#Darcyland ships for prompts
dresupi · 10 months
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Hey there! I've got my form ready for Christmas prompts!
Here is the info:
All will be Rated T
No limits to how many you want to give me
If you want to be tagged/gifted, give me your tumblr/ao3 username, if not, write 'Anon'
I may not write all of them, but it's nothing personal if I don't write yours
Pick three prompts to go with your ship and I'll choose one of them for your ficlet
These will likely be 500 words and under for now. Unless I'm very inspired or something.
The ship write-in option is only for Darcyland, the other fandoms are 'what you see is what you get', meaning I'm not accepting ship write-ins for them
I'm offering Stranger Things, (Steddie only, canon or modern au, I'll pick based on the prompt) Darcyland, and GoT (Modern AUs only)
I think that's everything! Happy shipping, everyone!
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sachertortes · 7 years
Congrats on the milestone :D How about Sam/Darcy & Ridiculously sentence themed #8? Please?
@probablyunnecessary you got it!! pls enjoy
Prompt: Ridiculous Sentence Themed, #8, “I understand the whole sleep talking thing but what I don’t understand is the princess dragon dream and why I’m in it.”
Pairing: Sam x Darcy
Rating: G
Notes: Fake marriage/undercover, spoilers for season 5 of Game of Thrones
She was wearing a giant, floppy straw hat.
Darcy Lewis was also sporting enormous Jackie O sunglasses and a bright pink halter top that – yeah, he wasn’t going to continue that thought because they were supposed to be professional and undercover and –
“Well, hellooo, husband!” Darcy called out, and some people in the terminal turned to stare and smile.
Sam made his way over to where she was seated on the airport terminal seat and casually leaned down to peck a kiss onto her offered cheek.
“Hey, sweetness,” he smiled. Then, once he was seated on the airport bench, tilted his head closer to hers.
“Whatever happened to incognito?” he asked, keeping his voice quiet and tugging at the brim of her giant hat for emphasis.
“Hmpf. You mean a baseball cap and sunglasses?” Darcy snarked, smiling. Still, she took the hat off and shook out her wavy hair. “Besides, we’re newlyweds and the new Mrs. Denise Louis Waters is like, super stoked to be married finally after years of being strung along by her commitment-phobe BF.”
“Darcy – “
“Denise,” she corrected, in a tone that was pure mischief.
“Denise. We’re not supposed to be drawing attention to ourselves.”
Darcy shrugged and continued to flip through her US Weekly. “Chill, dude. The guy you’re looking for is holed up at the Four Seasons in Maui, not here at the lovely and glamorous LaGuardia Gate D11. Hey.” She turned to him and waggled her eyebrows playfully, red lips curled into a smile.
He tried not to gulp.
“Wanna get Cinnabon?”
“How many times have you done this?” he asked, once they were seated on the plane.
“Oh, lots,” Darcy answered casually and finished her complimentary champagne. She leaned in to whisper into his ear. “I’ve been married to Clint a bunch of times, to Steve twice, and some other agents, too. It’s fun, except when they make me wear wigs. Too itchy. Anyways, turns out they really need a civilian on these fake couple missions to be all…civilian-y. Y’know, unremarkable.”
Sam took in her bright blue eyes. He thought of her easy laugh, of how Clint actually pouted when he heard Sam got the assignment with Darcy (“Have fun, man! Lewis is a fuckin’ riot.”).
“You are not unremarkable.”
Darcy’s smile was small and surprised. “Thanks, Sam.”
“No problem.”
She cleared her throat. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna take a nap. Wake me when they come around with snacks, ‘kay?”
Sam grinned. “’Kay,” he repeated.
Darcy unwrapped the airline blanket from its plastic, tucked it around herself then slipped on an eye mask. It was light blue, and the two embroidered cartoon eyes had comically long eyelashes on it. He could only shake his head, bemused.
Twenty minutes into his book, Darcy stirred a bit and murmured beside him.
“No, don’t! Stop that –“
Sam’s first concerned thought was that she was re-living some sort of traumatic experience (not exactly rare with the people he hung out with, unfortunately) but then Darcy continued.
“Princess, fly away! Fly the dragon and don’t look back!”
Sam bit back a chuckle. Okay, not a traumatic experience then.
“Sam -!”
Well, that was interesting.
He tentatively poked her arm with the spine of his hardcover.
“Darcy? C’mon, sweetheart, wake up.”
Darcy jerked upright, yanked off her sleep mask and blinked blearily. “Whuh?…Snacks?”
“You were sleep-talking,” Sam told her, tucking the blanket back around her from where it began to slip off.
“I was?” Darcy’s face scrunched up.
Sam turned to her with crossed arms and a wide smile. “Now I get sleep talking thing, but what I don’t understand is the princess dragon dream and why I’m in it.”
“Oh! Um…I’ve been watching Game of Thrones. And…” Darcy pulled the thin blanket tighter around herself and blushed. She was cute as hell with her hair a messy mop and her cheeks pink. “I saw a picture of you at your niece’s Disney Princess Birthday Party. You were wearing a tiara and a cape. I guess my brain filled in the blanks.”
“Was I the dragon?”
“What? No! You weren’t a dragon, you were the dragon princess, duh. You were totally Daenerys!”
Sam couldn’t help the look of shock on his face. Darcy laughed.
“Maybe I shouldn’t tell you that you also had long blonde hair?”
“Mm-hm. You shouldn’t but you did.” Sam sighed. “Was I wearin’ the dress and everything?”
Darcy giggled and slipped her eye mask into the seat pocket. “Um, no dude. Lucky for you it was your tac pants. Your butt looks great in those.”
“You are a riot, Darcy Lewis.”
“Now you’re getting it! And you’re pretty cool too – “
Sam tried not preen, but his broad smile emerged anyways.
“Especially when as Daenerys you flew away from the dragon pit in Meer – “
“Whoa!! Spoilers, woman!”
“Sam, that reference is like, two years old!”
“Well, I’m like, two years behind!”
Darcy gave him an incredulous look.
He rolled his eyes. “I’ve been busy. There’s been…stuff happening.”
“Ah. Right,” Darcy nodded in understanding. “Sooo…what do you do when you’re not flying around helping Steve commit semi-treason, or whatever?” Darcy picked at the fabric of her blanket. “’Cause there’s some downtime when we get to Maui and I bet I could download some episodes for us? We could drink mai tais and make fun of Jon Snow.” And then, hesitantly, she joked, “In case you get bored of sun, sand, and espionage.”
Sam was certain that he wouldn’t get bored of sun, sand, and espionage with Darcy Lewis around, but answered, “You know what, Mrs. Waters? It’s a date.”
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fuckyeahdarcylewis · 3 years
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F*ckYeahDarcyLewis - Smut Week - A Darcyland schmexy times Challenge
When: From Wednesday April 14 to Tuesday April 20, 2021
What: Hello, Darcylanders! I’m happy to officially announce a new challenge . Each day will have a different prompt. It’s up to you to create something and post it to your blog. Your work can be classified as general, without any ship but it can, of course, contain whatever ship you want. As usual, we multiship in this fandom! But remember, the goal is to create something about Darcy (Dr Darcy Lewis ^^) WITH SMUT.
For this challenge, you can draw, write, GIF, edit, mood board, whatever suits your fancy, your fave on schmexy times mode!
How: Make sure to tag your contributions with “darcy lewis” (it needs to be on your first 5 tags for it to be found). Don’t repost somebody else works, put triggers warning on your posts if it needs to be done, put the NSFW part or too long works under a cut. Don’t bash other characters.
This time, I took prompts directly from @devildomqueen
day 1: "I was doing things." "I'm things."
day 2: "I don't like being told what to do unless I'm naked."
day 3: "I'll guide your hands."
day 4: "Don't spend too much time on your hair, I'm going to be yanking on it soon."
day 5: "Did you touch yourself while I was gone."
day 6: "You taste like fucking candy."
day 7: "If you leave the house wearing that then the second you come home I'm bending you over the bed."
Don’t forget to reblog this post to spread the word ^^
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Hey y’all!  It’s that time of year again!
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In honor of April Fool’s Day, we’re hosting another crack-tacular writing challenge! The fifth annual one!  This year, @thestanceyg​ is joining me ( @dresupi​ ) as a mod, and we had SO MUCH fun coming up with the prompts this year!
This event is open to everyone; every fic rating is welcome.  Do you want some crack-tastic smut? SMUT IT UP, BABY. If smut’s not something that speaks to you, that’s FINE. We still want to read everything your gorgeous brain can create! Do you want more gen crack with no ships? WRITE THAT THING!  Treat yo self and everyone else while you’re at it. You’re an amazing author and we NEED THAT FIC!  As long as it features our favorite doctor of astrophysics, Darcy Lewis, we wanna read it, and it’s on-point, sweetheart!
While this is really more geared towards fic writers, you can create any kind of fanwork you want.  (Graphics, fic, art)
Your work must feature Darcy Lewis.  (Natch, I mean…this is a Darcyland event)
Crossovers are fine, as long as… you know… Darcy is involved.  ;)
You may not use this list for anything non-Darcy related. We came up with this list specifically with Darcy in mind, please respect that!  
If you want, you can add fics to the collection we made on ao3   
Rate and tag your fics appropriately, any rating is fine, but please be aware when you rate and tag!
No word limit for fics or drabbles
Posting begins on April 5, 2021, and will go on until April 11, 2021 (although you can post to the collection until April 30).
Tag us in your fics to make sure we see them so we can reblog them to this page! We’re @darcylandcrackchallenge, FYI.  You can also tag our tumblrs as well, @dresupi or @thestanceyg​
But, it IS a crack challenge.  So keep it silly, y’all!  The point is to be lighthearted and as CRACKY as possible. (From Fanlore:  “…crack can describe fanworks with a fundamentally ludicrous premise, or otherwise including a plethora of unbelievable, incredible, or just plain silly elements…”)  
HAVE FUN!  I mean, it’s supposed to be fun, bb. <3
Stancey and I have created a list of prompts that we thought would live up to the lists from the past years. In fact, there are three legacy prompts from previous years included on this list!  With it being the fifth annual crack challenge, we figured it was necessary, right? Also, these were some of the most fun prompts from previous years, so go nuts!
The detailed prompt list is under the cut:
Sucked into a book - Oh no! Darcy’s been sucked into an alternate universe inside a book! You pick which book and you pick what happens. Just remember, it’s gotta be cracky!
A literally sticky situation - Nothing figurative about this one. Something’s sticky and it’s a SITUATION.
‘Anything-except-sex’ pollen - What’s written on the tin. Anything except sex pollen. It’s pollen that makes Darcy crave corndogs while singing The Sound of Music.  Or maybe she got a whiff of a strange flower and now she only speaks in Dr. Seuss quotes.  WHO KNOWS?? Only you!  (And us after we read, of course)
Animal Hijinks - That pesky *insert animal here*. Any animal. Any.
Must include Mac and Cheese - You heard it here first. Mac and Cheese. It’s needed for this prompt.
Cosplay no one can guess - Darcy really thought she put together a very clever outfit. Too bad no one knows who she’s supposed to be. 
Anti-gravity - It’s your choice how it happens, but there is zero gravity and nothing makes sense now!
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crimtastic · 5 years
Writing Meme
I was tagged by @classeyspanks​ , who wrote my favorite Infinity War AUs ever. Thank you so much. 💖
Author Name: crimtastic
Fandoms You Write For: Marvel Cinematic Universe. I have only Shieldshock although I have other ships in the wings that just never seem to get very far. I have also collected data on Darcyland ships. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to venture into a new fandom, but nothing’s hit me with the same fervor.
Where You Post: Ao3, occasionally snippets will make it on Tumblr.
Most Popular One-Shot: Inappropriate Socks - this was the smutty dive into the fandom that I expected like 10 people to read. The 600+ kudos on it still astounds me.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: if only you realize - This is a strange mix of Soulmark AU mixed with a Timer (that I hadn’t seen too often before) that blasted into a weird world of pretend science. 
Favorite Story You Wrote: a world without stars - this was tough, but I had to put my Endgame fixit. That story was a culmination of all the salt I mined from Endgame and soothed away to an ending that just makes more sense to me. 
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Just One Night - I sat on that fic for about a year, because it leads into a whole series of dark and depressing themes of a mafia/cop no powers AU world. A world in my head but is fighting me to come out.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Hozier title generator. Just kidding. I either pants it at the moment, or overthink it to smithereens. The only title I’m proud of is ‘Understudy’ because of the punny aspects it implies. Under someones studious gaze. Under someones tutelage. Stepping in for each others imagined preferred partner, etc.
Do You Outline: I try to throw in where the story is going and dislike posting a fic till I have a solid idea of where I want it to end. If I don’t have enough of a clear idea of where the story is travelling, I won’t post it.
Complete: I have 8 completed fics.
In-Progress: Nothing posting in progress at the moment, but so very many hiddens WIPs. No one warned me about the plot bunnies that reproduce like crazy as a writer. 😂
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: Yikes. This is a bit of a call out. I count 8ish WIPs? 
Shieldshock Cop AU (so many stories in this one, easily 1 big one and a couple side ship ones)
a (rib)cage of petals - Shieldshock 
P&P inspired Regency Shieldshock 
Soulmate Goose Shieldshock
Smutty gift for a friend Shieldshock
Smutty No Sex Sex-Pollen Wintershock (that isn’t confusing at all, right?)
Endgame Fixit Sequel Wintershock
Reality Stone Wintershock
There’s likely more small snippets and whatnot but they’re not as fleshed out.
Do You Accept Prompts: I have not received one. I can’t guarantee I’d be struck with the same inspiration that prompted the person to send it to me.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I want to write this Bucky/Wanda side story to the Cop AU so bad, but the context of the main story is necessary so I keep writing down tiny things and hope I still have the same drive later, heh.
Again, Classeyspanks, thanks for the tag. 😊 I’m going to tag @idontgettechnology, @seibelsays-andwrites, @typhoidmeri, @sarahbeniel, @that-wimpy-cowboy-doll. 😊
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Summer Cocktail Prompts
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Inspiration from @dresupi‘s Holiday Cocktail Prompts, originally posted in November 2018 :)
Choose a drink and a ship from one of the fandoms below and I’ll write you a drabble (guaranteed 400-800 words, if I write more it’s my gift to you :D) based on the flavor and spirit, if you will, of the drink :) Drabbles will tentatively be posted twice a week from the beginning of June to the end of August, depending on the volume of the requests.  If you are so inclined, I also have my ko-fi open for donations, but that’s totally not required <3
Send requests to this google form
I will write a ship of your choice from the following fandoms:
Marvel (Darcyland, MCU, Netflix, Fox, Sony, and Comics - no AoS, Cloak and Dagger, or Runaways at this time)
Harry Potter (no Fantastic Beasts at this time)
Red Dead Redemption 2
DC (Wondertrev, Raven/BB, or Harlivy only)
Star Wars (OT and Sequels, no incest or Reylo)
Drinks list goes under the cut :) thanks for your consideration! <3
 Pineapple Jalapeño Smash - pineapple chunks and juice, vodka, jalapeño, lime
Strawberry Basil Margarita - basil, lime, tequila, cointreau, fresh strawberries
Summer Watermelon Sangria - watermelon, lime juice, vodka, white wine, sparkling water
Blackberry Whiskey Lemonade - bourbon, blackberries, lime juice, cinnamon, tangerine lemonade, rosemary
Sex on the Beach - vodka, peach schnapps, creme de cassis, cranberry juice, cherry and orange slice
Paloma - grapefruit and lime juice, tequila, simple syrup, club soda
Southside Fizz - gin, lemon and lime juice, simple syrup, club soda, fresh mint
Old Fashioned - bourbon, bitters, sugar cube, orange slice and cherry
White Peach Cooler - peach puree, peach vodka, lime juice, club soda, fresh mint
Blue Hawaiian - light rum, vodka, blue curacao, pineapple juice, sweet and sour mix
Jack and Cherry Coke Slush - Jack Daniels, Cherry Coke, maraschino cherries, extra ice
Caribou Lou - 151 rum, pineapple juice, Malibu rum
Cosmopolitan - citrus vodka, cranberry juice, cointreau, lime juice, lemon rind
Lemon Drop - vodka, triple sec, superfine sugar, lemon juice, lemon slice
Blueberry Mojito - blueberries, mint, lime juice, white rum, club soda
Blackberry Bourbon Smash - blackberries, mint, lime juice, simple syrup, club soda, bourbon
Moscow Mule - vodka, lime juice, ginger beer, lime
Manhattan - whiskey, vermouth, bitters, maraschino cherry
Limoncello - lemons, water, sugar, Everclear
Peach Bellini - sliced peaches, champagne or sparkling wine, peach schnapps
Hurricane Punch - limeade concentrate, frozen orange juice, fruit punch, light rum
Ron-Ron Juice (as seen on Jersey Shore) - watermelon, cranberry juice, blueberries, cherries, vodka
Orange Dirty Shirley - orange vodka, grenadine, Sprite, orange slice and cherry
Mai Tai - white rum, dark rum, amaretto, lime juice, pineapple juice, grenadine
Fire at Sea - rum, peach, falernum, lime, ginger beer, habanero
Pirate’s Float - rum, cola, root beer schnapps
Long Island Iced Tea - gin, rum, vodka, tequila, triple sec, sweet and sour mix, cola
Kamikaze - vodka, orange liqueur, lime juice
Whiskey Sour - whiskey, lemon juice, simple syrup, maraschino cherries
Green Apple Martini - green apple flavored vodka, apple schnapps, sweet and sour mix, apple slice
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ao3feed-tasertricks · 5 years
how can i resist you?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZZg4oF
by Dresupi
A collection of Darcyland prompts I took on Tumblr, all based upon songs from Mamma Mia! and Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again.
Multiple ships, all featuring Darcy Lewis.
The first chapter is the table of contents.
Words: 6789, Chapters: 14/14, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Fantastic Four (Movies), X-Men (Movieverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Darcy Lewis, Loki (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Brock Rumlow, Pietro Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Johnny Storm, Remy LeBeau
Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Loki, James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow, Darcy Lewis/Pietro Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis/Johnny Storm, Darcy Lewis/Pietro Maximoff/Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Remy LeBeau/Darcy Lewis
Additional Tags: One Shot Collection, Multiple Pairings, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, Based on an ABBA Song
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZZg4oF
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dragongoddess13 · 5 years
Hey! I’m taking drabble requests to help me work out some writers block for some of the long stories I’m working on. If you have a prompt or what to see something from another series I’ve written send it my way!
Here are some of the ships I write for;
Captain Canary
Rogue Canary
Harry Potter
I’m turning Anon on, please don’t abuse it.
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grimeysociety · 6 years
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A DARCY LEWIS HOLIDAY CHALLENGE! (Hosted by ya girl @grimeysociety)
When: Wednesday December 19th to Tuesday December 25th 2018.
What: A holiday themed challenge for seven days, including Christmas Day. Each day will have a different prompt. Big thank you to @meilan-firaga for sending me a huge list of prompts to inspire me. 
How: Create something and post it to your blog. You can write, draw, create a mood board, other graphics, etc. Just include Darcy! These can be any genre, any pairing, and any kind of AU your heart desires. Please do not bash characters or ships! If you include explicit/over 18 content please put it under a cut with a warning. 
Note: When posting your work please include #dlchristmas18 so I can find it and add it to a masterpost. 
December 19th, Day 1: Santa Baby
December 20th, Day 2: Gingerbread
December 21st, Day 3: Snowball
December 22nd, Day 4: Last minute shopping
December 23rd, Day 5: Ugly Sweater
December 24th, Day 6: Bah Humbug!
December 25th, Day 7: Mistletoe 
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Please reblog and share this challenge! 🎄 🎅 
P.S. Come join the Darcyland Universe Discord!
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darcy-and-steve · 5 years
by Dresupi
A collection of Darcyland prompts I took on Tumblr, all based upon songs from Mamma Mia! and Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again.
Multiple ships, all featuring Darcy Lewis.
The first chapter is the table of contents.
Words: 6789, Chapters: 14/14, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Fantastic Four (Movies), X-Men (Movieverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Darcy Lewis, Loki (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Brock Rumlow, Pietro Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Johnny Storm, Remy LeBeau
Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Loki, James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow, Darcy Lewis/Pietro Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis/Johnny Storm, Darcy Lewis/Pietro Maximoff/Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Remy LeBeau/Darcy Lewis
Additional Tags: One Shot Collection, Multiple Pairings, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, Based on an ABBA Song
darcysteve love via AO3 works tagged 'Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers'
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fuckyeahquicktaser · 5 years
how can i resist you?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZZg4oF
by Dresupi
A collection of Darcyland prompts I took on Tumblr, all based upon songs from Mamma Mia! and Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again.
Multiple ships, all featuring Darcy Lewis.
The first chapter is the table of contents.
Words: 6789, Chapters: 14/14, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Fantastic Four (Movies), X-Men (Movieverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Darcy Lewis, Loki (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Brock Rumlow, Pietro Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Johnny Storm, Remy LeBeau
Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Loki, James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow, Darcy Lewis/Pietro Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis/Johnny Storm, Darcy Lewis/Pietro Maximoff/Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Remy LeBeau/Darcy Lewis
Additional Tags: One Shot Collection, Multiple Pairings, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, Based on an ABBA Song
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZZg4oF
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dresupi · 3 years
One Sentence Only
Hey so I’m gonna try a thing because I need to get back into writing like whoa.
So here it is:
1. Send me a ship 2. Send me a trope from the list below, and I’ll give you a short summary and one sentence of the fic I’d write for it. (The trick is to not actually write the fics, just work on my highlight skills, I guess)
A. Hurt/Comfort B. Angst C. Domestic Fluff D. Fake Relationship E. Secretly Married F. There’s Only One Bed G. Huddling for Warmth H. Mutual Pining, Mutual Idiots I. Friends to Lovers J. Enemies to Lovers K. Friends with Benefits L. Marriage of Convenience
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ao3feed-wintershock · 5 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zSilrb
by Tasers_and_Mischief
Okay, let's start this off with "the author has zero self control" and get that out of the way. Good? Good. This spawned from an idea that my brain gave me - "What if Darcy was Mai?" I'm not entirely certain why this idea came to me, I had not been watching any videos on the series, but I loved it when it was on. And it caused a crush on Skyler Samuels.
Moving on. There will be a chapter for each given spice. Because my brain decided "LET'S WRITE ALL THE SHIPS!" In rough order of presentation in the initial prompt. And it will end with Tasertricks smut for the Sinnamon prompt spice. That's...really all I know about the general idea.
Words: 242, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), The Nine Lives of Chloe King
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Darcy Lewis, Pietro Maximoff, Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes, T'Challa (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Loki, Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis/Pietro Maximoff, Darcy Lewis/Wanda Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis/Sam Wilson, Darcy Lewis/T'Challa
Additional Tags: Darcyland (Marvel), Promptkin Spice, The bunnies won't leave me alone, BAMF Darcy Lewis, darcy is not human, Not Canon Compliant, Domestic Fluff, Heartbeats, Expect lots and lots of cat jokes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zSilrb
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fuckyeahdarcylewis · 3 years
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F*uckYeahDarcyLewis Pride Month Event 2021
The LGBTQIA acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and asexual, and this June, we celebrate this community because it’s Pride month!
That’s our theme but we also have prompts!
When: June 1st to June 30th, 2021.
What: The goal is to celebrate Pride month in Darcyland. You can post any kind of fanwork you like - fics, drabbles, graphics, fanarts, cosplay, headcanons, prompts, playlists seriously anything your mind can think about. Each day has a different prompt. Ships or no ships, friendships, gen, romantic, smutty, really anything as long as Darcy is the main character of course.
How to submit: fairly simple, you create a fanwork, post it on your blog and tag it with #darcy lewis (if you posted it on AO3, the platform gives you the link to post your work on Tumblr).
Don’t forget any triggers with a warning please and put your work under a cut if necessary.
If you don't see your work reblogged on FYDL after some time, please contact me. Tumblr sometimes is fickle and for some reason, works don't appear on the darcy lewis tag.
The Prompts:
Found Family
Self-love Day
Growing old
Hand Holding
Neon lights
Great parents
Love is Love
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vardaquareien · 6 years
Darcyland Prompt: Soulmates found by data analysis AI dating app
Ok so I thought I'd float this idea out into the void and see if it interests anyone.
So tonight I was watching a comedy panel show (Tomorrow Tonight) discussing the hypothetical of an AI dating app that uses your data to find your perfect partner. While it was an interesting show I couldn't help but think throughout:
"That would make an interesting soulmate fic - where instead of words or timers or anything the Soulmate was a construction, an effect of the invention of an AI system that could find the person meant for you. You would grow up and just wait for the day that you're told, probably through an app everyone had on their phones, that through years of data analysis your Soulmate has been found."
I guess the only Darcy ships it wouldn't work with are anyone non-earth based coz they wouldn't have any data to be analysed so no Guardians, Loki or Thor (hmm I guess that would mean that Jane/Thor weren't Soulmates according to the app so I bet when they broke up in this world everyone would be all what did they expect they're not meant to be coz a computer program didn't say so!) It could work for Darcy and every/anyone else though.
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ao3feed-stucky · 7 years
love in every noodle
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2izdnqj
by Dresupi
Darcy is having a terrible week and it's only Tuesday. But the clincher is the realization that she's sick with the flu and has to cancel her date with her favorite fellas.
Of course the cancelling never happens, but that's not a bad thing.
Words: 3212, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Darcyland Prompts 2017
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers, Vision (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Sickfic, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Sick Character, sick Darcy, Awesome Darcy Lewis, SHIP DARCY LEWIS WITH ALL THE THINGS, Darcy Lewis is the fandom bicycle and I love it, Soup, Gift Fic, Prompt Fill, POV Alternating, POV Multiple, Polyamory
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2izdnqj
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