#Tanaaz Intuitive Astrologer
everyendeavor · 10 months
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Intuitive Astrology: Chiron Retrograde July – December 2023
by Tanaaz
Chiron stations retrograde in Aries on July 23, 2023, in the midst of some incredibly significant and intense cosmic energies.
The Lunar Nodes changing signs, the Cancer New Moon, the Sun moving into its home sign of Leo, and Venus Retrograde all happen just days before Chiron, the asteroid known as the wounded healer, journeys into retrograde.
All of this energy combined will intensify the healing work of Chiron, allowing some of our most painful heartbreaks to be channeled into something new.
Chiron will remain in retrograde until December 26, 2023, and by this point, we are likely to have experienced some deeper wisdom, compassion, and understanding from whatever our wounds were trying to teach us.
Let’s dive deeper into what Chiron’s energy is all about and what you can expect as it journeys retrograde in 2023 –
Chiron, the Wounded Healer
Chiron, the asteroid, is named after Chiron, the centaur, and the story of Chiron can help us to understand the energy it radiates.
The myth goes that Chiron was abandoned at birth and left to fend for itself. Chiron was unwanted and unloved, but it was through this painful wound of abandonment and difficult upbringing that he was able to rise up and turn his wounds into powerful portals of healing.
It was Chiron’s wounds that paved the way for his role as a powerful healer, teacher, psychic, and philosopher.
Chiron was able to take his wounds and allow them to guide him in a direction of power. Chiron knew his wounds would never leave him, but he allowed them to become portals of wisdom, compassion, and learning. This is why Chiron is referred to as the wounded healer.
We all possess the same powers as Chiron. Inside each and every one of us has the ability to take our wounds and pain points and turn them into a source of power. As the poet Rumi says- the wound is where the light enters you.
Chiron in our Cosmic Skies
Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus. The position of Chiron between Saturn and Uranus is significant to understanding the energy it brings.
Saturn is a very grounded, rooted energy, whereas Uranus is considered a planet of a higher vibration. Uranus’ energy can also bring about awakenings and the rise of kundalini energy.
Chiron can act as a bridge between these two states of being and is sometimes referred to as the Rainbow Bridge.
The Rainbow bridge signifies the link between one state of consciousness and the next, and this idea is further amplified if we look at Egyptian Astrology. In Egyptian Astrology, Chiron goes by another name- Anpu or Anubis, the god of the afterlife and lost souls. Many of the myths and legends used in Western Astrology can be traced back to Egyptian and Babylonian astrology, and Anubis can be seen as Chiron’s counterpart.
Just like Chiron, Anubis was abandoned as a child. It was through this painful upbringing that Anubis was able to rise up into the noble profession of the Guardian of the Underworld.
Anubis’s job was to welcome the newly dead to the underworld and guide them as they transitioned to the afterlife. 
It takes a special soul to be given such a position, and no doubt, it was Anubis’ own pain and suffering that allowed him to develop the compassion, discernment, and loyalty to walk souls through such a journey. As Chiron or Anubis travels retrograde, we can access our own wounds to reflect on how to use them as a source of power and healing.
This energy is not about obtaining a state of perfection through healing, rather it is about bringing acknowledgment and acceptance to our wounds in a way that allows us to access the wisdom they can bring.
Chiron Retrograde in Aries
Chiron doesn’t want us to heal because it will make us “better.” It wants us to learn how to source these wounds as powerful portals of wisdom, knowledge, and power. By extracting this information, we can step into a greater and fuller potential.
This level of healing work is about transcendence rather than trying to “fix” ourselves in order to be worthy. We are already worthy, regardless of the wounds that live within.
This energy is especially amplified, as Chiron is currently in the sign of Aries, the headstrong ram. 
With Chiron in Aries, we are even more supported to find the strength, confidence, and courage that can arise when we face our wounds and look at them not as pain points but as points of potential.
Chiron in Aries reminds us that it is far more beneficial to allow our wounds to inspire, motivate, and offer strength, rather than to think of them as something that slows us down or makes us inferior in any way.
Wounds are painful, and some wounds cut so deep that they never truly leave us, but this is ok. We don’t have to be a neatly wrapped package in order to lead the best life possible.  
We can use this retrograde energy not to sugar-coat our wounds, but to recognize that just like Chiron and Anubis, our suffering very often can lead us to the path of our destiny. 
Use this retrograde energy to reflect on what your wounds have taught you. Sit with your wounds and get to know them. See if you can release any judgments and just sit with any pain they bring up. As you get comfortable with this, see if you can reflect on what these wounds have taught you, how they have shaped you, and what wisdom they may have for you. 
Open to the wisdom and potential that your wounds have to offer.
Chiron Retrograde Exercises
1.) Identify a painful heartbreak you have been facing. See if you can step outside of this heartbreak momentarily, and challenge yourself to identify 5 things you can learn from this experience.
2.) Take a challenging situation you may be facing with another person. Putting all other emotions aside, see if you can just look at the situation from a place of compassion for the other person. Observe what comes up for you. Next, put all emotions aside and see if you can find compassion for yourself in this situation. Observe what comes up for you.
3.) Think of a painful wound from your past. How has this wound inspired you? How can it continue to inspire you moving forward?
4.) Journal Prompts:
* If my pain could talk, it would want me to know…
* When I think of my hardships, I am grateful that…
* I am stronger today because…
5.) Try this Chiron Ritual
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About the Author
Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.
(via Forever Conscious, July, 2023)
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santoschristos · 28 days
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Scorpio Full Moon April 2024
Illuminating Shadows
Scorpio, the Sign of Transformation
Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, and although the death process can be difficult, painful, and challenging, the rebirth is always beautiful. Just like the phoenix rises from the ashes, this Scorpio Full Moon gives us the opportunity to do our own rising.
The Scorpio Full Moon is also referred to as the Buddha Moon. In the Himalayas, they celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha under the Scorpio Full Moon. The Scorpio Full Moon is also said to thin the veil between dimensions, allowing our own process of enlightenment to expand. --by Tanaaz,Forever Conscious
Scorpio Moon Image art --Mahaboka
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/intuitive-astrology-forecast-september-2020/
Intuitive Astrology Forecast September 2020
Intuitive Astrology Forecast September 2020
By Tanaaz
  September 2020 is a big, bold month with some strong cosmic energy on offer. The main feature of the month is Mars Retrograde, which begins on the 9th and lasts up until November.
Along with Mars Retrograde, we have two major planets- Jupiter and Saturn, ending their retrograde cycles and moving forward into a new chapter.
Both Jupiter and Saturn have been major cosmic players in the events that 2020 has brought our way, so to have them moving forward again is likely to reveal more of the story to us.
2020 was always destined to be a highly transformative year, and as the year comes to a close, things are amping up.
It seems we are walking deeper into the changes and revolutions that are required, to shift and elevate this planet to higher levels of consciousness.
Transformation is difficult but it’s always worth it in the end. It requires some destruction, some chaos, and some endings in order for the rebirth to occur, but from these ashes, we rise.
Even though September offers strong transformative energy, it also offers cosmic protection too.
No matter what transpires in the months to come, the Universe is shining down a protective light. We see this in the astrological alignments that take place. While we have some heavy alignments, they always seem to be met with some protection, some silver lining, and some- “I got your back”- from the Universe.
To support you through the energies of September, try my Soul Soothing Cosmic Guided Meditation.
Let’s take a deeper look into the astrology of September 2020:
September 1-2: Pisces Full Moon
The month begins with the Pisces Full Moon. This Full Moon carries awakening energy and opens us up to new realizations and information. This Full Moon may heighten our emotions and sensitivities, especially in our relationships. If irritability or anger comes up, be sure to sit with it and find healthy ways to express and work through it.
Your September Full Moon Forecast is here.
September 2: Sun Trine Uranus
This alignment will be activated by the Full Moon and brings soothing, harmonious energy. A trine occurs when two planets are within 120 degrees of each other. The Sun Trine Uranus indicates whatever comes our way under the Full Moon, can offer unexpected opportunities. Here is a good example of where we are being protected. Lean into this energy by focusing on the bigger picture, especially if hardships or challenges come your way.
September 2: Venus Opposite Saturn
This alignment will also be triggered by the Full Moon and will be shining a spotlight on where we feel held back, limited, or controlled by another person or event in our lives. We may feel like something is bearing down on us, or that we are being restricted. This energy asks us to take responsibility and ownership of our actions and to put solutions into place. We are being called to step up and create long term solutions rather than just short term fixes.
September 9: Mars Retrograde
Mars enters retrograde in the sign of Aries. Mars moves retrograde every 2 years, however, this is the first time in Aries in over 30 years. As Mars moves retrograde, we are going to feel things slowing down. We may feel our energy levels are a little muted or we may start questioning whether our actions are aligned with what we truly desire for ourselves moving forward. We may also find ourselves challenging some of the goals and dreams we have held or been working towards.
Your Full Mars Retrograde Forecast is here.
To support you through the energies of September, try my Soul Soothing Cosmic Guided Meditation.
September 9: Sun Trine Jupiter
Again, the Universe comes to support and protect us with this harmonious alignment that falls on the same day as Mars stations Retrograde. Sun Trine Jupiter is peaceful energy, that reminds us that we are powerful. We have within us, the courage, strength, and determination we need to create and live a beautiful life. This energy reminds us that we are abundant and abundance is always on offer to us, as long as we attune our mindset towards it. Use this energy to focus on the abundant blessings of your life and the world around you. It will help ease any tensions or sluggishness that Mars Retrograde may bring.
September 11: Sun Opposite Neptune
Neptune is sometimes associated with viruses and “unseen” things. At this time, we may receive some news or updates about the pandemic. Alternatively, we may feel confused and receive conflicting information. While this could be about the pandemic, it may also manifest in our personal lives too. We may feel a sense of conflict about whether to do something or not or what the best course of action is. When we feel uncertain, it is always better to wait until clarity arises. This energy is very good for intuitive work, so pay attention to that small, still voice within.
September 13: Jupiter Direct
The largest planet in our solar system is turning direct in the sign of Capricorn. This is great energy, however, we may have to wait a few weeks before we can really harness it. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so we may find that an area of our life that we have been working on suddenly expands in some way. Maybe we are able to reach for more opportunities, or maybe we find that our hard work starts to be rewarded. Think back to what you were working on or focused on around May, as this may receive a beautiful boost in the weeks to come.
Jupiter 2020 Retrograde Forecast here
September 17: New Moon in Virgo
The Virgo New Moon sends powerful waves, reminding us to connect with the wisdom and power of our bodies. It guides us to not live in fear and to remember the innate strength and wisdom we all have within. This New Moon brings waves of healing energy and the promise of a fresh new start.
More to come on this soon.
September 22: Equinox and Libra Season
The Equinox brings the start of Libra Season and equal hours of night and day. We are moving out of earthy Virgo into an air sign that is all about balance. There will be a focus on others and how our actions and even thoughts are impacting the world around us. The Equinox is also a power day where the veil between dimensions is thin. We can use the Equinox energies for intuitive work and connecting with our loved ones on the other side.
September 28: Saturn Direct
Saturn turns direct after being retrograde since May. As Saturn begins moving forward again, it will be covering the last few degrees of Capricorn and preparing to make its way into Aquarius come December, where it will remain for the next 2.5 years. This is a huge energy shift and definitely one to watch as it gets closer. With Saturn moving direct, we may notice information around governments, authority figures, or those in positions of power coming to the surface. We may also experience a revisit of events that were taking place around February 2020.
Saturn entering Aquarius 2020
Saturn Retrograde 2020
29: Mars Square Saturn
This is the second Mars Square Saturn alignment this year and it indicates growing tension and unrest. With Saturn just moving direct yesterday, its energy will be strong and we may see a push-pull with those in power positions. We may also feel a growing sense of irritability on unrest in our own lives. This alignment challenges us to go within and clear all that is making us feel insecure, fearful, or unloved. It wants us to sit with our angst so we can understand what it’s trying to show us.
More on Mars Square Saturn here.
September is a big month that kickstarts a journey into wrapping up the transformative energies of 2020.
Even though we may feel the shifting energy strongly, we can also tune into the energy of protection that is on offer too.
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madamlaydebug · 4 years
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- Jupiter Pluto Conjunction 2020 -
One of the major planetary cycles taking place in 2020 is the Jupiter Pluto Conjunction. This alignment is rare, happening only every 12-13 years.
Jupiter and Pluto will conjunct or align three times this year, on April 4th, June 30th, and November 12th, 2020.
These dates can be seen as the beginning, middle, and end of the cycle, and while we will feel the effects of this alignment from the end of March right up until December, these specific dates may provide some clues as to what’s instore under this fated alignment.
Jupiter and Pluto Astrology
Jupiter and Pluto coming together is the astrological signature for abundance, prosperity, and fortune.
Jupiter is the ruler of the heavens and the planet of abundance and expansion. Pluto is the ruler of the underworld, and the planet of power and death and rebirth.
As these two come together, we are going to see major shifts and changes when it comes to how we view abundance, money, and the giving and receiving of energy.
Pluto brings destruction, but Jupiter’s heavenly presence ensures that whatever is built in its place is brighter, better, and more abundant than before.
Things may feel like they are crumbling around us, but as they do, the ashes pave the way for a new way to be birthed into existence. This is abundance in action. Nothing is ever lost, it just comes around in another form.
Jupiter Pluto Conjunction in 2020
Jupiter and Pluto coming together in 2020, is likely to shine a spotlight on the economy, our finances, and our relationship with abundance.
Many are already feeling the strain of the economy, and while these times may not feel very prosperous, Jupiter and Pluto come together to rebirth a new and hopefully, better way.
As the planet of death and rebirth, Pluto is not afraid to destroy things in order to rebuild them. Pluto will find whatever is weak, and cause it to crumble, but Jupiter’s optimism allows us to quickly get to work on fixing things so they can be better and more prosperous than before.
We are already seeing changes to the economy and it’s likely that this alignment will bring some further news.
While this can be a little unnerving, this combination of energy is our opportunity to create more balance, to strengthen the economy for everyone, and to create a healthier relationship when it comes to money.
Intuitive Messages from Jupiter and Pluto
Jupiter and Pluto are inviting us to look at our relationship with abundance.
Take a moment to think about what abundance means to you.
Abundance is so much more than just material things or money; it is about expansion. It is about moving through the world in a way that allows you to see the opportunities rather than the limitations.
Abundance is not something we create, it is something we tune into and these cosmic bodies coming together are a message from the Universe that it’s time to dial in and upgrade our relationship with abundance.
Within us right now, our body contains an abundance of cells. There is also an abundance of stars in the sky, and grains of sand at the beach. An abundance of water flows through our oceans, and the Sun shines so brightly its able to light up everything on this planet.
Abundance is all around us, and as we start to recognize it, and see it as more than just material, we can start to understand and work with its power and potential so much more.
Jupiter and Pluto coming together open the doors to abundance big and wide and remind us that whenever we lose something, something else is always gained, and whenever there is an ending, a new beginning always follows.
If doors feel like they have closed around you, it is important to grieve and honor any emotions that arise. But when you feel ready, see if you can lean into what new opportunities may now be on offer to you.
Jupiter and Pluto are here to remind us that we are worthy of receiving and it is safe for us to give. They remind us to focus our attention on what we wish to attract into our lives and to feel for ourselves the abundant Universe that lives within and all around us.
Can you recognize the abundance that is already within and around you?
Overall, Jupiter and Pluto coming together is our guidepost from the Universe that the time has come to create a more balanced flow and to remember that abundance is always around us.
Jupiter and Pluto Exercises
Here are some ways you can start to embody the lessons and gifts of abundance that these two cosmic giants are bringing our way through 2020-
1.) Think about what you would like to receive more of in your life. Make a list of 3-5 things. Now, reflect on how you freely give those things to yourself or others. Do you embody or give what you wish to attract? Think about how you can start offering others and the world what you wish to receive.
2.) Set a clear intention for what you would like to create for yourself and your life. You don’t have to have the full picture, but creating an intention and getting it out on paper can be a way of clearly communicating your goals not only to yourself but also to the Universe.
3.) Use the following journal prompts-
When I connect to abundance I feel…
Abundance feels like…
I feel most abundant when I…
I invite abundance into my life today by…
4.) For 30 days, make a list of 7 ways you recognized abundance as you moved through your day. It could be anything from noticing a blooming flower to seeing a penny on the ground.
5.) Organize your finances by calculating your income and your expenses. Where are you spending where you don’t need to be? Where could you afford to give a little more? Take a practical look at how you spend and especially pay attention to the non-essentials- sometimes where we splurge the most is where we find our greatest insecurities.
6.) Go through every room in your home and create space for abundance to enter. When we live in a cluttered environment, there is no room for receiving and being in the flow. Clear out things you no longer use, pass them on to others who need them, and invite new energy into your life.
7.) Bring your awareness to the doors that are opening for you. What new opportunities have come your way recently? What new insights have you received? What benefits or support are on offer to you right now? Stretch your hands out and ask the Universe to guide you to the support you need right now.
by Tanaaz
Source: https://foreverconscious.com/category/astrology
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Light encoded picture by : Ulrikke Aagaard
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nj-stone · 4 years
Tanaaz - Forever Conscious - Intuitive Astrology: Venus Retrograde 2020 https://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-venus-retrograde-2020 via @forconscious
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gigilunita-blog · 3 years
La luna llena de Piscis del 20/21 de septiembre es la más soñadora del año. A medida que lanza su hechizo, podemos sentirnos más sensibles, más creativos e incluso más intuitivos.
Piscis está regido por el elemento agua y a la Luna le encanta estar en los signos de agua. Es bajo el reflujo y el flujo de las olas lo que le permite a la Luna expresar todo su potencial energético.
En astrología, la Luna representa nuestras emociones. Gobierna nuestro cuerpo emocional y está fuertemente vinculada a cómo nos sentimos. La Luna también está conectada con nuestros sentimientos de seguridad y protección. ¿Qué tan seguros y protegidos emocionalmente nos sentimos cuando nos movemos por el mundo?
La Luna también está vinculada a la energía femenina. Esta energía está presente en todos los seres vivos y, en una poderosa Luna Llena, podemos encontrarnos con problemas en lo que respecta a nuestra relación con lo femenino. A veces también podemos ver que influye en las relaciones femeninas significativas en nuestras vidas.
Cada Luna Llena nos afectará de manera diferente dependiendo de nuestras energías cósmicas individuales y de lo que la Luna debe despertar en nuestras vidas.
Las lunas llenas, sin embargo, son en última instancia una época de iluminación y clímax. Representan la culminación del ciclo lunar y como en todas las buenas tramas, cuando llegamos al clímax, suele ser cuando se produce la culminación del capítulo por el que estamos transitando.
Esta Luna Llena en Piscis está relacionada con los eventos que ocurrieron a principios de septiembre durante la Luna Nueva en Virgo, pero también están conectados con los eventos que ocurrieron a mediados de marzo bajo la Luna Nueva en Piscis.
Se podría decir que la Luna Nueva en Piscis en marzo fue el comienzo de la historia que ahora ha llegado a su punto álgido. ¿Eres capaz de hacer conexiones entre lo que se estaba desarrollando en tu vida en marzo y el ahora?
Sea lo que sea que surja, lo más probable es que ya esté al final, y tal vez realmente pueda sentir y conectarse con ese clímax que se ofrece.
Las lunas llenas también son un momento de liberación energética, por lo que si hay algo que deseas liberar de tu vida, este es el momento perfecto del mes para establecer algunas intenciones.
Piense en aquello a lo que ya no quiere aferrarse. Envíale amor y gratitud, y luego, bajo la brillante luz de la luna llena, respira todo.
Neptuno, el planeta de las ilusiones, los sueños y la intuición, está muy activo bajo esta Luna Llena. Esto se debe al hecho de que cae a solo 7 grados de la Luna Llena.
Será más difícil tomar decisiones o pensar con la mente clara.
Neptuno también puede evocar nuestras emociones, permitiéndonos ver lo que burbujea debajo de la superficie. Bajo su presencia, es posible que no seamos capaces de analizar lo que sentimos, sino que simplemente nos encontremos fluyendo y refluyendo entre un espacio emocional y otro.
Bajo una luna llena de agua como esta, es mejor si la navegamos con el corazón en las manos. Tratar de resolver las cosas con nuestra mente racional solo puede aumentar la confusión. Pero, si dejamos de lado nuestros procesos de pensamiento por un momento y, en cambio, nos deslizamos hacia un lugar de sentimiento, es posible que seamos capaces de intuir las respuestas que estamos buscando.
La intuición se describe a menudo como un sentimiento de conocimiento. A menudo no tienes ninguna prueba o razón concreta para sentirte como te sientes, es solo un fuerte sentido de conocimiento.
En muchos sentidos, aquí es donde la luna llena de septiembre nos llama a ir. Nos está sacando de nuestra mente racional y hacia nuestro espacio de sentimientos. Nos está llamando a desconectarnos de la búsqueda de pruebas y, en cambio, nos permite conectarnos con nuestros sentimientos.
Las emociones pueden engañar, por lo que es mejor no etiquetarlas ni juzgarlas. En cambio, permítalas. Las Imagíne como visitantes, que van y vienen, refluyen y fluyen. A veces, nuestras emociones solo quieren ser escuchadas y vistas. A veces, cuando les permitimos ponerse de pie, pueden caer con tanta gracia.
Neptuno también está fuertemente conectado con el agua y los océanos. Pasar tiempo junto al mar puede ser muy terapéutico en este momento, al igual que tomar un baño caliente o incluso mantenerse más hidratado.
Programar agua potable con cristales, intenciones y oraciones también es una excelente manera de utilizar esta energía. Además de dedicar tiempo a proyectos creativos.
Esta luna llena de Piscis, junto con las energías de Neptuno, es una combinación fantástica para todos los esfuerzos artísticos. Si trabajas en un campo creativo o tienes un proyecto creativo que quieres que despegue, esta energía de Luna Llena es simplemente divina y está cargada de apoyo.
Si bien toda esta energía acuosa es útil para conectarse con su intuición y apoyar los sueños creativos, existe la posibilidad de que también pueda parecer abrumadora y empujarnos a un lugar de inestabilidad emocional.
Esto también puede manifestarse como un sentimiento de necesidad de escapar de la realidad o escapar de las presiones de nuestra vida. Si bien algunas formas de escapismo pueden ser saludables, existen otras formas que pueden dañarnos.
Esto es solo algo de lo que debe estar consciente bajo la energía de esta Luna Llena de Piscis. Si siente la necesidad de escapar, intente disfrutar de salidas saludables como la meditación, escribir un diario, un buen libro o incluso sumergirse en una película.
Desafortunadamente en esta vida, podemos escapar por un corto tiempo antes de que la realidad vuelva a llamar a nuestra puerta. Sepa que tiene la fuerza para enfrentar cualquier golpe a su puerta. Sepa que si busca, encontrará el apoyo que necesita para navegar a través de todo lo que pesa en su corazón.
Las lunas llenas son siempre un buen momento para poner fin a los hábitos poco saludables o las elecciones de estilo de vida, así que use esta energía a su favor. Confíe en su intuición y use su sexto sentido para navegar a través de todos los obstáculos desafiantes que se presentan.
En general, la luna llena de septiembre en Piscis es un momento de ensueño, creativo e intuitivo. Aunque nos sintamos más sensibles, hay una belleza en conectarnos con las frecuencias más sutiles del mundo que nos rodea. También hay una belleza en conectarse con los reflujos y flujos de nuestro cuerpo emocional.
Aunque cada emoción que experimentamos puede no ser nuestra verdad más alta, parte de nuestra experiencia humana es permitirnos sentir, lo que nos permite experimentar el arcoíris emocional.
Es a través de este arco iris que nos volvemos más compasivos, más abiertos, más conscientes y más amables. Es a través de nuestras emociones que podemos comenzar a comprender en un nivel más profundo lo que nos impulsa y de dónde pueden venir nuestras intenciones.
Permítase explorar sus ritmos emocionales bajo esta luna llena. Abraze lo que fluye sin juzgar, deje que se mueva a través de usted como una ola y confíe en los instintos intuitivos y susurros que quedan atrás mientras lo haces.
Autor Tanaaz
Fuente: https://foreverconsciente.com/intuitive-astrology-pisces-full-moon-september-2021
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lifeofawitch2020 · 3 years
Intuitive Astrology: Sun Conjunct Eris
by Tanaaz
On April 13-14th, 2021 the Sun will align with the Goddess planet Eris.
Eris was only discovered back in 2005, so its energy in astrology is very new, but as she comes together with the Sun, I thought it was the perfect time to introduce her.
Eris lives beyond Pluto and is considered a dwarf planet. It is interesting to note that the discovery of Eris actually resulted in Pluto being demoted to a dwarf planet too, as both planets were found to be roughly the same size.
Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld, whereas Eris can almost be seen as the Goddess of the underworld. Could her discovery be a sign that we are paving the way for more balance when it comes to feminine and masculine energies?
While I think the Goddess of the Underworld would be a good tile for Eris, she is actually known as the Goddess of Discord and Strife. Her energy is very similar to that of Pluto as they both carry deeper, darker themes. Both of their energies encourage us to embrace our shadow side in order to transform it into light.
Eris in Mythology
In Greek Mythology, Eris was the sister of Mars. As the God of War, Mars was known for bringing fear and destruction, but Eris was known to magnify this. She took pleasure in creating suffering and her actions led to the start of the Trojan War.
Eris definitely does not have the greatest reputation, but I am very aware that this is partly due to how women, even mythical ones, have been presented through the eyes of the patriarchy. Eris can bring discord and strife, but she doesn’t do it for no reason.
Just like Pluto, Eris challenges and pushes our buttons when transformation and change is needed. She brings discord only when she knows that it’s time for a greater harmony to be born.
Think of an orchestra. As they all play together as one, beautiful music can be created. But if one musician starts to play out of time, it creates discord. Now, that musician could be playing out of time because they haven’t practiced, but it could also be because they are bored and ready for a new challenge.
This can happen within us too when we move out of alignment with our mind, body, and soul. It could be because we are needing to spend time to reconnect and go within, but it could also be because we are ready to level up and reach a new state of alignment.
Discord enters our life to guide us down this path. It enters our life so we can find ways to readjust and reprioritize our life. It either forces us to level up or it guides us to go within to find a greater sense of harmony and unity.
Eris, the Fearless Warrior
Eris is also a fearless warrior and a rebel. She has learned to overcome the judgments of others and doesn’t care what others think of her. She is going to do what she feels and what is right in her heart, regardless of how she may be perceived.
We can embrace Eris’ warrior-like energy by letting down our cloak of insecurities and finding ways to push past judgment or caring what other people think of us.
So many of us, myself included, have learned to censor ourselves and to hold back out of fear. But Eris teaches us that we don’t need to do that anymore.
Her discovery has come to remind all of us that our voices deserve to be heard and we deserve to be seen.
Each and every one of us matters, and each and every one of us has a story to tell and an essence that is needed here on the planet.
The Goddess of Being
Along with being known as the Goddess of Discord and Strife, Eris is also known as the Goddess of Being.
This is where we can really start to understand the potentials and energy that this planet can bring.
Eris’ energy is highly erratic, it brings chaos, it stirs things up. She likes to shake things and rattle our cages, but it is through this process that we are forced to see things differently. It is through this process that we are able to find a way to just be.
When life gets tough, when so many things are changing and ebbing and flowing around us, we very often have no other choice than to surrender.
While we are being swept out to sea, the more we fight the waves, the faster we will drown. Being swept out to sea is no fun, but in that moment we learn the truth of surrendering. We learn the art of just being.
It’s in moments of chaos that, the masks we have been wearing melt away, leaving who we really are.
That is what Eris tries to inspire. Its energy inspires us to release the judgments, embrace the chaos of life, and to find the strength to just be ourselves.
Eris and the Sun
As Eris aligns with the Sun on April 13-14th, see if you can tune into this energy.
See if you can find ways to surrender and just be. See if you can tune into any discord in your own life and find creative ways to transform it into greater harmony.
While Eris and the Sun meet every year, in 2021 her energy is activated and heightened to new levels because she is also squaring Pluto, Lord of the Underworld.
Eris and Pluto have been in this square alignment for some time, so while this energy is not new, it could be heightened by the presence of the Sun’s energy.
Pluto and Eris are both powerful energies that can bring radical change, and the need to make a dramatic transition in our lives. As they are both considered planets of higher consciousness and awakening, their presence can also instigate spiritual awakenings and dark night of the soul type energy.
Use this energy to step up into your power, to trust your instincts more and to take bold action if it’s called for.
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On Monday we have a Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Phew! Feels like the beginning of the end of “all this”! “The Sabian Symbol for this Solar Eclipse, which falls between 23-24 degrees of Sagittarius is – a Blue Bird standing at the entrance to a house.” Tanaaz, Forever Conscious And remember the 1940 movie, “The Bluebird” with Shirley Temple? The brother and sister run away to find The Bluebird of Happiness. They travel the World searching only to realize in the end that it was “right in their own backyard”. (That movie was a tear jerker! 😢) Link to Full article from Forever Conscious below and in Bio: https://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-sagittarius-new-moon-solar-eclipse-december-2020 #foreverconscious #tanaaz #shirleytemple #thebluebird #totalnewmoonsolareclipse #walterlang #mauricemaeterlinck #walterbullock #ernestpascal #darrylfzanuck #genemarkey (at Angela Lucy ~ Tarot Card Reader) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIqTBayHqcW/?igshid=kjz1nnr3quy8
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buddhakuthumi · 4 years
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Intuitive Astrology: March Super Full Moon 2020 By Tanaaz The March 9th Super Full Moon falls in the sign of Virgo. Shortly after this Full Moon peaks, Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury will station direct, signaling the end of its retrograde. Having these two potent energies back to back allows things to be illuminated so we can see the bigger picture. This is especially so, seeing as March’s Full Moon is a Super Moon. Super Moons fall close to Earth, allowing us to feel its effects strongly. It is important that we stay hydrated and take the time to recharge our batteries. This Super Full Moon is going to shine a light on things that have felt foggy or unclear. It is going to leave a trail of breadcrumbs for us to follow so we can find our way forward. What are you not paying attention to? What nagging signs or symptoms have you been pushing away? This Virgo Moon is a seeker of truth and will be guiding us to follow the trail of breadcrumbs so we can come to new realizations, healings, and awakenings. Virgo is represented by the virgin, but this symbol is more about coming into our own strength and inner wisdom. It is about knowing that we have the power to heal ourselves, others, the planet, and our collective heart. March has bold, potent energy, and with this Moon, big and bright in the sky, we are going to be feeling the intensities and the transformations that this month brings. There is strong, transformative energy flowing all the way through the month of March, and with this Full Moon illuminating or highlighting things for us, we need to ensure that we are protecting and looking after our own health and wellbeing. Schedule that doctor’s appointment, go talk to a therapist, take a walk, sit in meditation, get your hair done. Do whatever you need to honor your own healing journey and feel good about yourself. March’s Full Moon is also preparing us for the start of the astrological year which begins on the Equinox later this month. It is time for us to enter a new cycle, but before we can step onto this new path that is opening for us, we have to bring acceptance to where we stand today. We have to radically accept our past, our pains, our grief, our m https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Ygo4rpnDe/?igshid=13c2g50e97sq5
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crystals capricorn season
Intuitive Astrology: July Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2019 · numerology 333 · Numerology of March 3, 2019. About the author. Tanaaz. Tanaaz is the ... from Google Alert - Numerology https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://foreverconscious.com/4-crystals-to-use-this-capricorn-season/crystals-capricorn-season&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjcwZDI0MTZhMWNlZTk0ODI6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNH1__SfL02sbgxVjFwhc_tPoTuiTA via IFTTT
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phynxrizng · 7 years
331 Shares An Ancient Valentine’s Day Ritual Anyone Can Do by Tanaaz • 2 Comments Valentine’s Day falls on February 14th and was originally started to celebrate love, fertility and new beginnings. In modern times however, Valentine’s Day has become a commercially driven holiday that makes singles and couples alike feel miserable. For couples, there is an expectation on this day that your romance should be celebrated with the grandest of gestures and for singles, it can amplify feelings of loneliness. In fact, one study conducted by an online dating site found that up to 70% of singles felt depressed on Valentine’s Day and those who were in a relationship felt high amounts of “psychological distress”. The Origins of Valentine’s Day During Pagan times, February 13th was celebrated as the Eve of Lupercalia, a festival of Spring and fertility that included rituals from having sex, bathing in blood, sacrificing animals and burning mealcakes prepared by virgins. The festival was in honor of Lupa, who was a she-wolf that helped nurse orphaned infants who otherwise would have died from malnourishment. The day was meant to celebrate fertility and was said to clear the city of evil spirits. It wasn’t until the Catholic Church came into power that the day became a celebration of Saint Valentine. Valentine was a Catholic priest who was actually imprisoned for helping Christians and fell in love with the daughter of his jailer. He exchanged many secret love notes with her that were signed off with- “From Your Valentine”. Thus began the tradition of Valentine’s Day. Today, Valentine’s Day marks the most popular day for sales of cards, roses and chocolates however, you don’t need to get caught up in all the hype. Instead, use this day as a reminder to love yourself, regardless of your relationship status. You can also go back to pagan times and celebrate the dawning of Spring, new beginnings and fertility instead. A Valentine’s Day Ritual Anyone Can Do Think of something that you want to “grow” it could be a business, a dream, a relationship, or even your health. Write down your intention on a piece of paper using the following format: “I plant this seed of _______________ which I intend to help nourish and grow into _______________. I ask the Divine to help guide me to making the necessary steps and to ensure that all is carried out with my highest good in mind.” Light a candle and place it next to a small bowl of clean water. Fold the piece of paper and hold it close to your heart while you meditate or repeat your intention. When you feel your intention has been infused in the paper, drop it into the water. Go outside and plant the paper into the ground, cover with soil and pour the water over the top. Let go of all your worries on how your seed will grow and give a moment of appreciation and thanks to the Universe. Sharethis: How to Really Manifest the Life You Want Pisces Full Moon Eclipse Ritual for September 2016 You may also like Tanaaz Creator of Forever Conscious and other things. About the author Wi S l i 2016 Th D k Ni h f h S l ALSO ON FOREVER CONSCIOUS Comments Community Login 1 Sort by Best Join the discussion… ⚑ − eda a year ago Dear Tanaaz, My name is Eda, and I am the Content Manager & Manager Editor of MyTinySecrets (www.mytinysecrets.com), a blog specializing in healthy and holistic content focused on intimate health & beauty, conscious sexuality, and conscious relationships. My team and I came across your website, and became very interested in your work. We especially loved this post & The Difference Between Soulmates and Life Partners With your permission, we would like to repost this amazing articles on MyTinySecrets. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Receive warm hugs, Eda [email protected] Reply △ ▽ ⚑ − Tanaaz a year ago > eda Thanks for getting in touch Eda! I just sent you an email ;) Reply △ ▽ Recommend More...  Follow on Instagram Copyright 2016 Forever Conscious Need Help Navigating the Site? Start here: Popular Posts Intuitive Astrology: January New Moon 2017 Chinese Astrology: Year of the Yin Fire Rooster 2017 The Peaceful Transfer of Power Intuitive Astrology: January Full Moon 2017 Categories #Astrology #Awakening #Career #Featured #Healing #Holistic Health #Life #Metaphysical #Mindfulness #Nutrition #Popular Posts #Promoted #Relationships #Spiritual #Uncategorized Subscribe in a reader
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everyendeavor · 5 months
Sagittarius New Moon
December 2023
Intuitive Astrology by Tanaaz
The Sagittarius New Moon falls on the auspicious twelfth day of the twelfth month and is the last New Moon for 2023. Mercury also stations retrograde shortly after the peak of the New Moon, making it a potent day in our cosmic skies.
Let’s break down the incredible cosmic offerings of the Sagittarius New Moon and how we can make the most of it.
2023 is fast coming to a close, and many of us will be scrambling to get things done. While life may feel extra busy this time of year, the Sagittarius New Moon is our chance to set our final intentions for 2023. While it can be tempting to jump ahead into the new year, see if you can channel your intentions into the last remaining weeks of the year.
How would you like the next three weeks to flow? What do you want to focus on?
If this time of year has brought some challenges your way or you know some stressful situations are on the horizon, this would be a good time to create some reminders for yourself. Create one intention for each of the three weeks left in the year and fill them with supportive words for all you have going on.
One of the most profound cosmic energies working with this New Moon is Chiron, the asteroid of healing. The energy of Chiron is harmoniously flowing with this New Moon, helping to bring strong healing energy our way.
Mars is also beautifully intertwined with Chiron and the Moon, making us feel more motivated to get to the root of our problems. Something that has been troubling us for some time may finally begin to feel manageable, or the results we have been looking for may come about quicker or with greater ease.
When Mars is involved, we need to be proactive and take action, and under this energy, our actions are going to be supported and amplified. So, even if they are small, think about some steps you can take to instigate a deeper healing for your mind, body, and soul.
Mercury stations retrograde shortly after the New Moon peaks. Mercury is the planet of communication, and ancient astrologers believed that when it traveled retrograde, our more subtle senses and forms of communication were heightened.
On the surface, Mercury Retrograde can bring foggy mental thoughts, miscommunications, and technology mishaps, but on deeper levels, it is a powerful time for trusting our intuition and paying attention to our senses beyond the typical five.
Mercury Retrograde, happening on the same day as the New Moon, will heighten its energy and thin the veil. We may feel a little indecisive or confused, or instinctually feel that all the facts have not been presented to us.
When Mercury Retrograde is involved, moving slowly and methodically and trusting our intuition is important. With the veil thin, we have the potential to receive clearer guidance from our dreams, intuition, and higher self.
The New Moon in the fire sign of Sagittarius is a time when adventure and excitement can be triggered. Many of us have a lot of responsibilities, especially at this time of year, but use the energy of this New Moon to push yourself out of your comfort zone and to find some playfulness in your daily routine. Shaking things up, trying new things, and exploring new worlds are all powerful ways to channel this Sagittarius energy.
The New Moon falling on the sacred 12/12 also creates powerful waves of energy that support the vibration of this number pattern. 12 is a number of understanding and wholeness. It represents coming full circle with a complete and clear picture of all that has unfolded.
Even though Mercury is in retrograde at this time, and there is new energy flowing from the New Moon, we also have the energies of 1212 reminding us of completion, wholeness, and greater wisdom.
It seems that just like the archer, we are being called to line up our arrow, take our aim, and then trust in the wind! Life is a ride, there is only so much we can control. So perhaps overall, that is the message this New Moon has for us.
Set your intentions, focus on healing, acknowledge your intuition, move slowly, but ultimately, trust the ride!
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tackycute · 5 years
Release the fears that hold you back and bond you to these earthly illusions. On the other side of your fear is everything you have ever wanted
Tanaaz, “Intuitive Astrology: February Super Full Moon 2019″
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/the-lionsgate-88-portal/
The Lionsgate 88 Portal
The Lionsgate 88 Portal
By Tanaaz
The Lionsgate 88 Portal is activated by the numerology of 8/8, the Sun in Leo Season, and the rising of the star, Sirius. This combination of energy opens a galactic portal that allows high vibrational energy to be sent to Earth, which we can all tune in and connect with.
The Lionsgate 88 Portal peaks on the 8th day of the 8th month, but we are likely to feel the current of its energy before and after this date too.
In numerology, the 8th day of the 8th month is a highly spiritual and charged time.
The number 8 represents infinity – the infinite soul that we are and the infinite journey that we take. It represents the “forever conscious” part of our soul; the soul that has lived and will continue to live long after this incarnation.
8 is also the number associated with DNA activation, abundance, power, and higher realms of consciousness, making 8/8 a super potent time to charge and clear our energy for receiving.
Lionsgate is not just about numerology but also astrology, and involves the Sun in its ruling sign of Leo and the rising of the star Sirius.
Sirius is one of the brightest stars in the sky and is known as our Spiritual Sun. While our earthly Sun illuminates our physical world which is an illusion, our Spiritual Sun illuminates the truth of our timeless soul.
The ancients were very in tune with the star Sirus, as they believed it was the gateway to heaven and the home of higher vibrational beings. They believed the energy of Sirius carried highly advanced wisdom that we could tap into and utilize whenever Sirius was strong in the sky.
Sirius Rising at this time of year was a special and sacred occasion and marked the start of the new year. The ancients would also observe things happening to Mother Earth as well.
In Ancient Egypt, the rising of Sirius coincided with the flooding of the Nile. They viewed this as a gift of prosperity and fertility and revered Sirius so much, they even aligned their pyramids with its rising as well.
There are also theories that the pyramids would act as transmitters, helping to amplify the energy of Sirius in order to channel and download its messages with greater ease.
The Great Sphinx with its lion-like qualities, also aligns with the Leo zodiac during this time of year. This alignment is believed to aid in the receiving of Divine messages from both Isis and Anubis, the Gods connected to Sirius.
It wasn’t just the Egyptians that revered Sirius, all across the world from the Mayans, to the Sumerians, Babylonians, and the Dogon tribe, there is a strong connection with this bright blue star.
While our Sun is responsible for beaming down life for our physical bodies, especially when it’s in its ruling sign of Leo, Sirius is responsible for beaming down life for our spiritual bodies.
This is why the opening of the Lionsgate Portal can bring awakenings and lift our consciousness to new heights.
Here are a few things we can set an intention to experience under Lionsgate:
Heart healings: the Lionsgate portal activates the heart chakra. Old or even current wounds of the heart may rise up for healing. We may finally feel free from any grief or sadness that has burdened our hearts. For more guidance with this, read How to Open and Clear Blocks in your Heart Chakra.
Third eye awakenings: the Lionsgate portal also activates the third eye chakra. We may feel more intuitive or learn something new about the way our intuition speaks to us. Our intuition is likely to be strong and if this is something we want to work with more, the Lionsgate portal is a great time to begin. For more, read how to Open and Activate your Third Eye Chakra.
Higher Chakra Openings: while we have seven main chakras or energy centers in our body, we also have hundreds of smaller, more sensitive chakras that can be activated and awakened during the Lionsgate Portal. This helps us to tap into new wisdom and higher spiritual knowledge.
Psychic downloads: with the high vibrational energy from Sirus beaming our way, we are more likely to receive psychic downloads. These can come through our dreams, visions, spirit guides and angels, or through simply hearing things while in a state of relaxation. Meditation and automatic writing are great ways to open to this energy and to receive guidance.
Visitations: the ancients believed that Sirius was home to heaven, angels, and other worldly beings. Under the Lionsgate Portal energy, we are more likely to receive messages, dreams, signs, and visits from our loved ones who have passed and from our spirit guides and guardian angels. Encountering alien beings may also be more likely too.
Freedom: one of the strongest vibrations from Sirius is this energy of freedom. The idea is that our earthly Sun illuminates this physical world which is an illusion. But Sirius illuminates our soul and spiritual bodies, which is the truth. By understanding this, we gain a sense of freedom.
Peace: Sirius has very peaceful vibrations too, so spending time in nature and meditation is a great way to tap into this peaceful energy and use it for healing and restoring your mind, body, and soul.
Technology: Sirius is also associated with highly advanced technology. If you have a new tech innovation or would like to start a website, blog, app, or anything else related to technology, this would be great energy to use to your advantage.
Creativity: Lionsgate is also a highly creative time and the perfect opportunity to try a new creative project or to take action on a creative project you have been looking to get off the ground.
The energy of Lionsgate can connect us with the cosmic skies, galactic frequencies, higher dimensional beings, and our own intuition.
It can also activate heart healings, the expansion of spiritual wisdom, and help us awaken to our true potential.
On Lionsgate 88 set an intention of how you wish to use this energy, and then create a ritual or practice that allows you to harness and work with it.
All of Creation Is watching Earth  and witnessing its Ascension Process. They are ready, ready for this Planet to be Declared a Light Only Zone. All of Humanity are called upon now to Step Up in fulfillment of their Divine Soul Contract.
The dark has been cleared, fully defeated and New Earth, Nova Terra, is ready to begin. This requires each Being to fully clear the remaining density within their bodies, to awaken to full remembrance of their Galactic Truth, their Soul Essence, their Divine Blueprint.
This is not a Drill, in Real Time, Present Moment of Now Mother of All Creation is on the Planet and she is Our Divine Director, Our Eternal Mother. She hired you for this role  and She is here to guide you.
Mother has the entire Galactic Federation of Light and all the Angels with Her in all moments. She also has Her guide/ambassador Robin Williams and  Master St. Germain by Her side. There is no session like this available on the planet, or in all of Creation.
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madamlaydebug · 5 years
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On January 20-21st we have a Super Blood Moon Eclipse in the sign of Leo. This Eclipse is ultra potent as it’s both a Super Moon and a Blood Moon.
We will not have another Super Blood Moon Eclipse until 2021, so you can rest assured that this Leo Eclipse is definitely going to leave a lasting impression on all of us.
A Super Moon occurs when the Moon is closest to Earth. This means that we will see it shining big and bright in the sky. It also means the energetic effects of the Moon will be stronger than usual.
A Blood Moon occurs when we have a Total Lunar Eclipse. The totality of the Eclipse gives the Moon a reddish hue, hence the name Blood Moon. A Total Lunar Eclipse is the most potent kind we can have and signals a profound rebirth and culmination of energy.
On top of all of this, the fact that this Lunar Eclipse falls in Leo also adds to the significance.
For the last 18 months or so, we have been working with the Eclipse energies of Leo and Aquarius. This Eclipse cycle began back in February 2017, but now this January 2019 Leo Eclipse is the last in the cycle.
Seeing as this is the last Eclipse in the cycle, it is going to bring endings and a culmination to the lessons we have been working with since early 2017.
This is huge energy we are wrapping up, and it’s likely we will all feel a sense of resolution and completion.
As you can see, this Leo Eclipse is extremely potent and is going to be activating and transforming us on the deepest layers of our SOUL.
Overall, this Eclipse represents a time where we can birth ourselves, our past, our creations, our wounds, and our self-expression out into the world. This “birthing” process is one we may feel either on a creative level or on a level that allows us to release and let go.
This Eclipse also has some volatile, erratic energy to it, so we may feel a little scattered, drained or off balance. We may also find ourselves being pulled to release wounds of the past and to let go of things we thought we had dealt with.
To help you understand what flavor this Eclipse may have for you, think about what was happening in your life around February 2017. It is likely issues or themes from this time may play a part in what comes up for you.
It is not necessarily that the same events will repeat themselves, but you may find you are continuing your growth and development in regards to whatever was brewing around this time.
You may also gain closure in regards to these events, and feel proud of yourself for how far you have come. In fact, this Eclipse is like a graduation of sorts, so no matter what brews for you, be sure to honor just how far you have come and to celebrate the journey you have traveled.
Life is by no means easy, so we must remember to celebrate our victories both big and small. If we look at our lives through the eyes of love, we will always find so much to be grateful for and so much to rejoice in.
No matter what this Eclipse brings up for you, here you stand, trying to understand more, open your Heart more, and learn more. As you read these words allow them to heal you, allow them to open you, and really honor the fact that you are taking the time to understand the Cosmos and how it can aid your growth.
Accessing Angelic Realms and Higher States of Consciousness is also going to be easier under the effects of this Eclipse, so be sure to tune into your own guidance system and listen to the voice of your intuition.
While this Eclipse will touch us all differently, but we may also notice themes arising in areas surrounding our family life, creativity, and leadership.
We may also see these themes playing out on the world stage as well. In fact, in ancient astrology, a Leo Blood Moon Eclipse was a bad omen for the King and was seen as a prophecy that his time of reign was coming to an end.
It is very likely that under this Eclipse we may see changes to leadership in governments and in big organizations.
Due to the volatile energy around this Eclipse, it is going to be wise to think before speaking and to avoid getting swept up in the heat of the moment, especially when it comes to relationship matters.
Egos may be quick to rise under the energy of this Leo Eclipse, so do your best to stay mindful and to avoid arguments or conversations where you need to prove yourself or why you are right and the other person is wrong.
These types of discussions or arguments are never ones worth winning, as everyone has their own point of view, their own pains, and their own lens in which they view the world.
Tuning into your creativity is a great way to help negate some of this Eclipse energy, so if you find yourself feeling heated or wound up by something, make the time to do something that gets your creative juices flowing.
Eclipses always bring fated events into our lives, so in a sense, we can sit back and allow ourselves to be guided. We don’t have to worry about what actions to take on an Eclipse, because often the actions we need to take arise spontaneously and naturally.
Part of the reason Eclipses are so potent is that they put us where we need to be and unlock paths of our Soul Contract that we have been fated to walk down.
On this Blood Moon Eclipse, the energy is so strong and potent that we are going to find ourselves led in the right direction with minimal effort. Of course, the journey may not be easy, and we may feel resistance and fear, but keep trusting and know that the Heavens have a plan for you.
Eclipses can be challenging, but very often they lead us to our Highest Destiny and help us to grow in leaps and bounds.
Trust what unfolds for you on this January Super Blood Moon Eclipse. Stay open to the energies and pay attention to where you feel called to go.
~ Tanaaz <3
Shared with Love <3
~ <3 ~
Art by Ellen Vaman
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nj-stone · 4 years
Tanaaz - Forever Conscious - Intuitive Astrology: Libra Super New Moon October 2020 https://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-libra-super-new-moon-october-2020 via @forconscious
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