#TWC Book 3 Spoilers
trixdraws · 1 year
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"It seems you don't realise just how much you mean to me, ya rouhi. Allow me to show you how much."
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seraphinitegames · 9 months
Yeah, hehe! :D
If you end up on Doug's story branch, then at the end of Book Three (if you don't choose to go with Rebecca), then Douglas gets turned into a supernatural.
Definitely an interesting direction for Douglas' character arc to go in, especially as when I first came up with Douglas' character many, many years ago in the original novel, he was just the smallest side character, lol!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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nreads · 1 year
How it started: (Book 2)
A and the detective leaning their heads on opposite sides of the door, yearning for the other.
How it's going: (Book 3)
A and the detective crying on the floor, on opposite sides of the door, yearning for the other.
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artsyaprilmr · 1 year
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POV: you are seconds away from confessing
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greyhands · 1 year
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agentark · 1 year
something I really love is how all the LIs pet names for the detective are like....
sweetheart (utter adoration disguised as snark)
my soul, literal light and love of my life
......Valued Associate.
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mewsly · 1 year
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I love the M BFF Route So Much <3
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mandooine · 1 year
This was assembled for myself but I tidied it up and posted it for anyone to use.
Please read through the entire intro. I WON’T ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE GAME MECHANICS, it is provided as is. I’m sure wayhavenguide will post a more comprehensive/user-friendly guide soon enough, but until then, use this as a handy little cheat-sheet. I’m 99.9% sure it’s all accurate, but the auction outcomes are pretty tangled up so i can’t guarantee that I’ve interpreted all the data correctly. Use at your own caution.
( also, if you play in a browser, then i recommend using firefox with the tampermonkey add-on and this plugin that allows you to save your place in any choice-script game. it’s invaluable for trying out all the options in a playthrough. )
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phoenix-onfire · 1 year
I have a 6-hours long overnight trip ahead, so what better thing to do than replay book 3 Nate-route for the millionth time!
It made me want to gush some more about my favourite fictional RO so don't mind me, it's just time for my "let's swoon over N" post.
Heads up: book 3 spoilers! And a long post, with a long list and screenshots (just a few random ones because if i were to add every screenshot I want, it would be never-ending :D)
Specifically, things that made me fall in love even more with N , behind the cut.
So. Many. Kisses!! Impulsive kisses, top-of-the-head kisses, temple kisses, forehead kisses, cheek kisses, nose kisses, hand kisses, palm kisses, knuckle kisses, collarbone kisses, neck kisses, lifting-MC-in-the-air kisses, fairytale kisses, soft kisses, passionate kisses...
Supporting MC and always being there for them, no matter what. Being MC's haven, managing to calm them down with their voice and their embrace. Always knowing when MC needs them close
Countless hugs, strong embraces and cuddles
Doing anything and everything to make MC happy
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Staying awake all night just to prepare a picnic for MC - baking the pies themself!! Totally a keeper.
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Random footmassage without hesitation - because whatever MC initiates, they reciprocate right away
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Drawing a bath for MC and tucking them in...or basically, geuninely caring for them in any capacity
Sexy outfits: summer outfit, combat outfit, dinner party outfit - and he gives the best compliments (either the sweetest or very suggestive)
Wild, horny side, with loads of teasing, innuendos, smugness
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True, honest, deep worry for the person they love because they just care so.fucking.much!
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Protective, powerful side (first trapper fight, auction scene...goosebumps!)
Ya rouhi. Love confession. In tears!!
Opening up about their past to let MC a little bit closer, despite how clearly painful and difficult this is for them
Vampire talk
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"I think i did, too."
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It's a non-exhaustive list and it may be all over the place, so it was time to cut it short. But feel free to add anything else you can think of 😉
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bababeepa · 1 year
Getting a reaction out of A is always SOO GUD.
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*kicks down door* Listen I’ve had too much coffee and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem.
I want to talk about F for a minute because I just love them okay. What an absolute powerhouse of a partner. I love all of UB, of course, but F has been the detective’s biggest fan from day one and proves that with like every single turn of the page. F is so honest and upfront and it’s so refreshing in light of all the feelings and secrets the rest are holding on to… F just lays it out on the table. They don’t want to talk about their past any more than the others but they want the detective to know regardless because they think they should. F says it best in N’s route “You’re going to have to let them know you / You’re going to have to let them know” and they do that in their own route and gosh what an absolute King/Queen for that. There’s no smoke and mirrors with F, there’s just F and they hope you’ll have them. What you see is what you get and they don’t want to make the detective wait to know them. They’re so sure that the detective is it for them that they don’t have any desire to hide anything that can paint them in a less than perfect light. They want the detective to choose them even with their flaws.
Also they radiate happiness with the detective, even outside of the romance, and it’s just so unapologetic. I think all the romances fall under the “Ah, there you are” troupe but F’s especially. Also truly the only route where the detective is seen as an actual equal at the very least, if not put on a pedestal. And that’s not to say they don’t worry, obviously they do, but they’re more often than not assured things will be okay because it’s the detective doing it. Even if the detective exposes what they are to Tina/Verda the reaction from F is one of relief that that’s all the detective was worried about telling them and not something else. They respect and trust the detective’s choice in doing that not just because the detective should have more than UB but also because it was detective who made that call. And that’s how they go about like every call the detective makes. F is more confident in the detective than F is even in themself. The detective never has to question if F is in their corner as F is constantly reassuring and proving that they are. Another thing I really love that sets them apart is they never *presume* to know better or know more than the detective and that’s so nice. They never tell the detective what to do, merely ask or suggest.
Literally the embodiment of taking the good with the bad but never wondering if that person truly loves you at the end of the day. You know they do.
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seraphinitegames · 1 year
Sorry for being crazy about this sera but for the A kiss scene where they also kiss the detectives neck was it on the side where the possible bite scar is pls I am going insaneeeeeee
A has been wanting to kiss that in way of apology for a veerrryyy long time, hehe! :D
Thank you so much for the fun message! :)
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nreads · 1 year
See, I just don't accept A having that bad style. I think they just overcorrected after they realised they dressed up for the detective for a mission in a sewer. Because they don't have feelings for the MC, they decided to wear their usual grey shirt and cargo pants, and then realised they can't wear that when accompanying the detective to a dinner party and changed their top and then ran out of time / their brain short-circuited bc they couldn't decide whether to listen to their heart or their head.
I will do all the mental gymnastics in the world, but I will not accept A having a terrible sense of fashion. (y'all are 100% correct in dragging them, but I just can't accept this )
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artsyaprilmr · 1 year
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Okay, but "you don't seem like you are interested in much of anything and especially me"?? Ouch, Detective.
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aprilmr · 1 year
Hey guys do you think Rebecca straight up lied about Rook's death and her knowledge of it because she was the one who actually sent him on this suicide mission, and she desperately tries to forget and remove herself from these memories by voluntary choosing not to know the details of it? Hm??
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agentark · 1 year
my "thinks about everyone before herself" detective is STRESSING Mason out
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