#TVD 311
hergifs · 2 years
Jeremy: Wait- that's your big plan? To steal back four dead originals so this evil hybrid doesn't kill me and everyone else we know? Damon: You got a better idea? Jeremy: Yeah! Let's get the hell outta here! Pack our bags and go! Elena: Hey, Jeremy calm down. Jeremy: No, no!! I'm not gonna calm down, Elena! This happens every time, no matter what we do! Get on my case about school and work...Who cares? None of us are gonna make it out of this town alive.
[Alaric and Elena go up to Jeremy's room. The door is open, and Elena knocks on the doorframe.] Elena: Hey. Can we talk? Jeremy: Ahh, what did I do now? Elena: I've been thinking about what you said earlier. About how we should pack up and go... Jeremy: Elena, I didn't mean any of that. Elena: But you were right. You shouldn't have to give up a normal life- just because of me. Jeremy: What's going on? [Damon enters the room.] Damon: Your sister thinks we should have another one of our talks. [He sits down on the bed at Jeremy's side and starts to compel him.] Damon: Here's the thing, Jer. You're gonna go out of town for a while- a long while. You're gonna stay with some nice family friends in Denver, you're gonna be at a new school, you'll meet new girls, living girls. You're going to drink a few beers, take an art class. You do whatever you want. Alaric: Tell him he's gonna leave Mystic Falls behind and never think twice about it. [Damon looks at Elena; she nods in agreement.] Damon: You're gonna leave Mystic Falls behind and never think twice about it. You're gonna have a better life, Jeremy. [Elena is crying.]
Elena: So, I have something I need to tell you, and you're not gonna like it. Bonnie: What happened? Elena: Jeremy is gonna be leaving town for a while. He'll be staying with some old family friends in Denver, until this whole Klaus thing blows over. Bonnie: Jeremy wouldn't just leave you to deal with Klaus on your own. Elena: I know...I asked Damon to compel him. Bonnie: You what? Elena: I know, Bonnie. But it's not safe for him here anymore. Leaving will give him a better life. The only reason I'm telling you is because I know that you two haven't really worked out your stuff. And I thought that maybe you'd wanna say goodbye.
Caroline: I might have texted Tyler. Elena: Caroline... Caroline: What? I'm delicate. Bonnie: Give her a break! You can't control what everyone does all the time. [There's an awkward silence.] Elena: Wow. Matt: Ouch, Bon. Bonnie: Sorry, I know it's Caroline birthday, funeral or whatever but, I just feel it's really wrong that you compelled Jeremy to leave town. Elena: I'm doing it to protect him, Bonnie. I want to give him a chance to have a quiet normal life. Bonnie: He should be able to choose how he wants to live it, you're taking his choices away. Elena: Bonnie, you can't tell him. Bonnie: Why? Are you gonna compel me not to? Matt: You know, you guys are ruining a perfect funeral. Bonnie: I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go sleep it off or something. Happy birthday.
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
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#and i’m gonna be making them content till i die (or less likely another ship is half as great as them………. which is truly never gonna happen)
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nothing quite as strange as the sheer romcom level craziness that DC created when they said “yeah, so this is Connor, he’s a lab created superhuman who is literally the results of putting Clark and Lex’s dna in a tube and shaking it really aggressively”
and like… it didn’t turn into the parent trap, but like it could have and that is a beautiful thing
173 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
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188 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
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201 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
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271 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
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hellyeahstelena · 8 years
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#a previous coworker stared at me after finding this out like he was rearranging everything he knew about me in his brain in that moment
My Top Posts in 2021
I would never offer to go over to a sick person which either means I’m a terrible person or I’ve never been in love.
8 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 18:16:37 GMT
This season was shit, why was I suddenly crying through the last three clips?!
12 notes • Posted 2021-06-26 17:47:11 GMT
Never felt closer to Constantin than in yesterday’s clip, randomly yelling „Ich muss pinkeln!“ and „Ey, mein Mund ist total trocken, haben wir Wssser oder so?“ Same, Constantin, same.
18 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 12:00:43 GMT
But who goes into a school on a Saturday to buy a waffle?
28 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 14:09:45 GMT
I would assume Ismail knows that plants need daylight and this room does not appear to have any windows. I am concerned.
30 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 11:56:54 GMT
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hopeslastchxnce · 3 years
What are some fandoms you were in before? What is on your wishlist?
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Harry  Potter,  Game  of  Thrones,  TVD / The Originals, IWTV / Vampire Chronicles, LOTR,  Spartacus,  InuYasha,  Naruto,  Vampire  Knight,  Attack  on  Titan,  Black  Butler,  Yu-Gi-Oh,  Bleach, Fate / Stay-Night or  Fate / Zero,  Assassin’s  Creed  Odyssey,  POTC,  Sleepy  Hollow...  Some  of  them  I  still  dabble  in  elsewhere  but  from  the  top  of  my  head,  those  are  some  fandoms  I  was  /  am  still  heavy  in  the  mix  of.
Wishlist?  Hmm...  Well  a  mutant  wedding  to  start.  Charles  living  happily  ever  after  in  Paris  and  not  necessarily  with  Erik.  Whoever  makes  him  happy  I  suppose,  provided  I  can  get  him  to  leave  his  house.  He’s  not  going  to  just  leave  Westchester  anytime  soon  so  many  years  from  now  would  be  nice.  Um...  I  need  to  do  more  with  Charles’  son,  Onslaught  since  I  have  a  verse  with  Charles  raising  him  alone.  Some  stuff  with  his  brother  Marko  would  be  cool,  even  if  Marko  can’t  stand  him.  Always  willing  to  do  things  with  Emma  Frost.  I  ship  them  too  so  👀  Well,  I  do  if  the  build  is  right  cos  neither  one  of  them  are  very  trusting  of  the  other  so  it’d  take  some  work.  Oh  and  Dark  Phoenix  Charles ---  no  not  that  movie.  Never  that  movie  but  Charles  AS  the  Phoenix  alongside  Jean.  Good  things.  Oh  and  at  the  rate  we’re  going,  date  ALL  the  Avengers  😏😏😏
I  have  some  other  stuff  ---  AUs  that  might  be  fun.  Obviously  Harry  Potter  stuff  that  I’m  too  lazy  to  do.  It’s  always  on  the  list  but  you  know...  And  then  alternate  timeline  Charles  shenanigans,  particularly  Earth-311  with  only  a  few  slight  changes.  Elizabethan  Era  Charles  is  -chef’s kiss-.
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hergifs · 2 years
Elena: Are you okay? Matt: Yeah, I want [Caroline] to be happy, you know? It's what I want for all of you guys, in the middle of this crazy life you got stuck living. Elena: Is that how you see it? That we're stuck? Matt: I'd say it's attached itself to you all pretty tight, yeah. Elena: Bonnie is right, you know, I have no business messing in Jeremy's head. I just don't know what else to do. He is in danger here. I can't lose anyone else that I love.
Matt: You're not gonna jump [off Wickery Bridge], are you? Elena: Thanks for coming. I was just thinking about what you said, about us being stuck. Matt: I was buzzed, Elena. I can't be held responsible for being judgmental. Elena: I do feel stuck, Matt. I feel like, I've been holding on to the girl that was supposed to die here with her parents. The girl who had a normal life, and didn't fall in love with vampires. Matt: You're not that girl anymore. It's okay if you want to let her go. Elena: Is it? 'Cause I feel like I disappointed her a little like, like I disappointed them. My parents. Matt: My two cents, as a guy who knew that other girl: you're doing a lot better than you think. [Matt picks up some dandelions from the ground and holds them out in front of him as he faces the side of the bridge.] Matt: Here lies Elena Gilbert. A fun girlfriend and an amazing friend.
ELENA: Here. Say it. MATT: No. I'm not doing this. ELENA: Fine. [She turns so she can face the river and repeats the words he said in Our Town.] ELENA: I'll say it. Here lies Elena Gilbert, a fun girlfriend and an amazing friend. [She throws the flowers in the water and laughs.] MATT: I'm glad one of us can find humor in this. ELENA: I have to find humor in this, Matt. Because the alternative... The alternative would be to say good-bye, and I'm just... I'm not ready for that yet.
[Matt has finally thrown his bouquet of dandelions into the water. This time, he is dressed as a Sheriff's deputy.] MATT: There, I did it. Are you happy? ELENA: Very. Now it's your turn to be. MATT: So, I'm a cop, huh? ELENA: That's my hope for you, Matt. In our crazy lives together, you've always stayed the same-- human, loyal, and good. My hope is that you spend the rest of your life fighting for people like you. MATT: You know, there's a good chance that I'll never see you again. ELENA: Matt. Look at everything that the two of us have survived. [They start to cry and they hug.] ELENA: I like our odds.
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