#Tara's coffee shop rambles
sw-33-ts-stuff · 2 years
Killer in NYC
Tara Carpenter X Reader
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Tara POV
I stood in line looking up at the menu as if I wasn't going to order the same items I have a million times before.
"I'll have..."
"An iced matcha latte with oat milk." I looked into (y/e/c) behind thick glasses. A mischievous grin painted on my favorite baristas face.
"Good morning Y/n." I grinned blushing slightly.
"Hey Tara, we feeling sweet or savory today?" I tapped my chin looking up.
"I think I'm feeling savory today."
"Breakfast wrap it is. How are your classes going?" I rambled on about the past midterms and upcoming finals while she prepared my breakfast. I had met y/n over a month ago when I'd wandered in the coffee shop half asleep. Since then we'd make small talk and I will admit she was easy on the eyes. Her curly hair always up in a ponytail showing off her undercut. Tattoos peeking from just under the sleeves of her polo. While some found her intimidating I thought of her as a giant teddy bear. She always wore a smile and was polite to even the rudest of customers.
"Here you go." I smiled unwrapping my breakfast first and taking a giant bite.
"Mmm." I moaned making her smile grow wider. As she opened her mouth to say something the door chimed and soon a familiar voice followed.
"Tara!" I turned to find Mindy and Chad coming in and waving enthusiastically. I smiled waving back turning to thank Y/n again only to find her working with the next customer.
"What's up shorty?" Chad said picking me up in a hug as Mindy sat at the nearest table.
"Did you get notes for our next lab?" I nodded pulling out my notebook and sliding them over.
"Mindy do you actually do any work yourself?" She shrugged stealing to drink some of my latte before she began writing.
"I could but there'd be no point since you already have it done." She grinned cheekily as I rolled my eyes stealing another glance at the barista, who was already looking in my direction.
"Hey guys." I snapped my eyes over to my sister who'd pulled the seat next me. Her apron covered in flour as she wiped her hands.
"Sorry I'm a bit of a mess." We talked and caught up as if we hadn't just seen each other at home.
As we headed to the subway I waved goodbye to Y/n as everyone shuffled out she jumped over the counter stopping me before I could go.
"Hey Tara real quick I-"
"Tara!" Sam was waving at me frantically to hurry up. I held up a finger turning back to the slightly taller girl. She rubbed her the back of her neck tan cheeks slightly red.
"You know what? You go catch up I can just talk to you tomorrow yeah?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"You sure?"
"TARA LETS GO!" I looked over to my sister exasperated.
"Yeah no worries." She have a strained smile. "There's always tomorrow right?"
I nodded biting my lip. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow."
She turned to go back to work as I ran out to meet with the rest of the group sprinting to the subway.
"You couldn't wait ten seconds?" Mindy looked over at me.
"Oop Tara was Sam cockblocking? You got a new boo?" I blushed lightly shaking my head as Chad piped in.
"Tara's got a new man?!" I glanced to the side before looking up to see Mindy frozen.
I followed her line of sight and gasped. Seeing the same mask from my nightmares.
"Sam." I said shakily.
Her head turned to follow my gaze as we looked around the subway. I grabbed my inhaler before putting it to my lips taking a deep breath.
The lights flickered on and off and before I knew it I saw Ghostface standing in front of Mindy hand over her mouth and knife ebbed deep into her stomach.
Looking around for help everyone ignored us as Ghostface began to step towards me.
I kept looking around hoping to catch someone’s eye, everyone still oblivious to the murder that had just taken place.
As I went to scream the killer covered my mouth with a gloved hand, the other pulled back ready to slice into my abdomen.
I shot up to the sound of my iPhone alarm gasping and holding my chest.
I looked to the side to see Sam still sleeping soundly in her bed.
I started getting ready for the day knowing sleep would be inevitable. For the past week I had been feeling more anxious then usual and the nightmares were slowly starting to come back. It was 5 am so I began trudging my way to the coffee shop knowing they'd be opening now. It was only a block away from our apartment and not too far from campus and the subway.
"Goodmorning Ta- hey are you ok?" I looked into comforting brown eyes feeling myself smile a bit.
"Yeah just had some trouble sleeping." Y/n tilted her head to the side glancing at her watch and looking around.
"Feel free to say no but there's a couch in the employee lounge in the back, you can nap there. I'll wake you when it's time to go and have your usual ready yeah?" I looked to the slightly taller girl with wide eyes.
"You won't get in trouble?" She shrugged smirking.
"Meh probably but you're worth it." She winked before leading me over and opening the door to the employee lounge. "Now try to nap I know your usual schedule so I'll just wake you up when it's time to go." I nodded already getting comfortable on the couch.
It felt like seconds before the door slammed open.
"Oh my bad I didn't know anyone was back here." I looked up to see a cute guy standing in the doorway. I glanced down to his name tag Evan. I yawned stretching looking at my watch.
"It's fine I should probably start getting up anyway, y/n said it was cool I slept back here." Evan laughed a bit.
"For a pretty girl sure, I won't tell on either of you as long as I can get your number?" I felt my eyebrows shoot up as my cheeks started to feel warm.
"You don't waste time huh?" He chuckled running a hand through his hair shrugging.
"Hey Evan-" y/n popped in. "Damn sorry Tara I was fixing your order when I saw he came back here." She glanced at Evan who was still looking at me.
"So yes to the number?" He grinned blue eyes sparkling. Y/N's smile dropped slightly as she placed my things on the coffee table in front of me. I looked up to see her staring curiously.
"Sure." She grabbed the chain around her neck twisting the dog tag.
"We'll I better get back to work then. Tara it's about 6:30 so you should probably start heading out." She left abruptly as Evan and I watched before turning back to each other.
I put my number in grabbing my stuff and heading back to the counter.
"Hey y/n how much do I owe you?" She glanced up briefly before putting her focus on the current order she was working on.
"It's on the house, you gotta start heading out if you're gonna catch the subway." I smiled grateful.
"Thanks I owe you." She nodded giving the next customer their drink. I narrowed my eyes seeing she wasn't her usual cheery self.
"Hey are you ok?" She nodded forcing a smile.
"I'm fine, I'll see you later." Another customer came up cutting me off.
I walked to the door as a voice shouted.
"I'll call you later Tara!" I waved to Evan before heading to the subway.
"This week we'll be going over the mind of a serial killer."
I slid in my seat next to Sasha. Her blonde hair almost whipping me in the face as she turned to greet me.
"You're late girly." Carly peering around her snickering.
"For real even I showed up on time today."
I rolled my eyes getting my notebook out as my phone vibrated.
Unknown Number
Hey Tara it's Evan how does a movie and dinner on Thursday sound?
The girls saw the text and stared at me with eyebrows raised.
"Ooooo Tara was late getting her flirt on."
Professor Freddie cleared his throat looking to us.
"Are you girls finished?" I blushed heavily nodding as the other two tried to look innocent holding back laughter.
"Yes sir we're sorry."
As class went on I focused on finishing my notes as my friends continued to tease and whisper next to me.
Once we exited class the girls began to hound me as we walked to the courtyard meeting up with Mindy, Chad, and Kirby.
The girls were still going on about Evan when Chad turned to me.
"Tara's got a new man's?" He grinned cheekily making Mindy look at him in disgust.
"Do you even hear yourself?" Before she turned to me smirking. "But do tell." She wiggled her eyebrows making all of us laugh.
I shook my head. "I literally just got his number it's not a big deal."
6 months later
The small bell rang throughout the shop as I walked in seeing my boyfriend and his coworker making coffee. I walked to the counter catching Evan's attention.
"Hey babe, what can I get you?" I rolled my eyes...men really are clueless. No matter how many times I ordered he never remembered what I got.
"I'll have a-"
"Iced matcha latte with oat milk and a vegan breakfast wrap." Y/n placed the items in front of me turning to Evan as she began pulling off her apron. "You can ring her up I'm going on break."
She went to clock out and dropped another bag in front of me before heading to the back, "and two cake pops in case you have a sweet tooth later."
I smiled thanking her, as she nodded giving me a small smile.
"Hey since you're going on break would you want to hang for a bit? I feel like we haven't talked in a while." It was true for the last few months I'd seen less of the barista. She'd usually be going on break or just disappear whenever I came in. I kind of missed the goofy grins and cheesy jokes.
She shook her head. "Gonna head out for lunch today, but thanks for the offer."
The door bell rang again and I looked to see my friends and sister waving to me heading to our usual booth. I turned back to see Y/n had already gone to the employee lounge. I sighed grabbing the bags and sitting down.
"I'm hoping some of that is for us." I rolled my eyes at Mindy passing her a cake pop. Evan coming to sit with us as another coworker of theirs covered the counter.
"What's up guys?"
3rd Person POV
Across town Carly was entering her apartment as her phone rang. Without checking she answered.
"Hey uh is this Carly?"
"Who's asking?"
"Brian from Film Theory."
"Brian from Film Theory? I don't know any Brian from Film Theory." The red head rolled her eyes placing her keys in her purse.
"You sure? We had that group project last month. Remember?"
"Not really."
"We went over our favorite scary movies. I called to see what yours was."
The girl sighed. "Look if this is a desperate attempt to ask me out, I gotta tell ya it's not going well."
The voice on the phone chuckled. "We'll shit look-"
The girl hung up before the voice could finish. She began walking further down the hall heels clicking as she did. Her phone rang once more.
"Hey look I-" she hung up again continuing her journey.
Her phone rang once more. "Look man I-"
Carly paused scared. "Fuck you this isn't funny."
Her phone chimed a video of all her friends sitting at the coffee shop.
"Now we're gonna play a little game. If you answer three questions right they live, get them wrong and they die. Understand?"
The girl began sniffling nodding before she answered. "Yes."
"Good question 1-what's the real name of "Chucky" in "Child's Play"?"
The girl paused closing her eyes.
"5" her breathing sped up. As she began typing on her phone.
"4" God why was Google taking so long to load?!
"CHARLES LEE!" The voice paused.
"Correct. See? It's not so bad. Keep this up and your friends may see tomorrow."
"Question 2-what's the name of the camp where Jason Vorhees drowns in the Friday the 13th series?"
"I know this! Camp Crystal Lake!"
"That is....correct. Looks like you do like scary movies."
"Final Question-how many people did Jason kill in the first Halloween film?"
The girl types frantically: How many people died in Friday the 13th?
How many people has Jason killed since Friday the 13th....NO
She continues scrolling.
She clicks the list of kills in the original film.
"Wrong." He whispers the girl gasps.
"No that has to be right!" I have the list of deaths right in front of me.
"Wrong, Jason Vorhees didn't kill anyone in the first film it was all his mothers doing before she was decapitated."
The girl stands still in shock getting ready to dial 9-1-1.
"Time to die."
"No!" She goes to run when her hair is pulled back a figure appearing right behind her slicing her neck from ear to ear. Her body dropped to the floor as the taller figure stepped over her getting close and taking a selfie with the lifeless body.
Using her phone he sends a text to the pinned group chat.
Surprise Sam! ;)
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flyingpotstickers · 1 year
send me a 🎁 and I’ll write five sentences of what I’m working on and share one
I wasn't working on anything yet but wrote this instead so you get all of THIS.....) (reminder to donate to this cause if you enjoyed reading this!!!!!)
Word Count: ~1k!
Fandom: NCIS: Hawai'i
Ship: Kacy
Read it here on ao3.
@when-you-are-stranger you might like this :)
Kate naturally wasn't a jealous person. Normally, she was quite confident in who she was seeing and how they were feeling about her at any given moment. It'd never been a problem before, certainly, that she'd gotten hotheaded over a partner.
So when she snapped the pencil in front of Lucy getting flirted with--- well....that was a new experience for her. Lucy wasn't entertaining the flirtatious advances, of course. They were together. But that didn't mean Kate liked seeing it happen.... Right in front of her coffee, for fuck's sake!
Okay, so maybe while they were together, and that was factual, it wasn't exactly... well known to the rest of the team. They were keeping things down on the low, secret. Kate wasn't even sure why anymore. It had been her idea.
So Kate couldn't even get mad.
(More mad than she was.)
She wanted to get mad.
(Pencils be damned.)
She wanted to declare in front of everyone that they were a couple and to back The Fuck Off of her girl. But that was an angry thought, a thought based off fear of rejection. Instead, she commented on the pick up line with a dry look. "You broke my pencil by being bold enough to use that dull of a line." She drawled out.
Lucy giggled. Oh god, Kate wanted to give her the world. Kate sighed as she looked at Lucy, "what? Was it going to work?" she asked lightly. Trying to infuse in her tone of voice that she was not threatened by this man's "moves" or lack thereof.
Lucy rolled her eyes, looking only slightly apologetically at the coffee shop employee. "Sorry, but no. I've heard lines about these eyes longer than you've been alive, kid." She confessed. "besides that," she added. "I have a partner."
Kate tried not to puff up with pride at the words--- Or at the way the cashier deflated. SHE WAS THAT PARTNER!!!! Yeah!!!!!
Kate needed to get a grip on herself.
"Here's your order."
The barista called out after a pregnant pause --- the pause involving a very loaded gaze off between the two women. Looking at Lucy, Kate couldn't remember why they were keeping this - them - a secret. But she couldn't just out them on her own. No.... bad idea.
"C'mon," Lucy tugged Kate's sleeve along as they grabbed their individual drinks from the counter. "You're holding the line up, Whistler."
"I want to go out with you." Kate said intelligently, obediently allowing herself to be tugged away. "In public. With you. And I want to tell the world that you have decided to give me another chance. But only if that's okay with you! I understand if you don't want to, it's just." Kate gripped her drink almost a little tooooooooo tightly. Luckily, she realised in time and stopped: Stopped the squeeze, stopped the motion of moving forward.
"I understand if I've given off too many red flags for you to even really want to date me at all. But right here and now, all I can think about is kissing the foam off of your lips." Kate continued to ramble, and would have gone on to say more, really! She was prepared with a whole speech! Except!
Lucy kissed her. In front of all the coffee shop. In front of all the employees who had hit on her. In front of all the customers who were waiting on their mediocre coffee. And oh god, Kate could taste the coffee on Lucy's lips as the kiss intensified for three....four, no, five, seconds until Lucy pulled away smiling beatifically.
"I could think of worse things."
Kate couldn't think of anything, let alone "Things Worse Than Dating Her".
All she could think of was the taste Lucy had allowed her of a life that she So. Desperately. Wanted.
A life with Lucy Tara.
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streaminn · 1 year
Listen I’m usually not one for crackships because I’m not a masochist (So little content!! 😭) and my only frame of reference to the scream movies is scary movie 1 and this blog, but I gotta really say… that the idea of Enid going on this little travel to NYC (after probably insane Nevermore shenanigans during the school year), meeting this very pretty normie girl and getting a date with her just to learn she has had a murderer on the loose after her???
Or even more funny if their meeting happened in the middle of the plot of one of the scream movies, Enid thinks this is finally her romantic comedy summer fling meet-cute after her supernatural horror school year and then her (maybe gf???) is in the middle of a murder mystery (again) like damn, she sure knows how to pick them
LISTEN LISTEN, I REALLY DON'T MIND MAKING ENID TARA CONTENT IF PEOPLE Ask. The content maker is right here, I am willing >:)
Which is why I need to set up an au thought to gather enough of a premise to spark some ideas in people
I'm definitely going for the second one though, like Enid stumbles onto Tara and goes "omg, she's so pretty I wanna kms" before noting that there's someone following them so she kinda gets worried. So she ends up rambling and spending time with Tara in an attempt to make the stalker confused to where they're going
Tara might get charmed who knows but if enid ends up bumping into her the other day, she makes sure to ask her for another hangout as a just in case
There's no stalker but enid wants to make sure she's safe either way :) if they happen to stumble into the coffee shop Mindy works in then that's coincidence
Enid definitely forgets abt the stalker by the second date, having been enjoying her time with Tara before freezing when she smells a familiar scent of someone trailing then
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dontsh0vethesun · 3 years
rose quartz against soft skin
Pairing - Jennifer Jareau x Reader
Summary - After JJ finds out the dark story behind her favourite necklace, Y/N tries to cheer her up
Warnings - none, just fluff
Word Count - 997
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The case we'd just finished up was extremely hard on JJ, it hurt me to see her struggle and I'd do anything I could to bring her any amount of comfort. I watched as she held her favourite necklace in her fist, the golden pendant from her sister grasped firmly in her palm; she wiped a stray tear from her cheek as she tucked it away in her pocket - I don't think I've often seen her without it clasped around her neck.
"This case has been hard on her." Emily spoke solemnly beside me, looking to where I'd been watching JJ. "I know you care about her, I'm sure she'd love if you went to talk to her - try and cheer her up a little."
"How could I not care about her?" I smiled, certainly a dopey grin and the personification of heart eyes.
"The team and I have a bet on when you'll both finally admit you like each other so hurry up so I can win." She teased, poking me in the arm.
"I don't think you have the guts - I think I'm winning this bet." Tara jested, standing beside me after nudging me with her shoulder.
"You two are idiots." I giggled.
"Not as much as you and JJ." Tara stated, I rolled my eyes at her as Emily laughed in agreement.
"I have something to do - one of you two go and keep her company for like twenty minutes, I'll be back." They looked at each other with slight confusion though agreed as I headed out of the station, wandering onto the streets of JJ's hometown.
When we arrived here I noticed a small jewellery shop on the way to the police station so I headed there. A bell above the door chimed as I made my way in, browsing the contents of the shelves eyeing a necklace that would look perfect on JJ. I bought it without hesitation and made my way back to the station, picking up a coffee for us both on the way. We go for coffee and breakfast on any weekend we're not called in on a case, often it's just us but sometimes Emily, Tara and Penelope join - we both have a shared love for hazelnut lattes so that's what I bought.
As I walked back into the station I saw JJ laughing at something Tara had said, the three women sitting in the station's break room. Upon seeing me, Emily tapped Tara and the two left the room smirking at me as they did so.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Hey Y/N/N." JJ smiled back.
"How're you doing?" I asked as I sat beside her, passing the coffee to her.
"Much better now I've got two of my favourite things." She returned, sipping her coffee as I felt my cheeks burn with a blush. "It was a hard case and now this necklace feels wrong against my skin - I can't wear it without it feeling like it's strangling me." She sighed, fishing the necklace from her pocket to show me. "It actually feels weird without it on, like my neck is naked." She laughed, making me giggle slightly too.
"I think I have something that could change that - hopefully." I spoke nervously as I grabbed the small box in my jacket pocket. "I got you this, I hope you like it but if you don't that's fine too and-" I rambled before she put her hand on my leg silencing me.
"Chill." She laughed. "I'm sure I'll love whatever it is if it's from you." She grinned, taking the box from my hand as I held it out to her. She opened it, her smile growing even bigger, slight tears pooling in her eyes as she looked at the necklace. A delicate golden chain holding a small polished piece of rose quartz lay in the box, she picked it up gently with a slight, barely audible gasp. "Thank you, this is beautiful Y/N. Could you help me put it on?" She asked, I nodded with a smile happy she liked it.
She stood up with her back facing me as she brushed her hair to one side, she'd missed a strand so a gently brushed it aside to clear the way. I reached around her body to hold each end of the chain, bringing them together at the back of her neck. "Rose quartz promotes self love, deep inner healing and peace. It purifies and opens up the heart to all levels of love." I spoke as I clasped it shut.
"I love you, Y/N." She responded, holding the pendant of the necklace between her finger and thumb as she turned to face me stunning me into silence. "I mean I really love you like I'm in love with you." She sheepishly added, looking into my eyes as I looked back into hers.
"I love you too." I responded, breathless from the shock and nerves. A grin plastered over her face as her hand gently cupped my cheek, bringing my lips to hers in a kiss. It was soft and gentle, passionate as we gave into long held feelings. "Apparently the rest of the team had bets on us."
"What?" She giggled, only laughing harder when we looked out and saw them exchanging money - Emily seemed to have won based on the smile on her face. "Of course they did, fucking profilers." She laughed making me chuckle along with her before she pressed another, chaste, kiss upon my lips.
"Lets go home? Though I'm sure there'll be plenty of teasing from them on the jet." I laughed.
"I'll fight 'em off. Do you wanna come back to mine when we land?"
"Sure." I smiled.
"Thank you. For giving me at least one happy memory of this shitty town."
"I hope to give you nothing but happy memories from now on." I spoke, linking her hand with mine as we walked out of the station.
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Coming Home: Aaron Hotchner and Matilda by Harry Styles
Aaron was a mess when this song came out.
It had been a while since he had been back to Virginia to visit everyone, and was feeling really tired all the time. He couldn't quite place what was off until he heard this song.
He has never sappy with the BAU team, but he sends the link to the song in their group chat and just says something simple like "I love you all and will see you soon," and leaves it at that.
Aaron missed his family.
He planned to take Jack back to Virginia for the summer. He needed to see everyone, and it would be good for Jack to see Henry and Michael again. He missed Reid's rambles, and hopes to meet his new girlfriend Max. Morgan has long been gone from the team, but Hank is growing up to be quite the kid and he misses the whole Morgan family. He's heard Penelope and Luke are together now, and he is very happy that she seems happy. Matt has seemed to settle in well from what Rossi has told him, and he's grateful that his hard work and talent has not gone to waste after the IRT was disbanded. Aaron has yet to meet Krystall, or Joy for that matter, and he misses Rossi's carbonara at team dinners. He knows Emily has been doing an incredible job as unit chief, but can't wait to see her become directory someday. Her and Tara have since gotten married, and have adopted two teenage girls, just around Jack's age. JJ and Will have been meaning to tell people that they are pregnant again, and Hotch was the first person she called, hoping it might persuade him to visit. She said everyone misses him. He tells her he's coming home soon.
That summer, when everyone is celebrating at JJ's baby shower, preparing to welcome their little girl Rosie, named after Rosalind, Aaron announces he's moving back to DC. A small family home was on the market not far from Will and JJ's, and after talking with Jack, who desperately missed his aunts, uncles, and cousins at the BAU, he decided it was time to come home.
The weekend they move in, he visits Hayley's grave. Bringing her flowers from her favorite shop near the old FBI headquarters, he sits and talks with her.
He talks to her for hours. He tells her that JJ asked him to be Rosie's godfather, and that Jack is excited to meet her. He tells her all about the new house, the yard, how he thinks they might be able to get a dog, which Penelope has already offered her services in rescuing. He tells her all about the team helping move them in, how Reid is babysitting right now, helping Jack with his summer reading list and his college applications. As much as he loves what his dad used to do, Jack wants to save people in a different way, wanting to become a doctor. Aaron plans to talk to Savannah all about what Jack needs to be ready for.
His life has been domestic for some time at this point, but he's been away for so long he had forgotten that his family was bigger than just Jack and Jessica. The move is really good for him. He has to learn to open up all over again, but the homecoming makes him long for the closeness he never seemed to dream of growing up.
His father had somewhat tarnished his views of the future, the way he despised his mother and hated his own children. Aaron was scared to grow angry and bitter just the same. But he is settling into his new life with the help of his found family. He's looking forward to his front porch swing and his son's high school graduation. He loves Hayley even after all these years apart. He has JJ who come over for coffee on Sunday and Spencer who can help when Jack's math classes reach far beyond what he was taking at his age. He has Morgan who will come build furniture with him and Emily and Tara who are always ready for a night in with a good bottle of wine. Penelope and Luke never fail to show up for movie night, especially since they love Russel, his new beagle. Rossi and Matt come by often to drop off books for him, and he never fails to take their suggestions.
Its a simple life, but its a good one. Its the one he needs.
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drcalmreid · 4 years
friends - s.r. (pt. 1/2)
pairing: spencer reid x female reader
summary: pure angst - friends with benefits always ends up with one person scorn out of jealousy...and in this case, it’s spencer. especially when he sees you flirting with one of his BAU partners.
content warning: consumption of alcohol, indication of sex (no smut!), anger/trust issues, brief mention of blood
word count: 4.5k // part two
authors notes: lyrics = indicate a flashback!! ALSO this is completely inspired by the song “friends” by chase atlantic, so i recommend listening to it while you read! this part is all in spencer’s pov but the next one will be the readers pov ;)
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Sweat and tension hang heavy in the air as I sit in the bar, watching my co-workers from the booth. The condensation slides down my glass onto the table, creating a puddle around the cup. I run my fingers around in the ring of water, creating shapes on the table top.
“You know,” JJ says, taking the spot next to me in the booth. “If you’re going to come out with us, you should try to make conversation.” “I think I’m okay,” I smile at her as she nudges me with her elbow. “Really, you don’t have to babysit me. Go, have fun.”
“Alright,” JJ says standing back up. Her eyes scan over me before she turns to gaze to the dance floor. Luke, Tara, Penelope, Emily, and (y/n) all dance together, obnoxiously close to one another (some more than others). “You should tell her how you feel.” JJ comments, swirling her drink with the straw in her mouth.
“What- who? What are you talking about?”
“C’mon Spence! You really think after all this time I still can’t read you?” JJ asks and I shrug, giving her a small smile. JJ leans down to me and whispers, “just go talk to (y/n)”.
I lean back on the leather seat and crack my back, even though I know that the constant cracking of my back actually causes adverse effects...but I do it anyway. I bring my eyes up from the table and my still sweating glass of water and glance over at the dance floor. JJ just reaches the team as they welcome her into their terribly coordinated group. This is the third time the team has gone out this month and the first time I’ve been here to witness the completely obvious flirt-fest between Alvez and (y/n). How do I even compete with someone like Luke? I was captivated by (y/n) from the moment I met her, but was too scared to even process a relationship with her. My brain couldn’t stop running over every possible scenario of what could go wrong if I asked her out...even just for a simple coffee after work. I couldn’t do it, and I knew I wouldn’t. Until (y/n) took it upon herself…
Girl, tell me what you're doing on the other side?
And so, just tell me what you're doing with that other guy?
Cause I ain't got patience to slow down the bass
“You going to O’Malley’s tonight?” (Y/n) asks, peering down at me from the corner of my desk. She sits on the corner of the wooden top, her legs swinging back and forth. I turn in my desk chair and look up at her. It feels as though someone sucked all the oxygen out of the room and I’m lost in her presence. She captivates me in a way that no one has. “Reid?” She asks again, waving her hand in front of my face. She tilts her head down and smiles at me, but waits for me to answer.
“‘M sorry, I-”
“It’s okay, I just would really like it if you came. That’s all,” she grins and hops off my desk onto the floor. “No pressure.” I swivel in my chair and follow her path behind me, my words get caught in my throat before I finally call after her, “I’ll be there!”.
“Y’know Spence,” (y/n) drunkenly whispers in my ear, even though she’s practically yelling over the loud bar music. It was only an hour after the team had gotten to the bar, but (y/n) was drinking as if it were her last drink on earth. “I like you…” she trails off, swirling her drink with the straw. She flips her hair over her shoulder and leans down on her arm to stare into my eyes. Her eyes are glossed over from the alcohol she’s consumed and clearly her filter is completely gone for the night. I laugh at her words and lean down to her, “I like you too, you’re easy to talk to, funny, you actually listen to my rambles. You’re a great friend, (y/n).” I practically choke the words out, and thank God she’s intoxicated otherwise she would have caught my inflexion on the word “friend”.
“No, no, no-” She sits up on her stool and glances around the bar. She spots the rest of the team across the restaurant before she continues talking, “I like-like you, Spencer. I like you a lot.”
“(Y/n), do you know what you’re saying to me right now?”
“Of course I do,” she takes a gulp from her drink. “I’ve wanted to tell you for months, but now I’ve got the liquid courage.” She winks and tilts the glass in my direction. I want to believe that this is truly happening, but I can’t. I want to throw caution to the wind and be with her, but I can’t. I don’t trust myself or my past. I’m no good for her.
“I think we should switch you to water,” I say as I raise my hand to the bartender. She reaches over my chest and grabs my arm, carefully avoiding my hand, shaking her head.
“No,” she says leaning in near my face. My heart leaps into my throat and I feel my pulse quicken as she inches closer to me. “Spence, you can give me all the water you want...but what I said won’t change.”
(Y/n) hops down from her stool to meet the rest of the BAU at the large table, but turns on her heel only a few steps away, “you comin’?”
“Hi,” I say as (y/n) swings open her front door the next morning. Her eyes are hooded, red and puffy as she shields them from the sun. Her once perfectly curled hair is now gathered into the messiest bun, as she stands in her beat-up FBI training t-shirt and paint-covered sweatpants. “I figured you would want something greasy, so I got you a breakfast burrito, but when you realize that isn’t the hangover cure, I got you a banana and nut mix with some Powerade.” I say, raising up two separate shopping bags.
“Oh my God, my head,” (y/n) whines, shuffling away from the front door plopping herself on the couch. “I was so fucked up last night.” She mumbles as her face is squished in between couch cushions.
“Yeah,” I shut the door as quietly as I can behind me. “You were.” I chuckle, setting the bags down on her kitchen island. I grab the Powerade from the bag and walk back to her on the couch. I squat down in front of her, tilting my head back and forth waiting for her to look at me. Eventually, she turns to face me and a smile creeps across her face. She whispers a quiet “hi” and I mimic back the word, “hi”. She slowly pulls herself up from the couch and pulls her legs into a cross-legged position. I pass her the Powerade and she rolls her eyes at me before opening the bottle.
“Remind me never to drink again,” she crips. “I have no filter when I drink. I mean, I literally told JJ I like Henry better than Michael...who does that?”
“Same person who confessed their love for me last night,” I mutter and my eyes go wide, heart dropping. Did I really just say that? (Y/n) practically spits out her drink and laughs.
“You’re kidding right? Spence-” She leans forward, panic running across her features as she tries to hide it with humor. “Spencer.” She says and I look up at her, “what did I say to you, Spencer? Tell me, oh God maybe I don’t want to know,” she stands from the couch and pads off into her bedroom. I stand up from my spot on the floor and follow her. “No, tell me,” she pivots and leans against her bed.
“(Y/n), you were drunk and I should have stopped you.”
“Spencer, what the fuck did I say?” She says sternly.
All your girlfriends are wasted
They need it, they chase it
Face it. You want it, you crave it
I shake my head clear of that night and let my eyes linger on her. From my spot at the table, I can perfectly watch the team dance their hearts out. (Y/n) dances to the rhythm of the obnoxious club music, her hips moving at a steady pace. Luke stands dangerously close to her as he follows her movements. (Y/n) spins to face him, her laugh bubbling out of her as Luke smiles down at her. She stands on her toes, whispering something to him, before Alvez throws his head back laughing at her. He leans down to talk to her again and (y/n) wraps her arms around his neck, bringing him even closer. The two of them move together now, completely tangled in one another as the songs continue. Luke trails his hands down her sides before they rest just above her waist. (Y/n) lowers her arms and quickly spins in Luke’s grip, her ass now practically grinding on him. Her dress rides up her thighs, inching closer and closer to her waist. The other girls cheer on the two, but JJ looks over her shoulder at me giving an empathetic smile. An anger builds up from deep inside of me and I grip my glass harder than is probably safe. I can’t be here anymore. I stand up abruptly from the bench and work my way through the crowds, desperate for some air and to see anything other than that.
Believe when I say that you'll know once you taste it
“I don’t-,” I start, but (y/n) stands from the bed.
“Don’t give me that ‘I don’t remember’ bullshit, because you can I both know you do,” (y/n) says in a way that leans more nervous and upset than angry.
“You said, ‘I like-like you.’” I choke out, while scratching the nape of my neck.
“What else did I say?” She asks, her eyes wide with embarrassment.
“That, you wanted to tell me for months but didn’t have the courage to.” I say, staring down at the floor before I look up to see (y/n) also keeping her eyes fixed on the hardwood floor.
“You know what they say about drunken confessions.” She mumbles, pulling her hands in front of her to play with her fingers.
“It’s been proven that alcoholic drinks cause neurological and psychological regression with the higher blood alcohol levels, so more hostile and truthful responses are common...but alcohol can’t necessarily make you feel new emotions.” I ramble on and (y/n) shakes her head at me.
“Did you know that or did you look it up after I confessed last night?”
“Both,” I answer and we both release our built up stress in a heartfelt laugh.
“Yeah well,” she rubs her arms. “I didn’t lie. I really do like you Spence,” she looks up and holds my gaze. “You don’t have to say anything, or feel anything… I just- I just wanted you to know for so long, and I guess now’s the time.”
Without hesitation I lean forward, my hands cradling her face and pull her lips to mine. Our mouths melt into one another quickly and I lose myself in her. My mind races through every possibility of what this means for us, but I try my best to shut it off and just be in the present. (Y/n) giggles against my lips, pulling away for a second to look at me.
“I like you too,” I smile down at her, while pushing a loose strand from her bun behind her ear. She grins and stands on her toes, capturing my lips again before we step backward, falling onto the bed.
All of your friends have been here for too long
They must be waiting for you to move on
Girl, I'm not with it I'm way too far gone
I'm not ready, eyes heavy now
I step out of the bar into the cool March air, the night temperature chilling my lungs as I breathe in and out rapidly. I lean against the brick wall of the building, pulling at my tie feverishly trying to get it off. I yank off the tie, untying it in my hands while resting my head against the wall. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale… When I open my eyes again, I look out across the busy street as couples pass by. Each one fixated on the other and my heart pounds in my ears.
“Spence?” A voice calls from near the entrance of the bar, “are you okay? I saw you run out, I-”
“I’m fine, (y/n).” I snap at her. She stands to my side, arms crossed, her hands running up and down to keep herself warm.
“Are you sure?”
“I said I’m fine.”
Silence settles betweens us for a moment before she steps forward, inching closer to me. We stand next to one another for a moment, both of us resting against the bar wall as cars continue to zip down the street.
“Alright, well if you’re fine, then I’ll leave you,” she sighs. (Y/n) steps back, heels clicking on the pavement as she approaches the bar.
“Do you like him?” I ask, staring down at the undone tie in my hands. She raises her eyebrows and her eyes scan over my face. “Luke. Do you like Luke?”
“Excuse me?” She asks, her hand resting on the door handle to the bar.
“I mean- it seems like you do.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” She drops the handle and turns to face me again.
“Nothing, you- you just were dancing and-”
“Oh my god,” she mutters through a laugh. “You’re jealous. Spencer, seriously?”
“I’m sorry that I can’t see you with other guys, it’s not fair for me to watch that. I can’t, (y/n).”
“Well,” she steps back, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “That’s not really my problem is it? You told me to, let’s see...how did you put it?”
She looks up as if she’s trying to remember the words, “ ‘Get over my feelings because we’re not together’? I believe that’s what you said.” She coolly states, quoting my words from days before. I stand against the wall stunned as I blink away tears.
“(y/n), I-”
“Spencer, please just don’t say anything else. You’ve said enough,” she grabs the door handle again and swings the heavy bar door open. She props it open with her foot and glances back at me, “just so we’re clear. None of this is fair, and I can dance with whoever I want.”
Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved
Running in circles, now look what you've done
My cool fingertips run up and down her bare back, moving along her spine. Occasionally I trace shapes and words onto her skin as she lays against me. The hours pass as we stay in her bed, the world continuing on without us as we lay tangled together.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” I glance down at her. Her eyes flutter open as she looks up at me, keeping her head on my chest.
“Yeah? I bet I’ve wanted to longer,” she giggles, sitting up resting her weight on her elbow.
“Mmm,” I humm and pull her face to mine. Pecking her lips once, “I don’t think so.”
“No? Then why didn’t you say anything?” (Y/n) tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and rests her chin on my chest. Her big, bright eyes piercing into mine.
“I was scared,” I say truthfully and I feel as though a weight is lifted off of me. She tilts her head to one side as she waits for me to keep talking, “I don’t have the best relationship history. Actually, I don’t even have a history.” I take a deep breath and (y/n) smiles, tracing small hearts onto my chest with her index finger. “I- I just don’t know how to do this, (y/n). I don’t even know if I can…” I confess, but (y/n) doesn’t take her eyes off of me. She sits up slowly, the sheets of her bed gathered around her bare chest.
“Spence, I don’t know how to do this either,” she giggles. “But, I’m willing to try to figure it out with you...as long as you are.”
“Let me ask you this,” I say sitting up slightly, leaning against her bed frame.
“Oo yes, my favorite Dr. Reid phrase,” she says laying down under my arm. “Sorry, continue.”
“Do you think we could keep this between us? I’m just not ready for all of the pressure and conversations between the team.” She reaches up as I speak and twists one of my curls between her thumb and index finger.
“Of course,” she smiles and our lips meet each other again.
Give you my word as you take it and run
Wish you'd let me stay, I'm ready now
I close my eyes harshly and rub the back of my eyes with my knuckles, so hard that I see stars and swirls among the darkness. “Shit,” I shout, tossing the tie to the concrete, not caring where it lands. I swing my arms around, smashing my fist into the brick wall. “Fuck!” I whip my hands away from the wall, shaking my hand off. My knuckles are open, bloody, and throbbing. I fling myself off the wall again, headed back into the bar. My head is spinning and cloudy, but all I know is I have to get to (y/n). I have to apologize to her and tell her the truth. I need her to listen, I need her to understand, hell...I just need her. I pull open the wooden door and blasting music hits me like a wall. I shake my head at the change in volume and push through the crowds. I make a bee-line for the BAU’s table in search of any one of my team members. Penelope spots me first as she skips over in her brightly colored heels. “Reid, oh Reid! My personal genius! Come! Come,” she tugs on my shirt sleeve, pulling me closer to the back table. I turn my head back and forth, scanning over all of the faces in the crowd in search of (y/n). “Garcia,” I say, trying to put my heels down. “Where is (y/n)?” She ignores me and continues pushing us through the sea of people. Finally our table appears and Emily, JJ, and Tara sit in a semi circle shaped booth. “Found him,” she cheers, pushing me into the booth. She sits down across from me and turns to JJ. “Now shimmy over, I have a question for the good Doctor.”
“Garcia,” I practically beg. “Where is (y/n)?”
“Oh, sorry! She left with Newbie.” Penelope answers, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“No, Pen,” JJ glances up from her drink to meet my eyeline. “Not like that, Luke was just driving her home.”
“Are you kidding? Those two were hot-and-heavy on the dance floor. Totally into each other… Oh my god imagine their kids!” Garcia beams, clasping her hands together. JJ frowns, but nods at Penelope, not to give her any indication of my feelings. “So! Tara was telling me that alcohol actually-”
“Garcia,” I interrupt and stand up from the booth. “I’m so sorry, but I really have to go.”
Just give me some time and space to realize
That you, were busy lying, sleeping 'round with other guys
And what the hell were we?
Tell me we weren't just friends
This doesn't make much sense. No.
“Spencer for the love of God open the door,” (y/n) mumbles against my neck. Goosebumps rise in the wake of her words.
“I’m trying, but you’re distracting me,” I respond. The hotel keycard fumbles in my hands against the door as (y/n) lingers next to me.
“Oh I’m sorry, I’m distracting you?” She coyly asks, running her hands under my shirt. Finally the door chimes and swings open. “Thank god,” she says pushing past me into the hotel room. I shut the door behind us and within seconds, were connected again, our moans echoing throughout the empty hotel room. It’s been nearly four months since (y/n) and I decided to hide our feelings from the rest of the world. It’s safer and easier for both of us, but every moment with her makes me want to scream it from the rooftops. Everytime we sneak away to our hotel rooms on cases, share secret glances during profiles, bring each other coffee in the mornings, or just be around one another for longer than usual, my heart begs for more. The two of us agreed that with our jobs and personal struggles the easiest thing would be to enjoy each other when we could, but not stress ourselves about the labels. “Friends with benefits,” (y/n) would label it after we spent one of our first nights together. I hated the term, but by definition… it was true.
Moments pass by and before I know it we're both covered in sweat, tangled in the hotel sheets. We both collapse onto the bed, quickly trying to catch our breath. I plop down on my back, curls covered in sweat and slicked to my forehead. (Y/n) nuzzles into my side, our skin sticking to one another as she fits herself under my arm. My eyes get heavy and I continue to move my hands through her hair onto her bare skin. I reach over with my loose arm and flick the light off, before I bring my arm around her and pull her in closer by the waist. Minutes of silence tick by as both of us are drowning in sleep; I close my eyes letting the night time wash over me and (y/n) does the same. After a while, I feel myself losing to the tired, but before it completely consumes me I hear (y/n) whisper, “I love you”.
But I'm not hurt, I'm tense
Cause I'll be fine without you babe
The bar door swings open again with force and I step onto the sidewalk. The cold temperature chills me again, but I push through the air away from the restaurant. I have no idea where I am headed, but my legs carry me away from the doors and walk for blocks. Thankfully, I had walked to the bar tonight because I am way too restless and anxious to be behind the wheel. Before I know it, I’m in front of my apartment complex. I release a big sigh before climbing the steps up to my home. If I didn’t know any better, I would have ended up at (y/n)’s apartment on my hands and knees, begging for her to take me back. But this isn’t a fairytale, it’s life. Life of a traumatized FBI agent who’s terrified of commitment and loss. I turn my key in the front door and stumble inside the apartment. I toss my shoes by the door and walk through the living room, laying down on my bed as sleep washes over me.
Saturday morning comes only a few hours later, the day drags on as I lay on my bed fully clothed. I rub the back of my eyes with my knuckles before I feel an intense pain in my hand. Shit. I stand up from the comfort of my bed and walk into the bathroom, cleaning off my knuckles and the dried blood from the back of my hand. Pain sears through my hand, but I welcome it, the physical pain taking away from the hurricane going on in my head.
I walk out of the bathroom flipping over a stack of books near my desk. I can’t be trapped here anymore. I have to get out. I pull on a half-worn cardigan over my button up and flatten out my pants, grab my shoes by the door and leave.
Again, I find myself walking in the cool spring air, the streets beginning to fill with morning crowds. I walk the couple of blocks from my house to the BAU, knowing the offices will be empty on the weekend and I can have a space to work without my bed calling my name from the other room. I push open the glass doors to the BAU bullpen and practically collapse into my desk chair. I flick on the reading light and set my head down on the table top. Silence.
“Luke, if you don’t stop,” the words come from the doorway and a chill mixed with shock runs through my body. I whip my head in the direction of the voice and spot Luke and (y/n) laughing together....(y/n) in her dress from the night before. (Y/n) locks her eyes with mine and frowns, “Oh my god, Spence.”
oooo shiittttt!! two parter!! whatsss gonna happennnnnnnn ;)))))
part two
masterlist // requests
stay safe & wear a mask!! -m
202 notes · View notes
semperintrepida · 4 years
The Sellout, chapter three
three: the bad news
"So are you going to look at it, or what?"
Ellen was talking, from her favorite seat on the couch with the best view of the register, but Kyra just stared at the jar on the counter, at the card lying face down and innocent on top of all the other cards inside it. She knew damn well what company that card came from — she'd seen the flash of green as it spun in the air from being dunked into the jar with savage glee.
Starbucks green.
"Kyra?" Ellen's voice was closer now. Right at the counter.
Kyra wordlessly pushed the jar in her direction, and Ellen pulled up a sleeve and stuck her hand in, her head tilting into a question. Is this it?
Kyra nodded.
Ellen fished the card out of the jar, her eyes widening as she read it. "Motherfucker," she said. "You were right — she is bad news."
"Show me." Kyra held out her hand.
The card landed in her palm, and as she flipped it over, her fingertips slid across bumps embossed onto its surface. Braille. On a business card. There was nothing a billion dollar company wouldn't do to give itself the tiniest edge over the competition.
The Starbucks logo greeted her on the front of the card. No surprise there. She scanned the text, eyes glancing over the woman's name — Kassandra Agiadis — but her name was less important to Kyra than her title: Vice President of International Real Estate Development.
The words on the card began to smear, and it was like falling while roped in during a climb; that sudden, twisting spin before the world dropped out from under her.
Real estate development. What's the premium for a high visibility retail space in this neighborhood?
She considered the card in her hand — amazing how something so weightless could be so crushing — then tore it in half, flinging the pieces onto the counter hard enough for them to fly off the edge on the other side.
Ellen's head swiveled to follow their flight path, and then she silently walked past the counter and stooped to pick the pieces up from the floor.
Kyra knew this day would come, but like all disasters, it had sat off in the distance until the moment it showed up on her doorstep. For years, Starbucks had been content to keep mostly to the west side of the river, with seventeen stores crammed between I-405 and the waterfront.
Seventeen stores. Down in the Pearl District, there was a Starbucks on every fucking corner, choking out all but a handful of indie shops. But the river had made a good moat, and with Starbucks contained, she'd been able to make a decent living within the rougher, more corrugated edges of the Central Eastside and Distillery Row.
She'd survived Dutch Bros putting in drive-throughs north and south of her on MLK, the coffee shortage of 2011 that tripled the price of beans, and the slow sprouting of competing coffee shops across the neighborhood. She'd managed to stay on the right side of the profitability line, but she'd been clinging to survival by the smallest of handholds for months now. One slip would be enough to send everything plummeting to earth.
She should have taken Thal's money and opened up more shops. She should have sold to Stumptown when she had the chance. She should have—
Her eyes began to sting. She resisted the urge to flee to the storeroom; if she went back there and let the tears leak out, she wouldn't be able to stop them again. And running off wasn't an option even if she wanted to — she was the only one working this shift and someone had to watch the fort.
She breathed in slowly, breathed out, until the prickle in her eyes faded enough for her to push the retail mask back into place.
Ellen was still standing there, watching her. "You'll figure something out, Kyra. You always do," she said, placing the torn halves of the card on the counter. "Hang on to this shit, huh? Just in case."
Ellen made it halfway back to the couch when Kyra spoke up again. "Do you have your laptop with you?"
"How else would I abuse your wifi?"
"Can I borrow it for a few minutes?"
Ellen's grin was feral. "I thought you'd never ask."
It took a while to get the laptop sorted, much of it involving frantic clicking and password after password as Ellen rambled something about needing a VPN and not trusting the government, but eventually Kyra found herself looking at an empty browser window with a cursor blinking lazily in its address bar.
"Where are we stalking first?" Ellen asked, rubbing her palms together in anticipation.
Kyra pulled up LinkedIn and typed "Kassandra Agiadis" into the search field, and when the results appeared, the photo at the top of the list smiled a familiar smile, the woman's confidence captured in pixel form along with that sharp glint in her eyes.
Kyra opened the profile.
Executive leader and consummate strategist with a proven record of results in aligning real estate acquisitions and portfolios with business goals...
She skimmed the suit-speak until she reached the background part of the profile.
MBA, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology BS, Economics, Stanford University
A lengthy list of job titles followed. Kassandra had only been at Starbucks a little more than a year. Before that, stints at Apple, Chipotle, CVS. The list went on. She'd rarely stayed longer than three years in a position.
Ellen whistled. "That's a lot of different companies."
"She's a mercenary," Kyra said. "Hired to do something specific and then move on."
Kyra opened another tab and searched Instagram, finding the woman's profile easily enough. The grid of photos featured a lot of concrete and metal, clean lines and minimalism, more Dieter Rams and Mid-Century Modern than any ostentatious displays of money being tossed around. Kyra kept scrolling. Except for the cars. And motorcycles. Apparently Kassandra liked her cars fast and her motorcycles retro.
"It's all very sterile, don't you think?" Kyra said, tapping a finger against her lips.
"I'll say. It's fucking fake. No one lives like that."
"I'm not sure all of it's fake, but it's definitely curated." She wiggled the cursor over a photo of the interior of a cabin, blonde wood and floor-to-ceiling windows framing a view of a lake. "She's paying someone to manage this for her."
"What's the fucking point of that?"
"Maintaining an image. Projecting a sense of old money." But something didn't add up, and Kyra couldn't pin down what it was.
She opened a third tab, this time for a good ol' Google search, and skimmed the list of results. A press release announcing Kassandra's hiring at Starbucks. More press releases. Talks at various conferences. Nothing particularly revelatory in the first few pages, but then a headline caught Kyra's eye and she clicked through.
Agiadis leads Stanford to national championship win
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Led by a scintillating performance from Kassandra Agiadis, Stanford won its second consecutive national championship in a come-from-behind victory over rival Tennessee on Monday night.
Agiadis scored 24 points, muscled her way to 12 rebounds, and was two assists away from a triple-double as she powered Stanford to a 76-72 win, including sinking three crucial free throws in the final 34 seconds, in a game where Stanford found themselves in an early 12-4 deficit at the end of the first quarter.
"She wants to win more than anything, and she showed that tonight," Stanford coach Tara VanDerveer said of Agiadis. "We were in a hole after that first quarter, but Kassandra lifted this team up and said, 'Whatever it takes.' She simply refused to lose."
The article was old, and the photos accompanying the text were small, but unmistakably her: Kassandra, basketball in hand, pushing past two orange-clad players under the hoop. There was plenty of broad-shouldered muscle in that white Stanford jersey, but it was Kassandra's eyes, bright and clear with relentless focus, that caught Kyra's attention.
Ellen snorted from over Kyra's shoulder. "So she's a fucking jock. Why am I not surprised?"
Kyra didn't respond, too distracted by the second photo, which showed Kassandra surrounded by her teammates in a storm of confetti as she held an enormous trophy over her head in triumph, her smile as radiant as the sun.
And now she wore a suit instead of a basketball jersey and cut real estate deals for fun and profit. Seemed she was good at it too, but did it ever make her smile like she had while holding that trophy?
Kyra hoped the answer to that question was no.
She drifted through Wednesday and Thursday, irritable by day and sleepless at night, and when Friday evening arrived with its expanse of free time, she made three attempts to dig into Green's translation of the poetry of Catullus before setting the book aside and walking out to the shed in her back garden where she'd built her bouldering wall.
The faint scent of sweat, chalk, and dusty earth greeted her inside. It was her sanctuary, her shrine to defying gravity. Every handhold was as familiar as a lover.
But tonight she couldn't even climb the simplest problems. Her toes kept slipping and her fingers faltered.
She'd lost her grip.
Eventually she gave up and lay on her back on the crash pad, staring at the curving shadows the holds cast upon the wall, thinking of how problems she'd solved a thousand times could suddenly become so impossible.
Five minutes before closing on Saturday night, Kyra was wiping down the fridge under the counter when the door opened and a presence entered the shop. Maybe it was the way her visitor displaced the air in the otherwise empty room, or the sound of heavy footsteps, but Kyra knew exactly who she'd find when she stood up again.
Kassandra was standing next to the table closest to the register. This time, she wasn't wearing a suit — just an untucked linen shirt over tailored slacks — and she'd pulled her hair up into a loose chignon. The effect was to make her seem casual and relaxed, but no less moneyed.
Kyra wiped her hands on a clean rag to keep her eyes off the intersecting curves of Kassandra's jawline and neck. "Are you going to ask me to make you another fucking cappuccino? Because if so, I'm closed."
That drew a short laugh from Kassandra. "No. As much as I loved the one you made for me, even I'm not evil enough to ask for another this late."
"Then why are you here? So you can gloat before you put me out of business?"
"I don't want to put you out of business." Kassandra pulled a chair out from the table and made herself right at home, stretching her legs out before her. "I want your business."
Kyra's eyebrows lifted.
"I'll buy this," Kassandra said, as easily as if she was ordering a drink. She gestured around the room. "All of it. Right now."
"You can't be serious."
"I'm very serious. How much would it take to get you to say yes?"
Kyra walked out from behind the counter to the narrow wooden bar that ran along the windows, and began flipping stools over on top of it. "Never mind buying me out — why are you here? Don't you have some lackey to work deals like this for you?"
Kassandra shrugged. "I like your coffee."
"Enough to buy my shop." She tugged the pull cord on the OPEN sign to turn it off.
"It beats the alternative."
Kyra skirted around Kassandra's outstretched legs on her way past, and when she reached the counter, she leaned back against it and crossed her arms. "And that would be..."
"We put in a new flagship store down the street from you on MLK — and you take your chances."
Ten years ago, Kyra would have been thrilled at the news that Starbucks was opening a store nearby. In those heady days, Starbucks was a tide that lifted every coffee shop around it. It was Starbucks that taught the average American that there was better coffee out there than freeze-dried instant — and that it was worth paying more than fifty cents a cup for. The spillover in foot traffic from a nearby Starbucks could launch a shop's profits to stratospheric heights.
Those days were long gone. Coffee had become cutthroat and commoditized, and now people bitched that her lattes cost a nickle more than the ones they could get at Starbucks. Sure, there were people out there who cared that her coffee was sourced from a roaster who paid a fair price for beans from small, family-run farms, but there weren't enough customers like them to keep her lights on and her espresso machine humming. So she kept trimming her margins, trying to stay competitive on price while offering better product, knowing it was unsustainable in the long run.
Kassandra's offer was tempting. She could take the money, take a real vacation for the first time in years, make the funds last long enough to find a job, somewhere. Fuck, she could go and work for Thal at his chain of shops over in Bend. She'd probably make more money with a lot less stress, and she'd even have time to climb—
The sound of the door opening again brought her back to reality. A man stumbled into the shop, disheveled and dirty, wearing an oversized puffy coat and a shredded pair of work pants. He shuffled closer, stopping a few steps away from Kassandra. His body swayed with the restless twitching of an addict, too far gone to know where he was, much less care about sweltering in a heavy winter coat during a spring heatwave.
Trouble piling on.
"I'm sorry sir, we're closed," Kyra said as neutrally as she could, threading the line between being welcoming and unwelcoming.
His eyes darted to and fro, unfocused, and he kept shifting his weight from foot to foot while he gestured aimlessly around him.
Kassandra eased herself to her feet. "Hey man, what do you need?" she asked, her voice taking on that even, reasonable tone that most people used when talking to the unhinged.
"Got any spare change?" He was shaking now, deep in his need for another hit.
Kassandra slowly lifted her hands. "Sorry, I'm all out," she said. Then she nodded back towards Kyra. "She's all out too."
Kyra shook her head apologetically.
Her movement caught his attention, and he peered at her with manic eyes. "What you doing here? Huh? Huh?" He reached up and pulled angrily at the hair above his ears. "My house. Mine."
"Nah," Kassandra said. "You're all turned around. Your house is out that way." She motioned towards the door.
He didn't seem to hear her, his eyes hardening to glare at Kyra as his face twisted. "You!" he shouted, and then the moment crystallized into a series of quick-cut images, unfurling into a jerky slideshow: the man lunging towards her, Kassandra sliding in between to intercept him, Kyra dodging out of the way as he slammed into Kassandra, knocking her off her feet...
Kyra could only watch helplessly as it put Kassandra's head on a collision course with the display case on the counter.
Chapter three of The Sellout. Continued in chapter four...
Author's Note: I've taken some liberties with NCAA women's basketball history here. Apologies to UConn fans — I've borrowed a couple of your titles and given them to Stanford. Creative license, eh?
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thetokenmuggle · 4 years
the frat boy slayer
Halloween Part Two 
M watched as Jane’s face scrunched up as she watched Minah and Sungjae seemingly get lost in their own world. He looked briefly at their friends but quickly looked away once they started to blur the line between dancing and well whatever it was they were doing.
““That’s disgusting,” Jane muttered. M hummed she did take a large gulp of her drink.
“The drink?” M asked, causing Jane to turn to face him. After Mark and Tara had left an awkward silence feel over the pair, while it wasn’t entirely uncomfortable but it had left them just standing there awkwardly next to each other.“If you want I can go and get you a better one?” He offered.
“ No no that is not necessary the drink is fine, it’s the sight of seeing our best friends pretty much dry humping on the floor that is disgusting,” she said with a shake of her head.
“Oh right,” M said looking over to the dance floor before quickly looking back at Jane, the tips of his ears turning bright red. “Do you wanna?” He murmured nodding to the floor.
“Do I wanna dry hump on the dance floor?” Jane asked, raising an eyebrow,smirking probably at how M’s face now matched his ears.
“I meant dance,” M exclaimed, “Not dry humping not that it is bad or I wouldn’t with you but-“ he rambled before realising he was digging himself a bigger hole. “I am just gonna stop talking,” he mumbled looking down.
Jane laughed, M sincerely hoped it was with him and not at him because he was already drowning in embarrassment. Maybe he was being hopeful but she looked well fond of him. “I would love to dance but quick question, do you even know how to?” she questioned eyeing him up and down. “And about that other thing, well you have to at least take me out for dinner first,” she smirked, M froze his brain malfunctioning as she tried to process what she had just said.
After settling down trying to ignore what Jane had just said M focused on the first part . “Oh fuck no I am awful, like I am not even been modest here,” M said with a laugh. “But you look like you want to and I’ve been a terrible kind of date so the least I can do is at least try ,” he said. “Though i should warn you my go to move is called the drunk giraffe and it will probably embarrass you so,” he shrugged.
“Doubt it I don’t know if you know this about me but I am pretty hard to embarrass,” Jane boasted. “ but you don’t have to feel obligated, you haven’t been an awful date at all,” she said with a soft smile making its way onto her face.
“I want to, I mean how many other opportunities will I have to dance with the prettiest girl here Jane the frat boy slayer,” he said with a grin. “So shall we?” He said holding his hand out. Jane was quick to skip her hand in his. They both tried to ignore how right that felt.
“Now it’s time for you to teach me this drunk giraffe move of yours,” Jane grinned as they found their spot on the dance floor.
“Are you sure you want to see it, really it’s pretty dumb,” M flushed.
“You can’t just bring it up and not show me now, teach me oh wise one,” she giggled.
“Fine,” M sighed in defeat. “First you put your hands up in the air like so,” he said, raising his arms up above his head. “And you shake them and kinda stumble around at the same time,” he said showcasing his dance move. Trying desperately to ignore the eyes that were on him no doubt judging him.
“Like this?” Jane grinned as she repeated the moves giggling as she did so.
“Exactly like that you are quick learner,” he said giving her thumbs up
Yeah, I’ve heard that plenty of times” Jane stated proudly, a smirk crossing her red-tinted lips as she playfully repeated the silly move.
“You’re giving me a run for my money” M laughed.
“Now it’s my turn to teach you a dance move.” Jane said wrapping a hand around M’s wrist and pulling him closer, M hoped she didn’t notice the way he stopped breathing. “Not that I don’t love the drunk giraffe, but if we do that all night long, I feel like my knees will hurt” Jane said, pointing at the pair stilettos she was wearing, M frowned he hadn’t even noticed, he hoped her feet were not hurting.
“Sure. Though you better don’t get your hopes too high, keep no expectations because i am really-” he started to say but Jane had completely zoned out. He waited for a second wondering if her eyes would leave his arms. Was their something wrong with his arms, was it that stupid birth mark?
Jane seemed to break out of her daze slowly turning around searching for something or someone. Within a few minutes the whole room was packed and looked like a moving montage of characters from movie and TV shows. Spiderman, Harry Potter, Darth Vader, Princess Leah, Scarlet O'Hara, angels, fairies, hobbits, witches and wizards, pirates and many other characters all danced to the latest summer hit.
Jane seemed to find what she was looking for, her eyes narrowed at whatever it was and a scoff escaped her lips.
“Is everything ok?” M asked her, looking around, apparently not identifying the source of her disgust yet. She shook her head but started laughing when she overheard a blonde girls response to a frat boy.
“Try rubbing anything of mine and the only wish you'll have, will be a death wish" She snarked before walking away leaving the two boys dressed as Jedi’s laughed their butts at the other frat boy’s - Jaehyun, M soon realized -, rejection.
“Jane,” Jaehyun spoke, clicking his tongue as he drew closer like some sort of Cicada. “Ok i get it, you are upset, but did you really have to bring some random guy to make me jealous?” Jaehyun asked, his eyes shifting up and down, analyzing M from head to toe.
“Do you even realize how delusional you sound just now?” Jane snorted, M felt bad, she was trying really hard not to lose her temper.
“Come on, Jane, there’s no need to flaunt your guy of choice in my face to make me jealous every other week” he said sending a condescending look his way before smirking at Jane. “Not that you’re trying too hard, either.” M was not a violent person but he was definitely considering wiping that smirk of that stupid jerk’s face.
“Because I don’t need to, even any of your hormonal, immature brothers would be better than you,” Jane stated her face contorting in anger. Jaehyun opened his mouth to continue this conversation before Jane stopped him. “Look, I’m sure you have better things to do tonight than to harass me, so why don’t you just leave me out of your egocentric and toxic-? “ Before Jane could complete her sentence, Mark and Johnny materialized behind Jaehyun. They gave Jane an apologetic look murmuring something to their friend and then dragged Jaehyun upstairs. The two jedi’s from before followed their brothers as well, looking rather concerned.
Jane sighed and slowly turned to face him, “I am truly sorry about that” she said briefly glancing into his eyes. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him, other than his ego of course,” she attempted to joke.
“It’s fine,” M mumbled. He paused trying to think he should say anything else or if any comment would make the situation worse. “Not your fault his brain doesn’t work, maybe his hair gel leaked into his brain or- “ he continued, “though i guess you could say the same thing about me right now,” he said pointing his hair.
“No, trust me, he has never used that brain,” Jane said with an eye roll. M’s lip quirked up in a semi smile, he wanted to continue the joke on but couldn’t bring himself to. That was the type of guy Jane was into, not a boy who works in a coffee shop and has a go to dance move is called the drunk giraffe.
An awkward silence fell over them, M knew that he was just a friend but he couldn’t help but feel a bit defeated. That been said he didn’t want Jane to feel bad it wasn’t her fault she had type that wasn’t M. “I don’t suppose you want to teach me that signature move now,” M said awkwardly trying to break the awkwardness, they could at least get back to the jovial mood they had before Jaehyun had to show up.
“Honestly at this point i kinda just want to go home,” Jane said, a defeated sigh slipping from her lips. M nodded, eyes darting down to his feet. Well that was a bruise to his almost non existent ego. “Not because of you,” Jane added quickly, causing M to glance up giving her what he hoped looking a reassuring grin. He was pretty sure she was saying that to make him feel better but he did appreciate the attempt. “Why do I get the feeling you have taken a page out of your bestfriend’s book and are doubting whether you should believe me or not?” Jane said, the tiniest hint of annoyance could be heard in her voice.
“Sungjae doesn’t have a book, its contagious - you should hope Minah had her shots otherwise you are going to have some trouble,” M joked.
“Firstly don’t even joke about that,” Jane said, dramatically shuddering. “And secondly M don’t say things like that in places like this, they would assume you are talking about something else entirely and before you know it everyone on campus will talking about Minah caught something of Sungjae,” she said. M’s eyes widening that is the last thing he wanted to do.
“Excuse you,” Minah said pushing people out of the way Sungjae following behind her, lips noticeable a smeared shade of Minah’s lipstick. M snorted looking at the dumb smile loved up smile that was on his bestfriends face. “I caught what now?”
“Sungjae’s lack self esteem and constant need to question everything i say,” Jane deadpanned, “Apparently the last part was true,” she said narrowing her eyes at Minah.
“And we came all the way over here to check on you after we saw Jaehyun,” Minah said tsking. “Everything okay?” she asked surprisingly seriously.
“It’s fine, he was just being his normal self,” Jane said with an eye roll, “I was just going to head home,” she said. The two girls shared a look, M tried to decipher the silent conversation.
“Same well, actually -” She said in a sing song, “Sungjae and I were planning to head home,” she said with a grin. “But back to his place,” she said.
“We were?” Sungjae questioned before being elbowed in the rib by his girlfriend, “We were!” he said as he rubbed his rib. “Sorry mate,” he said to M.
“Well he could always stay at our place right Jane?” Minah said. “Our couch is very comfortable unless -” Minah continued.
‘Minah,” Jane groaned.
“What? I am just being helpful, i highly doubt he wants to be present for what we are going to do,” Minah hummed. “And did you know M has never actually seen Grease? Maybe you two you should watch it together?”
“You haven’t watched Grease?” Jane gasped in mock horror, turning to look at him with her eyebrows raised. M wasn’t sure why this was that surprising. He was sure he had seen movies Jane had never watched before.
“Well… I…” M briefly eyed Sungjae questioning what he should say. Sungjae shook his head mouthing a silent ‘no.’ “I haven’t,” he admitted after clearing his throat. It made Jane’e eyes widen comically.
“Ok, no. Now I can’t let you go anywhere.” Jane said seriously “You’re coming home with me and you can’t leave until you know everything about Danny Zuko” she said. M nodded supposing it would make sense for him to actually know something about the character he dressed up as.
“I guess I have no other choice” M joked, shrugging “Anything will be better than going home with these two” he pretended to lower his voice, but both Minah and Sungjae could hear his next word perfectly. “Walls are paper thin in our apartment”
Jane and M laughed causing Sungjae to slightly blush.
“And they’re already so fucking loud” Jane scrunched up her nose. “I really feel obligated to save you from that torture” Jane linked an arm through M’s and started to walk toward the exit with Minah and Sungjae following them closely.
“We can order something to eat or buy something on our way” M suggested tentatively.
“That works. And since she’s the reason you can’t go home, we can drink one of Minah’s champagne bottles. I doubt she would mind” Jane looked over her shoulder smirking teasingly.
“Hey! You two better keep your hands off that bottle. I’ve been saving it for months!” Minah grumbled as they walked out the frat house.
Jane was about to retort when a gust of wind whipped past them and lifted the dried fall leaves off the sidewalk, scattering them all over the street. She shivered and let go of M’s arm in favor of hugging herself and trying to rub away the chill.
“It’s freezing, you’re going to catch a cold wearing that,” they turned to see Sungjae taking his jacket off and placing it carefully over Minah’s arms. M bit back a laugh if he knew Sungjae as well as he thought he did, his being dying to do that since the ghostbuster wolf whistled when they arrived.
“Thank you, babe,” Minah said sliding her hand around her boyfriend’s neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Charming.
“This has truly been a horror night” Jane complained to M, clicking her tongue in disapproval and hoping this one was the last time —at least for the day— that she got to see her friends making out like two horny teenagers. “Thanks for tagging along and sharing my pain” she said with a faint smile “It would’ve been an awful night without you.” Jane said.
It was like M had no control over his face because he was smiling from ear to ear. He didn’t want to seem like eager puppy waving his tail excitedly at the smallest amount of praise yet here was surely smiling like a fool because he might have made Jane’s night a bit more bearable.
“Poke the dimple,” he was snapped out of his thoughts by his best friend chanting rather ghoulishly. “Seriously I am not close enough, Jane you need to do it , just -“ he continued making a poking gesture.
“I am not just going to poke someone’s face” Jane said rolling her eyes . Though admittedly she was tempted to.
“Not everyone is obsessed with my dimples mate,” M said with a laugh while Sungjae whined about missed opportunities.
“Not everyone is but I certainly know somebody who is,” Minah said giggling. Completely ignoring the glare her friend was sending her.
“Don’t you two have places to be,” Jane said with a huff. It was getting cold and Minah’s “help” was not helping at all.
“Hmm we do,” Minah said nodding. To Jane it looked like she was contemplating whether staying here and helping/terrorising her was worth delaying sex. The answer would ofcourse be it’s never worth delaying sex. “Come on baby we should let this two have their movie night ,” Minah said to Sungjae who had already wrapped an arm around her waist. “You better keep M there until lunch time tomorrow actually, pretty sure we are going to be busy all morning too,” she said with a wink loud enough for everyone to hear. M nose wrinkled in disgust , looking over to see his friend completely red burying his face in Minah’s neck to hide his embarrassment. It didn’t last long though because with in a few seconds the couple retreated down the street stopping every couple of feet kiss each other.
“Gross,” Jane muttered before a leather jacket was placed over her shoulders. She looked over to see M shifting nervously, ears slightly redder.
“I was going to offer earlier but those two happened,” M said scratching the back of his neck. “Is it okay because I know I am not your -“ he was stopped when Jane held a hand up.
“It’s more than okay, I was freezing,” Jane said, putting the jacket on properly. “ Are you sure your going to be okay though?”
M was about to reply but his best friend for it was the perfect time to call out that if Jane was wondering M liked his eggs scrambled in the morning, loud enough that random passerby’s looked over at them.
“Oh my god,” Jane said with an embarrassed laugh. “ How much would you really miss him? Be honest ,” she said causing M to chuckle.
“He grows on you but I think after that we definitely need to drink that bottle of champagne you mentioned earlier,” M said with a smirk. “Also I may happen to know Sungjae’s Uber eats account and his credit card details so I think he just volunteered to pay for our food,” he grinned.
“Well in that case we should get going,” Jane laughed. Her eyes drifted down to see M’s hand hestitaing to grab hers , she rolled her eyes linking them. “So on the way to my apartment you can tell me about all the other teen classics you never watched,” she said ignoring the way her heart seemed to race as M’s hands tightened around hers.
“Well you might hate me for this but I’ve never seen Mean Girls,” M said as Jane turned to him with a shocked look. “Let me guess we are going to be watching that next time,” he said his eyes widening as he realised that he implied there would be more of these types of nights.
“Oh no sweetie we are watching that tonight, next time I am making you sit through my favourite French flicks,” Jane giggled.
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
You & Me - Part Nineteen
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Thanks to @for-fucks-sake-h for being an amazing beta and to @niall-talk for her advice.
catch up on previous parts below
2550 words
Callie's POV
Coming to the end of tour had been sad. Once the Jingle Bell balls were over to, you'd all headed back to the UK to spend the holidays with your families. You had got two months off before rehearsals for the world tour began towards the end of February.
You dumped your stuff at your flat, before packing up a new bag and going straight over to Niall's. That is where you had stayed tucked up in his bed with him for the last twelve hours, trying to shift the jet lag.
His warm naked body was cosy and you were determined not move for at least two days. Niall had wrapped himself around you, feet tangled together beneath the quilt. You were thoroughly enjoying the gentle half asleep kisses he was placing on your neck, the warmth of his breath giving you goosebumps on your body. A low hum of contentment coming from you both.
That daydream was broken by Bex bursting into his room.
"Holy fucking shit kids! Our prayers have been answered!" She screamed out.
"Fuck!" You said sitting up, the cover pooling at your waist.
"Nice tits!" She laughed.
"Crap!" You said covering yourself up.
Niall had sat up to, but had refrained from unnecessarily exposing himself to Bex.
"What the fuck are you doing Bex?! Don't you understand jet lag?!" He said, running his hand over his face but smiling.
"Told her to tell you guys later." Willie said, appearing behind Bex.
"Tell us what? That she's a crazy person who wakes up jet lagged naked people?!" Niall said.
"Told her you'd most likely be naked!" He laughed.
"I came to show you this." She said handing Niall her phone.
Victoria Secret Model Saskia Jones, moves on from singer Niall Horan with TV presenter Jasper Littlewood.
Victoria Secret Model Saskia Jones 22, and well know TV presenter Jasper Littlewood 25, were seen all over each other at a bar in West Hollywood last night, settling the rumours of her breakup with singer Niall Horan, 24.
"They were all over each other, kissing and whispering all night. They didn't seem to care who saw."
The news comes after it was confirmed that Saskia and Niall Horan had parted ways a few months ago after eight months of dating. The pair were first pictured leaving an L.A. restaurant in January but haven't been spotted together since his first solo tour date in Dublin in August.
Niall has since been pictured with his guitar technician Callie Brown, the pair seeming to confirm their romance via Instagram recently. Callie has appeared numerous times on the social media of the former One Direction star.
Jasper Littlewood, who is part of the presenting team on E news, apparently slid into Saskia's dm's when he found out she was single again. According to a source close to Saskia, she had become tired of Niall's failure to commit to her and ended things with him a few months ago.
You didn't bother to read anymore.
"Wow, she fails to tell the story of stalking and harassing you!" You said.
"Not sure who the 'source' could be but it's bound to be someone close to her. Something done discreetly so we can't take any legal action against them. The legal documents said she wasn't allowed to discuss anything about us in the press, but that doesn't mean one of her friends didn't say something." He replied.
"Doesn't matter what the article says mate." Willie added. "No one will believe that crap any way."
"And it does mean that hopefully now she has another hobby she won't be a worry for either of you anymore." Bex said.
"Fingers crossed." You said. 
It really felt like a massive weight had lifted from your shoulders, you weren't convinced it was all over just yet though. But with the news that she had been spotted with Jasper Littlewood gave you some hope that she wouldn't hassle you anymore.
"I should probably give Kim a call. You go back to sleep Petal."
"No, I'm awake now. And anyway Bex is making me coffee and breakfast aren't you love?!" You replied, staring straight at Bex.
"I suppose I should, since I woke you both up."
"Better leave quick, I'm getting out of bed now and I'm naked!" Niall said laughing.
Bex screamed and jumped up from her seat at the end of the bed, covering her eyes as she walked to the door. Willie was laughing as he closed the bedroom door behind them and you turned to get out of bed. But before you could swing your legs over the side of the bed, Niall had tackled you and pulled you back down. Your head hit the soft pillow as he moved to settle himself above you and between your legs. 
"Thought you were going to make a call?!" You giggled pathetically.
"I am, but I need a kiss first." He replied.
The next couple of weeks was spent with Niall whenever possible. He had gone out with the lads dressed in his Christmas jumper to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, while you and Bex had ordered take out and binge watched Netflix.
You'd spent the day Christmas shopping with your Mum in central London, choosing gifts for Niall and your family. Over lunch with your Mum, you discussed what the plans were for Christmas. Tom would be with Claire at her grandparents house for the day, so it would be you, your parents and your auntie, uncle and cousins at your childhood home.
"Maura and I were chatting about maybe getting together for New Years." Your Mum said.
"Oh, were you!" You replied smiling. "And when did you discuss this?!"
"Oh, we chat every week." She said casually.
"You do?!"
"Yes, we swapped phone numbers the night we met. Do you remember?"
"I do, I just didn't know you'd been talking regularly."
"She's such a nice lady, we have so much in common. Not just our youngest children being in love."
"What?! She said she's never seen him so happy. She absolutely adores you!"
"She does?"
"Yes, very much so. I know I'm biased but you are a wonderful person Callie. Your Dad and I are very proud of you."
You were a bit taken back by your Mums words. She had always been one to praise you all of your life, and your parents had always been the type to tell you they loved you all the time. But hearing her say how proud she was of you brought a lump to your throat. Sensing the impact of her words, your Mum carried on rambling away about her chats with Niall's Mum while you ate.
It later transpired that Maura had invited your parents to Mullingar for New Year's. They would spend three days with her and her husband Chris. She had even invited Niall's Dad and his partner Aoife to join them for a meal so that your parents could meet them to.
When you went to Niall's that night, you found out that he had been chatting with his Mum about the same thing.
"So apparently our Mums are now best friends!" He said laughing.
"I know, is that weird?!"
"Why would it be weird?!" He replied smiling a you. "Isn't it a good thing that they're getting on?!"
"Yeah, it is. I'm pleased they like each other." You answered. It was important to you that they approved of your relationship with Niall. 
"So, I was planning on coming home on the 27th December, but since Mum has invited everyone to hers it looks like I'll be staying till the 2nd January. I said to my Mum I'll sort out flights for your parents, Tom and Claire. Do you want to fly with them on the 30th or so you want to come over earlier?"
"Well, when do you want me to come?"
"I always want you to come babe!" He replied, with a shit eating grin on his face.
"Niall!" You said punching his arm.
"Ouch! What was that for?!"
"Stop being dirty and answer the question."
"If I'm being honest, I don't think I'll cope being away from you for a whole week. The four days is going to be bad enough." He replied, wrapping you up in his arms and placing a kiss on your temple.
"I'll miss you to. I'll get a flight for early on the 27th then."
"No, I'll get you a flight."
"No, I will sort out the flight. I don't expect you to pay for me."
"I know you don't expect me to. But I want to pay for you."
"No arguing Cal." He replied, placing a finger under your chin and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
It was the evening of the 22nd of December and Niall had decided to hold a pre Christmas get together at his and Willie's flat. He had invited Tara, his cousin Deo, Mully who had flown over for the holidays. Your brother Tom, his wife Claire, his photographer friend Conor who had been on tour and obviously Bex would be there to.
His plan had included going to Tesco and buying loads of beer and wine, he had also ordered Chinese. Everyone started arriving not long after Niall had placed the order. Since you were going to be apart from Niall for Christmas and also your brother, you had decided to exchange gifts with everyone tonight. When everyone started to arrive, the pile of presents under the tree got bigger.
You had tried to have a sneaky look under the tree but couldn't find anything that said it was from Niall. He had caught you looking on numerous occasions.
When the Chinese arrived, everyone gathered around the massive dining table and started opening all the boxes of food. Tara helped you fill up everyone's wine glasses and grab beers from the fridge. When everyone was seated, Niall started tapping his beer bottle to get everyone's attention.
"Right everyone, some quiet please!" He called out. "Welcome to our fake Christmas dinner."
Everyone smiled and cheered.
"I've had a really fucking amazing year, bit bumpy in parts." He said, and everyone knew was talking about Saskia. "But overall it couldn't have gone any better both professionally and personally."
He looked over to you and smiled, a look passed between you both. A look of contentment, happiness and love.
"Ok, break that eye contact now you two!" Tom joked from down the end of table.
"Tom." Claire said swatting his arm.
"Sorry Tom!" Niall replied. "Anyway as I was saying, it's been a great year and I couldn't have done it without any of you. So if you could raise your glasses for a toast to old friends, new friends, family and to finding the love of my life."
You paused and watched him as he clinked glasses with Willie who was sitting next to him before he turned to you. As he leant in to clink your glass, he kissed you whispering I love yous against your lips.
"Right enough of that soppy crap! Let's tuck in!" Deo announced.
The group started to dish up the Chinese food, passing down dishes to each other until the plates were full. Niall's hand had found its way to your knee, and he ate one handed so he didn't have to break contact. You did the same, entwining your fingers together, your thumb caressing his.
Conversation over dinner was light hearted, stories from tour were shared from Niall, Conor and yourself. Everyone had made your brother Tom and his wife Claire feel welcome, including them in the conversations. They had got married in June so discussed the day with Conor and Tara at the end of the table.
When everyone was well and truly stuffed you all went and sat down on Niall's massive sofa to relax. Drinks were refilled again and the topic of opening Christmas presents came up. Deo, who had popped to the loo appeared dressed as Santa and declared himself in charge of giving out the presents, no one bothered to argue with him.
Bex was first to open her present, a large box gifted from you. Every year you would fill a box full of make up, bath bombs, face masks and little cans of cocktails. It had become sort of a tradition, and Bex would gift you something similar to. You were busy showing Claire what Bex had given you in your box as Deo was opening his gift from Niall, a beer pump and a keg.
Tom was surprised when Niall handed him an envelope. Inside was a gift certificate for a spa day for Claire and a round of golf with a professional golfer at Wentworth golf course for him. He stood up and hugged Niall thanking him for the amazing gift.
Tara laughed at the luxury bathrobe you got her, everyone was staring wondering what the joke was. So she told everyone the story about being in Japan back in September when you had to stop her from stealing the hotel spa one. 
Niall appeared in the doorway half way through opening the presents with a large rectangular box with a bow attached to it. Placing it in front you, you sat there open mouthed.
"Is this for me?!" You managed to blurt out.
"Yep, Merry Christmas Callie."
Everyone's eyes were on you, all desperate to know what was in the box. You began to open it, carefully peeling back the packaging and that's when you saw what it was.
A guitar case. Niall had brought you a guitar for Christmas.
Moving the cardboard box out of the way, and placing the guitar box to your lap, you stared at it for a few moments.
"Open it before we all die of suspense!" Bex yelled out.
Carefully and slowly opening the box you took one look at the guitar inside, quickly closing it and looking at Niall.
"Niall.....are.....are you fucking kidding me?!" You mumbled. "Is this what I think it is?!"
You heart was beating fast, the realisation at what was in the box becoming clear.
It wasn't just any old guitar, it was your dream guitar.
"A Gibson Johnny Smith 1978 acoustic. Is it the one you wanted?" He asked you, and you could see he was nervous. "You said you loved it when we were at Gruhns in Nashville."
 "It is, and I do but........it was really expensive." You whispered, although you were sure everyone could hear, all eyes were on you.
"Babe, it doesn't matter, I wanted to get it for you. The look on your face when you saw it last month. I knew straight away I needed to get for you." He whispered back.
"Thank you so much. I love it, it's the best present I've ever got."
You both smiled at each other, you couldn't believe how lucky you were to have him in your life.
Taking the guitar out of the case, there were lots of oooohhhhhs and aaaaahhhhsss followed by laughter. 
Deo carried on giving out the gifts as you and Niall sat and looked over the guitar.
"I love you." You said giving him a kiss.
"I love you to." He replied.
Part Twenty - final part
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Summary: After a conversation with some members of the BAU, you finally decide to tell JJ how you really feel about her.
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Characters: Reader, Jennifer “JJ” Jareau, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Emily Prentiss, Tara Lewis
A/N: A huge thank you to @mo320 for being my beta and helping me out with this!!
You drummed your fingers in a tune on the table as you sipped on your coffee. You were sat in a little coffee shop waiting for your friends to arrive. Well, the one you were looking forward to seeing the most was JJ. You had a huge crush on her. Not that she knew this. Her team knew and they were always telling you to just ask her out, but your friendship with her meant too much to ruin it over your feelings.
JJ walked into the coffee shop with Emily, Tara, Penelope, and Spencer. The little bell above the door chimed as she pushed the door open.
JJ felt something more than friendship for Y/N and she had for a while. She just hadn’t told them yet out of fear of being rejected or ruining their friendship. The team knew how she felt and were always teasing her and telling her to just confess her feelings, but she just couldn’t.
She immediately spotted Y/N sat in a corner booth. and the five of them went over to the table, Y/N looked up at them when they got to the table. “Hey,” JJ smiled.
“Hey,” you smiled back.
“You been here long?” JJ asked as she sat down next to Y/N. Spencer and Penelope sat opposite them and Tara and Emily pulled up chairs.
“No, I got here about five or ten minutes ago,” you replied.
After ordering coffees, you all sat and talked for a little while. It was so nice to catch up with them. JJ excused herself to use the bathroom which left you alone with Emily, Tara, Penelope, and Spencer.
“You still haven’t told her how you feel, have you?” Emily asked Y/N.
“No,” you replied. You sighed and ran your hands down your face. “God, I’m falling in love with my best friend and I’m terrified,” you admitted. “What do I do?”
“Tell her,” Emily, Tara, Penelope, and Spencer said.
“But what if she doesn’t feel the same way?”
“Trust me, sweetness, she feels the same way,” Penelope said, squeezing Y/N’s hand.
“You know what, maybe you’re right, maybe I should finally tell her,” you said.
“Thank God,” Tara grinned.
“You two will be really happy together,” Spencer smiled.
It had taken you a week to actually work up the courage to tell JJ how you felt. Today was the day you would finally tell her. You had asked her to meet you in a local park by the fountain so you could talk. You figured it would be a nice spot to tell her.
JJ was a little worried about what Y/N wanted to talk to her about. In her book, ‘we need to talk’ usually meant bad things. She hoped nothing bad had happened to Y/N or that they didn’t have bad news to tell her.
JJ got to the park and went over to Y/N who was happily sitting on the edge of the fountain looking at the water. She couldn’t help but admire them for a minute. They just looked so happy and peaceful. “Hey,” she said when she got to Y/N.
“Hey,” you smiled. “Thanks for coming to meet me today.”
“Is everything okay?” JJ asked softly. “It seemed a bit sudden that you wanted to meet up.”
“Everything’s fine, JJ,” you reassured her. “There’s something that I need to tell you and get off my chest. I need to tell you the truth about something.”
“You know you can tell me anything,” JJ said, taking Y/N’s hands in her own.
You smiled at her and rubbed your thumbs over her knuckles. “First of all, I just want you to know that I don’t want what I’m about to say to ruin our friendship.”
“Nothing could ever ruin our friendship,” JJ smiled.
“JJ, I have feelings for you and I have for a while now. I’m sorry for just laying it on you like this and I know it’s sudden but-” you rambled before being cut off by JJ.
“Y/N,” JJ said softly. “I’ve been wanting to tell you that I have feelings for you for so long now. Guess you beat me to it.”
You smiled brightly at those words. She really did feel the same way. You took a moment to just look at her. She looked beautiful, as usual, with her blonde hair falling in loose waves around her face and her blue eyes shining in the sunlight. God, she looked like she’d been sent from the heavens.
You placed a hand on her cheek and searched her eyes for any signs of hesitation. There were none, her eyes were filled with love. You leaned forward and sealed her lips with your own and she instantly kissed you back. Her lips were soft and plump and they fit against yours perfectly.
When they pulled out of the kiss to take a breath, JJ smiled at Y/N and rested her forehead against theirs. “I’m really happy that finally happened.”
“Me too,” you agreed with a smile. “I love you, Jennifer Jareau.”
“I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N,” JJ replied. She leaned in and kissed Y/N again, holding them close to her. She was unable to stop herself from kissing and holding Y/N now that the feelings were out in the open. She truly loved Y/N and knowing that Y/N loved her back was the most wonderful feeling.
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Tags: @mo320 @pollaluci @molethemollie @vashanatasha @jennylovelyheart @capsheadquaters @rda1989 @sleepylunarwolf @joannie95 @iamwarrenspeace
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– all i want.
Hey, hi, hello! This was a general request for a bau!reader and since we’re decorating for the holidays at work, I feel the need to write something Christmas-y. Enjoy!
If Spencer heard Mariah Carey one more time today, he’d probably start pulling his hair out. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy the song, but according to his exact calculations; the song was 4 minutes and 1 second long take that, multiply it by the number of times they had played it within the last week and Spencer had been listening to All I Want for Christmas for 96 minutes and 24 seconds. On top of that, he had completely forgotten to bring in a present for the office White Elephant exchange. It wasn’t that he didn’t have time, judging from the nicely wrapped presents piled around the small tree they had in a corner of the bullpen, everyone else had found the time to find something. He had done plenty of research on the tradition, but none on what kind of gift to get. Hence, the lack of a gift with his name on it under the tree. He hoped that someone would appreciate office supplies as he began to rummage his desk for a new pack of post-it’s, only to be interrupted by a fellow agent. “What the hell are you doing, Reid?” the voice called, drawing Spencer’s attention from his desk to the woman standing by him. As his eyes met hers, he found himself speechless. Having a crush on someone had that kind of effect, and that was a scientific fact.
She was the newest member of their team and a fine addition. Spencer’s return from jail had him unable to completely integrate back in, hence the need for the new addition. Y/N had made a great addition to the team, her sense of fierce loyalty mirrored JJ’s protective nature, her quirkiness paralleled Garcia’s eccentricity while balancing it out at the same time, and the best thing was that she listened to Spencer’s ramblings. She understood the moments he needed to retreat back into a shell and reveled in the moments where his old self flickered into the present, rambling about who knows what. He felt safe around her, something he had felt that he’d never be able to feel again while he was in jail. Her interruption was a welcome surprise, and if there was one thing she was good at, it was thinking on her feet. “I-” “Forgot a present for the white elephant gift?” Y/N supplied. Spencer nodded guiltily, wondering how she could have possibly known. “It’s just,” he began explaining, “I just don’t know what people like. I read about White Elephant traditions. Did you know that the tradition is rooted in an old legend about the King of Siam, which is present-day Thailand, who ga-” Y/N interjected him quickly, “Reid, you know I love when you talk witty to me, but if the others find out that you forgot, you’ll be in hot water.” “Right...” Spencer trailed off, suddenly even more worried, “What do I do, Y/N?” His eyes held her gaze, pleading silently.  After a moment of contemplation, Y/N began nodding, her expression playing out the apparent epiphany she just had. “I got it,” she said, a grin slowly spreading across her lips. “Great!” Spencer exclaimed before growing wary of the mischevious look on her face, “Wait. What is it?” She just continued smiling as she assured him, “Don’t you worry about it. You’ll see.” With that, she made her way back to her desk, with Spencer whispering loudly at her, “Wait, Y/N, What is it?” All he got in reply was a wink, one that had his heart skipping a beat. Not literally. Maybe literally.  The day went on, paperwork was filled, more Mariah Carey was played. Soon, it was towards the end of the workday and thus began the BAU’s Christmas celebration. Garcia brought cookies, Rossi some sparkling cider, and Tara even donned an elf hat. “Ladies and gentle-agents,” Garcia called attention as she stood in front of the tree. Penelope’s outfit had Spencer mistaking her for one of Santa's elves, perhaps the most technologically savvy one. If anyone in the world could put together a comprehensive Naughty or Nice list, it was Garcia. “It is time to begin our White Elephant gift exchange. According to my calculations,” she continued, “We have all but one gift. Which one of you is about to face my wrath?” Spencer shifted nervously in the office chair he was seated in, turning to catch Y/N’s eye. “Actually,” she spoke up, “There was one present we couldn’t leave under the tree.” “Oh?” Garcia questioned, looking along with the rest of the BAU curiously at Y/N. With that, Y/N stepped over to Spencer, in her hand a red bow, the kind you stick to presents. She placed the bow delicately on Spencer’s head before she pushed his chair towards Garcia. “Spencer’s genius idea,” Y/N explained, “was himself. What could be better than a day spent with the good doctor?” “Yeah,” Spencer said softly under his breath, a small smile growing on his lips, this idea was genius. “Okay,” Garcia said brightly, apparently satisfied with Y/N’s makeshift idea, “Everybody pull a number and let’s get started.” With that, a basket full of folded slips of paper held the fate of everyone’s turns and thus began the White Elephant game. Rossi was up first, selecting an elegantly wrapped gold and white box. He went through the paper carefully to reveal a grey coloured cashmere scarf. “Ah,” he exclaimed, “we have someone here with an affinity for the finer things.” “Indeed,” Tara piped up, holding her ballot which had the number 2 printed on it, “Which is why I chose the scarf.” “Damn it,” Rossi muttered, handing the box reluctantly over to Tara, who held the soft fabric of the scarf to her face. And so, the game continued, with JJ picking Spencer, even going over to the tree and wheeling him over to where she had been sitting. Spencer chose the slim envelope, containing a certificate for gourmet coffee from a fancy coffee shop in town, something he found himself looking forward to trying. Perhaps, with Y/N? His eyes found themselves looking at her, studying how her face lit up in anticipation anytime it was anyone’s turn and how she looked affectionately at all these people around her, individuals she had known a short time but ones that she had made a place for herself within. Her lips had spread into a smile as she caught Spencer’s eye and he did see her lips moving to form words, but he was so lost in thoughts about coffee dates on rainy days that all he heard from her was, “I want Spencer.” Behind him, JJ sighed, calling over to Y/N, “Come get your prize.” Y/N happily switched places with JJ, who took the last present in the pile, a luxury spa set, a gift that she was satisfied enough to give up Spencer for. At least, that’s what the happy expression on her face told him. Not that Spencer was unhappy with the results of this game, Y/N’s hand was on the armrest of his chair as if holding on to make sure no one stole him from her, a thought that brought blood rushing to Spencer’s cheeks. The end of the game lead to everyone dispersing to gather their things to go home, to spend time with their families, surely. Rossi had his daughter, JJ her boys, and from the sounds of Luke and Penelope’s chatter, the two had plans together as well. Spencer found himself lingering, buttoning his coat slowly as he replayed the events of the White Elephant game. Y/N had chosen him, him, Spencer Reid, over things like that really soft cashmere scarf that had been a target of a few members of the BAU. He was once again lost in his thoughts and didn’t realize that Y/N was standing in front of him, calling his name. “Spencer?” she asked, her eyes reflecting concern, “You there?”  It was this very feeling of understanding that was leading Spencer deeper into this abyss of falling for her. He hadn’t felt this way about anyone. Yes, Maeve was someone he loved, but the circumstances that had surrounded his life recently changed the kind of man he was, and Y/N was someone who recognized that and knew the Spencer that stood in front of her. “I’m here,” he replied back, his voice barely above a whisper. They were alone now, everyone else having left, leaving the two of them in the soft light of the lights on the Christmas tree. Y/N cleared her throat, holding Spencer’s gaze as she spoke, “I just want to make sure that you’re okay, Spencer. As okay as you can be.” “I am,” he replied, “I’m as okay as I can be.” The smile she gave in return pierced through his heart, a familiar feeling for Spencer. He was falling for her. Actually, Spencer had fully tripped, gotten up, and tripped again.  “You still have the bow on your head,” she said, laughing as she reached up to take it off, just as Spencer did. His hand grazed hers in the process, Spencer pulling away quickly as they did. “Sorry,” he muttered apologetically. She shook her head in protest, holding the bow in her hand, “Don’t be. Start planning for my Spencer Day.” “Spencer Day?” he questioned, to which she replied matter-of-factly, “You’re my present, remember?” “That I am,” he answered, the faint blush from earlier returned to his face. “I’m not as soft as a cashmere scarf, or as fun as an escape room,” he started, to which Y/N began shaking her head. “No, you’re not,” she agreed, “But.” “But?” Spencer asked, his voice dropping down to match her whisper. “But...” she continued softly, “All I want for Christmas is you.” “Oh?” Spencer’s brow knitted in confusion, worried that he had somehow missed that Y/N had just said to him very clearly. She nodded slowly, stepping closer to bridge the distance between them. Spencer was suddenly very aware of his own breathing and the proximity between the two, as well as the fact that she wasn’t the only one that was bridging the gap. He leaned down to place his lips on hers, something he had admittedly thought about doing many times before. He had thought of it when she was making herself a cup of coffee in the breakroom the same time as him, the little yawns she had before getting her caffeine fix, when she was sitting at her desk filling out paperwork, the way she played with a pen in her hands, when she walked in in the morning, her expression grumpy from the stress of morning traffic. Everything she did drove Spencer towards her, towards this moment. His hands found their way to her face, his fingers weaving into her hair as hers clutched at the fabric of his coat. As he pulled away, he left his forehead resting on hers, the moment feeling vulnerable and intimate. To his surprise, her response was to laugh. “What’s so funny?” Spencer asked, drawing back. Her face had a new glow on it, one that reflected on Spencer’s own. “I have waited so long to do that,” she replied, her hands still resting on Spencer. He felt himself relaxing, his lips spreading into a smile as he replied softly, “Me, too.”
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tleighstone12 · 7 years
Bits and Pieces
Chapter Two
Luke Alvez had been shot at more times than he could remember. He had chased down serial killers. He served over two years in the worst parts of Iraq. Today was the first time he felt nervous. Today was the day he asked Penelope Garcia out on a date.
Ever since he drove her home that night a month ago, their dynamic had changed. They still hung out with the team, but they had begun to spend time alone too. Penelope adored Roxie, so there were long walks in the park, games of frisbee and tug of war with the mop. He could tell Roxie adored her too because even though she never let Luke win, Roxie always let Penelope have the mop in the end.
Sometimes they ordered pizza and watched movies at whoever's place they ended up at. They never sat too close, just letting their fingers touch gently between them on the couch. It was like they were dating, but without all the good stuff. Well, Luke Alvez wanted the good stuff and today he was determined to make it happen.
Luke knew she came in early when they were all in the office without an active case, so he stopped by her favourite coffee shop to pick up breakfast to surprise her with. He spent the entire elevator ride second guessing himself and by the time he reached her lair, he had decided to just hand her the treat and leave. He was debating whether he could just knock on the door and run, leaving the food on the floor, when he was startled by a giggle behind him.
"Hey Newbie, how long do you plan on standing there? I do have to get in at some point." Luke slowly turned around and came face to face with a goddess. He audibly gulped as he took in her appearance. It was a new dress, he was sure of it. The dark red material clung to every delicious curve. It was longer than most of her dress, but was slit up both sides to her mid thigh. He unconsciously licked his lips as his eyes traveled up her body, pausing to take in the just professional enough for work cleavage on display. Luke had to shake his head and focus as he realized he had been staring for a while and she had been saying his name.
"I brought you breakfast." He groaned inwardly and mentally chastised himself. He had cleared his throat before speaking, but even he noticed it had gone up a few octaves. If Garcia was aware of the effect she had on him, she kept it to herself.
"That is very sweet of you Luke. Why don't you come join me?" Her heart started to beat a little faster when he nodded with a grin. Penelope moved past him to unlock the door and as she went by, her shoulder brushed against him. Shivering, she tried to keep her voice steady while she spoke. "Once I get up and running, the search can run itself and we can share breakfast." Luke merely nodded at her, not wanting to say the wrong thing that would get him banished from the tech cave.
While Penelope concentrated on her morning rituals, Luke had the chance to really look around. He knew not many got invited into the inner sanctum, so he was feeling encouraged about his chances of securing a date with the beautiful blonde. His eyes swept the room and he chuckled to himself. If ever there was a room that defined the person in it, this was it. Penelope couldn't do much about the blandness of the computers, so she made up for it everywhere else. There were pictures and knick knacks on every available surface. A group shot taken shortly after Matt joined the team was the biggest photo, but smaller ones of Hotch, Gideon, Alex, Kate and Walker were also present. She had told Luke once that she liked to keep the past close to her.
Beyond the photos were an eclectic mix of...well, just about everything. The current team was well represented. A fluffy white kitten from Rossi. A bright red telephone booth from Emily's time in London. The stuffed carrot Tara had won in a claw game. Four tiny trolls, one to represent each member in JJ's family. And of course, a light up TARDIS from Reid. Her latest acquisition, a rainbow coloured mermaid from Matt, was next to the phone. That's when it hit him. The tiny cat he had carefully selected for her was nowhere to be found. Feeling much less sure of himself, Luke sat, eyes glued to the floor. If he hadn't been so caught up in his own feelings, he might have noticed there was one former agent not represented by photo or item.
Luke had just about decided to forget the whole thing; if his cat didn't even rate a spot on her desk, what chance did he have? He let out the breath he was holding and started to bid his farewell, when he heard a familiar squeak. Penelope was reaching into her purse with a smile and when she pulled her hand back out, the tiny cat was clutched inside. Luke could feel the grin spread across his face as he spoke.
"You didn't forget about me after all. But why not just leave it on your desk with the others?" Luke watched the colour creep into Penelope's cheeks as she paced about the room.
"I always keep Moxie with me." She paused and briefly smiled at him. "You have Roxie, I have my Moxie. I like to keep her with me, especially when you are away on a case. It's sort of like having you here all the time. She e an has her own little space on my nightstand at home." She stops her pacing, but continues to ramble, afraid of the silence. "I...I just get sad when you leave...I mean, when the team is on a case. You said it was for stressful..." She did not get her sentence finished as Luke was on his feet and across the room in two strides. He knew this was the moment as he placed his hands on either side of her face and brought her beautiful red lips to his in a soft kiss. He didn't want to push his luck, so he merely pulled back and pressed his forehead onto hers. He kept his eyes closed as he tried to control his breathing.
Penelope Garcia had been kissed many timed before, but none had left her like this. Her body was on fire, her heart raced, her skin tingles and her stomach was doing flip flops; all from one kiss. She didn't know what would become of her if anything else happened, but she wanted to find out. She reached up to Luke's collar and pulled back into another kiss, a contented moan escaping her.
This was everything Luke had been dreaming of. Penelope Garcia was in his arms, matching his kisses with ones of her own. He could feel her hands slide under his shirt and he responded by nibbling on her bottom lip before trailing kisses down her neck. Bits and Pieces of what he wanted to ask her floated into his mind, but all coherent thought left him when she backed him into a wall. They were pressed so closely together, he couldn't tell where he stopped and she began. There would be time for talking about dates later. Right now, Luke Alvez was reveling in the good stuff.
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eggnogdoubt38-blog · 5 years
Chocolate Chip Pecan Cinnamon Rolls #BrunchWeek
Chocolate Chip Pecan Cinnamon Rolls – That’s right, flaky baked cinnamon rolls filled with warm melting chocolate chips, everyone’s favorite hazelnut spread, and crunchy pecans. Read: the best cinnamon rolls ever.
This post is sponsored in conjunction with #BrunchWeek. I received product samples from sponsor companies to aid in the creation of the #Brunchweek recipes. All opinions are mine alone.
The good, the bad, and the baked goods.
I owe the world an apology. I am have taken time to become selfish. I took some much needed time to step back and sort out some things and put my feet back under me. And you know what? It felt great. And now I am back – and ready to speak with that voice I lost along the way and show you guys those crazy travels and mouth-watering recipes that keep me grounded and excited to create!
We can get into those details later, you know, a little girl talk with cocktails. But for now, let’s roll into BRUNCH WEEK! It’s an event that’s been going on a few years and I am finally saddling up and joining in. A week-long party for crazy delicious eats centered around everyone’s favorite meal.
See, there’s something about brunch that works. It’s my favorite meal out, something about the sneaky act of not cooking and sipping something slow out and about or taking the morning slow and lazy and finally setting something crazy good (like these Chocolate Chip Pecan Cinnamon Rolls – hint hint wink wink) down on the table. So now, without further ramblings….
Welcome to #BrunchWeek 2018 hosted by Love and Confections and A Kitchen Hoor’s Adventures! This year is even bigger and better than ever! Thirty-eight bloggers from around the country are showcasing their best brunch dishes. We have so many delicious recipes for you to enjoy throughout the week (over 150!!) including cocktails, appetizers, pastries, tarts, main courses, and plenty of desserts! Our BrunchWeek Sponsors are helping us give away some great prizes. Thank you so much, Sponsors, for your generosity. We have an incredible giveaway below and we’d love if you would take a moment to read about it and what you can win!
Prize #1 Dixie Crystals is giving one winner a 6-Quart Instant Pot 7-in-1 Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Sauté, Yogurt Maker and Warmer and a case of Dixie Crystals Extra Fine Granulated Sugar
Since 1917, Dixie Crystals® has been the South’s choice for high-quality sugar and sweeteners. For generations, Dixie Crystals has been at the heart of family traditions and celebrations. Our pure cane, non-GMO sugar products guarantee that treasured family recipes will turn out right every time. Bake with love and Dixie Crystals.
Prize #2 Cabot Creamery Co-operative is giving one winner a Cheese Board Set, including a slate cheese board, Boska cheese knife, Legacy Collection Cabot Cheddars, Founders 1919 Collection Cheddars, Waxed Private Stock, Waxed Vintage Choice, and 3 Year Artisan cheeses.
Cabot Creamery Co-operative, makers of naturally aged, award-winning cheeses and dairy products is owned by 1,000 dairy farm families in New England and New York.
Prize #3 LorAnn Oils and Flavors is giving one winner A Baking and Candy Making Prize package. The package includes: ceramic serving platter, a collection of 5 LorAnn Bakery Emulsions, one each of LorAnn Madagascar vanilla extract and Madagascar vanilla bean paste, Lollipop cookbook along with re-usable candy mold, candy packaging accessories, candy thermometer, and a pack of 3 LorAnn super-strength candy oils.
Our flavors. Your creations. For over 50 years, LorAnn Oils has been supplying professionals and home chefs with the finest quality candy and baking flavors, essential oils, and specialty ingredients. Visit us at www.LorAnnOils.com to shop, learn, and discover new recipe ideas.
Prize #4 Cal-Organic Farms is giving one winner a Cal-Organic prize package complete with kitchen supplies, a portable cooler bag and branded apparel—everything you need to take your delicious #BrunchWeek recipes on-the-go! The package includes a custom-made Tilit apron, cooler bag, kitchen knife, vegetable peeler, t-shirt, hat, notepad and pen.
Cal-Organic Farms is the largest organic vegetable producer in the United States. Supplying more than 65 year-round and seasonal varieties, we are proud to grow 100% of our produce on family-owned acreage in California.
Prize #5 Michigan Asparagus is giving one winner $100 cash gift card.
Michigan Asparagus is known for its hand snapped fresh asparagus. It is available May – June and grown mostly in Oceana County along the shores of Lake Michigan. Remember to buy U.S. for the freshest of the fresh.
Prize #6 Eggland’s Best is giving one winner an Eggland’s Best Kitchen Essential Prize Package that included 1 month of free Eggland’s Best Eggs along with Hard-Cooked Peeled Egg coupons, a freezer bag to carry your groceries, kitchen essentials, (whisk, spatula, pot holders, cutting board, frying pan), Eggland’s Best brand new cookbook, and a plush Eggland’s Best egg.
Eggland’s Best eggs have more of the delicious, farm-fresh taste you and your family love – any way you cook them. Plus, Eggland’s Best provides superior nutrition such as 6x more vitamin D, 10x more vitamin E, and double the omega 3s compared to ordinary eggs so why settle for less?
Prize #7 Cento Fine Foods is giving one winner a Cento Classico gift basket, which contains imported products from Cento and their family of brands.
Cento Fine Foods, the premier Italian food distributor, importer and producer in the United States, presents a distinctive line of more than 1,000 authentic Italian style products produced from only the finest ingredients. A family owned and operated company spanning three generations, Cento continues to provide premium quality, exceptional products at the best consumer value. Taste the difference quality makes and see why you can “Trust Your Family With Our Family Ò”.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Chocolate Chip Pecan Cinnamon Rolls
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For the Rolls
2 1/4 oz packages active dry yeast
1 cup buttermilk, warmed to 110 degrees F
1/2 cup butter, melted and cooled
1/3 cup sugar
1 teas salt
2 eggs
3 1/2 - 4 cups flour
For the Filling
1/2 cup peacans
1 cup nutella, warmed but not hot
1 teas cinnamon
1/2 cup chocolate chips (I used dark chocolate chips)
For the Glaze
3 oz cream cheese, softened
1 tbsp powered sugar
1 tbsp buttermilk
1/4 teas hazelnut bakery emulsion
1/2 teas cinnamon
For the Rolls
Mix the yeast in a mixing cup with the warmed buttermilk and allow to sit for 5 minutes until foamy.
Meanwhile, whisk the butter, sugar, salt, and eggs in a large bowl.
In the bowl of your stand mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, add 2 cups of the flour and make a well in the center for the buttermilk. Pour the buttermilk-yeast mixture and the butter-egg mix and start mixing slowly adding in the remaining 1 1/2 cups flour, 1/2 cup at a time.
Knead on low for 5 to 10 minutes until the dough forms a ball. Add the remaining 1/2 cup if the dough is not coming together.
Transfer the dough to a grease bowl, cover and allow to rest in a warm dry area, until doubled in size, about 1 1/2 hours.
Turn the dough out onto a clean working surface sprinkled with a bit of flour. Divide in half and roll out into a large rectangle
For the Filling
Toast the pecans in a preheated oven at 400 for 5 to 7 minutes, until fragrant. Remove, allow to cool, and chop.
Spread the nutella filling evenly over the rolled out dough., leaving an inch on a long end to roll. Sprinkle with cinnamon and chopped toasted pecans.
Tightly roll towards the edge that has been left clear, and cut into equal portions.
Arrange the rolls in a grease baking dish, cut side down, and cover.
Allow to rest, 45 minutes to 1 hour, until risen again.
To Make the Chocolate chip Pecan Cinnamon Rolls
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Bake the cinnamon rolls for 25 to 30 minutes, until golden and cooked through.
Remove from oven to cool
Make the Glaze
While the chocolate chip pecan cinnamon rolls are cooling, whisk the softened cream cheese with the powdered sugar, buttermilk, hazelnut bakery emulsion and cinnamon. Spread over the cooled (but still warm) rolls and sprinkle with more toasted chopped pecans for serving.
Adapted From
Alternatively, you can line a cast iron pan with parchment and bake the rolls in cast iron.
�©Pass The Sushi!. All Rights Reserved.
Take a look at what the #BrunchWeek Bloggers are creating today!
BrunchWeek Beverages:
Cà Phê Trứng (Vietnamese Egg Coffee) from Tara’s Multicultural Table.
Cold Brew with Hazelnut Simple Syrup from The Barbee Housewife.
Hazelnut Milk Punch from Culinary Adventures with Camilla.
Irish Coffee from My Catholic Kitchen.
Strawberry Frosé from Love and Confections.
BrunchWeek Appetizers:
Everything Bagel Dip from Rants From My Crazy Kitchen.
Breakfast Oatmeal Thumbprint Cookies from The Spiffy Cookie.
Brown Sugar Cinnamon Coffeecake from It Bakes Me Happy.
Chocolate Coffee Maple Cupcakes from The PinterTest Kitchen.
Thank you to #BrunchWeek Sponsors: Dixie Crystals, Cabot Cheese, LorAnn Oils and Flavors, Cento Fine Foods, Michigan Asparagus, Cal-Organic and Eggland’s Best for providing the prizes free of charge. These companies also provided the bloggers with samples and product to use for #BrunchWeek recipes. All opinions are my own. The #BrunchWeek giveaway is open to U.S. residents, age 18 & up. All entries for the winner will be checked and verified. By entering you give the right to use your name and likeness. The number of entries received determines the odds of winning. Seven (7) winners will be selected. The prize packages will be sent directly from the giveaway sponsors. The #BrunchWeek Bloggers are not responsible for the fulfillment or delivery of the prize packages. Bloggers hosting this giveaway and their immediate family members in their household cannot enter or win the giveaway. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or any other social channel mentioned in the #Brunchweek posts or entry.
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Source: https://passthesushi.com/chocolate-chip-pecan-cinnamon-rolls/
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diyarlight · 7 years
Are you still taking song requests? Can you do Dear True Love by Sleeping at Last with Spencer Reid x the reader?
Here it is! Hope you like it! 
Dear true love
I'm a writer without any words
I'm a story that nobody heard
When I'm without you
They were at Rossi’s new year party. Everyone was gathered around to celebrate the end of the year and welcome a new one with open arms. A light jazz music was heard among the chatter, and Spencer Reid could not be happier than he was at that moment.
He was away from the group at the moment, taking in the light atmosphere with a champagne in his hand a smile on his face. The whole Mr. Scratch debacle had ended, so Hotch and Jack were able to come out of witness protection. Hotch became their SES, making sure that Prentiss still had her job and enjoying the desk job as it gave him time for Jack. Morgan was here too, chatting with Will and occasionally glancing at Savannah and Hank who was playing with Kai and Michael. Garcia, Alex, JJ, Emily and Tara were gossiping with Rossi’s daughter while Stephen, Luke, Hotch and Rossi were talking amongst each other.
Back when Spencer was in the prison, he had given up hope. He would have never thought this would happen. He never thought he would see his entire family ever again, but now everything was behind him.
“What are you doing?”
I am a voice
I am a voice without any sound
I'm a treasure map that nobody found
When I'm without you
He turned to see you at his right, holding a wine glass and wrapped in his blazer. It was close to midnight, and you had come back from the bathroom to see your boyfriend away from the chattering group. You raise your eyebrow at his shrug, letting him pull you closer to his body. “I was just thinking,” he said.
“About what?”
“How we met.” There was a laughter in his voice, and you couldn’t help but join in his chuckle. You clearly remember the day you literally crashed into Spencer, spilling water all over his clothes and you rambling while he awkwardly tried to assure you that it was okay. In the end you took him to your coffee shop to give him a free coffee and fresh clothes you could get from your apartment, and ended up having a pretty good time with each other. You weren't sure if the cute guy would ever come back after that, but two weeks later he walked through the doors of your coffee shop and into your life.
"Shut up," you mumbled, resting your head on his shoulder. His chest was still shaking because of his laughter, but he wrapped his right arm around your waist and pressed a kiss on your hair. He looked back up, taking in his team laughing and you beside him, and he felt completely in peace. You closed your eyes, inhaling his sweet aroma and letting your body melt against his as you both swayed to the music.
"Marry me."
Dear true love
I'm a lantern without any light
I'm a boxer much too afraid to fight
When I'm without you
So with this ring
May you always know one thing:
What little that I have to give
I will give it all to you
You're my one true love
He remembered the times when you both fought, the days he would spend alone whenever you were too mad to be in his apartment. He remembered feeling so lonely and sad that he would want to rush to you. By the time he would try to get out, you would be there outside his apartment, whispering apologies with tears in your eyes. He remembered the early mornings where you lay in his arms after his nightmares and wondered how lucky he was he met you. He held you while you grieved the loss of your grandmother and laughed along side seeing you ran after a giggling Michael. You loved to hear him whisper poems when you couldn’t sleep, and he loved the passion you had for comics and arguments you could have. He wanted to see what life would throw at him but with you by side. Forever.
I am a memory
I'm a memory bent out of shape
A childhood already bruised with age
When I'm without you
Dear true love
I'm an artist without any paint
I'm the deal that everyone breaks
When I'm without you
For a minute, you didn't move, eyes still closed, head resting on his shoulder. He held his breath, waiting for your response.
A grin stretched Spencer’s face, one he couldn't control. He saw one creeping across your face too. With a roar of laughter, he twirled in his arms as you squealed before he pulled you in for a kiss. For a second he was so happy that he almost forgot how you weren't that surprise at all.
"You knew." He frowned up to you with a pout.
"I saw the ring in your pants three days ago while you were at shower babe," you answered sheepishly. You hadn't meant to snoop but when a ring box falls from your boyfriend's pants, what other option could you think about?
So with this ring
May you always know one thing:
What little that I have to give
I will give it all to you
You're my one true love
I am a whisper
I'm a secret that nobody keeps
I'm a dreamer of someone else's dreams
When I'm without you
"But let me do this properly," Spencer said, putting you down gently and bent down on one knee. You heard a high pitched squeal from somewhere but all you could focus was the man you loved on his knee and looking at you with such devotion and love that it made your heart nearly explode.
"Before I met you I believed that nothing good can happen in my life. I had lost all hope until the day you literally crashed into my life. You make me believe in soul mates and everyday I wake up grateful that I am with you.” His voice cracked and he had teary eyes that you had as well, but both of you had the biggest smile anyone had seen. “You make me feel happy, Y/N, and with this ring, I want to spend the rest of my life making you feel what you make me feel. Whatever little I have, I will give it all to you. So Y/F/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?"
“Yes yes yes." You repeatedly kissed him, a bright smile on both of your faces. He pulled you closer to him, your feet dangling from the ground as he whirled around. You giggled as he pulled you to a deep kiss, both of you melting into each other.
"Can I hug you now? I am dying out here!" Garcia shouted to them, causing the couple break their gaze from each other.
You both turn to see the team and each other then has a wide grin on their faces. Spencer blushed slightly, completely forgetting the fact that his team was there while you beamed at them. Garcia was clearly crying happily while JJ was recording the entire thing with teary eyes. The men had happy smiles on their faces as the rest of women tried to control their happy tears.
"We are engaged!" You scream with happiness as Garcia engulfed you in a hug. You turn to see JJ hugging her best friend before moving onto you and Rossi kissing Spencer's cheeks. He met your eyes over everyone's congratulations, and you knew at once that you wouldn't change your decision in million years.
Yeah, you were ready to spend the rest of your life with one Spencer Reid.  
Dear true love
I'm a farewell that came all too soon
I'm a hand-me-down that dreams of being new
When I'm without you
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