rash may appear while the primary sore is mending or four to ten weeks after the primary sore has healed. Rough, red, or reddish-brown blotches may appear on the palms & soles of your feet & hands as a result of the rash. Fever, lymph node swelling, sore throat, spotty hair loss, headache, weight loss, muscle aches, & weariness are all symptoms. Even if you don't get any treatment, your symptoms should disappear. However, you continue to spread the disease until you have been given antibiotics. Latente syphilis During the latent period, there are no apparent signs and symptoms of syphilis. You are contagious until you've been given antibiotics so that this period can linger for years. Tertiary syphilis However, tertiary syphilis is uncommon in patients who have had syphilis for a long time without treatment. Tertiary syphilis can arise 3–30 years after infection. Internal organs like the brain, nervous system, eyes, heart, liver, bones, & joints can be harmed by tertiary syphilis. You can schedule an appointment with a Doctor for STD Singapore. All consultations, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic outcomes are held to the highest standards of confidentiality.
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fincrew · 1 year
E-commerce has a lot of potential in Malaysia. There’s zero doubt about that. But even with this, it isn’t uncommon for eCommerce and online sellers to struggle a little with getting the ball rolling. So, if you want to get business loans to boost your online business, follow these three (3) simple steps:
Step One – Attend To The Legal Affairs Of Your Online Company
As every Malaysian knows, legalities are essential in the country. Because of this, you need to make sure you’re very clear on the specifics of what type of online business you’re running. In addition to the above, you should also ensure a good picture of the local market. Along these lines, one thing you should be intimately familiar with is the debt collection law in the country. Finally, ensure that you have any license or permit necessary to run the type of online business you’ve set up.
Step Two – Prepare a Clear And Concise Business Plan
Even family members will be hesitant to extend you a line of credit if you don’t give the impression that you’re well put together and have a clear idea of where you’re going. It goes double for corporate finance institutions. Consequently, it would help if you had a detailed and specific business plan. But having said that, it can be challenging to prepare a proper business plan. To help with this process, you can start by putting down all your thoughts and ideas for the online venture as well as your short and long-term goals for the virtual enterprise. It can help you get a clear sense of where you will go so you can prepare a more constructive business plan.
Step Three – Start Knocking On Doors
Now that you’ve defined your brand and have a good business plan handy, the next thing on your to-do list becomes finding the best business loans for your enterprise. One of the most practical and efficient ways of doing this is by looking at what funding opportunities the government is offering. Five (5) fantastic funding schemes we love are;
The TEKUN Financing Scheme.
Soft Loan Schemes for Services Sector or SLSSS.
The Tambung Pembangunan Pengangkutan Awam Scheme or TPPA.
Tabung Usahawan Siswazah or TUS Scheme.
SME Emergency Fund Program or SMEEF.
However, as many of these programs tend to have a long waiting list, they aren’t always ideal for online businesses that need the influx of cash as soon as possible. So alternatively, you can use the FinCrew Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Loan Comparison tool to get a rundown of what options you can access more quickly. It’s simple to use, delivers excellent results, and it’s completely free!
Getting your online business rolling can take a lot of resources. But now that you have better ideas to get more funds, we hope you have an easier time with the affair! See this for more help on securing outstanding SME business loans in Malaysia!
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mcatmemoranda · 5 years
I was so confused about syphilis diagnosis. But now I get it. VDRL and RPR are screening tests that look for a lipoidal molecule, not the syphilis itself. So these tests are non-treponemal. The Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption (FTA-ABS) and T. pallidum Particle Agglutination (TP-PA) are treponenal tests because they actually detect the treponema pallidum. They used to screen first with VDRL/RPR and then do FTA-ABS/TP-PA, but now you start with the treponemal tests first. After treating syphilis, the non-treponemal tests will be negative, but the treponemal tests remain positive for life.
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korybumgardner · 5 years
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Super excited to add to my award wall!! I can't believe I have a career in such a cool field! #korysphotography #love #beautiful #adventure #photography #awards #tppa #summerfest https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_bnOmFT2_/?igshid=qew5zzegqzff
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tariqk · 6 years
me, who is not a citizen of an OECD country, who isn't a constituent of any of those representatives you keep yelling about: [while pressing the reblog button] because investing emotions into something I have no meaningful control over gets real old real fast after the 171,158th fucking time.
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1080 37 eat street (1 of 1) by paul wiesner Via Flickr: #stop, #freedom,#no way, #tppa, #stop tppa, #no way tppa, #stop1080, #stop the drop, #protest, #activist, #change, #change now, #free the kid, #police brutality, #no tax, #1080 poison, #kiwi killer, #govt, #new zealand, #war, #protesting, #activists, #protester, #make change, #wakeup, #wakeup new zealand, #operation ban 1080,
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Being Led By The Nose, The Mirage Of “Free Trade”
- Bryan Gould
“Our naivety in these matters has become even more evident when we have attempted to negotiate trade agreements, and have discovered that our premature and unilateral disarmament in matters of protection has meant that we have literally nothing to offer in return for the improved access to other markets that we seek. Trade partners that already have free access to our market see no need to offer us concessions in return for concessions we have already granted to them. 
     Nor does it stop there. With the development  of the global economy – the direct consequence of the free movement of capital engineered by the Thatcher/Reagan ending of exchange controls – we have discovered that our economic relations with other economies are not limited  simply to matters of trade. In such a global economy, the price we are asked to pay for trade (and, more particularly, investment) can extend well into the  domestic policies we wish to apply.      
A good illustration of this point was the demand made by Warner Brothers that, if we wanted them to make films in New Zealand, we would have to change our labour laws, so that the people they employed were not to be regarded as employees with all the rights and protections provided under our law to employees, including the right to belong to a union, but should be treated instead as independent contractors, negotiating individually with the US film company.       
To the great shame of our then Government, the law was changed to suit Warner Brothers (for the full details on this, read the 2010 Roger Award Judges’  Report at http://canterbury.cyberplace.co.nz/community/CAFCA/publications/Roger/Roger2010.pdf.”  Read the full article here: http://www.converge.org.nz/watchdog/47/06.html
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cheshirecat-rabbit · 6 years
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aggilbewara · 3 years
Pansus II : TPA Sarimukti Over Kapasitas, TPPAS Regional Legok Nangka Harus Segera Terealisasi
Pansus II : TPA Sarimukti Over Kapasitas, TPPAS Regional Legok Nangka Harus Segera Terealisasi
Ngamprah, Bewarajabar — Anggota Pansus II DPRD Provinsi Jawa Barat Ali Rasyid soroti, kondisi kapasitas penampungan sampah pada Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Sarimukti. Ali menyebut, sekitar 450 truk perhari yang mengangkut sampah dari wilayah Bandung Raya membuat kondisi TPA Sarimukti mengalami kelebihan daya tampung. Dengan kondisi seperti itu, diperlukan pengolahan dengan teknologi yang…
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