#Tatsumi Kazehaya x reader smut
sucrows · 11 months
Hello!! Can i request Mama and Tatsumi with 3,8, on Dom breeding ask game? :)
can we talk about Tatsumi's fs2 because like.... 👀
3. Promising to pull out but suddenly having legs wrapped around their hips  8. Watching their cum seep out of their s/o’s hole and getting hard again  (GN Reader)
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Madara is never one to go slow and take things easy with you and now is no exception. You’re pinned underneath his weight as he bears down into your hole over and over again. He may treat you like glass outside of sex but right now, it’s almost dizzying how rough he is. There’s a delicious heat building between your legs, and you want so badly to trap him there... and so you do. 
He doesn’t even falter when you wrap your legs around him. If anything, he just starts to pound harder into you. You feel his face curl into a smile where it’s hidden in the crook of your neck and suddenly you realize that you hadn’t ever talked about pulling out in the first place. Madara is more than happy to fill you up now, and it had probably even been his plan in the first place. 
Before long, he’s groaning in your ear as he fills you up. His shaft twitching and tensing with every pulse of his orgasm, deliciously depositing more and more sperm inside you. He sits with his hips flush to your own until he’s done and then sits there grinding into you for a time after. He finally pulls his head back to smile and kiss you, and you loosen your legs grasp on him. Before you realize what he’s doing, he flips you over onto your stomach before pulling you back by your hips. His cum quickly starts to flow back out of you and he tuts as he sees it. 
He starts to finger it back into you but seeing your drooling, messy hole does something to him. Before long, he’s pulling his fingers back to replace them with his cock. He coos dirty words as you as he smoothly slots himself back into you, ready to fill you up with even more of his essence. 
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It’s rare to see even a hint of surprise on Tatsumi’s face but the way his eyes widen as you wrap your legs around him is unforgettable. His eyebrows twitch, his hips falter, and his gaze fits back and forth between your desperate face and the place you two meet. Your actions came immediately on the tail end of him announcing he was close, your actions being more than enough to indicate your own wants.  
He’s typically one to advocate for safe sex, but looking into your large, pleading eyes and your hot, flustered face... well... he supposes just this once... he can make an exception. He smiles and asks if you’re certain and when you nod, he continues right back at his previous pace. It’s an intimate moment when he settles down onto his elbows to be closer to you. He takes one hand up to carefully caress your face while he continues to defile you. You can feel his hot breath on you while he sings your praises, ever the sweet man even when you deserve it. 
He’d already been close, so it doesn’t take long before his eyes are fluttering shut and his moans start pitching upwards. He leans in even closer to kiss at the side of your neck as he finally does release into you. You can’t help but tense your thighs around him as he does even if you already know he’s not going to pull out, some instinct in your brain not wanting to risk the chance of him doing so. The next minute is full of soft praise and gentle caresses as he calms down from his high. Unfortunately, he does eventually have to pull out and begin cleaning up, and so he slowly pulls back, and he slips out of you. 
He glances back and forth between where you were just joined, and the rest of the room. He wants to go get some wipes and water for you but... His cum-coated cock twitches slightly and your eyes home in on the sight. Unsurprisingly, he offers no resistance when you try to pull him back with your legs again. With a gentle smile and a “thank you”, he is soon sliding right back into you, eager to go at it all over again. 
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instexcamera · 2 months
Use Me as Your Alter
Priest!Tatsumi x GN!reader
Warnings: blasphemy kink, small corruption kink, rough oral sex (male receiving), choking on cock, biting, very small blood mention
Authors note: holy shit I'm finished with my finals so I can finally get back on that grind!! That's crazy. Anyways I forgot where I got the idea for this and I'm hella tired and actually zoned out while writing this but yk what, I'm too lazy to go and fix it, yay! So it's just gonna be stuck how it is
Word count: 3k
18+ under the cut
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"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been four days since my last confession." The reply was immediate, "Yes my child, confess your sins and may the lord help you find peace." It had been difficult to do this. Finding time outside of idol activities and side jobs was basically impossible. But the opportunity arose when a fan meet was canceled at the last minute, so with the free time you finally decided to make the trip to the church. Except the man you'd come here to confess immoral desires about was the priest.
It was common knowledge that Tatsumi Kazehaya was a priest. Except you hadn't known this particular church was his or else you wouldn't have come. Not to mention his unit, Alkaloid, was quite popular so he should have mountains of work. Yet, here he was, standing silently before you in his pure white robes kindly gazing down at you. Struggling to form the words of your confession since the man before you was both the listener and recipient of your loving feelings.
The hard wood of the floor begins to cause an uncomfortable dull pain in your knees from the bow you were in. It was quite an unusual position to be in, yet Tatsumi, for some unknown reason, had requested this. Instead of the normal confessional most use he had wanted you to bow before him when you confessed, claiming the connection with god was stronger. With slight reluctance you agreed not wanting to hurt him.
Now it was awkward. Tatsumi, standing right in front of you, only his waist and below in your vision causing you to keep your head down on the floor. You could feel the sweat forming on your brow the more you bowed there. At first when you realized Tatsumi was the priest you figured you could hurry and get it over with. The unplanned for a new position makes you rethink that decision but you couldn't just get up and leave. Not only would your pride be damaged but Tatsumi's view of you may warp into something horrible.
Staying silent isn't doing anything to help your situation. The longer you withheld the more Tatsumi would think you were confessing something gravely immoral. "I confess to having lustful desires about a man." Speaking it quickly, too quickly you hoped he wouldn't fully understand what you spoke. You didn't dare test a glance up at Tatsumi's face. Afraid it would show an expression of revulsion at your words. Focusing on the dark wood of the floor beneath you, focusing on the pain in your knees while you listen for his response. Tatsumi was taking longer than you wanted, perhaps thinking over what you confessed or repaying in kind from when you were silent.
Instead of a response Tatsumi steps closer to you, light brown leather shoes coming into your vision. You could feel your body starting to subconsciously shake, hands gripping into the hard floor. He was close enough that if you lifted your head even an inch your face would be right in front of his thighs. "Forgive me. This question may seem out of place but could you indulge me? I would like to inquire more about these... desires."
You had expected a reprimand, not questions about explaining further. From your inadequate knowledge about church you thought priests weren't allowed to question confessions further, but maybe you were wrong. It had caught you off guard anyhow, whether it was allowed or not. Tatsumi must be asking since he wants to learn just how depraved you are. Once you explain further you'd have absolutely no chance to form a relationship with him.
Gripping into the wood under you, feeling your nails almost break from the pressure as you question him. "I'm sorry, but do I need to? It's kinda awkward to get into my desires in a place as holy as this." Instead of responding a pale hand slides under your chin. There's no time to process it as Tatsumi forces your chin up, concerned eyes boring into yours. Your immediate response is an attempt to jerk away however you quickly stop, you didn't particularly mind his touch.
"I would prefer it if you told me, getting it out will help soothe your mind. Saying it out loud also puts it out before god too, yes? Confessing everything will help your soul feel more at ease. If you're worried I will find you disgusting I won't, this is something between you and god, I am merely a listener." His words made sense of course. Tatsumi wasn't someone who would go against the rules set out for a priest, right?
It wouldn't hurt to tell your thoughts, no matter how depraved they are he has promised no judgment. The way his purple eyes held no disgust or hate in them certainly helped his claims. You didn't need to confess these thoughts were about him either. The way his thumb was ever so slowly starting to move to the corner of your lips and caress was soothing too. Your shaking had stopped too, the feeling of finally being able to fully relax was overwhelming now that you realized it. Tatsumi was like a soothing balm, something you didn't know you needed.
"Yes Father, I'll confess these damnable thoughts. I dream of touching this man where I shouldn't. I want to become one with this man, I wish to find pleasure from him and for him to find pleasure from me." Your voice echoed throughout the vast space, too holy for these wicked thoughts to be cast aloud in. The nervousness which had consumed you earlier had all but disappeared under Tatsumi's gaze, if you didn't know better you would say it had turned loving. Something akin to a shepherd finding his lost sheep after searching for a long while.
His hand had moved from your chin to your cheek, stroking it gently. You hadn't realized but your other cheek was pressed against his thigh, the silky white robes the only layer preventing you from direct contact with his skin. You wished to feel his skin, to kiss and mark it, claim him as yours but he would never allow that. His eyes had never left yours throughout the whole confession, never changing to anything resembling disgust either.
In an attempt to get closer to him your hands moved from the floor to his leg, grabbing onto it. Taking care to make sure you weren't gripping too hard, you vaguely remember passing comments about how he had sustained an injured leg which never fully healed and you didn't know if the one in your hold was it.
"That was a beautiful confession dear child. Everything was laid out perfectly, nothing was hidden except one crucial detail. Who is this man you speak of? Neither god or myself can help you unless you tell who he is. I will not judge you, I am not in a position to give out judgment, only god can. " A trickle of dread was creeping up on you. Why must Tatsumi know? Shouldn't god already know if he is as all powerful as it is claimed. But, Tatsumi had asked you, he has kept up his promise of no judgment so far and he was so compassionate and caring to you. He wouldn't berate you if you confessed it was him, surely not.
You would tell him, you had not originally planned to when you had come here today but the way he looked at you, the way he was caressing your cheek. You wanted too. Your eyes slide shut for this, not wanting to watch the moment they turned into hate from what you were about to confess.
"Father Tatsumi, the man I've been having these desires about is you. I've had them since I first saw you, we never speak to each other but you're so kind and stunning. You've pulled me down into sin for someone so holy. I know you must hate me after this, and I apologize. But you asked and so I shall answer." He doesn't say anything, nor does his hand stop its gentle caresses on your cheek.
A moment longer and you can't handle his silence, opening your eyes just to be greeted by that smile, that innocent and pure smile. "I'm glad you were truthful. You will surely find favor in the sight of god, not many could outright admit such a thing as this like you. But you must know you are a wretched being, a creature of sin for thinking of something so dishonorable about a man of god." His words stung, like a harsh slap to the face. You knew he was right though, it was wrong to have these thoughts of someone in his position. Yet he was still being so kind to you.
"I know you will want to redeem yourself. Repentance is normally the advice I give to the lost, but you are a special case. I quite like you too, so, to redeem yourself, worship me like your god. Let my holy body redeem you, treat me as an altar to forgive your sins." His words confused you. You didn't entirely get what he meant, not until the soothing hand on your cheek leaves and he goes to shed his pure robes.
Neither of you say anything, you are too shocked to speak. Tatsumi was bareing himself for you, taking off his priestly robes for a sinner in a place of worship. The more of his body that was revealed the more found him gorgeous. He was anything but perfect now that you saw his body but it made him more human in your eyes. The small moles and blemishes which dotted his body, making an invisible star system but just as beautiful. His small pink nipples, just waiting to be sucked and bit on but that wasn't what he wanted. His toned chest from the days he spent working out, slowly rising and falling with each breath he took. Pale stomach twitching when your gaze ran across it.
More of him was revealed as his robes fell into a white crumple at his feet, with his robes off he looked just like a normal human, not any more special than you were. From the robes surrounding his ankles your gaze travels up, stopping at his knees as you see the faint scar on his left knee. It didn't make him look any less appealing than before, if anything it just proved he too, was not perfect. From there you get to his thighs, the skin just as pale and alluring as you imagined. Perhaps he would let you fulfill your sinful desires and mark the skin there.
What really catches your attention is his pale cock, he's already hard, tip a deep red, painful looking as if he had been hard awhile. A large vein ran down the length of it, smaller ones dotting along. He twitches under your gaze and you move up towards the small patch of mint colored hair which sat just above. However Tatsumi sets a hand in your hair, making you turn your gaze back up to his face. Mint colored hair looked more messy than before, framing his face. He had a faint pink dusting on his cheeks now which seemed to be darkening by the second. "Use me as a way to repent. I wish for you too, and I know you want me in this way as well. If you choose to, however, you must take everything I give you as that is the only way you will be purified."
His confirmation was all you needed before your mouth connected with his thigh. You didn't want to start directly where you wanted, teasing him a little. Eyes closed as one of your hands slides up until it's directly beside his cock, but not touching, rubbing at the sensitive skin on his inner thigh. You could hear him let out a shaky gasp above you at the action. You knew it wasn't fair to tease him after what he was letting you do but you'd leave one mark on him and move to where he wanted most.
Biting into the pale skin, tasting a bit of blood. You hadn't meant to break skin but it just aroused you more and with how the grip in your hair tightened Tatsumi seemed to enjoy it too. Licking over the mark, opening your eyes to watch how the skin quickly bruised over. You hoped he would see this later and remember where it came from, maybe even touching himself to the thought, god you hoped he did. Leaving one last kiss on the sore mark before trailing your tongue up his thigh to meet your hand, quickly switching to where you wanted to most.
You didn't immediately take him in your mouth, choosing instead to still be a tease. He was dripping precum now, most likely due to the bite you had left. Sticking out your tongue to lick it up, hearing a suppressed whimper from above. The taste wasn't horrible, actually quite good. A sort of sweet, just a tad bit salty, more on the watery side. He tasted just as delicious as he looked. Giving more kitten licks to the head, wanting to pull more sounds from the holy man.
When you decided the small licks were enough you pressed a gentle kiss to the slit before dragging a long lick down the side of his cock, along the large vein. He must be quite sensitive there because suddenly a loud whimper echoed out, the hand in your hair yanking. You relished in the sting while you continued your ministrations, far from over. Licking around the entirety of his cock, paying special attention to the veins before dragging your tongue back up to his tip. You had teased him long enough.
Giving another kiss to his slit, feeling the precum gathered there wet your lips before enveloping his cock in your warm mouth. Loud whines escape, the sound soothing to hear. You had only just the tip past your lips that was already making him like this. Slowly you take more of him down your throat, the feeling foreign. The more you take the more small choking sounds start to leave your throat, not used to the large intrusion. Tatsumi's hand was gripping your hair hard enough to hurt and tears were forming in the corners of your eyes from both the pain and how deep you were taking him.
Lapping around his cock with your tongue until your nose was pressed right up against the small patch of teal hair on his pelvis. You were freely choking on him now, spit drooling past your lips and down your chin as you swallowed around him. The feeling is too much for him as he keens and shallowly thrusts, making the choking worse, your airflow cutting off as you breathe through your nose. "How shameful you are, having no issues doing this to a holy man such as myself, in a church no less. You must be even more wicked than I first thought, an evil temptress who convinced me to fall into sin." His words barely make it out before being cut off with a loud whimper when you swallow around him again.
The lack of oxygen was starting to get to you as you slowly took your mouth off, lapping at the veins along the way. His precum was coating your throat, the sweet taste on your tongue. Moving your hand to his cock while you take a moment to catch your breath, listening to the dirty sounds it makes as you move it up and down his spit soaked cock. Tatsumi has stopped talking but his hand was still ever present in your hair, tugging you back towards his cock. It wasn't long before you took him down your throat again, choking one again on his size. Except this time, when you attempt to pull back the hand in your hair keeps you firmly in place, right at the base of his cock forcing you to keep deep throating him.
"You can't pull off, a dirty sinner like you shouldn't need to anyways. I'm helping purify you, you know. I don't have to do this but I want to help make you clean." Tatsumi's other hand reaches and slides under your chin, massaging at your throat where his cock was bulging out, causing you to choke around him more intensely. Loud moans once again escape him as he does it again, the intense feeling too much for him. "I'm gonna cum down your sinful throat and purify you, that's what you want isn't it? To be purified by me?"
If you could nod you would have, but you could barely move your head with the grip he had in your hair, forcing you against him. His cock was twitching your throat and you knew he was getting closer, he just needed one more push to the edge. Swallowing once again around him as the hand on your throat slides to your nose, pinching it. You couldn't breathe at all now, panic starting to set in as you try to pull back but unable too.
"You'll be ok, you need to take all of my seed like this, that way no sinful air can ruin it when I purify you." As he says this you feel a rush of warm liquid flow down your throat, the taste of his cum heavy. Tatsumi lets out louder moans as spots start to form at the edges of your vision the longer your oxygen is depraved but when you think you'll finally black out the grip on your hair leaves and the cock in your throat gets pulled out.
Falling back as you cough, Tatsumi's release coating your throat as he pants above you, spent from his orgasm. You feel some of his spend drip down your chin and you know you probably looked like a total mess. Coming to church to confess your filthy desires about a man just to get defiled by that same man.
Tatsumi looks at you, face red and purple eyes kindly staring at you. "You've been purified by me, how do you feel? I promised my body would purify you and it did."
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mariondeux · 2 years
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— SYNOPSIS ; A priest praised by god himself, he prays to god for help around the church. And one day, his prayers are answered and you, a special angel, appear in his lovely church.
CW ; NSFW, Corruption, Non-con, size difference, loss of virginity/innocence, religion kink, religious themes, manhandling, dacryphilia, the reader “falls” at the end, possessiveness, obsession, Tatsumi is delusional, forced submission, mindbreak if you squint, jealousy
PAIRING ; Yandere!Priest!Tatsumi Kazehaya x Angel!GN!Reader
A/N ; This is the longest oneshot I’ve ever written on this blog so far.. Also special shout-out to 🥤 anon who requested something similar to this! I hadn’t written your request because by the time you requested it I already had a self indulgent oneshot sitting in my drafts for two days!! 😭 I finally finished it though!
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Tatsumi is a priest known far and wide, not just for the great things he’s done as a priest, but for his looks and his heavenly singing voice. He’d spent his life since birth praising the name of god, his faith in the lord above strong as he was granted with the ability to sense evil. He prided himself on what he could do and accomplish; he prayed every week, took part in community services, he enjoyed committing good acts to bless the people.
Lately, he’d been praying to the god far above the clouds for someone, anyone, to help him with tasks around the church. He’d been short on volunteers to help around the church, mainly because the usual ones were extremely occupied or had fallen ill. Surely god would listen to him?
Tatsumi closed the book in his hand and placed it back on the shelf, dusting off his robes before stepping away from his bookshelf. His eyes gazed around the area as he walked out of the library under the church. Now that he’d finished cleaning the library, all that was left was..
The priest paused his movement, his eyes darting around the area as he looked for where that noise had come from. Has someone come to praise the lord? But he swore no one would be here today..
He fixed his posture, neatly walking over to where the source was.
Tatsumi paused in his tracks once more, eyes widening at the sight in front of him.
There you were, soft, tiny looking angel wings tucked behind your back as your eyes stared at the church in awe. They did not drape you in chiffon and light fabrics, no; it appeared as though you tried your best to dress in a very humane way. That being a purely white blazer and dress pants along with a white shirt underneath, to top it all off, you wore a simple, silver necklace with the cross hanging off. Your head turned in his direction, and your own eyes widened along with wonder. You were the purest angel of all forms that he’d ever seen, and even by looks alone, you were far more than divine. You were absolutely ethereal.
“Oh, hello! Are you the priest of this fine church?” He snapped out of his daze as your voice broke the silence. He nodded, trotting over to you before coming to a halt.
“And you might be..?” You gave him a polite smile, “I am (name). I’m not too accustomed to being formal, so I’d rather you use my first name.” You held your hand out for him to shake. “I am an angel sent by god to accompany you and help around the church!”
Tatsumi’s throat dried as he stared at your hand. Everything about you was so alluring, you radiated the utmost purity he’d ever seen. You were so polite. He wanted to ruin your innocence and drape your naked body in his essence.
He took your hand and shook it as he plastered a smile over his face. “I am Tatsumi Kazehaya. I do not mind if you’re formal or informal with me.”
That was the first impure thought he’d ever had in his life.
You were of great help around the church. You hid your wings around others and made a great impression on the townspeople. Everyone adored you. They commented on how kind you were and on your good looks. You’ve even captured a few people's hearts. Some days Tatsumi would ‘accidentally’ run into you being confessed to by someone. He’d interrupt them and ask you to come help with a book assortment, placing a hand on your back as he sent the most sinister smile towards the person who confessed to you.
People noted how possessive he was of you, not that you noticed, but he’d have your attention on him often. If he found you talking to someone who he knew had an interest or feelings for you, he’d steal you away. Or, if he felt like you were talking or spending too much time with someone, he’d excuse the person you’re with and steal you away as well.
There was not a day where you weren’t with the handsome priest. He was present in your days almost always now. 
It was growing to be overwhelming, but you didn’t want to really speak up about it. That was, until he finally made you step your foot down. “Kazehaya.. You’re doing it again! Every time that person talks to me, you keep taking me away from them, and.. and… you even gave them an evil look!” Your voice shook as you yelled at him. Hot blood rushed to your face in anger. “This.. this isn’t like you..”
Tatsumi eyed the way your feathers puffed out of your wings angrily. You were genuinely upset with him. You looked up at his face as you noticed how eerily silent he was. “Kazehaya.. Say something, please, you’re creeping me out..” The priest stood there for a couple of seconds before a smile formed on his face. “If I had done this earlier, maybe then no one would ever have bothered to take you away from me..”
Just as you were about to question his words, he suddenly grabbed you, turned you around and pushed you against the ground. He used a hand to grab both of your wrists and pull them back behind you as he ripped off your clothes. You cried out in pain. He was pulling so hard it felt like he’d rip your arms off. Your wings flapped wildly to get him off of you until he stomped on a wing and ripped another cry from you.
“Kazehaya! Stop! Why are you doing this?!” You wept as you lay bare on the ground, your nude body all for the priest to see. Was he really about to take your virginity? If he does, then you’ll be evicted and stripped of your title as an angel. Your heart dropped as your breathing quickened. You were beyond terrified.
“Angel.. Don’t act like I haven’t noticed how distant you’ve been acting. You’ve even stopped referring to me by my birth name.” His dress shoes ground itself against your wings, drawing another loud weep from you. “And you love to call me by my birth name.”
“Tatsumi.. Please don’t do this. I’ll do anything, but just don’t take my innocence! I’ll fall if you do!” You are fully relying on begging at this point. You couldn’t fight back physically and only with words. The priest's sinister grin widened as he felt your body grow limp under his grasp.
He pushed his robes aside and unzipped his pants to pull his cock out. Once the crown of his cock pressed against the entrance of your hole, you knew your constant pleas and thrashing were all for naught. 
“Oh, (name).. You underestimate me. That’s exactly what I want.” He shoved his cock into your hole raw, hissing due to how utterly tight you were. It was no mistake you were a virgin, and even if you weren’t, he doubted you’d be able to go past the pearly gates of heaven like that. His cock throbbed at the sight of his length disappearing into you once his hips were firmly against yours. You weren’t convincing enough for him to stop. He knew you were trying your best when you immediately shifted to using his given name to please him.
Who knew an innocent angel could be so manipulative?
You were violently sobbing as his length split you open, attempting to stretch you out to accommodate him. You knew begging him to stop was useless at this point. You’d been tainted and now god will never allow you back in heaven again. You’re filled with despair. Your luscious, snowy white wings lay spread out amongst you as your body propelled forward each time Tatsumi thrusted into you.
“You’re so obedient~ Are you perhaps enjoying this more than you’d like to admit?” Tatsumi’s particularly large hands firmly gripped onto your hips and bounced you along with his thrusts. He sucked in a breath each time you hungrily sucked him back inside of you. He’s never felt more honored till now to take an angel’s virginity, especially one with an ungodly amount of purity. You were absolutely perfect for him. It was like your body was waiting and begging for him to take you like this all along. If it weren’t for him chasing away any potential competitors, you wouldn’t be here crying just for him. You should be grateful! A priest praised by god such as himself should be the only one tasked with taking your innocence.
You didn’t bother to respond to his words. You didn’t want to indulge in his nonsense, not when you can feel yourself breaking into two and your world crashing down all around you.
“Maybe you secretly wished for me to corrupt you. Dreaming every night to have my hands locked onto your body as you pleasured yourself,” His filthy words had your body shivering in reaction, drawing out a low groan from him as your hole clamped down on him.
“What a dirty angel.” 
You weren’t. You swore you weren’t! You’d never have such impure thoughts. It was a sin you’d never commit.
Tatsumi’s hips rocked against you as he leaned down and dragged his tongue up your back to your neck. He began sucking and licking at your shoulders, back and the back of your neck. He was intent on covering your body with markings from him, to show a claim so anyone that could see would back off.
“You’re mine..” You felt his cock throbbing against your walls as his thrusts dissolved into a more unrelenting tempo. His hands groped and massaged at your body, touching every part of your skin he’d never gotten to until now. You were his now. It was only logical he’d be able to explore your body as much as he could. “My sweet, little angel. Moan for me, moan for your priest to come inside of you.”
This priest was beyond sinister. He was downright malevolent.
You moaned out loud as his cock brushed up against a sensitive part of you. And once he knew that was just the spot to get you to break for him, he began using it against you to break you. The head continued to brush against that part of you, abusing it repeatedly as his teeth bit down on your skin.
“Tatsumi! Please.. release your seed inside an angel like me!” You cried in between words. You couldn’t believe what had just come out of your mouth.
Tatsumi gladly listened to you and fucked you so well, perfectly intent on getting the both of you off.
As his thrusts had grown sloppy and his cock would accidentally slip out of you as you clenched down on him, you two knew you were both close. You were dreading it.
“Close.. gonna fill you with my children..” He bit his lip, letting out a drawled out a groan as his hips struck against yours. He kept your hips melded with his as he emptied his balls out and stuffed you full with his essence, making sure you didn’t drop a single bit of his white cum. Your shoulders shook as light sobs sounded out from you, your legs spasming as you came as well.
That was it. You were done for.
Once the priest finished coming inside of you, he slipped out and let go of your fucked out body. You laid there on the ground, unmoving.
Your wings gradually turned black, the inky color making its way to the base of your wings. The closer it got, the more your feathers fell off one by one. Tatsumi did nothing but watch you fall as he cleaned himself up, tucking his cock back into his pants.
He didn’t feel a single bit of remorse or sympathy for you.
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TAGLIST ; @exhokai @shuvies @venniin @leeuxry @s1cklyang3l @4kumaa @ambassadoro @noahrandom @mayoisilly
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4nagito · 2 years
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virgin! tatsumi x afab! reader. severely ooc sorry, a LOT of religious themes (guilt, hell, etc), creampie, he is so so pathetic, pnp, softish i just can’t be mean to him
Tatsumi who tell’s himself begging for forgiveness after cumming inside you will suffice his sins. How could he give into temptation so easily, he curses himself. That’s the last of his worry’s right now thought, your tight cunt is doing a good job at making him forget his current act of adultery.
He’s never even masturbated before in fear that it’ll condemned him to hell and here he was moaning your name as if it was one of his afternoon prayers . You almost wanted to call him a slut, almost.
“please please please please” this was all so lewd to witness. Tatsumi, the church boy, hugging your naked body to keep him grounded, begging you to basically bounce faster on his cock while he hid between your boobs because he was sure if he made eye contact with you he’d finish in a second.
“please what, pretty boy” you’re evil he thought, you knew what you were doing, you loved how pathetic he looked right now and how the shame would eat him up after. fuck it, he was too engrossed with how good you were making him feel, this was worth it.
what was he even begging for he didn’t know, all he could do was groan your name because maybe you knew what he wanted.
“do you want to kiss?”
You didn’t wait for him to answer, you raised his head from his place between your breast to connect your lips together. Yes that was it, the purest form of intimacy to bring him back to earth he longs for it even now that he’s balls deep in you. It didn’t take long before you turned the kiss into a make out, obviously, and started swallowing every moan and gasp coming out his mouth every time you moved your hips just right.
He was so close and you knew it, with the way he’d hug your body closer to him leaving no gaps in between you two. You pulled away from the kiss and let the sting of saliva connecting you to drop, no way in hell were you going to miss his probably first orgasm.
“You’ve been so good, i’ll let you cum inside me for being such a good boy for me, would you like that?” fuck yes he would and he’d tell you too if he remembered how to speak, your pussy was hugging him so tight as if you were trying to milk him.
His eyes shot open when you suddenly you stopped. “Tatsumi my love, i need to hear you, please tell me if you’d like to fill me with your cum” the way you said it so casually, oh he can’t wait to fuck you so many more times after this.
“yes, please i want- no i need to cum inside you please please” this is just how you wanted him, and he knew that. anything for you to keep moving anything
Thankfully, you spared him and kept your previous pace going, only this time it was much faster. Tatsumi couldn’t do anything but try to meet your hips and chase his high.
He was so close. He felt so hot he was feeling everything right now, your sweaty body on him felt so nice and the sound every time you made when your hips met was getting louder. It wasn’t until he felt your tongue on his neck that his muscles tightened .
Your cunt felt so good pulsating around him not letting him move making sure you got every last drop . “thank you thank you thank you” he pleaded till he was sure he finished emptying himself in you. He didn’t care anymore about the consequences they all disappeared to thin air, all he felt right now was peace and silence. The warmth of your body hugging him while he came down from his high was enough to make him feel a little less like a sinner, only a little.
“wanna fuck me next !”
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a/n: corny ass ending BLAHH this was rlly ooc im sorryyyyy i don’t think i know how to execute virgin tatsumi right anyways I LOVE VIRGINS
my request are open ! read my rules first
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iamgrape · 1 year
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" My precious Eve..."
Content: Dick Girl / Futanari! Mother superior! Tatsumi x FEM! Nun! Reader. Request by: @rozestears
Previous || Part Three || Next
➽─ won't you run away with me?──❥
She silent stared at you processing your request for a minute or two. Her silence scared you, you suddenly went pale in worry. She giggle so suddenly and bend to get something under your bed.
Your eyes widen as she discovered something when your back is turn to her earlier but her gentle giggles made you both worry and excited??? as she show you the hentai book you hide under your bed.
"i--" you can't even say anything to explain why you have such unholy book under your bed! You could only stay in silent, awaiting for punishment and hate from her. For being so shameful and filthy girl.
"Such a naughty, naughty nun..." She gested as she flip through the pages.
"Do you want me to do all those things too you?" She lean in to your ears to whisper such tease.
"I-i... Y-yes...?" You gulp a mouthful yet blush cover your face. She grin as she pulled you toward her.
"ahmm... t-tatsumi~"
You don't know how it went from asking sister Tatsumi to 'dick you down' or even the part where your able to proceed such holy and beloved sister of the church.
But as your back now lays on your bed with her on top of you, and so deep inside of you. All you could do is moan and whimper st the feeling of pleasure.
"such vile request you ask for my fellow sister (name)~" tatsumi gentle voice of slight tease whisper to your ears as she ram her harden and warm dick inside of you. Not wanting to waste such god sent moment.
'ahh your so warm! I am the vile and sinful one... Dear God. I don't care if it's sin to act such lustful...! ' she thought as she kisses you so Lovingly. You whimper as you clenched around her dick.
"S-sorry sister t-tatsumi...! Ahhm...." Your apologize as you come undone once again. Your head in cloud nine and your mind blank out. Your hand in a position of praying yet your probably beyond help. The moment you ask Tatsumi such thing, your already doom.
"S-sorry for I h-haahhvee taint y-you ahhmm.." you cried a moan as she press your bulging stomach where the dent made from her cock is seen.
"it's ok. I love you and won't mind going to hell with you~" she kissed your lips so lovingly as she ram one last time inside of you, her harden dick pulse and warm liquid start to pour in.
"h-hot...!" The warm liquid almost felt too warm and too thick for your sensitive overestimated inside.
"I-i..." You felt Cummings again because of it. You squirm suddenly as she start to tease your clitoris with her right hand.
"Hmmnn ahhmm... Hueee. " You moaned in pain as you come yet again, squirting a mess in the bed and clenching her dick, milking her off her thick warm semen. Your legs locks around her waist, keeping her close to you.
"ahh... " She press her boobs against yours hugging you close, she whimper at the feeling of your walls trying to milk her balls again.
"G-god..." She love it... She's addicted! Is this why such pleasure is a sin? She wonder as she look at your tired sweating form under her. Steady breathing could be heard as you have fallen asleep from such activity.
She can't believe she holding you like this, it felt like a dream!' she smiled happily as she tried remove herself from you yet, find it defficult ad your hugging her and your legs securing grip in her waist.
"oh dear..." She sigh hopelessly. She held your butt to be able to flip you two with your form laying on top of hers, making your head rest on her boobs ( the very moment she's thankful for being such gifted in such department ) and pulled the cover up on the two of you.
" Sleep well my precious." She kiss your forehead before she succumb to sleep. Through she's a bit worried of suddenly having a wet dream and Cummings inside of you with your walls still clenching around her dick.
After that night, you and her would have that moment where you two would fuck each other when you two are alone. She called it her special lesson. Others think nothing of it but sometimes complain about the whimpering ghost in the hallway at night. In each time she got, she won't let you off alone. Especially to be one to answer anyone in the confession booth.
Everytime you tried to go there when you saw your green haired glasses friend ( the person who give you the unholy book ) you get pulled away by Tatsumi and made you seat on her dick through the sight of it is hidden from gaze of others with the robes of yours and hers as well the table. Through there's no one on her office to see such hornie face of yours at the moment, its only hers to see.
"Why where you going there again?" Her voice gentle ask you as she's so deep inside yet not moving to your dismay.
"I-i... Ahh..' you let a small whimper as her finger fondling your boobs and pinching your arching nipples through the robes of yours. Edging with little to none movement yet stimulation pleasure to only stop when your able to reach relief.
"s-sorry... S-sorry! P-please f-forgive meeeee.." You succumb to the lust as you tried to move to be able to cum yet she held you in place. " P-please... " You look at her pleadingly with lusty and tearful voice. "P-please fuc-- f-forgive me.Eee." you whimper.
"ah.H.." you felt the cock inside of you throbbing with her hand over the bulging stomach of your, she press it sending you in far edge. "Do you... Repent..?" Her heaved breathing as she tried to maintain her calm facade yet shes far worse state with your inside clenching on her, so warm and wet.
"m-maybe..? ' you honestly would still try to get another volume of a futanari hentai book on the future, it's for research purpose.
"... Oh dear.." she chuckle as she realize your too honest and your thoughts can be seen like an open book to her. "F-fine... " She gives up on trying to stop you, she would love to see what kind of new things you'll learn-- but first.
'ahhmm. Ooohh... " You moaned against her office table as she start fucking you from behind. Her thick warm cock that keep hitting your sweet spot causing you to see stars. " T-tatsumi...! " You mewl as played with your clitoris causing you to straighten up against her moaning as you cum with a shear cry.
"ahhmmm.." she moaned after ramming few more times and sending her loads of her balls inside of you.
"G-god... " She and you collapse back to her chair through still connected sending chills as she hit your deeps in that sudden movement. You squirm on her arms as she reach out to held your chin to give you a deep kiss. You shortly return the sweet gesture causing her to warm up her heart.
With that little moment of the two of you, she let you go get your friend new gift to you but with some work she need to fix and handle at the moment, she made you her cock warmer as she does her work, just another of her punishment.
Sometimes through the days you and her having such. Sexual intercourse in the house of god with you two being a nuns. You wonder if your corrupted or you have corrupted the so called God sent angel by church people.
You indirectly ask a fellow nun with such question if she imagine tatsumi would be the type that will succumb to lust yet she replied: "it's impossible! Mother superior Kazehaya devoted her life to serve god! Even if you put such unholy book in front of her, she won't be curious at all!" She claimed.
With you asking around about the same question, it reach tatsumi ears and soon she called you back to her office. She made you seat on her lap with no sexual gesture and lovingly hugs you from behind.
"My precious... You could always ask me directly." She chuckle at what you been doing lately. She's happy your interested on her, enough to ask around about her. "I lust for you because I love you so deeply... Your my eve... I won't mind tasting the forbidden fruit and be thrown out paradise with you .." she kiss your forehead, causing you to blush. "R-really?" You voice come out like a small squeak, she chuckle at your adorable face at this moment. "Yes. But unlike adam... I will not blame you... " Her softly voice lace with love with her lips right against hers, you felt your heart beats. It was so odd but it's a welcome one.
"I love you!" It was you who said such words with full of honesty and feelings she always wanted to hear from you. She would always confess her love as she don't want to lie in her feelings yet would wait for you to return such feelings.
Her eyes widen as she heard your words as a smile on her face deepen in glee. She hugs you with a tearful sigh of happiness, she once again kiss you. "I love you my eve..." She says as she and her embrace one another with love and affection.
In the corner of the room, one would see an image of the first woman-- Lilith offering an apple to eve. Yet the rest of the illustration is burn up cover.
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rozestears · 10 months
good morning and welcome back, it's been a while so... what do you think about having tatsumi fuck you after a long time of abstinence 👀
No layout for this im so sorry im too lazy askaskj
He would literally cry first, and ask many questions where've you been. But overall he's happy you're back into his arms.
He would put on jazz specifically... just to set the mood. He would go nice and slow with teasing before going to the fun part! Going rougher and rougher as a somewhat punishment for not telling him where you've been... A nice experience, he would go all night if you let him. Pulling your hair and giving you punishments <3 He doesn't mind if everyone else hears... Although might wanna be ready cause the neighbor's are gonna file noise complains.
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mintys-musings · 1 year
Tatsumi x GN!Reader - Beach Side Relaxation
I didn’t actually plan on writing for Tatsumi. I just had an idea. Sorry if he’s ooc. I just. Felt the need to write him like this… unrelated- it’s so damn hot where i live rn im melting
summary: Tatsumi has been staring at you the whole time you two were on the beach. And well- It’s not like he can drive you two home in that condition. Not that you were letting him drive at all. tags: semi-public sex, bottom!Tatsumi, top!reader, breeding…? If you squint. he just begs to finish inside word count: 912
NSFW under cut~
Tatsumi held you gently by the waist, a shuddering moan leaving him as you sunk yourself down onto his dick. “Thank you. Thank you, darling,” he muttered over and over again. A harsh whimper left him the moment he saw you had taken all of him inside you. Oh he was trying so hard to keep it down, but you were gripping him so tightly- He shuddered as you clenched around him as if to tease him.
You two had found a little cove at the edge of the beach to hide away in and take care of his little problem. He had told you that he could just fix it himself, but you wanted to treat him a little considering how intensely he’d been looking at you the minute you took your shirt off to get in the water. Plus, you really loved the look on Tatsumi’s face as he tried to hold back. The waves crashing against rock would cover most of the sounds made, but the faux innocence Tatsumi put on would not allow him to make noise unless he was behind closed doors.
“Anything for you~” You purred. Eager to coax more reactions out of him, you raised your hips and quickly slammed them back down. The feeling of his thick cock filling you made your eyes roll back. Tatsumi was biting his lip, his gentle grip on your waist twitching into a more firm one.
As you continued at this harsh pace, his whimpers turned into light pants. His tongue rolled out for you to suck on. You could feel his dick throb and leak inside you. He felt even harder than when you two started. You made a show of rolling your hips on top of him, leaning down to lick and nip at his neck down to his collarbone.
Tatsumi could feel his mind practically leaving him the more you bounced on top of him. His head tilted back in pleasure, it wasn’t enough to just bite his lip to muffle his moans. He raised a hand to his mouth to potentially cover it up, but your teeth grazing his collarbone had him only pull you closer instead. He sat up slightly to bury his head into the crook of your neck. “A-ah~ Darling, I-I have a photoshoot tomorrow-”
“Makeup exists, dear.” 
He whimpered and cried into your shoulder as you sucked hickeys across his pale skin. That’ll be a problem for the makeup artist, you supposed.
Once you were satisfied with the trail of love bites decorating your beloved Tatsumi, you pushed him back down to roll one of his nipples over your tongue.
“Gah-!” He bucked upwards into you, the angle causing his cock to drag against your g-spot. His face was bright red, drool was escaping from the corners of his lips- Tatsumi looked positively divine under you.
With no more options to muffle himself, he moaned out into the air. There was nothing on his mind anymore except chasing the delicious pleasure you provided him. So warm and tight. “Darling~” He moaned, reaching to rub your sex. His hips involuntarily thrust up again
One hand continued to toy with his nipple while the other grabbed at his hair. “Again.” You practically barked the order at him. “Do that again.”
No hesitation, he kept thrusting upwards. This time, the tip of his dick rammed right into the spot directly. Each time eliciting a moan from the both of you. “That’s it. Keep doing that, dear. You’re doing so good.” You pulled him into a harsh kiss, moving to meet his thrusts. 
Tatsumi’s moans got whinier the closer he was to his peak. “Please-” He cried out again as you tugged his nipple. “Darling, may I-? Inside-? Oh~” He couldn’t even form a complete sentence as you brought your hips down continuously. His hand between the two of you didn’t stop its movements. “Please, darling. I want to fill you. Please please please~” He was so desperate, practically crying. His lips were formed in a cute pout as he begged to fill you. He didn’t have the gall to push you down and do it himself. He was too much of a gentleman to even cum without permission. 
His begging was music to your ears. And a part of you would’ve denied him the right to cum inside you, to make him beg for it for longer. But at least part of you was aware that the sun was setting and that the two of you needed to head back soon. “Go ahead, dear.” You said, kissing him once more.
As soon as you let him, he pulled you close and thrusted wildly into you. Any hesitance melted away in place of chasing his high. He rammed his cock into your hole over and over again. His free hand made sure to rub your sex as well, leaving you moaning for him. The sudden change of pace was enough for you to make you cum harshly onto Tatsumi, tightening up around his cock considerably. 
With a deep groan, he felt a knot in his stomach break and he came deep inside of you. You felt ropes of warm, sticky cum coat your insides as he whispered more “Thank you”’s into your ear. You could only hum appreciatively as you wiggled your hips one last time. The afterglow washed over the two of you as the outside world slowly returned to your senses.
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sakumasmut · 9 days
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anon I have no idea if you’re still out there (this request is over a year old) but this is for you
Enstars x Reader NSFW Month 2024 Day 28
Tatsumi Kazehaya x Fem!Reader
tags/warnings: vaginal sex, breeding, choking, praise, aftercare
“Yes, dear?”
His pace is gentle, the hand that isn’t supporting his weaker side caressing the skin along your inner thighs. Through your shaky breaths you can hear the soft squelch each time he slides in and out of you, more and more of your wetness coating his length. Violet eyes meet yours, but when you open your mouth to speak only a moan comes out.
“Y-You, ah, feel amazing.”
“As do you,” he smiles, “you’re doing so well.”
You didn’t think you were doing much work other than laying down, but his voice was soothing and your brain didn’t want to argue about the specifics when it was busy being filled with pleasure. As if he could sense your doubts, he moves his hand down to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze.
“Do you know why you’re so wonderful?”
Without waiting for your response, he moves it again, this time over your crotch, sliding a finger in between where your cunt and his dick meet to stimulate the reddish nub poking out. You croon as he brushes against your clit, legs wrapping around his waist to pull him closer.
“Because you’re yourself. And you’ve chosen to love me.”
“W-What, ah, what do you mean?” You struggle to speak while he’s simultaneously pleasuring you. “Anyone would, mmph, love you.”
“Haha, maybe you’re right, but only you love me enough to let me do this. To make love to you until you swell with life.”
You blush at that, feeling your walls tighten around his unprotected cock, as if trying to get it to pump you full of the seed he wants to see change your body and your lives permanently. Tatsumi hums happily as he feels you do so, rocking his hips back and forth.
“T-That’s not fair, Tatsun!” You whine, embarrassed. “I love you for more than that!”
He chuckles, looking down at you again.
“Then can you tell me?”
“Well, there’s a lot. You’re so kind to everyone, and—mmph, easy to talk to. I feel like I can tell you anything.”
Considering you were having this conversation while he was balls deep inside you, you figured he at least knew that by now.
“I’m glad you feel secure with me, dear.” He whispers. “I hope that you’ll tell me anything that’s on your mind.”
“I-I want you to…”
Your mind goes to something you actually have been thinking of, but wouldn’t dare to bring up before this, voice trailing off. A bit too late though, since Tatsumi slows down when he notices. You’d whine about the loss of friction if you weren't deep in thought.
“Is there something you’re thinking about?”
“T-there is, but…forget it. I don’t know if you’d do it.”
He looks at you curiously, his silence encouraging you to continue.
“If there’s anything I can do for you, I’ll try.”
“Well, I want to try something new. I-In bed.”
“Ah, a new position?”
“No, it’s more, um, extreme.”
“What is it, then?”
You shut your eyes as you blurt it out, not wanting to see his face as he judges you. He stills completely inside you, and that’s when you gulp and open your eyes to see how he took the suggestion. He isn’t exactly frowning, but there’s a look of uncertainty as he opens his mouth to speak.
“Are you sure that’s something you want?”
“N-Nevermind.” You stammer. “Just forget it!”
Tatsumi doesn’t do anything for a few seconds, and you fear that you’ve ruined the mood before he silently nods and begins to move again. You half wish you had kept your mouth shut since it ruined the tempo he had set, and you were already so close to your orgasm. This time though, his hands move upwards, tracing your shoulders until they reach the crook of your neck, and the excitement that fills your mind erases any regrets.
“/Name/, you trust me, right?”
“Yes, of course.”
His hand extends over your neck, thumb on one side and four fingers on the other. He gently squeezes it, the action uncertain, unfamiliar.
“Do you trust me with your life?”
His grip on the sides of your neck gets stronger. Your eyes widen. You had so much faith in him, even though in this position he could easily cut off your air flow…
Your mouth opens, whether it’s supposed to be a cry of alarm or a moan doesn’t matter, because the only thing that comes out is some sort of sputtering for air as he squeezes hard. Your heart races. His thrusts quicken. You aren’t sure what to do. Everything in your body tightens, from your lungs to your pussy around his cock. Your vision starts to blur, tears forming. Seconds pass. You wonder if you’ll pass out. You wonder what would happen if he didn’t let go.
But Tatsumi does let go, and when you gasp for air you feel the coil inside you snap just as fast, bringing you to the most pleasurable climax you’ve ever experienced. A few thrusts later you hear him grunt, and you feel him push himself deep to spill his seed inside you. It only lasted a few seconds, but your head is still spinning and heart pounding. Tatsumi is quiet except for heavy breathing through his nose, lifting your chin up with a finger to inspect your neck.
“I’m sorry if I was too rough, does it hurt?”
“No, I’m fine.” Your voice comes out a bit hoarse.
Tatsumi slips out of you, sitting up on the edge of the bed to grab a water bottle from the bedside table. He lets you take a few good gulps of it before drinking some himself. He seems more affected by the choking than you are, a guilty expression on his face.
“Hey, I’m sorry if I pushed you to do that. I didn’t want to force you.”
“No, it’s my fault.” Tatsumi shook his head. “I wanted to fulfill your desire, but I didn't think about it carefully enough. I could have risked hurting you, or more…” His hand presses against your belly, still warm from his release.
“But I’m fine! You didn’t hurt me, I swear.”
“I’m glad you trust me, /name/. I just wish I could trust myself.”
You hug him tightly, and after a few seconds he returns it, burying his face into the crook of the neck he was suffocating just minutes ago.
“You did wonderful. Thank you for indulging me.” You whisper, kissing the closest spot of skin to your lips, which ends up being somewhere on his upper chest. He returns the gesture with a peck of his own.
Tatsumi Kazehaya isn’t one to take lives. He’d much rather create it with you, inside you, one orgasm at a time.
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mxnaluv · 1 year
may i request prompts a, d, f, m, s, and w for enstars mayoi please?
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Mayoi NSFW Alphabet!!
MDNI!!! 18+
Warning: Sexual Themes
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Mayoi is pretty shy afterward and It's kind of like you're doing more things for him, than he is for you. But once you reassure him that everything is okay, he would cuddle you and have talks.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He secretly likes to jack off to you. He thinks he's disgusting, doing what he's doing, but he has his needs. He would NEVER EVER EVERRRR let you know about this.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
His favorite position is doggy. He is too shy to face you, so he would rather if you were in a position where you couldn't see him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He gets turned on whenever he sees you being adorable, or doing things that he deems as "cute". Like if you couldn't reach something on a shelf or when you get excited over something you're passionate about. He absolutely LOVES it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for about 2-3 rounds before he taps out. He doesn't want to go for too long because he doesn't want you to feel overstimulated or what he's doing is "too much"
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He has a thing for hips. He loves the way your hips look whenever you wear tight clothing or what they look like whenever you ride him. They fit perfectly in his hands and it just makes him melt <3
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AN: Thank you so much for all of the asks! I'm working to get through to all 50+ of them. If I don't get to yours, then feel free to fm me to remind me or send requests!
I'vev also started a new ensemble stars blog, since you guys love when I write enstars! The account >>> @mikafaery
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knightofconcordia · 1 year
hii !! i just found ur acc and ur hcs are so.. omg.. 😘😘 is it okay if i ask for tatsumi nsfw hcs ?? thank u sssmmmm
hellooooo anonnnnnnnnn
help i didn’t think my hcs were that great but omg thank you so much
but anywaysssss yes i could definitely try tatsumi
NSFW under the cut! Minors DNI
Imma just say right now he’s into corruption - either you or him, he doesn’t care which
He def believes in abstinence till marriage but that just makes the end result so much sweeter
This fucker's probably into car sex too
He'd start with fingering and dear god his long fingers would make you cum several times even before he sticks his cock in
Body worship and praise is a must when it comes to him - by the time you two are done he'll be drunk on the sensation of being inside you.... or you inside him~
I'd say i don't think he's a rimming guy but i'd be lying
And i do think he'd love if you decided to fuck him into the bed (or the backseat)
bonus points if you pull his hair
Buttttt he would also feel oh so satisfied if you became his cockdrunk slut
He's probably more of an oral guy than anything but that's just the vibes he gives me
Seeing his cum drip from your mouth would definitely get him hard again and ready for at least several more rounds
If lust is a sin he'd gladly fall for you
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makur0 · 1 year
can u plsplspls do a gn!reader x tatsumi kazehaya but like.. bath sex ? 😁😁 it’s been on my mind for a while lol .. 😅😅
So vague but so. true
Tatsumi isn’t a man to usually take baths— he’d rather take a shower. But if it was a long day, and he wants to spend time with you, he’s not against that idea.
Preparing a nice hot bath with quite the amount of bubbles, per your request, a scent candle going around somewhere. Entering the bathroom he’s already in the bath, man closing his eyes or turning around as you undress and hop in with him.
Bath sex with Tatsumi is slow, romantic, and really just fluffy. But if you’re in the mood for something more hot, he’ll oblige as long as you’re the one opening his gate of sins, not him. The scent candle can’t mask the smell of sex now, nor the fan can hide the sounds of splashing water and moaning. I’d like to imagine that Tatsumi’s slouching against one of the ends of the bath, hot, flustered, and trying to keep his composure as you’re basically riding him, grip tight on his shoulder and bath edge. Teasing him by staring at him, flexing your control and overall pushing him over the edge even more. His head is draped over the bath side, his chest rising and falling repeatedly as he clutches your sides when he’s close. He keeps you flush against his pelvis when he climaxes, and the waters around you finally clear to show you some of his cum that leaked out dissolving into the water.
Tatsumi bath water is good. Tatsumi bath cumwater? Sell that shit, cause im buying it fr.
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sucrows · 5 months
Ok writing this one for myself <3 to kick things off let's have some tatsumi because his new card got me good
[  BEG ] ;  the sender begs the receiver to touch them.  [ DENY ] ; the sender denies the receivers orgasm. (GN Reader)
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You lay on your back with your legs off the side of your bed while Tatsumi kneels between them, dutifully mouthing at your sex. He always takes things so slowly, happy to take his time to worship you and ease you into things. He makes sure to never leave you unsatisfied, no matter how tired he is. Even now, electricity courses through your brain at every flick of his tongue and press of his lips against you.  
He exhales and nestles his face in deeper as you arch your back. You feel it, you’re so so close. Every single one of his movements brings you closer to your peak and your body responds with more squirming and panting and adrenaline in your veins. You can’t help yourself from uttering the most pathetic, pleading words as you feel your orgasm about to come over you. 
He could let you finish now, feel your thighs clenched around his face and blessed cries as you cum, but... he wants to indulge, to prolong this just a little bit longer and so, with a little kiss to your sex, he pulls away. He licks the taste of you off his lips and smiles when you blearily meet his eyes. Confusion marks your face, and you whimper as he looks at you, intending to taunt you with the idea of release just a bit longer. 
His voice is rougher than usual while he praises you, likely from the exhaustion of using his mouth. You had been so close to finishing, just to have it all taken away from you... Tatsumi only smiles at the disappointment on your face. With another kiss between your legs, he settles himself in once again, mouth open and ready to bring you to your peak once again. 
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instexcamera · 4 months
I finished another fic ive been writing for days now because I'm so busy ehehe, I also rushed the ending
Prompt 4- Threesome
Mayoi Ayase x trans!male reader x Tatsumi Kazehaya
Slight blood mention, Biting/Marking, Fingering, Sex, Blowjob, Spitroasting
Anything past this point is 18+
Your lips connect with Tatsumi's, the kiss ever so soft, before being forcefully pulled away just for Mayoi's lips to take the place. You don't know why you had gotten into this, you had originally come to Mayoi's room to talk to him about rehearsal practice. When you had knocked and received no answer you were about to leave, but when you realized the door was unlocked and slightly open, the curiosity to go in had overtaken you.
When you had pushed open the door, you had not expected to see Tatsumi pinning Mayoi to the bed, licking at his neck while a hand slid down his body. When Mayoi had noticed you, he let out a yelp, which turned into a moan rather quickly since Tatsumi had reached the bulge that was quite noticeable forming in his pants.
You had apologized quickly after, trying to leave and shut the door but Tatsumi had pleaded with you not to leave, Mayoi nodding his head in agreement. Shame coursing through you had made you want to agree, however you were terrified of what they would think if they knew you weren't a biological boy. Trying once again to apologize, being cut off in the middle by Mayoi, he was pleading with you. The temptation to join kept getting stronger and stronger and you finally agreed, hoping they wouldn't try to fully bare you.
One of their hands dipping into your pants brought you back into the present moment. When you tried breaking the kiss with Mayoi he cupped his hand against your cheek, forcefully keeping your head in place. Mayoi's other hand coming to rest on your chest, you shiver a little at the touch. The feeling of Tatsumi's hand as he gently moves it to the side of your hips ever present. He starts rubbing small circles onto your clothed skin, while his other hand fumbles with the button on your pants.
Mayoi, seeming to notice your attention wasn't focused entirely on him starts to nibble on your lip, the sharp points of his teeth digging in. Gasping as you forget about Tatsumi, the dull pain shooting through your lip taking over. You try to capture him in another kiss but he pulls away, instead placing gentle kisses on the corner of your mouth. He starts to trail kisses down your jaw, towards your neck. You lean your head to the side so he can have better access, and you feel him start to bite into a rather sensitive spot as soft moans start to fall from your lips.
You can feel your mind slowly starting to slip away from you as the pleasure they could give you takes over. Yet, when you realize Tatsumi has both of his hands on the side of your pants, having accomplished unbuttoning them, trying to slowly slide them off. Your mind slips back, a sense of panic replacing the pleasure. Flinching as you jolt away from Tatsumi, trying to remove his hands from you, you feel Mayoi's teeth nick you harder than he wanted too. The pain hardly registers, you're too focused on getting Tatsumi to stop, they would think you were disgusting if they knew.
As his hands are left empty, Tatsumi stares at you in surprise. Then you feel both of Mayoi's arms wrap around your waist. You were stuck here, Mayoi's hold was secure and you could feel his tongue start to lick at the blood pooling at the accidental wound he left. Your attention was focused on Tatsumi, the look of confusion on his face made the panic you were feeling worse, but you had to explain. "I'm sorry, but I think I should leave now, this isn't right." You were hoping they'd accept your dumb excuse.
You try once again to leave, yet Mayoi's arms hold steady, but he stops his licking and with concern in his voice, "Wh-why? Weren't you feeling good, your face said you were fufufu." You were struggling to come up with a response but Tatsumi luckily speaks up instead of just watching. "No, it's ok. He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, it is our fault since we asked you to do this, I apologize. "
The arms around you relax, you don't want to leave if you were being honest, you wanted this as much as them. A few seconds pass, Tatsumi's purple eyes gazing into yours. A soft tingling feeling starts on your neck, from where Mayoi has resumed gently kissing you. Finally you decide to tell them, it was better to get it over with than continue making everything awkward. "I- um, I'm trans." You shut your eyes, the feeling of Mayois kisses stop, you knew they would be disgusted, and now you were ready for them to kick you out.
"Does that prevent you from being our good boy? Fufufu." Your eyes open suddenly, they weren't weirded out. If anything, they looked relieved you had told them. Mayoi goes right back to his pervious ministrations of biting and sucking at your neck, one of his hands snaking up your shirt ever so slightly. Tatsumi gives you a smile before asking "Is it ok for me to take them off now?" Nodding your head as a sign of agreement, his hands place back where they were before. The only thing you can focus on is the way Tatsumi ever so slowly slides them down, you lift your hips to help him and he makes a small noise of surpise.
When your pants have been thrown somewhere in the room, Tatsumi stares at you for a moment before a hand reaches behind your back to guide you towards him. Mayoi makes a small whine of protest as he has to disconnect from you, the feeling of his touch leaves but Tatsumi's gaze makes that forgotten. "Can I?" He questions, a smile on his lips as his hands move to the waistband of your boxers. His violet eyes focusing intently on you as you squirm, nodding your head. "I need a verbal confirmation angel"
"Yes" You manage to stutter out, his intense gaze making it hard to concentrate. The slow pull of your boxers being taken off makes you acutely aware of the amount of slick starting to pool between your legs. The feeling of the boxers sticking to your hole slightly, makes you let out a gasp. The sight doesn't go unnoticed by Tatsumi either and when you look back at him he seems entranced by how some of the slick connects to the boxers and breaks away as he pulls them down.
When your boxers are fully off and thrown somewhere in the room, Tatsumi settles himself between your thighs, so you can't close them. You didn't have much time to consider this, as he suddenly grips your hips and yanks you further down, your head landing next to Mayoi's now freed cock. He was fully erect, he was long but he wasn't that girthy, and precum was oozing from his tip, which was a light pink color. You could see some veins on his cock, however there weren't many and what ones he did have were spaced out, mostly on the underside.
A slightly strangled moan followed by a gagging sound from above startles you. Tatsumi's holding one of my Mayoi's hands as his other has two fingers in Mayoi's mouth. Mayoi's eyes are closed and slight sucking sounds are coming from him, frozen as you stare at them until Tatsumi gently takes his fingers out. His dry hand places on Mayoi's clothed chest as he pushes slightly to get him to lean back.
Tatsumi leans back and his hand glides down to your hole, running lightly over your clit a few times. The sensation making your thighs twitch, right when you were going to chastise Tatsumi for teasing you, a hand yanks your head back and your focus is back on Mayoi's cock. More precum has leaked from his tip, which is now a tinted red color. "Be a good boy and suck ok." Immediately he gasps and stutters out an apology. "I'm sor-sorry, I don't mean it." He whines yet he still presses his cocks tip against your lips. You comply and he slips in easily.
Then the feeling of Tatsumi finally pressing his fingers into you takes over your senses, a broken moan trys to escape you as Mayoi takes this moment to slide himself all the way. Your throat constricts around him and he let's out a few whimpers, clearly holding back, you could feel yourself start to gag around him. Choking noises and broken up whines continuously leave you, the combined feeling of Tatsumi fingering you and Mayoi forcing you to deep throat him too much for you.
You can only stare at Mayoi from the angle your in, you can't look anywhere else with his cock down your throat. The thought of not knowing what Tatsumi would do excites you, unknowingly you tighten on his fingers. "Oh, did you enjoy some delighted thought? Or did I hit somewhere particularly good?" You can't answer him, Mayoi making that impossible. A second later Tatsumi curls his fingers up, his thumb starting to rub small circles on your clit. The sensation is almost enough to send you to the edge, and Tatsumi realizes this as your legs begin to tremble even more and he pulls his fingers away. All stimulation he was providing you gone.
Your impending orgasm leaves, you can hear Tatsumi let out a small laugh. Mayoi chooses then to place a hand in your hair, tugging at the roots. A dull pain spreads from where he's tugging and when you focus on his face his expression is even more delicious. Your vaguely aware of the sound of Tatsumi unzipping his pants while you notice Mayoi's eyes are shut tight, tears brimming from his pleasure. His mouth hangs open slightly with drool spilling out, sliding down his chin. He's trying to hold back his noises and that causes you to want to hear what he'll sound like.
Tatsumi chooses that moment to push himself in, he forces himself all the way to the base, only pausing then to let you adjust. The burning sensation causes you to arch your back, it hurt quite a bit. He had prepared you but not well enough. Tears threating to fall from the stretch, he felt like he was deep, he was long and thick but oh god, did the pain feel good. You had clamped down on Tatsumi and he was letting out small whimpers as he leaned over you, one of his hands finding yours and grabbing it, starting to caress. You can feel a licking sensation as Tatsumi kisses up your neck. The hand Mayoi has in your hair starts to tighten as he starts pulling on it again. You watch as he opens his eyes, they're glazed over as he stares down at Tatsumi who is slowly making his way up your neck.
He bites down on a particular spot and you shake as you watch as Mayoi's back arches, his head turning up so only his neck is visible. He starts to twitch in your throat and you take that to mean he's close. You focus more on him than the fading pain of Tatsumi, which is now turning into a feeling of fullness, and start using your tongue to trace along the veins you can feel, which you had learned were sensitive areas. "Fu-Fuck, Tatsumi san I can feel it when you bi-bite down." When that statement leaves Mayoi you come to the realization that Mayoi must have an outline where his cock shows on your throat, and Tatsumi must be kissing on it.
The thought makes you moan around him, the vibration, combined with the attention to his veins and Tatsumi's kissing causes Mayoi to tremble above you. He manages to arch his back even more and you can feel his thighs tense beneath you. Mayoi let's out a long strangled pornographic moan and the slightly salty taste of his release trickles down your throat. Tatsumi's mouth leaves you as he chooses to sit back up. "Mayoi san, was that enjoyable to you? It seems like it was, I bet the angel we have here enjoyed it too. He seems to enjoy being used." Tatsumi's harsh words just make you clench around him again and he chooses to finally start a steady pace. Mayoi seems to regain control and pulls his now softening cock out of your mouth as Tatsumi gives a particularly hard thrust which has you whimpering.
Mayoi takes a second to speak, and as he wipes some excess release which had spilled out of your mouth off as he responds with. "Yea, he doesn't seem to mind being used fufufu, he makes no complaints when either of us touch him." Mayoi smiles down at you as you try to come up with a retort, finding your throat hurting as your voice coming out quite raspy so any response from you wouldn't be heard through the noises from Tatsumi and the creaking from the bed.
Mayoi keeps a hand in your hair as his other goes to your free hand, holding it how Tatsumi has your other. Shutting your eyes as Tatsumi increases, his pace becoming more erratic as he uses his free hand and rubs on your clit. Raspy moaning starts to escape you more frequently. When Tatsumi pinches your clit between his fingers is when you release, your orgasm hitting you like none other. Your back arches as your whole body shakes, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. You squeeze around Tatsumi, causing his own orgasm to happen and your vaguely aware of him pushing as deep as he can before releasing.
As the aftershocks hit you, your mildy aware of Tatsumi pulling out, the feeling of his warm fluid escaping you causing you to whine. You're aware of Mayoi saying something but can't quite make it out. Feeling both of their hands stop holding yours as Mayoi lifts you up and holds you against him, having pulled his pants back up so you can comfortably cuddle against him.
You feel the bed shift as Tatsumi lays down next to you and a hand run through your hair as you nuzzle into Mayoi's shirt. You realize that you've been the only one without any clothes on right before falling into a deep sleep.
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mariondeux · 2 years
Good day, Is it fine I request something for Tatsumi maybe? Like he's a famous racer (lol) and he has this super hot ass boyfriend and then his boyfriends on his crew, after Tatsumi won (by literally being the reckless driver he is) he and his bf go to a nice corner of the track and fuck eachother up maybe? Sorry if it's a wee bit too vague by the way! I love your writing and look forward to it a lot! Stay safe always!
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— SYNOPSIS ; The moment he crossed that finished line and stepped out of the car, mouthing those words you knew exactly what he was implying.
CW ; NSFW, Rough/sloppy sex, anal fingering, teasing, spit exchanges (through kissing
PAIRING ; Famous racer!Tatsumi Kazehaya x Male!Reader
A/N ; This made me remember that I have a self indulgent Tatsumi fic in the works right now! I'll.. finish it when I can, hehe. Also, this request reminded of the time I had a hyper fixation on 2000s street racing..
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The deep rumble of a very recognizable car had come to a pause. The loud roar of the crowd cheering fell deaf to your ears as Tatsumi stepped out of his car, a mostly silver Mercedes AMG GT4 with blue streaks coming up the sides. That car undoubtedly matched your boyfriend down and up. You don’t think there were any other cars out there that could compete. He took his helmet off his head, shaking his head a bit to loosen the strands up a bit. A huge grin plastered on his face as he waved out to the crowd till his eyes landed on you.
He knew what the both of you wanted. His hand lowered to eye level, holding his hand next to his mouth as he mouthed the following words: ‘You know where to meet me.’ And he winked. You felt a rush of excitement in between your legs. You caught on so quickly, it’s what you loved about the bond you two shared.
A fire ignited brightly in your bodies as your teeth clashed, hands grabbing at each other with need and desire as clothes landed on the floor. The corner you two were at shielded your naked bodies, providing enough shade as he hoisted you up against the wall behind you. He had you wrap your legs around him as he kept his hands on the underside of your thighs. Your fingers dug themselves into his hair as your boyfriend kept his lips on your neck, licking and sucking at the flesh. You arched your back a bit as you ground your cock right again​​ into his, adding to the stimulation as you bit your lip. The thick atmosphere between you two was just right. Everything just happened so naturally.
Tatsumi separated his lips from your neck with a groan, using his right hand to nudge your lips apart. “Suck.” You giggled dryly, mischief flashing in your eyes as your tongue took one long swipe at his fingers. You kept your eyes on him as you licked in between his fingers, taking all of his fingers in your mouth. A moan reverberated from your throat, teasing him constantly by glossing your tongue over his fingers so sensually. He bit his lip at what you were doing. “I know what you’re playing at, sweet angel. Let’s see if you can keep that up when I’m fucking you.” He pulled his fingers from your mouth, moving his hand over to your hole as he teased the rim with his wet fingers. You whined, bucking your hips into his hand to encourage him to just finger you already. “You can be patient, pretty boy.” Tatsumi’s lips locked right onto yours, moving both of your lips along to a rhythm as if they were dancing. Two fingers shoved themselves into your hole, pumping in and out of you to work you open. You moaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. He bit your lip, trailing his lips down to your chin. You’ve fucked so many times that it hadn’t taken long for him to have a third finger, spreading them far apart and thrusting in and out of you quickly. Eventually, once he’d determined he can fit inside of you, his fingers slipped back out of you.
He licked the slick off his fingers, diving back in to kiss you to have you get a taste of yourself. He aligned his cock to your hole, easily slipping his cock inside and all the way to the base. Tatsumi groaned in satisfaction, accommodating to the nice warmth of your hole. He pulled from the kiss as his thrusts had already started at a hungry pace, fucking into you as if you were the most delicious delicacy in the world. “Tatsumi– Agh, fuck!” You laughed in between moans, tangling your fingers into his hair as you tugged at the strands. “I’m a nice prize, aren’t I, you crazy bitch?”
A smirk appeared on his face. “The sweetest taste of victory.”
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TAGLIST ; @exhokai @venniin @shuvies @s1cklyang3l
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sugarsweb · 2 years
Tatsumi Kazehaya x Fem!Reader
LET ME SHOW YOU. You're feeling insecure, and Tatsumi knows just the trick to make you feel better. (Originally posted Sep 23rd)
Contains : Very light NSFW, groping, body worship, Fem!Reader, not proofread
Word Count : <1000
18+ content underneath the cut. By clicking 'Keep Reading' you are knowingly reading content made for people over the age of 18. Read at your own discretion.
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You wipe your makeup off, sighing as your day is finally over. The city is quiet, the moon has risen and the stars twinkle in the sky - it feels like you can get a breath of fresh air. You look at yourself in the mirror, looking at your features; your beauty marks feel like they’re almost highlighted, as you’ve finally removed the rest of the foundation from your face and you can finally scrutinise every imperfect spot on your body.  
Your insecurities scream back at you as you stare at yourself - why can’t you just have a smooth, clear skin like the others? You’d give just about anything not to feel self-conscious about your marks as they litter over various spots on your skin. 
Just when you feel the back of your eyes pricking with tears, your boyfriend’s voice sounds out from the other side of the closed bathroom door. 
“Darling?” He says. “Are you alright?” 
You wipe any remnants of your negative feelings off from your face, opening the door and peeking to see Tatsumi smiling down at you. 
“There you are, I was getting worried. You didn’t really talk during dinner, so I assumed…” 
“No, don’t worry,” You give him a small smile in return, “I’m fine. Just a little nausea, is all.” 
You feel bad about lying, but you think to yourself that your lover wouldn’t understand your feelings about your insecurities. Not like it’s his problem, anyway. 
Tatsumi nods to your answer, albeit hesitantly. You know he doesn’t fully believe you, but he drops the topic for now, getting ready for his nightly routine as you walk out of your shared bathroom. You decide to change while he’s not looking, taking your work shirt off to exchange it with one of his old t-shirts that you use to sleep in. As you take your pants off and prepare to switch into your sleeping shorts, your eye catches one of your beauty marks on your leg, and you feel your stomach twist. 
Your moving pauses, and you just stare at it, your mind running wild once more. Tatsumi walks back out of the bathroom, but you don’t notice how he catches you staring at yourself. As he watches you inspecting your skin, he finally understands what’s going on. 
He makes his way onto the bed, where you’re sitting with your back facing him as you sit on your side of the bed, still lost in your thoughts. You nearly jump out of your skin at your boyfriend’s gentle touch, his hands rubbing your shoulders in a weak massage. His head rests in between the crook of your neck, and he leaves a kiss right where one of your beauty marks resides. His warm lips against your skin makes a pleasant shiver run down your spine. Tatsumi hums, his hands moving to where your own rest in between your thighs.
“Please, tell me what’s wrong.” He speaks gently into your ear, kissing the shell of it as he lets you speak. 
You don’t even know where to start. 
“Why can’t I just… have perfect skin like the rest of them?” You say. “Without these marks all over me - they’re just stupid spots all over me, and I know it sounds dumb when I say it out loud, but…” 
You trail off, trying to stop yourself from crying as the tears once again prick at the back of your eyes. You turn to your boyfriend, your hand coming up to stroke his face. The two moles underneath his left eye are somehow still visible in the moonlight pouring into your room, and you assume your marks are just as visible as well. 
“Yours are perfectly placed, like some kind of painting. But mine… they’re just spotty.” You finish your rant, your hand falling back into your lap, turning your head away from him once more. 
Tatsumi is oddly quiet, and you’re about to check to see if he’s fallen asleep (god knows he needs it), but then he starts sucking at your neck, right below the beauty mark he had previously kissed. You gasp at the sudden action, and his hands start delicately trailing your body, as if he’s trying to memorise it by touch alone. 
He pulls away after leaving a mark on your neck, and his voice leaves goosebumps along your skin. 
“You’re beautiful, darling.” He says ever-so-sweetly. He moves to make room for you on the bed, gently lowering you onto your back and taking your (or his, really) t-shirt off. 
Once your skin is exposed, he kisses a beauty mark right on your collarbone as his left hand gently trails along your neck, leaving feather-light touches in its wake. The sensation is soft, yet truly intimate, as it continues down further to cup your breast. 
“I want to kiss every beauty spot on your skin,” He says after pulling away from another gentle kiss on your chest. “I want you to feel good about yourself, because these marks are a part of you, and they’re gorgeous - just like the rest of you is.” 
Your face heats up at his words, and it’s hard not to smile. Tatsumi gives you one as well, going back to leaving short and light kisses to every mark that’s exposed to him. His hands continue groping at your body, and you sigh out in bliss. 
“You’re beyond perfect, my love.” He says, kissing a mark right on your chest. “Why don’t you let me show you how gorgeous you are?” 
Tatsumi looks up at you, awaiting your consent, and once you nod, he lowers himself even further. 
The next morning, you wake up to dozens of love bites across your body and you look at yourself in the mirror, smiling at the beauty marks on your face. 
You feel gorgeous.
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iamgrape · 2 years
I am grape. I am the grape in your anon box asking for mayoi smut or mayoi content because I cannot ask in my main account. This is a self indulgence account for nsfw related. But sometimes I do art in the end of each chapter for bonus purpose.
Master list
Color of chapter : Smut ,Gore, Horror erotica, GoreErotica, Others.
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Dear Mayoi Ayase
Please get a hint
I want mayoi-san to be my boyfriend
Play with you
Alternative Universe Hornie self indulgence list
Chaos butterfly Mayoi Ayase HC
Welcome to DeadMan Wonder(hell)land!! AU
SoulMate AU with a twist | Soul Link
Route: Mayoi Ayase " Incubus "
Lust Demon / Incubus / succubus / demon of lust
(1) a demon that is created because of the sin of Lust and live feeding from lust. Mayoi Ayase ---One of the primal ancient incubus, supposed to rank under the lord of Lust, Asmodeus (who is once an angel) but long refuse to do such thing that is norm for lust demon the moment he discovered his soul mate. It's amazing he survived for century with his poor diet, maybe because he is someone supposed to be of a high rank? Fufu
(2) Each part of an incubus is an aphrodisiac. It just depend which one you'll stupidly intake orally. Worry not the most lustful human would only intake at most the second strongest one. The only reason you'll intake the strongest one is when your a cannibal. You aren't one right?
(3) precious mayoi is a demon and your a human. How much fear of being hated being different being than his soul mate? Well, you won't reject him right...? through even so it takes more than uncountable amount of lifetime for him to finally appear before you. Who don't want to explore the sin of lust with an incubus after all~
Dear Reader, are you interested in this route ? Shall we explore more ?
Incubus!! Mayoi Ayase PT1
Incubus!! Mayoi Ayase PT2
Incubus!! Mayoi Ayase PT3
Incubus!! Mayoi Ayase PT4
Route: Angels || For Roze
Kaname Toujou, HiMERU, Tatsumi Kazehaya
In a world where soul mate exist along side the eternal creatures of the dark and the light. In such world, you. Unfortunate soul who have your own angel told to have abandoned you as he Fallen from grace after doing something taboo and fate failed to tie your fate to be paired to someone. Suddenly found yourself untangle with creature of light -- angels.
Dear Reader, are you interested in this route ? Shall we explore more ?
-> click here
Route: Soul Reapers | AMOUR
Hiiro Amagi | Rinne Amagi
In a world of predestine love and match. You who failed to found your fateful pair, slowly given up on life and when your about to end it. Death have swiftly sweep you off your feet and you found your connection to the end much more greater than before. What you been looking for have been found... Yet why is your predestine fate comes in pair?
Click Here
Route: Gluttony| gluttonous Lust/Love
Shiina Niki
In which you choice the wrong target for the night, and forever your life would change. Would hunger for your flesh (literally) or lust would win? What would happen if one feast upon a lust demon flesh? Would love bloom or it's simple end no where...?
Click here
Other routes would be added in later date
List of Reader Names in stories because I don't want confusion.
(name) (surname)|| (f/n) (l/n) || YUU || MC
I like writing for this type of readers: Afab, hermaphrodite, futanari, neutral. Maybe male when I felt like it.
AnonList: rossienon 🌹| sleepy 💤 non | Vampire Niki pfp anon
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