#Tadg x Yasha
weepingwitchkingdom · 7 months
I'm gonna laugh if the first kiss in TNC is some completely unexpected ship.
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rocket-220 · 7 months
In honor of 10 days 'til Wilderfour!
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makotoismyson · 7 months
TNC spoilers under the cut (mostly just rambling)
-Okay but why are Barclay and Yasha so damn fruity in this book? I know it ends with Barclay believing Yasha can’t be redeemed but I’m still holding out the idea that Yasha will turn around in the next book since we ALMOST got through to him, the seeds of doubt have been planted.
-Also like we knew the coat thing was significant (because of that scene in Weeping Tide) BUT I WASN’T EXPECTING IT TO BE THEIR WHOLE MOTIF LIKE DAMN- THEM LITERALLY WEARING EACH OTHER’S COATS???
-Not to mention Barclay keeping the horseshoe, and Yasha’s constant need, borderline obsession of getting Barclay to join him and Audrian, especially during the scene in the hangar near the end where Yasha starts saying “we” want you instead of just Audrian.
-Them having to rely on each other for survival and bonding? Good stuff.
-I really do hope Yasha turns around though if Barsha is definitely endgame, like earlier in the book Yasha mentioned Audrian hasn’t directly killed anyone, but now someone’s gotta tell him that Audrian literally yeeted a grandma off a cliff /j
-Other stuff I liked was the new lore concepts (lore surging, wild lore), also there was a surprising amount of violence in this one, most of it being body horror like wow- I’m not saying it’s a bad thing I was just stunned
-I think this is the worst I’ve felt for Barclay in all the books, he’s trying so hard and doesn’t want to be seen as dangerous, or anything like Audrian, but the connections they have keep making him doubt himself, and the way he gets into spats with nearly everyone on the expedition just hurt my heart so much more.
-I liked all the twists in the book, even if I figured out some of them earlier on. There’s way too many to put here but I think you know which ones I’m referring to
-I know I gushed about Barsha but we’re getting a LOT more Tadg x Hasu as we’ve suspected since they had that little moment in Ever Storms, I’m really digging it even if it was mostly in the background
-really interested to know where the next book goes without Viola or Runa. I’m sure they’ll show up briefly, but that’s a bold decision to shelf two of the main characters
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atasies · 11 months
i want barclay x yasha to one day be canon, for us who have been shipping them since the second/third book to, alas, earn the ship we've been rooting for since the start. and i swear, ill go feral (in a good way) if this ship is real!! and i know its possible, for not only has amanda foody written a male x male relationship in a book before (a book named all of our demise by her & christine lynn herman), but also runa's ex-girlfriend & other hints of lgbtq characters are littered around in wilderlore; if thats able to be in the books, then it proves we can have barclay and yasha be an official thing!
just wanted to add: i am so sorry to those who ship barclay x tadg or anything else!! i really did not mean to ignore that, and again i apologize!
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atasies · 1 year
i can’t decide if i ship barclay x tadg or barclay x yasha. barclay and tadg would make a pretty good pair, being they are apprenticed to the same person and, in the third & most recent book, seem like pretty close friends. though, barclay and yasha would be very interesting; it would be protagonist x antagonist, which would be cool to think about.
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makotoismyson · 2 years
I’m yearning for more wilderlore fan content so here’s some (potential) ship names I thought of in case people who are actually in this fandom wanted to make shipping stuff!
Barclay x Viola - Light Breeze (or maybe a ship name that involves books? They’re both nerds who enjoy reading)
Barclay x Tadg - Thornedock or Sea Dog
Tadg x Viola - Sea Dragon (I wanted to do something like “lightning” at first because light and electricity, but Sea Dragon sounded way cooler)
Barclay x Tadg x Viola - couldn’t think of a name for this one sorry
Barclay x Yasha - Barsha or Wind Flame
I haven’t thought of ships involving the other characters (Shazi, Hasu, and Cecily) but if anyone has any ideas or would like to suggest better ship names then go for it! This is just for fun idk if any of these will actually take off lmao
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