#possible wilderlore spoilers
weepingwitchkingdom · 4 months
I was messing around with an incorrect quote generator and...
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A little rant about the ending of TAA (kinda)
Does anyone else feel like Soren, Ethel, and Able will return at some point. I feel like they were defeated way too easily for them to not return. Also, (unless I forgot something) none of the books have mentioned what happened to Ethel and Able. Like what happened to them. They could still be in the mirror world, they could've been set to jail and escaped, they could be on the run etc. And they seem like people that Audrian would go to if he was looking for allies. Although, I would be excited to see their return, but if they were allies with Audrian it could make it much more difficult for the main characters to defeat them, even with the help of Runa and Cyril.
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atasies · 7 months
a hint that there will be ships?! big plans for tadg?! a new nickname for the audrian/cyril/runa trio?! runa & cyril snippet?! POSSIBLE WILDERLORE GRAPHIC NOVEL?! oh my gosh, IM ON THE EDGE FOR THIS!!
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weepingwitchkingdom · 4 months
I'm gonna laugh if the first kiss in TNC is some completely unexpected ship.
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weepingwitchkingdom · 3 months
Spoilers for The Weeping Tide.
I want an AU where the vents and earthquakes are a result of something Soren did when he killed Conley and tried to bond with Lochmordra and when they figure this out they are looking for someone with stone lore to fix it. So Audrian reveals that he's alive, queue the Grand Three reunion, happy version. Audrian fixes the vents instead of trying to bond with Lochmordra. Yasha gets to stay friends with everyone. Runa, Cyril, and Audrian go back to being friends. Thousands of lives are saved, and so are several islands. Everyone is happy and we get 5 books of The Grand Three and their apprentices defeating evil, together.
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weepingwitchkingdom · 27 days
5 reasons why I think Leopold is a bad mentor
He was extremely cold towards Cyril in TES.
There has to be a reason Audrian turned out the way he did.
He humiliated Cyril and Runa in front of the High Keepers.
He is emotionally abusive towards Cyril.
He let Cyril keep his bowl cut for several years.
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a little headcanon/theory
I think that when you bond with a beast then the mark randomly appears on your body, like how Viola bonded with Kulo. However, when your beast bonds with you, like how Root bonded with Barclay, the mark appears wherever your beast touched you when they created the bond. For example, Barclay's mark was on his shoulder which is where he got that scratch from Root when Root bonded with Barclay.
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