#Tae young
writergirl3 · 1 year
4 Town x Pregnant Reader
I can't remember who requested this, but thanks for the idea! Hope y'all like this💜
Warnings; Mentions of pregnancy (obviously) and discomfort/pain. Fem reader, not proofread.
Taglist; @takemichiluvr @jessexselinalover @aaronzsbiggestsuperfan @4townlove @magicbratt @4townenthusiast @local-she-wolf @4townn (If I missed you off the list, or you wanna be added, lemme know!)
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As is the case with all the boys and their partners, Robaire would put you, and his unborn child, first. No questions asked. There's a big important meeting to sign new contract with the label? If you're not 100%, he will not be attending.
Ro is definitely the type to do that cute headphones-over-your-bump thing, playing music to your child. And he mostly chooses soothing French tunes like 'La Vie En Rose'. Although he did joke about recreating the 'Baby Got Back' scene from friends. If you hadn't refused, he for sure would've played it.
He's definitely cool, calm and collected. And it's not even an act. He has faith in you and your strength, and in whatever higher being that's up there. He sees your pregnancy as an obstacle-ridden journey, but he treasures the highs and the lows.
Definitely becomes an expert on pregnancy overnight. You're already at an advantage with him being a Dad of two already, and he has so much good advice. When it comes to pregnancy, though? He has quite a lot to learn. He'd already broken up with the mother of his two kids before they were born, so he's lacking in that area. But, fear not! There will be a mountain of pregnancy books on his side of the bed, and yes, he does read them all before you give birth.
Because of this, he's amazing at helping you through the hurdles. He has the magic remedy for morning sickness, cravings, and cramps. And if you find your anxiety spiralling, or mood up and down? He holds you close and gently coaxes you through the rough patches.
He's as responsible and caring as Robaire is calm, but secretly, Jesse is flapping on the inside. Please make sure that you check in with him too. He often worries about how the dynamic will change when you become a family of five, despite being so excited for it all. Remind him of that, and pregnancy with Jesse by your side will be a breeze.
Aaron T;
Oh Lord. I won't lie, he's pretty clueless in every respect. It took him a while to cotton on to what a period is, so the idea of a human baby growing inside your belly? Yeah, it freaks him out.
I feel like the pregnancy may not have been planned, too. So, he was a bit of a panicked mess when you broke the news to him. But, nevertheless, he's always wanted kids and couldn't imagine going into parenthood with anyone but you.
He definitely uses your pregnancy as an excuse for things. But in the best possible way! Like, if there's a press conference or something that he really couldn't care less about, he will be getting out of it because 'he has to be there for his baby mama'.
But he means well. You may have to talk things through with him, or be uber clear about what you need, but he'll take it all on board in a heartbeat. Because he cares so deeply for you, and treasures you and his unborn child above everything.
Aaron Z;
Right, so you know how Z is super overprotective over you and will literally bark down anyone who directs any negativity your way? Well, when you're pregnant, that increases tenfold.
He's definitely pretty anxious about it all, and that manifests into his usual perfectionism. Often, he'll have what you need ready before you even know you need it. You can thank his amazing observation skills, and general adoration for you, for that.
I feel like he'd be quite similar to Jesse, but just a little more stern about it. But not in a bad way! Like, if he notices you wincing when you reach down for something, he will insist on massaging your back right away. And no, he won't accept 'no' for an answer.
But he's also very sweet and sentimental. Sometimes you'll just catch him watching you, maybe while you're balancing a plate of food on your bump while you watch TV, and he'll just have so much love in his eyes. And it's all because you're carrying his child, and he can't wait for a lifetime of memories with you and his little one.
Tae Young;
He's for sure pretty anxious. Sometimes, it'll be you comforting him instead of the other way around. As is the case with T, I think your pregnancy would likely be unplanned, so he worries a lot about what his family and the label will say.
But once he realises what a gift your pregnancy is, he won't able to wipe the smile off of his face. He'll pepper your bump with kisses on a daily basis and spend his evenings off brainstorming names for you. I feel like he'd also start a scrapbook of your pregnancy so that you have it to look back on together.
Your pregnancy is a huge opportunity for growth and reflection for Tae. He knows that his parents probably won't approve, and being a father may not help his image as a boyband member, but he doesn't care. He's going to start a family with you and, in his eyes, that's one of the most precious of life's experiences. He vows to give your unborn child all the nurturing love that he needed when growing up. And he hopes that being parents will strengthen the love you share, too.
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hisonetrueloveee · 11 months
sitting down thinking about how short a 4*town concert would be ☠️
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we need more songs man
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poppibranchlover · 1 year
If you think boy bands are becoming more frequent in some animated movies, then THINK AGAIN!!! 😁
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BECAUSE NOW, we have two notable animated movies about the hottest boy bands EVER!!! Sorry if I couldn't help it, but Branch and his brothers (BroZone) are like a Troll-fied version of 4*Town from Pixar's Turning Red (as shown in the above pic). So whatever it is, this was a clear comparison to take note of. 😊
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4townification · 1 year
tae young & jesse matching icons
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artxsticsuper · 1 year
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[MerMay] 4*Town as mermaids part 3/5: Tae Young 🕊   
✰ See parts 1 and 2 on my blog for Robaire and Jesse! 
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 1: Tae Young from Turning Red
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maya-yaya · 2 months
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deadofdreadness · 1 year
We'll Fight For You (Robaire, Aaron Z, and Reader)
Summary: Robaire and Aaron Z are known to have a friendly rivalry. How much friendly will it get when they compete for someone's heart?
You clapped after your bestie, Tae Young finishes secretly preform his choreography for the 4Town concert tonight.
"That was amazing!" You cheered him. "For real?" Tae asks surprised. "Dude, you're a literal icon. You're always amazing at this!" Tae gets a little flustered by your comment. Ever since you both met in high school, you were kinda like a mini-parent to him. Whenever he preforms with you or any of your other friends who were part of the squad, he can't help but get a bit shy.
"Thanks Y/n!" Tae says. "Wanna go out to eat?" There's still a few hours before any fans start showing up early, so you agree. "Sure!"
You guys go out of his dressing room and go pass the common area. There you see Robaire and Aaron T lounging on one of the couches while Aaron Z is grabbing a cup of water. Jesse is probably out right now. Of the entire 4Town Robaire was the one you managed to get closest to. He's really charming and doesn't fail to flatter you when spending time with him. Tae is really happy to have seen you befriend his friends from outside of school. Other than Robaire you've been getting close to Aaron Z lately. Whenever you're around him you can't help but relax, and forget about your problems with his chill vibes.
"Yo Y/n!" Calls out T waving. You greet him, "Hi T". Robaire pretends to be offended. "You don't say hi to me!" he says in shock. You couldn't help but chuckle at him and you greet him too. "You too Z!" You tell him as he turns around.
T asks what you and Tae were up too. Tae tells him the plan of going to catch some food and come back in an hour or 2. He begs to him to tag along, which Tae hesitates. So he asks you and you agree. You guys ask Robaires permission to go out, and he agrees. Z doesn't say anything but sips on his water. T hypes up and goes to his dressing room to get his wallet. Since he got permission, Tae goes back to his room and you tell him to get your wallet too. That leaves you, Robaire and Z alone.
After they leave, Robaire snakes his arm around your waist. "So you coming back to watch us tonight bae," he teases. Although you were used to it, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed cause Z's in the room. When you turned to look at him he pretends to focus on his water. He looks back at you when you look away. Awkward much?
"Yep, can't wait," you tell Robaire with a fake smile. "If you want...you wanna catch up with us at the hotel?" Ok he's starting to act weird a little. You look at Z who has his stoic expression on you guys.
"It'll be late y'know. It's up to you. Your choice" Z intervenes walking up to you guys. He's a few inches taller than Robaire and he towers you. You make eye contact with him and at the same time feel Robaire let go of you. "I---I'll think about it." Z nods and takes a seat in the lounge. Robaire shares a smile with you and winks.
Thankfully both Tae and Z run back into the room with what y'all needed. Then you guys go. But before you could exit the back entrance of the stadium Tae remembers that he forgot his lanyard. He asks if you could go fetch it for him. You happily agree.
You go back to the common area but you stop before you could go in. "And what's your problem about that!" you hear Robaire argue.
"I don't know Prince Charming. What is your problem? Flirting with Y/n, the person I like!" he says scoffing.
"Z PLEASE! I was only being close to them. I don't like Y/n, I can't do that to a close friend of mine."
"Oh...so do close friends invite each other to their hotel rooms at night and casually do whatever in there? Or do close friends always consider in getting small trinkets or calling pet names in French? I don't think so." Robaire shuts up after Z's comment.
Y/n couldn't see his face but they could see Z's, and he looks furious. Everyone knows about the rivalry, but Y/n didn't know that they would be part of it!
"And what makes you think they like you even more? You just made it sound like you don't want them here after the concert. Plus you act so clingy and overprotective. Can you not? You guys aren't even dating!"
You see Z clench his fits while giving Robaire the nastiest look. "Oh just wait until I tell Tae...."
"You won't tell Tae!" Z growls. "We're not gonna make it more obvious to the band! Instead I'll offer you a bet—how about we try and settle this. Tonight. At the concert. You'll give Y/n anxiety when you exaggerate on stage about them. Let see how much of a prince charming you are."
"And I'll see how much they'll like you back when I prove to them how you really are."
"Fine! You got yourself a deal." And with that both boys shook on it.
You quickly went back to the exit, forgetting what Tae even needed. What the hell was that all about? What does he even know that you don't? And why out of all people, they choose you! Yes YOU! Out of 7 billion to argue about. Plus tonight, you're gonna have to make a choice.
You starting to feel a sense of dread since you have no time to think about what to do. And boy, is this going to be a long night!
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cryingevanafton · 4 months
Tyler Nguyen-Baker
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writergirl3 · 1 year
'Please Don't Be In Love With Someone Else' - Tae Young x Reader
Tae's part from the 'Songs That Describe Your Relationship With 4 Town' series. Enjoy! 🧡
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‘Please don’t be in love with someone else, please don’t have somebody waiting on you.’ - ‘Enchanted’, Taylor Swift.
The search for a soulmate is one that never stops for Tae Young. In his younger years, everyday events would be punctuated with longingly looking at strangers. Bus rides, school projects, family gatherings; Tae lost count of his crushes after a while.
After joining 4 Town, his searching never ceased. Scanning every crowd full of 4 Townies, he would hope to lock eyes with the one. He even got bashful around interviewers and employees at the record label. He’s always longed for one special person to call his.
It’s a usual Saturday afternoon on the 2002 tour. An afternoon show followed by a meet-and-greet, then another show in the evening. Tae, and the other boys, always relish the relief after a busy Saturday. Not that they don’t love performing, it’s just… a lot.
You’d never know it, though, with the sweetness that Tae musters up for his young fans. Out of all the boys, Z is usually the groggiest, followed by Jesse. Still, they manage to work their usual charm and help make the 4 Townies feel special and appreciated.
And Tae is just the same. Countless autographs are signed in his signature pink sharpie, his smile as sweet and sincere as ever. It’s not a chore for him- how could it be? The way each and every 4 Townie’s eyes light up when they see him, the excited squeals and rose-dusted cheeks. It makes all the hard work worthwhile.
“Have a good day, now- peace!” 
Sending another young fan over to his neighbouring bandmate, T, Tae turns back to the line with a smile.
And that’s when his eyes land on you.
His grin falters, mouth falling slightly agape. The tips of his ears grow hot when you smile as you step forward, and he just can’t seem to stop blinking like an idiot.
“Hi! I’m Y/N.”
He’s grateful that you took the initiative to lead the interaction. Noticing your outstretched hand, he comes back to his senses. Almost.
“Oh, h-hello! I’m Tae Young.”
“I know…” you giggle, charmed by the South Korean boy’s innocence.
“Right,” Tae shakes your hand gently, mentally reprimanding himself. Judging by the light snicker from beside him, he can safely assume that T clocked the awkward moment in its entirety. 
“I really enjoyed the show! You’re awesome.” 
The compliment catches Tae off-guard, and he looks at you bambi-eyed. He wishes he could think of some charming response, something that would show you how interested he is in you. As if the awestruck expression lacing his features isn’t enough. It’s obvious to everyone in the room that he’s taken with you. 
“Thanks, Y/N…that’s very sweet.” His eyes lock with yours, and in that moment, it seems that neither of you remember the basic conventions of conversation. Feeling as though you’ve both stepped out of a classic rom-com movie scene, you can’t quite look away from one another.
That is, until a vivacious voice cuts through the shared moment;
“Ayo! Tae, you look like you seen a ghost!”
Tae scrunches his face up, cringing at T’s mocking. Looking over to the brunette and catching his mischievous grin, Tae sends him a death glare that makes you giggle. Upon hearing it, he turns back to you with a softened expression.
“You got anything you want me to sign?” Tae musters up a degree of confidence, and somehow, it works. As you excitedly search through your bag for the poster you brought along, Tae takes a moment to collect himself.
Thoughts about you bubble up in the young man’s mind and he doesn’t know how to stop them. Is he your favourite member of the group? Do you already have a boyfriend? How much more time will he have with you in the line? And, most importantly, how can he make the most of it?
Maybe coming up with an elaborate plan to make you his is futile.Someone as perfect as you has to have a boyfriend waiting outside, ready to take you home. It’s only logical right?
Yet, Tae can’t stop himself from hoping the opposite is true;
‘Please don’t be in love with someone else, please don’t have somebody waiting on you.’
“Ah, here it is!”
The sound of your heavenly voice brings Tae back to reality. Or at least, the wonderful new reality that began the moment you stepped into the room.
Taking the printout from you with shaky hands, he quickly swirls his signature over the picture of himself. Usually, he’d hand the poster right back, but he gets an idea.
Scrawling the digits of his number messily beneath his name, he quickly folds up the poster before he can overthink the action and, most importantly, before you can see it.
“Here you go, Y/N.” Tae smiles at you, and gets that same fluttering of butterflies when you beam up at him. Before you can open it, he quickly puts his hand on top of yours, “Thanks for coming to the show.”
He gives you a look, a look that lets the both of you know that your meeting is unlike any other. With a shy smile, you give him a little nod and step over to T. In return, Tae waves wistfully.
He tries to get his mind off of you as he signs the next 4 Townie’s poster and makes conversation. Like some sort of magnetic force, though, his eyes keep getting pulled back over to you. And each time they do, yours are already clocked on him.
In fact, neither of you notice the loud gasp that comes from T as he unrolls your poster. Everyone else in the room seems to, especially as T starts screeching excitably. “YO! TAE-TAE, YOU GAVE Y/N YOUR NUMBER?!?!”
Tae’s face quickly turns the exact shade of Kool Aid, although his face is scorching hot under your gaze. He’s relieved to see you giggle a bit at the whole thing, especially when the other 4 Town boys crowd around to check out the poster.
Somehow, Tae doesn’t care about all the attention. He doesn’t hear the inquisitions from his bandmates, nor sense the camera lenses zoomed in on his face from the line of fans. 
All he notices is the bashful look you send his way, accompanied by a small smile that tells him the risk was worth it. It seems, his search for a soulmate is complete.
Musing Meaninglessly Masterlist
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hisonetrueloveee · 11 months
let me know if i should make these more often 💀
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mysticc-mochi · 2 years
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4town in their baby era (+ old man Jesse)
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cristallsnoww · 2 years
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redraw of 4town concept art 💞
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may-25 · 2 years
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He’s 20 years old. He is the second oldest member of 4*TOWN. The members and fans call him mum because he’s below Jesse in the age ranking 😀
Robaire was very popular in high school. He had lot’s of dating drama with girls. Many people assumed he dated a hell of a lot of girls in HS, but in fact he dated a total of 2, (one of them he still likes and can’t get over them 🤭)
He’s the most romantic boy of the group, beating all the members with experience in flirting and sensuality. With these skills he makes himself to be an excellent performer and engages the audience quickly with his charm!
He really, uh, enjoys sex songs. He’s a big daydreamer, so whenever he listens to songs containing lyrics about sex he thinks about doing “things” to his crush 😻
Moved a lot when he was kid, he was born in Toronto but moved to other countries around the world before he decided to go ahead with singing. His parents work forced them to move quite a bit.
One day, when Robaire moved to the U.S, he told his parents he wants to start a band, but they didn’t accept his choice, and scolded him for it. That night, he climbed out of his window and bought a computer with his money, and started a website for the auditions and the competition. He told his parents that he entered an after school math club and they believed him, but he got a room at school to host the auditions.
At one point, people in school found out about it and tried to audition as a joke but none of them were accepted 💀
He gives off major libra vibes. They are extremely flirty and romantic people, but he’s got a lot of earth in his chart.
He’s definitely an ENFJ, end of story.
Loves RnB.
Had two kids, but it wasn’t planned. His girlfriend who had the kids forced Jesse to deal with them and left him in the dark. He had to leave art school because he worked full time and had to take care of the kids at the same time. He still loves them to bits.
He was scouted by numerous modeling agency for his tall, blonde and handsome appearance. But he didn’t listen to any of them until Robaire was on the street asking people to audition to join his band, and he seemed quite intrigued by him, so he signed up. Jesse already had an amazing singing voice and Robaire immediately accepted Jesse into the band!
Fans know he has two kids, and they know the whole story of what happened. They didn’t bash him for having kids because he told them early on in the band.
Jesse is 22 years old, he is the oldest out of all the members. Most people expected him to be around 25 but he’s a lot younger. He’s known as the dad of the band.
He gets a long really well with Tae Young and they often hang out to go museums and sanctuaries/zoos.
Jesse was born in Düsseldorf, Germany, but moved to Chicago when he was 12 years old. He’s got a small accent but it’s barely noticeable.
He gives off Sagittarius vibes, I feel like he just has that energy. The part of the movie where he kissed his hand it’s just RADIATES sag vibes.
He’s probably an Estp no shit
🍄Tae Young🍄
Tae Young was born in Busan, South Korea, he learned English at home and with help of special tutors, because at the time K-POP was rising, but he felt they didn’t treat the idols properly, and he aspired to become big in the west, so he decided to become fluent in English.
Tae young is the youngest, he’s around 16 or 17 years old, and he’s the cutest of the group. He might be the cutest to outsiders, but he’s not all that innocent.
He was searching everywhere for auditions to bands or entertainment agency’s, when he stumbled upon Robaire’s flyer online, so he immediately signed up to it. When he went to audition, his angelic voice and dance moves amazed Robaire and he was casted into the group. At first he had to compete in a round with 5 other contestants but he was the one who had the most skill out of all of them.
One day he was visiting Yellowstone National park, and he fell in love with the wildlife and the birds, so his parents let him get a pet bird. He absolutely adored his bird and volunteered in an animal rescue shelter helping the wildlife.
He radiates cancer energy end of story.
Tae is definitely an INFP, there is no other explanation lmao
🌤Aaron T🌤
Aaron T is 17/18 years old
He’s Brazilian, but moved to Australia at the age of 1 when his parents got new jobs. I can see him moving to Sydney first and then Melbourne when his parents jobs switched cities. He was quite a light skinned boy compared to his parents but he became extremely interested in surfing and skateboarding, so he spent the 90s outside in the harsh Australian sun, so he eventually became olive because of the amount of time he spent outside.
In primary school, there was a local dance centre in Melbourne near his school, so he signed up to it and learned how to dance and sing, which really aided him in his career. He became really interested in singing and rapping, and began practising every day in his room.
He was always a bright, outgoing boy. Even though some people didn’t like him, he still kept positive. People at school liked him a lot, and was chill with him. He mostly had friends who he met at the skate park at st Kilda, one of the few areas that became available in Melbourne for skating.
He speaks Portuguese at home and has a moderate Aussie accent.
Unfortunately one day when he was 16 his parents informed him they had to move to the U.S.A because they found new jobs, which upset him because he grew up in completely different environment than the U.S. he had to accept it eventually.
When he was surfing the web, he saw Robaire’s flyer of his band audition, so when his family was visiting the city it was in, he secretly went and auditioned and got in!
Radiates Aquarius or Gemini energy.
He’s definitely an ENFP or ESFP
🌙Aaron Z🌙
He’s 19 years old
Aaron Z was born in New Orleans and then moved to New York when he was 4 years old because his parents wanted him to grow up there.
When he was in high school, he fell in love with the NBA, and it became his main interest to become a professional basket baller. But one day, his parents encouraged him to sign up to a theatre program at school, and he found he has a talent for singing. Fun fact, the first time he sang, people were expecting nothing much since he was a little bit of a loner when he was younger, but he blew them away with an angelic voice.
He was a very shy boy in school, but since he was on the basketball team, a lot of girls liked him for his stoic attitude. They found him mysterious and like him for that.
He's definitely a virgo or taurus. radiates ISTP vibes for the stoicness
When he was walking through the hallway one day, he heard some classmates talking about a person holding a singing competition to audition in a band, and he stopped and asked them who was holding it. They told him his name was Robaire and he was finding people to become members of his band. Aaron Z immediately signed up to the audition, and when he got there he got along well with Robaire at the very start. He gave Robaire an amazing performance and Robaire was blown away, he knew Aaron Z was the right one for the band.
Next is 4*town x reader camping trip
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4t0wn · 1 year
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loves1ckgirl · 2 years
—4*Town Headcanons
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Headcanons about 4*town's relationships and just general headcanons about them and their life
Just so y'all know that i'm not all that great at this stuff lol.
Aaron T & Aaron Z are referred aqs T & Z and Taeyoung is referred as Tae for some parts
This is a long post
I will post Aaron T, and Taeyoung in part 2 because i've been making this post for way too long and if i don't post this now i will never do T and Tae loll
4*town General
The group first debuted in 1998 butt they only really started getting super popular 1999-2000
Any time they're all in a room it's just chaos
buttt Z usually ends up calming them down solely bc he give off a “I’m not mad just disappointed “ look
even though Robiare is the leader and Jessie is the oldest (and has kids)
they're all super close but even though they all are the most often pairs you see on camera and in general (sometimes lol)
T & Z
Robaire & Jessie
Taeyoung & Jessie
Taeyoung & T
the fans see them as great pairs so they stick together often
also, Robiare is often seen interacting with the other members
But he's often alone to take care of some work regarding the group and music
(that doesn't mean he isn't a great leader it's just that he stays back to do certain things so the members can deal with fans and have some attention)
the popularity goes in tiers going from most to least
Robaire (he's the cool attractive romantic leader)
Taeyoung ( the adorable youngest who can fill all of your needs for cuteness)
Jessie ( the artistic hot dude with kids)
T (he's funny & active but still leagues less popular than Jessie)
Z ( People think he's too quiet and a bit rude bc he has an RBF but he's pretty sweet when you meet him& actually talk)
Somehow despite T & Z being the least popular in terms of fans that go to specifically meet them they always get popular for short bursts before it tones down drastically
Robraire Tae & Jessie have a steady diehard fanbase for the most part
When they eventually disband they all stay close to each other and interact and babysit each other's kids often. (If they have any)
Most fans of T & Z are older then fans of Robaire, Jesse, and tae
Mostly because the Aaron’s dont have those basic personality traits that people can fall in love with
And that’s not top say the rest don’t have complex personalities its just not represented by the company
Those simple main personality traits are what made them so popular compared to T&Z
Tae was the first to join the group
Then robaire
Jesse was scouted bc he was in the area at the time
Then it was T & Z
And last it was robaire
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Canadian (is that canonical?? Idk feels cannon)
Has so much family in France tho so he ended up learning French bc of that (he also visited parts of Canada that had more people speaking french lol)
22 years old (during the movie)
Right handed
Sweetest dude anyone will ever meet
Very fast learner
Show him how to make a paper crane once n he can do it too
has multiple pairs of socks to wear and one to display
always gives at least one pair of socks for holidays/birthdays
saw someone say that he collected socks and now I'm inlove with the idea
Pretty extroverted but in the less loud type way
Surprisingly flirty
He will flirt with anyone who gives him a chance
Loves his family
Would love to have his own
Honestly, he just loves kids
He'd openly talk about wanting to adopt kids one day
But not because he wants to fulfill some need to have kids because he can or to fill some desire he has
Its because he wants to ensure those kids grow up in a good place
He'd be likely to adopt an older kid (since a lot of people who adopt only want the young children)
& he will 100% support the fostered/adopted kid to meet/ stay with their biological parents
He won't adopt or foster until the group inevitably dispands and he's probably in the middle to end of his solo career
Unless he stays home often/ has a partner to take care of the kids when he's gone
Lets Tae paint his nails
loves books & movies
His favorite genres are romance and historical fiction & nonfiction
He knows that he is the most popular member so he often stays behind so the rest can get more attention
People still notice that he does that and eventually, it just makes no difference because how whenever he leaves all the fans to only talk about is how humble and kind he is
Since Z often calms down the group when Z isn’t there he does it
He has super soft skin
But sometimes has messed up fingernails bc he bites them
He gets super stressed
Natural leader
Even though he joined last he didn’t over step but it was obvious he was meant for that kind of role
He LOVES wine for some reason
He says it makes him feel fancy
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Teen dad of twins
6 yrs old at the time the movie takes place
Met the mother of his kids back in their last year of high school
They went to prom together but currently are not together
But she always shows their kids little clips and videos of him performing
Very quiet
Freaks people out with it
Mostly because he’s also v cocky
The man knows he’s pretty and WILL use it against anyone with no hesitation
Surprisingly goofy
Like since he has a lot of responsibilities,, but he’ll goof off every chance he gets
24 years old (during the movie)
I would put a nationality but I literally cannot attach one to him?? Idk why
Token old guy of the group (even if he’s only a 2 years older than Z)
Was originally the leader until robaire fit into the role perfectly
He will bring up his kids any chance he gets
You said you like pb&j sandwiches??
This dude will talk about how one kid hates it while the other couldn’t live without it
Allergic to grass
Deceptively strong like it looks like he has little muscle but he has plenty
A bit of a crybaby ??
Mention something slightly sad and he is holding back tears
When his kids were newborns whenever they cried he teared up and has to quickly try to get them to stop
You would think Tae would be crying during the movie but the moment he sees an actor crying/mourning over something the tears r spilling out
and if he doesn't that shows the actor cant portray a sad person at all
like draw some tears on a bag of chips and he's crying
calls his kids every day when the band is on tour
right after the pandapacolypse he called his kids and asked if THEY were okay for some reason??
as if he wasn't hanging in the air far away from the ground
The press didn't know about his kids for a while
until he slipped up and when someone asked what he does to relax
he said, " I like sitting down and drawing, especially if I get to draw with my kids."
the moment he said kids his eyes shot open
people said he looked like a fish outta water
it's a running joke that it was the only time he wasn't pretty
he was demonized for a while and did get a lot of hate for having a kid so young
but eventually, the pressure evened out
Most parents don't like him because of his kids
he talks about teen pregnancy a lot and tells kids not to be scared if they do Something like that
n makes sure that kids are aware and do it safely
(bc we all know their gonna do it anyway lol)
butt we all know how some parents are
so he got some more hate for doing what he did
but yk as all scandals it evened out once again
He was originally just going to open up a shop that sells & teaches pottery classes
but one of his high school friends just asked him to come to an audition with him (yes it was for 4town)
n the people were just like "this kid is beautiful"
they asked if he could sing and dance
he did it as a hobby for a while and he ended up getting in
sadly his friend did not
When he drinks he Only drinks beer
Aaron Z
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Second oldest at 22
Blasian, specifically Vietnamese
He was born only 3 months before Robaire
Terrified of bugs
If he sees one he’s running, he doesn’t care how small it is
The only reason the members found out was because Tae saw a cockroach and called that shit cute And tried to show Z
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It’s a very accurate depiction
Has a major RBF
Fatherly sneezes
Like the type of loud sneeze that you can only make if your a dad
super sweet
Pretends he isn't though
Very introverted
Joined because he was bored
He and a group of friends are bored one summer and said, “let’s join a boy band”
He thought it was a dumb thing idea but agreed anyway
Z told the company to market him as a stone-cold bad boy who secretly has a heart of gold, but he gave up on that quickly
He didn’t have the energy to keep up with that persona for long
He then was like "oh is that why they chose personas that we basically their personality"
But yk amplified
Very, VERY confident
Was only kinda friends with T during High school Bc Z was friends with T’s cousin who T was around a lot
They became closer during practice and as they got older
HATES alcohol
He says it makes him feel really sick
Like the moment it gets in his vicinity, he’s grossed out
It’s also partly because he can’t handle alcohol
Pretends he isn’t tho
Slightly embarrassed about the fact he can’t handle alcohol
(This is kinda short tbh)your
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