#Tallmadge’s Tales
opalandwoof · 2 years
you forgot about someone
If you have read Nathan hale‘s hazardous tales one dead spy than you probably know about Stephen Hempstead. I really want to know more about him and I did a Google search but I’m not sure if the right person came up. In the book he was a cute cinnamon roll that was like Nathan Hale‘s sidekick. I can’t find anything about him on Tumblr so far. The point of all this really is…
I want to learn more about Stephen Hempstead and he needs more content!
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annastrxng · 2 years
Shocking Discoveries
@sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins​  (Hewlett) 
        Half gloved fingers ghost across the vellum cover of a book that had made it’s way around camp and then to her Sutler’s cart. Even the pretense of cleaning is an excellent distraction from the salacious, dirty glances men have been casting her the past few days. Why on earth she had merited such vulgar attentions, the brunette couldn’t say. She hadn’t done anything that differed remotely from the usual routine. Perhaps the rumors surrounding her love-life had revived? She turns her fleeting attentions to thumbing through a few pages.
With a dip of her maple orbs, she finds herself recoiling. Her inhaled breath lands more harshly than anticipated when she discovers a form. Not just any form, a scantily clad one who happened to bear remarkable resemblance to her. Worse. It was her.
JUDAS PRIEST!!! The wistful words snare in the undercurrent of her exhale. Her eyes briefly study the form only to seek out any hint of who the artist may be. There is little preventing her eyes from widening further still when she realizes just whose handiwork she was staring at.
Anna had heard tales that a British Major had been captured. That he was being kept somewhere in camp. However, she hadn’t fathomed that it would be him. But now, with this, his very sketch book in patriot camp, she couldn’t help but give this particular rumor some credence. How could his things be in camp, if he himself were not?
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Swallowing down sharply, Anna did what any rational woman would. She stuffed the lewd book under her cloak. After a conversation with Brewster, she affirmed the truth and ascertained Edmund’s location. Despite his and Tallmadge’s instance for her to keep her distance, she decided to pay him a visit.
Bribing the man’s guards was an easy task. For depraved men who wanted for so much, they were keen to accept her offer of antifogmatic, scraps of food, and fresh knit gloves. It was what little she could afford to spare given the dire circumstances of the colonial armies existence.
“Major?” She gasps, when her eyes finally settle upon him. Within seconds, her cloak is shed and draped over his shoulders. Her lips twist, wanting to speak but the shock of seeing him again prevents the words from bridging the gap between thought to spoken word.
At long last, she clears her throat. “Are--- are they treating you well?” Anna finally flatly decides to inquire. It was better than any accusation she had intended to lead with. 
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unyieldingvalxr · 2 years
A Swamp Kiss:
@honorhearted​ continued from x 
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      Sea-glass orbs gift Tallmadge a tell-tale twitch of indignation. Elsie is fairly certain she hadn’t asked for his enlightened approach nor his advice. She was doing just find without it. She ought to have quipped, ‘that no one invited him ta think,’ but she kept that very amusing commentary confined to the corridors of her own mind. 
Every flourished stroke of the blade against stone attempted to expel the ire pent up inside her slight build. One sweep for Gabriel, murdered by the King’s men without cause. The next is dedicated to the fact that she could do nothing to rescue him from his abysmal fate. One sweep is gifted for beloved Pond Bluff, which she may never see again. Another for the thorn in her side, a Major, with eyes of burning blue. She gets stuck on Tallmadge, and how infuriating it is to her that she feels so --- simple-minded around the likes of him. Another, more furious swipe, is delivered to brush away the sensation that Tallmadge is swindling her father’s affections and admiration right out from under the tread of her boots. 
His additional correction, however, causes her eyes to snap upwards. The focus is drawn off her task and fully levied upon his frame. The vehemence she felt spike at her heart is soon scorching it’s way through every vein. Her glower is deliberate, purposeful, and poised; unlike the commotion of her hands had undertaken moments prior. “Now see here---” she begins her halting, seething, speech. Under the influence of his touch, her words falter as if taking a deep dive off a thousand story cliff. In the hollows of her mouth, there is housed a fiery rebuttal. ‘If ya think ya could do better, prove it’. The challenge, however, does not bridge the curve of her lips. Instead, it sticks to the grooved roof and backs of her teeth instead. 
The thunderous tumult in Marion’s heart stilled. Hushed and quieted it begins to murmur things she wished it wouldn’t. Romantic intentions. Every nerve ending that had been consumed with broiling anger subsides, submerged in a new cooling water. “I... I think....” Elsie starts, sputtering and ambling more over her words than is characteristic of her. Startled orbs of sea-glass sweep over him with uncertainty radiating from their depths. Oh no. It’s worse than just contemplations. The pain in her chest amplifies. She knows it. She knows she ardently adores him. Her inhale sharpens, halting in the lungs, as he presses his lips to her’s. The tenderness of the gesture renders her so far off guard she might as well have been treading in foreign, uncharted territory. The grasp on the knife slackens. Her attention turns more fully to him. 
Her own returned kiss is hesitant, tainted with a softness she thought her own battle-weary bones had forgotten. She follows it with a gentle nuzzle of her nose to his wonderfully warm jawline. He is here and is blessedly is alive. 
The exhale that she prohibits trembles out between her teeth with the same force as her hands. “Perhaps ya...” Elsie starts, her voice barely audible under another hushed exhale. “Ya better show me ya technique.” It is an invitation. One she does not issue lightly. “Ma....maybe I .... I was ...” her voice softens yet another degree, “mistaken. I could learn a great deal from your experience.”
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wiedzmacienia · 10 months
You're a bit of a favorite with all those pompous, shiny officers. Would you rather get with a real man, or continue being Tallmadge's personal little bed warmer?
the sun was departing for the day, evening washing over the camp as the witch weaves her way through. had it not been for augustus she wouldn't have even ventured into the fray that day, her own multitude of agendas enough to keep her busy. yet, she had made the child a promise and she had vowed to keep it. she'd spent a few hours with him and going on his childish adventures, the boy's imagination vast and bringing warmth to her when he'd tell her all manner of tales he'd come up with. they'd stopped momentarily earlier when another of the general's circle had spoken to her briefly then gone about their day.
at least until she was informed his excellency had wanted to speak with her too. thus the witch had been forced to send auggie off on his way, directly to tallmadge's tent she'd told him though again he'd managed to secure from her a almost promise of at least reading to him before bed even if she couldn't stay though she had the strange feeling she was being manipulated by the boy's cleverness considering he always managed to fall asleep in such a way that prevented her from leaving.
still his eyes so innocent and warm win her over-- mostly-- and she tells him he must ask the major for permission first. she wasn't about to just invade his tent even if.. it seemed to happen more often than not be it reading to the child or her and tallmadge's own discussions on war efforts. she's positive once auggie gains such he'll come find her somehow even if he has to drag the major out into camp with him to do it. that boy is nothing if not determined to get his way when he wants something.
she's looking upon something on the horizon when she nearly runs into a man shortly after the meeting, his arms reaching out to steady her and lingering on her arms. she steps out of the hold immediately, eyes narrowing though she manages something of an apology. except when she makes a move to step around him and continue on her way he sidesteps her, again blocking her path and she has to take a calming breath. this isn't the first time this has happened in this camp though usually a quick turn down of them had been enough and she hadn't had to resort to more physical forms of refusal. she doesn't like the glint in this man's eye when she again attempts to step around him, managing to brush past him this time in annoyance. however, he reaches out for her waist this time and pulls her around to face him, entirely too close, making her entire body tense and prepare for a fight she really doesn't want to have. then he speaks and makes it so so much worse.
'you're a bit of a favorite with all those pompous, shiny officers. would you rather get with a real man, or continue being tallmadge's personal little bed warmer?'
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katarzyna steps back again though he does not seem willing to let go of her and she moves her own arms up and then brings them down on his arms to force him to. he's certainly not happy about it.
"i'd advise you to leave now before your ability to do so without injury is hindered." her tone is ice and bites out through her teeth. her mind is reeling. is this what everyone thought of her comings and goings in camp? that she was.. sure she had known some rumors could happen especially given the amount of time she spent not just with tallmadge but in the company of his son. but this man hadn't just mentioned tallmadge had he? somehow, she finds that more offensive than the notion she might be sharing a bed with the major, which, she was on occasion but in a completely innocent manner. if people thought she was involved with multiple officers in such a way than it explained why such situations as this were transpiring more often and while she might like to believe she doesn't care about what people think of her, the fact multiple people seemed to hold such a low opinion of her caused a scowl to cross her features.
'come now, surely if you're willing to do your pretty little favors for them you can for me--' he speaks again, an attempt to touch her face resulting in her immediate action. she sidesteps him before bringing her arm out and catching his, twisting hard and forcing him to kneel on the ground with his arm behind his back. he struggles but she has the advantage and her hold is firm, nails digging into his skin harshly. he's lucky she hasn't punched him yet. though it's still on the table.
katarzyna brings her face down close to his ear. "tallmadge is a hundred times the man you are. actually, i hardly think you a man at all. now run along back to your tent with your cock between your legs before i relieve you of it if you touch me one more time. or do try and i shall do the world a favor." she knows denying anything would do her no worth with a man such as this and she did not have to justify herself to anyone even if she was innocent of what had been presented her. but then, she speaks once more, deciding that perhaps it was not such a bad thing for some version of the rumors to persist. if people believed she was sleeping with the major they weren't questioning what they were actually discussing when not dealing with matters involving auggie.
"and to answer your colorful question, i'd much rather be benjamin's bed warmer then ever allow the likes of you to near me." she uses the major's name to drive it home, then brings her foot up to kick the man's back and force him forward into the dirt. "run along now little man." and he does, or starts to before some amount of anger seems to wash over him, turning him back toward her. now, she does punch him directly in the face with a crunch sound, sending him staggering backward until he falls unconscious. her own face scrunches up, her shaking her hand that is now cut up from using such force and hitting bone. "pierdolę!" she allows the polish curse to escape her lips, other hand coming to touch her injured hand and pulling it back when it stings.
oh, her and benjamin need to speak and she really doesn't want to have said conversation.
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macaron-n-cheese · 2 years
Also hehe my mom said Turn Tallmadge was cute and looked him up online.
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maintain-crusader · 3 years
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Amrev read these books they are amazing and funny as hell boys 
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76historylover · 2 years
hmmm....should i remake my story about my revolutionary war OC and how she meets ben and nathan, falling in love with the both of them and having to choose?
i literally had the *entire* plot done when i was a kid
i based it off of nathan hale's hazardous tales and my imagination
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msrandonstuff · 3 years
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ladytp · 4 years
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Turn Tales
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majorxbennyxboy · 6 years
no offense but Seth Numrich as Benjamin Tallmadge almost perfectly fits with historical descriptions of Nathan Hale and if not for that like ten second scene in s3 showing that TURN’s Nathan doesn’t look much like him one could totally imagine Ben and Nathan looking really similar and people occasionally mistaking one for the other
in s1, while Ben’s still a captain and before news of Hale’s death has widely spread, some unknowing person coming up to him, “Captain Hale!”
Robert Rogers double-taking a little bit because no way
Possibly a very brief consideration of a Ghost Of Nathan Hale ruse
or none of the above and just  like a one-off mention of the two of them looking alike and Ben being kind of #sad(TM) about it
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quillsink · 3 years
The Highlights of the Amrev & Founding Fathers Fandom
@vive-la-revolution judging the smexiness of their legs
The entire existence of @thomasjeffersonsassworm
The hunger games simulator with all the founding fathers
That post where the declaration of independence was written in a google doc and got an insane amount of notes
Everyone hates Alexander Hamilton. Even if you love him, you hate him. That’s just the way it is.
The ghosts of founding fathers haunting people (Laurens and Jefferson among others)
Photoshopping them into cursed pics @imgaybut get over here
Each founding father has AT LEAST one person who simps for them and the rest of the fandom think they’re crazy (eg @torivikachu simping for Hamilton)
They’re all in hell. All of them. None of them got to heaven.
No one likes Arnold. No one. Andre meanwhile is loved.
Turn: Washington’s Spies is inaccurate and weird as fuck but 99% of us love it and watch it anyways
The Hamilton Musical is the bane of our existence and a good 70% of the fandom would gladly go back in time to make sure the musical was never written
Half of the founding fathers were chaotic bisexuals no we do not question it
The entirety of 1776 the musical
Lams Fans TM not welcome only lams fans 
If you mention turtle and Laurens in the same sentence you can and will be banished from the fandom
Everyone knows who Steuben is. He’s the gay Prussian. Even if you’re not in the fandom you probably know this.
Everyone during amrev calling each other nicknames from Greek mythology or history like fucking nerds (I say, as I spend hours researching the revolution)
That My Immortal lams fic
All the amrev drunk history 
Haha James Madison smol 
Jefferson and Washington Tol
Hamilton smol
The founding fathers have kinks according to this cursed fandom (you all know what I’m talking about I don’t need to even name who it is)
Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales is underrated as fuck
Those AIs of the founding fathers which makes their faces move as they talk and is cursed as fuck
Jedams being enemies to friends to lovers to enemies to sort of friends to I don’t even fucking keep track any more okay
Did I mention the pantsless party well too fucking bad I’m doing it again 
Even if you’re a Loyalist you have to admit the British generals were chaos
The entirety of Clinthowe
Making fun of everyone for crushing on Andre even though you probably do it too
LOYALIST OR PATRIOT *readies bayonet*
The name John
The name Thomas
Washington being a dad
Lafayette is his son
Ben Tallmadge/OC supremacy
So. Many. Redheads. Send help.
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Turn Week 2021-Day 1
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Spy or Civilian?
Robert Townsend:
Robert Townsend was born on November 25, 1753, and was in many ways the black sheep of the family. Unlike his father and brothers, Robert had a much more bookish disposition and preferred to work quietly behind the scenes. Robert was barely 22 when the Battles of Lexington and Concord broke out. He was present in New York when the Continentals were in possession of the city in 1776, and later when it fell into British hands that same year. Whoever had claim over the city mattered little to Robert at this time. He continued with his usual business of running a dry-goods shop in lower Manhattan.
It wasn’t until autumn of 1778 that Robert would have a change of heart and desire to take action against the British. That year, Lieutenant Colonel John Simcoe decided to set up headquarters at Samuel Townsends-Roberts fathers-house in Oyster Bay. Simcoe ordered the destruction of his fathers orchard in order for the wood to be used in building forts and as fuel for the armies fires. Wood was also taken from churches and private structures for this same purpose. Under Simcoe, the town operated as if under martial law. When Robert visited his family in November of 1778, he was shocked to hear the tales of hardships and abuse they had endured from the British and Hessian soldiers. At the end of his visit, Robert returned to his shop in Manhattan, but was plagued by what he had seen. Robert wasn’t a fighting man, but longed for some way to help his family.
The chance to take action would arrive with the familiar face of Abraham Woodhull at the beginning of summer in 1779. Townsend had been acquainted with Woodhull before due to their shared Long Island roots. Because of this acquaintance and Roberts location, (along with family and ideological ties), Abraham believed him to be the perfect candidate for the rings man in the city. Abraham Woodhull would lay all the information of his spying business before Robert-all the risks, fright, and sleepless nights that it had brought him. After much consideration, Robert Townsend agreed to help the cause and join the ring. A “Senior” would now be added to Abraham Woodhulls alias, and Townsend would now be known as Samuel Culper Junior, Agent 723.
This is only the beginning of Robert Townsends story. His career as a spy would begin in that summer of 1779. Robert would also introduce a “lady of my acquaintance” to Woodhull in one of his letters, who would only be recorded as Agent 355, and she would become a vital part of the ring. The members of the ring all desired the utmost secrecy concerning their identities, but Robert and 355 especially. The code and method exercised by the ring made sure of that. In fact, the ring was so efficient in concealing it’s members identity’s that Robert Townsend was only identified as a member of the ring in 1929 upon the discovery and examination of letters written by him in the Townsend family home. While we have identified the other members of the ring (Townsend, James Rivington, Austin Roe, Abraham Woodhull, Caleb Brewster, and Benjamin Tallmadge), The identity of Agent 355 is still unknown to us today. Robert and 355 were key members of the Culper Spy Ring, and without them the ring wouldn’t have provided the much needed intelligence in New York. Because of this significance, I have to pin Robert Townsend as my favorite spy :)
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( Robert Rogers ; closed starter )
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      𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐰𝐨𝐤𝐞, 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤. Rarely was his hatchet ever dull, and if it was a swift throw didn’t diminish its damage. He took care of them as he would a pet or child, always making sure it was in the best shape and making it a habit to refine it to its highest quality.
       ❝ The lad’s finally awake, ❞ he greets, weapon still in hand as he peers down at the bound man, his canines showing through his attempt at a friendly grin. ❝ Didn’t take me long to find you. Would tell ya’ the tale but you’d hardly register a lick of it in that big, hollow head of yers. ❞
      No, this was not the Tallmadge lad he was looking for, but this Heathcliff person was close to him. In his observations and through his connections, he gathered a list of those precious to the Major. Heathcliff was one of few. Luckily, for the mercenary, he was able to locate him in his domain, whisk him off the country road and into the woodlands. Now, if he was to scream, no one would come for him. Maybe if he kept him here long enough, he could lull Ben out of his hiding place.
       ❝ Yer.. ❞ he scratched at his facial hair, trying to register the name outside of an alias. ❝ Heathcliff. Robert Rogers. ❞ His lips formed into another grin, acting as if this was an ordinary conversation between acquaintances and not for a capture and his captive. @sideburnsandmelancholy​​
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ladytp-annex · 3 years
Writer Ask Game
Aaaaw, thank you so much for tagging me, @culper-spymaster – these are so much fun! 😄 (And also sometimes hard… 😬) Now, let’s play… Rather than my ASOIAF writing, I am answering these with my Turn fics in mind (so far 3 posted, approx. 328.5 ideas and WIPs in my head… 😜).
Do you prefer writing description or dialogue? Why? I like both, but maybe leaning on a bit more towards description… Dialogue can be great but ultimately it can only convey so much– eventually something else has to happen to move the story along… Although saying that, it of course depends hugely on the style and setting of the story too: is it descriptive plot-driven tale, descriptive emotional moment-in-time or character-driven dialogue-leaning piece / canon compliant or canon-deviation AU / with canon-characters or with OCs, and so on… (Hmm, saying that, I probably also inadvertently revealed something about my usual writing preferences, leaning towards plot-driven or emotional moments within canon setting…😳).
I find dialogue writing in a fanfic demanding as it can take a lot of effort to learn the canon characters ‘voice’ – but once having internalised it, it can be lots of fun – and writing something purely with dialogue is a fun challenge!
Are there any songs that remind you of your character/s? The amazing @enchi-elm has inserted an ‘earworm’ into my head with ‘Heart Of A Dog’ by The Kills -– and it has stuck! 😝 That does remind me of my favourite character Caleb Brewster (although he is so much more than just a lovestruck loyal follower…). Then there is ‘Holding Out for a Hero’ for Benjamin Tallmadge – after making a fanvid of it, it is now permanently stuck in my mind! 😉
I am on the lookout for other songs too, though, as I would love to do some more music vids for Turn characters and settings - so if anyone has good suggestions, please hit me!
Speaking of music, do you write with or without it? I have music on practically all the time at home, whether I’m working or chilling, cooking or writing... Usually one of my favourite internet radio stations, varying from ancient music to classical to jazz to lounge to classic rock - but especially for writing, something calmer like ancient or classical. 
I tag @lucyemers, @starsarefire824, @niksnarration and @musicboxmemories with these same questions – go crazy, ladies! 🤗
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notnativenewyorker · 4 years
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A letter in which Benjamin Tallmadge does in fact gossip about the Ladies with Nathan Hale.
Benjamin Tallmadge to Nathan Hale, May 9th 1775
“I suppose you have heard before this that our good Girl Sally is in the midst of Courtship.  I am not about to tell Tales, but she has grown since I went away most surprisingly Buckish. What a Change this must make in her temper and natural disposition, You can judge for Yourself.  For my part I never took her to be a Lady calculated (?) for a Buck nor a Bear.”
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10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, no tags (sorry)
 Tagged by @enchi-elm!
AMC’s Turn - Robert Townsend (he's becoming a theme)
Black Sails - Madi <3
A Knight’s Tale - Geoffrey Chaucer (I recently rewatched this dumb movie and I love it a lot, ok?)
(dem in deinem Präzedenzfall etablierten Schlupfloch der Doppelnennung folgend:) AMC’s Turn - Benjamin Tallmadge (because I had to play favourites last time and he got snubbed)
Pirates of the Caribbean - James Norrigton
Godless - Mary Agnes
Thor: Ragnarok - Valkyrie
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Spider-Man Noir (we love a melodramatic-ass bitch)
Black Sails - I see your Jack Rackham and, because I recently saw a picture of him with strong modern!Rackham vibes, I raise you: Óscar Jaenada as Jack Rackham (nothing against Toby Schmitz - he is a fantastic Rackham)
Ok, you got the director’s commentary version on this. But look - I made it one further than last time (with only a little cheating)! As I don’t really know people on here (who uses social media to be social?), if you're reading this: Consider this an open invitation. This was mainly for you, anyway, Apfel^^
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