#Tattoo Fading in Brooklyn NY
velvettattoo1 · 6 months
Velvet Tattoo Removal | Tattoo Removal Service | Tattoo Fading in Brooklyn NY
Velvet Tattoo Removal emerges as a premier provider of Tattoo Removal Service in Brooklyn NY. We offer cutting-edge solutions for those looking to erase or modify their ink. With a focus on safety, our skilled professionals use the latest technology to gently remove tattoos of all sizes, colors, and complexities. Understanding that each client's skin is unique, we provide customized treatment plans to achieve the best possible outcomes. Velvet Tattoo Removal is also renowned for safe and effective Tattoo Fading in Brooklyn NY. Whether you're considering a new design or wish to diminish the appearance of your current tattoo, we offer a flexible solution to suit your evolving preferences. Call us to book your appointment today!
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mustdies · 5 months
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you are coddled between the murky nowhere wedged between dreamy isle’s of palm & discarded american dreams. you’re a young thing with stars in your eyes; the others see this and smother you in their palms until you’re merely a streak of shimmering stardust because dreams aren’t for survivors. because your mother never wanted to be a mother and your father wasn’t the kind of man she’d trust with her heart, let alone you with your chubby hands and big eyes. giving you up was just the right thing to do, but at the very least, didn’t you deserve to dream a moment longer ? as it turns out, dreams are riddled inconsequential for little boys with hardly enough belongings to cram into a tattered napsack. but so long as you have the room for it, you hold onto this one thing: you’ll get out of here one day & by god, you won’t look back.
you’re nine when you pickpocket your first tourist, and ten when you successfully pull your first con. the descent is unseen, but occurs quicker than you realize and before you know you’re no longer the one cowling beneath the wings of those who came before you. you’re still the boy with the bright eyes but now, you’ve got even brighter ideas & happen to know your way around a shoddy hot wiring job or two. suddenly you’re fourteen with hardly a lick of peach fuzz dotting your features when you first become a ward of the court & you’re fifteen when a man who you had never known existed makes you one of the lucky ones. rather than aging out of a system that you had spent too long outrunning, you are withdrawn from juvenile holding on account of being placed beneath his conservatorship.
sooner than you know, everything & everyone you’d known including your self-professed sibling with the kind eyes and the slit in his lip merely faded into a sunny break on the horizon. upstate new york becomes your new home & if you are to stay out of trouble you are made to make yourself something useful. days spent siphoning old gas & racing through the odd junctions of your seaside town come nightfall turn into even longer days as an unfavored ward. as you saw it, not even the dusty summer heat could sweat out that streak for havoc you had come to learn to know so far before your time—even seas away, you couldn’t outrun the law. teen years are spent pinned to the hoods of county cruisers just to be out of the pin come the end of the week while stark dreams continue to fade. 
you spend your latter years giving hell to whatever boarding schools your guardian could enlist you in. become someone different, still a blaring asteroid, but some of your edges have refined. you learn what it means to be a society man—how to properly despise such a title. though these efforts were not made to entirely change you, rather, another outlet was found. instead of brawling with whomever looked at you funnily enough, the largest portion of your time was spent training in mixed martial arts. if you're going to be violent, you will learn to honor your craft.
as a young man, you fall into sync with the ballad of a runaway train, horn steadily blaring as you utterly veer off the rails while onlookers can merely speculate in utter horror. luckily enough, you’re not the only one in this dusty old house pushed to your brink out of boredom so you slot well into your place with the rest of the small town miscreants, the only difference is the tan of your skin but in time you would even adapt their mixed lilt; even if you didn’t quite look it, you were one of them & the truth is, you were no better than the rest. it’s a damn miracle you make it out of woodrow in one piece: running off into the night when you’re old enough, leaving nothing but tire marks in the driveway & a number richard could contact you at in the future. now you’ve been running laps in the game for too long, and the only thing you’ve been left to wonder is if this was the dream you had so fervently chased as a child.
james dean chic meets streetwear final boss. breezy linen button-ups, undone by the first two buttons. perpetually bruised, walking into the room like god sent him. adorns at least five tattoos he has no recollection of getting in the first place. bottle blond with a knack for trouble. smelling like camel cigarettes & sandalwood.
ever in motion, always leaning in a doorway or drumming his fingers along the edge of a table.
easy to call, hard to get in contact with. has a phone but will likely not answer lest prompted by his manager; harder to contact since richard's passing.
began prizefighting at eighteen, became a super wba titleholder in 2002.
did not pursue higher education following high school but currently runs a community-led organization in brooklyn to help the underserved youth in the area stay out of trouble.
hairtrigger temper which is highly exasterbated under stress/pressure. sooner to seclude those he's close to before allowing them to be involved in his mess. needs a therapist sooo bad.
technically, the last time dante was seen at woodrow house was seven years ago. however, he was last present on the property five years ago per the request of richard. the reasoning and his appearance at large is still broadly unknown to the rest of the wards.
secretly really enjoys tennis, catch this man at the yearly u.s. open & wimbledon with your favorite wag on his arm.
got into political organizing around the age of thirteen after rallying a small network of underserved youth (for better or worse) against the local government. was arrested shortly thereafter for inciting civil unrest.
really into running, has ran at least a mile a day since he was seventeen.
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hayscodings · 3 years
does anyone know any ig accounts for minimalist tattoos inspo?
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heartbuiltt · 3 years
FULL NAME: steven grant rogers ALIAS: commander rogers AGE: 106 DATE OF BIRTH: july 4th, 1919 ALSO KNOWN AS: steve, (formerly) captain america IDENTITY: public
CURRENT TEAM(S): secret avenger OTHER AFFILIATIONS: avenger’s MULTIVERSE ORIGIN: earth-19999 SNAP STATUS: survived
HOMETOWN: brooklyn, ny CURRENT RESIDENCE: brooklyn, ny CURRENT OCCUPATION: secret avenger PAST OCCUPATION(S): lead the avengers
GENDER IDENTITY: cis male SEXUALITY: heterosexual NATIONALITY: american ETHNICITY: white
FACE CLAIM: chris evans HEIGHT: 6′2″ HAIR COLOR: dirty blonde EYE COLOR: blue with flecks of green
ACCENT: very subtle/faded brooklyn accent, comes out when he drops off letters on certain words. SCARS: none that last due to his healing factor TATTOOS: none. RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: i guess his eyes and hair? height/build? idk.
FINANCIAL STATUS: more than comfortable thanks to military back pay from his time spent in the ice. EDUCATION LEVEL: high school graduate SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): english, german, russian, spanish, japanese, french, & italian. RELIGION: raised irish catholic, but i don’t see steve conforming to any particular religion or idea of “god” these days. CONVICTION(S): pardoned war criminal
FATHER: joseph rogers MOTHER: sarah rogers SIBLING(S): though steve isnt related to bucky, they grew up together and so he’s the closest thing to a brother steve has ever had. CHILDREN: james rogers (earth-555326)
EXTENDED FAMILY: the avengers BEST FRIEND(S): james buchanan barnes & sam wilson ADVERSARY: john walker, hydra PARTNER(S): natasha romanoff ( wife)
HOROSCOPE: cancer JUNG TYPE: ISFJ -- the defender ENNEAGRAM: type one : the reformer
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good -- the rebel VICE: stubbornness VIRTUE: courage
POSITIVE TRAITS: altruistic, honest, empathetic, reliable, driven, charismatic   NEGATIVE TRAITS: stubborn, restless, societal stray, tunnel vision, does not follow directions
not sure about theme song but his favorite song is aint no mountain high enough by marvin gaye
steve loves food. he likes trying new food, he likes cooking food, he enjoys all of it. food was, by comparison, very plain and boring in  20′s & 30′s. he was very much a “eat because he had to” kind of person, where as now he’s a “eat because he wants to” kind of person. 
he still draws, but it’s rare, and usually something like a sketch of natasha sitting on the couch or the view from their apartment balcony.
he’s pretty convinced he fever dreamed the whole mjolnir thing.
he’s always just a little bit sad by how much more congested new york is than it used to be.
he’s a big morning person-- his internal body clock has him up at a quarter to five most days and he likes to get in a work out or a run to start.
he really enjoys a good pie or cobbler. doesn’t matter what kind. double points if it’s served hot & with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. 
he’d really love a dog but knows he wouldn’t be able to give it necessary stability. 
super soldier : enhanced strength, speed, regeneration, durability, reflexes, agility, stamina & senses. 
expertly trained tactician / strategist, gymnast, multilingual, skilled artist, expertly trained in several forms of hand to hand combat, expert marksman, great cook, excellent music taste, great friend, strong leader.
steve needs friends -- he cares a lot, but he has a hard time opening up. i’d like for him to step outside his comfort zone and build strong bonds with other teammates. 
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geek-patient-zero · 5 years
Part 2, Chapter 2
Or: Prospect Fights
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Blood War: Masquerade of the Red Death Trilogy Volume 1
Brooklyn, NY—March 14, 1994
Last chapter we were introduced to our second main protagonist (and secret “former” ancient vampire) Alicia Varney, her manservant (and sometimes lover but only if she’s really desperate) Sanford Jackson, and her (ignorantly treated and no doubt illegally owned) pet black panther Sumohn. Miss Varney decided to start her day off by taking her pet for a walk in “Prospect Heights Park”, which Jackson described as a virtual No Man’s Land abandoned by the police and local government to gangs and psychos. 
Before we move on, let’s talk a bit about the place.
In real life, the park this chapter takes place in is called Prospect Park. No “Heights”. Looks like Weinberg got the name confused with Prospect Heights, a small but affluent neighborhood and one of five that border the park. The park’s main entrance, Grand Army Plaza, is part of Prospect Heights, so along with the name and location I can see how you can confuse the two.
There really was a point, during the 70′s, where the park was considered dangerous and crime-infested. I know. A place in New York City? In the 70′s? Awful? Nah, can’t be. Back then, 44% of New Yorkers warned others to avoid the park. One New York Times article I’ve found from 2010, about a then-retiring park administrator credited with helping restore the place, begins with this about 1970′s Prospect Park:
Drugs were sold at the carousel. Muggers used the cover provided by the park’s shrubs and foliage. One year, near the skating rink, a man was found shot to death, and another year, the acting supervisor of the zoo was arrested and charged with shooting animals.
In the 1970s, Prospect Park in Brooklyn looked more like a crime scene than the pastoral refuge imagined a century earlier by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux.
As if to advertise the woeful state of the park, in 1976 Columbia, the figure driving atop the arch at Grand Army Plaza, fell over in her chariot, a victim of disrepair.
So don’t go thinking that Weinberg got all this stuff from nothing.
During the 80′s and early 90′s, thanks to efforts from both the city and non-profits like The Prospect Park Alliance, the park was cleaned up and became a nice safe place to take the kids. But this is the World of Darkness, a Harsher, Crueler Yadda Dadda Da, you get the point. Going with the usual theme of “Everything’s Awful, Always, and We’re All Going to Die (And There’s Werewolves N’ Shit)” what little restoration efforts were made to the park in this universe failed miserably. And hoooohoho man did they fail. Here’s how the chapter starts, with a more thorough description of the park now that we’ve got a viewpoint character there:
Huge white signs with blood-red lettering were posted on every gate leading into the park, declaring the area off-limits to law-abiding citizens. The posters, left untouched more as a grim joke than sage advice, were ignored by the crowds of people who constantly entered and left the forested area. Prospect Heights served as the major supply center of illicit drugs, assault weapons, and kept women in New York City. It was also the headquarters of more than a half-dozen major gangs and two terrorist groups.
Anything illegal could be bought for a price in the dense woods. That purchasing the goods required a certain amount of risk was a fact of life. It was all part of the New York scene. Those who couldn’t adapt, left. Or died.
A fifteen-foot-high steel fence surrounded the entire park. The last attempt of a previous administration to keep the cancerous growth of the park from spreading through Brooklyn and the connecting boroughs, it worked more as a barrier to keep the police out than the criminals in. At least once a month, a body was found impaled on the sharp spikes that topped the posts. Several years ago a dozen heads had decorated the pikes for days, a grim reminder of the gang warfare that waged incessantly within the gates. 
It’s like if instead of closing down and becoming an auto parts shop, your local Blockbuster turned into a snuff film distributor. Also, goddamn terrorists moved in.
No one dared to enter the park alone, or unarmed. Unless that person was Alicia Varney.
Walking in with a panther doesn’t mean you’re accompanied and armed? Good to know, good to know.
It’s currently early afternoon, and let’s see... She got up at sunrise, which in March would be between six and six-thirty. The events of the last chapter seemed to have taken about over an hour. She’d have to get from Manhattan to Brooklyn in World of Darkness New York City traffic. Assuming she was driven she probably didn’t beat rush hour. If she had really bad luck, she would’ve had to deal with squeegie-men; y’know, those guys who wash the windows of cars stuck in traffic without being asked and try to extort the driver for the “service”? And she’d have to take a route that avoided the Baseball Furies. Add all that up and... I guess? Frankly, early afternoon’s the best case scenario here.
Varney, with Sumohn by her side with a thin leather strip for a leash, enters the park near the giant carousel (which according to the PPA website is the Willink entrance, east side of the park, at Flatbush Avenue and Empire Boulevard). The carousel was “one of the last efforts in the futile attempt to restore Prospect Heights to its former glory”, making it sound like the whole thing was installed recently instead of being a part of the park since the early 1900′s.
Alright, alright, no more park talk. You’re here for vampires, not Brooklyn history, I get it.
The black panther growled softly with every step. A great deal different than an ordinary jungle cat, the monstrous beast possessed more than five senses. It detected hostility in the woods. And death.
After what we’ve been told about the park, no shit, cat.
I’ve seen some WOD vampire OC’s described as having ghoul pets, There’s this one video campaign on Youtube, Blood on the Thames, where the Nosferatu character has a pet ghouled fennec fox. But when you think about it, if ghouling works the same with animals as it does with people, then they’re not really pets. They’re mental slaves, their feelings of love and loyalty toward their owner artificial. They might look happy to see your OC, but in reality it’s having a little heart attack out of fear because the thing rubbing its belly is an unnatural dead thing that God hates and they can’t do anything but let it. And your OC wouldn’t even know.
But I’ve never seen that aspect explored before. In fanworks, Ghouling’s just a way for a vampire to have a pet with an extended lifespan. In official material, there’re other important benefits to ghouling animals. Feeding them a little vampire blood every once in a while makes them bigger, faster, and stronger, and since they’re compelled to be loyal to you, they make useful weapons. We’ll see that a few times in this trilogy.
Sumohn senses something dangerous in the park, and you won’t be surprised to learn that the she and her owner aren’t here just for exercise.
“I feel it too,” said Alicia softly, talking to the panther as if it possessed human intelligence. “They’re out there in the park somewhere. Watching and waiting for me. I first sensed their presence when I woke up this morning.
We saw you wake up this morning. You shimmied around in your sheets naked while thinking about how good it was to be alive. Then took a shower and masturbated. But maybe ancient Mesopotamians have a different way of reacting to threats on their life. How would I know?
Someone wants me dead. They’re hiding in the woods. I thought it best to confront them here, on their home ground, instead of chancing their disrupting my plans for the evening.”
She sensed this one threat in Brooklyn all the way from her Manhatten penthouse. Fucking Methuselahs...
Once they’re far enough into the woods for the setting to be dark and ominous even in the afternoon, Varney takes the collar and leash off Sumohn so it can hunt down her enemies.
Chuckling, Alicia tucked the leather strap into her belt. She had complete faith in her pet. It would find and eliminate those who meant her harm. It was just a matter of time.
While Sumohn’s hunting her enemies, Varney decides to take a stroll and enjoy nature. Big business Manhattan garbage had been cutting into her free time, and it’s been months “since she had experienced the feeling of freedom walking in the woods gave her.” She plans on enjoying it as fully and luxuriously as she does everything else, all the while “mentally” keeping an eye out for threats.
Alicia had no desire to be surprised by unexpected visitors. Jackson had been correct when he said that Prospect Heights was no place for a young, unarmed woman. But Alicia was a great deal older than her bodyguard imagined. And she was not nearly as unprotected as Jackson thought.
She hears Sumohn’s “scream of rage” break the silence, meaning her pet had just made a kill. Unfortunately, despite Varney making it sound like the panther would wipe out her enemies on its own, Sumohn worked too slowly. Varney abruptly realizes that she was surrounded by five other people. She can’t see them yet, but she can sense them with her psychic radar power that I’m assuming is an Auspex power. Two of them are heading toward her, so she summons Sumohn back to her. This being a vampire story, she does this with a brief theater kid monologue.
“I refuse to let anyone interrupt my plans,” muttered Alicia angrily. “Death is not an acceptable option at this stage of the game. Sumohn, attend me. There is killing work to be done here.”
The two hostiles reach her.
“Hey, lady?” The speaker was a short, thin man around thirty, dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans. He wore no shirt, despite the cool March weather. A tattoo of a naked woman with an arrow passing through her breasts adorned his hairless chest. Stuck in the waist of his pants was a .45 automatic. “You lost or something?”
“Yeah, said his companion, tall and wide, with a shaven head, pencil-thin eyebrows, and a perpetual leer. He also wore jeans and no shirt. A 12-gauge shotgun, carried loosely in one hand, was his weapon. “Or maybe you’re looking for some action.”
They weren’t called “swarthy,” so these must be white gangbangers.
Varney realizes the assassins plan to rape her before killing her, because this is dark fantasy and rape’s gonna get brought up eventually. There’s some prose about sex and death being linked throughout history, especially hers, then she begins to deal with these guys. Now, you figure she’ll start with one of her vampire powers. Maybe a Presence power, making the gang awed and infatuated with her and drawing them into killing distance. Or maybe she’ll skip messing with their heads and use Celerity to boost her speed and reflexes, swiftly killing them before they can reach for their guns. Or
“Actually,” declared Alicia, taking a tentative step forward, “I was looking for some big, handsome men to satisfy the hunger inside me. I need to be fucked. Repeatedly. Do you two think you can help me?”
...Or that?
“Huh?” said the short man, her reply taking him completely by surprise. His face turned beet red. It was an old trick, but one that still worked. The jerks expected her to cower in fear, beg for mercy–not talk about sex. They weren’t sure how to respond.
Gun her down immediately because this is clearly a trap.
Look, despite how I might come across, I don’t get bothered every time a character does something irrational or wrong in a story. But considering this gang shares their territory with six or seven other gangs and two terrorist groups, and one bad move could get their heads mounted on the park perimeter, there’s no way they should be stupid enough to fall for this. But they do, because the writer wanted to contrive a scene where Alicia Varney “weaponizes her sexuality” I guess.
Varney’s “vulgar declaration” also lures out the three other men, who “didn’t want to miss out on any of the action.” Now all of her enemies are in view, but considering she could sense their presence accurately enough to know exactly how many of them there are, she really didn’t have to.
“You heard me,” said Alicia, raising her voice so that everyone could hear her. “I’m burning up. I want it so bad my body feels like it’s on fire.” She ran her hands up and down her hips, pressing the material of her pants tight against her skin. She moaned passionately. “If I don’t get it quick, I’ll go crazy.”
“Hot damn,” said the big man excitedly, his hands trembling as he fumbled with the buttons of his pants. “The bitch wants to get screwed, and I’m going to nail her right now. The rest of you jokers wait in line, ‘cause I’m first.”
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God damn, this is so unnecessary.
The shorter guy struggles with his belt in an attempt to beat his friend to the sex, but thankfully this whole bit comes to an end when Sumohn pounces on him and pulps his head with her jaws. Trusting the panther to take care of the other guy as well, Varney turns to the three other gang members. They try to aim their guns at her, but instead start jerking around “in a ghastly parody of dancing”, unable to shoot her as she approaches.
“What the hell is wrong?” screamed the nearest of the trio, a young black man still in his teens. “I can’t do nothing.”
“A simple matter of paralyzing the part of the brain controlling motor skills,” said Alicia with a smile.
There’re some Thaumatergy powers that could do this, but Varney will turn out to have nothing to do with the Tremere, so it’s unlikely this is any of those. There’s also Paralyzing Glance, an advanced Presence power that can “send someone into a seizure of terror.” Or maybe I’m overthinking it and she’s just generically psychic.
Varney kills the teenager first by tearing out his throat, her technique described more thoroughly than when Makish ripped out a guy’s throat. The second guy, she uses the old “smash his nose cartilage into his brain” move, the second time someone’s been killed that way in this story, and not the last time someone will be in this trilogy. Apparently it’s impossible to do. Even if cartilage was strong enough to penetrate bone, using enough force to do so would likely smash the victim’s skull in anyway. But it sounds cool and Weinberg was probably fond of it. He also seemed to think it would result in a quick death because he described Varney as “merciless but not cruel” before she does it. Anyway, the third guy faints, so Varney snaps his neck while he’s unconscious.
“Very neat, Miss Varney,” said a voice from behind her. “But not really very smart. You let yourself get distracted by the diversions. I’m the real threat.”
Alicia turned, knowing she was too late.
If the assassin who snuck up on you is this chatty and you still don’t turn around by the time he’s finished, you should feel embarrassed.
Sumohn’s too busy tearing apart the guy who was taking his pants off earlier to notice her owner’s in trouble, “a wonderful ally but was too easily tempted” as the narration puts it. This sixth guy, her “true enemy” who somehow evaded her telepathic people sensor, is a well dressed young man already squeezing the trigger on his submachine gun. But instead of Varney dying and ending her role in the story weirdly early, the assassin drops with the handle of a bowie knife sticking out of his back.
“I paralyzed his fingers so he wouldn’t jerk the trigger by accident,” said a blonde man in a white suit and white shirt, walking over to the corpse. Bending down, he jerked the knife out of the body and wiped the blood on the dead man’s clothes.
Hey, Reuben.
He tells Varney that the dead guy was named Leo Taggert, who was headquartered in Coney Island and specialized in “celebrity kills”. The other jerks were local talent he hired. He was also a ghoul who could hide his thoughts, which is why Varney didn’t sense him. Varney asks who Reuban is, thinking he looks familiar yet positive she’d never met him, but Reuben only says he’s “a friend.”
He turned and started walking down the road. “Better call off your pet,” he said in parting. “That man’s quite dead.”
Distracted for an instant, Alicia glanced at Sumohn. When her gaze returned to where the stranger had been, he was gone.
Quickly she mentally scanned the area. Discounting a drug dealer and his teenage customers, there was no one within a hundred yards of her location. It was quite mysterious. Alicia hated mysteries.
Varney asks Sumohn if she saw Reuban, but because she’s a big dumb animal all Sumohn’s thinking about is “blood and death.” And probably mating, because Varney doesn’t seem like the type who spays her pets. She didn’t notice the stranger either during or after the attack, like he appeared and disappeared out of thin air.
“And this SOB,” said Alicia, kicking the dead body of Leo Taggert in frustration, “called me by my name. He was no ordinary assassin hired by my business rivals. He was a ghoul. Which ties him in with the Kindred. And the joker knew enough about me to hide his thoughts. Damn.”
At least her first fight went better than McCann’s. The only thing he has over her in this department is that he didn’t try to distract his would-be assassin with the idea of unexpected sex.
Varney assumes that Jackson’s loyal, so she figures whoever wants her dead has either been watching her closely, or they’re linked to her “friends” at The Devil’s Playground.
First there had been the distressing tiding about Baba Yaga. Now came this assassination attempt, coupled with the appearance of the oddly familiar young man. Alicia wondered grimly what else could go wrong.
It was a question best not asked.
That’s the end of the chapter. Alicia Varney’s “weaponized sexuality” scene in this chapter is the lowest/most awkward this trilogy gets. The good news is, no matter what other dumb things happens, it’s all uphill from here.
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐓. ( repost, don’t reblog ! )
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𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒔 !
FULL NAME.       mireille santos. PRONUNCIATION.       mee-ray // sahn-tohs. NICKNAME.         mimi but she doesn’t like it. GENDER.       female. HEIGHT.       5′5″ AGE.         17 ZODIAC.         leo. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.        spanglish, english.
𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 !
HAIR COLOR.         dark brown. EYE COLOR.         brown. SKIN TONE.         rich honey brown. BODY TYPE.         average, pear shaped. ACCENT.         thick bronx accent. VOICE.         breathy, orotund. DOMINANT HAND.         right. POSTURE.         casual. SCARS.         none. TATTOOS.         none. BIRTHMARKS.         a faded one that’s the size of a thumbnail on her lower back, two barely noticeable and nearly identical ones on the inside of each thigh. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).        massively curly hair, infectious smile, bright eyes.
𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒅 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.         bronx, ny. HOMETOWN.         bronx, ny. BIRTH WEIGHT.         7 lbs. BIRTH HEIGHT.         20 in. MANNER OF BIRTH.         natural. FIRST WORDS.         ' mine ’ SIBLINGS.         none. PARENTS.         father and mother, still married. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.        they don’t approve of her lifestyle choices so she doesn’t bother with them anymore.
𝒂𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 !  ( 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒. )
OCCUPATION.         sugar baby, high priced escort. CURRENT RESIDENCE.         brooklyn, ny. CLOSE FRIENDS.         some, i’m sure. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.         single. FINANCIAL STATUS.         working girl labor but upper class cash. DRIVER’S LICENSE.         yes. CRIMINAL RECORD.         no. VICES.       greed, vanity, junk food, spending money more than saving it, social media, too much tv, lots of soda.
𝒔𝒆𝒙 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.         hetero. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.         hetero. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant |  switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant  |  switch LIBIDO.         moderate. TURN ONS.         rich, bold and assertive, a little reckless but also well-grounded, aggressive, charismatic, tall, dark and handsome with pretty green eyes. TURN OFFS.       conservative, passive, low self-esteem, overly critical, controlling, domineering, not rich. LOVE LANGUAGE.         gracious and generous, loves to give expensive gifts to show appreciation, very affectionate, passionate. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.        very expressive, very opinionated about what she wants and deserves, self-centered and self-pleasing, high expectations demand to be met.
𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒄 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.       ‘ carmen ’ lana del rey HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.         going to parties, being with friends, shopping, listening to music, scrolling through social media, watching tv esp her favorite shows, eating tbh. MENTAL ILLNESSES.         none diagnosed PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.         n / a LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.         right. PHOBIAS.         claustrophobia. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.        very high. VULNERABILITIES.        materialistic, avaricious, conceited, bossy, immodest, unthinking and, at times, unsympathetic.
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nevernevadahq · 2 years
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Everyone suspects ISAIAH NASIR of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and this is HIS: THE BROTHERS OF ICHOR’S ROAD CAPTAIN. HE rolled the dice FIVE YEARS AGO ago as a RIDER. Under the desert sun, he claims the act of TATTOO ARTIST. He’s often mistaken for RIZ AHMED before those crimson colored glasses slide down his nose. IZZY better get busy living, or he’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of THIRTY-FIVE. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of WHEREVER I MAY ROAM BY METALLICA.
DATE OF BIRTH: November 11th, 1987
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, NY
MARK: Jacket
Isaiah Nasir was raised in a three-story townhouse in Brooklyn, New York alongside other children not unlike him — other children who, for a variety of reasons, could not stay with their birth families. Some children had been given up, others had been taken away, others had been left behind. Some children were prone to outbursts, some were withdrawn, some were people-pleasing, some were rebellious. Isaiah was a little bit of everything. He was cordial and cooperative with those smaller or meeker than him, but those who were bigger or meaner were not so lucky. If a fellow child chose to belittle, ostracize, torment, or undermine an undeserving party, they had their head slammed into a desk, hand stabbed with a sharpened pencil, or skin marred by crooked teeth marks. Few staff members would admit it, but these actions were often deserved — and even more troubling, they regularly achieved their goals. Torment eased, balance was restored; and though he had to endure the consequences, Isaiah felt his actions were worthwhile.
However, the staff’s sympathy for Isaiah’s sense of justice faded along with his youth — a rambunctious child was one thing, a disorderly teenager was another (and in the eyes of the legal system, too). The staff knew they were likely powerless against Isaiah’s need to smoke cigarettes and tag blank walls with krink markers, but what they hoped to do was at least prevent him from “landing any real jail time”. Teenage Isaiah had scoffed at the idea of it, but once he realized “art therapy” meant “one hour a day dedicated to drawing WITHOUT anyone breathing down my neck or asking ‘can you draw me’ six thousand-fourty million times”, he was all for it. It was a mutually beneficial agreement, and calmed the tensions between Isaiah and the home staff. After all, the hours Isaiah spent at the home drawing were hours he was not spending in a holding cell.
Even as Isaiah and the members of his home aged and got their heads shrunk, chaos abounded. The values were simple — respect, responsibility, honesty, and caring — so why was it so difficult to abide by them? Years would pass, and Isaiah would come to understand it this way: each child (each person) was as complex as the circumstances which created them. Just because something worked for him didn’t mean it worked for everyone else — but even so, didn’t everything run smoother when people tried to agree? When people cooperated? When no one tried to assert themselves over the other? Isaiah learned that this attitude, while virtuous and not incorrect, would get him fucked up in a moment’s notice if taken onto the streets. Shit was tough — he had to be tougher.
“Peaceful methods only work on people who care about peace. People who conduct themselves violently, who do wrath for wrath’s sake, cannot understand and won’t be swayed by peace. Tolerance can only go so far.” Is what Miriam told him. Miriam was the head bartender and co-owner of Vig’s Bar, a dimly-lit dive where Isaiah got his first real job. For the three years prior, Isaiah had been making petty cash off drawing logos, show posters, and merchandise for the local heavy metal bands that played at Vig’s — but bar-backing there was the first steady situation he’d ever had. And he was 18 now, so he could not, under any circumstances, fuck it up. Miriam understood this — about a decade earlier, her girlfriend (a tall brunette named Claire who Isaiah had terrible a crush on, likely because she was so extremely unavailable) had been in a similar situation — so she took Isaiah under her strong, heavily-tattooed wing. Soon, Isaiah was living in Miriam and Claire’s spare room, riding and repairing motorcycles with Claire’s brother on the weekends, and learning to tattoo from Miriam’s go-to artist.
Isaiah loved Miriam for her kindness as well as her strength. Isaiah wanted to be like that. He wanted to be tough, fair, caring, generous, intelligent, and loyal. He wanted to do for others what Miriam had done for him. A handful of years after they’d met, he spoke these words at her funeral, crying as Claire held his hand.
Claire tried to hold Vig’s down, but she couldn’t make it work. Rent was rising. Bands were moving out west. Clientele dwindled. Vig’s closed. Claire moved to Oregon, leaving Isaiah with an apartment he could barely pay for. The veil of grief was thick and heavy — Isaiah wallowed for about two weeks before he began to hear Miriam’s gruff voice in his head, telling him to get his ass up and get to work. For her was the mantra. He’d do it for her.
Six years after Miriam’s death and 28 after his birth, Isaiah decided it was time to get out of New York City. He’d never been anywhere west of Massachusetts, and he was antsy (or as Miriam would have said, shpilkes).So why Nevada? Well, why not? He knew the bike ride out there would be phenomenal, and he knew he could make money tattooing there. He had fuck-all to lose, and a lot to gain — because, y’know, he’d say to anyone who asked, the venn diagram of people who like motorcycles and people who like tattoos is practically a circle.
Isaiah’s interest in motorcycles, tattoos, and leather led him (naturally) to the Styx. It was his sense of justice, order, and politics that led him to The Brothers of Ichor. He spent five years riding with them before being promoted to Road Captain. He strives to be a dynamic, honorable Road Captain; and faithful guide to his Brothers. He is tough, fair, caring, generous, intelligent, and loyal. He enjoys heavy metal, horror films, whiskey, and spending time with his black cat named Obituary.
Isaiah Nasir believes in the collective. Paramount to him now is the concept of family. Family is a moving, breathing thing. It is a group of people, willfully chosen or otherwise, who pledge adherence to shared values. Family is a group of people existing in intermittent states of vulnerability, strength, compassion, and firmness. This is the way to truth, to life. Self-reliance leads only to isolation, stagnation, destitution; without others, there is nothing. Family — the collective, the group, the whole, the unit of many —is everything.
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mothermourned-blog · 6 years
Elif’s Bio
“And nobody knows where you’ll end up, only guarantee in life is death or a head-fuck. Yeah, you thought it was a set-up? Well guess what, now you can catch up with the rest of my ‘best of.’”
Name: Elif Cerci
Nicknames/Aliases: “The engineer on the hill”, Eli (used only by her ex)
Gender: Cis Woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Pansexual/Panromantic
Height: 5’5”
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Personality: Elif is an incredibly rough-around-the-edges person, with a take-no-shit attitude. She often comes off as curt and irritable, and that’s because she is. Underneath that layer of anger and snappishness, there’s an emotional and vibrant woman who loves and loves deeply. Outwardly, she’s incredibly calm and level-seeming, almost to the point of eeriness, but deep down, she’s extremely afraid. There’s a lot that someone who’s spent most of their life running has to be afraid of - she knows nearly all of it. 
TL;DR Backstory: Elif Cerci, the family fuckup, lived her whole life with the plan of living wild and free. That didn’t work out for her, when she ended up pregnant with Evren at 19. Leaving Earth and the family that no longer wanted her to a barely colonized planet with her abusive boyfriend seemed like a good plan at the time. Inevitably, after 3 years of suffering with him on a foreign planet, she left him and headed for another settlement far away from the port town, out in the badlands. She ended up losing her hand to local wildlife a few years after she moved there, and developed some prosthetic tech with the local doctor and some extra hands. She developed a name for herself as the engineer living on the outskirts of town who always had time for another drink at the bar, and who seemed to be intent on adopting everyone’s kids.
Random Facts:
Elif is a major baseball fan, with her favorite team being the NY Yankees.
She was a star softball player in high school, which was part of the reason she got the scholarship she did for going to Cornell.
Her first language is actually Turkish.
Her accent hasn’t faded a lot, actually, it’s still fairly present and obvious.
She calls people she especially likes affectionate terms in Turkish, and often swears in Turkish because it feels like it carries more weight when she does.
Her favorite food is baklava, and her biggest complaint about not living on Earth anymore is that she has to make baklava herself.
Long Version Of The Backstory: Born in Istanbul, Turkey, Elif was the family fuckup from the start; she was prone to rebelliousness and an enjoyment for haircuts she would later cringe at. She was largely a good kid while living in Turkey, but as soon as she moved to Brooklyn with her family, that all went downhill. When she was 12 she learned how easy it was to sneak out, at 14 she had a tendency for getting into small street fights with kids on the block, at 16 she shaved her entire head because her mom gave her crap for her long hair, and at 18 she got a tattoo and promptly got herself kicked out of the house for the last three months of high school.
She went to college at Cornell for robotics and in her second year, got pregnant with Evren by her then-boyfriend, Alexander. Already mostly cut-off from her parents, this did nothing but further drive her family away from her, her sisters now also joining her parents in their lack of desire to see her anymore. She chose to keep the child, completing college a mother. When Evren was born, the father insisted on naming them Alexander, after himself, rather than Elif’s first choice of Evren - which became their middle name. She regrets letting him name her child, as she spends their whole life calling them Evren, and they end up changing their name anyways.
They ended up moving off Earth to a newly settled planet a few star-systems over which was in dire need of engineers at the time. Elif spent three years being the personal punching bag of her boyfriend, and when he raised his hand to Evran, she snapped. She broke things off with him rather violently, and left for a small town that had popped up in the badlands called Glacier Gully, buying a house on the outskirts of town on the side of a ridge to raise Evren alone. During the first few months of her being in this new town, she develops somewhat of an alcohol problem and a smoking habit that takes her years to kick.
She got to work immediately on being the town’s local engineer, and ended up teaching math and physics at the local school until someone with actual teaching qualifications showed up. She became a jack-of-all-trades, of sorts, learning a little of everything in order to make sure that the towns needs were met.
A run in with a large insect-like creature on a walk home from the Gulley left her without her left arm. She quickly got to work with the town doctor (an ex-neurologist on the run after being paid to let three patients die) and one of her better-trained apprentices that she taught at the auto-body shop, and ended up designing a prosthetic arm for herself. After several years of work, she had a design she could actually feel as well. This came in handy when Evren later loses both of their legs. 
The result of both of these encounters has caused Elif to develop a habit of always walking around with some sort of blunt-force trauma weapon (usually a “walking cane” a former student made for her out of solid metal tube, with a crowbar-like head at one end and a spike at the other) and a hunting knife. She would carry around a gun, but she works around engines and does a lot of electrical work, and she’s afraid that a small spark or fire will cause an explosion.
Her favorite haunts came to be the pub, owned by a sweet man named Roy and his husband William, the auto-body shop, the market run by the farmers, and those farmers respective terraformed greenhouses.
*I’m not sorry about the puns
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redinktattoostudio · 5 years
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Redink Tattoo Studio is now offering laser tattoo removal. Do you dislike your current tattoo? Do you want to remove your old, outdated, faded and unwanted tattoos? We can help! We offer affordable solutions to your problems. Book your free consultation today and find out more about our laser tattoo removal system. It will change your life for the better ! RedInk Tattoo Studio.💉 315 West 54th Street. New York, New York 10019. . ☎️ 212.600.0993 . . 📩 [email protected] ⚜️www.redinktattoostudio.com 🧧Instagram: @redinktattoostudio76 ⚜️Facebook: @studioredink 🧧Twitter: @studioredink ⚜️Tumblr: Redinktattoostudio 🧧Pinterest: Redinkttoostudio ⚜️Youtube: redink tattoo studio 🧧Vimeo: Redink Tattoo Studio . . ⚜️Google: RedinkTattooStudio.ink . . . . . #miami #brooklyn #queens #newyorkcity #newyorkarea #newyorklife #ilovenyc #dontpraisenoman #harlem #timessquare #newyorker #ny #centralpark #manhattan #hiphop #snow #winter2020 #nyc #bronx #family #love #nycblogger #what #winter #newyorkblogger #overstand #miamiviceentertainment #newyork #ilovenewyork #boston via @hashtagexpert (at Redink Tattoo Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7lllBEpL7I/?igshid=ziselg48wrj7
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lastingtouch06-blog · 5 years
1221 Quentin Rd 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(646) 275-0496
Permanent Make-up Clinic
Tue - Sat: 10:00am - 7:30pm
​​Sun: 10am - 6pm
 Payment Types:
Cash, all cc
 Microblading brooklyn, eyebrows microblading brooklyn, microblading eyebrows brooklyn, eyebrow tattoo brooklyn, eyebrows tattoo brooklyn, powder eyebrows brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY
 Founder of Serenity Brows Anna Ruci is a  professional permanent makeup artist who found passion in transforming people's faces. After discovering how much of a difference perfect set of eyebrows can make to a face, she fell in love with microblading, later discovering several other techniques.
 She holds several Permanent MakeUp certifications in following techniques: microblading (manual method), powder  eyebrows (machine method), eyebrow architecture, lips permanent makeup, liner permanent makeup and eyelash extensions, as well as several certificates for infection control (blood born pathogens). 
 What is Microblading? Also known as Embroidery Microblading, 3D Microblading and semi-permanent makeup, Microblading is the art of applying tiny, individual hairlike strokes, following the directional growth of natural eyebrow hair, using a manual tool with fine blades on it and customized pigments. That creates super realistic natural look. The epidermis is 'scratched' and pigment is deposited in more shallow way - unlike a tattoo, the pigments break down and partially fade with time. 
 GMB Listings:
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fabulizemag · 5 years
Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival
New Post has been published on https://fabulizemag.com/reel-sisters-of-the-diaspora-film-festival/
Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival
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Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival is a two-day annual film festival that is founded by African Voices magazine and Long Island’s University Media Arts Department at the Brooklyn Campus. The two-day festival highlights Black women filmmakers and this year’s theme is #IGotYourBack. More than 40 films will be screened throughout the weekend for the public and tastemakers to view.
The Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival & Lecture Series is a two-day annual film festival founded by African Voices magazine and Long Island University’s Media Arts Dept., Brooklyn Campus.
Established in 1997, Reel Sisters continues to being dedicated to providing opportunities for women of color filmmakers to advance their careers in the film industry. It is also the first Academy Award qualifying film festival dedicated to women of color.
The theme for this year’s festival is #IGotYourBack: A Time for Holding Space & Healing, which showcases films dedicated to looking out for one another made for and by women with over 40 films being screened during the season. Reel Sisters 22nd Anniversary event will take place from Oct. 19 & 20th, 2019 at Alamo Draft House in Brooklyn.
Here are some of the featured films:
Skin Skin is a feature documentary about exploring through identity the meaning of beauty in all the different shades of black. It is set in present-day Lagos, where Nollywood actress Beverly Naya goes on a journey to learn about contrasting perceptions of beauty. She speaks to school children, traders, artists, beauty entrepreneurs, and sex workers. This narrative is interwoven by poignant personal accounts of individuals who have dealt with the pressure to conform to certain standards of beauty, revealing how colorism continues to shape the face of the entertainment industry in Africa. Beverly concludes her journey with a trip to her hometown exploring her rich cultural heritage with her mother and grandmother.
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A post shared by Skin- The Documentary (@skinthedocumentary) on Mar 1, 2019 at 3:15am PST
POCCON POCCON stands for P.O.C con (people of color). POCCON is a short documentary film that explores the world of anime conventions through the eyes of POC (people of color) cosplayers. The film will explore some of the issues they face as cosplayers of color. It will follow a few cosplayers as they attend Katsucon, a local anime convention that takes place at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Maryland. The cosplayers will give the personal accounts of issues they have faced within the cosplay community.
Black Girls Guide to Fertility Black Girls Guide to Fertility tackles infertility in a profoundly intimate way that’s both dramatic and comedic without ever feeling rigid. It focuses on Ava, a 37-year-old romance novelist, who faded into obscurity after finding love-and now finds herself on the rise again after self-publishing a diary detailing her fertility woes. Each episode is a recreation of Ava’s diary entry, adding a unique and compelling touch to the everyday struggle of infertility.
And Nothing Happened Director/Writer/Producer: Naima Ramos Chapman In the aftermath of an assault, a woman tries to come to terms with the violation, or just get through her day. Director Naima Ramos-Chapman uses an unexpected dose of magical realism to express a poetic response to a loss of dignity.
Paper Boats Why can’t Rahel bring herself to sign her artwork? The visit of her high school academic triggers memories of why she is haunted by her surname, yet would not consider changing it.
"Paper Boats" (2019) – Trailer from Gonzalo Guajardo on Vimeo.
Brooklyn to Benin Régine Romain, Haitian-American artist, educator and visual anthropologist, completes a three-year spiritual pilgrimage traveling from Brooklyn, NY, southern United States, Central America, Haiti to Benin, West Africa — the birthplace of Vodou. Her journey crosses the turbulent TransAtlantic Slave Trade history and delves into an ancient cascade of memory, myth and magic.
THE APOLLO The HBO documentary THE APOLLO, helmed by Oscar- and Emmy-winning director Roger Ross Williams, chronicles the unique history and contemporary legacy of New York City’s landmark Apollo Theater. The feature-length film weaves together archival clips of music, comedy and dance performances; behind-the-scenes verité footage of the team that makes the theater run; and interviews with such artists as Jamie Foxx, Angela Bassett, Pharrell Williams, Common, Patti LaBelle and Smokey Robinson. While uncovering the rich history of the internationally renowned theater that has influenced American music and culture for 85 years, Williams also examines the current state of race in America, following a new multi-media adaptation of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ best-selling book “Between the World and Me” as it comes together on the theater’s grand stage. It will take place at LIU at 6pm on October 19th.
Tattoo The young Iranian woman had not been expecting this kind of examination. She only wanted to renew her driver’s license, but when the officials noticed a scar on her wrist and her tattoo, they began looking at her with suspicion. Suddenly she is trapped, forced to answer personal questions and exposed to insinuations. The camera captures the growing uneasiness with clinical precision.
TATTOO from Dena Rassam on Vimeo.
Ballet After Dark Ballet After Dark tells the story a young woman who found the strength to survive after an attack. She created an organization that is helping sexual abuse and domestic violence survivors find healing after trauma through dance therapy.
Detained Two Syrian refugee siblings receive official legal documents to permanently join their father in the United States. However, when the plane lands in JFK, they are taken into custody for interrogation by Custom and Border Police.
Wash Day (animated film) A young black girl spends the day washing, styling, and sometimes fighting with her hair.
Plant the Seed Directed by Taína Asili, tells the story of a Black farmer’s journey to creating Soul Fire Farm, an organization dedicated to the food justice movement
The Jessicas Are Turning 30 “The Jessicas are turning 30” weaves together six compelling narratives of people who were born Jessica in 1989. The film captures what it’s like to be 30 in America today. For millennial women, the milestone has become aging heavy with expectation.
Today is the last day to catch all of these Black women centering films and lectures. You can still get a pass for today.
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queenreginascontour · 7 years
thanks for tagging me @rnaxwellbeaumont !!
LAST… [1] drink: water [2] phone call: uhh i think my mom to ask what i should pick up from trader joes ??? [3] text message: “deadass vommed in my mouth” (v poetic) to my friend about her ex bf lmao [4] song you listened to: drew barrymore by sza (a GODDESS) [5] time you cried: a couple weeks ago when i found out my dog has cancer :(((
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: lol nope fuckkkk that [7] been cheated on: not that ik of lmao [8] kissed someone and regretted it: yup,,, one of his teeth fell out during it,, i wish i was kidding [9] lost someone special: for sure [10] been depressed: haha ! wow ! ...yeah [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: ...yes
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] purple [13] red [14] v into pastel orange rn idk
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yep ! [16] fallen out of love: love ? i dont know her [17] laughed until you cried: oh yeah [18] found out someone was talking about you? i don’t think anyone can go thru hs w/out this happening to them ??? if so tell me ur ways [19] met someone who changed you: kinda [20] found out who your true friends are:  YUP [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: adkladj my fb was made solely so my friend could stalk this dude we met in london and she didn’t wanna use hers so nah i don’t rly have fb
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: again it was only for stalking purposes i don’t thikn i have a profile pic even [23] do you have any pets: oh god my family is wild,,, 2 dogs, a rabbit, a fish, and a fuckign bearded dragon named douglas [24] do you want to change your name: so my real name is theadora, but i go by teddy ??? and lately i’ve been wondering like, is teddy a name that is respected in the adult world ??? should i switch to thea ???? but then i was like, nah bich, the adult world better step the fuck UP to respect the name teddy !!!! [25] what did you do for your last birthday: my friends took me to a ny rangers game [26] what time did you wake up: like 11 lmao [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: working on questions for the endless summer quiz ! [28] name something you cannot wait for: current pres to be out of office hockey szn uhh to see my friends tm they’ve been gone for so long :’) !!! [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: she just walked past me [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: so, so many things but prob mostly that i wasn’t so fuckign SHY as a kid and realized my worth earlier in life [31] what are you listening to right now: my summer playlist x the washing machine spinning [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ????? prolly [33] something that is getting on your nerves: the current president  fake people l o l [34] most visited website: recently tumblr & unif.com bc i love looking at things i’m too broke to buy l m a o [35] moles: uhh like 5+ ??? [37] marks: freckles, moles, birthmark on my thigh, teeth marks where my brother bit my brother bit my arm when he was a mf BABY, scar on ankle from when my friend accidentally nicked me w his skate [38] hair colour: light brown,, kinda looks like i have blonde ombre rn bc i’m growing out highlights that went...... overboard [39] long or short hair: longggg [40] do you have a crush on someone: fuck i wish i did [41] what do you like about yourself? uhhhh prob my humor and also how i truly give no fucks [42] piercings: two in each ear lobe [43] blood type: lmao this is a mystery to both me and my parents [44] nickname: teddy (obv), teds, daddy-o, my last name, petty teddy, i’m prob forgetting some [45] relationship status: single [46] zodiac sign: libra [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: oh man,,,, parks & rec, the office, big little lies, the o.c. lmao, big brother (but not.. recently), brooklyn 99, and sooooo much trash reality tv bc i’m weak (espec foreign real housewives ???? don’t ask) [49] tattoos: NOT YET but i want some,,, my papou (grandpa) deadass wants me to get a giant snake on my arm ???? but i want something small and deffo an exclamation point on my wrist or ankle [50] right or left handed: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: none [52] piercing: my first lobe piercings when i was in i think fourth grade ??? [53] best friend: HAHAHA this snake who i met in kindergarten & called the police on me last summer,,,, good riddance ! [54] sport: basketball [55] vacation: greece to be shown to my fam when i was 8 months old [56] pair of trainers: oh man idk,,, prob some disney themed ones that lit up
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: chocolate [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: eat dinner & finish up the quiz prob [60] listening to: faded by opia,,, good vibes [61] waiting for: my laundry to be done [62] want: CASH, food, to take a drive bc i’m Stressedt and driving calms me [63] get married: only in choices for now bc im still young binch ! ,,,in like 10 yrs tho [64] career: surviving as a student & picking up my parents bougie friends when they get drunk at the country club bc they don’t trust uber
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: kisses [66] lips or eyes: EYES [67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: older [70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms,,,, i have a Thing [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: rn just hook ups,,, i do not have the time or energy for a relationship  [73] troublemaker or hesitant: akl;djfl;a both... depends on the sitch/mood/amount of alcohol in me
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? jklajsdl; yes [75] drank hard liquor? yes [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? nah shout out to my 20/20 vision ay [77] turned someone down: yeahhhh [78] sex on first date? nah [79] broken someone’s heart? don’t think so [80] had your own heart broken? nah i’m a guarded ass bitch for a reason ! [81] been arrested? no (shoutout to the cops for recognizing that the formerly mentioned snake’s police report was total bs !) [82] cried when someone died? for sure [83] fallen for a friend: not rly
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? ehhhhhhhhh [85] miracles? sure [86] love at first sight? nope [87] santa claus? for fun [88] kiss on the first date? sure [89] angels? ye
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: christina [91] eye colour: green, but apparently they’re two diff colors ??? one is more blue ??? idk everyone says it but i don’t see it [92] favourite movie: uhhh moonrise kingdom, saw baby driver recently and liked it,,,,, i can’t think of any rn
i tag:
@superpotato824 @purpledinosaur4ever and uhhh this is cheating but idk/can’t think of anyone’s url yet so uhh i tag whoever hasn’t done this and wants to !! 
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Anaconda, Andrew Bogut, and Bailey Jay: Wanda Emaciated, neglected, & suffering from seizures, she dreams of a better life... Id 57757, 1 Yr., 35 1ns., Manhattan ACC TO BE KILLED - 3/30/2019 *** SUFFERING FROM SEIZURES *** Incredibly neglected, emaciated, with ears disfigured due to long term infections and hematoma's, Wanda is only a puppy of barely a year old, but so far her life has been hell. She dreamed desperately of a better life, but all her dreams were dashed. Now she is in a kill shelter, trembling, with a tucked tail and wetting herself in fear. It's simply heartbreaking to see this poor, sweet special needs girl huddling in the corner of her kennel, trying to look small. Her loneliness, her broken heart, her last shred of hope fading as she tries to hang on to that dream of a soft place to land -- a quiet, calm and loving home where she can get the vet care she needs and the love of a family -- a happiness she has never known. Please don't let her linger, foster or adopt her now and save her life. If you foster Wanda, the rescue that pulls will pay her medical. You add love and kindness and support. Hurry please. Message our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance. Wanda, ID# 57757, @ 12 Mos. Old, 35 lbs. Unaltered Female Manhattan ACC, Medium Mixed Breed, Brown Brindle/White I came to the shelter as an ACO Impound, 3/21/2019 Shelter Assessment Rating: NEW HOPE ONLY No children (under 13) SHELTER ASSESSMENT - Date of assessment: 24-Mar-2019 Summary: In the assessment room, Wanda went into the corner, trembling and with a tucked tail. When approached, she urinated on herself and attempted to retreat further into the corner. Out of concern for her stress levels, she is not a good candidate for a handling assessment at this time. PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: 3/23: When introduced off leash to other female dogs, Wanda is highly fearful and keeps only to herself. INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake: 21-Mar-2019 Summary:Fearful, barks, growls MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial: 22-Mar-2019 Summary: Nervous, allowed handling ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Wanda so we cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment. At the care center, she displays a medium level of activity. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations: No children (under 13) Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments: No children: Due to how uncomfortable Wanda is currently with touch and novel stimuli, we feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to the extreme levels of fear Wanda exhibits at the care center, we recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Wanda is intensely fearful at the care center, avoiding handling and urinating on herself when approached. She was also growled at handlers at times. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. ENRICHMENT 3/22/19: When approached by handler while in kennel, Wanda started out uninterested in treats, stayed on bed, and growled slightly. After a few minutes she slowly approached the front of kennel and ate treats off floor. She backed away slowly after eating but returned with each treat. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES: 26-Mar-2019 Progress Exam. Groomed on 3/26/19. 25-Mar-2019 Tech Exam. Drew blood from right cephalic vein for CBC/Chem/T4 25-Mar-2019 Progress Exam. hx: Had a seizure like episode 2 d's ago while going on walk; no sz-like issues in the last 48hrs; also has chronic skin and ear issues. BAR H PINK. eent- lichenification in both ears; stenotic canals; AD- hemmorrhagic crust on outsid eof pinnae. pln- wnl hl- 120hr reg nm ss fp c and e. abd- relaxed. ug- fs msi- hemmorhagic crust on the dorsal ventrum; no fleas Neuro- nsf. Assessment) Problem List: 1) Chronic skin and ear issues r/o allergies (atopy vs food allergies vs other), 2) Sz like event r/o episode vs epilepsy vs other 24-Mar-2019 Progress Exam. HX: sz like event while out for a walk; dermatitis; chronic otitis; pyoderma. BAR H Nervous eent- limited oral exam. Neuro- nsf. A) h/o sz's ; also skin and ear issues (r/o allergies). Plan) if sz's again- Phenobarbital- 100mg. sig: 1/4 tab orally with food q 12hrs 23-Mar-2019 Progress Exam. While out for a walk patient noted to fall onto her side and begin trembling and paddling. Description of episode consistent with a seizure. Moved patient to medical for close monitoring for additional seizures. Consider adding keppra if additional seizures. Patient nervous in kennel. Visual exam only. No anisocoria. Mentally appropriate. 22-Mar-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: ~ 8-10 yr. Microchip noted on Intake? none. Microchip Number (If Applicable): History: Owner surrender. Subjective: BARH. Observed Behavior - Very nervous in kennel, would not come to the front of the kennel. Allowed medical handling once taken out of the kennel. Initially went to sedate patient, but leg was bleeding from site of injection and did not receive drugs IM-cleaned right lateral leg and abdomen due to blood, however no lesions seen bleeding. Evidence of Cruelty seen - None. Evidence of Trauma seen - None Objective: T = none taken, P = ~100 bpm, R = ~24 bpm BCS: 4/9. EENT: Mild serous discharge OU, no nasal discharge, severe malodorous debris AU (AS worse than AD), scarred pinnae AU, canal appears stenotic, unable to perform full otic exam. Oral Exam: Patient muzzled so limited oral exam, but noted fractured left mandibular canine with pulp exposure and severe gingival recession of incisors. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic. ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated. U/G: FS, no MGTs, no vulvar d/c MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, multiple dermal masses, diffusely thin hair coat, malodorous skin with thickening and multiple scabs present (worst on dorsum), overgrown nails, no tattoo or spay scar seen. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: Not performed. Assessment: ~Geriatric FI Pitbull. Dermal Masses-r/o benign vs malignant. Skin lesions-r/o atopic dermatitis vs neoplasia vs other autoimmune vs other. Dental disease, Geriatric Prognosis: Fair. Plan: Nail trim. Skin scrape-negative Skin cytology-1-2+ bacteria, occasional yeast. Ear cytology-3+ rods/cocci, no yeast AS. 1-2+. rods/cocci, no yeast AD. CBC/Chem/T4-Basophilia, thrombocytosis, hyperproteinemia, hyperglobulinemia, normal T4 Baytril 136 mg-1.25 tablets PO SID x 14 days-likely will need longer. Ketoconazole 200 mg-1/2 tab PO SID x 14 days Malaseb bath 2-3x weekly. Ear cleaning done at time of PE. Baytril otic Ideally, however not available so will use mometamax AU BID x 14 days, recommend switching to baytril otic if available. Likely will need oral steroids Recommend New Hope placement for further work up of skin including skin biopsy and culture. May also need ear culture and sedated otic exam and cleaning. Also recommend thoracic radiographs. Will need dental in the future. SURGERY: Temporary waiver due to skin infection *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** WANDA IS RESCUE ONLY. You must fill out applications with New Hope Rescues to foster or adopt her. She cannot be reserved online at the ACC ARL, nor can she be direct adopted at the shelter. PLEASE HURRY AND MESSAGE OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE! HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 *** NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM *** Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Some dogs with Level 1 determinations may still have potential challenges, but these are challenges that the behavior team believe can be handled by the majority of adopters. The potential challenges could include no young children, prefers to be the only dog, no dog parks, no cats, kennel presence, basic manners, low level fear and mild anxiety. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Dogs with a Level 2 determination may have multiple potential challenges and these may be presenting at differing levels of intensity, so careful consideration of the behavior notes will be required for counselling. Potential challenges at Level 2 include no young children, single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity, mouthiness, fear with potential for escalation, impulse control/arousal, anxiety and separation anxiety. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment. In many cases, a trainer will be needed to manage and work on the behaviors safely in a home environment. It is likely that every dog with a Level 3 determination will have a behavior modification or training plan available to them from the behavior department that will go home with the adopters and be made available to the New Hope Partners for their fosters and adopters. Some of the challenges seen at Level 3 are also seen at Level 1 and Level 2, but when seen alongside a Level 3 determination can be assumed to be more severe. The potential challenges for Level 3 determinations include adult only home (no children under the age of 13), single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity with potential for redirection, mouthiness with pressure, potential escalation to threatening behavior, impulse control, arousal, anxiety, separation anxiety, bite history (human), bite history (dog) and bite history (other). New Hope Rescue Only Dog is not publicly adoptable. Prospective fosters or adopters need to fill out applications with New Hope Partner Rescues to save this dog.
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ohaileigh · 8 years
Things I Did In 2016
Took a nap on my living room floor on January 1st and woke up to a walk off
Ate a $100 donut covered in gold
Created a realistic timeline and game plan to finally move to LA
Had an embarrassing screaming/crying fight in front Soho House
Starred in my first video ad for MNSTR
Started working at the desk at MNSTR to help out and for free classes!
Published my first piece of serious personal writing about coming to terms with your relationship and your career not defining who you are as a person with a media brand I really respect, Mask Magazine
Got an X-Files tattoo
Raised money for AIDS awareness by cycling, organizing a party, and DJing…aka all I ever do
Got really good at riding a hoverboard
Threw a Kanye West theme party with a Möet sponsorship
Immersed myself in work and workouts to deal/not deal with missing someone a lot as a distraction from the physical distance and blatant growing emotional distance
Learned how to wrestle at NYWC and interviewed trainers and wrestlers for [redacted media company] to put on their new channel [redacted] and never heard back from them regarding the footage…
Became a hair model for Bumble & Bumble
Parted ways with the job I took after leaving the job that started my career
Went to dinner with my BFF/cycle boss who asked me “have you ever thought about becoming an instructor?”
Decided not to move to LA due to new career opportunity
Went to Wrestlemania
Interviewed BABYMETAL on a Twitch livestream
Went to Montreal with a bunch of my friends, most of whom work for Red Bull, all of whom are certifiably insane
Started boxing and got addicted
DJ’d at the Ace Hotel in NY and LA
Slept with someone I had been interested in the moment I met them 4 years ago and instantly realized how not interested I had become
Got an emoji tattoo because my BFF/boss literally made me do it
Manifested a Prince impersonator the night Prince died when I dropped Little Red Corvette at Elvis Guesthouse
Had to say goodbye to my roommate, Arnold, who I grew really close to, because he moved back home to LA before moving to Berlin. RIP original cast of Donk Mansion.
Began teaching at MNSTR Cycle and kicked off my first class with tons of friends, and kept a Slipknot video in there successfully
Cocktail waitressed for the first time in my life. Got fired a month later for not giving a shit. Big surprise.
Went to a pool party at one of my favorite judges from RuPaul’s Drag Race NJ house with M & D, squished in their 2-seater car 2 hours away to hang out with a bunch of beefcake gay guys who were in shock and awe at our “alt-ness”
Dyed my hair pink while drunk with my roommates
Met David Duchovny and somehow forgot how to say anything witty or clever which is all I have in this life
Went to EDC in Vegas after driving alone and losing my mind somewhere in the desert on the way. Would not recommend.
DJ’d the NYC Health Department float in the NYC Pride Parade
Got to teach a weekend of classes dressed up as Harley Quinn for a Suicide Squad themed ride with my BFF/boss
DJ’d the Sailor Moon Day Party for the 2nd year in a row
Started Soft Leather NYC with the help of Johnny, which is still going on strong!
Spent most of my summer with one of my best friends Lina, who moved out of NYC, and think I’ve successfully convinced her to return
Received a dick pic shot in Pokemon Go
Got to see both my best friends Diane and Erin in NYC even for a short amount of time
The revival of our *cough*ORIGINAL*cough* Emo Night in the LES, big shout out to Brik for holding us down at Leftfield
Experienced yet another disappointment from a budding relationship and came to the realization that I truly do have no desire to be with anyone right now
DJ’d Soft Leather in LA to one of the most fun crowds I have ever seen
Helped open MNSTR’s second location at the legendary Limelight building
Met Biblegirl at my BFF’s birthday brunch, discovered my fucking spirit animal
Got to teach my first ever METAL MONDAY ride on my 26th birthday
Went back to platinum blonde. where I belong
Threw a joint birthday party with Lina featuring the best party flyer I’ve ever made and our amazing friends (big thank you to Marie for the Snap filter and Rob and Logan for DJing—numetal DJ set was definitely one of the best parts of this year!)
Celebrated the release of Jess’ literally perfect album After Hours on a party bus that drove around Brooklyn (go buy it, Jubilee #1!!)
Learned the entire choreography to Fade by Kanye West but really, by Teyana Taylor, with my BFF Sarah
Got to teach a class based on high school/Hot Topic called Mall Goth, and my Warped Tour ’04 (emo and pop punk) ride became my highest rated class so far—go emo kids go!
Taught a class in a PVC leotard and covered in fake blood based on the opening scene of Blade
Dressed up as Lady Gaga from the 2009 VMA performance of Paparazzi—basically the least clothing I have ever worn in public, and honestly felt great about it/myself, which for any female in her 20’s is basically finding nirvana
Went to the Boiler Room Weekender with all of my favorite people in Pennsylvania, USA, one of my least favorite states!
Met good dogs
Auditioned for a role in an Adidas commercial—didn’t get it, but felt good to be called in and try it out
Taught other babes how to DJ at Intersessions in NYC while several of my amazing, hardworking girlfriends organized the programming and events in other cities, and met a lot of great women
Put a hammer in Dewine’s bedroom wall
Was contacted by Nike to be shot for their spring video lookbook campaign—also never heard back, but incredibly grateful that someone scouted me without my knowledge and that they came in to see me and the studio
Filmed a video with Vice about the actual workout of cycling and how it relates to me DJing
Finished 4 weeks of a sparring class at my boxing club-full contact, and by week 3 all the girls stopped showing up so I had to fight the boys. Me? Fighting boys? Imagine.
Took my BFF Sarah to her first wrestling show ever. It’s a fucking spectacle and is honestly so great to see someone experience this for the first time.
Decided to stop sleeping with people I am already friends with and tried dating strangers, already sick of it
Decided after a tumultuous year of career changes and accruing debt tacked on to the outstanding cost of my early career (intern life and supporting another person on my credit line) that I could build up my savings account again while still tackling the immense burden that I had previously let hang over my head and discourage me.
Booked trips to see my best friends in Texas and LA after not taking time off work since the opening of our new studio
Realized I’ve been creating graphic assets for brands, as well as myself, for the past year and a half and I have no portfolio assembled. I’m making a portfolio. Hire me to do graphic design because I actually really fucking like it.
Wrote this list while procrastinating some graphic design work. Oops.
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iyarpage · 6 years
20 Freshest Web Designs, March 2019
Welcome to our roundup of the best websites launched (or relaunched with major updates) in the last four weeks.
This month’s offering sees the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring, and many sites this month reflect that change with rich colors. To counter that, there’s some high-contrast black and white work on show. You’ll also find innovative uses of images and video. Enjoy!
Takahisa Mitsumori
A leading exponent of digital music, Takahisa Mitsumori is a Japanese musician now based in Berlin. His simple site blends minimalist Japanese graphic design, with a Swiss Design approach to create an intriguing visual interpretation of his sounds.
Rejina Pyo
A lot of designers acknowledge the merits of negative space, but how many truly embrace the concept? Rejina Pyo’s site is an exemplary example of how to use white space to frame images, giving the whole site a modern, sophisticated look.
The Nue Co.
With so much color on the web in recent months, its startling when you encounter a black and white, high-contrast approach. The Nue Co. uses a little subtle color in its product images, but the whole site is mostly black and white, and all the more impactful for it.
Zhee-Shee Production
Illustration is a huge trend for 2019, but so many designers are following the same patterns, resulting in derivative work. But not Zhee-Shee Production, whose charming, witty illustrations manage to straddle corporate interests, and pop culture.
Lune Croissanterie
Some people take themselves far too seriously, and Lune Croissanterie may fall into that trap. The Melbourne-based company isn’t a shop, or a factory, it’s an experience dedicated to the perfection of the croissant. It’s the most committed pastry site I’ve ever seen.
Bruegel: Once in a Lifetime
This magnificently animated site for an exhibition of works by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, takes enormous liberties with the Flemish master’s artwork, but wonderfully captures the spirit of his anarchic, surprising, and honest depictions of everyday life.
Uenoland is a design conference taking place in Brooklyn from the 2nd to the 4th of May. Its one-page site has a design-centric Medium feel, with on-trend illustrations, and a clear type hierarchy. One of the few times when over-indulging design trends is an appropriate approach.
Fluff Casual Cosmetics are on a mission to make you, look like you. Its daring approach is designed to appeal to a much younger audience than many cosmetics companies, and its use of programmatic animation, and moving videos perfectly target that demographic.
66 Nord
Take a trip to the poles with 66 Nord, a travel company specializing in trips to the arctic and antarctic circles. There are options from Russia to Alaska, and the site’s incredible photography does an outstanding job of selling these awe-inspiring vacations.
Oficina Penadés
Brutalism has been hanging around for a while now, and as design trends go, it’s a little hard to swallow. The industrial quality of the style can be jarring and inaccessible. However in the case of Oficina Penadés’ site, it perfectly encapsulates the work on show.
Tuesday Bassen
Sometimes what a site needs to lift it out of the ordinary and into the realms of greatness, is a bold choice of typeface. Tuesday Bassen is one such site; the simple Shopify-powered store for the LA-based brand is delightful thanks to some great art direction, and that beautiful branding.
Stardust uses a carefully considered gradient to mimic the look of the sky at dawn. The positive visual reinforcement of its message plays out beautifully as you scroll. And check out that clever, animated hamburger menu—it’s explained, and then tucked away.
We’ve been living in a white and grey, with a touch of blue, world for so long that when we see color it hits us right between the eyes. Hachem is an art supplies store, so you’d expect some creative daring, and the hues and lettering on display deliver exactly that.
German Shible Tattooing
The exciting thing about web design right now, is that we’re leaving behind the era of cold, minimal design, and infusing our work with personality. I love the bold, some might say eclectic, font pairings on German Shible Tattooing. Don’t forget to tap that tiger’s nose.
Hinderer & Wolff
Designers often make the mistake of thinking that effective UX means eschewing fancy 3D effects, but not so! Simple to understand products, and especially luxury products, benefit from some bells and whistles. Hinderer & Wolff’s impressive site is a joy to explore.
Goodwell Co.
Goodwell Co. is dedicated to replacing the plastic dental care products that fill landfill sites, with sustainable products that are good for the environment. Its site is simple, to convey its simple message, and the positivity of the message is reinforced with color.
London Terrariums
Brilliantly employing the split screen trend, the site for London Terrariums scrolls through text on the right of the screen, while fading images in and out on the left side. It’s a simple and effective approach to presenting a minimal amount of content engagingly.
Jinn & Co.
The fullscreen macroscopic video of Jin & Co.’s artisanal confections is more than enough to sell the desirable candy. The inclusion of broad spectrum hemp oil explains the purse-busting price tag, but they sure do look good, especially the mango-guava and lychee jellies.
Les Animals: 2019 Wishes
This site is a lovingly created set of wishes illustrated and animated for 2019. Alongside the charming visuals, you’ll also find the sort of careful interaction design that you would expect from a digital agency of this calibre. It’s a joy to use.
Just because you’ve reached the age where nibbles are more common at your parties than shots, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t party hard. Aida is a NY-based party food and accessories company with a fun, morning-after style of art direction.
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} 20 Freshest Web Designs, March 2019 published first on https://medium.com/@koresol
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webbygraphic001 · 6 years
20 Freshest Web Designs, March 2019
Welcome to our roundup of the best websites launched (or relaunched with major updates) in the last four weeks.
This month’s offering sees the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring, and many sites this month reflect that change with rich colors. To counter that, there’s some high-contrast black and white work on show. You’ll also find innovative uses of images and video. Enjoy!
Takahisa Mitsumori
A leading exponent of digital music, Takahisa Mitsumori is a Japanese musician now based in Berlin. His simple site blends minimalist Japanese graphic design, with a Swiss Design approach to create an intriguing visual interpretation of his sounds.
Rejina Pyo
A lot of designers acknowledge the merits of negative space, but how many truly embrace the concept? Rejina Pyo’s site is an exemplary example of how to use white space to frame images, giving the whole site a modern, sophisticated look.
The Nue Co.
With so much color on the web in recent months, its startling when you encounter a black and white, high-contrast approach. The Nue Co. uses a little subtle color in its product images, but the whole site is mostly black and white, and all the more impactful for it.
Zhee-Shee Production
Illustration is a huge trend for 2019, but so many designers are following the same patterns, resulting in derivative work. But not Zhee-Shee Production, whose charming, witty illustrations manage to straddle corporate interests, and pop culture.
Lune Croissanterie
Some people take themselves far too seriously, and Lune Croissanterie may fall into that trap. The Melbourne-based company isn’t a shop, or a factory, it’s an experience dedicated to the perfection of the croissant. It’s the most committed pastry site I’ve ever seen.
Bruegel: Once in a Lifetime
This magnificently animated site for an exhibition of works by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, takes enormous liberties with the Flemish master’s artwork, but wonderfully captures the spirit of his anarchic, surprising, and honest depictions of everyday life.
Uenoland is a design conference taking place in Brooklyn from the 2nd to the 4th of May. Its one-page site has a design-centric Medium feel, with on-trend illustrations, and a clear type hierarchy. One of the few times when over-indulging design trends is an appropriate approach.
Fluff Casual Cosmetics are on a mission to make you, look like you. Its daring approach is designed to appeal to a much younger audience than many cosmetics companies, and its use of programmatic animation, and moving videos perfectly target that demographic.
66 Nord
Take a trip to the poles with 66 Nord, a travel company specializing in trips to the arctic and antarctic circles. There are options from Russia to Alaska, and the site’s incredible photography does an outstanding job of selling these awe-inspiring vacations.
Oficina Penadés
Brutalism has been hanging around for a while now, and as design trends go, it’s a little hard to swallow. The industrial quality of the style can be jarring and inaccessible. However in the case of Oficina Penadés’ site, it perfectly encapsulates the work on show.
Tuesday Bassen
Sometimes what a site needs to lift it out of the ordinary and into the realms of greatness, is a bold choice of typeface. Tuesday Bassen is one such site; the simple Shopify-powered store for the LA-based brand is delightful thanks to some great art direction, and that beautiful branding.
Stardust uses a carefully considered gradient to mimic the look of the sky at dawn. The positive visual reinforcement of its message plays out beautifully as you scroll. And check out that clever, animated hamburger menu—it’s explained, and then tucked away.
We’ve been living in a white and grey, with a touch of blue, world for so long that when we see color it hits us right between the eyes. Hachem is an art supplies store, so you’d expect some creative daring, and the hues and lettering on display deliver exactly that.
German Shible Tattooing
The exciting thing about web design right now, is that we’re leaving behind the era of cold, minimal design, and infusing our work with personality. I love the bold, some might say eclectic, font pairings on German Shible Tattooing. Don’t forget to tap that tiger’s nose.
Hinderer & Wolff
Designers often make the mistake of thinking that effective UX means eschewing fancy 3D effects, but not so! Simple to understand products, and especially luxury products, benefit from some bells and whistles. Hinderer & Wolff’s impressive site is a joy to explore.
Goodwell Co.
Goodwell Co. is dedicated to replacing the plastic dental care products that fill landfill sites, with sustainable products that are good for the environment. Its site is simple, to convey its simple message, and the positivity of the message is reinforced with color.
London Terrariums
Brilliantly employing the split screen trend, the site for London Terrariums scrolls through text on the right of the screen, while fading images in and out on the left side. It’s a simple and effective approach to presenting a minimal amount of content engagingly.
Jinn & Co.
The fullscreen macroscopic video of Jin & Co.’s artisanal confections is more than enough to sell the desirable candy. The inclusion of broad spectrum hemp oil explains the purse-busting price tag, but they sure do look good, especially the mango-guava and lychee jellies.
Les Animals: 2019 Wishes
This site is a lovingly created set of wishes illustrated and animated for 2019. Alongside the charming visuals, you’ll also find the sort of careful interaction design that you would expect from a digital agency of this calibre. It’s a joy to use.
Just because you’ve reached the age where nibbles are more common at your parties than shots, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t party hard. Aida is a NY-based party food and accessories company with a fun, morning-after style of art direction.
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source from Webdesigner Depot https://ift.tt/2CCisZw from Blogger https://ift.tt/2FzltMj
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