undeadnecromancer · 2 months
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Beldam is transphobic in the remake!!! Vivian is now recognized as being trans in the English translation we are so fucking back!!!!!
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aamlchu · 14 days
I know I’m spamming art of Vivian from TTYD. I’m just celebrating! Baby girl is canonically trans! And she’s been my favorite since the beginning. All the reason the celebrate. 🥳
I also bawled when I found out the game was being remade. It looks soooo good and Nintendo thought of just about everything. I was thinking to myself, “I like what they’ve done with the music but I miss the old music.” They’ve added a badge to change the music. Ah! 💕
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tafadhali · 4 months
Femslash February Rec Set
Love to do a rec set for Femslash February, and I haven't done a general grab bag of one since 2018. So here is some of my favorite stuff I've read and watched since then!
This Hell by januarium (Do Revenge, Eleanor/Drea)
Heart Shaped Box by sisabet (Killing Eve, Eve/Villanelle) ★
Black Tie by such_heights (A League of Their Own, queer community) ★
Now I Can Fly by walkthegale (A League of Their Own, Jo DeLuca-centric)
Melodrama by mithborien (MCU, Gamora/Nebula) ★
I'm a Man by snarkwithasmile (Revolutionary Girl Utena, Utena-centric) ★
Lost on You by periru3 (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Adora/Catra)
If U Seek Amy by elipie (A Simple Favor, Emily/Stephanie)
Bad Guy by AudreyV (Star Trek: Discovery, Burnham/Georgiou)
Become You by ultraviolet_catastrophe (Xena, Xena/various)
Whatever You Like by periru3 (multifandom, be gay do crime) ★
Wherever Is Your Heart by cosmic_llin (multifandom, older wlw)
Eyes Always Seeking by igrockspock (Away, Mei/Lu, 1k)
you can be who you are any day of the week by Sonni89 (Baby-Sitters Club, Mary Anne/Stacey, every member of the BSC comes out to Mary Anne, 8k)
Farm-to-Table, Non-GMO, Responsibly Sourced by impertinence (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Amy/Rosa, undercover as a couple, 6k)
Let It Bleed by elviswhataguy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faith/Willow, post-canon, 94k)
and you're on the gossip team by palms (DC comics, Babs/Dinah, 6k)
don't tip the boat over (love and devotion) by merriweather (Derry Girls, Clare/Michelle, 15k) ★
i have crawled over town with your hair in my mouth by Princex_N (Dimension 20, Sam & Zelda, background Sam/Penelope, 4k)
i'm an expert, i'm the one by irisnebula (Dimension 20, Fig/Ayda, college AU, 21k)
let the heavens falter by allapplesfall (Dimension 20, Tracker-centric, background Tracker/Kristen, 28k) ★
Starlight by pigflight (Dimension 20, Fig/Ayda, Tangled AU, 15k) ★
the sound of your heart in your head by pigflight (Dimension 20, Adaine & Ayda, Fig/Ayda, 2k)
The Yunk and the Restless by Nomad (Discworld, Polly/Maladict, 3k)
don't know what a slide rule is for by heart_nouveau (Ghostbusters, Patty/Holtzmann, 3k)
The Other Big One by yeahitshowed (Gilmore Girls, Paris/Rory, canon divergence, 3k)
I Think I Just Blacked Out by Telanu (Grace & Frankie, Grace/Frankie, Brianna POV, 7k)
More Than I Have by chainofclovers (Grace & Frankie, Grace/Frankie, 4k) ★
to know even in the deepest sleep that it is you by millerpertuis (Grace & Frankie, Grace/Frankie, 3k) ★
Signature Color by scioscribe (Legally Blonde, Elle/Vivian, Star Trek AU, 5k)
Comes Out Wrong by Sineala (Marvel comics, Jess/Carol, Secret Invasion-era, 2k)
the only place worth being by overnights (Marvel comics, Kate/America, 17k)
the journey is a work of art by GotTheSilver (My So-Called Life, Angela/Rayanne, future!fic, 4k)
An Officer and a Gentleman by cedarboots (Persuasion, Anne/Frederick, trans, 47k) ★
Return Flight by cedarboots (Pride & Prejudice, Eliza/Darcy, trans, 10k)
they say love is a virtue (don't they?) by yasaman (Scholomance, El/Liesl, 3k) ★
I Made Phone Calls with Foreign Coins by out_there (Sports Night, Dana/Natalie, 1k)
Hey Hey You You I Don't Like Your Girlfriend by impertinence (Spy, Raina/Susan, 9k) ★
don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo by firstaudrina (Stranger Things, El/Max, post-S3, 1k)
Girlfriends by thingswithwings (Ted Lasso, Keeley/Rebecca, 1k)
I'll Wear the Red Dress Tonight by leiascully (Ted Lasso, Keeley/Rebecca, 4k)
When It Comes to Nightlife by Muccamukk (Ted Lasso, Keeley/Rebecca, 6k)
Inside the Noise by scioscribe (Thoroughbreds, Amanda/Lily, post-canon, 7k) ★
Five Earth Gifts That Dorothy Brought Home by ErinPtah (Wizard of Oz, Dorothy/Ozma, 5 things, 2k)
the skin you're in by stifledlaughter (Wizard of Oz, Dorothy/Ozma, 6k) ★
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ray-nintendo · 3 years
Context [Link]
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I'd meant the last addition in more of a silly light, which is why I didn't flesh it out more the same way I did for Vivian, But Actually Yes
Luigi isn't explicitly trans in the same way Vivian is (who's openly and proudly a trans woman in every iteration except for the English translation), but there's textual evidence to read Luigi as trans within the series !
Its important to keep in mind that the mario franchise is broken up in several different canons, whether that be explicit parallel universes (like the paper mario series and the mario and Luigi series) or series tgat just have different continuities from each other. The characters can all read differently depending on which canon you look at, and this is no exception!
Within the mario and luigi series (and by extension the luigi's mansion series), for instance, Luigi can be read as trans masc
During the first game in the series, superstar saga, Luigi and mario pull a swap on the villains when peach gets captured. Luigi dresses in a spare dress from peach, a wig, and stands on paint cans to convince them that they captured a fake and that Luigi was the real princess peach (prompting them to let peach go and take Luigi instead).
The important thing to note here is that before the reveal is made Luigi As Peach uses peach's sprite and voice clips. And afterwards Luigi's head is swapped onto the sprite and the paint cans are added on but the body is The Same.
The implication is that outside of having obviously different face types and heights, Luigi and peach have the Same body types (with Luigi's usually being covered up by his overalls) and Luigi's voice is naturally high enough to mimic peach's.
The 3ds remake makes it even more obvious that Luigi has Tits
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To all of that I add this screenshot from another game in the mario and luigi series without comment
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And then on the other end of the scale we have Luigi in the mario power comics ! Which I don't think I have to analyze beyond what's presented in the text to explain myself
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And of course nintendo singling Luigi out with the supercrown addagdvjdbk
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So ! My diagnosis is this: while I wouldn't give nintendo credit for making Luigi textually trans, I would say that Luigi is trans coded in several points in mario canon. And that because of these difference in presentation depending on which point in canon we look at Luigi can be actively interpreted as Any form of trans (trans masc, trans fem, nonbinary, genderfluid, etc !)
As for Luigi being Luigi as a baby, canonically mario was able to lead the yoshis to Luigi because their bond was so strong they're psychically linked. If mario can track luigi's location as a newborn baby based entirely on their connection to each other then I don't think its a stretch to say that he'd know what his gender is too.
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Mightn't be very creative but BBC Merlin <3
u gotta do it :'))
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
ELYANNN what a guy started stanning him out of spite and rage and now i couldn't and wouldn't go back if i tried :') sarcastic compassionate salty cosy stylish dumbass smartass inattentive adhd younger sib gay trans part time ace ICON
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
GWEN esp s1 her along with s1 merlin they’re just tiny protect them 🥺🥺🥺
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
*glowers* Elyan again ;(
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
VIVIAN she’s a bitch and she is so valid 😌😌 also elena she’s such a weird girl™ and 10000% good for her <333
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
slightly left field choice but speicfifcally s1 arthur... i am weirdly protective over that dude there are far fewer instances of him being an irredeemable level of horrible and he’s way more nuanced and ya know basic morality and less hypocritical and i just want to beat some sense into him bc it feels like he’d actaully listen also he is just absolutely helpless godbless and not in the way he is later on where he only pretends to be absolute damsel in distress also colossal trophy husband material gwen and lance get on it <33
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also gwaine that man is SO pathetic even tho he tries his best to hide it and it is deeply humiliating how much i relate to him every so often i will realise that i too have to try and make people laugh at every single available opportunity and its the only way i feel i contribute anything of worth nd i just have to thousand yard stare for a bit so yeah :’)
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
LANCELOT i only seem to write him when i can crush him into a pulp godbless he is another level of poor little meow meow <33
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also gwen but ONLY in the sense of putting her in awkward situations where she rambles a ton and ends up insulting at least three people by accident canon tormented her enough 😠😠😠 i feel like the dorky part of her is not written enough in fics she is way too composed and perfect and badass and responsible all the time whcih yeah she is that too but let her be a dumbass too <333
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
ty for the ask!! <33
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snakemomrose · 6 years
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Figured I’d start this blog off by posting a thing I did; Super Crown Vivian! She’d probably be called Peachian, I guess? Comes with a Peach skin-and-hair color scheme and a more traditional human Vivian skin-and-hair color scheme. Lots of people, me included, headcanon human Vivian as a black woman so I figured I’d do both!
I love this trend so much, I’ll probably do more of these. There are some damn imaginative designs out there.
also you’ll potentially see a lot of Vivian love on here, I love my canon trans baby
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mx-bright-sky · 6 years
Vivian's cute please tell us about her!! ❤️
sorry it took me so long to get to this, I had to wait until I got home and that took longer than I thought it would
I love Vivian so much!!! My chaotic neutral baby!!!
So, (as this is a Next Gen AU) Vivian is adopted by Mina and Aoyama (who are both trans lesbians in this AU). She has a brother (non blood related) who was also adopted, but that’s for later.
Unfortunately, before she was adopted she got hit with that Tragic Backstory Syndrome(TM). I think it’s actually pretty sad, but maybe I’m just a wimp idk
Backstory: When Vivian was very young, her mother was killed by a band of villains who then kidnapped her and raised her to be a villain like them. She pretended to go along with it, until the point where the villains claimed she was ‘finished training’. After that, she escaped from those villains but left them all very badly injured. Vivian was 4 when she was originally kidnapped, 12 when she escaped from the villains, and then she was 13 when she was adopted.
She wants to help save people to make up for all of the things she did when she was with the villains (even though it technically was not her fault, given she was forced to do those things by the villains), but at the same time she believes she isn’t worthy of being called a hero, so instead she becomes a vigilante.
Because Vivian was so old when she was adopted, she has a hard time seeing Aoyama and Mina as her parents, but she still loves them anyways. 
Her quirk is that she can create and manipulate knives. The nature of her quirk was definitely a deciding factor in why the villains didn’t just kill her when they found her
Vivian is still in UA, she’s just in the General Studies Course, instead of the Hero Course
Personality-wise, Vivian is a jokester. She teases people (not in a malicious way though), tells puns, and likes to laugh at how absurd things are sometimes
Humor is just Vivian’s way of coping and dealing with things, actually. Sometimes because of this the humor can get a little... dark
On the other hand though, if you try to throw a pity party over Vivian’s Tragic Backstory(TM), she will laugh hysterically in your face
She doesn’t want to be pitied. She just wants to move forward and not think about it. 
Now then, as I said, Vivian goes to UA,,, and she’s in the same year as Sachiko and Rin,,, and she has a HUGE gay crush on Sachiko
It starts when Vivian volunteers to help the Hero Class with rescue training and Sachiko “rescues” her and Vivian is like “wwwowww,,,, I’m so gay”
On Sachiko’s end, she ends up getting a crush on Vivian during the internships. Sachiko almost gets badly injured by a villain, but then (as a vigilante) Vivian steps in and helps her win. Before leaving, Vivian is like “It was nice fighting with you, milady,” and then she does the thing where she kisses Sachiko’s hand, and then disappears mysteriously into the night
Sachiko: Wow, I think I’m in love
Rin: you,,,, you realize,,, that she’s a vigilante, right? you know that’s like. Kinda sorta illegal?
Sachiko: You know what else is kinda sorta illegal? Being that pretty. Being that pretty should be illegal.
Rin: Sachi, you useless lesbian
Also important distinction; Vivian is the kind of person to flirt, and Sachiko is the kind of person who goes right in to giving affection. This makes both of them unbelievably flustered, but Vivian is definitely more easily flustered.
Vivian: What’s your quirk? Being cute?
Sachiko: 0///0
Sachiko: *walks right up and just kisses Vivian on the cheek*
Vivian: 0/////0
I have so many feelings about this ship guys
That’s all I got on Vivian for right now, enjoy
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