#Takahashi Yuichi
random-brushstrokes · 8 months
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Takahashi Yuichi - Cherry Blossoms by the Sumida River (1874)
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venustapolis · 18 days
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Cormorant Fishing on the Nagara River (Takahashi Yuichi, 1891)
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arbitrarygreay · 1 year
I continue to stick with Jpop over Kpop because the music. Kpop isn't incapable of doing cute songs sincerely, but I think there is actually an appreciation for the straightforwardly cute song in Jpop that you just can't get anywhere else. And, I mean that in the quality of the songwriting. You can get some solid straightforward cute pop outside of the mainstream even in the US, but they're always underlined by a more overt retro styling. This is what Kpop tends to do with their cute songs, too. In other words, when you have a cute pop song in non-Jpop, you can always name what music genre it actually belongs to. But Jpop is like more progressing in an orthogonal direction from everyone else in what a modern cute pop song sounds like. Most cute songs there, you can't describe as anything but "pop". So, you can get someone like Inaba, who obviously values her own vocal and dance skills, but at the end of the day, she went out with just plain good music that is cute. Pulling off cute for the graduation (and making it look easy!), without compromising their maturity, is the highest testament to their ability. But it only works because the song itself has inherent quality, such that one can perform it in a mature way and the cuteness is still apparent (or vice versa!). (For potential link rot purposes, this is a side-by-side of Moshimo at Momograd and Manakangrad.)
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slag0000 · 1 year
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9月9日のライブが先に決まってましたが、8月も決まりました。ついでにバンド名も”Oatmeal Resistance”と決まりました。特に意味はないですが、ここ数日���わりと真面目に「適当な」名前を考えました。という訳で、バンド名がついて最初のライブは、多摩楽の皆さんの変則メンバーでの多摩楽空中庭園が対バンになります。楽しみです。 ※対バンは、ベースの左方慎一さんが出演可能になったそうで、フルメンバー「多摩楽」となりました。 ●2023-08-02(wed) 阿佐ヶ谷 天 “TEN JAM” act: Oatmeal Resistance YASU EY(voice) naco(electronics) 高橋直康(electric bass) 山田邦喜(drums) 多摩楽 小日山拓也(daxophone) 鎌田雄一(ts) 木下徹(g) 三善出(g) 木下きのこ浩美(key) 左方慎一(b) 難波博充(dr) open 19:00 / start 19:30 charge 2000yen(+order)
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vivid-pink10 · 5 months
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Do you like 'Yu-Gi-Oh!'? 😚
*I pick it up number16 this time.
a tribute to the memory of the late Mr. Kazuki Takahashi by Yuichi Ikusawa (Ikuzawa) below. ⤵️
He sang and composed one of the theme songs (OP/ED) in the Yu-Gi-Oh!
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Triage grave names
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All of these are written in Milgram text so I can translate like the nerd I am
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japaneseaesthetics · 1 year
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Moonlit Night in Nakasu by Takahashi Yuichi, 1878
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tigerandbunnyftw · 1 year
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The details for the rest of the upcoming Japanese Blu-Ray release of TIGER & BUNNY 2 have been revealed over on the official website. All Blu-ray volumes will include English subtitles for the episodes - details of each volume include:
Blu-ray Volume 5 – episodes 14 – 16 – release date: 26th April 2023
Audio Drama #5 "Who is the Quiz King? Contents: The Fire Sky and Origami Rock buddy pairings appear on a buddy quiz show. Which buddy pairing will be crowned the King of Quizzes?
Extras include:
- Simultaneous cast watch party episodes 14 – 15 – hosted by Hiroaki Hirata and Masakazu Morita, with guest(s); Nobunaga Shimazaki. - WILD TIGER Special Birthday Party 2022.8.14 - Featuring: Hiroaki Hirata, Kenji Tominaga (Wild Tiger suit actor) Masakazu Morita, Hikaru Takahashi (Sky High suit actor) - Special booklet (16 pages)
Blu-ray Volume 6 – episodes 17 – 19 – release date: 26th May 2023
Audio Drama #6 “Rookie Hero Remote Meeting” Contents: With the spread of the rumoured "X," an infectious disease that causes the NEXT ability to go out of control, the new heroes and Dragon Kid hold a remote meeting hosted by Subaru.
Extras include:
- Simultaneous cast watch party episodes 17 – 19 – hosted by Hiroaki Hirata and Masakazu Morita, with guest(s); Inoue Gou, Mariya Ise, Yuichi Nakamura. - Barnaby Special Birthday Party 2022.10.30 - Featuring: Hiroaki Hirata, Kenta Nitta (Barnaby suit actor) Masakazu Morita, Hikaru Takahashi (Sky High suit actor) - Special booklet (16 pages)
Blu-ray Volume 7 – episodes 20 – 22 – release date: 28th June 2023
Audio Drama #7 “Hero's Love Course” Contents: In the break room of the training centre, Keith is struggling with how to approach a woman he is interested in. Karina and Ryan, who are curious about Keith's love story, give him some love advice.
Extras include:
-Simultaneous cast watch party episodes 20 – 22 – hosted by Hiroaki Hirata and Masakazu Morita, with guest(s); Inoue Gou, Yoshihiro Ike. - TIGER & BUNNY 2 Special Jet: Unveiling at STARFLYER - Digest video - Special booklet (16 pages)
Blu-ray Volume 8 – episodes 23 – 25 – release date: 28th July 2023
Audio Drama #8 “Noisy People of Sternbild” This involves all the heroes – details of the plot to be revealed at a later date.
Extras include:
- Simultaneous cast watch party episodes 23 – 25 – hosted by Hiroaki Hirata and Masakazu Morita, with guest(s); Minako Kotobuki, Yusa Koji and production staff; Nishida Masafumi, Mitsuko Kase and Masakazu Katsura - Special booklet (16 pages)
Source: TIGER & BUNNY website
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15 January:
Good morning, everyone.
Hey, listen.
I was driving down the road and there were a lot of people around.
I found someone i was close to within seconds.
Is that possible? We were both laughing so hard.
I couldn't help but take a picture of him, lol.
(I'm asking if i can use the picture now, but haven't heard back yet).
Our eyes met in the hustle and bustle of Tokyo and it was a blast of a love affair.
The reality is this.
16 January:
Good morning, everyone.
It's a shame that Katsumi Takahashi's picture alone has racked up over 13 million views lol.
What, wait a minute? It's cold. Outside.
I was driving so hard i started screaming.
The world is a little different now.(repost of Yuichi Nakamaru's tweet).
17 January:
Good morning, everyone.
I had to open this because i wanted to write something.
I forgot what i was going to write. Scary.
Checking emails, answering emails and taking a little time to myself.
18 January:
Good morning, everyone.
Oops, oops, i didn't ask you to compose like that.
I think a photo of me was posted by Kikuchi Fuma, on his instagram page.
19 January:
Good morning everyone.
Fuma. I get it.
It was a huge success
I'm really hilarious!
I heard you say it a little awkwardly, lol.
I'm glad you liked it, right?
(Don't get mad already!)
I'm getting drunk.
Good night.
20 January:
"Actually, i was already with Ninomiya-san. Good.
Have they given me a lift before? I listened to him,
"I used to be a lorry driver and drove Arashi sets all over Japan!"
Surprise. Surprise.
I've travelled before, even if it was there!
I thought it would be about the same, lol.
But why are you a taxi driver now, i asked.
When i got out, he said: "Please let me drive you again!
Hearing that made me feel good.
[Breaking News.
Shunsuke Kazama-pon seems to have thawed out.
21 January:
Good morning, everyone.
Well, i slept in, i slept in.
If you have time, please watch it!
By the way, i came here for no reason, lol.
22 January:
Good morning everyone.
I thought i was being watched, and when i looked back, it was me.
Thank you very much for being by our side and following us closely after the interview.
And as of today, i'm joining Sport Hochi.
We will publish it within three days.
Thank you for your help!
I'm being watched again...
I thought i was looking in a completely different direction.
23 January:
Good morning, everyone.
However, being on the front page two days in a row is something that will never happen, no matter how bad life gets.
I can only express. Only my gratitude.
24 January:
Good morning everyone.
I have never experienced anything like this before.
In January, Ninomiya realised once again that he was living thanks to the help of many people
Of course, this has always been the case. This is the environment in which I work and yet keep in touch with many people.
I am very grateful for such an environment.
(No, i can't wait to find a manager).
25 January:
Good morning, everyone.
We are very happy to announce that #Yoninojourney #1 is now in the fastest growing ranking!
Thank you to all of you!
Thank you all so much!
26 January:
Good morning, everyone.
27 January:
Good morning everyone.
I feel like Kazama-pon and feel like Roland at the same time.(repost of Kazama Shunsuke's tweet).
I realised when i was told about it.
I thought i had done it.
I wasn't following you.
28 January:
Good morning everyone.(2 times).
Thanks to all of you, we can play again!
Thank you!
In the end, Nakai Masahiro is the best.
29 January:
Good morning, everyone.
30 January:
Good morning everyone.
It's been so long...
It's so fast. In the blink of an eye.
I'm about to get the letter packet out.
I feel like i'm living a normal life when everyone tells me they're going to send me a packet of letters and asks me to go lol.
Yes. It was a date.
31 January:
Good morning everyone.
Is this happening?
I thought that only in my next life would i be able to do a regular show with Nakai-san.
Thank you all!
Please support us in our desperate endeavour not to be left behind! LOL!
Why can someone from Nakai immediately follow him?
Why can't Kazama Pon do that?
1 February:
Good morning everyone.
Today's Asobo location with Nino.
2 February:
Good morning everyone.
The person who can finish preparing the evening meal in the morning.
3 February:
Good morning everyone.
4 February:
Good morning everyone.
So it's only my friends here.
I'm a little nervous, but I'm laughing.
There's a reason the "Yonino" video will be released at 5pm today, so you can already enjoy it!
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tnbscans · 6 months
Tags Part 2
For more tags please see here and here
By Seiyuu: Hiroaki Hirata Masakazu Morita Yuichi Nakamura Minako Kotobuki Kenjiro Tsuda Go Inoue Mariya Ise Nobuhiko Okamoto Taiten Kusunoki Koji Yusa Tomori Kusunoki Nobunaga Shimazaki Shoya Chiba Rina Hidaka Katsuhisa Houki Hiroshi Iwasaki Yuuko Kaida Shinichiro Oota
By Staff: Yoshihiro Ike Tokio Inoue Osamu Kaneda Atsuko Kase Masakazu Katsura Ruriko Kojima Chinatsu Matsui Taisuke Morisaki Masafumi Nishida Masayuki Ozaki Mizuki Sakakibara Keiichi Sato Tomohiro Suzuki Yuuya Takahashi Kazuhiko Tamura Hiroshi Ueda Yoshitomo Yonetani
By Singer/Band: Novels Aoubozu Rihwa Tamaki Unison Square Garden
By Year: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Unknown Year
By Event: Characro Hero Awards Hero TV Jack MBS Anime Fes Namjatown Precious Eve Radio Show Sunrise Fesitval The Rising Super Prelude The Sound of Tiger & Bunny The Sound of Tiger & Bunny 2016 The World of Tiger & Bunny Tiger & Bunny The Live
By Game: Mobage Hero's Day My Private Hero On-Air Jack Pachislot PSP Road of Hero V Residence Video Game
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random-brushstrokes · 4 months
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Takahashi Yuichi - The Coast (1873-76)
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dorothydalmati1 · 7 months
Urusei Yatsura 2022 Season 1 Episode 22: Big Bottle, Little Bottle/When Love Strikes
Written by Yuta Suzuki
Directed by Yuichi Nakazawa
Big Bottle, Little Bottle:
Storyboard by Koichi Chigira
Animation directed by Yuka Harada, Tenkai, GRAND Guerrilla, Majin Bro & Roccia Nobili
When Love Strikes:
Storyboard by Hideya Takahashi
Animation directed by Kazayuki Ikai, Madoka Okazaki, Mami Takaishi, Mahmoud Moftah, Cyrus & Minoru Esaki
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arbitrarygreay · 1 year
What really stands out to me about this is how the wota sing-along sections are completely not matching the arrangement? I was listening to the full song, and it kept surprising me when I would hit those lines and had zero support from the song itself. Which means that live performances of this have quite a different energy to them in some ways. (Obligatory "Yuichi is GOAT")
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nymphilily · 1 year
IDOLiSH7 x Transformers Seiyuu
I am mentally ill
Every single Seiyuu from the Joseimuke game IDOLiSH7 (as collected by the IDOLiSH7 Wiki), and whether or not they voice a character in the Transformers Franchise; human and crossover characters included
Any characters that are not animated as of the ending of IDOLiSH7 Third Beat are listed in the SPOILER CHARACTER section. Please tread with caution
IDOLiSH7 Toshiki Masuda (Izumi Iori) - NULL Yusuke Shirai (Nikaido Yamato) - NULL Tsubasa Yonaga (Izumi Mitsuki) NULL KENN (Yotsuba Tamaki) - NULL Atsushi Abe (Osaka Sogo) - NULL Takuya Eguchi (Rokuya Nagi) - NULL Kensho Onō (Nanase Riku) - Hot Rod (Q-Transformers)
TRIGGER Wataru Hatano (Yaotome Gaku) - Optimus Prime (Robotmasters) Sōma Saitō (Kujo Tenn) - NULL Satō Takuya (Tsunashi Ryunosuke) - Hot Rod (Cyberverse)
RE:VALE Sōichirō Hoshi (Momo) - Tracks (Q-Transformers) - Yukimura Sanada (Sengoku BASARA/Q-Transformers) Shinnosuke Tachibana (Yuki) - NULL
ŹOOĻ Yūya Hirose (Isumi Haruka) - NULL Subaru Kimura (Inumaru Touma) - NULL Kōtarō Nishiyama (Natsume Minami) - NULL Takashi Kondō (Mido Torao) - NULL
AGENCY STAFF Satomi Satō (Takanashi Tsumugi) - NULL Kazuyuki Okitsu (Oogami Banri) - Smokescreen (Prime) - S.S. (Prime) - Kenzan (Go!) - Scrapface (War for Cybertron Trilogy) Susumu Chiba (Takanashi Otoharu) - Jetfire (Armada) - Wheeljack (Armada) - Sideways (Cybertron) Katsuyuki Konishi (Yaotome Sosuke) - Optimus Prime (Superlink) - Cliffjumper (Energon) - Angry Archer (Animated) - Spike Witwicky (Animated) Yoshihisa Kawahara (Anesagi Kaoru) - Farnum (RID15) Makoto Furukawa (Okazaki Rinto) - NULL Hiroki Takahashi (Tsukumo Ryo) - Starscream/Hellscream (Beast Wars II) - Mantis (Beast Wars II) - Autolauncher (Beast Wars II) - Optimus Prime (Animated)
FAMILY MEMBERS Rina Hidaka (Kujo Aya) - NULL Fumihiko Tachiki (Chiba Shizuo) - Cyclonus (Rebirth) - Silverbolt (Rebirth) - Spasma (Rebirth) - Meltdown (Animated) - Dino (Dark of the Moon) - Megatronus (RID15) Rikiya Koyama (Osaka Soshi) - NULL Kenjirō Tsuda (Kujo Takamasa) - Thundercracker (Q-Transformers) Chiwa Saito (Sunohara Ruri) - NULL
OTHERS Wataru Takagi (Mr. Shimooka) - Cheetor (Beast Wars, Beast Wars Returns, Cyberverse) - Generation 1 Megatron (Beast Wars) - Glen Whitmann (Transformers) - Jetstorm (Animated) - Safeguard (Animated) - Jazz (RID15) Junichi Yanagita (Hyūga Akihito) - NULL Ryota Takeuchi (Douglass Rootbank) - NULL Tomokazu Seki (Sakura Haruki) - Skids (Revenge of the Fallen) Hirofumi Nojima (Thorvlad) - NULL
SPOILER CHARACTERS Takahiro Sakurai (Utsugi Shiro) - Sideways (Armada) - Blurr (Animated) - Vince (Prime) Yuichi Nakamura (Okazaki Rintaro) - Lambor (Q-Transformers) - Sunstreaker (Q-Transformers) - Steeljaw (RID15) Kaori Nazuka (Takanashi Musubi) - NULL Shin-ichiro Miki (Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir) - Inferno (Beast Wars) - Sentinel (ep18 only) (Beast Wars) Kenichi Suzumura (Bernard Kenneth) - NULL Yasuyo Tomita (Haruka’s Grandmother) - NULL Ryota Osaka (Tanigawa Mon) - NULL Kazuhiro Nakaya (Producer Matsunaga) - NULL Mai Fuchigami (Hanamaki Sumire) - NULL Shugo Nakamura (Tsunashi Sotaro) - NULL SOUNGDOK (Oda Hiroto) - NULL Shoya Ishige (Matsunaga Taro) - NULL
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skyesilva24 · 1 year
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made some concept designs of some of my OCs, though, Libby's is more or less final. The others are subject to change... (:3」∠) (some facts/info about them under the cut if you're curious)
Libitina "Libby" - she's a Dark Fae, more specifically of raven descent - her VA would be Takahashi Rie - she would have a British accent/she would be British - she has a bubbly personality, yet gives off an unpredictable air - she stands at 158cm (5'2"); she appears to be in her early 20's Quote: "Would you like to be friends?"
Dr. Sullivan - human?? 👁️👁️ - his VA would be Naoya Uchida (Madara Uchiha) - he's a renowned doctor/surgeon at his workplace (tba) - if I had to give him a nationality, he would be German - he stands at 190cm (6'3"); he appears to be in his mid-40's Quote: "Worry not, dear. You can trust my expertise. After all, I've studied in the field for quite some time~."
Moriarty - his VA would be Yuichi Nakamura - has a knack for business, being in charge of matters such as performing deals and contracts - due to his charismatic nature, he's also in-charge of public relations - he gets bored easily, so he ends up in some form of mischief with Enyo, dragging along Nox much to the latter's chagrin - he stands at 172cm (5'8"); he's in his mid-20's Quote: "Sighs... How dull. Hey, Nox~! Let's get outta here! I know a fine restaurant nearby! Enyo's also tagging along!"
Nox (Fenrir Form) - in his Fenrir form, his VA would be Ryota Takeuchi (Elias Ainsworth from Ancient Magus Bride) - in this state, he stands at 208cm (6'10") - a master at forging weapons, he's often found in the forgery, crafting weapons he could use or wants the others to use - for personal reasons, he'd rather be in his Fenrir form than his human form - as stated by Moriarty himself, Nox's human form is "quite the catch" that the former was willing to date the latter Quote: "You... wish to see... my 'human form'? ...... I'd rather not, thank you."
Moros - he is a skilled strategist - his VA would be Nojima Kenji - he speaks only when it's necessary; when he does, however, he can be quite blunt... and confusing at times - he, and by extension Anpu, would be Dutch - he and Anpu are inseparable - he stands at 165cm (5'5") Quote: "Once the enemy is put under enough turmoil, cracks in their defenses are bound to appear -- a moment of weakness, hahah."
Anpu - they only respond to Moros's orders/requests - they are very protective of him - if you managed to gain Anpu's respect, they will respond to your requests (to an extent) - their VA would be Mayumi Asano (Haku from Naruto) - they are proficient in the polearm, having two bo staffs strapped onto their back - they stand at 175cm (5'9") Quote: "Young master Moros is why I exist. And, I... I am his weapon."
Ombra - she is a skilled huntress and marksman - her main weapon of use is a hunting rifle that she keeps hidden under her cloak - her VA would be Chika Anzai (Sakura Nanamine from TBHK) - she is always seen with a stoic expression - no one can really get close to her, intimidated by her aura - she stands at 152cm (5'0") Quote: "I never miss my target."
Phyn - a rabbit beastman - one of the few people who can easily approach Ombra - he is always found sleeping on a fluffy cloud; at all costs, DO NOT WAKE HIM UP - despite constantly sleeping, he is skilled at Reconnaissance - no one knows how, but he manages to get from point A to point B in a matter of seconds - his VA would be Kenichi Suzumura (Utakata from Naruto: Shippuden) - he stands at 171cm (5'7") Quote: "You pulled an all-nighter again, didn't you? Ahh..... Here. I made some space for you on my cloud."
Dr. Nightingale - she's always found in the library with her nose in a book - her VA would be Atsuko Tanaka (Konan from Naruto Shippuden) - she has a tendency to associate/name others based on various flora -- e.i. she often calls Libby "Kiku" meaning Chrysanthemum in Japanese - she is usually seen wearing a plague doctor mask - she usually speaks in a calm manner, but when riled up, she slips into a Scottish accent - she stands at 180cm (5'10") Quote: "Daffodil, dear, can you-- For crying out loud, MAGNUS!!!"
Enyo - she is "the life of the party", Moriarty as her partner-in-crime - she loves the thrill of battle, brandishing her katanas and sporting a wide toothy grin - she has a fierce temper, often ending up in fights (with Nox) - her VA would be Ami Koshimizu - she stands at 175cm (5'9"), but in her heels, she's 182cm (6'0") Quote: "Morti and me are goin' for drinks. Wanna join in~?"
Aeron - honestly, they're an enigma to everyone (even me :")) - Skye) - scarily quiet when approaching others, Moriarty and Enyo being their main victims -- they don't do it on purpose, I swear ;=; - they maneuver/navigate by using cloth wrappings as their "extra limbs" -- kinda like Doc Ock from Spider-man (つ´∀`)つ - their VA would be Maaya Sakamoto (Ciel Phantomhive) - they stand at 167cm (5'6") Quote: "...If you need help in dealing with noisy pests... inform me. I'll take care of them."
This was fun to do (´∀`)I want to create more fun content with my OCs ahfkdlahjakg
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Star Wars Games Japanese Dub
I just watched a clip of a Japanese VTuber playing that moment in Fallen Order. You know, that moment where Darth Spoiler shows up to make Cal question his entire life.
(This is the link in case anyone’s interested: https://youtu.be/PdBqXDXZLHI )
And I started thinking, who might be good voices for SWTOR characters. If anyone has any fancasts, please let me know. (This is not a comprehensive list)
Player Characters:
1.      Male Knight Male: Toshiyuki Morikawa (Minato in Naruto, Isshin Kurosaki in Bleach, Kagaya Ubayashiki in Demon Slayer. Also, he’s the OFFICIAL dub-over artist for EWAN MCGREGGOR, so…)
2.      Female Knight: Marina Inoue (Momo Yaoyorozu in MHA, Armin in AoT, Yoko Littner in Guren Lagan)
3.      Female Warrior: Romi Park (Edward Elric in FMA and FMA:B, Toshiro Hitsugayain Bleach, Temari in Naruto, and Teresa in CLaymore)
4.      Male Warrior: Noriaki Sugiyama (Sasuke Uchiha in Naruto)
5.      Male Inquisitor: Toshihiko Seki (Muzan in Demon Slayer)
6.      Female Inquisitor: Yumi Hara (Albedo from Overlord)
7.      Male Consular: Ryotaro Okaiayu (Byakuya Kuchiki in Bleach, Kokushibo in Demon Slayer)
8.      Female Consular: Nana Mizuki (Hinata Hyuuga, Naruto)
9.      Female Smuggler: Rie Kugimiya (Alphonse Elric in FMA and FMA:B, Happy in Fairy Tail, Kagura from Gintama)
10.  Male Smuggler: Yuki Kaji (Sonic in Onepunch Man, Shoto Todoroki in MHA)
11.  Female Agent: Shizuka Ito (Irina Jelavic in Assassination Classroom, Byleth in Fire Emblem Three Houses)
12.  Male Agent: Kazuhiko Inoue (Kakashi in Naruto, Gildarts in Fariy Tail, and Yoriichi in Demon Slayer)
13.  Male Trooper: Katsuyuki Konishi (Laxus in Fairy Tail, Tengen Uzui from Demon Slayer)
14.  Female Trooper: Miyuki Sawashiro (Daki from Demon Slayer, Minfilia from FF14)
15.  Male Hunter: Hiroki Yasumoto (Sado Yasutora from Bleach, Elfman Strauss in Fairy Tail)
16.  Female Hunter: Atsuko Tanaka (Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell, Konan in Naruto, Merlwybb Bloefhiswyn in FF14)
1.      Satele Shan: Miyuki Sawashiro (Daki from Demon Slayer, Minfilia from FF14) (Why Miyuki again? If you know, you know!)
2.      Darth Malgus: Kenjiro Tsuda (Atomic Samurai in One Punch Man, Hans in Konosuba, Kishibe in Chainsaw Man)
3.      Lana Beniko: this was a tough one. I can’t decide between Yui Ishikawa (Violet Evergarden, Mikasa Ackerman in AoT) and Ai Kayano (Y’Shtola in FF14, and Darkness). I’m leaning towards the former, but I see way too many similarities between Y’Shtola and Lana to fully discard this one.
4.      Theron Shan: Yuichi Nakamura (Gray from Fairy Tail, Mumen Rider from Onepunch Man, Satoru Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen)
5.      Valkorion: Naoya Uchida (Madara Uchiha from Naruto)
6.      Darth Marr: Hochu Otsuka (Jiraiya from Naruto)
7.      Arcann and Thexan: Kenyu Horiuchi (Tobirama Senju and Tendo Pain from Naruto)
8.      Vaylin: Aoi Yuuki (Tanya in Saga of Tanya the Evil, Diane in Seven Deadly Sins, Kumoko in So I’m a Spider, and Krul Tepes in Seraph of the End)
9.      Senya: Masako Katsuki (Tsunade in Naruto)
10.  Kira Carsen: Rie Takahashi (Megumin)
11.  Scourge: Akio Otsuka (All for One in MHA, Shunsui Kyoraku in Bleach, Gaius Baelsar in FF14)
12.  Vette: Kana Hanazawa (Kanroji Mitsuri in Demon Slayer, Mayuri Shiina in Steins;Gate aka “tuturu” girl)
13.  Jaesa Willsaan: Saori Hayami (Yor Forger from Spy x Family, Shinobu Kochou from Demon Slayer)
14.  Malavai Quinn: Jun Fukuyama (Korosensei in Assassination Classroom, Ban in Seven Deadly Sins, Joker in Persona 5, and Kazuma in Noragami)
15.  Pierce: Daisuke Ono (Sebastian in Black Butler)
16.  Torian Cadera: Masakazu Morita (Ichigo Kurosaki in Bleach, Whis in Dragonball Super) (Chosen for a very specific reason)
17.  Gault: Koji Yusa (Gin Ichimaru in Bleach)
18.  Aric Jorgan: Hideo Ishikawa (Itachi Uchiha in Naruto, Jushiro Ukitake in Bleach)
19.  Kaliyo Djannis: Fairouz Ai (Power in Chainsaw Man)
20.  Risha Drayen: Yoko Hikasa (Utahime in Jujutsu Kaisen, Angelina Shields in Irregular at Magic High)
21.  Akaavi Spar: Satsuki Yukino (Yoruichi Shihoin in Bleach)
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