dresupi · 5 years
working for (packing) peanuts
Darcy Lewis Crack Challenge 2019 |  Day 9: Must Include Packing Peanuts |
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Ship: Darcy Lewis/David Haller |  Prompt: Day 9 - Must Include Packing Peanuts |  Other tags: Fake Marriage, Fake Relationship, Undercover as a couple, Kissing, Mutual Pining, Crack, Tech malfunctions |  Rated: M |  Word Count: 3216 | 
Faking a relationship with a telepath feels like cheating somehow. Especially when <i>he’s</i> the telepath.
But Darcy’s pretty sure he’s not reading her mind. Because if he was, he’d know how much she wants to kill him for losing that listening device.
“Where do you want the books?” David had one of the boxes open in front of the built-in shelves that lined one entire wall in this new apartment.
Darcy was almost jealous she didn’t actually live here. The shelf space was bonkers. But she really liked her apartment too. It had Bowie, who was being fed by Jane for the foreseeable future, and it had only been eight hours and she already missed her cat. She’d start welling up again if she thought about that, so she pushed all thoughts of her special Bowie-boy out of her head and focused purely on the task at hand. Move into this apartment with David.
“Wherever they’ll fit,” she replied, fluffing a throw pillow and tossing it onto the couch.
The SHIELD movers were bringing in most of “their” stuff from the moving van, but they still had to figure out where to put it all. They’d practiced most of their in-public lovey-dovey routine, kind of like a weird acting/improv workshop where everything focused on getting her and David to kiss, but she was kind of flying by the seat of her pants here. The door was left open for the movers because that was what normal people would do. They wouldn’t shut the door every time someone walked out while they were moving in all their worldly possessions.
She had to play a convincing house.
Because the truth was, 99% of this stuff was on loan. As was the apartment. It was just lucky that they could grab the empty place for their undercover operation.
There was a couple in the building who was smuggling some rather impressive tech and the powers-that-were needed Darcy to prove the Joneses had it. She wasn’t actually sure if their name was Jones, but for all intents and purposes, in her head, they were the Joneses. And considering that SHIELD only got reads from the tech in this general vicinity and had no idea which couple had the stuff, the anonymous couple was lucky Darcy was just referring to them as the Joneses.
And that brought her to David. He was here because SHIELD needed his super fancy mind-reading powers to figure out which couple had the tech. Why they couldn’t just use David’s powers was beyond her, but it was cool. She felt like the Q to his Bond. If Bond was a major dork and could read minds.
“Come out and help me grab the groceries,” she said, walking past him and dragging her fingertips down his arm before grabbing his hand. They’d come with a few bags of what looked like generic pantry staples, but really the bags were filled with Darcy’s own personal tech.
And she guessed, on second thought, that the tech was the reason she was here. She designed her own, pretty much ensuring her job security. So yeah. That’s why she was here.
David came willingly, they really had this couple thing down pat. Maybe. As long as no one threw them any curveballs. Like sex pollen or an amnesia drug that made them think they were actually married.
She really wished she was kidding about that, but both had happened in previous undercover ops (not hers, but she’d heard about it) and it made everything super messy and feelsy. But there had been no evidence of either being attempted in this instance.
As it stood, she and David had a couple of lookie-loos who’d walked past the apartment door, nosily peeking in to get a good look at the ‘new neighbors’, so it was probably a good call to keep up their charade as long as was possible.
David followed her downstairs, dragging his feet a little as he listened in on the neighbors on each floor. The apartment was a fourth-floor walkup, which was a pain in the ass. Literally, her glutes were on freaking fire, man.
It felt a little weird, having him listen in on everyone around here, but he could control his powers pretty well.  He wasn’t listening to everything all at once, he could tune things out. ‘Like a radio,’ he’d explained. And if he didn’t hear anything of use, he tuned them out really quickly.
“Anything yet?” Darcy murmured.
He shook his head slightly, “Nope.”
They reached the landing on the second floor and an older woman stepped out after them, and David tugged on her hand, pulling Darcy close so the other woman could pass by them.  His fingers tickled a little at her waist, fingertips encountering bare skin as her shirt rode up on her torso. It made her visibly shiver. In a good way.
Darcy felt the woman smile a little as she passed them
“So you’re the newlyweds who moved in, I presume?” she asked, directing the question over her shoulder as she moved down each step in front of them.
Darcy felt David squeeze her tightly and tilt his head slightly to touch hers. “Are we that obvious?”
“Sorry…” Darcy replied, tilting her head slightly as well. “It’s our first place as husband and wife.”
Technically not a lie, so actually, Darcy didn’t show any lie-signs at all. Supposedly. Not that this woman looked like a threat in the slightest.
“It's not a problem at all,” the woman replied. “It’s refreshing to see people so in love.”
It was silent after, the only sound was the combined footsteps moving down to the first floor. The woman walked over to the mailboxes as Darcy and David exited the lobby.
They made their way out to the street and to where their car was parked in the temporary loading zone to pull out the bags of ‘groceries’. They’d have to come down later to move it, but they had twenty-four hours to do so. That sounded like something for tomorrow-morning Darcy because if she had to walk anymore today, her legs were going to go on strike.
The moving van SHIELD had used to transport all the household stuff was being closed up and the movers waved as they climbed into the cab.
They must have everything they needed.
David managed a wave before the movers pulled out and disappeared down the road.
“Nice job in the stairs, by the way,” he mused, hoisting two bags into his arms.
“What, like it’s hard to pretend to like you?” he asked, smirking a little as they made their way back upstairs. Darcy chewed on those words and the way his lips quirked in the corners for the rest of the way back up. They didn’t meet anyone, which was probably good, because she had a totally blank look on her face like she was trying to multiply two seven-digit numbers in her head.
They set the groceries on the counter in the kitchen, Darcy was about to go close the door when David suddenly smacked her ass, squeezing tightly before slipping the same arm around her waist and tugging her close. “Neighbor at four o’clock…” he murmured, leaning in to kiss her lips.
Her eyebrows went up in surprise, but she wasn’t facing the door, so David lingered on the kiss, attempting to wipe the surprised look off her face. Probably succeeding. Maybe. All Darcy could focus on was the firm pressure of his lips on hers. He seemed to know just how she liked it. But he promised he wasn’t reading her mind. And she had no reason to think he’d lie to her about something like this.
But that wasn’t what she should be focusing on. There was still a neighbor at the door. They were lingering as well. Kind of suspicious, considering that they were just standing there watching David grope her.
“Oh, sorry! Am I interrupting?” asked someone from the doorway.
Obviously, Darcy thought to herself, her back still to the doorway and whoever was standing there.
“Not at all,” David replied, eyes locking with Darcy’s as she composed herself and turned.
“Everything’s peachy,” she said, laughing a little too loudly, but it seemed to work.
“I just noticed you were moving in… I live down the hall if you need anything.” The woman smiled and Darcy swore she could count all her teeth. Weird.
“That’s super nice of you,” Darcy gushed, and the woman nodded, still smiling as she backed out into the hall.
“For real. Let me know if you need anything at all,” she said before making her complete exit.
David watched her leave, closing the door and sliding the deadbolt into place behind him.
“Well, this is going to be easier than I thought…”
“What is?” Darcy asked, her mind immediately going to that place. The place that seemed to stick longer and longer each time they engaged in coupley things. Her smile was almost flirtatious, but David didn’t seem to realize it.
“I think she’s one of our smugglers,” he gestured out the door.
Darcy’s eyebrows went up. “Why on earth did she come to visit us, then?”
“Oh, she has no idea who we are. We just need to get invited over to her place for dinner and plant the bug. We’ll be in and out in a week.”
A week? Darcy thought to herself. She was embarrassed to admit it, but she’d kind of hoped she’d have longer with David than a week. But she was quick to hide her disappointment.
“Awesome,” she said. “If you’re sure we have our smuggler, I have some surveillance gadgets to unpack.”
“Anything cool?” He was smiling again and woe be it to her if she were to deny him anything.
“Definitely, you wanna see?”
“Okay, help me unpack these bags so I can get set up.”
Contrary to what he’d said before, David didn’t actually follow her into the bedroom after he’d helped unpack the gadgets. From the sound of things, he’d gone out to the living room to watch TV.
Which kind of ruffled her feathers more than she was willing to admit. Just because he didn’t have tech didn’t mean he couldn’t help with hers.
She guessed it didn’t matter anyway. There were some super cool bugs to set up.
Darcy had some really cool ones from SHIELD. Shapeshifting bugs. She called them shifters for short. Basically, you tossed them onto a table or into a junk drawer and they cloaked as a nearby object so they could remain hidden for as long as audio feeds were needed.
She took out a teeny screwdriver to tighten a few post screws and jumped when her finger got zapped. “Fucky Charms,” she muttered, biting on her lip as she furiously shook her hand to relieve the sensation.
The TV in the living room went quiet and she heard a few hurried footsteps in the doorway as David tucked his head in to check on her. “Everything alright, Darcy?”
She sucked at her fingertip until the burning ceased and nodded. “Glorious.”
For the second time that day, she suspected he was listening to her thoughts. And without her permission too. Maybe. Or maybe not? She wasn’t sure. But she’d barely exclaimed, and he was watching TV, so...
All she knew was that he’d promised he wouldn’t. And she was super embarrassed at the images he’d find in her brain if he looked there. She took a deep breath and let it out as he fully entered the room.
“So what kind of goodies are you working with?” he asked, approaching the bed, but remaining a safe distance away. Like if he got too close, he’d get hurt or something.
Either that, or he’d looked into her mind and found those very non-PG fantasies she liked to entertain about him and one (1) can of Reddi-Whip.
She pressed her lips together for a long moment before answering. “Well, this is one of our listening devices. New SHIELD tech, state of the art. I call them shifters. Because they shapeshift into other objects. So you can hide them in a junk drawer or something and pick up a great audio feed and the target has no idea.”
She held the device in her fingers, showing him how small it was. When it wasn’t activated, it looked like a little silver capsule. About two inches long. Kind of like a bullet or something.
David looked interested. “Can I see it?”
“Sure.” She handed it over. “Now, don’t drop it because…”
He had just tossed the device in the air, attempting to catch it, only to have it slip through his fingers and dropping down into the box at her feet.
The box full of packing peanuts.
“Fuck,” she muttered.
Maybe he wasn’t reading her mind after all. Because if he was, he’d have known not to fucking toss that thing into… oh for fuck’s sake.
“I’m so sorry,” he replied. “I can find it…”
“No. You can’t. Because once it comes into contact with something other than human flesh, it activates and cloaks. As a nearby object.”
“So what does that mean?” he asked, frowning a little at the box between them.
“It means it’s one of these packing peanuts now.”
There was a long, awkward silence as they both gazed down at the slightly green styrofoam bits.
“There’s no way to figure out which one it is?” he asked, his frown deepening.
She sighed, “Unfortunately, there is. I’ve had to do this before.”
“What is it?”
She reached for a smaller cardboard box and dropped some pennies inside. She sat down on the floor and picked up a packing peanut, dropping it inside. Nothing happened, and she sighed, tossing it over her shoulder.
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m not. That thing’s insanely expensive. We have to find it.”
David sat down beside her and reached for the box. “Let me take the first shift. It’s my fault.”
She laughed and patted the carpet beside her. “We’ll take turns.”
“Can I ask what’s funny?” he asked, settling down on the tan berber on the other side of the box.
“Definitely.  You see, twice today, I suspected you of trying to read my thoughts without permission, and this just clinches it.”
He looked alarmed. “What does?”
“There is no way you’re reading my thoughts if you did that.”
“I wouldn’t anyway…” he said, trailing off as he dropped another peanut into the small box of pennies. “What were they?”
“What was what?” she asked.
“The instances? You said there were two of them. What were they?”
Darcy felt her cheeks reddening a little, but she went on like she wasn’t flustered as hell. “Oh, when I zapped my finger, I thought you were reading my mind to find out I did it.”
He laughed. “No. You yelled out ‘Fucky Charms’ really loud. Like… super loud. Louder than the TV even.”
She scoffed. “It wasn’t that loud.”
“I guarantee it was.”
“I mean. Maybe it was.”
“Maybe it was?”
“Okay, I thought I was muttering. Apparently not.”
“Shout-muttering maybe.”
She laughed softly and reached for a handful of peanuts. “Okay. Shout-muttering.”
“What was the other one?”
Her eyes widened a little as a packing peanut stayed stationary in her fingertips, hovering over the box. “I plead the fifth.”
“What? You can’t plead the fifth to friends,” he argued, reaching out and plucking the peanut from her hand and dropping it into the box.
She pursed her lips as if deep in thought. “Yeeeaahhhh, I think you can.”
The clock chimed nine on the mantle out in the living room, and Darcy sighed, dropping another peanut into the box to no avail.
“We need to take a break to go have sex in a few minutes,” she said, nodding towards the bed and hoping no, praying that her statement would be enough to keep his mind off what the second instance had been.
Sure enough, David looked surprised at her words. “To go… have… sex?”
“Fake sex. Believe me. That’s the last thing I want to do with you right now,” she said with a smirk.
“Oh really? Thanks. Thank you so much.” His sarcasm was so thick, she could slice it up and make a sandwich, but that was fine. If he was being sarcastic, he wasn’t niggling for answers.
She wiped her hands on her pants and pushed up off the floor. “For all I know, you wouldn’t be able to find anything. I mean, that’s been my experience with you, after all,” she said, gesturing to the pile of peanuts.
“I can find everything,’ he assured her. “Just like I can find out everything. Like what that second instance was where you thought I was reading your mind?”
Darcy rolled her eyes. “Just. Get on the bed, Casanova.”
Sex simulations were, fortunately, something they’d practiced in their improv/training course, so when he jumped up on the end of the bed, she followed suit, but centered herself more, while he was up at the head of the bed.
Once they were in position, they started bouncing the mattress a little. SHIELD had thankfully provided them with a very squeaky mattress, so it sounded obscene.
“Tell me,” he whispered, his gaze intent on her as he bounced around, raising his voice only to let out a very convincing grunt. One that was decidedly for their neighbors’ benefit and not hers.
“No,” she replied, speeding her bouncing a little. “Not telling.”
“Please. I need to know if it’s a weird vibe I put out…” he countered, still softly, his eyes soft and pleading as he kept up a very steady rhythm.
“I’d tell you.”
She scoffed, “Unlikely.”
“Please,” he said, reaching out to grasp her hand.  She didn’t look at him. She couldn’t. Not when what they were doing was so ridiculous.
“When you kissed me,” she murmured. “I wondered if you were reading my mind because you were doing exactly what I liked.”
David stopped bouncing for a moment, his face almost unreadable as he soundlessly dropped to the floor. Darcy panicked a little, slowing her bounces too as she sat down, sliding her feet to the floor and scooting over to the side where he was standing. “It doesn’t need to--”
He placed his finger to his lips and shook his head.
Another shake of his head as he stepped closer, his knees bumping the bed as he stepped between her knees and bent over her, lips pressing breathlessly against hers. Firm as his hand slid into her hair, fisting a handful of it as he parted his lips, tongue swiping lightly between her lips. When he broke off the kiss, she chased after him, a soft giggle escaping when he cupped her face in his hands and pulled away.  “Like that?”
She nodded and he kissed her again, reaching over for the headboard as he gave it a good shake, bumping it back against the wall and let out a soft moan. “Multitasking?” he whispered.
Darcy agreed and moved back up to the pillows, a slightly louder moan slipping from her lips when he followed. It wasn’t entirely fake, full disclosure.
She was pretty sure they’d be up until the ass crack of dawn finding that listening device in the packing peanuts, but neither of them really cared about it right then.
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ragwitch · 7 years
Halloween prompts. 21. Taserlegion (david/darcy)
AHHHHHHHHH I love Legion so much. This is a bit wobbly but I hope it fits the mood! 
21. ’I just got a letter in the mail that said ‘don’t forget to lock your doors this year’ and it’s in my handwriting. I don’t remember writing it.’  
Pairing: Darcy Lewis/David Haller
Rating: T
He folded the page in half again as steps shuffled through the hall. He’d lost track of the number of times he’d folded it. It was always just laying there, open on the table when he looked down again.
“Hey,” she said, hand running across his back as she entered the kitchen. She padded over to the fridge in a striped shirt that was too big for her and pulled out a carton of orange juice, drinking straight from the mouth with a sheepish glance back at him. She popped the door shut with her hip and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
Her name was Darcy. She’d been living with him for three months. She liked cartoons and stray cats and when they got each other off in the shower. ‘Cause it’s tidy,’ she’d said. He reminded himself of all of these things because he couldn’t quite remember her.
“What’s that?” she asked, sitting down across from him at the breakfast table and propping her feet up in his lap. She nodded at the paper, open again, face up on the table.
“It’s a letter,” he said, folding it shut again. “It was in the mail.”
“A letter,” she asked, juice carton halfway to her lips. “How…anachronistic. You sure it wasn’t just an email you printed out?”
He slid the page across the table to her. It was open again.
“‘Don’t forget to lock your doors this year,’” she read aloud. Her nose wrinkled at the end. Oh yeah, he liked when she did that. “Ewww. How creepy. I’m guessing weird anonymous notes don’t come with return addresses?”
Had there been an envelope? “It’s my handwriting,” he said.
“Oh,” she said, head tilting to the side, pile of hair atop her head tilting further. “Did you get pranked last Halloween?”
“It’s Halloween,” he said. He tried not to make it sound like a question but she snorted and shook her head. Her feet lifted off his lap as she got up to hunt through the cupboards behind him.
She was a fidgeter. He knew that about her too.
“David,” she said, urgent and soft. She was directly by his right side, blue eyes stark and wide behind the frames of her glasses. “David, you’re forgetting again, aren’t you?”
“No, no, I’m fine,” he said. He tried to smile and wave it away. She looked different up close. Suddenly serious and sharply focused, not breezing through his kitchen in his shirt and bare feet. She was wearing plaid now? Had he gotten it wrong before?
“David,” she pressed. “What are you locking out? What needs to be locked out?”
“It’s not- It’s just…It’s a Halloween prank,” he said, looking down at the writing. That was his ‘f’ that looked like an ‘h.’ He knew that.
There was a soft snort from behind and then she was leaning against his side. His left side. Thigh bare against his arm. His striped shirt on.
“A prank from yourself?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Hey, do you mind if I snag the first shower?”
“Go…go ahead.” The skin was warm against his arm but it didn’t feel familiar. It was soft, she smelled like his bed, but she didn’t seem…
He jumped. She was standing at the sink. In plaid. In jeans. Glasses on.
“How the hell are you doing-”
“David. Why are you going to lock your door?” she pressed, hands gripped around the countertop, knuckles white.
“So he can’t get in! So I can’t forget!” David yelled, standing up from the table, chair rattling on the floor behind him.
Her shoulders softened and David blinked. That was familiar that was… she was…
“Good,” she sighed. She pushed off the counter and met him by the table. She smelled right. She smelled like his bed and like lemonade. “Lock your doors, David. I’ll be there, okay? I’ll be there when you get out.”
She was on her tip toes, lips at the corner of his mouth and all at once she was back to him. His eyes slammed shut to try and dig the memories out. Darcy, from the Tower. She’d found him a place to hide, for now. She smelled like lemonade and she tasted like coffee. He turned his head to find the flavor and there was nothing there.
“Hey, is everything okay down there?” she called from upstairs, from the shower.
“Talking to myself,” he shouted back and he listened to the giggle.
That was not Darcy.
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dresupi · 7 years
Darcy/David Haller Fic Recs
I only have one (Seriously, there are only three fics and I’ve written two of them!), but it’s amazing and deserves ALL THE SUGAR.  
[21. Taserlegion for dresupi] - by @ragwitch
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dresupi · 7 years
Pairing:  Darcy Lewis/David Haller For:  @ragwitch Prompt:  ‘It’s a Marshmallow World’ by Johnny Mathis Word Count: 880 Rating:  G
Summary:    Darcy's gonna bring David home for the holidays if it's the last thing she does!
Be sure to check out the rest of my [Darcyland Holiday Fics]!  I’ll be posting one a day until December 25!
Darcyland Rarepairs Tag:  @katiehavok, @georgiagirlagain, @heartsandwinter, @freudensteins-monster, @anastasia-goddess-of-drama, @indiana-my-bones, @evolution-of-magic, @phoenix-173, @dragongoddess13, @arielpink42
(If you want to be tagged when I post new fics, update fics, or open prompts, fill out [this form])
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ragwitch · 7 years
Okay but I'm still screaming about taserlegion, I read it aloud to my husband while he was making me breakfast I have so many feelings about this, OH MY GOD. It was SOOOOOO GOOD omg, I'mma go read it again brb.
If I thought I could really nail down any understandable thing about Legion I would be trying to write a long-fic RIGHT NOW cause this is the trippy mind-bogglingness I live for. THANK YOU FOR THIS PROMPT. I love your taserlegion. We need to start a legion of taserlegion.
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ragwitch · 7 years
amusewithaview replied to your post “Halloween prompts. 21. Taserlegion (david/darcy)”
I am so confused but also intrigued????
a thick fog of befuddlement and curiosity is definitely a sign that you’re in the Legion verse. Join us!!!
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ragwitch · 7 years
I’m taking Halloween Prompts
Send me an ask with a prompt from below, a Darcyland pairing, and a rating if you have a preference. (I won’t go above your preferred rating but I might not get as high as it if it’s not quite working for me.)
I’m just taking one claim per prompt so double check to see if it’s been claimed and feel free to send few extras in order of your preference just in case. I’ll give you your top three available prompts!
I’ll post one ficlet (min. 500 words) for every day in October!
1. ‘You know, like a murder of crows, a gaggle of geese, a coven of witches!’ ‘That’s…not really how it works. But, sure.’ - CLAIMED wintershock
2. 'Wait…if you’re making pancakes…whose footsteps am I hearing upstairs?’ - CLAIMED tasergazer
3. ’You want to take me to a cabin in the woods…on Halloween weekend? I have concerns.’- CLAIMED taserbones
4. 'I thought you liked horror movies.' 'I liked the idea of holding your hand during horror movies. I hate horror movies.’ - CLAIMED wintershock
5. 'I will trade you all fruity and sour candies in exchange for your kitkats.’ 'That’s a criminal trade and you know it. KitKats are like the solid gold bars of Halloween candy.’ - CLAIMED falconshock
6. -whispered in the ear- 'Boo.’ - CLAIMED tasertorch
7. 'I’m on a long term mission to find the best possible pumpkin spice latte. Wanna hop along?’ - CLAIMED shieldshock
8. 'Hey, there’s a lot to be said for a werewolf’s sexual appetite.’ - CLAIMED tasertorch
9. 'I just now realized I’m on a date with a ghost.’ - CLAIMED wintershock
10. ’This an actual haunted house! I thought you meant the kind with actors!’ - CLAIMED hawkshock
11. At a pumpkin carving contest 'Who came up with the idea of a contest where all the contestants have knives?!’ - CLAIMED tasertooth
12. 'I’ve got fifteen Apple pie recipes and we’re going to test them all. Are you with me?’ - CLAIMED wintershieldshock
13. To a fortune teller- 'I’m about to ask you out on a date, so I really hope the next card you turn over is 'The Lovers.'’ - CLAIMED wintershock
14. 'The phone keeps ringing but no one’s there when I answer.’ - CLAIMED darcy/daniel sousa
15. 'Pretty sure this bed frame from the flea market is haunted, but damn is the ghost good looking.’ - CLAIMED wintershock
16. ’…So when you say you’re a succubus…that means?’ 'Would you like a demonstration?’ - CLAIMED taserbite
17. 'Just stay here where it’s safe, I’ll be right back.’ 'Are you insane?! Have you never seen a zombie movie before?!’ - CLAIMED falconshock
18. 'Are you a witch? Cause I am enchanted.’ 'That’s a terrible pick up line.’ 'What? No. I’m enchanted. Like, literally, I’m under a curse. Can you help?’ - CLAIMED wintershock
19. -in the dark- 'Your hand is really cold.’ ’…I’m not holding your hand.’ - CLAIMED quicktaser
20. 'I don’t think ghosts are supposed to feel solid.’ 'Not that I’m complaining, but I don’t think haunted house attendees are supposed to touch the ghosts.’ - CLAIMED wintershock
21. 'I just got a letter in the mail that said 'don’t forget to lock your doors this year’ and it’s in my handwriting. I don’t remember writing it.’ - CLAIMED taserlegion
22. 'Why does our apartment look like a dungeon?’ 'Bad dungeon or like…sexy dungeon?’ - CLAIMED shieldshock
23. 'That’s my candy. I went through a lot to get that.’ 'And then you left it unguarded. I’m holding it ransom.’ - CLAIMED tasersmash or ironshock
24. ‘I don’t see why a couple of monsters can’t fall in love too.’ ‘Is that an offer?’ - CLAIMED wintershock
25. ‘That is a fantastic _______ costume! I’ve always had a thing for ________.’ (You choose the costume) - CLAIMED scarletshock )
26. ‘Trick or Treat.’ ‘Do I get to choose the treat?’ - CLAIMED tasertorch
27. ‘Remind me whose idea it was to bring a ouija board to game night?’ - CLAIMED ghosttaser
28. ‘Was it just me or was I actually ________ last night?’
‘I would say it was some next level role playing but yeah, I was definitely possessed too. And by _________.’(You choose the costume identities) - CLAIMED wintershock
29. ‘You’re the cutest person at this party, but you look like you’re freezing. Want to borrow my cape?’ - CLAIMED shieldshock
30. ‘I’m really sorry I tried to decapitate you but this is why no one should plan a zombie flash mob.’ - CLAIMED wintershieldshock
31. 'Holy crap. Best Halloween ever!’ - CLAIMED shieldshock
(if anyone wants to use this prompt list, let me know and I’ll post a clean copy without my instructions.)
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dresupi · 7 years
Darcyland Ships for Prompts
(Just figured I’d post these here so people on mobile could see them...)  
I know for six sentence Saturdays, I take mostly any ship.  However, for these longer prompts, I’m going to give you a list of what I’ll write.  If it’s not on this list, ask me first.  <3   
Bruce Banner/Darcy Lewis (Tasersmash)
Brock Rumlow/Darcy Lewis (Taserbones)
Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis (Wintershock)
Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Pietro Maximoff (Quickwintershock)
Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers (WinterShieldShock)
Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis (Taserhawk)
Darcy Lewis/Fandral (Fancy)
Darcy Lewis/Foggy Nelson 
Darcy Lewis/Leo Fitz
Darcy Lewis/Loki (Tasertricks)
Darcy Lewis/Matt Murdock (Shockdevil)
Darcy Lewis/Natasha Romanov (Taserbite)
Darcy Lewis/Peter Quill (ElectricSlide)
Darcy Lewis/Phil Coulson (Agenttaser)
Darcy Lewis/Pietro Maximoff (Quicktaser)
Darcy Lewis/Pietro Maximoff/Steve Rogers (CaptainQuicktaser)
Darcy Lewis/Robbie Reyes (GhostTaser)
Darcy Lewis/Sam Wilson (Falconshock)
Darcy Lewis/Scott Lang (Shrinkshock)
Darcy Lewis/Sif
Darcy Lewis/Stephen Strange (Strangeshock)
Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers (Shieldshock)
Darcy Lewis/Thor (Hammershock)
Darcy Lewis/Tony Stark (IronShock)
Darcy Lewis/Wanda Maximoff (ScarletShock)
Darcy Lewis/Alex Summers (Taserhavok)
Darcy Lewis/Charles Xavier (Time Travel or de-age only)
Darcy Lewis/David Haller (Taserlegion)
Darcy Lewis/Hank McCoy (Time Travel or de-age only)
Darcy Lewis/Jubilee
Darcy Lewis/Kurt Wagner (Shockcrawler)
Darcy Lewis/Logan (Clawshock)
Darcy Lewis/Magneto (Time Travel or de-age only)
Darcy Lewis/Peter Maximoff
Darcy Lewis/Piotr Rasputin
Darcy Lewis/Remy Labeau
Darcy Lewis/Scott Summers
Darcy Lewis/Vanessa Carlisle
Darcy Lewis/Vanessa Carlisle/Wade Wilson
Darcy Lewis/Wade Wilson (Shockpool)
Darcy Lewis/Jennifer Walters
Darcy Lewis/Johnny Storm
Darcy Lewis/Kate Bishop
Darcy Lewis/Namor
Darcy Lewis/Spencer Reid [Criminal Minds]
Darcy Lewis/Ptonomy Wallace [Legion]
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