#Tbol fanfic
fangirl201sworld · 5 months
Future Stories Update
Ok, since I almost finish the semester (and have three months of vacation before returning), I felt the need to update this list a little because I really need to organize my ideas and I would like to share them with you.
(What you will see below will be the possible titles of my stories, so I’m not confirming anything yet)
Para Volver a Amar (Joaquín and Chela’s love story)
Write Your Own Story (TBOL Role Swap AU)
Fantasmas (One-Shot (Amaite’s Origin Story))
A World Of Our Own (TBOL Spirit AU)
Miracle Gifts (MATT and Encanto Crossover (Modern AU))
Dark Decisions (El Tigre’s Revenge Story)
Again, these are just possible titles for the stories I plan to do. I don't know exactly when they will come out, but I know that this takes time to develop well.
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cuban-cigars · 5 months
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INTRO ──★ ˙🍓 ̟ !!
hello ^^ I’m Daya! Here’s a few things about me:
she/her • 16 • infp • leo
• i like animals, drawing, rain, 90’s-00’s music, sanrio, and cooking :)
byf + more below :)
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• dni racism, homophobia, inc3st, p3dophilia
• for now i will not post any nsfw under any circumstances
• i am both black and latina (puerto rican- honduran) but if i do get anything cultural wrong just tell me!
• my content is sfw but this blog will be 14+ overall
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What will I do with this blog?
• just a bunch of ranting about tbol
• i will post fanart probs
• if I have time, I might write fanfics or one-shots
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That’s all for now, goodbye <3
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gkhaliq · 4 years
“You weren’t there for me as a kid. Now you wanna step into my life?”
“Son I—“
“Don’t call your damn son. You don’t have any right using that word towards me.”
“I-I’m so sor—“
He clenched his fists, wanting to hit her so bad.
“What kind of mother separates her children? Joaquin is destroyed mentally and emotionally because of you.”
“I-I know but I wanna c-change..”
“Stop lying Gertrude. You don’t wanna change. You never did.”
“S-Son please..”
“I said stop fucking calling me your damn son women!!”
“I-I’m sorry silver I-I wish I was there for—“
“If I ever see you again. I will not only ignore you, no.”
Her skin went pale when she saw his blue fire eyes.
“I will burn you alive until you are 6 feet deep in the ground mother.”
A little short background of how silver feels about his mother. Just to be clear, silver didn’t really like his parents, especially his mother. In my au which is called RoyalGodAu! this au doesn’t have Joaquin’s sister(don’t kill me). She’s basically replaced by a serious asshole but goddamn sexy asshole, silver.
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Musings of a God of Death
Despite being the Lord of the Forgotten, there were many things Xibalba wishes he could forget, even if just for a short time.
The deaths of the Old Pantheon… was one of them.
Contrary to what most believe, gods can die. While it takes a bit more effort (and the right kind of weapon), it is possible to kill them. Just because they’re immortal, doesn’t mean they’re indestructible.
And what happened that day was a painful reminder of that cruel reality.
In all the realms, never had such anguish been heard before. Even after so many millennia, he can still hear it, clear as day.
La Muerte, tears cascading down her face, pounded his armor with her fists as he held her, wings solemnly wrapped around them both.
“WHY?!” was all she could scream into his chest, and as much as Xibalba wanted to answer, give her any reason at all as to why this was happening, he could find none that would ease her heartbreak.
Thunder could be heard as La Muerte continued to sob and scream to the realms above. He knew what that storm meant; La Noche was voicing her own tumultuous agony, most likely also being futilely comforted by El Chamuco. And he couldn’t blame his wife or sister-in-law for it. He would never. For out of all the loss on that day, the twin sisters had been dealt the most devastating blow.
Lady Micte, their eldest sister, was dead.
And it was the fault of her own husband, Xibalba and Chamuco’s brother, Lord Mictlan.
Now, Mictlan had never been the best brother, especially to him, but Xibalba still dared to hope that he wouldn’t be that way towards his wife. And for the longest time, that had surprisingly held true. Even after her infidelity, and the baby girl that resulted from it, had become known.
According to what La Muerte had heard from the other gods, Mictlan wanted to sacrifice the infant right then and there, but Micte suggested that they wait until she was older. He, to the surprise of no one, agreed, as he always did enjoy when his sacrifices had some fight in them. And with that, Micte had left the child in the Land of the Living, to be raised by her father in the kingdom of Teca.
But then the young half-blood turned 15, and on what was to be her coronation day, Mictlan demanded her sacrifice.
That was the beginning of the end for the Old Pantheon.
Looking back, the sudden and remorseless slaughter of Acat should’ve been all the warning the others needed of what was to come. Yes, the Goddess of Tattoos had been reckless and defiant, but she was so young. She was just a child. She didn’t deserve the fate that had been given to her.
Mictlan only continued to descend into madness as every attempt to have the Teca Princess brought to him ended in failure. The girl was much more resilient than he thought. Even when she willingly walked into their realm, brave and foolish enough to challenge him in a fight to the death, she still managed to escape with her life. And it all came to a head with Micte’s betrayal.
Now, Xibalba could never truly understand why his sister-in-law chose the mortals over her own husband, but he knew La Muerte would, as she had also grown to care for mankind. And deep down, he respected Micte’s courage to stand up to someone as powerful, and cruel, as his brother.
Which is why her death in particular felt like a dagger to the chest for them all.
While they were civil with rest of the Old Pantheon, it was no secret Xibalba and Chamuco adored Lady Micte as if she were their own sister. The only reason the two would even bother to visit their brother was for her. Much like her younger sisters, she was kind, funny, and sharp as a whip. She honestly seemed to know the two former angels better than their brother, let alone they themselves, ever did.
And now she was gone.
Xibalba wrapped his wings a little tighter around himself and La Muerte, and glared at the sky as it continued to storm. If it hadn’t been the destiny of his illegitimate niece, he would’ve slaughtered Mictlan himself. The monster deserved it for everything he’s done. He already began to imagine what wonderful torment he’d bestow if given even just a few spare moments alone with that no-good, dirty, heartless son of a—
A loud sob from La Muerte broke through his anger, anchoring his focus. His glare softened as he began to stroke her hair, in an attempt to comfort her pain.
He could fantasize about what he would’ve done to Mictlan another day. The losses they all had to mourn were a much greater matter, and he needed to be there for the ones he truly loved.
The thunder had stopped, but it still continued to softly rain. His own silent tears rolled down his face in tandem as he held his wife as close as he could, the howling winds somberly harmonizing with her cries.
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kaysayshey · 3 years
♕@dekusbunny, you've been matched.
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despite a sometimes cold exterior, aizawa shouta cares, and he cares deeper than he likes to let on. and he shows those emotions in life's simplicities. knowing how you take your iced coffee and making it exactly how you prefer it. warming your blanket in the dryer before you come home from a long day, eager to wrap himself up next to you. reminiscing over what was, what is. letting you ramble to your heart's content about what will be, gently running a hand over your thigh if you mention him in your future plans.
shouta's busy schedule can sometimes make romance seem unattainable. but i've always believed true romantics are seen in the day-to-day, the tiny gestures that prove you're on his mind. gentle caresses after a long day, his fingers running across your scalp. long showers that turn into vent sessions about your respective days, the hot water washing over you while he tells you the most outrageous stories about the heroes of the future. and you, making him laugh in a way that few people get to hear. his face blooms in a smile so endearing that you almost don't believe it's real at first. but it is.
expect the first date to be, well, awkward. he's nervous; how could he not be? you're vibrant, and he doesn't really understand why you agreed to this. but the words start to flow naturally, the conversation leading to you, always back to you. and he's glad, really. something to draw him from the heartbreak that can be the hero world. after the first date, shouta is already planning the next one, much to your surprise. and yours, to be honest. but he's smitten quite quickly. and after the second date, he's asking you to be his, praying to whatever god is out there that you say yes.
recommended listening: ♕♕♕
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swedishtaco · 3 years
All fanfictions have been moved to AO3
This is the first time I’m posting in forever! And it’s to tell everyone that all of my writing has been moved over to AO3, so you can find all of it there! I’ve organized it as best I can. Original posts are still my account, but the writing itself has been deleted. It’s all gone folks, there’s nothing left on here.
If you want to read any of it, you can find it here!
Thank you to all who supported me over the years on here for my writing, I love you guys!
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jobooksncoffee · 4 years
The bowels of London
Chapter 4
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Sherlock and John are living a fairy tale romance. Everything is new, and exciting, and beautiful. Sherlock knows well, though, that every fairy tale, has a villain. Where did he meet his? Did the man who filled his flat with articles and pictures of Sherlock ever actually know him? Sherlock and John go back to a place in Sherlock's past, to retrace his steps. What did the villain see in the boy? More importantly, what will this mean for Sherlock? for John?
Once again, here are the tags, feel free to let me know if you prefer to be untagged, or if you are not tagged yet and would like to be, @johnlocklover221 , @loveismyrevolution , @elwinglyre , @annecumberbatch , @bakingsherlycakes , @barbsiebabe , @br00klyn29 , @chinike , @cortinita , @chriscalledmesweetie , @hey-blinkin , @iamjustreading , @missdeliadili , @nade2308 , @notjustamumj , @notasinglesoul1 , @myhusbandmalfoy , @onesmallfamily , @peanitbear , @redheaded-wayward-fangirl , @so-damn-confused , @reveling-in-mayhem , @totallysilvergirl , @sherlockwatson-holmesblog , @thenightwolf732 , @bluebellstar , @mellowstudentangel , @immaculate-benediction-batch , @dissolvinggirl , @imjohnlocked87 .
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ladyanaconda · 5 years
No more TBOL fanfics? I remember that there was a "Heart Belongs to you" sequel in the planning? That one was amazing!
A spin-off. I will work on it eventually, but I took a break from TBOL.
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adow-allsouls · 6 years
Soo...I’ve started writing a Baldwin Montclair | original character fanfic
links here👉 Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5
Hope you’d like it ;)
A timewalker’s story is always messy, you can never quite tell if something is at its beginning or the end.
For generations, the Moira family had one mission and it's coming to an end...or is it?
PS: The story starts during TBoL, after Diana and Matthew’s timewalk
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imaredshirt · 6 years
17. Describe a fic that is still in the 'ideas’ stage.
Fanfic Asks
Ooh! I’m glad I got this one!! =D 
So, I’ve got this Coco/TBOL crossover fic that’s been in the ideas stage for months, I’m still working out huge plot holes and stuff, but, this gist of it is this:
Miguel doesn’t make it home before sunrise. He’s stuck in the Land of the Dead, and just as Héctor is fading away, Miguel passes out and when he wakes up both he and Héctor are in the Cave of Souls. 
SO there Miguel learns that his candle is still lit, but it’s close to going out, and he still has a chance to return to the Land of the Living and save Héctor. But the only way to do this is if La Muerte and Xibalba agree to help him out with their combined powers, but Xibalba sees the chance to gain control of both the Lands of the Forgotten and Remembered, and starts a bet.
He doesn’t believe Héctor’s love for his family is genuine, you see, since humans are greedy beings. He suggests that if Héctor had gained fame alongside Ernesto, he would never have cared if he got to see his family again, because why would he when he has all the fans and fame and money he could ever wish for?
Miguel and Héctor and La Muerte are outraged of course, and Xibalba dares them to prove him wrong. Since Héctor is basically already forgotten and under Xibalba’s rule, he has the power to replace Héctor’s memories with another life: a life where he and Ernesto became famous together, he never married Imelda, and he lived a life of luxury until he passed away. IF Miguel can find a way to make Héctor remember his family and agree to give up that life of fame, proving that he does indeed love his family, Xibalba will agree to help La Muerte send Miguel home in time to save Héctor.
If Miguel fails, Xibalba wins, and he gets control of both Lands for some amount of years. If Miguel succeeds, La Muerte wins, and she gets control of both Lands, and Miguel and Héctor go free.
Of course there’s a lot of cheating, Ernesto throws a wrench into their plans, Miguel is already exhausted, and one of the rules is that Miguel can’t out right tell Héctor “YOUR MEMORIES HAVE BEEN REPLACED, PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR DAUGHTER” or he’ll flat out lose. He’s got to find some other way to get Héctor to remember.
………..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I’ve basically told the whole story, and you can probably see all the plot holes and things that need to be fixed, but yeah. This has been on the drawing board for months and I dunno if it’ll ever make it to ao3. 
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fangirl201sworld · 15 days
*cries in despair* You don't know how much I hate myself right now...
Turns out, I had another idea for ANOTHER Book of Life fanfic but as an Alice in Wonderland AU. I swear, this came from watching the remake of this one.
This is what I get for watching Disney movies...
Someone please stop me. (I'm just kidding, I actually liked the idea. 🥹)
EDIT: Actually, guys, I have two versions of this AU: MATT and TBOL. One day, I'll give a small summary of both versions, hopefully.
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rblunicorn · 7 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @lloronadeazulceleste
Gracias Ale chula!! me pusiste a pensar xD
Fictional characters you relate to?
Merida. Like almost in everything, my hair can be such a mess from time to time. The relationship with my parents is basically the same. The attitude, how she eats xD I think the only thing in which I don’t relate to her is in being that rebellious. For another part, I think Sally and Belle. Cuz I can be so fucking stubborn, and like Sally, I’m very shy and Idk, I really feel that I can relate to both of them talking about personality (? And I want adventures in the great wide somewhere, and I would love to jump out of the window and sew myself :V
Book you can read over and over without getting tired of it?
This one’s difficult xD Because I don’t really read as much as I would love to. But, I read Wicked twice (but I prefer the musical), once I finish the “Guardians of childhood” series I would love to read it again. And, there’s this book by Carla Medina that she wrote like six years ago, named “Soñando Despierta” and I read it a lot of times because I fucking loved it.
What’s your favorite comfort show/movie?
Mmmmmmm. Show: I fucking loved Agent Carter and cried when I knew it wasn’t renewed for a third season, but it was my favorite. OUAT season one. And now I’m very lazy to watch series but I enjoy Trollhunters, Gargoyles and RuPaul’s Drag Race. (I haven’t finished them)
About movies: Well I think you all can guess that my favorite is TNBC and it’s amazing because it relaxes me, Toy Story 2 too xD, The Addams Family movies, Beauty and the Beast (1991&2017), Wonder Woman and The Princess Bride. Idk, they bring satisfaction to me. (Also The Haunted Mansion, Star Wars (specially Rogue One) Crimson Peak, Beetlejuice, TBOL and recently Coco) …I love a lot of movies xD
I mean, I think that when I found something that I really like it has this power of comfort for me, but I guess the one that does the most is TNBC. I love it.
Which fictional character are you most defensive over?
Sally. This precious child deserves a lot of love ;____;
Seriously, there’s nothing of her unless it’s with Jack or the people just hate her cuz she’s with Jack. Or think she’s a useless character when she is not ;____;
Elsa too. I love her. She’s my other child.
And Héctor deserves the entire world too.
Show you fell out of love with?
Once Upon a Time. While I enjoyed having the CaptainFrozenSwan that was just given to me I just hated it since the third season but still watched it until the firsts episodes of the seventh season. But now I just can’t. I’m actually glad that is going to finish now. But yes, the first two seasons were really good.
Show you’re most excited for?
I’m going to say Trollhunters. I mean, I haven’t really finished season two but it’s really good (Because of school and the fact that I’m studying for my university exam admission). But I’m loving it.
And Ducktales too.
What’s your aesthetic?
Ooooooohhhhhh. This is interesting.
I think it would be a skull xD, maybe Disneyland, Broadway musicals, sth very 80’s, watercolors, cats and dogs, black boots. I think of something that goes from very dark to unicorns and rainbows xD and everything in between.
Idk, it’s the only thing that I can imagine.
Favorite fanfic tropes?
Slow burn.
Friends to lovers.
Mmmmmmm… Alternate Universes and crossovers.
(And deep down, very, very deep, High School AUs, but comical ones)
Idk xD
I tag: @mexfan12 and @thelovelydeer
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gkhaliq · 5 years
“If you’ve just kept your pants zipped up. We wouldn’t be in this situation you imbecile!” He shouted at the younger male.
Manolo calmly replied, “But I was not the one who spread their legs wide open for me.”
“And I was not the one who broke their true love’s heart. You broke MY heart Sanchez boy.”
((A little sneak peak of my new fanfic that I came with called. “Love and War.”(I need someone to help me with changing the title) I know this looks confusing but that’s the whole point though lol. Anyways, this fanfic will have a few chapters. If you want, I’m mostly active on an app called “Wattpad” so if you wanna text me there, feel free to do. But, guess who is yelling at Manolo. Hint: It’s not Joaquin.)
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mexfan12 · 7 years
Tag game
Tagged by @thatrebelunicorn
Fictional characters you relate to?
Marinette from MLB, I can be clumsy but also responsable, Garnet from SU, serious but cares and love the people close to me and want to do everything to protect them.
Book you can read over and over without getting tired of it?
Does the Art of TBOL counts?
What’s your favorite comfort show/movie?
Thi nigthmare before christmas, The book of life and the Harry Potter saga, How to train your dragon, Steven Universe, Star vs the forces of evil, miracuolous ladybug, trollhunters and more.
Which fictional character are you most defensive over?
Oh gods I had a lot of them to but the ones that came to my mind are Steven a Conni, Peridot, Manolo Sanchez and Miguel Rivera (protect the musician boys ;A;)
Show you fell out of love with?
spongebob, Castle (because I miss the track of the show).
Show you’re most excited for?
Gakuen Babysitters ;w; it made my sundays to much better
What’s your aesthetic?
Skulls, mexican and prehispanic art, day of the dead, fantastic creatures, dragons, alebrijes, spooky and paranormal stuff, and cartoons
Favorite fanfic tropes?
Au’s and crossoevers, fluff romance, Family and frienship moments.
I tagged @riizuu @the-musical-cc @artsypaige
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the-musical-cc · 7 years
( Hello! I absolutely looooove your TBOL art and I was wondering... Would you take a look to this fanfic I'm writing? I'm combining TBOL, Coco and El Tigre in the same universe, and you seem to know a lot about Jorge's universe, so your opinion would be greatly appreciated. I'd love to hear your thoughts about Sartana as well. Have a great day!! )
Sure thing! Just send me a link so I can give it a look :D
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swedishtaco · 4 years
If you don’t mind me asking, are you still making TboL fanfics? Just asking :)
I am not currently, but I do want to go back and finish some ideas I still have floating around in my head. It’s just been a longer than expected hiatus. I make no promises, but I hope so.
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