0dderrr · 1 year
Hello I have been using this gabumon cheems icon for literal years and found ur image as a source!! I wanted to first say thank you for such an epic post, but second wanted to ask if you had a HQ version of gabumon cheems anywhere. Anyways ty!!!
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no way!!!! i'm glad you liked it enough to use it for so long! it's funny how this image comes back to me once every now and then lolol. here's the original, and i hope tumblr doesn't compress it too much!
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jippy-kandi · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 57: Contact From The Catastrophe (Review)
Thoughts on the fifty-seventh episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
I thought Taichi might get a good episode because he��s, ya’know, The Main Protagonist and we’re in the endgame. I was wrong. :P
It was nice of the series to remind us the other kids outside of Taichi exists. And the Tailmon hot springs joke was cute, I guess. :P
I think it’s nice that the Algomon are back and Toei is tying them to the plot of the Great Catastrophe . . . but I can’t help but think that this was never the original plan, and they decided on this connection abruptly, when they had to close Millenniumon’s arc so quickly, lol. But I guess we’ll never know. :P
OMG there are a million Taichis! And Sora still won’t choose one of them. She only has eyes for Yamato. uwu
Taichi showed more emotion and personality in this episode than the entire series . . . but they were all fake Taichis, lmao. XD; Crying Taichi is cute. :3
Algomon: “They are all programmed to explode if they are freed from their binds.” OK, cool . . . so, from the very start, Agumon should’ve just destroyed them all? Because they would all explode . . . leaving the real Taichi anyway . . . Um???
Algomon (Perfect) is pretty cool, though. Let’s see if he gets to develop as a villain. :P
The dilemma Agumon is in is not unique, but it’s still interesting. Except . . . Toei did not execute it well, and thus, it was not interesting. lol. For starters, Agumon is SO boring - and had this been Gabumon or Gomamon instead, the situation would’ve been a lot more interesting because they at least have a personality or would have insightful reflections. But Agumon does not.
Agumon: “I’ll just cut all!” Yeah . . . you should. I think this is the only option available to you? There doesn’t seem to be a real dilemma here . . . you’ll take damage? Whoop-de-doo, you’re a Digimon, you’re used to it - and you can take it (over a little human boy going dead . . .). =|
Agumon: “That’s right . . . Taichi was always optimistic no matter what danger he faced! He was always filled with courage!” Thanks for telling us something we already knew. :P Also, where’s his Crest, then? And why don’t the other kids have the Crest of Courage as well? Because most of them have extreme valour, too. :P
Agumon ends up destroying all the copies . . . without “choosing” which one is the real Taichi . . . and I’m just dumbfounded. What was the entire point of the dilemma? What was the entire point of this episode? What??? :P Odd “resolution” Toei chose, here.
Hey Yamato! It’s nice to see you for five seconds. Thanks for popping in! :D
And Koushirou’s on the move now too . . . so can all the kids be reunited soon, please? :D
The episode ends on a giant eye, in an episode with so many. Interesting, I guess? :P
Well . . . I thought this episode was pretty bad. ^^v Toei’s choices just puzzled me. And it could’ve been executed so much better, because the multiple Taichis is an interesting idea . . . if done well. But it wasn’t. Oh well. :P
The only thing I liked about this episode was that it was plot-relevant - although it took so long to get to that relevance. But other than that, it was pretty much a befuzzling borefest.
Next episode: Hikari. Yay? New evolution please. :P
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afaithy · 4 years
150: “I didn’t know I was allergic to coconut oil until I went to this one strip club and now look at me - in the emergency room of a hospital on the night of my bachelor/bachelorette party" Koushiro and Jou and no, I am not sorry
THIS WAS THE WEIRDEST PROMPT EVER LOL. I was a little conflicted between making it serious or comedy, but well, this came out.
As a note, this would be the prequel to this prompt here  :)  All of my drabbles happen in the same universe, so I follow my headcanons lol.
I didn’t know I was allergic to coconut oil until I went to this one strip club and now look at me: in the ER of a hospital on the night of my Bachelor party
“Doctors always think anybody doing something they aren't is a quack; also they think all patients are idiots.”
― Flannery O'Connor
“Ah...you’re a blessing of the gods, Dr. Kido. If you ever feel lonely, don’t hesitate to call me. I am always free.” 
Jou smiled nervously as old grandma Fujita walked out of his examination room giving him a wink. A cold shudder ran down his spine, but he kept his professionalism and waved the old woman goodbye for the tenth time that week.
“Someone is popular” Hikari chuckled, covering her laughter with her hand.
“I prefer not to talk about it.” he replied, hiding his face behind his hand, in shame “Who’s next?”
“Mrs. Itou…” Hikari smirked “again…”
“What? What now?”
“She says her stomach hurts…” Hikari replied, checking the papers in her clipboard “She will run out of diseases...eventually.”
Jou clicked his tongue and pinched the bridge of his nose in disapproval. The emergency room was a serious place; Many lives were at stake and it was not a place for a group of older women with plenty of time to come and bother medical personnel with imaginary illnesses. Of course, Jou would never say anything, he was a gentleman and respectful of his elders,so he just examined the women and repeated that there was nothing wrong with them and sent them home with some vitamins.
“Should I call her in?”
Jou was about to respond when familiar screams made both Hikari and Jou's eyes widen. The pair rushed out of the office and to their surprise several familiar faces were in the middle of the room making a stir, while some of the other nurses tried to understand what was happening.
“Kidooo, find Dr. Kido!!! Or ….”Taichi screamed in the room.
“Taichi-san...lower your voice, Jou-san is probably busy!” Takeru said, pulling his arm and giving the nurse that attended them an apologetic smile.
“Then bring out my sister…” Taichi continued “My sister...do you know her?”
“Your...sister, sir?” the nurse asked, a little scared. 
“Yeah! My sister...baby sister. She married this...guy!” Taichi said, catching Takeru under his arm “Lucky boy this one, haha…”
“Onichan!” Hikari said, horrified. She rushed into the scene, apologized to the nurses and told them that she would take care of this.
As Hikari was busy calming down the rest of the nurses, Jou approached the group and took a look.
As Hikari tried to explain the situation and apologized for her brother's erratic behavior to the other nurses, Jou approached the group and looked around. Taichi was clearly intoxicated, judging by his goofy grin.
" You better have an explanation for this…” Jou said sternly “This IS a hospital.”
“Yeah, yeah…” Takeru apologised trying to pull away from Taichi’s uncomfortable hug “We do have a reason...for...Taichi-san, please stop it…”
“Good heaven” Jou said, pressing his temple “What did I say about drinking too much today?”
“JOOOUUUUU:...”Taichi said, smiling like an idiot.” Just the man I wanted to see. My good old friend! He’s my childhood friend! Did you all know that? He was a skittish neurotic boy...but now Look at him! A full on Doctor! I am SO proud of you my friend!”
He released Takeru and turned to Jou in a clumsy attempt to hug him, but this was not the first time that Jou had had to deal with a very drunk Taichi, so the doctor evaded him and looked at Takeru -who was, clearly, the sober one - asking for an explanation.
“Long story short…”Takeru sighed “something...bad happened in Koushiro’s party.”
“Ah...I knew it….” Jou groaned “That is why I said you should have done it on the day I could actually go!”
Jou made his way to a private room, where the rest of the group was supposed to be. Hikari had already gone ahead of him, and the doctor found her hovering over someone on the bed. Someone that was struggling to get up while making unintedibble sounds.  When Jou approached the bed, he was shocked to see that it was Koushiro. 
His friend showed the worst case of swelling that Jou had seen in his entire medical career so far and judging by Hikari's horrified look, the girl shared his thoughts. The boy was unrecognizable and judging by his incoherent and unintelligible mumbling, he -like Taichi- was awfully drunk.  Hikari and Jou managed to push him back down and keep him from moving, so that Jou could actually examine him to understand what had happened to his friend. 
Ignoring the fact that he was treating a friend, Jou began to look at Koushiro with a clinical eye and began to list up  his physical symptoms: swelling around the eyes, face, mouth and possibly other areas of the body covered by the clothes; the eyes were reddened , there were rashes and dermatitis on the arms, legs and necks; judging by his difficult breathing, there was possibly inflammation of the airways and his heart rhythm was abnormally fast . Koushiro was conscious, but it was clear that he was confused. Whether this was a symptom of what was happening to him, or simply because he had drunk too much, they would only know it with a toxicological examination.
“Pressure?” Jou said, checking on the boy's eyes.
“90/ 60…” Hikari said, scribbling in the clipboard “ A little too low. Saturation level is at 93…”
“Mild hypoxia…” Jou said “Koushiro...Koushiro...can you hear me?”
Koushiro didn’t answer, or more accurately he couldn’t. He had tried to speak, but the swelling was so severe that he couldn’t that he couldn’t articulate a word.
“Koushiro, if you can hear me blink twice.”  the boy blinked “Good, now...blink twice for yes and once for no, okay?”
Koushiro blinked twice.
“Are you in pain?”
Two blinks. 
“Does your chest hurt and is it difficult to breathe?”
Two blinks.
“Does anything else hurt?”
Another two winks.
“Your stomach?” 
Once again two blinks.
The conversation continued like this for  some minutes, while Hikari took note..
“His airways are swollen, he still can breathe, but until we find out what’s causing this, we need to avoid further sweelling.  Give him 50 mg of prednisolone on an IV with 50mg of tramadol for the pain. Keep an eye on him. I want a  full blood scan and thoracic plaque. I want to see whether there’s pleural effusion or not. Ask for a toxicology test. I want to know what’s running in his system...”
“Yes, doctor. What are you going to do  in the meantime?”
“Try to get the story about what on earth happened to see where this problem came out from...”
“Well, that’s going to be a challenge with how drunk my brother is.” Hikari said, looking at Taichi, who was sitting in a corner singing a foolish and very out of tone song as Takeru tried to keep him still.
“Well lucky for me, your husband has a knack for storytelling.” Jou gave her a meaningful look and Hikari chuckled.
Takeru was having troubles trying to keep his brother-in-law from making a fuss. Taichi was the kind of person who would turn into a childish and silly kid whenever he was drunk, and even though it was funny at first, it became very tiring later on. 
“Alright, that’s enough...Taichi-san Stop it!” Takeru growled sternly.
Taichi’s only response was a pout.  He then began to wave his arms in a bvery childish manner.
“Takeruuuu….meanieeeeee….you don’t treat your awesome….greatest brother-in-law in the world like thiiiiis….”
“Yeah...well, you’re acting more like a naughty kid than my “awesome” brother-in-law, though…” Takeru sighed “Stop moving already! And keep your voice low...this is a hospital.”
Taichi pouted again and looked at Takeru with a scolded kid look. He stuck out his tongue at him with “Hmph” and turned away, making Takuro sigh. 
“I don’t know if I should laugh or be concerned that your first parenting experience is taking care of your intoxicated brother-in-law, Takeru.”
Takeru laughed and rolled his eyes. 
“I hope for my mind health’s sake, that I never get kids as feisty as Taichi-san…” 
“With your genes and Hikari’s...I think the chances are low. I can’t speak of the potential nephews however” Jou nodded, and Takeru wasn’t sure whether it was a joke or not, since Jou had kept a serious look. “ Where’s Yamato?”
“Well, after trying to kiss his way all over the club, he was knocked out. He must be still sleeping in the car. Don’t worry, Gabumon and patamon are with him. Daisuke and the others must still be in the party, I’m not even sure if they noticed us leaving.”
“Right.” Jou said with a sighe “Ok, so...care to tell me the story?”
Takeru gave him an ironic look. A story? He could write a full short novel with the events from that day, but he took a deep breathe and began telling Jou all the things that had transceded that night. 
“Well, it was Daisuke’s idea and well, my brother and Taichi were foolish enough to follow it, I guess? Honestly, I just found out today when I arrived.” he explained “Somehow they thought that it would be a pity that Koushiro didn’t experience a little bit of a “bachelor’s life” before tying the knot and well...they dragged us to this...night club.”
A night club! Jou thought, horrified. Those were the kind of silly things that happened when he wasn’t there to keep an eye on those kids. That was the worst possible place to take a man days before his wedding, then again, the fact that this was Daisuke’s idea shouldn’t have surprised him.  That kid had been watching too many american movies. 
“Alright...I need to know everything,” Jou sighed, taking out his pen “Everything that Koushiro did. What did he drink, eat, touch...all of it.”
“Ehr...sure…” Takeru said, trying to recall all the things that had happened earlier. It was hard since what had not happened that day. 
Daisuke’s plan had totally taken Koushiro by surprise.  He had expected a causal night on some local bar drinking a couple beers with friends and telling stupid stories, before going home and sleeping until the next day. The computer genius was speechless when his friends had pulled him into this exotic night club in which, apparently, women danced and took off their clothes as they did. He didn’t even know those places existed in Japan. 
The night had started calm, all things considered. Koushiro was visibly feeling awkward and Takeru couldn’t blame him. Supposedly, Takeru was the one famous for his suave style and his ease dealing with girls, but even he had to admit, the whole place intimidated him.
Taichi and Yamato had been awkward at first too, but after several drinks they began to loosen up and their usual drunkish traits began to surface. Half an hour and many drinks later, all of his friends were pretty much drunk and  even Koushiro was much more relaxed.  Then it happened.  Daisuke had reserved some popular dancers or whatsoever to "assist" at his friend's bachelor party. The girls, who Takeru made sure to describe as absolutely not his type, just in case Jou decided to share the tale with Hikari, had given Koushiro a very...intense and provocative lap dance. Koushiro was so shocked that he had fainted on the chair. The pattern was repeated several times during the evening: a random dancer would come, give the bachelor a lap dance, Koushiro would faint, then wake up to drink another cup of liquor, and it would start all over again. 
“And you were the only one actually sober?”  Jou asked.
“I did have a beer…” Takeru admitted “but hey I am married, okay? Daisuke kept teasing me for being the grumpy married guy of the party whenever I said that I thought it was a bad idea. ”
“GRUMPY OLD MAN...hahaha…” Taichi laughed loudly pulling Takeru’s shirt. He slapped the older boy’s hand and glared. 
“Taichi-san ...quiet!”
“Well, at least someone had a cool head there. Embarrasing enough, it was the youngest of the group.” Jou said, rolling his eyes  and looking at Taichi disapprovingly “alright, lap dancing aside. What did Koushiro eat?”
“I think he had some of those peanuts on the table and some chips and a sandwich.”
“He ate those damn peanuts?” Jou said horrified “Do you have any idea of the sort of things you can find in those plates? Do you have any idea of how many people touch those things without washing their hands?”
“Believe me, I know…” Takeru sighed. His wife wouldn’t let him forget it whenever he went out for a drink with the guys “but I think Koushiro has his mind somewhere else to actually think of that detail. Do you think it caused this?”
“Well, no...that was just an outburst of indignation. Continue….” 
“He had several beers, then Daisuke suggested moving to stronger drinks. I think he had several margaritas and cocktails. Other than that...it was all good.”
“Any fruit in those cocktails, aside the lemons?”
“No, I don’t think so…” Takeru said “Why?”
“Just checking.” Jou said “Was he okay before...the party?”
“Yeah, he was fine. He was talking with Mimi before we left his office.” 
“So when did he begin to feel sick?”
“Eh...I’m not sure. After the twelfth lap dance maybe?”
“ Number twelve smelled niiiicce. Hawaian lotion smelled so good… made me want caaaaandy…” Taichi giggled “remember that coco candy? Hehehe…”
 The two men ignored Taichi’s incoherent comments and continued speaking. Takeru would have laughed if the situation wasn’t so serious right now.
“So he didn’t eat or drink anything unusual?”
“Not that I noticed…”
“Coco….Coco….cococoooo” Taichi sang sillily.
Jou ignored him and looked at the notes he had in his clipboard. 
“Huh...I guess I’ll need those results before I can do anything. This doesn’t tell me much...”
The good news was that the medication was helping Koushiro a little. The swelling was still there,  but it had gone down a little and he wasn’t in pain. He still couldn’t move, but it seemed to be a lot more conscious compared to how he had arrived.  About one hour later, Hikari came into the room with the lab results and Jou looked through the papers carefully. 
“Eosinophils count is high…” he said “he’s pretty intoxicated, however, it shouldn’t be enough to altere his white cell count. Aside from the drugs we gave him, he’s clean...so it wasn’t a case of accidental drugging or poisoning. Inflammatory indicators are high, as expected and no pleural effusion. Good. Let's keep on with the prednisone and the tramadol until we find out what's the cause. At least we know it is not Lupus… ' Jou said.
Hikari chuckled.
“Quating Dr. House there?”
“Just to break the tension” Jou smiled with a shrug " let's monitore these indicators just in case. I want to make a scrap of his rash to see what we find there." 
"Full test?" Hikari asked.  
Jou nodded and Hikari did as she was told. Considering how his friend had come in earlier, Koushiro was evolving really well. The steroids were helping with the inflammation and that was letting him breathe better. The question,now, was: what had caused it? 
"You sure had a hell of the night, huh Koushiro?" Jou said with a raised eyebrow. 
Two blinks and a pathetic look. Jou looked at him sympathetically , he was going to develop a trauma after tonight, that's for sure and he would have to thank Daisuke and his friends for it.
The results came in later that night. The blood test seemed better, so they continued with the treatment as it was. The skin scraping had come negative for fungi, parasites and bacteria. However the note from the analyst caught his attention. It read:  presence of oily substance. It was identified as vegetable oil, most likely coconut. 
 Suddenly, some of the  things he had heard that night  began to click. Taichi had sillily said something about someone smelling like a Hawaiian lotion that reminded him of the coconut sweets he liked. Now, the pathologist said there was coconut oil on the samples. It was as if a light bulb had been lit in his head and the answer became clear. 
Koushiro had had a bad allergic reaction to coconut oil. Coconut allergy was rare, but the chances were high, since he was allergic to walnuts and cross reaction with coconut were common. An hypersensibility reaction would explain the result of  eosinophils  in his blood test. His symptoms also pointed to a severe allergic reaction.How had he not seen it earlier? 
Poor Koushiro. Ending up in a hospital on his bachelor party night, just because one girl had danced on his lap after a skin treatment with coconut oil. He'd have to message Mimi and tell her to get rid of all her coconut skin products, or she would get a not very nice surprise on their wedding night. 
The whole thing was so ridiculous that Jou burst into a fit of laughter, just when Hikari stepped in to the office. The girl stared at him dumbfounded and the older man tried to compose himself, but looking at his friend’s face, he knew he'd already failed poorly. 
"Y-Yeah?" he said, smiling .
"Mimi is in the hall demanding to know what happened to her fiancé…" Hikari said shyly "I wasn't sure what to say…" 
"Right.” Now he had another problem. A feisty Mimi who wouldn’t be too happy about the way her fiancé had decided to spend his bachelor party “Leave it to me."
“ Good luck...she’s angry.”
Jou gave her an amused look as he fixed his doctor’s coat and stepped out of the office. This was probably the strangest night he’d ever had in the ER, but one way or another, he had saved his friend, and that, was enough to make him proud, even if it had only been a silly allergic reaction to coconut oil.
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digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
Adventure Rewrite Idea Dump (Again)
Listen I want to talk about my OCs but I don’t have the energy to actually write right now since I feel like literal ass so it’s random fact time! Warning: random mashing of English and Japanese names for Digimon ahead. 
First off, I’m planning on giving one Armor evolution to all of the kids. Regardless of Adventure or 02 affiliation, all of them are getting one Armor evolution. Only Pegasmon and Nefertimon are staying the same while all the others get reworked/redesigned or new stuff entirely. The 02 kids get Armors first while the Adventure kids are later on. 
Also, there aren’t going to be any D3′s needed to open the gate between the worlds. All of the kids are going to have the same original model Digivice from Adventure. For colors at higher levels of evolution on the others it’ll go as follows: Daisuke - Gold, Miyako - Turquoise, Iori - White, Ken - Black, Meiko - Magenta.
Everyone is going to get to have a Jogress partner, but not in the same way that 02 used them. Instead, it’ll be more like Omnimon: an evolution that takes place after the highest level is obtained. Pairs will go as follows: Taichi/Yamato, Sora/Mimi, Koshiro/Jou, Daisuke/Ken, Miyako/Hikari, Iori/Takeru.
As of now, my plan for evolution is going to have Agumon and Gabumon go Mega in the original Adventure while Omnimon shows up during Our War Game. Veemon and Wormmon will go Mega in 02 and Jogress during Revenge of Diaboromon. All other Megas will appear during the first half Tri (which will be rewritten entirely to include the 02 kids) while the second half has the remaining four Jogress pairs. 
Since Jogress is being handled differently, the 02 partners get to go all the way to Mega on their own. The evolution lines are below: Veemon - ExVeemon - Paildramon - Magnamon Hawkmon - Aquilamon - Silphymon - Valkyrimon Armadillomon - Ankylomon - ??? - ??? Wormmon - Stingmon - JewelBeemon - GrandisKuwagamon
The only Jogress evolution that will remain from canon is Imperialdramon. The others will be redesigned entirely due to either not fitting as much (Shakkoumon) or being used already (Silphymon). As for Armadillomon’s evolutions, I’m going to have to design those myself. No matter how much I search, there’s never anything that properly fits in with the theme of Ankylomon, so I’ll just make up mons myself. Fight me on it. 
For the 02 kids, they have the Crests of Loyalty, Passion, Integrity, and Kindness for Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, and Ken respectively. Meiko will also get a Crest, though Meicoomon is special in the way that she has no Jogress partner and will act on her own. In fact, Meicoomon is being handled completely differently than in canon and is not used as a villain because I said so. Tri is being handled completely differently, so nearly everything about the plot is different now. Again, fight me. 
Hurricane Landing is going to be reworked so that it fits into canon. In it, Willis is not going to be designated specifically as a Chosen Child. Instead, he found Gummymon and Kokomon by pure accident, and they bonded to him on their own. Humans naturally have the power to make Digimon evolve at an advanced speed; a Digivice simply refines that power and makes it less unpredictable. Willis is partnered to them in a unique way since has no Digivice but is still able to make them evolve pretty reliably. 
On a similar note, I’m not using the international Chosen. I was never the biggest fan of them, so I’m just cutting them out. I’ll handle things differently during the World Tour segment (assuming it even remains in the final draft) to compensate. 
Mimi won’t be moving away to America either. I feel like it would be best for the sake of the plot if I kept her in Japan, so she’s sticking around there with the rest of the squad. 
I mentioned before that Tri is getting a complete overhaul, right? The first step is axing King Drasil. Yeah. Oops. Instead, I’m going to create a much more direct rival to Homeostasis. For now, let’s call them Havoc (which is a placeholder in case I wind up coming up with something better).
Havoc existed in the times before Homeostasis was created. In between the birth of the Digital World and the arrival of the Harmonious Ones, Havoc seemed to rule over the Digital World from afar. They created Apocalymon as a way of manifesting their chaotic whims, causing a reign of terror over the Digital World. In an unprecedented course of events, Apocalymon caused a severe distortion in the Digital World that caused time to flow faster than on Earth. Apocalymon’s existence caused a rift between the Digital World and Earth as well, and that portal pulled in the original group of six kids in 1980 (Daigo, Maki, Hiroaki, Haruhiko, Kaya, and Chisane). Their partners eventually evolved to become the Harmonious Ones, and they sealed away Apocalymon in the process, though time remained sped up. Homeostasis was born as a result of the Harmonious Ones coming to existence. 
Havoc was mostly left to linger in the shadows, forced back by the arrival of Homeostasis. The Order led by Homeostasis developed Digivices and Crests for twelve children based on manifestations from the original six. Another distortion caused by an escape attempt from Apocalymon opened a gate to Earth where the Greymon and Parrotmon fight took place in 1995. That selected eight of the twelve children, and when disaster struck and the Order was destroyed, the eight were called upon, prompting the events of Adventure to play out. 
During the attack by Myotismon in 1999, Daisuke, Iori, and Ken all witnessed events related to the Digital World. While they were not the only witnesses of these events, they caught Homeostasis’ eye for fitting three of the four traits. This left only Passion lacking in a host, though it found one when Miyako watched the fight between Omnimon and Diaboromon the following year, making her the final child of the group to be Chosen. 
Meiko was not a Chosen under Homeostasis. Instead, Havoc was the one who selected her. After the fall of Apocalymon, Havoc tried to concoct a further plan to usurp Homeostasis and take over the Digital World, and they created Meicoomon. By imitating the power of the Digivices seen up to that point (which was only known to evolve Digimon up to Mega), Havoc created another Digivice, the one that would later come to be used by Meiko. Since Armor and Jogress capabilities hadn’t been seen yet, her echo of a Digivice lacked both of those powers. She was given the Crest of Darkness, and Havoc planned for Meicoomon to evolve into another world-breaking monster on par with Apocalymon. During the events of this AU’s version of Tri, Meiko purifies the Crest into the Crest of Balance, and Meicoomon doesn’t slip into her destructive ways, instead finding a place as Rasielmon. 
As for the original Chosen, they split up after their original adventure. Hiroaki and Haruhiko grew distant from the rest of the group while Daigo and Maki went on to attend school together. Kaya and Chisane (both of whom are my OCs; fight me if that’s a problem okay) became romantic partners. All of them went on to live regular lives, most of them in the Odaiba area. Kaya and Chisane moved out to Tottori while the others stayed in Odaiba. When Digimon started to rise to prominence after the 1999 war with Myotismon, Daigo, Maki, and Haruhiko came to work together as Digimon researchers. Hiroaki remained on his own since he had other work at the TV station. 
As for Kaya and Chisane, they established a small restaurant in Tottori. They left Odaiba without a word once they were old enough, tying the knot and living alone while owning and running their cafe. Chisane couldn’t stand the city life due to the noise and crowds, and Kaya wanted to follow her. They avoided much of busy life, staying away from any incidents involving Digimon despite wishing to see their partners once again. 
All Crest bearers are sensitive to influence from Homeostasis, but their connection is on the lower side. Hope and Light are easily most connected due to their angelic links, though Light’s link is the strongest. Keepers of the Crest of Light can communicate with Homeostasis easily while bearers of Hope can still do it but are harder to contact. All of them are also sensitive to the balance of other worlds, but again, Hope and Light are most affected. 
Since Chisane was the original bearer of Hope and Light (all the original six kids had two Crests), her connection is so heavy that it borders on being dangerous. Being near so many Digital Gates in Odaiba can cause sickness for her at times since she has a lacking constitution and immune system. When the worlds are unbalanced, it has a horrible impact on her. To avoid any unnecessary sickness, Kaya moved with her out to Tottori where there were fewer gates. They moved not long after the Parrotmon/Greymon duel in 1995 since the sudden outburst by Apocalymon’s escape attempt sickened Chisane immediately. The destabilization of the worlds always harmed her, but that was the most prominent example of imbalance at the time, causing terrible harm. 
While the two mostly kept to themselves, Chisane was still vulnerable to being contacted by Homeostasis. She seems to speak to herself somewhat often, though this is more often than not Homeostasis asking for permission to borrow her body and mind. It was through her that Homeostasis learned more about how things were on Earth from the Digital World. 
When the Mochizuki family moved in near them, Chisane and Kaya took to avoiding them. Chisane was fine with Meiko at first, but when Havoc placed the Crest of Darkness inside her, being around Meiko for too long began to make her feel nauseous after prolonged contact. Kaya grows incredibly protective of Chisane when Meiko is nearby, coming off as hostile due to her blunt nature. 
The Digital World was created as a mix of three things: digital networks on Earth, the world of dreams shown at the end of 02 (one where everything is possible), and the Dark Ocean. The second of these two worlds is called the Dream Light. When all three of these lands came together, they spawned the Digital World. From there, lifeforms from all three lands were combined to create Digimon. Havoc emerged naturally, starting off as a virus program from Earth before mutating into something much larger and worse. 
Okay. I think I’m done. Also, I have a tag for my bullshit ranting now! You can find my AU junk under ‘Digital’s Adventure Rewrite BS’. It matches my Frontier tag, in other words. Now, I’m going to bed. It’s 3 AM, and I need to sleep. I hope you enjoyed tonight’s Tumblr tangent from Digital!
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keyforshort · 6 years
Digimons Favourite Food/Treats
Had some theories about what the Digimon's favourite food would be
Being a dinosaur, most people would think something meat, but, it's actually Watermelon, because a watermelon was the very first thing he ate when he came to the human world
I feel like Gabumon would actually really like meat, specifically beef, but not steak, probably just something like beef strips
She probably would like to eat small things, but most seeds are too small, so she'd then go for nuts - and cashews are her favourite!
Tentomon is pretty much happy with anything Mrs. Izumi makes, but I think he's like to eat soft things, so probably a cake of some kind? As for the flavour I'm not really sure
Like Mimi, Palmon has weird taste in food, but as aposed to Jellybeans with cream, Palmon is more hardcore and goes for fricken lemons! She'd just eat them whole, freaking everyone else out
Quite obviously sushi. Rice and Seaweed and fish? They were practically made for him! Not to meantion he doesn't have to use chopsticks to eat them!
Patamon is a sucker for chocolate, and every kind of chocolate there is, but milk chocolate would probably be his favourite
Like Gabumon and Gomamon, Tailmon likes meat, and her favourite is a regular slice of ham, (preferably with the fat cut off though, she's not a fan of the fat)
Anything cinnamon! Cookies, cakes, pastries, cinnamon ice cream if he could! (Daisuke even made cinnamon ramen just for him!)
Like Tentomon, he'd like something soft, but also something really sugary, so candyfloss? He'd sit for ages tying to lick the rest of the candyfloss from around his mouth
This fucking weirdo just walks around eating an uncooked, unpeeled carrot like bugs bunny. The fresher and crunchier the better
Vanilla Yoghurt. It gets quite messy though, and he always ends up sticky after it
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kin-stimming-blog · 7 years
could i get a stimboard for gabumon from digimon? ty have a nice day!!
it’s been done! i hope it’s fine ;; tell me if not tho!
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jungblue · 7 years
what did you say your top 5 fave anime movies were?
ah i didn’t say my top 5 movies! in all honesty i’m not as well-versed in anime movies as i am with series. but of the ones i’ve watched (besides ghibli) i really loved wolf children, 5 centimeters per second, and most recently like everyone else i fucking lovedddd your name, and then - the greatest anime movie of all time - the digimon movie :’) you think i’m being a troll but i’m not lmao. i will wear my nostalgia goggles for the rest of time when it comes to that movie, i don’t care how shit it actually is, it’s my childhood ;;; i still own the vhs for that movie man. okay now i’m getting emo thinking about ty and matt watching agumon and gabumon getting their asses kicked by that virus digimon lol
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sosexyalmostevil · 6 years
Sapphy Out of Context
"Yeah. Go ahead and murder everyone."
"This is how you don't order a pizza."
"I'm raging so hard it's giving me swamp ass"
"Uhh it's pronounced min-i-a-ture."
"That's my fetish..?"
"Ash. Unlike Knuckles, I chuckle."
"Good thing you know that bobble head cheat. That'll fix all our problems."
"How do you summon Satan in this?"
"We have a mystery on our hands, gang."
"I dropped my MAGNUM DONG"
"And I thought Claire was a huge furry."
"Happy Happy Joy Joy. You died."
"I always thought Robbie Rotten looked like Waluigi."
"I believe you're talking about Risky Business."
"Of course you'd make Gene Simmons a magical girl in that situation."
"You do realize that Big the Cat is voiced by Duke Nukem right?"
"I think Yzma is somewhat attractive."
*singing Roxanne*
"Hey at least you're better at this than your feet smell."
"Excuse me. I take pride in running around in nothing but some short shorts."
"Was that a JoJo reference? I don't get it."
"My spidey senses are tingling!"
"Every Villain Is Lemons."
*Singing Bad Reputation*
"A wise man once said What ever happened to predictability? The milk man, the paper boy, the evening TV?"
"If only Peter Griffin was here to sell butt scratchers..."
"Why doesn't Ganondorf like the internet? Too many Links."
"Do you remember Trollz? With a z?"
"It's not like there's money RIGHT THERE"
"Spiderus from that Miss Spider show gave me chills."
"The real question is can Bumble make it to elf practice?"
"Ashlynn? More like ASS-lynn!" *chortles uncontrollably*
"Do you know da wae?"
"I didn't stay up all night eating fruit snacks to hear you sing about fireworks."
"And if you look to your right you'll see a dickclam"
*To the tune of Meow Mix* "I like killing. I like murder."
"You're not letting me sing about sausage."
"Some say I look like Weird Al, for your information."
"You know that song that's like that Complicated song but is about being constipated?"
"I watched the Bee Movie and if a be starting talking to me I'd run and hide behind Jigsaw."
"I tried to write a Creepypasta, but it came out as a Semi Disturbing Penne Noodle."
"So was Filbert from Rocko's a turtle or an armadillo?"
"George CAN'T SAND YA!"
"If you'd excuse me, I'm off to snort midis."
"Wrong way, asshole! ...and he's dead..."
"Tra la LAAAAAAA!"
"And he's off! Never mind. I died."
"Let me show you how to destroy everything in your path no matter how strong they think they are. Observe as the bodies of your enemies line the streets! FOR I AM JETHRO DESTROYER OF ALL EVIL!"
"The Lorax but is a mediocre movie except nothing actually changed because it was already a mediocre movie."
"Remember that one time Dorothy and Sophia dressed as Sonny and Cher?"
"What do you think this is, Ash? Denver the Last Dinosaur?"
"I honestly thought the first Alpha and Omega was kinda meh."
"Uh oh. It's the fun police."
"John Goodman has been a caveman, a dinosaur, a bear, and a monster. I know what I'm talking about."
"Angela Anaconda was before the Digimon Movie and that was the worst part of the movie."
"How many references to KISS are you gonna make today?"
"Ka-chow! You're fucked!"
"What was the one season of Digimon where they became Digimon?"
"It jumps right out at you like a rat in your underwear drawer!"
"Holy Masked Potatoes, Batman!"
"Don't you fucking vore me you... Goomba!"
"Mama it's not Digiorno..."
"He's like Sorry, guy. Linkle has gone to tinkle."
"How much will it cost to get a blanket with Sailor Moon with a speech bubble that has a pot leaf on it? I really want that."
"Let me bestow an ancient maneuver upon you. It's called the Suck and Cuck."
"I know who lives in a pineapple under the sea and it's not Spongebob."
"Remember when we were doing that thing with race cars, lasers, and airplanes? We also might've rewritten history."
"Have you ever noticed Toad and Chode rhyme? That's because they're ONE IN THE SAME!"
*Humming Dude Looks Like a Lady*
"Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shapeshifting master of darkness unleashed an UNSPEAKABLE evil, but a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, i tore open a portal in time a flung him the future where my evil is law now the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is Aku."
"Crank that Marilyn Manson!"
"Turn down for HWAT?"
"But I wanted Gabumon! Not Piplup!"
*Singing off key* "They say we're young and we don't know We won't find out until we grow Well I don't know if all that's true 'Cause you got me, and baby I got you"
"I sexually identify as a woozle, check your privilege."
"When in doubt, bomb it out!"
"Are you a Royal or Rebel, Ross?"
"I read a cheat saying that you could evolve a Pikachu into Pikablu. It was on a bootleg cereal box called Blessed Glamour."
"Are you threatening me with that pool noodle?"
"It feels good to be bad, baby!"
"What could possibly go wrong?"
"I called PC Optimizer Pro."
"..Not my proudest fap..."
"Excuse me, I proudly fapped to that."
"You'd make a sucky knight."
"Watching Corpse Bride made me realize I want to fuck Emily. Yes, that's the corpse. It's not my fault they designed her to be so hot."
"Top 10 Anime Betrayals"
"Wacka Wacka Doodoo Yeah!"
"DK wants K. Rool to go back to writing his erotic Neopets fanfiction, obviously."
"You know how at the end of Dora she asks what our favorite part was? My favorite part of the adventure was when Mads turned on a chainsaw in the other room."
"First I must make a wish."
"Don't look up Cool Cat on R34 it's horr- ...you're looking it up aren't you?"
"If life was a cartoon, you have no idea how hard I'd hit you with a frying pan."
*Loud, reality-warping screams*
"There's an article on SpellsofMagic on how to summon Pokémon. Not even halfway joking."
"I hate Mars Bars."
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jolteonjordansh · 7 years
Thoughts on Battle of Adventurers
So Digimon Tamers had a movie! I mean, all of the series so far have had a movie. Adventure just had one at the end of its run, while Adventure 02 had a non-canon one smack in the middle and an actual canon movie at the end. Tamers has its own neat little side story smack in the middle of it, so I went ahead and watched it.
If anyone’s wondering: I watched this movie after reaching episode 21. So the reason I’m writing about this before writing my thoughts on the second arc is because... I’m not done with the second arc yet. But I’ll be done with it pretty soon after. So how is this movie?
I remember when I wrote about my thoughts on Hurricane Landing/Transcendent Evolution that while it wasn’t an awful film, it was definitely questionable in its existence. But one of the things I did commend the film for was its sense of scale and how it really felt like a big adventure.
Battle of Adventurers also manages to capture this atmosphere as well, though in its own way and while also managing to be an interesting, fun, coherent film. It kind of feels like it takes some of the aspects of what made the other Digimon films good and turned it into its own thing--a similar set-up of Our War Game!, the grand adventure of Hurricane Landing/Transcendent Evolution and the teamwork of Diablomon Strikes Back. Maybe that sounds like a forced metaphor, but hear me out.
From what I can tell, Battle of Adventurers is the first material to establish the multiverse in Digimon, with Omegamon (yes, our favorite Omegamon consisting of Tai’s Agumon and Matt’s Gabumon) confronting a manifestation of the remnants of Apocalymon known as Mephistomon. Mephistomon escapes to the Tamers’ universe, and Omegamon cannot pursue him and only travel through digital space. Whether that means there’s separate Digital Worlds in these universes or that they’re one universe, or that Omegamon can universe-hop through Digital Worlds but not “real worlds”, I’m not sure. They don’t really clarify, but it’s not a particularly big deal.
Now, this could have been really cool if Tai and Matt were fighting along Omegamon (ala Our War Game!) and could have actually universe-hopped to help the tamers confront Mephistomon and defeat him. But that unfortunately didn’t happen and again, the whole multiverse thing wasn’t the focus here. Then again, Xros Wars/Fusion tried to do this kind of thing too and from what I understand that didn’t go too well, so...
But onto the main plot. The whole big adventure feel I was going on about goes to mostly Takato going on a summer trip, while Henry goes on his own adventure to some ruins. Rika... stays in Tokyo, because I guess someone had to. It’s been pretty clear in the times Rika has been with her mother that she’s not quite the fond traveler, at least that’s the impression I get. Unfortunately, we really don’t get to see much of what Henry does--which is odd since they’re kinda specific as to what kind of place he goes to. The biggest adventure element comes from Takato and Guilmon, who visit an island with Takato’s cousin Kai.
Maybe it’s not quite as big as the Adventure 02 DigiDestined traveling across America and I could totally be having a personal aesthetic preference here, but I really liked the time Takato ended up spending on the island with Guilmon. The scenery looked really nice and I loved some of the swimming and underwater sequences, which comes with an honestly really nice insert song to boot. Maybe some people found the beginning boring, but I honestly found it really nice, calming and just a good way to ease into the movie by not forcing our protagonists into a fight immediately and just have the Tamers, friends and Digimon having a nice time.
When the fights do start though, they really go by fast. At times, I almost felt they were a tad too fast. There were actually quite a few neat looking Digimon throughout the movie--like Tylomon, Pteramon, Archelomon and Baromon (hello Ganon)--but most of if not all don’t even get scanned or name dropped. It left me thinking “Ooh, what’s this Digimon? What is it capable of--HEY! WAIT! Don’t kill it! You didn’t even tell me what it was called!”. With how many fights there were, I guess some of them did require fast-pacing, and that didn’t even make them bad either. They still looked good and were fun to watch. I think my only grievance is when a Divermon fell through the hut roof and Kai’s grandpa challenged it, he didn’t wipe the floor with it downright Rafiki style. Come on, you know that would have been hilarious!
In regards to the animation, I found it mostly pretty standard. It wasn’t bad, but nothing that wowed me like Our War Game!. There were still some scenes that looked nice (the aforementioned swimming scene and some of the scenes in Digital Space), and honestly one of the oddest things was how well animated the V-Pet was. Granted, it also wasn’t anything mindblowing, but it was still surprisingly smooth for something that’s basically a BonziBUDDY clone. It was certainly a few levels over the actual show, being in widescreen, having nice pastel colors and shading. Still, one weird animation moment was having the Digimon Digivolve split screen, but only having WarGrowlmon’s in his usual CG while Rapidmon and Taomon were traditionally animated. And then the animators decided to cut and paste Rapidmon and Taomon with CG WarGrowlmon--it just really sticks out like a sore thumb.
The plot of the film was pretty nice, not only setting out to be an adventure but also a pretty good story about loss. I’ll be straightforward: as someone who lost her best four-legged friend six months ago, this one was a hard film to watch that hit really close to home. It made relating to Minami effective without feeling cheap, especially with the theme of irreplaceable companions. That alone worked pretty well with Takato, as a sensitive young boy who fears the idea of ever losing his Digimon partner. 
I think something I wish they could have done was had Minami with Seasarmon de-Digivolved to Labramon, considering Labramon’s striking similar appearance to her dog Mei (and I mean, how can you not adore a Digimon this cute!?). It would have been interesting to continue the theme of Mei being an irreplaceable friend to Minami, who she felt responsible for, and having to struggle with Labramon for looking so much like Mei yet--in Minami’s eyes--was not Mei. This could have also fleshed out Labramon/Seasarmon a bit more for dealing with the hardships of being rejected despite his loyalty. But hey, his sheer loyalty was really strong and touching. I can say it was downright cruel of the writers to make poor Minami lose her dog not once, but twice. Again, this hit a pretty personal spot for me that put me in tears yet again.
I still wish the movie could have done a little more with tying into the Adventure universe, but it’s nothing I’d knock it for. Even if it made Omegamon kind of a plot device to help bring Henry and Rika in to help defeat Mephistomon. Regarding Mephistomon, while he isn’t the most interesting Digimon antagonist, his origins were neat (though not really fleshed out) and he could be pretty cunning. I certainly wasn’t expecting him to be able to disguise himself as a human being to get his way, and his Digivolution to Gulfmon did give a sense of helplessness. One thing I couldn’t help but find kind of funny was his reaction to hearing Omegamon when he helped bring in Henry, Rika and their Digimon. His “oh shit it’s Omegamon!” reaction was just priceless to me, but I enjoy villains who think they’ve won only to have the one person or thing they fear come in and completely change their tune... even if it was rather brief. Still, his utilization of ordering around other Digimon, even willing to fire freaking laser beams at Minami to threaten her father was pretty diabolical.
I will say the movie actually did stress me out with some of its sense of danger, having technology shut down and fail. It is similar to Our War Game! in that way as to how Diablomon took control of things like nuclear missiles. Still, just showing me any potential of a plane being in danger of crashing or getting destroyed with passengers inside absolutely strains me. It’s a personal and psychological thing, but still showed how threatening the infection of the V-Pets was.
I do think this movie definitely had one of my favorite battles of the series so far with Mephistomon/Gulfmon towards the end. Not my absolute favorite yet, but pretty high up there--especially with the combined Trinity Burst attack. I won’t deny that I’m a huge sucker for combo attacks (you can probably blame Tales of Symphonia’s Unison Attack mechanic for that). I’m only sad to know that Trinity Burst is never utilized in the series ever again. Seriously, it’s a powerful combo attack, why wouldn’t you use that more!?
Other than that, the movie ends kind of abruptly. Even though I have a couple of minor complaints about it, they are still minor at best and most of them don’t distract from the fun, joy and painful feels I got out of this movie. As I said, it takes a lot of elements of what made the past Digimon films good and did its own thing. And I really appreciate it as a fun side story. I’m not sure if I have a favorite Digimon film so far (I’m torn between Our War Game!, Diablomon Strikes Back and this one), but I think of all of them, Battle of Adventurers is the most balanced in every aspect. For all of the little problems it has, all of the good is just really pleasant and so worth watching. And hey, even if the ending was abrupt, it had a nice ending song by AiM!
So honestly, this was a great Digimon film for all of the good stuff it has, and I could definitely see myself watching it again for how nice it was. It’s a great side story for the Digimon Tamers series.
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kinning-things · 7 years
an aesthetic for a gabumon from digimon who misses their partner Matt? ty in advance and please tag @gabu-mons in it bc thats m kin blog!
Queued! Hope you like it!
Mod Ki-bo
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