#TacX Neo
bikeaospedacos · 2 years
Tacx Neo Motion: plataforma de movimento oferece pedais indoor mais realistas e confortáveis
Com instalação super simples, Tacx Neo Motion promete elevar ainda mais o nível de treinos no rolo
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gearhubcc · 1 day
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harawata44 · 5 months
自転車をエアロバイク化する「インドアサイクルトレーナー」。おもしろさがやっとわかりました | ギズモード・ジャパン
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・Tacx NEO 3M | スポーツ&アウトドア | Garmin 日本
試乗あり・お土産あり・トキメキありの自転車の祭典 CYCLE MODE TOKYO 2024 を、じっくり味わってきました。
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これが超静音性インドアサイクルトレーナー「TACX NEO 3M(税込で33万8000円)」。 ガーミンのラインアップでは最新かつ最上級モデルとなっています。 インドアサイクルトレーナーというのは、屋内で歩いたりジョギングできるようにするトレッドミルの自転車版です。屋内でも自転車で走れるようになります。 エアロバイクと似ていますが、ロードバイクのようなスポーツ自転車に取り付けるところが特徴。外を走れる自転車が、家の中でも乗れるようになるのがちがいです。
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専用のアプリ「Tacx Training App」を使って、人生初のバーチャルサイクリングを体験しました。 国内外のコースが設定されているそうで、そのうち国内のコースを二つ走ってみました。画面に写っているのは山中湖あたりの風景。つかの間の下り坂を楽しんでいるところです。 走行中はパワー(ワット数)・スピード・消費カロリー・経過時間・ケイデンスなどが表示され、なんだかやる気を触発されました。
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ガーミンのスマートウォッチで計測した心拍データがこちら。 10分間だけでしたが、かなり高負荷な運動を行なえたことがわかりますよね。
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家族との交渉を有利に進める材料としては、 ・超静か ・設置・片付けがラク ・場所を取らない この3点が使えそうです。 ベルト非搭載型なので、ほぼ無音でした。自転車のチェーンが回転する音と、ギアチェンジ音が響くぐらい。
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マグネット式の仮想フライホイールにお手持ちのロードバイクを固定するだけなので、設置がラクそうです。 あとは、専用マットのほかにもタオルを床の上に敷き詰めたり、自転車のフレームに巻きつけたりしておくと良し。 ここはサウナか?!と思うほど、汗が吹き出してくるんですよ。なので、前方に強力な扇風機を設置しておけばなお良し。
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それと、乗ってみてわかったんですが、TACX NEO 3Mのウリであるモーションプレートは揺れ方がダイナミック。 特にダンシング(立ち漕ぎ)している時などに大胆に揺れて、床からの突き上げを吸収してくれます。
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車体も左右にきしむので、自然な乗り心地でした。激しく漕げば漕ぐほど自転車が揺れて、臨場感を味わえました。 ちなみに、ガーミンによれば TACX NEO 3Mは最大負荷2200Wまで、再現斜度25%まで対応しているとのことですが…、そんなにキツイこと誰がやるんだろ?
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mikeshouts · 9 months
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Garmin Tacx NEO 3M Direct Drive Smart Trainer: Turn Your Bike Into A Realistic Cycling Simulator
The coolest cycling simulator using your bike.
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neozoneorg · 9 months
Utilisé avec un vélo conventionnel, ce vélo d'appartement procure une expérience « aussi réaliste que possible »
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Garmin étoffe sa gamme Tacx NEO avec un nouveau modèle qui promet une expérience sans précédent. Le Tacx NEO 3M est un dispositif innovant qui ambitionne de révolutionner l’univers du cyclisme d’intérieur. ... Read the full article
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merkabici · 11 months
Rodillo de bicicleta TACX Neo 2T Smart - La Cima de la Innovación en Entrenadores para Bicicletas
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El Altro - Rodillo de bicicleta TacX Neo 2T Smart es un rodillo de entrenamiento inteligente de transmisión directa que ofrece una experiencia de ciclismo realista en interiores. El rodillo utiliza un sistema de resistencia magnética para crear una sensación de pedaleo suave y natural, que se ajusta al esfuerzo del ciclista. El rodillo también es compatible con una amplia gama de aplicaciones de entrenamiento, lo que permite a los ciclistas seguir sus entrenamientos y competir contra otros ciclistas. El Neo 2T Smart: Innovación en Su Máxima Expresión En el mundo del ciclismo indoor, el TACX Neo 2T Smart se alza como un ícono de innovación y rendimiento. Su diseño se ha optimizado para ofrecer una experiencia de pedaleo excepcional, tanto en terrenos planos como en ascensos desafiantes. Además, ha sido creado para funcionar de manera silenciosa, proporcionando un entrenamiento realista y preciso. Aquí hay un vistazo a lo que hace que este entrenador para bicicletas sea único: Motor Rediseñado para la Máxima Realidad El motor del Neo 2T Smart ha sido meticulosamente rediseñado para brindar una sensación de carrera indoor sin igual. Esto significa que sentirás la carretera bajo tus ruedas y las subidas y vueltas serán aún más desafiantes y emocionantes. Silencio Insuperable La mayoría de los entrenadores para bicicletas hacen ruido, pero el Neo 2T Smart es una excepción. Te sorprenderá lo silencioso que es, lo que te permite entrenar sin perturbar a quienes te rodean. Características Destacadas - Tipo de Remolque: Transmisión directa interactiva Smart con freno motorizado. - Imanes Magnéticos: Cuenta con 32 imanes de neodimio para una resistencia suave y precisa. - Requisitos Eléctricos: Funciona con una amplia gama de voltajes, desde 110 hasta 240 V, con alimentación de red opcional. - Indicador de Potencia en Vatios: Un LED multicolor junto a reflectores en el suelo te mantiene informado sobre tu rendimiento. - Conexión ANT/BT: Dos LED indican la conectividad Bluetooth y ANT+. - Actualización del Firmware: Puedes mantener tu entrenador actualizado gracias a las actualizaciones de firmware. - Casettes Compatibles: Es compatible con casettes de 8 a 12 velocidades, excluyendo sistemas SCALED S, Shimano SRAM. Los cuerpos Campagnolo, SRAM XD y XD-R se venden por separado. - Ejes Adecuados: Se adapta a una variedad de tamaños de horquilla trasera, desde bicicletas de carrera de 130 mm hasta bicicletas de montaña de 142 mm y 148 mm. Los adaptadores para ejes de 135 x 10 mm están disponibles para bicicletas compatibles. - Equipado con: Incluye una liberación rápida para transmisión directa de 142 x 12 mm y 148 x 12 mm, además de una suscripción de un mes al software Tacx Premium. También cuenta con soporte para la rueda delantera y liberación rápida para bicicletas de carretera y montaña de 5 mm. - Especificaciones Técnicas: Con una potencia máxima de 2200 vatios a 40 km/h y una inclinación máxima del 25%, este entrenador te desafiará en cada giro. Ofrece simulación de bajada y un par máximo de 85 Nm, junto con una fuerza de frenado máxima de 250 N. El volante virtual y la inercia de masa variable hasta 125 kg (275,6 libras) garantizan un entrenamiento realista. - Calibración Sencilla: No necesitas calibrar el Neo 2T Smart; está listo para funcionar. - Dimensiones Compactas: Con unas dimensiones de 575 x 750 mm, el Neo 2T Smart cabe fácilmente en tu espacio de entrenamiento. Ventajas: - Experiencia de ciclismo realista: El rodillo proporciona una sensación de pedaleo suave y natural que se adapta al esfuerzo del ciclista. - Compatibilidad con aplicaciones de entrenamiento: El rodillo es compatible con una amplia gama de aplicaciones de entrenamiento, lo que permite a los ciclistas seguir sus entrenamientos y competir contra otros ciclistas. - Potencia precisa: El rodillo proporciona una medición precisa de la potencia, lo que es útil para el seguimiento del progreso y la planificación de los entrenamientos. Desventajas: - Costoso: El rodillo es relativamente costoso en comparación con otros rodillos de entrenamiento. - Necesita montaje: El rodillo requiere un poco de montaje antes de poder utilizarse. Conclusión El TACX Neo 2T Smart es el futuro del ciclismo indoor. Su diseño innovador, rendimiento silencioso y conectividad avanzada lo convierten en una elección obvia para ciclistas serios. Si buscas llevar tus entrenamientos a un nivel superior, no busques más: el Neo 2T Smart es tu aliado perfecto. Preguntas Frecuentes - ¿Cuál es la potencia máxima del Neo 2T Smart? - El Neo 2T Smart ofrece una potencia máxima de 2200 vatios a 40 km/h. - ¿Necesito calibrar el entrenador antes de usarlo? - No, no es necesario calibrar el Neo 2T Smart. Está listo para funcionar. - ¿Qué casettes son compatibles con este entrenador? - El Neo 2T Smart es compatible con casettes de 8 a 12 velocidades, excluyendo sistemas SCALED S, Shimano SRAM. Los cuerpos Campagnolo, SRAM XD y XD-R se venden por separado. - ¿Cuánto espacio ocupa el Neo 2T Smart? - Sus dimensiones son de 575 x 750 mm, lo que lo hace compacto y fácil de ubicar en tu espacio de entrenamiento. - ¿Puedo utilizar el Neo 2T Smart con mi bicicleta de montaña? - Sí, el entrenador es compatible con bicicletas de montaña que tienen una horquilla trasera de 142 mm o 148 mm. Read the full article
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#Tacx #Neo #2T #Smart #Trainer #Bundle (with 10-Speed 11-28T Cassette)
#Tacx #Neo #2T #Smart #Trainer #Bundle (with 10-Speed 11-28T Cassette)https://amzn.to/3Miv6lo
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cycletechreview · 2 years
Tacx NEO Bike Plus bringing the outdoors, indoors
Tacx NEO Bike Plus bringing the outdoors, indoors
Garmin says the Tacx NEO Bike Plus offers “the most accurate, realistic and quiet indoor riding experiences“. The Tacx NEO Bike Plus is an all-in-one smart bike that’s super quiet and can accommodate multiple users. Like the Wattbike we have been testing, the NEO Bike Plus is an indoor smart bike; so no need to use your own bike. Based on the NEO Bike Smart, the NEO Bike Plus uses the same…
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gadgetflow · 3 years
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Garmin Tacx NEO 2T smart trainer gives you a more effective way to train indoors https://thegadgetflow.com/portfolio/smart-trainer/
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ultratendencias · 4 years
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El entrenador de ciclismo Garmin Tacx Neo 2T tiene un diseño reactivo https://ift.tt/3ge24AQ
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dante2568 · 6 years
It’s 2018 trainer season, and Tacx has updated their flagship trainer. The Tacx Neo 2 has been developed as a result of engineering feedback from the Tacx NEO Smart Bike and a deeper understanding of the complex magnets which go to give the unique characteristics of the Tacx NEO 2. So let’s see what is going on
Tacx NEO 2 Smart Trainer and Tacx NEO Smartbike – Preview
I headed over the Netherlands earlier this year to get some saddle time with forthcoming Tacx Neo Smartbike which was originally shown off at Eurobike in 2017 – let me be very clear, the unit seen in Germany was essentially a design mockup. Things have changed dramatically since then.
Unsurprisingly, I survived the flight – now whilst I don’t have an issue with flying per say, after an incident in Africa with a prop plane, I’m always a touch… wary when I see that my flying aluminium sky tube has propellers!
Things are going very well for Tacx as company to the degree that they have run out of factory space, and as a result are currently in the process of building a new factory just down the road in order to house their factory facilities, which with the number of products they are manufacturing has now become a little cramped
Tacx is relatively unique in the turbo trainer industry in that the whole widget is produced on site – everything from the plastic moulds to the metal tubing, and wiring looms
I’ll be honest; I was a little hoodwinked by Tacx – during our meetings, there was a huge amount of discussion on the Tacx Flux S and Tacx Flux 2, which obviously we had a poke about the inside of as well.
Once or twice there was the mention that there was a Tacx Neo 2 coming later in this year, but that it was not for public discussion, and that they were not able to show me a production version as yet. I was however asked to give my impression on a new colour change to a Tacx Neo which was sitting in the corner. “Yup I like it, now about those new Tacx Neo 2 changes you were saying…” 
Ha. Ha. Very Funny. Well, now we know that I WAS looking at a Neo 2, with its new blue underwear (you can actually see it in the back of the Tacx Neo Smart bike video). I still stick to my original opinion, however – that I do really like the new colour addition. Only small, but it does refresh the overall appearance. Although that might just be my brain going “Ooooo new shiny thing.”
The same blue underside will be seen on the Tacx Flux 2 when that launches shortly
Tacx NEO 2 Preview
When the Tacx Neo first came out, there were a few gremlins in the system. Let me be clear, since the end of 2016 those gremlins have been well and truly put to bed. Reinforced by no significant issues being seen with the last iteration. Thus it seems entirely reasonable to consider that since we are talking about refinements, along with improvements to the internals, the Tacx Neo 2 should be even more polished from a reliability side.
The Tacx Neo 2 is NOT a revolution, but has taken more features from other products – specifically where pedalling is concerned. The internal cadence calculations have been improved, along with the addition of left/right balance calculations from the internal power meter. These features dovetail nicely with the new pedal stroke analysis – which I’d imagine will be a draw for people using power meters which do not support these features – the update to the Tacx Desktop App allowing 3D course generation will be the first place people will be able to access this data
Tacx has always been a company lead be the engineers, rather than the accountants. As a result, there are a LARGE number of prototypes in storage which have never seen the light of day. I remain particularly enamoured by the turbo trainer which could return excess power to the national grid! “Darling, I want to put the washing machine on, do a couple of laps of Watopia would you?”
The Tacx Neo gave everyone a nice surprise when a firmware update brought Road Feel vibrations to the turbo – admittedly a rather love-hate feature, but still, the ingenuity is there. The new Tacx Neo 2 as “added internals” for functionality which has not been revealed yet.
I don’t think we’ll get something as significant as Road Feel, but we may see additional training tools such as the Isokinetic and Isotonic features which can be accessed from the Tacx phone App – we’ll just have to wait and see
Visually I’ve always found the Tacx Neo to the most visually pleasing of the big five. Now I appreciate that can be a very subjective thing. I couldn’t really follow the logic the other day of someone choosing a particular pedal type over another, as one brand “Just looks ugly”. It’s probable that many people will view their smart trainer in the same way — something to put under the bike and ignore.
The Tacx Neo has always been “The comparator” when it comes to turbo trainers. The KICKR vs Neo, Drivo Vs Neo, Hammer vs Neo. That isn’t to say that it is the Neo is a benchmark design, but that it is sufficiently different compared to the other units as to be the “other option” for most people 
For winter 2018 the team in the Netherlands have gone over their flagship turbo, tweaking, and tucking, resulting in the new Tacx Neo 2. The competition has moved on very far this year –  with the new Elite Drivo II; Elite has come out batting hard with improved accuracy and responsiveness on Zwift. So has the Tacx Neo 2 advanced far enough to keep in the fight We’ll have the wait for the full Zwift Gear Test for that!
The case is EXACTLY the same as previously, so if you have been unable to get your bike of the Neo previously then things will not have changed with the Tacx Neo 2. Conversely, that does mean that the stability the previous unit has been known for, will also remain unchanged with the Tacx Neo 2
Tacx have managed to improve the cadence data from the Tacx Neo 2 by producing a new sensor type inside the Neo. That in itself doesn’t sound particularly entertaining. However that technology is being adapted for another purpose within Tacx – currently embargoed – but suffice to say it is the sort of out of the box thinking which Tacx and Martin Smits are well known for!
Don’t worry though, Tacx realises that indoor cyclist is a very platform agnostic person – as such they have made the pedal analysis available to third parties. So whilst Tacx only support it with their own apps, Garmin is working on an update to bring Tacx pedal analysis data to their Garmin Edge units, which will massively increase its utility
Tacx NEO 2 – Specifications
Communication: Bluetooth, ANT+™, ANT+™ FE-C, BlueTooth Smart Trainer Protocol – both ANT and BLE can be used simultaneously
Max Slope Simulation: 25%
Built-in sensors: Power, Speed/Cadence, Advanced pedal analytics, Left/Right balance
Max Wattage: 2200w @40kph
Freehub: Shimano, 9/10/11 speed compatible – no cassette in the box
Power Accuracy: +/- 1%
Flywheel: 125kg
Max User Weight: 125kg
Weight: 21.5kg
Other Bits: Road Feel, Front LED power indicator lights
Compatibility notes: bikes with 130, 135, 142, and 148mm width rear fork Quick release adapter for 12mm x 142, 12x 142 thru-axle hubs
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Elite Drivo II Review – Using the device
Tacx NEO 2 Manual
Tacx Neo 2 user manual can be found HERE 
I do think there is a small element of spec sheet polishing going on here, with the Tacx Neo 2 just edging out the Elite Drivo II with 25% vs 24% Max Slope Incline.
Tacx NEO 2 – It’s all in the slope
That is a relatively important point, as Tacx are trying to change how specifications for trainers are reported. The crux of this argument is that the Elite Drivo II has a wattage rated as 3600Watts @60kph whereas the Tacx Neo 2 is 2200W @40kph. In both cases the spec sheet numbers look brilliant HOWEVER you are not going to get normal people holding these wattages at these speeds. So the numbers actually have very little relevance to what the trainer is capable of, and for the rider, what they will actually experience.
The engineers would like some of these figures to be replaced with slope profiles, showing the speed that a rider has to be at in order for the trainer to simulate a set gradient.
Unfortunately, Tacx wouldn’t allow me to take copies of the trainer curves shown that day due to other products on the graphs, which they don’t want public as yet. So let’s look at an OLD trainer resistance curve to get an idea as to what I’m going on about
So the maximum gradient that the i-vortex was able to hit was 7%. BUT that 7% gradient was only possible at certain speeds. Each trainer will have a profile showing the minimum resistance, or gradient simulation it is able to hold at a certain speed. So on the above graph, the i-Vortex can produce a 7% resistance, up to about 23kph, and 270 watts. However, this is where the strength of the brake, the amount of inertia the unit can produce, comes into play. On the i-vortex the brake was an electromagnetically generated 11.81kg, so with the above graph, if you went over about 300 watts, you’d overcome the limited brake strength. By about 500 watts, the unit would only be able to generate 3% gradient.
So going back to the Tacx Neo 2, the electromagnetic brake is 125kg, hence being able to produce a gradient of 25%- but the question is, at what wattage is it able maintain this force, and what speed does the rider have to be doing?
Again, I don’t have the graphs from Tacx, but changes to the internal components on both the Tacx Neo 2 and the Tacx Flux 2 have meant an improved power curve so that more resistance is available at lower speeds.
As the accuracy of the Tacx Neo is already considered to be <1%, so the power curve has been a big focus over the last few years in order to improve the realism of the simulation for riders. This has been tested both on the workbench, and will hopefully see riders finding that when running GPX file routes on the Tacx Neo 2 that their simulation will have moved to mimic the efforts they experienced in real life.
Will this, however, have a noticeable effect on Zwift? As I’m pretty sure my legs would be the limiting factor going up Alpe du Zwift
So it makes sense that I try to work out the Tacx Neo 2 in a short, clearly subjective test, to see if I can discern a difference from the original going up the Watopia classic KOM. We’ll have to see if there is anything else needed during the full Zwift Gear Test – On which note, it will be a week or so before the full Zwift Gear Test comes out, as we all know that the temperament of a smart turbo is more than just what is written on the spec sheet!
One report that I can give so far – after doing Alpe du Zwift as the maiden ride for the Tacx Neo 2 is that the sound that the unit makes seems to be at a slightly lower pitch than the original unit, making for a better sound profile. But again, more actually testing is needed before I can make that firm statement.
On which note, time to wipe off the sweat and get back to testing.
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So there is the preview to the Tacx NEO 2 – What about the Tacx NEO Smart Bike?
Tacx Neo Smart Bike PREVIEW 
Ok, first things first. The Tacx Smart Bike is not finished yet. However, I was still allowed to have a play on the near production-ready version Tacx had out that day.
People have been talking about smart bikes and Zwift for quite a while, but it was Tacx that was the first to show their hand at the 2017 Eurobike with what could best be described as a design study.
But now the team under Martin Smits are nearly ready to push their Frankenstein turbo trainer, exercise bike, Neo hybrid out of the door. Here’s a little bit of internal intrigue for you – Tacx chief engineer didn’t like it. He didn’t want to work on it. Yet now it is one of his proudest pieces of work.
You know what. I understand that completely. I thought the idea of a smart bike was a waste. Going backwards even. We’ve had exercise bikes before; they just became washing lines to dry clothes on. A turbo and your own bike, your own steed is a much better idea.
I’m a big enough man to say that I was wrong, as you can see in the video below
But why do I feel this way? It is an amalgamation of products that works. I’m currently hard pressed to say which bit is my favourite. It is going to be a toss-up on the fan, which can be speed linked, power linked, or get this heart rate linked. That makes the possibility of training so much better.
Due to the fans being quite close in proximity to the rider, they can project a tighter column of air, being both more effective and quieter than larger fans. They have both vertical and horizontal tilt, and can also be angled closer to the rider, or removed all together if desired
Each fan on the Tacx NEO smart bike is about a quarter of the size of the two fans that I use at home. However, I’m not going to really be able to give an opinion on how they are until I’ve been flat out in a full Zwift Race on the bike.
The internals of the Tacx NEO Smart Bike are basically the same at the new Tacx NEO 2 – but now using a belt drive connected to the crank for zero maintenance and further reduced noise profile. BUT, because there is now no cassette, Tacx is able to use the 32 Neodymium magnets (now you know where the name comes from) inside the unit to simulate different gearing setups
The benefit here being if you want to do a classic ride such as Alpe D’Huez, but have never undertaken something like that before with the Tacx NEO Smart Bike you can load up the GPX file, try the route AND with a couple of switches within the Tacx app, change your cassette. Then next time you do the training ride, try out a different cassette so that you find the optimum gear setup for your fitness level.
The electronic shifters allow you to control both the gearing, but also resistance levels and ALSO act as brakes. Something which is not currently integrated into Zwift, but that could make for a significant impact on races!
As there is no cassette or front gear setup now, Tacx has intentionally simulated the feeling of gear changes coming through the drive train, as they found that simply having imperceptible changes in gearing didn’t sit right with test riders.
The screen pretty much renders the need for an additional cycling head unit null and void. Especially as the LEFT/RIGHT pedal balance and the other pedal analytics data we have in the new Tacx NEO 2 are present in the Tacx software, and are available to other third parties – come on Zwift, give us pedal doughnuts!
But perhaps the winning aspect for me… that you can run the Tacx NEO smart bike without power if you don’t mind forgoing the downhill simulation. But even with the power unplugged, you STILL get road feel simulation; you’ll still get the full adjustable fans. But that isn’t the winning aspect for me. Hiding around the front of the unit are two 2 amp USB-A charge ports, which will allow you to cycle and charge your tablet or phone at the same time
There have previously been some mutterings that Zwift has taken an ecological, non-carbon form of exercise, and slapped a massive electricity bill to the back of it. The Tacx NEO smart bike takes the end user part if that electricity bill off the table.
The bike fit setup covers everything you’d really expect from a smart bike which is supposed to be able to fit as many people as possible. Crank length, Q angle, seat position, stem height. If you can get comfortable on a bike, you should find the right fit here.
So that is pretty much the Tacx Neo Smart Bike preview. I genuinely cannot wait to give this thing a full Zwift Gear Test now, but as yet, it is looking like the very end of 2019, probably Q1 of 2019 when Tacx will be releasing their new mechanical horse. Until then, we can dream that it will come in under the £2500 price tag people have been throwing around
What are your thoughts on smart bikes, given that we’ve seen the offerings from Elite with the Elite Fuoripista and now the Tacx NEO smart bike? Drop your thoughts in the comments below!
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Elite Drivo II Review – Using the device
Tacx NEO 2 Smart Trainer & Tacx NEO Smartbike – Preview It's 2018 trainer season, and Tacx has updated their flagship trainer. The Tacx Neo 2 has been developed as a result of engineering feedback from the Tacx NEO Smart Bike and a deeper understanding of the complex magnets which go to give the unique characteristics of the Tacx NEO 2.
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janeijsbouts · 8 years
De club van bijna 38
De club van bijna 38
Op zoek naar de ideale methode om thuis te kunnen trainen, heb ik zo’n beetje alles wat gangbaar en op de markt is uitgeprobeerd. Nu, een paar jaar nadat ik de eerste Tacx probeerde, heb ik het gevonden en rijd ik bij slecht weer en ’s avonds mijn rondjes op Zwift.   (more…)
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merkabici · 1 year
Placas de movimiento Garmin TacX® NEO en toda España
Placas de movimiento Garmin TacX® NEO Read the full article
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gadgetflow · 4 years
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Garmin Tacx NEO 2T smart trainer gives you a better way to train indoors https://thegadgetflow.com/portfolio/smart-trainer/
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dcbcyclists · 3 years
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Bicycle trainer Tacx NEO 2T Smart. Now it’s what we need, buy now and invest on your long winter training! https://www.decaroliscycling.com/product/tacx-neo-2t-smart-369647-1.htm (at Decarolis Brothers Cyclists LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVf4xxPFq9T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dante2568 · 8 years
The House that Tacx Built - Tacx Factory Visit - TitaniumAdventures
The House that Tacx Built - @Tacx Factory Visit is live @TitaniumGeek - behind the scenes look @ #Neo & #Flux PLUS answers on the early Flux issues
Within the cycling world, Tacx is one of THE biggest manufacturer names NOT associated with the production of a bike frame. Tacx is a hardware company making components as “simple” as jockey wheels and drinks bottles, through to state of the art turbo trainers, built using input from global leaders in the field of electromagnetics. I have been lucky enough to have Tacx open their factory doors to…
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