#Tawheed is to knowing
autogynecologist · 7 months
gay bitches will say "oh my gods"
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badrrr · 1 month
Start working to become a valuable member of the Ummah. Ibn Al-Jawzi رحمه الله mentions in “Discipling the Soul”, that there’s no use in excessive thinking and sadness of what cannot be changed from the past unless it leads one to seeking the Mercy of Allah and taking heed. So maybe most of your past years has gone to waste and you view yourself now as useless, lazy and of no benefit to yourself or the Ummah. Let that lead you to having hope in Allah knowing that, a sincere intention coupled with sincere tawbah, can change you to being someone you always wanted to be but never thought you could be. Remember, we are in the Gold Rush and we want to be right in the middle of everything as an active participant that exhaust every single breath for the sake of Allah and for raising the banner of Tawheed. كفانا الكسل (Enough of laziness) and enough of feeling sorry for yourself that still leads you to sit idly while you are fully aware of a Lord who rejoices at the repentance of His slave and aids the sincere.
May Allah forgive us and grant us sincerity آمين
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journeytojannah · 2 years
I came to the realization recently that I'm completely alone in this world. Not physically, but on a spiritual level. Completely isolated, not by choice. But this is the qadr of Allah and part of my test in this dunya. It's not easy to remain steadfast when it's just you. And you have so many outside forces trying to drag you down. Then you also have to fight the war within yourself. It can get exhausting, and there will be days, when you feel like you have lost the fight living in the darkness that surrounds you. But Alhamdulillah, it is Allah who gives us strength to carry on even when we are alone. Who guides us back to light. I'm still amazed how Allah guided me. I could have been like everyone else around me, lost in the world. We can sit and compare our journey with everyone else, but we haven't all had the same opportunities. And we need to make the most of what Allah has given us. And be grateful for every blessing. Especially when it comes to our tawheed. I no longer live my life like I have a backup plan. I'm in this alone and I know it. I have no other choice but to strive for my akhirah. I have to put in the work, and give it my all. To strive to earn the pleasure and love of my Lord, because once I'm gone I can't rely on anyone to remember me, to pray for me. Allah is sufficient for us and he is the best disposer of affairs. Once you truly understand this, everything thrown at you in life becomes bearable. If you take care of your affairs with Allah, He will take care of you. You don't need to be a scholar to become someone in the eyes of Allah. You just have to be true and sincere. Many of us are sinful slaves; but the difference is in those who repent and are remorseful. Who strive for the cause of Allah even when things get difficult because they know that their reward is with Allah, and nothing in this world will ever compare
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9amartt · 24 days
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Trust Allah’s Plan!
Travelled all the way from East Asia to Shaam, to be a living proof that Allah’s blessings arrive when He decrees it and not when we want them the most, and that it is never ‘too late’ or ‘too early’ to receive the blessing of being able to join the caravan of success!… may Allah accept him…
So Oh Muwahhid, and Oh Muwahhidah, Oh one who is tired of living in the corrupt lands of Kufr and longs for tawheed, for sharia, and for Allah’s word to be elevated and given the value it deserves upon His land, do not despair in the mercy of Allah, and never think that Allah is unable to remove all those obstacles that stand in your way to the land of Ji.had and Tawheed, trust His plan and be pleased with it, for He knows the unseen, and knows that which is best for you.
Make dua, abandon sins for the sake of your dream, let your longing for Sharia ignite the fire of ibadah inside of you, take All the means possible, the amount of means you take defines how much you yearn for joining the caravan of the Shu.hadaa…
Shah.adah is precious, and it is only attained by the sincere, so, be honest with yourself and your Lord and do not betray the promises you gave Him.
And finally, if you don’t get to live under the banner of La Ilaha Illa Allah, die trying.
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bleedingmusk · 6 months
Ya Allaah the way you granted victory to Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and your Deen on this day (Badr) You aided him and sent ranks of Angels from heaven to aid him making him hopeful to You by rescuing him from the toughest battle and granting victory to Your deen. You're the Lord of Muhammad and You're my Lord there's no one except You, The Invincible, The Most High, The Self Sufficient The Ever Living. I ask You by all of Your beautiful Names which I know which I know not and which You've kept with You in Your knowledge of unseen, facilitate the affairs of Ummah help us to overcome from fear of kuffar and grant us victory in battles against Your Deen and Your people. O Allaah fortify the frontiers of the Muslims through Your might, support their defenders through Your strength, and bring back honorable days of Khilafah where lands were ruled by Your Shariah and none was worshipped but You, increase number of Mujahideen, hone their weapons, guard their territory, defend their midst, unite their throng, arrange their affairs, send them supplies in a steady string, undertake Yourself to suffice them with provisions, support them with victory, help them with patience. O Allaah defeat our enemies, separate them from their weapons, pull out the firm ties from their hearts, turn them astray from their directions, cut off reinforcements from them, chop them down in numbers, fill their hearts with terror, hold back their hands from streching forth, scatter by them the one behind them and through their degradation cut off the hopes of those who come after them. O Allaah make the wombs of their women barren, dry up the lions of their men, and destroy their generation or make them to turn to Your Deen, permit not their sky to rain or their earth to grow, through that strengthen the prowess of Muslims, fortify their lands, increase their properties, give them ease from their fighting to worship You. O Allaah send out the Muslims of every region on raids against the mushrikeen and kuffar who face them, reinforce them with the angles in ranks from You till the mushrikeen and kuffar are routed by them to the end of the land. O Allaah distract the kuffar from reaching for the borders of Muslim lands through the kuffar bar them from cutting them down through being cut down, and hold them back from massing together against Muslimeen. O Allaah empty the hearts of our enemies of security and their bodies of strength, make their limbs too feeble for clashing against muslims, make them too cowardly for contending with mujahideen, send against them an army of Your angels with some of Your severity as You did on the Day of Badr so that through it You would cut off their roots, destroy their thrones and disperse their numbers. O my beloved Allaah the affairs of Islam worries me as a Muslim and alliance of kuffar against Islam grieve me, I have intention to aid Your Deen and people against this war but frailty keep me seated, neediness keeps me waiting, mishap delays me, write my name amongst Your closed worshipers make incumbent for me the reward of the mujahideen and place me amongst the ranks of the martyrs and the righteous. O Allaah with Your help we as an Ummah can drive away any misfortunes towards Your enemy and take Your refuge with You from their mischief. Protect Your people of Tawheed as You kept safe Your pious prophets and close friends among Your creatures from the clutches of the many disobedient Pharaohs and we seek Your shelter from the evil of Your created things through Your mercy O Most Merciful. Verily You are able to do all things and for us You are sufficient, You are the best protector. (Ameen)
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mis6kkk · 3 months
“What happened to you O Muwahhid! What is within this dunyā that has made you lose your heart to it and is preventing you from the path of your Lord?
What has made you fall into the camp of cowardice when Allāh provided you with his light and guidance? What holds you back from calling to the path of Tawheed when you know everything has already been decreed for you and there is no escaping death? You see the grestest crime ever to be committed (shirk) yet your eyes can close peacefully at the depth of the night.
Do you not have the best of examples to follow? Do you not have the mightiest words reveled to the greatest man in your hands (the Qur’ān)? Have you not seen how the Prophets endured and fought against the kufr and evil?  Have you not seen how those who are the most successful, those praised by the Creator traded their lives for this deen and what was given to them as reward was better than the world and all it contains, knowing this you still opt for an easy path?
Know that nothing in this world is easy, but every step you take towards your Lord, you will taste the fruits of. You will be tested, whether you like it or not, Allāh warned us of it, do you think you will say you believe without being tested? So why humiliate yourselves, pass the test before a wrath befalls you instead.
Why is it O Muwahhid that you cry? Your limbs are no ordinary limbs, nor your tears, nor your efforts. Indeed you have been from the chosen amongst the ummah to carry this deen further. Do you wish for it to be ease knowing the ultimate pleasure lies after hardship? Do you wish to live in humiliation and disgrace after being offered the crown of a Muwahhid?!
It is hard to achieve even the ordinary so how then do you expect the extraordinary to come easily? Don’t you know that your hardship is the way to your salvation and preparation for your eternal home? So, wake up! Take a deep breath, renew your intentions and live like a lion! For indeed Jannah has no place for the scared and coward, nor does it come with a cheap price, book your tickets before someone takes your place.”
— Collected
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asma-al-husna · 3 months
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Allah’s name Al-Witr— The One and Unique—is not mentioned in the Quran, but occurs in a narration of the Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Al-Witr is the One, the Unique and Only. He is unique in His essence in all His attributes and there is nothing equal to Him in any way!
The One, Odd-numbered, and Unique
Witr comes from the root waw-taa-raa, which points to three meanings. The first meaning is to be odd (numbered), one and single. and the second is to be in succession. A third meaning is to deprive.
This root appears three times in the Quran in three derived forms. Examples of these forms are yatirakum (“will deprive you”), tatraa (“in succession”) and wal-watri (“and the odd”).
Linguistically witr means that which is odd-numbered, unever, not uniform or equable. Allah’s name Al-Witr is related in meaning to His beautiful names Al-Ahad and Al-Waahid. All indicate that Allah ‘azza wa jall is one, only and unique in His essence, all His powers, knowledge and abilities.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Allah is witr (single, odd) and loves what is witr. So perform witr prayer. O followers of Quran, observe witr (prayer). [At-Tirmidhee, Abu Dawud]
Examples of Witr in Worship
In Islam the ways we worship are indicated to the finest details in the Quran and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. An example is the number of times we are ought to carry out certain acts of worship, of which some are in witr (odd numbers) only.
Examples are the tawaaf (circulation) around the ka’bah, which is prescribed to be done seven times as well as the times Muslims go between Safaa and Marwaa as Hajj and Umrah ritual.
According to some ahadeeth the Night of Decree (laylatul qadr) is to be found in the last ten nights of Ramadhan, in the odd-numbered nights.
Another example is the amount of days which is sunnah to fast as one of the ways of the Prophet to fast was on ayaam ul beed – the white days – which are three days in the middle of each month.
The most known example regarding witr is the Witr prayer, which is a strongly recommended prayer of an odd-numbered rakaat to be prayed in the time after the ‘Esha prayer and before the Fajr prayer.
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Keep reminding yourself of the uniqueness of Al-Witr.
The fact Allah ‘azza wa jall is one and unique in all He does, knows and gives is something we know, but sometimes forget to live by in our daily lives. Remind yourself each day Allah is the only one who can give you Paradise, so put Him first and not what people think or want of you or even what your ego (nafs) whispers to you!
2. Pray the Witr prayer. The Witr prayer is one of the greatest acts of worship that draw one closer to Allah. The majority of the scholars say is one of the confirmed sunan (a sunnah mu’akkadah) which you as a Muslim should observe regularly and not neglect. Imam Ahmad raheemahullah even said: Whoever neglects Witr is a bad man whose testimony should not be accepted. The Prophet said: Allah has prescribed for you a prayer (by which He may increase your reward), which is Witr; Allah has enjoined it for you during the time between ‘Esha prayer until dawn begins. [At-Tirmidhee, saheeh] Ask Allah Al-Witr to enable you to pray this prayer regularly.
3. Be unique.
As true Muslims we all share our belief in Allah Al-Witr alone, but this doesn’t mean we should not strive to be unique in our actions! Do your best to perform as many good deeds as you can, be creative and set up your own projects on the path of Islam and for the pleasure of Al-Witr and by the will of Allah, leave an unique legacy in this world which will count for you in the Herefter inshaa’Allah.
4. Know the meaning of tawheed and live by it.
Studying the meaning of tawheedullaah (the Oneness of Allah), its types and how to live by them is the most important branch of Islamic knowledge. Part of this knowledge are knowing the names and attributes of Allah ‘azza wa jall. At least spend one day a week of which you read from a trustworthy book about tawheed and its types and make sure to convey this knowledge to your children and family inshaa’Allah!
O Allah, Al-Witr, we know that you are one, single and unique. Help us to remind ourselves of Your oneness and turn to You only for all our needs and make us of those who consistently pray the Witr prayer. Increase our knowledge of tawheed and its types, aid us to live by them, and enable us to leave a unique legacy of ongoing good deeds for those who come after us until the day of judgement, ameen!
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bintturaab · 1 year
When I started practicing Islam, which was around 12 years ago alhamdulillah, my parents were such a huge obstacle in the way of trying to adhere to deen. I wasn't allowed to wear proper hijab, was sort of grounded, not allowed to read or listen to anything - even books of tafsir and hadith, not allowed to be with my other practicing friends, forced to drop out of arabic and other courses, etc etc. Home didn't feel like home but a battleground, on a daily basis.
Fast forward to present day; my family and I have dinner table discussions on matters of tawheed, my parents are the ones who facilitated my learning arabic and becoming an arabic teacher bi fadlillah (omg????), they've finished Shaykh Ahmad's tawheed series and loved it and are further learning tawheed and other aspects of deen, my mother finished tafseer ibn kathir twice already; may Allah bestow His endless blessings and mercy upon them and grant them the highest stations in Firdaws, ameen.
Thinking about how things had started and where they are now, wallahi makes me so overwhelmingly emotional. It fills my heart with so much warmth and joy that sometimes it feels like I can't contain it anymore. Allahu Akbar wa Lillahil hamd. No matter how many hundreds of sujud ash-shukr I give, it will never be enough to express my gratitude to Allah عز وجل.
Speaking from personal experience here, when it comes to giving dawah to our families, we really need to step up. They are the first we give up on, when they should be the ones we hold on to the most. Our parents are the most deserving of our time and patience and dawah, wallahi. I know the situation isn't the same for everyone, but honestly, how much do we make dua for the guidance of our families? Do we pray for them in every salah, in every sujud? Do we ardently make du'a for their hidayah every chance we get? Do we follow up our duas with constant dawah in a respectful manner and soft approach with patience and persistence? Do they see the best of us or the worst of us? Or do we just try once and then complain for the rest of our lives without giving due efforts?
Guidance is completely in the Hands of Allah, but wallahi our duas will never go to waste and we will see their impact whether tomorrow or 10 years later. It took my family 5 years to accept my dawah, it was a very gradual process but to witness their gradual change to better and better, from stubborn to being understanding, is so rewarding wallahi. To see them become even better than you, is the best feeling in the world. And it takes a lot of time and effort to come to that point.
When giving dawah to our families, we must be patient, be consistent, be persistent, be respectful, have good manners, be smart in our approach, and make lots and lots of du'a. We should priorities our families when giving dawah, because what's the point if the whole world benefits from us while we neglect our own homes?
These are the best days of the year, let us utilise them in making du'a for our families in sha Allah. May Allah guide us all and be pleased with us, ameen.
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lightup0nlight · 13 days
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In a sahih hadith (refer Riyad as-Salihin 642), Rasulullah salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam said to ‘Aishah radi Allahu anha that the worst day of his life was the last day of Ta’if, much worse than what he experienced in the Battle of Uhud.
It was the culmination of rejection by the people of Ta’if where they humiliated him and threw stones at him until his heel bled. So he ﷺ walked for miles and miles, overwhelmed, in deep distress and sorrow, just walking to the point of not knowing where he was going until he reached a place where he rested.
In the seerah, it was mentioned that the place belonged to a person named Rabi’ah. Rabi’ah’s two sons were moved by the state of Rasulullah ﷺ. So they told their slave, Addas, to give some grapes to him ﷺ. When he gave the food to Rasulullah ﷺ, he recited ‘Bismillah’ before he ate.
Addas was surprised. This statement was strange to him, so he said: ❛The people of this city do not say such words.❜
Rasulullah ﷺ asked him: ❛Where are you from?❜
Addas replied: ❛I am a Christian from Nainawa (a city in Iraq, where Prophet Yunus alayhis-salaam was sent as a messenger).❜
Rasulullah ﷺ asked him: ❛Do the people in the city believe in the righteous man, Yunus ibn Matta?❜
Addas became surprised again, saying: ❛How do you know about Yunus?❜
Rasulullah ﷺ replied: ❛He is my brother [in faith]. He was a prophet and I am a prophet.❜
I want to stop here, because here is a GEM.
When Rasulullah ﷺ arrived at Ta’if, calling people to Tawheed, no one accepted his call. It was the same with the story of Prophet Yunus. In the beginning, zero people accepted his da’wah, but they eventually embraced Islam afterwards.
It was as though Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reminded Rasulullah ﷺ about Prophet Yunus through Addas, as if to remind him ﷺ to not be dejected by the rejection of people, and to encourage him to keep on going.
Have you realised that, sometimes, we would come across people who would say the exact thing we needed to hear? I remember one particular moment many years ago, immediately after finishing the Isha’ prayer, an uplifting article was emailed to me. It was as if the content of the article was written for the very particular sadness I felt at that time.
This is the working of Al-Lateef — the Benevolent, Gentle and Subtle with His servants. He is our Rabb who knows what is going on in our hearts, and sends us what we need out of His Mercy and Kindness in the most subtle way.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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alhamdulillah10 · 2 years
I came to the realization recently that I'm completely alone in this world. Not physically, but on a spiritual level. Completely isolated, not by choice. But this is the qadr of Allah and part of my test in this dunya. It's not easy to remain steadfast when it's just you. And you have so many outside forces trying to drag you down. Then you also have to fight the war within yourself. It can get exhausting, and there will be days, when you feel like you have lost the fight living in the darkness that surrounds you. But Alhamdulillah, it is Allah who gives us strength to carry on even when we are alone. Who guides us back to light. I'm still amazed how Allah guided me. I could have been like everyone else around me, lost in the world. We can sit and compare our journey with everyone else, but we haven't all had the same opportunities. And we need to make the most of what Allah has given us. And be grateful for every blessing. Especially when it comes to our tawheed. I no longer live my life like I have a backup plan. I'm in this alone and I know it. I have no other choice but to strive for my akhirah. I have to put in the work, and give it my all. To strive to earn the pleasure and love of my Lord, because once I'm gone I can't rely on anyone to remember me, to pray for me. Allah is sufficient for us and he is the best disposer of affairs. Once you truly understand this, everything thrown at you in life becomes bearable. If you take care of your affairs with Allah, He will take care of you. You don't need to be a scholar to become someone in the eyes of Allah. You just have to be true and sincere. Many of us are sinful slaves; but the difference is in those who repent and are remorseful. Who strive for the cause of Allah even when things get difficult because they know that their reward is with Allah, and nothing in this world will ever compare.
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badrrr · 9 months
يا أخواتي في الله
May Allah bless you sisters and preserve you all upon Tahweed. My honorable sister, do not be lazy in the path of Allah. Do not belittle anything of your role and think it is insignificant. By Allah, if you purify and constantly renew your intentions, Allah will reward you. Take heed of your obligations and beware of neglecting them. You should be learning and implementing Tahweed. Know, may Allah have mercy on you, that you cannot have an excuse of ignorance in the Usool of the Deen. You have to be firm in what is wajib upon you. Be firm in beneficial knowledge and have high aspirations for yourself. Aisha and Khadijah رضي الله عنهما are our mothers and look at who they were and what they did. Enough of laziness and time wasting, ya Ukhti. Learn your deen and act upon it. Go forth on this path and sacrifice so you may have a spot reserved for you in Al-Firdaws.
May Allah grant us a beautiful life and death upon Tawheed. آمين
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milatibrahiim · 1 year
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
In shaa allah you are all in the best state of health and imaan. I am writing up this letter as naseeha for my beloved sisters, as I am noticing a trend nowadays where a new sisters owned dawah page will pop up at least once a week. Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting to spread dawah, it is of course one of the 4 principles of tawheed. However, the amount of compromising and lack of hayaa is very ironic. And concerning to say the least.
I trust that the intention of these sisters are pure and filled with motivation in wanting to convey the message. But remember dear sister, there are conditions and limitations one must follow. Did not Aaisha r. a give dawah behind a screen with her voice firm and her demenor strict? So why is it my dear sister you think it's "dawah" by constantly uploading personal images and captions onto your stories? Updating the world of your whereabouts? What you're having for dinner? Sharing memes and laughing with the world? My dear sister what is this?
Wallahi every sister who falls into this must be ashamed of themselves. A Muslimah is to be quiet, shy and reserved. When she is addressing those who aren't her mahaarim, she is firm in her voice and to the point. She understands that just because she may cover her entire
body, doesn't mean she still isn't vulnerable and susceptible to fitnah. Your hijab is also a concealment of your tongue and actions.
You're absolutely contradicting the purpose of your hijab when you cover yourself head to toe, black on black, no skin showing whatsoever, but you go ahead and expose yourself to your stories, giggling with strange brothers over nonsense, and sharing what kind of attar and abayas you love to wear.
Ya Allah, Allahu musta'aan. Have some humility dear sister. The Lord of all the Worlds is watching you and will hold you accountable. The next time you find yourself writing up a post about hayaa and hijab, look to yourself and ask, are you even applying the concept of that yourself? Have some sense dear sister.
Another common issue I'm also witnessing, is these arguments between brothers and sisters over a political issue pertaining to the deen. It's as if both parties have lost all sense of their dignity and hayaa. And you dear sister, are no better. Yes the man is responsible for himself, but you too are responsible. You dear sister, are responsible for entertaining such behaviour. As someone once stated, these men are not your mahaarim to care about your honour the way you value it.
And as for private messages, these sisters don't even realise it was them that opened that door to fitnah. You have no one to blame but yourself. Again, yes these brothers are responsible for themselves, but you are too. You made it known you were a woman and turned your so called dawah page into a funhouse, that invited all these men into your dms. Wake up to yourself seriously.
My biggest advice to every single sister who wishes to spread dawah, one, move to telegram as there is no communication whatsoever with anyone. You are able to completely turn off likes, comments which distract the heart and causes it to forget its intentions.
Two, do NOT make it known you are a sister. First of all, its not necessary and you're making the first mistake in sharing information that just isn't important to know. It is knowledge that does not benefit. And secondly, you become a hotspot for fitnah.
Enough with the attention seeking. You may not see it as that, but that's exactly what is happening. Basic fact and reality does not conceal your ignorance.
And thirdly, it's honestly better for you to remove yourself from these socials and start by seeking dawah yourself. Replace the time you'd put in to reply to messages and check who liked your posts with seeking knowledge. And not just seeking but implementing. In the long run, this is a far better option for you because at least you will have on your concious that you will enter your grave with absolutely nothing, but the knowledge that you prepared for it.
Please forgive me for my harsh bluntness, it is all out of frustration and concern for my dear sisters in Islam. I ask Allah to purify our intentions and forgive us for our shortcomings, may He increase us in knowledge, and may He not take our souls except when He is pleased with us.
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mashriqiyyah · 7 months
It is so easy to preach polygamy for a unmarried woman. Get into polygamy and you will understand how painful it is.
Yeah. It is. True. Being unmarried and talking about polygamy is very easy tbh. But it also gets easier when you're living for the sake of Allah. I cannot explain this to you anon because I don't know what stage you're at. SubhanAllah., I have seen closest examples of polygamy which were truly a disaster...but those multiple marriages were done for the sake of Worldly reasons. With women having zero to no idea of coexistence. And women with no major goals except for living for their husbands and reproduction. With all due respect. On the other hand, I've seen women look for a co-wife for their own husband, women who strive to please Allah, women who are doing a lot for the sake of serving the Deen of Allah.
And I learnt the difference there. A woman, who's life's first priority is Allah subhanhuwata'ala, who's goal is to please Him and not live for all the worldly possessions and to own a human being rather to understand that there are more women than men and if this one to one is followed...how many sisters would remain unmarried who might need marriage for support?!!
Ponder. There might be some bad experience you have had. But, shaykh ul Islam Imam ibn Taimiyyah rahimahuAllah said,  "The perfection of Tawheed is found when there remains nothing in the heart except Allah." When we love people for the sake of Allah, they don't become the central dogma of our lives. As they shouldn't. I hope you understand. BarakAllah feeki 🌸
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daughterofmytribe · 1 year
I came to the realization recently that I'm completely alone in this world. Not physically, but on a spiritual level. Completely isolated, not by choice. But this is the qadr of Allah and part of my test in this dunya. It's not easy to remain steadfast when it's just you. And you have so many outside forces trying to drag you down. Then you also have to fight the war within yourself. It can get exhausting, and there will be days when you feel like you have lost the fight living in the darkness that surrounds you. But Alhamdulillah, it is Allah who gives us strength to carry on even when we are alone. Who guides us back to light. I'm still amazed how Allah guided me. I could have been like everyone else around me, lost in the world. We can sit and compare our journey with everyone else, but we haven't all had the same opportunities. And we need to make the most of what Allah has given us. And be grateful for every blessing. Especially when it comes to our tawheed. I no longer live my life like I have a backup plan. I'm in this alone and I know it. I have no other choice but to strive for my akhirah. I have to put in the work, and give it my all. To strive to earn the pleasure and love of my Lord, because once I'm gone I can't rely on anyone to remember me, to pray for me. Allah is sufficient for us and he is the best disposer of affairs. Once you truly understand this, everything thrown at you in life becomes bearable. If you take care of your affairs with Allah, He will take care of you. You don't need to be a scholar to become someone in the eyes of Allah. You just have to be true and sincere. Many of us are sinful slaves; but the difference is in those who repent and are remorseful. Who strive for the cause of Allah even when things get difficult because they know that their reward is with Allah, and nothing in this world will ever compare.
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abujunayd · 2 years
Pronouncing shahada in itself doesn't make you a muslim if it remains just as a pronunciation with no value for further establishment that covers everything into your life.
It doesn't make you a muslim if it doesn't become the peak mission of your existence.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you use it to serve your life and not the vice versa.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you limit it to what it's convenient to your nafs.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you see it as an option or association rather than the mission why you were created for.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you take the word's of the other creatures to be equal or higher than shahada itself no matter how beautified they may be. (Even if they appear in the character of supposedly serving it)
It doesn't make you a muslim if your speech, actions and heart aren't parallel combined with making it as the highest word.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you reshape it in yourself according to what it suits it's enemies.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you don't accept it as the only and the highest worthy word to rule.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you see tawheed al hakimiyah as a bidah.
It doesn't make you a muslim if seeing shayateen trying to lower it won't even bother you.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you don't fulfill it's conditions.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you're ready to give it up anytime.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you associate, help, promote, follow or support any taghut.
It doesn't make you a muslim if you don't feel like in prison while it's not established.
Keep lying to yourself for anything but not this one because it will be the ultimate destruction and humiliation of your both world's.
You know cowards run away from tawheed while they should instead fear Allah and run away from His wrath and Jahannam.
What a poor math they're doing by allowing themselves to deserve Jahannam (hellfire) because they're scared to even think of the truth that will be a means of their salvation in this world and akhirah.
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asma-al-husna · 3 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Waahid— The One— on five occasions in the Quran. Al-Waahid is the source of everything in existence. Al-Waahid is the One, He is Alone and He is Unique in every single way!
The One, Apart From Others
Waahid comes from the root waw-haa-daal, which points to four main meanings. The first meaning is to be one, to be made one and to be called one. The second main meaning is to connect, join and unite. The third is to be unique and singular and the fourth is to be one apart from others.
This root appears 68 times in the Quran in four derived forms. Examples of these forms are waahidan(“one”),  waahidatan (“single”) and wahdahu (“alone”).
Linguistically waahid means one who is one, or alone, apart from others. Tawheed also comes from this root and it means unification or asserting oneness.
Tawheedullaah means to belief that Allah is One without partner in His dominion and His actions (Ruboobiyyah), One without similitude in His essence and attributes (Asmaa wa Sifaat), and One without rival in His divinity and in worship (Uloohiyyah/Uboodiyyah). Disregarding one of these aspects of Tawheed is shirk (literally sharing); the association of partners with Allah. Being One is a quality of Allah ‘azza wajal wich nobody else shares with Him. He is the One and Only in His being, authority, actions and powers!
Al-Waahid Himself says: . . .  and all creatures will come out before Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 14:48].. O [my] two companions of prison, are separate lords better or Allah , the One, the Prevailing? [Quran, 12:39]… Say, [O Muhammad], “I am only a warner, and there is not any deity except Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 38:65] .. Exalted is He; He is Allah, the One, the Prevailing[Quran, 39:4] ..To whom belongs [all] sovereignty this Day? To Allah , the One, the Prevailing [Quran, 40:16]
A Powerful Combination
Allah ‘azza wajal chose His Name Al-Waahid to be paired with His Name Al-Qahhaar on each occasion in the Quran!
This Beautiful Name illustrates that He has the supreme authority and ultimate power to do anything. Al-Qahhaar can subdue anyone to compel him or her to His will and He does so with perfect knowledge and justice and this great ability belongs to Him only. All that is in the heavens and the earth submits, willingly or unwillingly, to Al-Waahid alone!
How Can You Live By This Name?
1.   Remind yourself and others of His Oneness.
The Oneness of Allah is a principle you need to keep reminding yourself of. His Oneness is the core message all the Prophets, peace be upon them all, were sent with! If you truly understand Al-Waahid, you will worship Him accordingly. Remind yourself He is the Only One able to do everything, so in your daily life, make dua only to Him, sacrifice only for Him and give sadaqah only for Him. Study tawheed and its meanings and teach this Name to your children and others!
2.   Turn to Him first. We know we have to believe in Al-Waahid alone, but in daily life when difficulty hits us we often turn to other means to try to relieve ourselves. When you have a problem turn to Him turn to Him first and then to other means to your disposal. When you are ill, don’t just grab a medicine quickly, but first ask Al-Waahid to provide you cure. When you are hurt, don’t immediately vent your heartache to a friend, ask Al-Waahid to mend your heart first. Why turn to anyone else if you can turn to The Sustainer of the Heavens and the earth?
3.   See Al-Waahid’s proof all around you.
The integration of the whole universe is a proof for the Oneness of Allah. The orbit of the sun and the moon, the composition of the air, the earth, the sees and the planets, the birth of a child, the perfect works of the human body are all proofs that there is only One Creator Who is the source of all of these diverse manifestations of His Unity. So look around you to increase your awe for His Beautiful Oneness!
4.   Trust in Al-Waahid.
Tawheed means you recognize He alone manages the affairs of the creation.  Nothing or no one else creates, sustains, grants, withholds, brings back to life, causes death, nor manages the affairs of every single person, nor sees their innermost feelings, except Al-Waahid. So put your trust in Him and know that only He will deal with you with perfect wisdom and justice at all times!
5.    Learn how to protect yourself from shirk.
Gain knowledge about shirk and its types so you can protect yourself from it as best as you can. Al-Waahid says: Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever He pleases; and whoever associates anything with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin. [Quran, 4:48] This shows you beautifully that Al-Waahid forgives all sins, except shirk. However, repentance wipes out each and every sin, even an act of shirk!  The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught you this comprehensive supplication regarding shirk:
Allaahumma innee ‘aoothu bika an ushrika bika shaiann wa anaa a’lamu, wa astaghfiruka limaa laa a’lamu.
O Allah, I seek refuge in You lest I associate anything with You knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for what I know not [Ahmad] Memorize it and ask Al-Waahid with it each day!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Al-Waahid we know that You are the One and Only.  Grant us  correct and unshakable belief in Your Oneness, allow us to truly understand and appreciate this Beautiful Name, act upon it and spread the message of Your Oneness to others. Make us reflect your Creation and protect and forgive us from all types of shirk, ameen!
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