#Tariq Al Haydar
dk-thrive · 5 months
“I am accused of words, / my pen the instrument. / Ink – blood of the heart – bears witness / and reads the charges.”
— Dareen Tatoour, from "A Poet Behind Bars". Translated by Translated by Tariq Al Haydar. (Arablit.org, Sept 1, 2016) (via Read a Little Poetry)
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lifeinpoetry · 5 years
of matter a not it's
open i as soon as that fact the it's      language
the comes in       mouth my
evaporating, threatening, daring, whipping, sun                
my breaking    erupts it before so
mouth my close i     shrapnel with teeth
— Tariq al Haydar, from “An Arabic (Right-to-Left Interview),” published in DIAGRAM
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theoffingmag · 5 years
“Basmah” means “smile” in Arabic. That’s what my ex-wife named our daughter; she said that maybe she could teach me how to smile. Our marriage lasted for eight years. I tried my best. I’m convinced that the mother of my child and I are both good people who failed to feel happiness in tandem. When we split up, they moved to Jeddah, an hour and a half away by plane. The last image I saw was of them disappearing into the elevator at the airport, my two-year-old crying in her stroller. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her cavernous mouth.
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mucillo · 3 years
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Dareen Tatour poetessa e fotografa palestinese,
ecco la poesia che ha portato al suo arresto per ‘incitamento al terrorismo’. È scritta originariamente in arabo, questa è la traduzione della versione inglese che ne ha fatto il poeta Tariq al Haydar:
Resisti, mio popolo, resisti contro di loro.
A Gerusalemme ho indossato le mie ferite,
Ho respirato i miei dolori
E sul palmo della mano ho portato l’anima
Per una Palestina araba.
Io non soccomberò a quella che chiamano “soluzione pacifica”,
Mai ammainerò le mie bandiere
Finché non li avrò cacciati dalla mia terra.
Conservo le bandiere per un tempo che verrà.
Resisti mio popolo, resisti contro di loro.
Resisti ai saccheggi dei coloni
E segui la carovana dei martiri.
Straccia la vergognosa costituzione
Che ci ha imposto degrado e umiliazione
Che ci ha impedito di restaurare la giustizia.
Essi hanno bruciato vivi bambini innocenti;
E ricorda Hadil: i cecchini la colpirono in strada,
La uccisero nella piena luce del giorno.
Resisti, mio popolo, resisti contro di loro.
Resisti al massacro dei colonizzatori.
Non prestare ascolto ai loro agenti in mezzo a noi
Che ci vogliono incatenare con l’illusione della pace.
Non temere le lingue biforcute;
La verità nei nostri cuori sarà più forte
Fintanto che tu resisterai in una terra
Che è sopravvissuta ad attacchi e vittorie.
Così gridava Alì dalla sua tomba:
Resisti, mio popolo ribelle.
Scrivi le mie parole in prosa sul legno di agar;
Voi siete la risposta delle mie spoglie.
Resisti, mio popolo, resisti contro di loro
Resisti, mio popolo, resisti contro di loro.
Ci vuole molta immaginazione per trovare un qualsiasi “incitamento al terrorismo” in questi versi. Semmai ci si trova il legittimo incitamento alla resistenza contro l’occupazione militare. Ma gli israeliani hanno un’idea del terrorismo che è la stessa idea di tutti i regimi invasori e colonizzatori: i terroristi sono i popoli oppressi che oppongono resistenza all’occupazione militare. 
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reseau-actu · 7 years
Le hold up américain sur le pactole irakien source d'inspiration pour son poulain saoudien Mohamad Ben Salmane sur le magot saoudien.
Tarek Mami
Journaliste, Président-fondateur de Radio France-Maghreb à Paris. Secrétaire national du SIRTI et président de l’Association française des radios numériques.
553 milliards de dollars confisqués aux dirigeants irakiens par Donald Trump
Le coup de filet du prince héritier saoudien Mohamad Ben Salmane contre les princes saoudiens sous couvert de la lutte contre la corruption, le 4 novembre 2017, parait avoir été directement inspiré par le holdp up commis par le président américain Donald Trump à l’encontre des dirigeants irakiens, qui se sont succédés à la téte du pays dans la foulée de l’invasion américaine de l’Irak, en 2003.
A peine élu, Donald Trump a en effet confisqué la somme de 553 milliards de dollars appartenant à de hauts dirigeants irakiens. Ce fait s’est produit, en février 2017, un mois après son entrée en fonction. Mais l’information est passée pratiquement, inaperçue, sans grand écho dans les médias mainstream.
Le Président américain, Donald Trump, alors fraichement élu et intronisé en janvier 2017, a ainsi inauguré son mandat par un grand coup financier. A la manière des nouveaux «capo» des mafias, pour marquer sa prise de pouvoir, il a ordonné au Trésor américain de bloquer les comptes bancaires d’une vingtaine de hauts dirigeants irakiens, qui ont accédé au pouvoir après l’invasion de l’Irak, en 2003, et l’arrestation puis l’exécution du Président Saddam Hussein.
Le Trésor américain a recensé 22 comptes bancaires alimentés en dollars américains, totalisant 553 milliards de dollars! 22 comptes bancaires appartenant à des personnalités politiques irakiennes, dont l’immense majorité est aujourd’hui au pouvoir, considérés comme des alliés des Etats unis! http://ift.tt/2GjJvfp
Cette décision historique est en fait un véritable braquage financier et d’un holdup, en ce qu’elle s’est passé sous la forme d’un coup de force et non dans le cadre d’une procédure judiciaire contradictoire comme cela se passe, en Europe, en France avec la formulation judiciaire du «procès de biens mal acquis».
«En réparation du sang américain versé en Irak».
Le surprenant est que le le président Trump a estimé que cet argent confisqué revenait de droit au peuple américain «en réparation du sang versé par les soldats américains en Irak».
Cet argent a été accumulé, en une décennie, par les nouvelles élites irakiennes apparues depuis l’invasion de l’Irak par les président Américain Georges Bush, et proviendraient du détournement de l’argent public irakien, via les transactions étatiques, principalement dans les secteurs du pétrole et de la reconstruction du pays.
Ces «nouveaux dirigeants», sans doute trop confiants dans leurs nouveaux rapports politiques avec les Américains, ont pris la liberté à la faveur de leur position de pouvoir d’avoir accès aux mannes financières de l’état irakien, dépossédant leurs compatriotes irakiens, et privant les banques irakiennes de ces liquidités.
Pas de compte au nom du Clan Saddam Hussein
A noter que le Trésor américain n’a trouvé aucun compte bancaire au nom du Président Saddam Hussein, et de ses fils, ni au nom de Tarek Aziz, son ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères, de Taha Yassine Ramadan ou d’Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, le successeur de Saddam Hussein à la tête de la guerilla baasiste anti américaine, ou de n’importe quel autre visage de leur carte de jeu macabre, ni d’aucun ministre irakien membre des gouvernements successifs du long règne du régime baassiste.
La question qui se pose est de savoir pourquoi le Président Trump n’a t’il pas agi de la sorte avec les autres dirigeants arabes, notamment, ceux des pays du Golfe (Arabie saoudite –Emirats Arabes Unis– Qatar.
Sans doute en raison du fait qu’avec ces pays, il suffit que les Américains demandent pour que ces pays obtempèrent. Ou alors plus simplement en application du principe de l’échange de bons procédés entre les roitelets du golfe et leur protecteur américain, qui se formule par cette expression: «Tu me donnes ce que je veux, Je te donne ce que tu veux», illustré par le livre «feu et furie», du journaliste Michael Wolff, qui rend public les relations entre le président américain et son gendre Jared Kuschner, d’une part, et le prince héritier saoudien Mohamad Ben Salman, d’autre part.
Ce livre a mis à nu la vie quotidienne à la Maison-Blanche pendant la première année de la présidence controversée de Donald Trump.
Le coup de filet et l’arrestation des dizaines de princes et d’hommes d’affaires saoudiens par le prince héritier saoudien, MBS, intervenu le 4 novembre 2017, dans le cadre, officiellement, de la lutte contre la corruption, dans une procédure de «fait du prince» et sans aucune procédure judiciaire, ne peut être comprise qu à la lumière du hold-up du trésor américain sur les comptes bancaires des dirigeants irakiens.
Il apparaît rétrospectivement comme une excroissance saoudienne de la pratique américaine illégale, opérée hors de toute procédure judiciaire. Dans les deux cas il s’agit purement et simplement d’extorsion de fond sous des prétextes fallacieux.
Liste des responsables irakiens dépossédés de leurs milliards de dollars, dirigeants qui n’ont ni protesté ni saisi les tribunaux américains à ce jour:
Nouri al-Maliki, 66 milliards de dollars
Massoud Barzani, 59 milliards de dollars,
Bahaa al-Araji, 37 milliards de dollars
Adel Abdel-Mahdi, 31 milliards de dollars
Baqir Jabr al-Zubeidi, 30 milliards de dollars
Rafaa al-Issawi, 29 milliards de dollars
Saleh al-Mutlaq, 28 milliards de dollars,
Oussama al-Noujaifi, 28 milliards de dollars
Adnan al-Assadi, 25 milliards de dollars
Hoshyar Zoubeiry, 21 milliards de dollars
Mohamed al-Karbouli, 20 milliards de dollars
Mohamed Derraji, 19 milliards de dollars
Ali al-Allaq, 19 milliards de dollars Saadoun Dlimi, 18 milliards de dollars
Haydar Al-Abadi, 17 milliards de dollars
Farouk al-Araji, 16 milliards de dollars Salim al-Jabouri, 15 milliards de dollars
Ahmed Nouri al-Maliki, 14 milliards de dollars
Ali al-Yasari, 12 milliard de dollars
Hassan al-Anbari, 7 milliard de dollars
Tariq Najm, 7 milliards de dollars
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Article complet: Madaniya — http://www.madaniya.info/2018/03/22/le-hold-up-americain-sur-le-pactole-irakien-source-dinspiration-pour-son-poulain-saoudien-mohamad-ben-salmane-sur-le-magot-saoudien/
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wionews · 7 years
Opinion: Fatally wounded ISIS trying to reappoint its killers
Reports are circulating that the ISIS is renewing its leadership as well as changing personnel. Senior officials in hiding are trying to optimise the management of their structure and continue to carry out illegal subversive activities in a number of Western countries.
  According to the sources, ISIS leadership is still under Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The representatives of ISIS military council are Iyad Abdulrahman al-Abadi, who is known as Abu Saleh al-Haifa and Abu al-Harith Bashar Ismail al-Jarjar. For all the security issues Iyad Hamid Khalifa al-Jamili, known as Abdulrahman Ansari, and Abu Ali at-Turkmeni from Turkmenistan known as Abdul Bin Waheed Bin Khader Bin Ahmad are responsible. One of the high-ranking field commanders is Mustafa Sat Marim al-Nasr, also known as Masib As-Suri. The coordinators and official representatives, as well as spokesmen of the radical group, are Abu Hajir al-Sufi and Abu Hasan al-Muhajir. Besides, Abu Salah (Mustafa Mohamed al-Jarmusch) runs the financial management of ISIS.
  There are also a number of specific posts in the jihadi Caliphate. For example, Abu Muhammad is in charge of all the prisons on the IS-controlled territory, and Abu Saji, known as Khairi Abd al-Khumud at-Taiami, is responsible for the social policy of the jihadists. Abu Shimaa, also known as Faris Riyad al-Naimi, is engaged in all the kinds of weapons supplies while a citizen of Tunisia Tariq bin al-Tahar bin al-Falih al-Awni al-Harzi, known as Abu Umar al-Tunisi, is in charge of the operations with the use of suicide bombers in Syria. According to some sources, he wasn’t killed in a U.S. drone strike at Shaddadi in north-eastern Syria on 16 June 2015, but this has not been confirmed yet.
  In addition, Abu Qasim, known as Abdallah Ahmad al-Mashhadani, oversees the meeting from abroad and training of new militants, as well as the brainwashing of the suicide bombers. The chief editor of IS affiliated ‘Dabiq’ magazine, Ahmad Abu Samra, is engaged in propaganda and interaction with mainstream media, and the social engineering and the organisational engineering in Twitter is conducted by Mahdi Saidi. Subversive activities are concentrated in the hands of Abu Amr al-Kardash and his assistant for distant mining is Abu Amr al-Malcum.
  It is also noticed that ISIS economy is concentrated in the hands of the Minister Haydar al-‘Abadi (Ahmad al-Salih) and his deputy named Abu Hazma. ISIS emir in Western Kalamun is Muafik al-Jarban Abu as-Sus, and in the south of Damascus is Abu al-Dahman. Military operations in the south of Syria are led by Abu Samir al-Urduni, Jordanian by nationality. The sources also report that the head of the ISIS-affiliated Jaysh Khalid ibn al-Walid Army in the south of Syria is Nadir al-Zeyab (Abu Ali), and her military leader is Abd al-Karim al-Misri.
  That might be kind of weird for you to run accidentally into the above-mentioned FB-accounts when searching. Be prepared to see the photos of quite respectable citizens. Unfortunately, it is too far from the reality. The latest Inside Syria Media Center’ investigation of the so-called “White Helmets” FB-accounts showed that they are playing a double game on Facebook often disguised as everyday people.
  The more so, some of the high-ranking radicals managed to survive, although, in the U.S. reports they appear killed as a result of drones’ attacks or coalition’s airstrikes, eyewitnesses report. Does a mock take place here? It seems a conspiracy is prepared. You may be quite surprised to know that some high-ranking militants like jackals have fled recently to the territory of neighboring Turkey, Lebanon and Iraq at the first sign of threat against their lives. Many of the terrorists managed to deceive their allies on jihad. Together with their family, they took along their bloody looted property, leaving the rest of the radicals to the mercy of fate. 
  Among the most famous militants who took advantage of the situation are the head of the so-called ‘Islamic Police’ in the province of Deir-Ezzor, Mahmoud Jaber Haij Rujuk, known as Abu Al-Jude, as well as Abu Laidan al-Iraqi responsible for the city of al-Mayadin. The others include the IS Minister of Agriculture, Abdulrahman Akal al-Araf (Abu al-Haras) along with his father, and the Secretary-General for Real Estate in the province of Deir-Ezzor, Abu Hazif al-Dashish.
  At the same time, the information about some previously appointed commanders remains unclear. It is known, for example, that the head of intelligence in the province of Deir Ezzor, Abu Firas Ash-Shahil, and his assistant have not been able to cope with their duties. But their fate is unknown at the moment. 
  Many know ‘White Widow’ Sally Jones was responsible for suicide operations in the province of Raqqa. She was close to the border between Syria and Iraq when was allegedly killed by a U.S. drone strike in Syria in June 2017. This ‘office’ as well as many others in ISIS structure are vacant now or have been ‘reduced’ as a result of the Syrian Arab Army’s successful activity.
  Furthermore, there are no such positions as ‘a person responsible for Deir-Ezzor defense’. This position was earlier occupied by now escaped Ahmad al-Dunham and Abu Didjan al-Zor. Some more ranks vacant now include: ‘a person responsible for the Tunisian detachments in ISIS’ and ‘a person responsible for al-Bukamal defense’ which were held by Syrian Saddam al-Jamal. Such posts like ‘responsible for the security in Deir-Ezzor’ occupied by Iraqi native Abu Tawfiq al-Iraqi, as well as ‘responsible for finances in the province of Deir-Ezzor’ occupied by Abu Arif al-Iraqi were also relegated to the dustbin of history when their chiefs fled.
  It seems that ISIS days are numbered. The Syrian Arab army under the help of its allies broke the back of the powerful earlier structure and is now finishing off its remains. No personnel changes or other transformations in its ranks can help ISIS to rise from the ashes. The scattered ISIS-Islamists are still present on the Syrian soil, but they will have been dealt with in the end.
  (Disclaimer: The opinions expressed above are the personal views of the author and do not reflect the views of ZMCL).
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chaquejoursonpoeme · 7 years
"Résiste mon peuple, résiste" par Dareen TATOUR
The Poem for Which Dareen Tatour’s Under House Arrest: ‘Resist, My People, Resist Them’ BY MLYNXQUALEY ON APRIL 27, 2016 • ( 16 ) The year 2015, according to a new report by Hamleh (The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media), saw a surge in the number of Palestinians being arrested, in Israel, on the charge of “incitement through social media.”: https://arablit.org/2016/04/27/the-poem-for-which-dareen-tatours-under-house-arrest-resist-my-people-resist-them/ One of the most prominent cases is of the poet Dareen Tatour, who was arrested last October, charged in November, and spent several months in prison before being placed under house arrest — with no access to the internet — in January. She is currently confined to a Tel Aviv apartment and had her first court hearing this month, charged for Facebook postings and a poem posted to YouTube. According to Nadim Nashef of Al-Shabaka, “The Palestinian Prisoners Club, a non-governmental organization dealing with prisoners’ rights, estimates that more than 150 arrests took place between October and February 2016 based on Facebook posts expressing opinions on the uprising.” Nashef writes that there “is no formal legislation that covers legal action with regard to the accusation of incitement through social media.” So when is a creative work “incitement”? And what effect does this have in suppressing wider creative and civic activities? Activist Yoav Haifawi, in writing about Tatour’s first court hearing, recounts a scene like a political satire, where a policeman is translating Tatour’s poem into Hebrew. “I’ve never seen the prosecution as obstinate as it has been in Dareen’s case,” attorney Abed Fahoum told Electronic Intifada. “I believe that they aim to use her to intimidate and silence all Palestinians.” Here, the poet Tariq al Haydar translates Tatour’s words into English: Resist, My People, Resist Them Resist, my people, resist them. In Jerusalem, I dressed my wounds and breathed my sorrows And carried the soul in my palm For an Arab Palestine. I will not succumb to the “peaceful solution,” Never lower my flags Until I evict them from my land. I cast them aside for a coming time. Resist, my people, resist them. Resist the settler’s robbery And follow the caravan of martyrs. Shred the disgraceful constitution Which imposed degradation and humiliation And deterred us from restoring justice. They burned blameless children; As for Hadil, they sniped her in public, Killed her in broad daylight. Resist, my people, resist them. Resist the colonialist’s onslaught. Pay no mind to his agents among us Who chain us with the peaceful illusion. Do not fear doubtful tongues; The truth in your heart is stronger, As long as you resist in a land That has lived through raids and victory. So Ali called from his grave: Resist, my rebellious people. Write me as prose on the agarwood; My remains have you as a response. Resist, my people, resist them. Resist, my people, resist them. Le poème pour lequel Dareen Tatour fait l'objet d'une arrestation à domicile:“Resistez, mon peuple, résistez-leur”. PAR MLYNXQUALEY LE 27 AVRIL 2016 - (16) L'année 2015, selon un nouveau rapport du Hamleh (The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media), a vu une augmentation du nombre de Palestiniens arrêtés, en Israël, pour “incitation par les médias sociaux”: https://arablit.org/2016/04/27/the-poem-for-which-dareen-tatours-under-house-arrest-resist-my-people-resist-them/ L'un des cas les plus marquants est celui du poète Dareen Tatour, qui a été arrêté en octobre dernier, inculpé en novembre, et qui a passé plusieurs mois en prison avant d'être placé en résidence surveillée - sans accès à l'internet - en janvier. Elle est actuellement confinée dans un appartement de Tel-Aviv et a eu sa première audience au tribunal ce mois-ci, accusée d'avoir affiché Facebook et un poème sur YouTube. Selon Nadim Nashef d'Al-Shabaka,“The Palestinian Prisoners Club, une organisation non gouvernementale s'occupant des droits des prisonniers, estime que plus de 150 arrestations ont eu lieu entre octobre et février 2016 sur la base d'articles de Facebook exprimant des opinions sur le soulèvement”. Nashef écrit qu'il n'existe “aucune législation formelle qui couvre les poursuites judiciaires en ce qui concerne l'accusation d'incitation par les médias sociaux”. Et quel effet cela a-t-il sur la suppression d'activités créatives et civiques plus larges? Le militant Yoav Haifawi, en écrivant sur la première audience de Tatour, raconte une scène comme une satire politique, où un policier traduit le poème de Tatour en hébreu. Je n'ai jamais vu l'accusation aussi obstinée que dans le cas de Dareen “, a déclaré l'avocat Abed Fahoum à Electronic Intifada. "Je crois qu'ils veulent l'utiliser pour intimider et faire taire tous les Palestiniens.” Ici, le poète Tariq al Haydar traduit les paroles de Tatour en anglais: Résistez, mon peuple, résistez-les. Résistez, mon peuple, résistez. A Jérusalem, j'ai soigné mes blessures et soufflé mon chagrin Et je portais l'âme dans ma paume Pour une Palestine arabe. Je ne succomberai pas à la “solution pacifique”, Ne baissez jamais mes drapeaux Jusqu’ à ce que je les expulse de mon pays. Je les ai mis de côté pour une prochaine fois. Résistez, mon peuple, résistez. Résister au cambriolage du colon Et suivez la caravane des martyrs. Détruire la constitution honteuse Qui a imposé la dégradation et l'humiliation Et nous a dissuadés de rétablir la justice. Ils ont brûlé des enfants irréprochables; Quant à Hadil, ils l'ont tailladée en public, Il l’ a tuée en plein jour. Résistez, mon peuple, résistez. Résistez aux assauts des colonialistes. Ne faites pas attention à ses agents parmi nous. Qui nous enchaînent avec l'illusion pacifique. Ne craignez pas les langues douteuses; La vérité dans ton cœur est plus forte, Tant que vous résistez dans une terre Qui a vécu à travers les raids et la victoire. Ali a appelé de sa tombe: Résistez, mon peuple rebelle. Écris-moi en prose sur l'agarwood; Mes restes vous ont comme réponse. Résistez, mon peuple, résistez. Résistez, mon peuple, résistez.
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therumpus · 10 years
The brain always knows where you are. A triumvirate of eyes, ear canals, tiny nerves
From The View From Saturn by Alice Friman, reviewed at The Rumpus by Tariq Al Haydar.
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