respectthepetty · 9 months
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Who dafuq was he talking too?! I agree with the crowd that it was this dude because we have seen too much of him, yet I didn't even know his name until this episode - Jie. Don't let it be you, sir. I like you! You are the only one working while all these men are stressed about their guys.
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Make this make sense! So they are friends or just friendly?
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And why do I feel like the boss was acting off? He doesn't want those two to be together, like Eddie said, but why? Sir, you're sus! Did Rui's dad step in? Is this where all the money came from? I NEED ANSWERS!
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Because Zong Yi lost all of his color. ALL OF IT! He started happy in the blue after having (horrible) sex with his man.
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Then continued to give him all of his love.
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(They are disgusting.)
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So he gave his guy all of his color when they discussed their family trauma (OH MY GOD!!!!! WHY ARE FAMILIES SO SHITTY?!)
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He gave away all of his love and color! Do you understand?!
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Until he had nothing left.
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Then Eddie and Chen Yi, my loves, the only time you were on the same page was when you were talking about the photo.
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Cause y'all were at odds all episode.
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(Chen Yi smiled and my heart exploded)
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How do I wait until next week? HOW, MONICA (the patron saint of patience)?
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Someone knock me over the head too because I'm going to lose my mind waiting.
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astearisms · 9 months
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catalysts, protectors
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novva · 13 days
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back to making mini comics in my free time 🤸🏾‍♀️
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hwashitape · 2 months
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lungs, kidney, heart
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hansoeii · 8 months
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you'll make it back.
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Vanny mixed up FNAF Help wanted with Digital circus,,
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mariorsomething · 9 months
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i cant believe she said that for real in the show thats so crazy
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syrren · 5 months
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“The artist becomes the canvas!” - TMAGP 002: Making Adjustments
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egophiliac · 3 months
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don't think I'm not still deep in the episode 7 brainrot. because OH BOY AM I
(also one more extremely, obnoxiously self-referential thing, I'm -- I'm so sorry)
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inafever · 11 months
Oh my god I've been so stupid
It was an outright goddamn death threat
You either take the coffee, or take the death
Metatron you nasty little piece of shit
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 days
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Thanks for listening to my sad backstory. Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
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madeleinefjall · 9 months
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brainrot sketch
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mo-mode · 5 months
I don’t think anybody’s made this comparison yet but someone just DM’d me about how riptides are known for sweeping up, grabbing someone, and pulling them underneath the current by surprise, and then there’s Percy holding up riptide to grab Annabeth and pull her down into the stairwell by surprise. Hello???? The parallels are PARALLELING
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rann-poisoncage · 1 month
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shortbreadly · 8 months
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give him a break, give him a kitkat
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aroacegundamalex · 1 month
I mostly think this poll is hilarious (and some people are taking it way, way too seriously) but it’s starting to get really weird how often people on the opposite side are dismissing Gundam — a giant of science fiction that remade a genre in its image — and quite literally lying about Suletta and Miorine. I’ve seen people claim they were canonically married to men, people claim the show’s ending was rewritten by interns, claim they never hugged, and other claims regarding them not being canon.
While Bandai and Kadokawa did censor one interview, and Bandai released an “open to interpretation” statement, these no longer hold true. Official material has henceforth referred to them as married. One instance of censorship and a statement they’ve clearly walked back on does not erase the fact that the show itself heavily emphasizes their wedding rings, refers to Miorine as Eri’s sister-in-law, and makes it abundantly clear that they are married.
“I knew I was going to make an epilogue, but it was a while before I decided upon the exact number of years that should pass in-between. The ending itself follows “The Tempest,” and depicts Suletta and Miorine getting married and becoming partners.”
- Hiroshi Kobayashi
They are completely and unambiguously canon, and arguably were never decanonized to begin with given the literal text of the show.
An addendum to this: I’ve also seen a strange dismissal of the history that G-Witch pulls from.
The original Gundam inspired Revolutionary Girl Utena, with Lalah Sune in particular (the creator of an iconic Gundam archetype) serving as the inspiration for Anthy Himemiya. Gundam has had a queer fanbase for decades, and has had gay characters (with Yoshiyuki Tomino himself confirming this) since the 1990s.
G-Witch draws from Gundam’s extensive, genre-shaking history, classics like Utena and Rose of Versailles, and Shakespeare’s The Tempest. It brings Gundam and Utena’s connection full circle, and is in conversation with every Gundam series that came before it.
It’s unfair to dismiss it as just some random show, or — as I’ve seen some do — credit its open queerness to the influence of completely unrelated American media, as if Japan is utterly devoid of gay people.
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